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              Paragraph Writing


A paragraph is a group of related sentences which deal with a central idea.

The three major structural parts of a paragraph
A paragraph has three major structural parts–
1. a topic sentence
2. supporting sentences/developer
3. a concluding sentence/terminator

1. The topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. It names and limits the topic
2. Spporting sentences develop the topic sentence
3. The concluding sentence marks the end of the paragraph and often summarises or raises the key point of the paragraph.

Classification of paragraphs:

  1. Listing    

  2. Definition analysis - causal analysis    

  3. comparison 

  4. classification 

  5. time 

  6. space 

  7. generalisation 

  8. examples    

  9. process analysis

  10. cause & effect    

  11. contrast    

  12. sequence    

Paragraph of Listing 
In Paragraph of listing a detailed description is given about paragraph introducer. Here a list is given between paragraph developers and paragraph terminator.
Key uses : to give a list of some thing 
Key words : first, second, third, then, next, after that, finally 

 Example of Paragraph of Listing

1.    Write a paragraph of listing on "The transports of Bangladesh".

                                                           The transports of Bangladesh

Transport is the means of conveying people, goods etc. from one place to another. There are three types of transport in Bangladesh. First, transports by land such as bus, train, track, car, taxicab ply on roads and streets. Second, transports by waterways like launch, boat, ship move on water. Third, transports by air like aircraft, aeroplane, spaceship fly in the sky. Transports play a very important role in developing our economic frame. There are public and private transports. Both transports earn huge money by carrying people, goods etc. This huge amount of money is used to support individual family and improve our communication system. But it is a matter of great regret that most of our transports are not modem and developed. Moreover, most of them are old and faulty. As a result, accidents often occur. Besides, there is a great crisis of transport in our country. Transports in Bangladesh cannot accommodate all the passengers. At this, their sufferings know no bound's. Therefore, steps should be taken to arrange more transports in our country.

2.    Write a paragraph of listing on "Sentence Functions in Paragraph Development".



                                            Sentence Functions in Paragraph Development

(1)    The sentences in most well-written paragraphs may be analysed into four general functions. (2) First, there are paragraph introducers, which are sentences that establish the topic focus of the paragraph as a whole. (3) Second, there are paragraph developers, which present examples or details of various kinds that support the ideas set forth by the paragraphs introducers. (4) Third, there are viewpoint or context modulators, which are sentences that provide a smooth transition between different sets of ideas. (5) Fourth, there are paragraph terminators, which logically conclude the ideas discussed in the paragraph in a psychologically satisfying manner, (6) Not all pieces of writing will conform to this analysis; however, most successful paragraphs usually contain some combination of these four sentence types. 


3.    Write a paragraph of listing on "Your Favourite Teacher".

                                                                      Your Favourite Teacher

Mr. Ahmed is my favourite .teacher. He teachers us English. He is 30 with a good health. He has many rare qualities. First of all he is a brilliant scholar with a sound academic career. He is an M.A. in English. Secondly his method of teaching is very easy and lucid. Thirdly he has a strong, clear and pleasant voice. Everyday' .he teaches us in a new style. He can make any grammatical problem easy. He knows well how to increase the curiosity of the students. In the class room he is just like an English. Moreover, his pronunciation is good and he speaks English with a foreign accent. In his class he creates ari English environment. We never feel boring in his class. Rather we feel encouraged in his class. He is very well behaved and co-operative. He is never rude but friendly with his students. If any student fails to understand any grammatical problem, he then and there helps the students to understand it. He is very kind hearted to the poor students. Besides, he is honest, sincere and dutiful. He is very strict to law and to his principles. He has left a permanent impression in my mind. He is my best teacher, guide and friend.







Paragraph Development by Time 

In Paragraph development by time description of something in respect of time. Many cases in this type of paragraph a past event is described.

Key uses :  to tell stories and incidents, to give a history or series of events, to give .step-by-step directions.
   Key factor : Use past tense

Example of paragraph development by time



1. Write a paragraph of time on "Your School Life".

                                                                     My School Life

My school life began at the age of six. It was very much eventful. In 2000 I attended the Primary Scholarship Exam. I came out successful and added name and fame to our family. In 2003 I also attended the Junior Scholarship Exam. This time also I did not disappoint myself, my family and my teachers to come out successful. In 2004 I was promoted to class IX. I took Humanities group because of the fact that was weak in Mathematics. In 2005 I was successfully promoted to class X. My parents and teachers began to feel proud of my glorious results. They were very much hopeful of my brilliant future. In 2006 I attended the SSC exam. After three months, results were announced. I did not fail to achieve my desired results. I obtained the highest grade, GPA 5. My parents, teachers, relatives, and well-wishers were very much satisfied at my brilliant results. Our school awarded every candidate who secured brilliant results. My father presented me a PC for the achievement of my glorious result. Now I am a first year student at HSC level.


2. Write a paragraph of time on "Aztec Civilization".

                                 Aztec Civilization

The Aztecs were the last in a series of civilization in Mexico. Until the 13th century they were a tribe of wandering hunters, simple but hardy, who finally reached the shores of the lake on whose dried,-up bed the city of Mexico now stands. There they settled down on a small island and gradually absorbed the culture and way of life of their more civilized neighbours. Traditionally in A.D. 1325 (but actually, perhaps, considerably earlier) they founded their great capital, Tenchtitlan, enlarging their island artificially as the city increased in size. They were an extremely warlike people, and, first by alliances and then by warfare, they gradually extended their power all over Mexico and as far south as Guatemala. The full and final stage of their greatness had lasted barely fifty years when it was completely destroyed by the invasion of the Spaniards. With them the series of civilization ends in Mexico.  

                                                                               Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was born on 26th August, 1910. Her father's was an Albanian and he was a builder. She was born in Skopje in Macedonia. She was the third child of her parents. She was very polite and modest. She wanted to be a helping hand to the destitute. At the age of 18 she joined the order of the sisters of our lady of Loreto in Ireland. In 1928 she began her journey to India. In 1931 she began teaching at a Calcutta Girls' School. To make her vision fruitful she founded 'Nirmal Hriday' in 1952. In .1953 she started an orphanage. Then she set up a missionary too. The missionary helped the wounded, the diseased and the helpless.. In 1957 she and her missionaries of charity began working with the helpless. She continued all her programmes with the fund she collected from the charity of some wealthy people. As a recognition of her work she got Nobel. Prize in 1979. She breathed her last on 5th September 1997 at the age of 87, At her death, the world lost a great woman.

                                                                                    Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus was born in 1940 in Chittagong, the business centre of Eastern Bangladesh, He was the third of 14 children. Educated in Chittagong, he was awarded a full bright scholarship and he received his Ph. D from Vanderbilt University, in U.S.A. In 1972 he became head of the Economics department at Chittagong University. He is the founder and Managing Director of the Grameen Bank. In 1997, Professor Yunus organised the world's first Micro Credit Summit in Washington D. C. Professor Yunus is an economist. He planned to alleviate poverty from the World. He introduced microcredit system among a limted number of poor people and his plan worked. Then he set up a bank, Grameen Bank. Through this bank he worked for the poor and gave financial support to make them self-employed. His prograthmes succeeded and thousands of poor, powerless people could escape from poverty. They trusted Yunus *as a helping hand and he was trusted to be a famous name. His micro-credit brought wealth to the underpriviledged of many nations.


Paragraph Development by Space (Space order) 

In Paragraph development by space more importance is given to appearance, manner, location and spatial order.

