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Right Forms of Verb Worksheet for HSC-(

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Aug 3, 2024

Right Form of Verbs-

1. One day Hazrat Ali’s (R) favourite shield (a) —— (steal). After a long search it (b) —— (find) with a Jew. He (c) —— (ask) him to return the shield. But the Jew (d) —— (refuse) to return it. He (e) —— (say) that the shield was his. Hazrat Ali’s (R) companions (f) —— (be) very angry. They were ready to take the shield by force. But Hazrat Ali (R) (g) —— (stop) them saying, “No, you must (h) —— (do) it. There is no difference between the caliph and his subjects. So I (i) —— (go) to the court of justice.” So Hazrat Ali (R) (j) —— (seek) the help of the court. It was the caliph who had appointed Sharih Qazi. Seeing the justice the Jew accented Islam.

2. We (a) —— (make) a journey from Jessore to Khulna by bus. My uncle (b) —— (receive) us at Khulna bus stand. We (c) —— (put) up in my uncle’s house for one day. Early next morning we (d) —— (cross) the Rupsha bridge and (e) —— (take) a microbus which (f) —— (be) bound for Bagerhat. We got off near Ranbijoypur and (g) —— (hire) two rickshaws to take us to the Shat Gombuj Mosque. I (h) —— (find) actually 77 domes including the seven in the central row. We (i) —— (pass) more than one hour around the mosque and went to the mazar of Peer Khan Jahan Ali (Rh.) which (j) —— (stand) on a raised ground.

3. There are many people who (a) —— (not take) physical exercise. They can hardly (b)—— (realize) that they themselves (c) —— (ruin) their health. They (d) —— (fall) victim to many diseases. Life (e) —— (become) dull to them. They (f) —— (remain) always ill termed. We (g) —— (build) good health and sound mind through physical exercise. Physical exercise (h) —— (make) our body active and the muscles strong. It also (i) —— (improve) our power of digestion and blood circulation. It (j) —— (give) strength to our brain.

4. Once there (a) —— (live) an idle king. He (b) —— (not undergo) physical labour. As a result, he (c) —— (get) bulky and could not move from one place to another. He (d) —— (call) in a doctor. The doctor (e) —— (be) clever and wise. He did not (f) —— (prescribe) any medicine for the king. He asked the king to buy a club and (g) —— (move) it in the air till his hands (h) —— (get) moistened. The king started (i) —— (follow) the prescription. Thus, the king (j) —— (relive) of his problem.

5. Air (a) (be) —— an important element of the environment. But it is constantly being (b) —— (pollute) in many ways. We make fire to cook food and (c) —— (do) many works. This fire emits smoke which (d) —— (contaminate) air. Vehicles pollute air to a great extent by (e) —— (burn) fuel. Air pollution also (f) —— (happen) when coal and oil (g) —— (burn). Mills and factories can be (h) —— (hold) responsible for this pollution. It is high time we (i) —— (check) air pollution. Otherwise, we (j) —— (suffer) a lot.

6. A proverb goes that time and tied wait for none. None (a) —— (call) it back. A man (b) —— (get) back his lost money and health but cannot get his lost time. Time once lost (c) —— (loses) forever. So we (d) —— (make) the best use of our time. We (e) —— (do) our work in time. If we put off our work for tomorrow, we may not get time to do it at all. There are some people who waste time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They (f) —— (depend) on others. If we read the biography of the great men, we (g) —— (realize) it. They (h) —— (waste) a single moment uselessly. They (i) —— (be) very industrious from their childhood. We can prosper in life only by (j) —— (follow) their life.

7. Today, we (a) —— (be) a free nation. We (b) —— (have) to take great pains to achieve freedom. Our war of liberation (c) —— (take) place in 1971. People of all walks of life (d) —— (come) forward and got (e) —— (involve) in the war directly or indirectly. Many a man (f) —— (kill) in the battle field. They (g) —— (not flee) from the battle field (h) —— (show) their backs. Rather, all of them (i) —— (contribute) much to (j) —— (achieve) independence.

8. A few days ago, I (a) —— (enjoy) an interesting match. It was an (b) —— (excite) match. It (c) —— (play) between the top two teams of our country. On the day of the match, I (d) —— (go) to the Dhaka Stadium quite early. I (e) —— (see) a long line in front of the ticket counter but I (f) —— (be) not discouraged to (g) —— (see) such a huge number of people. Having (h) — — (see) the crowd, I (i) —— (hurry) to the ticket counter and (j) —— (stand) in the line.