Key uses : to describe people, places, and things
Key words : Shady, gossip    not only    but also, besides.
Examples of  Paragraph development by space

1. Write a paragraph of space on "Your College Campus".

                                             My College Campus

The name of my college is Summit Public College. It is located at Monpura in Satkhira. It has a spacious campus. There are three faculties in our campus. They are arts, science and commerce faculties. There is a large play ground in front of the faculties. There is a flower garden beside the science faculty. When the flowers bloom, environment looks very romantic. Sweet scent spreads everywhere. There are many trees on both sides of our campus. At this, our campus always remains shady. Air blows and makes our campus heavenly. Our campus is not only rich in natural beauties but also modernised with infrastructural facilities. There are three separate common rooms, libraries, computer and science laboratories. There are 90 classrooms for two thousand students. There are three teachers' waiting rooms and offices. There is a large canteen in our college campus. Going there, we take light refreshment and have snack. Sometimes gossip there with one another and while away our leisure period. Besides, we play different types sports in our college campus and pass time interestingly. In fact, we are very much proud of convenient campus.

2.. Write a paragraph of space on "The Inca Construction".

                                                                  The Inca Construction

The Incas showed great skill in the construction without machinery of roads, aqueducts, and reservoirs, suspension bridges, and other public works. Two main roads ran from north to south. In some places they were paved or raised on causeways, in others hewn out of the solid rock; their excellence excited the admiration of the Spaniards. The Incas also showed great ingenuity in the vast system of terraces which they built with much labour along the steep slopes of the valleys for the cultivation of their crops, and which are still in use. For solidity of construction the walls of their fortresses and temples surpass anything ever achieved elsewhere. With extraordinary skill they handled huge blocks of hard stone, such as granite, weighing many tons, cutting them into irregular shapes with many angles, and then fitting them accurately together like the pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. These walls are practically indestructible, and have resisted the shocks of earthquakes for centuries. Many of them still form the foundations of Spanish buildings in Cuzco to-day. The Incas had discovered the art of casting bronze, but the chisels which were made from this alloy were not hard enough to cut the tough rock used in some of their buildings, and these must have been shaped with stone tools. However, the ruins of the Inca construction still show their extraordinary skill in engineering.

Paragraph of Examples/ Paragraph Development by Detail

In Paragraph of example  description of a topic with explanation is given with examples. 
Key words : for example, for instance

1. Write a paragraph of example on "The Success of Bangladesh".

                                                                     The Success of Bangladesh

Under the umbrella of success, many things came. For example, in 1952 the West Pakistan wanted to snatch away Bangla, the language of our heart to establish Urdu as a state language. But our brave sons did not allow them to materialize their aim and objective. For their great sacrifice we have established our mother tongue Bangla. Secondly, in 1971 we achieved independence. Bangladesh got success in various
fields also. She got chance in the World Cup Cricket and defeated many strong teams like Pakistan, India, West Indies, South Africa, Zimbabwe and created coruscation throughout the world. Illiteracy is getting removed and the percentage of education is increasing. Dr. Yunus who won Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 brought tremendous honour for Bangladesh. Anti-corruption campaign is going on and corruption is getting uprooted as the corrupt are being punished and penalized. Democratization is being materialized and development programmes and projects are being actualised. People of our country are being self-employed and poverty is being alleviated. So the success of Bangladesh in various fields is vivid.
Write a paragraph of example on "Social Concerns in Modern Literature".


                                                              Social Concerns in Modern Literature

Modern literature in most countries deals with real social issues. For example, many contemporary novels of Africa and India depict the lives of ordinary people struggling against adversity. Furthermore, poetry from South America and North America speaks out against social and economic oppression. In still another instance, modern European drama enacts the fate of the working man in his drab confrontation with life. Even films, popular songs, and folk drama from all around the world, tell the story of the little man and his battle against the giants of impersonal corporations, remote governments, or aggressive neighbouring nations. It is clear from these limited examples that contemporary literature in many parts of the world deals with the social issues of the day.
                                                                                     Air Pollution 

Air pollution means the ways in which the air is polluted. Air is the most important element of human environment. Man can not live a single moment without air. But we donot think that it is we who pollute this most vital element. Clean air is essential for life. Air is polluted in many ways. For example smoke pollutes air. Man makes fires to cook his food, to make bricks burns refuse, melts pitch for road construction and burns wood. All these things produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes air. The another example is that railway engines, power houses, mills and factories use coal and oil. Moreover, buses .trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. Again all these things create smoke and cause air pollution. Furthermore, the most serious air pollution occurs in big industrial areas where there are many mills and factories. Again serious air pollution also occurs in big- cities where there are many buses, trucks and cars plying the street everyday. Sometimes men in big industrial area become so sick by inhaling polluted air that they cannot be cured. So proper measures and steps should be taken to prevent air pollution.




Definition Paragraph 

In definition paragraph the first step is to give the definition of the term or topic and then you should give the explanation of the term by  illustration, example comparison

Uses : to make clear the meaning of a word, to explore what a thing is, or to give a new, original meaning of a word.




Example Definition paragraph
I. Write a definition paragraph on "Democracy".



Democracy is the rule of people. It is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. It is the government where everybody can share in political arena. In this form of government people are the source of all power. They can elect their representatives and help them to form government. On the contrary, they can also reject them if they feel it necessary. Here people can enjoy almost all the civic rights, and privileges. They have freedom of speech. They can expose their views through different mass media like radio, television, newspaper. But there are some specific defects in democracy. Aristotle says that it is the government of the ignorant. As the ignorant rulers rule here, meritorious persons are devaluated. The majority of people are oppressed. The majority of people become victorious in all sections. The proverb 'might is right' is existing here. As there are many parties in. a democratic country, the results of election are not obeyed easily. So there is the feasibility of holding frequent election. And then huge amount of money is wasted. Nevertheless, democracy has gained much popularity in the modern world.


2. Write a definition paragraph on "The Definition Paragraph".


                                                         The Definition Paragraph

A definition paragraph describes, explains or defines an unfamiliar term by relating that which is unknown to that which is already known. It makes use of the techniques of comparison, contrast, and synthesis often in combination. More specifically, a definition paragraph may be developed by using comparison sentences that show that an unknown term, is the same as or like some known term. Or it may be developed by using contrast sentences that show that au unknown term, though similar in some respects, is basically unlike some known term. Or it may be developed by bringing together the appropriate like and unlike characteristics of two or more terms to form a new concept, or synthesis. In any case, a given definition paragraph, whether developed by comparison, contrast, or synthesis, or some combination of these, normally ends with a sentence that summarizes the distinctive features of the term being defined.



Democracy is a system of government by all the people of a country, usually through the representatives whom they elect, as allowing freedom of speech, religious and political opinion. It means fair and equal treatment of each other by citizens without social class divisions. In fact it's the system of governing the country according to people's will. In a democratic country people elect their representatives who work for the people. Free and fair election is the pre-condition of democracy. As a matter of fact, democracy is the right of the people to speak equal rights. They enjoy the rights of food, cloth, shelter, education, medical treatment and other facilities. People are the source of power, that is, possess the  absolute power in a democratic country. Abraham Lincoln, the late president of the USA, defines democracy as "Government of the people, by the people and for the people." In a, true sense of democracy the majority party should form a coalition with the main opposition party and work together in democracy. Moreover, good relations with neighbouring country, liberty of newspaper, free judicial system are the essential conditions for democracy. But in some cases the ruling party in coalition with minor parties forms the government which causes anarchy. On the other hand, the main opposition party in coalition with some minor parties is engaged in destructive criticism and collision. Ours is a democratic country. Let -us hope we will stride ahead with our unity towards a brighter tomorrow.


Snatching refers to snatching away money or- ornaments or valuable things from passers-by and passengers by using force or at gun point. Everyday we find the news of many snatchings in all the dailies of our country. It seems that the snatchers are the monarchs of all they survey. So it has become very risky to move alone in the road. If the snatchers do not find anything valuable with the person they attack, he or she is either stabbed or killed. They use knives, bombs, guns or any kind of weapon. Though the victim cries for help, the nearby people or the police force do not go forward to help the victims. If the snatchings face any kind of trouble, they explode bombs or shoot, create panic and disperse people and safely they make their way after snatching. There are many reasons behind snatching. Firstly our socio-economic condition is the root cause of snatchings. Again those who are addicted in gambling, drinking and drug taking do it to manage money for their addiction. It is a great problem for our country. So stern action and necessary measures should be taken to set punishment for the snatchers so that people can move freely and easily.