9. It has been over three hundred years since Emperor Shah Jahan of Delhi (a) —— (build) the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife in Agra. Architecturally, it (b) —— (be) one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The building (c) —— (make) of fine white marble with inlays of coloured marble. It (d) —— (have) eight sides and many open arches. It (e) —— (rest) on a platform or terrace of red sandstone. Four slender white towers (f) —— (rise) from the corners of the terrace. A large dome (g) —— (stand) above the centre of the building. Around this large dome there (h) —— (be) four smaller domes. Just inside the outer walls, there is an open corridor from which the visitors (i) —— (look) through carved marble screens into a central room. The bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz (j) —— (lie) in two graves below this room.

10. To err is human. If a man commits crime anytime and repents truly for his misdeed, he may (a) —— (forgive). But the man who (b) —— (not, give up) the wrong (c) —— (suffer) surely. In the long run, he (d) —— (will take) to the land of death. The old sailor (e) —— (be) —— a wrong-door in his long journey. He committed a crime (f) —— (kill) a sea bird (g) —— (call) Albatross. That crime ultimately head (h) —— (bring) bad luck to them. The ship (i) —— (leave) in the icy sea. The sun shone over their head. The wind (j) —— (drop) down. It was a great disaster.

11. Three hundred years ago, Sir Isaac Newton (a) —— (be) a great man of science. But he was very absent minded about small matters when he (b) —— (think) about a problem. One morning Newton (c) —— (get) up very early because Newton (d) —— (work) on a very difficult problem. Newton was thinking about the problem so deeply that Newton (e) —— (not leave) the problem to go to breakfast. But Marry, his housekeeper, (f) —— (think) Newton (g) —— (need) food. So, the housekeeper (h) —— (take) a pan of water and an egg to his study. The housekeeper (i) —— (want) to boil the egg and (j) —— (stay) with Newton until Newton ate the egg.

12. A child (a) —— (grow) up in a balanced way if it (b) —— (teach) properly. Home is the best institution in this regard and mother (c) —— (be) the first teacher. So a child should (d) —— (bring) up carefully. Its demand should (e) —— (meet) and everything should (f) —— (do) for its welfare. Our harsh behaviour (g) —— (cause) a great harm to its growth. In that case, it (h) —— (be) able to express itself fully. Thus its originality (i) —— (lose) and the country (j) —— (get) anything special from him.

13. It is high time we (a) —— (use) our brain about the curse of dowry. The issue of dowry is to be (b) —— (consider) in view of the country’s socio-economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c) —— (require) putting an end to the violence against women. A specific framework must be (d) —— (draw) up to be (e) —— (implement). Anyway, we can hope that dowry (f) —— (come) to an end in the time to come. We dare to (g) —— (hope) so because our girls are being (h) —— (educate) day by day. Parents’ mentality (i) —— (change) gradually. People (j) —— (be) more conscious about dowry.

14. Change is the order of nature because we know the proverb that older changes (a) —— (yield) place to the new. So, nothing (b) —— (remain) new forever. The same we (c) —— (notice) in entertainment also. Old and traditional forms (d) —— (change) by new, modified and modern forms of entertainment. Many of them (e) —— (exist) any longer. Today TV channels and satellite have superseded radio; similarly band and pop music (f) —— (replace) our popular old songs. Football (g) —— (lose) its appeal day by day. Cricket and other games (h) —— (become) more and more popular. Our idea about the popularity of entertainment also (i) —— (change). We’ve started (j) —— (look) upon our forms of all life in a new way.

15. Cooperation means (a) —— (to work) together for the benefit of all. Without cooperation modern society (b) —— (exist). Cooperation (c) —— (see) at its best among farmers in the dry regions of some parts of Australia and America. The fields (d) —— (irrigate) in these regions. Crops cannot be grown without water. Water (e) —— (bring) to the fields without streams being tapped higher up. For this purpose canals and dams (f) —— (build). The canals have been cut through the fields of more than one farmer. Those who (g) —— (live) higher up the valley than the others (h) —— (allow) to build canals through their land in order to carry water to the fields of farmers lower down. In times of drought all (i) —— (be) able to share the water. Instead of taking all water for themselves the farmers on the higher land leave enough for their neighbours down the valley. Farming in dry areas (j) —— (make) possible by such cooperation. By cooperation farmers have learned to make even the desert produce crops.

16. Student politics in Bangladesh has a glorious past. Many of our achievements in the national life have (a) —— (come) through student politics. The sacrifices (b) —— (make) by the students for ages have paved the way to our independence. In 1952, our students (c) —— (protest) firmly when the Pakistani rulers tried to (d) —— (introduce) Urdu as the only state language of the then East Pakistan. The students could not tolerate this declaration and so came out on the streets and (e) —— (violate) 144 raising protest and (f) —— (chant) slogan. The fire (g) —— (open) and as a result some students (h) —— (lay) down their lives. And it is only for their sacrifice Bangla along with Urdu (i) —— (introduce) as the state language of the East Pakistan. Alongside this glorious history, the grand history of independent Bangladesh (j) —— (be) also the great contribution of our students.

17. Today, we take for (a) —— (grant) that we (b) —— (have) one machine that (c) —— (allow) us to access the Internet, (d) —— (do) word processing, (e) —— (use) a calculator, watch TV, play games and do a host of other things. But the personal computer only (f) —— (become) available to consumers in 1974. Things really (g) —— (took) off when Microsoft Windows (h) —— (introduce) in 1985 and it (i) —— (be) good that the Internet wouldn’t have (j) —— (had) nearly as big an impact as it has ever since.

18. Football is a favourite game in our country. It (a) —— (arrange) between two teams (b) —— (contain) eleven players each. The captains of both teams (c) —— (lead) their groups. This is the most exciting and enjoyable game ever (d) —— (play) across the world. It (e) —— (run) for an hour and a half with an interval after half of the time (f) —— (be) over. Any football tournament (g) —— (arrange) between two strong teams can be exciting. The result (h) —— (remain) almost unpredictable till the end because any team might win over the other team (i) —— (score) a goal within seconds. The referee is to see whether rules and order (j) —— (maintain) by the players.

19. True education (a) —— (enlighten) our mind and (b) —— (refine) our sensibility. So, it often (c) —— (compare) with light and is (d) —— (consider) as the pillar of human civilization. It can certainly (e) —— (say) that if a country (f) —— (provide) its people with real education (g) —— (require) for the modern aspects of life not (h) —— (ignore) own culture, it (i) —— (be) able to (j) —— (achieve) all out prosperity for the betterment of the nation.

20. You might have (a) —— (hear) of Solomon who was famous all over the world for his wisdom and intelligence. Once the Queen of Sheba (b) —— (go) to him to test his intelligence. She (c) —— (bring) with her two garlands of flowers: one natural and the other artificial. She (d) —— (place) them before the king (e) —— (take) the natural one. Solomon got puzzled for a moment. Then he saw some bees (f) —— (fly) outside. He had the windows (g) —— (open) by his men. The bees came in and (h) —— (sit) on the natural one. Thus, he could (i) —— (identify) the real flowers and could (j) —— (outwit) the Queen of Sheba in the race of intelligence.

Right Form of Verbs with Answer

1. One day Hazrat Ali’s (R) favourite shield (a) —— (steal). After a long search it (b) —— (find) with a Jew. He (c) —— (ask) him to return the shield. But the Jew (d) —— (refuse) to return it. He (e) —— (say) that the shield was his. Hazrat Ali’s (R) companions (f) —— (be) very angry. They were ready to take the shield by force. But Hazrat Ali (R) (g) —— (stop) them saying, “No, you must (h) —— (do) it. There is no difference between the caliph and his subjects. So I (i) —— (go) to the court of justice.” So Hazrat Ali (R) (j) —— (seek) the help of the court. It was the caliph who had appointed Sharih Qazi. Seeing the justice the Jew accented Islam.

Answer: a) was stolen b) was found c) asked d) refused e) said f) were g) stopped h) not do i) will go j) sought

2. We (a) —— (make) a journey from Jessore to Khulna by bus. My uncle (b) —— (receive) us at Khulna bus stand. We (c) —— (put) up in my uncle’s house for one day. Early next morning we (d) —— (cross) the Rupsha bridge and (e) —— (take) a microbus which (f) —— (be) bound for Bagerhat. We got off near Ranbijoypur and (g) —— (hire) two rickshaws to take us to the Shat Gombuj Mosque. I (h) —— (find) actually 77 domes including the seven in the central row. We (i) —— (pass) more than one hour around the mosque and went to the mazar of Peer Khan Jahan Ali (Rh.) which (j) —— (stand) on a raised ground.