Paragraph Development by Analysis

In paragraph by analysis a topic is analyzed in different parts such as  -topic introducer, paragraph introducer, paragraph terminator \s context modulator ,letterhead, heading, inside address, aiterition line, subject line, salutation, body, signature block, post scripts, signature, writer's identification, initials, enclosures, distribution list etc.



Example Paragraph by analysis
I. Write a paragraph by analysis on "The person you like most".  


                                        The Person I Like Most

The person whom I like most is my father. My father's name is Emtazuddin Ahmed. He is a. graduate. Professionally he is a police officer. As a police officer he is very honest. He does not take any unfair means to render his service. He does not compromise with the criminals. Rather he takes them under prosecution. He has been rewarded several times for his achievement in lessening crime and corruption. Though my father is very busy, he manages ample time to share with family. He always takes whereabouts of my education. He is very expert in English. In his leisure he teaches me English. And so I always do well in English examination. Father is very much devoted to God. He says prayers five times a day. He also encourages me to say prayer. And I follow his advice to the letter. Father also takes whereabouts of our  relatives. If anyone falls in crisis, he tries his best to help him/her. My father is a very simple person. He never feels proud of himself. He always says to me that pride goes before fall. He is really a good person.


  2. Write a paragraph by analysis on "Writing as a Profession".

                           Writing as a Profession

             Writing is a whole time job. The author does not only write when he is at desk; he writes all day long when he is thinking, when he is reading, when he is experiencing; everything he sees and feels is significant to his purpose and, consciously or unconsciously, he is forever storing and making over his impressions. He cannot give an undivided attention to any other calling. To write must be the main object of the author's life; that is to say, he must be a professional writer. He is lucky if he has sufficient fortune to make him independent of his earnings, but this does not prevent him from being a professional writer. Swift with his deanery, Wordsworth with his sinecure, were just as much professional writers as Balzac and Dickens.



The Cause and Effect Paragraph

In cause and effect paragraph causes and effects of any problem is given.

                                  Water Population 
Water, an important element of the human environment, is essential for human and plant life. It is next to air. Water can be polluted in many ways. First of all farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticide in their fields to grow more food. The rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with river water, canal water and pond water. Secondly mills and factories pollute water by throwing the waste_ materials and unsold products into the rivers and canals. Thirdly steamers, motor launches and even sail boats can pollute.water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers and canals. Moreover, unsanitary latrines in the countryside standing on the banks of the rivers and canals also pollute water. Besides the kutcha drains running into the rivers and canals cause water pollution. Clean water is safe for use and polluted water is harmful for man. Water pollution can be prevented in many ways. First of all we should make the people aware of the fact that water is next to air. It is called life. So fertilizer, chemicals and pesticide should not be allowed to mix with river water, canal water and pond water. Mills and factories should not throw the waste materials and Unsold products into rivers and canals. Steamers, motor launches and even sail boats should not throw off, food waste and human waste into the rivers and canals. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside should not be built on the banks of the rivers and canals. In fine awareness should be created in the public.



Paragraph Development by Comparison

In Paragraph of comparison we usually compare two or more different things

Key transition words : Likewise, Similarly, In the same way,
.also ...., ...., too. .... the same ,
.... the same as ...., .... just as ...., .... can be compared with .... .

Examples of paragraph by comparison


Write a paragraph by comparison on "School and College
                                              School and College 

Both school and college are educational institutions. School is such an academic center where students are taught rudimentary knowledge. But college is such an educational institution where students are provided with higher education. The management of a school is not so liberal as that of a college. But school teachers should he more careful of their responsibilities than college teachers. College teachers just deliver their lecture and leave classroom. On the contrary, school teachers have to take every whereabouts of their students. They are to be cautious of their studies, behaviour, association, -nature and so on. But college teacher are careless of these facts. They think that students here are freer. They have the freedom to exercise their sense and sensibility. School teachers strictly guide their students. But college teachers loosely control their students. In a college students can widen their outlook and orientation. But in a school they can not do' so. In a college students have the opportunities to broaden their mind and mentality. But in a school students can't do so for some restrictions. In fact, students in a college enjoy more than those in a school.


 Write a paragraph by comparison on "From Paragraph to Essay".

                                From Paragraph to Essay 

Despite their obvious differences in length, the paragraph and the essay are quite similar structurally. For example, the paragraph is introduced by either a topic sentence or a topic introducer followed by a topic sentence. In the essay, the first paragraph provides introductory material and establishes the topic focus. Next, the sentences in the body of a paragraph develop the topic sentence. Similarly, the body of an essay consists of a number of paragraphs that expand and support the ideas presented in the introductory paragraph. Finally, a terminator-whether a restatement, conclusion, or observation-ends the paragraph. *i.,,., The essay, too, has a device which brings its ideas to a logically and psychologically satisfying completion : the concluding paragraph. Although exceptions to these generalizations may be observed in modem creative writing, most well written expository paragraphs and essays are comparable in structure.


          Paragraph Development by Contrast

A contrast paragraph labels the differences between two persons, places, or things. Once all of the information for the paragraph is obtained one must organize it in one of these two ways:
•    Option One: First present all of the points of one subject, and then contrast the points with all of the information about the other subject. This is a good way to organize the information of a short paragraph because the reader can readily recall the first points that are stated.
•    Option Two: Make a point about the first subject and then contrast it with a point from the other subject. Alternating between points. This is a good option for longer paragraphs because the reader does not have to search for the contrasted point.

Key words : but; yet, however, in contrast, although, even though, on the other hand, nevertheless, unlike, whereas.

1.    Write a paragraph by contrast on "Democracy and Autocracy".

                                  Democracy and Autocracy

Democracy is the rule of people. But autocracy is the government by an autocrat. In a democratic country people are the source of all power. In an autocratic country an autocrat is the possessor of absolute power and position. There are many opposition parties in a democratic country. But in an autocratic country there is only one party. People can enjoy the freedom of speech, can expose merit, views and opinions in a democratic country. On the contrary, in an autocratic government, public freedom of speech is strictly controlled. Here other opinions and principles are not sustained. In a democratic government tolerance is kept. But there is want, of tolerance in an autocratic government. There is a feasibility of holding frequent election in a democratic country. On the contrary, frequent election is not held in an autocratic government. Evaluating public opinions, democratic country is led and governed. On the contrary, an autocrat leads and governs his country willfully. So, at present, democratic government is more popular than autocratic government.

2. Write a paragraph by contrast on "The Objective Test and the Essay Exam".

                        The Objective Test and the Essay Exam    
The objective test and the essay exam are two contrasting methods of evaluation commonly used to measure a student's grasp of subject matter. The objective test usually consists of a large number of unrelated questions that require the student to demonstrate mastery of details. It often leads to rote memorization of isolated facts during the pre-test period of study. Since the questions on the objective test are presented in true-false or multiple choice form, the student may be encouraged to guess answers for which he has no accurate knowledge. The essay exam, on the other hand, usually consists of a few broadly stated questions that require the student to organise his responses in essay form. Such questions force the student to give proof of his ability to handle general concepts. This type of exam also relies on factual information, but there is far greater necessity for the student to demonstrate analytical and compositional skills. Mere guessing at answers is reduced to a minimum. Although the objective test and the essay exam have similar goals the assessment of a student's academic achievement the techniques and  very often the results) of the two types of examination differ significantly.

       Differences between Bangladeshi and Western Music
Each and every country has its own culture. They can't be superseded by the culture of another country. So, its quite natural that there are some basic differences between Bangladeshi and Western music. The differences are very much distinct. In theme and melody, our songs are pole apart from western music. Our songs especially the Nazrul Sangeet, Rabindra Sangeet, traditional songs are very much graceful and refined. But the Western music is very much vulgar. Musical instruments are used more in the Western music. On the other hand ours are melodious and musical instruments are used less. The western singers use metalic sound, whereas we don't. The significant difference is that individual love is the theme of Western-music. That love is only the love of the lovers. On the contrary the theme of our song is also love but it's quite different from the Western music. Love as the theme of our song is for lovers, for parents, for our motherland and last of all for Allah: The western song has hardly any appeal. In contrast our song has a great appeal and ittouches our heart. In a word, a country can't sacrifice her own identity and culture with another country. The cultural differences were in the past, have. been in the present and will be in the future.



         Eating Habit of the Rural and Urban People of Bangladesh
The rural people in Bangladesh usually_ have their meals in the morning, at noon and at night. The urban people also take three meals a day. But there are some differences in their eating habits. Rural people are in the habit of eating heavy meal. The rural people eat more. On the contrary the urban people do not depend on heavy food. They also eat less than the rural people. The rural people usually eat rice and gur or rice with some other food items for breakfast. They eat much because they work in the fields. They do not eat anything before lunch. They also eat chira, khai and muri at breakfast. On the other hand the urban people take bread vegetables etc. Again some take parata and egg and some take loaves and banana. Those who are old take little breakfast. The rural people usually eat rice and one or two.curries fof lunch. They can't bear the expenses of so many items like the urban people. The urban people `are used to taking eat, rice, curry, fish, vegetables, meat, dal etc. for lunch. Sometimes polao or biriani is cooked on occasions. The dinner of the rural people is just like the lunch. By contrast the dinner items of the urban people are like the lunch items. But nowadays urban people take their main meal at night returning their residence after evening. The urban people also take fast food like burger, sandwiches, noodles, pizza, . pototo chips, vegetables rolls etc. They also eat Thai or Indian or Chinese food. A change is also noticed in drink habit of the urban people. In urban_ area people take ice cream and soft drinks as drink. However, there are some differences in the food habit and meal times . of the rural and the urban people in Bangladesh.

Paragraph Development by Comparison & Contrast

Uses : to show how two people, places or things are alike or different in order to describe either one more fully. In this type of paragraph both similarities and dissimilarities should be included in the topic sentence.


You are to use specific linkers here.
is similar to
the other hand
in contrast
as well
differs from

Similarities and Differences between the Patterns of Eating in Britain and that in Bangladesh
There are some similarities and differences between the patterns of eating in Britain and that in Bangladesh but the differences between them are greater. The food habit and meal times of the rural people of the two countries are same. The main meal of the people of Bangladesh is the lunch. Whereas, dinner is the main meal of the British. The British usually have cereal, toast and tea or coffee for their breakfast. On the contrary in Bangladesh the people of the rural areas eat rice and the urban people eat bread, banana, parata, chapati eggs etc. for their breakfast. Though we have got no special meal during a week, on occasions special meals are arranged. In Britain Sunday lunch is the most important meal of the week when a cooked meal is served at midday instead of in the evening and the whole family eats together. In our country specially the rural people eat heavy meals at noon, but in Britain lunch can be a light meal of sandwiches or fruit. Before going to bed the people in Britain have a hot drink like tea or coffee with -biscuits but people in our country are not in the habit of taking these things before going tp bed. OtT'the otherhand today a few people in the towns and cities take a cup of tea or coffee before going to bed. However differences are more than the similarities.
                                 Islam and Christianity
Islam and Christianity are two of the major religions of the world. Though the two religions are different from one another, they share several basic beliefs and practices. The people of the two religions pray to the same deity whom the Muslims call Allah and the Christian God. The Muslims have a holy book the Quran. In the same way the Christians have a holy book the Bible. The Muslims read the holy Quran to gain religious knowledge. They try not only to mould their characters but also to lead their lives according to the guidelines of the holy Quran. Likewise the Christians also read the Bible to gain religious knowledge and try to lead their lives on the basis of the knowledge of the Bible. The holy Quran is the complete code of life for the Muslims of the whole world. In the same way the Bible is the complete code of life for the Christians. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) is the Prophet of the Muslims. In the same manner Jesus Christ is the Prophet of the Christians. All the Muslims believe in the holy Quran, in the sayings of the holy Prophet and in the five pillars of Islam. The Muslims also believe that Islam is their religion. Similarly the Christians believe the sayings of Jesus Christ and the ten commandments. The Muslims believe in the final judgment day. The Christians also have the same faith. Besides, there are many other similarities between the people of two religions.



                                My Father and Mother
My father and mother share a lot of similaries. Both of them come of respectable families. They hail from the same district. Both of them are educated. Similarly they want us to be highly educated. My father is a service holder. My mother is a doctor and she works in a hospital. They are sincere to their professions. Both of my parents love me and my brothers and sisters. They are very affectionate and advise us on what to do and what not to do. They possess many good qualities. They are soft-spoken, witty, pious and mild in their behaviour. They go to their offices in the morning and return home in the evening. They like travelling very much. Whenever they get time, they take us to various places of _scenic beauty and places of historical interest. Both of them spend their leisure by watching TV. They also like music. They can also sing well. My father likes modern song while my mother likes Nazrul song. We relish varieties of dishes at home - thanks to my mother's cooking skill and father's encouragement. To me my father and mother are great and I am proud of them.

Paragraphs written by students with the teacher's comments



Our capital city, Dhaka, has become the centre place of all trade and commerce, better education, better treatment and better living. Thousands of industries have been set up here to boost up the economy and provide jobs to millions. The standard of living and education facilities are also relatively high. All this leads to the flocking of people to Dhaka from other corners of the country in search of job, for better education or for better standard of living. There are all kinds of people here -- rich businessmen, office clerks, labourers and even beggars. The last census shows that at present the population of Dhaka is over 1 crore which is certainly much more than holding capacity of the city. This has given rise to many problems among which the accommodation problem is the most acute. The migrated people are facing problems to pay such a high rent for their houses. Moreover, the number of houses is less than that of people. Though the well-off people can find shelter in the apartments of high rise buildings, the lower middle-class and the poor people face serious problems in this regard. Again the high rise apartments have appeared to be a new trend in solving the accommodation problem in Dhaka city. Due to scarcity of space, there is a growing need of apartment among the citizens. The property developers are also competing one another to make higher edifices. Though these apartments look posh having all amenities, they are very expensive and beyond the reach of the middle class buyers. They are also putting pressure on the existing infrastructure of the city. Moreover, these high rise buildings can be death-trap since Bangladesh is an earthquake prone country. In opposite to these happy dwellers of the apartments we see thousands of poor people passing their lives in the open streets of Dhaka. If one walks through the streets of Dhaka, one will see countless people sleeping in line on the pavements, over bridges, railway station. The vendors are sleeping in their baskets, the rickshaw pullers on their rickshaws. Some lucky people can find shelter in the slums though the life is abominable there. These street people are from the villages who have come to Dhaka in search of work. Though these people are leading a distressed life, they seem not to care about it as they work hard all day long and enjoy sound sleep at night. But the situation is worse for the middle class because they can neither live in costly apartments nor on the streets. None thinks of them. Even the government can hardly find any solution to their accommodation problem. Hence concerted efforts are needed to solve the accommodation problem in the city of Dhaka.


                               ACID RAIN

Nowadays environment pollution is one of the most talked of topics all around the world. Because, environment pollution causes various disasters to human life. Acid rain is one of them. Acid is a chemical compound, usually a liquid. Acids are usually sour and can burn or damage things they touch. Acid corrodes things. Acid pollution spoils the colour of paint, weakens leather and washes away building materials. Acid pollution can cause damage to trees, lakes, wildlife, buildings etc. When acid instead of water falls from the sky, it is called acid rain. Acid rain contains harmful chemicals. Substances called acids have a sharp taste known as acidity. Ordinary rainwater is slightly acidic. But in severely polluted areas rain can be as acidic as the acids of lemon juice or vinegar. This rain which is very acidic can cause damage to trees, lakes, wildlife, buildings and human health. There is a link between acid rain and damage to human health. Breathing in the chemicals can harm people causing chest illness. Also, when acid rain causes the release of chemicals and metals into drinking water it can damage people’s health. The acid rain that falls on earth mingles with natural water. We get our drinking water from this natural water. Thus our drinking water is affected by acid rain. The acid rain has an adverse reaction on stained glass windows because it fades the colour of glass. In a word acid rain is very harmful. We should take all necessary steps to keep our environment sound and health.    