Answer: a) have made, made b) received c) put d) crossed e) took f) was g) hired h) found i) passed j) stands

3. There are many people who (a) —— (not take) physical exercise. They can hardly (b)—— (realize) that they themselves (c) —— (ruin) their health. They (d) —— (fall) victim to many diseases. Life (e) —— (become) dull to them. They (f) —— (remain) always ill termed. We (g) —— (build) good health and sound mind through physical exercise. Physical exercise (h) —— (make) our body active and the muscles strong. It also (i) —— (improve) our power of digestion and blood circulation. It (j) —— (give) strength to our brain.

Answer: a) do not take b) realize c) are ruining, ruin d) fall e) becomes f) remain g) can build h) makes i) improves j) gives

4. Once there (a) —— (live) an idle king. He (b) —— (not undergo) physical labour. As a result, he (c) —— (get) bulky and could not move from one place to another. He (d) —— (call) in a doctor. The doctor (e) —— (be) clever and wise. He did not (f) —— (prescribe) any medicine for the king. He asked the king to buy a club and (g) —— (move) it in the air till his hands (h) —— (get) moistened. The king started (i) —— (follow) the prescription. Thus, the king (j) —— (relive) of his problem.

Answer: a) lived b) did not undergo, could not undergo c) got d) called e) was f) prescribe g) move h) got i) to follow, following j) was relieved

5. Air (a) (be) —— an important element of the environment. But it is constantly being (b) —— (pollute) in many ways. We make fire to cook food and (c) —— (do) many works. This fire emits smoke which (d) —— (contaminate) air. Vehicles pollute air to a great extent by (e) —— (burn) fuel. Air pollution also (f) —— (happen) when coal and oil (g) —— (burn). Mills and factories can be (h) —— (hold) responsible for this pollution. It is high time we (i) —— (check) air pollution. Otherwise, we (j) —— (suffer) a lot.

Answer: a) is b) polluted c) do d) contaminates e) burning f) happens g) are burnt h) held i) checked j) will suffer

6. A proverb goes that time and tied wait for none. None (a) —— (call) it back. A man (b) —— (get) back his lost money and health but cannot get his lost time. Time once lost (c) —— (loses) forever. So we (d) —— (make) the best use of our time. We (e) —— (do) our work in time. If we put off our work for tomorrow, we may not get time to do it at all. There are some people who waste time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They (f) —— (depend) on others. If we read the biography of the great men, we (g) —— (realize) it. They (h) —— (waste) a single moment uselessly. They (i) —— (be) very industrious from their childhood. We can prosper in life only by (j) —— (follow) their life.

Answer: a) can call b) can get c) is lost d) should make e) should do f) depend g) can realize h) waste i) should be, must be j) following

7. Today, we (a) —— (be) a free nation. We (b) —— (have) to take great pains to achieve freedom. Our war of liberation (c) —— (take) place in 1971. People of all walks of life (d) —— (come) forward and got (e) —— (involve) in the war directly or indirectly. Many a man (f) —— (kill) in the battle field. They (g) —— (not flee) from the battle field (h) —— (show) their backs. Rather, all of them (i) —— (contribute) much to (j) —— (achieve) independence.

Answer: a) are b) had c) took d) came e) involved f) was killed g) did not flee h) showing i) contributed j) achieve

8. A few days ago, I (a) —— (enjoy) an interesting match. It was an (b) —— (excite) match. It (c) —— (play) between the top two teams of our country. On the day of the match, I (d) —— (go) to the Dhaka Stadium quite early. I (e) —— (see) a long line in front of the ticket counter but I (f) —— (be) not discouraged to (g) —— (see) such a huge number of people. Having (h) — — (see) the crowd, I (i) —— (hurry) to the ticket counter and (j) —— (stand) in the line.