                               Acid Rain

Rain water that pours down mixing with acidic substances is known as a acid rain. Acid rain contains various harmful chemical elements created by mills, factories, brick fields, power houses, buses and rail-engines. Acid rain has a sharp taste of acid. The indiscriminate use of toxic chemicals in mills. factories and power houses is the root cause of acid rain. Our ignorance regarding our duties to the environment and main kind is another root cause of acid pollution. The bad effect of acid rain is very dangerous/severe/alarming. Today it has become the global problem. It is very harmful to wild life, trees and forests. As a result it causes imbalance in the environment. It also does a great harm to buildings. It damages the building materials and washes any colour of paints of the building. Owing to acid rain the buildings lose their straight and they gradually collapse. Acid rain also harms the world famous Taj Mahal and the costly buildings which are mainly made of glass. In order to control acid rain, developed awareness must be created, the random and the wide-spread use of various toxic chemicals must be checked. If we fail to control the wide-spread use of toxic chemical, the wild life, trees and environment will be endangered seriously. In a word, our exist on earth and many other historical structure are the victim of acid pollution will be hampered surely

                   The Danger of Acid Violence

Acid throwing on human bodies is the worst deed of all. Acid violence is the most inhuman act in this civilized society, (4W Today it is the most heinous and brutal crime in this modern world. When anything is damaged by throwing acid, it is called acid violence. It is one of the most merciless and unpardonable crimes. It is a panic news that acid violence is increasing in our society wonderfully day by day. Mainly women and girls are the worst victims of' this cowardice violence. A young man having no moral sense usually commits this brutal act. Having failed to win the love of girls, some senseless and unwise young people throw acid on. '. bodies. Illiteracy is the root cause of acid throwing in our society. Gender discrimination is another root cause of it. Dowry-hunter husbands also mainly cause acid violence on their wives. Some hunters throw acid on their enemies to take revenge . Social unconsciousness is greatly liable for this brutal act. The effect of acid throwing is very panic and painful. In most cases the acid victims lose their invaluable eves. Acid violence makes their beautiful appearance very ugly as like as ghosts. Some victims become fully paralyzed forever. Those who survive lead a very miserable and sorrowful life. They lose their status and dignity in the society. They are deprived of love and affection of near and dear ones. Developed social consciousness is a must to stamp out this inhuman act. Illiteracy and gender discrimination must be eradicated to stop this cowardice deed. It is high time we started a strong campaign   against acid violence in order to build up a happy and 'decent society.


                         ADULT LITERACY

Illiteracy is a curse for a nation.  It is a serious problem for the overall development of the country. So the necessity of adult literacy programme arises in Bangladesh. To educate the illiterate mass is called adult literacy. This programme views to giving knowledge of letters to the illiterate people. Its main aim is to make them aware and responsible citizens capable of reading, writing and doing necessary calculations which are very much needed in practical life. Illiterate people do not know what is right and what is wrong and are not conscious of their rights and duties. So, to make responsible citizen adult literacy is necessary. Without adult literacy we are unable to control population explosion. In order to develop our country in all respects adult literacy is a must. To remove this illiteracy steps should be taken by the government. Opening night schools at every village should be made compulsory. The poor people should be supplied with all the items which are necessary for learning. For this all of us have come to come forward and to work in collaboration with the government.  



Since the dawn of civilisation man has a close relation with nature. Nature helps us in many ways. And trees are the integral part of nature. They are the gifts of nature. Trees give us oxygen. It saves the soil from erosion. Trees are very essential in a country to cause rains. It forms a natural beauty in a country. It plays a very important role for our existence. But for the development of human civilisation this valuable assets are damaged day by day. The people of our country cut down our trees at random. So, our country is losing her trees. If this process continues, she will turn into a desert. The country will bear the consequences of ‘Green House Effect’. To preserve our environment, afforestation is an urgent. ‘Afforestation’ means planting more and more trees. There is an ample scope for afforestation in Bangladesh. Sea beaches, low lying areas and fallow lands can be brought under the scheme of afforestation with special types of trees suited to the soil. Shady trees and fruit trees should be planted by the side of roads and highways. Trees may be planted in all sides of ponds and tanks in villages. People must be convinced of the need of afforestation. It is the duty of all of us to maintain balance between man and nature for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival.    



                        Arsenic Pollution

Arsenic pollution  has become one of the talked topics of our country at present. It has spread throughout whole Bangladesh in an epidemic form. Arsenic is a poisonous chemical element mixed with water. This poisonous element is found in ground water, such as tube-well water. In different countries, arsenic contamination in water supplies is known to have been caused by dissolving geological deposits which naturally occur from industrial discharges and from uses of pesticides. If a man drinks arsenic contaminated water, he is affected by disease and after many days the symptoms are found. The disease caused by arsenic is known as arsenicosis. Poisoning by arsenic is slow process. It damages the kidneys, the liver, the skin and even the nerves system of body. Long term poisoning might cause also death of the sufferers. Many people in our country are suffering from arsenicosis and many more are being affected everyday. For the prevention of arsenicosis, we should drink only arsenic-free water. Besides this, we have to eat a healthy and balanced diet. To ensure supply of arsenic-free water, we should sink deep tube-wells. Water treatment plant should be established in the rural areas and the arsenic contaminated tube-wells should be identified by red colour. We should remember that arsenic poison cannot be removed by boiling or filtering water. So, all of us should be conscious of arsenic poison and should be careful about using water. It is a hopeful matter that various agencies in the health and water sector such as NIPSOM, DPHE, BWDB and others have begun sampling well-water and looking for medical symptoms as evidence of arsenic contamination and its affected area and they are trying to solve the problem.

                                   ARSENIC POLLUTION


In our every day-today life we are experiencing new kind of problem. Arsenic pollution is one of them. At present it becomes an important matter for our country. Arsenic is a poisonous white compound of brittle element. Arsenic pollution is very dangerous for health. The presence of arsenic in tubewell water in maximum districts of Bangladesh makes the people fearful. The people of North Bengal are affected greatly. Press reports on this matter are drawing attention of all possible preventive measures. Drinking water polluted by arsenic causes many diseases like sores and stomach trouble. It also attacks the skins of palm, legs. Sometimes the sore turns into gangrene and then to cancer. So arsenic pollution is a great threat to human life. At present there is no medical treatment or medicine that can prevent arsenic pollution. The researchers are trying their level best to find out a remedy to this problem. All the tubewells must be examined and if arsenic is found, drinking of water from that tubewell must be stopped. It is safe to drink pure rain water. Water of pond, river can be made pure and fit for drinking. Arsenic pollution has taken a dreadful shape in the country. So, we should take proper steps to ensure a healthier and happier life to our people by preventing arsenic pollution.       

                           DANGERS OF ARSENICOSIS


In our every day-today life we are experiencing new kind of problem. Arsenic pollution is one of them. At present it becomes an important matter for our country. Arsenic is a poisonous white compound of brittle element. Arsenic pollution is very dangerous for health. The presence of arsenic in tubewell water in maximum districts of Bangladesh makes the people fearful. The people of North Bengal are affected greatly. Press reports on this matter are drawing attention of all possible preventive measures. Drinking water polluted by arsenic causes many diseases like sores and stomach trouble. It also attacks the skins of palm, legs. Sometimes the sore turns into gangrene and then to cancer. So arsenic pollution is a great threat to human life. At present there is no medical treatment or medicine that can prevent arsenic pollution. The researchers are trying their level best to find out a remedy to this problem. All the tubewells must be examined and if arsenic is found, drinking of water from that tubewell must be stopped. It is safe to drink pure rain water. Water of pond, river can be made pure and fit for drinking. Arsenic pollution has taken a dreadful shape in the country. So, we should take proper steps to ensure a healthier and happier life to our people by preventing arsenic pollution.       