Answer: a) enjoyed b) exciting c) was played d) went e) saw f) was g) see h) seen i) hurried j) stood

9. It has been over three hundred years since Emperor Shah Jahan of Delhi (a) —— (build) the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife in Agra. Architecturally, it (b) —— (be) one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The building (c) —— (make) of fine white marble with inlays of coloured marble. It (d) —— (have) eight sides and many open arches. It (e) —— (rest) on a platform or terrace of red sandstone. Four slender white towers (f) —— (rise) from the corners of the terrace. A large dome (g) —— (stand) above the centre of the building. Around this large dome there (h) —— (be) four smaller domes. Just inside the outer walls, there is an open corridor from which the visitors (i) —— (look) through carved marble screens into a central room. The bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz (j) —— (lie) in two graves below this room.

Answer: a) built b) is c) was made d) has e) rests f) rise g) stands h) are i) can look j) lie

10. To err is human. If a man commits crime anytime and repents truly for his misdeed, he may (a) —— (forgive). But the man who (b) —— (not, give up) the wrong (c) —— (suffer) surely. In the long run, he (d) —— (will take) to the land of death. The old sailor (e) —— (be) —— a wrong-door in his long journey. He committed a crime (f) —— (kill) a sea bird (g) —— (call) Albatross. That crime ultimately head (h) —— (bring) bad luck to them. The ship (i) —— (leave) in the icy sea. The sun shone over their head. The wind (j) —— (drop) down. It was a great disaster.

Answer: a) be forgiven b) does not give up c) will suffer d) will be taken e) was f) killing g) called h) brought i) left j) dropped

11. Three hundred years ago, Sir Isaac Newton (a) —— (be) a great man of science. But he was very absent minded about small matters when he (b) —— (think) about a problem. One morning Newton (c) —— (get) up very early because Newton (d) —— (work) on a very difficult problem. Newton was thinking about the problem so deeply that Newton (e) —— (not leave) the problem to go to breakfast. But Marry, his housekeeper, (f) —— (think) Newton (g) —— (need) food. So, the housekeeper (h) —— (take) a pan of water and an egg to his study. The housekeeper (i) —— (want) to boil the egg and (j) —— (stay) with Newton until Newton ate the egg.

Answer: a) was b) thought c) got d) worked e) did not leave f) thought g) needed h) took i) wanted j) stay

12. A child (a) —— (grow) up in a balanced way if it (b) —— (teach) properly. Home is the best institution in this regard and mother (c) —— (be) the first teacher. So a child should (d) —— (bring) up carefully. Its demand should (e) —— (meet) and everything should (f) —— (do) for its welfare. Our harsh behaviour (g) —— (cause) a great harm to its growth. In that case, it (h) —— (be) able to express itself fully. Thus its originality (i) —— (lose) and the country (j) —— (get) anything special from him.

Answer: a) will grow b) is taught c) is d) be brought e) be met f) be done g) may cause, will cause h) will be i) will not lose j) will get

13. It is high time we (a) —— (use) our brain about the curse of dowry. The issue of dowry is to be (b) —— (consider) in view of the country’s socio-economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c) —— (require) putting an end to the violence against women. A specific framework must be (d) —— (draw) up to be (e) —— (implement). Anyway, we can hope that dowry (f) —— (come) to an end in the time to come. We dare to (g) —— (hope) so because our girls are being (h) —— (educate) day by day. Parents’ mentality (i) —— (change) gradually. People (j) —— (be) more conscious about dowry.

Answer: a) used b) considered c) are required d) drawn e) implemented f) will come g) hope h) educated i) is changing j) are

14. Change is the order of nature because we know the proverb that older changes (a) —— (yield) place to the new. So, nothing (b) —— (remain) new forever. The same we (c) —— (notice) in entertainment also. Old and traditional forms (d) —— (change) by new, modified and modern forms of entertainment. Many of them (e) —— (exist) any longer. Today TV channels and satellite have superseded radio; similarly band and pop music (f) —— (replace) our popular old songs. Football (g) —— (lose) its appeal day by day. Cricket and other games (h) —— (become) more and more popular. Our idea about the popularity of entertainment also (i) —— (change). We’ve started (j) —— (look) upon our forms of all life in a new way.