                 Adopting unfair means in the examination

The adoption of unfair means in the examination means copying in the examination. It does not simply mean copying from books etc. Inside the hall, it includes any sort of malpractice in or outside the hall to succeed in the examination. It is one of the signs of other degenerating conditions existing in out society. Many students without preparing lessons waste their valuable time in gossiping, roaming, playing, travelling etc. As a result they are compelled to adopt unfair means in the hall. By adopting unfair means a student frustrates the very purpose of the examination. Merely committing to memory and vomiting it in the examination halls cannot determine the merit of a student. In order to solve copying in the examination the govt. has taken some preventive measures. First of all the govt. is trying to raise public awareness through mass media. Recently the government has enforced a law that if any student is found copying in the examination hall, she/he will be expelled from the examination hall. If any invigilator is found helping any examiner, legal action will be taken against her/him. Even if outsiders are found involved in helping any examiner in copying, they will also be punished. The government has interchanged the examination centers and formed invigilation teams to monitor the overall condition of the examination center. The very system of education should be changed. Above all the government, the teachers, the guardians, the students, the intellectuals, the politicians and all the conscious sections of the country should come forward to tackle the problem.

                                            Air Pollution

Air is the most important element of human environment. All biological organisms require air for breathing. But nowadays air is being polluted gradually. Air pollution is very acute in towns and cities. This pollution is caused by industrialization and urbanization. Air is seriously polluted by the factories and vehicles. This polluted air is inhaled by humans and plants. As a result we are falling prey to various diseases. The industries are located in populated areas. So, the noxious gas easily finds a place in the urban homes. Burning petrols and diesels of the vehicles and indiscriminate discharge of the human waste are also causing serious air pollution. Respiratory illness, deafness, blindness and many incurable diseases are the after effects of air pollution. Sometimes leakages of poisonous gas cause sudden death. Air pollution is also causing decay of Ozone layer. Today it has led to a new environment catastrophe. We must take adequate measures to prevent air pollution. Otherwise our health as well as our future generation will be at stake.


                           AIR POLLUTION

“I’ll go out for a breath of fresh air” is an often-heard phrase but many of us realise that this has become irrelevant in today’s world, because the quality of air in our cities is anything but fresh. In the recent years, some environment-friendly measures have helped us clearing up much of the visible elements of air pollution but air pollution still can be deadly even if we can’t see it. Air is the most important element of human environment. Man cannot live a single moment without air. But we do not think that it is we who pollute this most vital element. Air is polluted in many ways. Smoke pollutes air. Man makes fire to cook his food, to make bricks burns refuse, melts pitch for road construction and burns wood. All these things produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes air. Railway engines, power-houses, mills and factories use coal and oil. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. Again all these things create smoke and cause air pollution. The most serious air pollution occurs in big industrial areas where there are many mills and factories. Serious air pollution also occurs in big cities where there are many buses, trucks and cars plying on the street every day. Sometimes men in big industrial areas become so sick by inhaling polluted air that they cannot be cured. It causes lung diseases and cancer. Clean air is essential for life. So proper measures and steps should be taken to prevent air pollution. To complement regulations imposed by the government, our combined effort is also needed to diminish air pollution.[The introductory two sentences can be excluded or altered if necessary.] 


                               Air Pollution

Today air pollution has become one of the serious problems in our country. At present- it is a global problem too. Pollution free- environment is the pre-condition for our decent and long life on earth. But now our environment is being severely polluted in many ways. Air is one of the prime elements of our environment. No life is possible without pure and fresh air. But polluted air is very harmful to life. Air is polluted in many ways. It is smoke which is the main culprit of air pollution. Mills, factories, power houses, brick-fields and rail engines emit huge black smoke all the year round. The black smoke pollutes our air drastically Motor and water vehicles also produce a lot of smoke and fume which cause acute air pollution. Cooking food and the burning down of forests, over-population, illiteracy and civic unawareness are also the major causes of -air pollution. The adverse effect of air pollution is very dangerous. It causes various fatal respiratory diseases. These fatal diseases take away/snatch away a lot of valuable lives every year. Air pollution causes serious ecological imbalance. And ecological imbalance causes various natural disasters which damage our lives, properties, crops, forests and wild animals. In order to control air pollution public awareness must be raised. illiteracy must be wiped out , and population problem must be solved lead-free fuel  must be used and burnt oil should be avoided to lessen air pollution. Air pollution must, be controlled in order to ensure our happier, healthier and longer life.


Adolescence represents one of the critical transitions in one’s life span and is characterized by fast paced growth and change which occurs after childhood and before adulthood. The duration and defining characteristics of this period may vary across time, cultures, and socio-economic situations. Among the factors responsible for the change are education, urbanization and spread of global communication. Besides physical and sexual maturation, these experiences include movement toward social and economic independence, development of identity, the acquisition of skills needed to carry out adult relationships and roles and the capacity for abstract reasoning. It is also a time of considerable risks during which social contexts exert powerful influences. Many adolescents face pressure to use alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs and to initiate sexual relationships putting themselves at high risk for intentional and unintentional injuries, unintended pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections, including the HIV. The use or avoidance of drugs and taking or abstaining from sexual risk can have long-lasting negative and positive effects on future health and well-being. As a result, adults have unique opportunities to influence adolescents. Laws, customs, and practices may also affect adolescents differently than adults.  Adolescents depend on their families, their communities, schools, health services and their workplaces to learn a wide range of skills that can help them to cope with the pressures they face and make a successful transition from childhood to adulthood. Parents, members of the community, service providers, and social institutions have the responsibility to both promote adolescent.

                   A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A TEACHER                       

A teacher is the philosopher guide of a nation. She is an idol to her students. All her activities and performances are often followed and imitated by her students. Hence her life style is an ideal one. She is to maintain a routined life for her daily activities. She passes all through a busy day with the exception on holidays. Everyday she is to get up early in the morning. Then she prepares herself and the other younger members of the family for their respective outgoing purpose. After taking breakfast she sends her children to school and she herself goes out for school. In time she arrives at school. So she can get some preparations and photocopying done for the students. She does playground duty as parents deliver their children. She supervises the school assembly. Then she starts classes. In her scheduled classes she delivers lectures and imparts education very cordially. Attending to two or three consecutive classes, she becomes tired. Hence she needs a break. In the leisure hour she takes her tiffin in the staff room. Again she attends to one or two classes till the last bell rings. Then she reaches home. Having wash, she takes her lunch with other members of the family. After that she takes rest for some time. In the evening she cooks for family. She does her lesson plans and preparations for the next day. She spends some time for watching television or enjoying music. Then she takes her supper and goes to bed. Thus she passes her regular day with full of activities.



                                               A Day Labourer

Everything is possible by means of labour. Without it, nothing can be done or achieved. A day labourer is he who has no land of his own and thus earns his bread by the sweat of his brow. He may work as a sweeper, a black-smith, a mason, a carpenter, a goldsmith, a peasant or a porter. His service is, no doubt, essential for the country. Still now a day labourer is very poor. He lives from hand to mouth. He has no fixed income. If he works daily, he gets wages. During the rainy days, he finds no work and he has to starve along with his family. He can hardly buy clothes or fancy things. He works in factories, ships, mines, agricultural fields and even in games and sports for overall prosperity of a country. He builds houses, sky-scrapers, but he himself lives in slums. He sets railway lines and builds highways. He brings mineral from the bottom of the earth. Thus he performs many kinds of works to earn his livelihood. Though he works hard all day long, he lives in misery and want. So, everyone of us should try heart and soul to improve the lot of these day labourers. If we are sympathetic with them, they will be benefited.