Answer: a) yielding b) remains c) can notice d) are changed e) exist f) have replaced g) is losing h) have become i) is changing j) to look, looking

15. Cooperation means (a) —— (to work) together for the benefit of all. Without cooperation modern society (b) —— (exist). Cooperation (c) —— (see) at its best among farmers in the dry regions of some parts of Australia and America. The fields (d) —— (irrigate) in these regions. Crops cannot be grown without water. Water (e) —— (bring) to the fields without streams being tapped higher up. For this purpose canals and dams (f) —— (build). The canals have been cut through the fields of more than one farmer. Those who (g) —— (live) higher up the valley than the others (h) —— (allow) to build canals through their land in order to carry water to the fields of farmers lower down. In times of drought all (i) —— (be) able to share the water. Instead of taking all water for themselves the farmers on the higher land leave enough for their neighbours down the valley. Farming in dry areas (j) —— (make) possible by such cooperation. By cooperation farmers have learned to make even the desert produce crops.

Answer: a) working b) will not exist c) is seen d) are irrigated e) is brought f) are built, have been built g) live h) are allowed i) are j) is made

16. Student politics in Bangladesh has a glorious past. Many of our achievements in the national life have (a) —— (come) through student politics. The sacrifices (b) —— (make) by the students for ages have paved the way to our independence. In 1952, our students (c) —— (protest) firmly when the Pakistani rulers tried to (d) —— (introduce) Urdu as the only state language of the then East Pakistan. The students could not tolerate this declaration and so came out on the streets and (e) —— (violate) 144 raising protest and (f) —— (chant) slogan. The fire (g) —— (open) and as a result some students (h) —— (lay) down their lives. And it is only for their sacrifice Bangla along with Urdu (i) —— (introduce) as the state language of the East Pakistan. Alongside this glorious history, the grand history of independent Bangladesh (j) —— (be) also the great contribution of our students.

Answer: a) come b) made c) protested d) introduce e) violated f) chanted g) was opened h) lay i) introducing j) was/is

17. Today, we take for (a) —— (grant) that we (b) —— (have) one machine that (c) —— (allow) us to access the Internet, (d) —— (do) word processing, (e) —— (use) a calculator, watch TV, play games and do a host of other things. But the personal computer only (f) —— (become) available to consumers in 1974. Things really (g) —— (took) off when Microsoft Windows (h) —— (introduce) in 1985 and it (i) —— (be) good that the Internet wouldn’t have (j) —— (had) nearly as big an impact as it has ever since.

Answer: a) granting b) have c) allows d) do e) use f) became g) took h) was introduced i) is j) had

18. Football is a favourite game in our country. It (a) —— (arrange) between two teams (b) —— (contain) eleven players each. The captains of both teams (c) —— (lead) their groups. This is the most exciting and enjoyable game ever (d) —— (play) across the world. It (e) —— (run) for an hour and a half with an interval after half of the time (f) —— (be) over. Any football tournament (g) —— (arrange) between two strong teams can be exciting. The result (h) —— (remain) almost unpredictable till the end because any team might win over the other team (i) —— (score) a goal within seconds. The referee is to see whether rules and order (j) —— (maintain) by the players.

Answer: a) is arranged b) containing c) lead d) has been played e) runs f) is g) arranged h) remains i) scoring j) is maintained

19. True education (a) —— (enlighten) our mind and (b) —— (refine) our sensibility. So, it often (c) —— (compare) with light and is (d) —— (consider) as the pillar of human civilization. It can certainly (e) —— (say) that if a country (f) —— (provide) its people with real education (g) —— (require) for the modern aspects of life not (h) —— (ignore) own culture, it (i) —— (be) able to (j) —— (achieve) all out prosperity for the betterment of the nation.

Answer: a) enlightens b) refines c) is compared d) considered e) be said f) provides g) required h) ignoring i) will be j) achieve

20. You might have (a) —— (hear) of Solomon who was famous all over the world for his wisdom and intelligence. Once the Queen of Sheba (b) —— (go) to him to test his intelligence. She (c) —— (bring) with her two garlands of flowers: one natural and the other artificial. She (d) —— (place) them before the king (e) —— (take) the natural one. Solomon got puzzled for a moment. Then he saw some bees (f) —— (fly) outside. He had the windows (g) —— (open) by his men. The bees came in and (h) —— (sit) on the natural one. Thus, he could (i) —— (identify) the real flowers and could (j) —— (outwit) the Queen of Sheba in the race of intelligence.

Answer: a) heard b) went c) brought d) placed e) to take, taking f) flying g) opened h) sat i) identify j) outwit

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