                  Annual Cultural Function of our school

Annual cultural function of a school is  a ceremony, where different cultural programmes are arranged and performed by the students. The last annual cultural function of our school held on 3rd August, 2006. It is still fresh in my memory we decorated our school premises with colourful papers and banners. In the auditorium we embellished the stage with flowers, festoons and ballons of different colours. Honourable D.C of our district had consented to preside over the accasion. Honourable Education Minter, the chief guest, was accorded guard of honour by the B.N.C of our school. The ceremony began at 10 am. with the recitation of some verses from Holy Quran. I and one of my classmates announced the scheduled programme as a presenter after the national anthem. After that the performances of the students started. Someone danced, Someone song and someone recited poems. There was also some group performances like mime-show and drama. Our class had been chosen to put on a play. I was also acted in that play. Ours was the last performance. The cheering crowd greeted each performance with applause. The function ended with an encouraging, complimentary and educative speech of the chief guest. At last our headmaster thanked the chief guest and other guest for their kind presence. I felt very excited there and I still feel joy when I remember that day. I wish to have the day again and again.


                    Arranging books in a library

A library is a room or building where we can read various types of books, journals, periodicals etc. and satisfy our thirst for knowledge. All of the books in a library are organized in some categories or classes and then arranged alphabetically within their classes. There are two systems for organizing books in a library. One is called the Dewey Decimal System and the other is known as the Library of the Congress System. Most of the libraries follow the Dewey Decimal System. Under the Dewey Decimal System, the books are grouped into ten major categories or subject areas. Each category is assigned a range of numbers and every book in the category is assigned its own special number within that number range. For instance, Science is assigned with numbers from 500 to 599. A particular science book can have a number such as 542.46 or 581.93. A science book would never have a number such as 800 or 200. The number that is assigned to a book is called call number. However, in this way books are arranged ip a library. A library can offer us immense knowledge. So, we should visit a library regularly to enrich our depth of knowledge.


                                       A Day Labourer

A day labourer is a very common figure in our agricultural land. A day labourer is a man who lives by unskilled and manual works. He usually lives in a slum or in a small hut. He has no good house of his own. He is a very laborious and strong bodied man. He lives from hand to mouth. He gets up at dawn After taking some stale rice lie goes out of doors in search of work .He works from dawn to dusk. He gets his wages at the end of the day. Then he goes to market. buys daily goods and returns home. He usually works in the agriculture or in the construction fields. Generally he wears  old and dirty clothes. He works both in fair and rough weather. His income is very poor. He has to starvewith his family, when he finds no work. He lives below extreme poverty line. He looks older than his age       . He hardly enjoy peace and happiness in life. He leads a very sorrowful and miserable life .In a word, he lives in wants and dies in wants. He is unable to educate his children owing to acute poverty. Inspite of unhappy life, he feels happy because he leads an honest life. Our agriculture, construction works and development activities can not be thought of  without his honest labour. In fact, a day labourer is our real friend but he has no dignity ('jolts' Cam) and love in bur society. Necessary steps should be adopted to improve his wheels of lot  for our greater interest.

                             A       DICTIONARY

Dictionary is listing of the words of a language, usually in alphabetical order but sometimes also by topic, with their meanings or their equivalents. A dictionary may also contain pronunciations, syllabications, etymologies (word histories), and examples of usage. The term dictionary is also applied to any systematic list of special terms such as abbreviations, slang, or etymology, or to a list in which the special terms of a particular subject are defined. Some dictionaries focus on particular subjects, such as science, biography, geography, mathematics, history, or philosophy. Some dictionaries are called encyclopedic, because they not only define words but also offer additional descriptive and explanatory information and identify many biographical and geographical names. A famous encyclopedic dictionary is the French 19th-century dictionary-encyclopedia the Grand dictionnaire universel, compiled by Pierre Athanase Larousse. The greatest such American work is the Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, edited by American linguist William Dwight Whitney. The earliest known dictionaries were kept in the Mesopotamian city of Elba. These clay tablets inscribed in columns of cuneiform writing date from about the 2300s bc and consist of words in the Sumerian language and their equivalents in the Akkadian language. Whatever is done and practiced concerning the use of dictionary in the past; in our modern days, we can not pass a single day without taking help from dictionary while we learn language.



In our every day-today life we are experiencing new kind of problem. Arsenic pollution is one of them. At present it becomes an important matter for our country. Arsenic is a poisonous white compound of brittle element. Arsenic pollution is very dangerous for health. The presence of arsenic in tubewell water in maximum districts of Bangladesh makes the people fearful. The people of North Bengal are affected greatly. Press reports on this matter are drawing attention of all possible preventive measures. Drinking water polluted by arsenic causes many diseases like sores and stomach trouble. It also attacks the skins of palm, legs. Sometimes the sore turns into gangrene and then to cancer. So arsenic pollution is a great threat to human life. At present there is no medical treatment or medicine that can prevent arsenic pollution. The researchers are trying their level best to find out a remedy to this problem. All the tubewells must be examined and if arsenic is found, drinking of water from that tubewell must be stopped. It is safe to drink pure rain water. Water of pond, river can be made pure and fit for drinking. Arsenic pollution has taken a dreadful shape in the country. So, we should take proper steps to ensure a healthier and happier life for our people by preventing arsenic pollution


The term ‘astronaut’ comes from the Latin word ‘astrum’ (star) and ‘nauta’ (mariner) and is used mostly in English-speaking countries. The International Astronomical Federation define space travel as beginning 100 km (62 mile) above the earth, so some airplane pilots are considered astronauts. Astronauts came into being in the late 1950s, when both the United States and the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) began piloted space flight programmes. Both countries chose military pilots as the first astronauts. Some of the earliest spacecraft were based on the high performance aircraft that these pilots were accustomed to flying. Modern astronauts include scientists, engineers, medical doctors and educators, as well as pilots. On July 16, 1969 three American astronauts were waiting in a spacecraft called Apollo 11. The astronauts were Neil A Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins. Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin landed their Lunar Module in the moon’s Sea of Tranquility. Armstrong and then Aldrin stepped onto the surface and became the first humans to leave their footprints in the lunar dust. They explored the surface and gathered moon rocks for over two hours. The next day they fired off the surface and rejoined Collins in the orbiting mother ship. Finally they returned to the earth. Thus astronauts made great achievements one after another and conquered the unknown.

                   THE ANNUAL CULTURAL WEEK


A school is a ground of learning for students in every regard. The school helps students to develop skills in educational and other extra curricular activities as well. In our text book we find that the students of Nurpur High School celebrated their annual cultural week in full mirth and joy. The students were highly jubilant to celebrate the function. One morning Mrs. Amin, the English teacher of class eight came with an announcement to the class. The class was told that they were selected to stage a play during this cultural week. Hearing this, they were enthusiastic enough to stage a play by Shakespeare. As Shakespeare’s plays were difficult and long, it was not possible for them to perform his play. So they were advised to stage a play which was written by Mr. Anis Ahmed and they agreed to do so. After school that day they met Mr. Anis Ahmed and discussed about the play. For a few days they practised a lot. On the scheduled day they made a stage and performed the play called ‘The Ghost’. The programme was appreciated by all. In this way the students of Nurpur High School celebrated their Annual Cultural Week.  


Annual Sports Day is the most eventful and exciting day of the school. On the 10th instant we had the annual sports day in our school. On that day we tastefully decorated the school and put up a beautiful dais on the sports ground in front. On both sides of the dais, sitting arrangement was made for the spectators under colourful canopies. The Chief Guest, the Deputy Commissioner arrived on time and hoisted the national flag just at 9 a. m. The next attraction was the ‘March Past’ of the competitors. After the March Past, the Chief Guest declared the sports open. There were 20 items which were taken up according to the printed programme. All the items were contested well. At the end of every item the names of the winners were announced over the microphone and they stood up on the victory stand. In between the events fine cassettes were played and the whole environment was festive and jovial. When the items were over, the Chief Guest distributed the prizes. Then after a few short speeches were made by the teachers and guests and the function was declared over. The day was a refreshing day from the monotony of routined life. 


                         A Book Fair
These days
the book fair has become very much popular. It has created a sense of interest for books among us. In a book fair hundreds of pavilions are set up. Miscellaneous books, fictions, textbook, dramas, children books, reference books etc. are displayed in a shop. The stalls are well decorated which enchant the mind of customers. There are also food and drink stalls. The tired customers take rest and refreshment there. The whole atmosphere wears a beautiful look. The main purpose of a book fair is not sale but it offers a rare opportunity to assess the advancement made in publication of books. It is heartening to see thousands of people coming to the fair and buying books according to their own interest. A book fair becomes crowded especially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather in a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly and sit in some stalls. Seminars and cultural programmes are also held in a book fair. A book fair bears the testimony of the refined culture of a country. A book fair reminds us that books are our best comrades. They can change our outlook of life and widen our domain of wisdom. It is book, which assists us to forget jealousy, malice, superstition and covetousness. After all, we get our most advantages from a book fair and that is why we should purchase book from a book fair or from a bookstall. A book fair bears the testimony of the refined culture of a country. A book reminds us that books are our best comrades.

                                            A BALANCED DIET


Our body is the construction of food we eat. We must eat to live. For the formation of our body, we need to maintain a balanced diet. It is defined as one which contains food from different groups in such quantities and proportions that can meet the nutritional needs of the body. A balanced diet is one in which the ratio of the elements of food is balanced. It ensures that there are carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts and water in proportion to the requirement of our body. Carbohydrate gives us heat and energy. By eating rice, bread, potato, sugar, etc we get carbohydrate. Protein food like fish, meat, egg, dal, peas, bean and milk build our body. Fat gives us heat and energy and prevents decay of the body. We get fat by eating oil, butter and ‘ghee’. By eating leafy and green vegetables, fruit, egg, fish, meat and liver and by drinking milk we get vitamins and also mineral salts. Vitamins and mineral salts keep our body fit for work and keep away diseases. Thus a balanced diet is a system of food in which we get the essential elements of food for our body.   


                               CELEBRATION OF 15TH BIRTHDAY

A birthday party is a matter of joy and merriment. Generally one celebrates one’s birth anniversary, achieving bright result in the examination, winning competition or match etc. A birthday is observed or celebrated to make one’s birthday memorable or to get amusement, or to give pleasure to others. One normally becomes very joyous to celebrate one’s birthday. There are much charms of a birthday party because the guests and the hosts get much pleasure from the birthday party. I have recently celebrated my 12 /13 /14th birthday. First I have invited my relatives and friends. Secondly I have decorated my house nicely. I have also put on my new dress. Thirdly I have arranged a birthday cake, which is the main attraction of the party. Fourthly after the arrival of the invited guests, I have lighted the candle, cut the cake chuckling merrily, followed by applause of friends, fans and well-wishers. Then the prepared delicious food is served to the guests. Thereafter, all joining it have felt interested to do something pleasant. So, a short cultural programme is arranged after the meal. Finally, the guests leave wishing me many happy returns of the day. Thus the celebration of my birthday party comes to an end with joy and merriment.

                           A Bus Stand

A bus stand is the place where the buses stop and where from the start. With the improvement of the roads and highways, the number of buses is increasing day by day. And the importance of the bus stand has become great. These stands can be seen by the roadside. There are a few big bus stands located at the district headquarters or in the big cities including the capital city. Besides these big bus-stands, there are other hundreds of bus stands scattered all over the country. At some bus stands, there are sheds for the convenience of the waiting passengers. Now some of the famous bus stands have ticket counters from where the passengers purchase tickets in advance to book a seat. Usually these are places of great din and bustle. Sometimes passengers are to wait under the open sky if there is no shed for their waiting. At most of the bus stands tea stalls are found nearby. Many passengers, while waiting for buses, go there and refresh themselves taking a cup of tea or coffee. Street hawkers are busy to draw the attention of the passengers. They sell betel leaves, biscuits, breads, cigarettes, pamphlets, magazines etc. Again, some street beggars cry in loud voice with a view to drawing the passengers’ heed. When a bus comes up, there is a usual bustle and hurry among the passengers. Most of the buses are found jam-packed. Yet, people push one another to get on them. Some bus stands are filthy and noisy. Thieves, swindlers and pickpockets are also there in disguise. They sometimes try to misguide the innocent passengers for fulfilling their evil desires. All these pictures taken together remind us of the famous line of the poet, “Man may come and man may go, but I go on forever”. This coming and going sustain the flow of life.

                       Bangladeshi Culture

Culture is made up of all of its ideas, ways of behaving, working and playing. We, the Bangali, have an age old and traditional culture of our own. We have our own Language, dress, food habit , games and sports, music, art, literature etc. Our culture is a close knit, family oriented. We have a rich history and collection of folk songs in Bangladesh. Of them Palligiti, Bhatiali, Bhawaiya, Jari, Sari, Gambhira, Lalongiti, Palagaan and songs of Hason Raja are very popular. The traditional musical instruments like dotara, sarinda, bamboo flute, tabla are usually played with these songs. Cricket is the most popular sport in Bangladesh, followed by footballShalwar KameezShareekurtafatualungi are the main dresses. The ethnic people in Bangladesh hold a very important place in the culture of the country. They are mostly farmers. By religion they are Hindus, Christians or Buddhists. Nakshi kantha is a kind of traditional craft and is said to be indigenous to Bangladesh. Our cuisine is rich and varied with the use of many spices. Panta ilish is a traditional platter of Panta bhat on the Pohela Boishakh. We have delicious and appetizing food, snacks, and sweets. The common ones are roshgulla, sandesh, rasamalai, gulap jamun, kal jamun and chom-chom. In a word, our culture is enriched in unique variety.

                          A BAISHAKHI MELA 

Bangladesh is a land of rich culture and heritage. Baishakhi Mela is a part and parcel of Bengali culture. It is perhaps the largest and most comprehensive celebration of the arts and culture of Bangladesh. It is held on the first day of the Bengali New Year. The Bengalees are all looking forward to welcome the year through this celebration. The Ramna Batamul is the centre, around which New Year celebration have spread around the city and gradually across the country. The festival encompasses exhibition, music, poetry, crafts, theatre, photography etc in the urban area. A ‘Baishakhi Mela’ is an annual gathering. It is a gathering held in villages too. Some fairs are held for a day. Some are held for days together. It is held generally in the open place or on the bank of a river or a canal. All men, women and children gather in Baishakhi Mela in large number. Fancy goods, toys, balloons, flutes, sweets and wooden things are mostly sold and children buy them. Circus parties are the common features of the Baishakhi Mela. They often bring trained small tigers, elephants, monkeys, horses and bears that show funny feats. It is a matter of pride that we celebrate our cultural identity in a true spirit through Baishakhi Mela.

                                 Baishakhi Mela

A Baishakhi Mela is a fair which usually is held on the first day of Baishakh to welcome the New Bangla Year. Baishakh is a month of enjoyment and merriment of the Bangalees. In fact, Baishakhi Mela is the reflection of the true picture of the life of the rural people of Bangladesh. The importance of the mela is very great to the Bangla speaking people. It gives us new life. Every year the villagers eagerly wait for the happy occasion. Their joy knows no bound Aaqt q;m~ mot) on the day. A Baishakhi Mela is a large gathering of all ages of people of all classes. In the mela, hand-made articles, dolls, toys, flutes, kites, cheap ornaments and cosmetics, bangles , ribbons (Nit), ready-made garments and other village handicrafts are displayed and sold. Sweets, fruits and snacks are also sold here. Doll dance and cock fight are the main attraction of a Baishakhi Mela.Traditional Bangla folksongs are sung and Jatra are also held in the mela. All ages of people attend the mela wearing colourful traditional dresses. A Baishakhi Mela is a great source of amusement and recreation to the rural people. But rural life is dismal and monotonous . So a Baishakhi Mela makes the villagers cheerful and removes the monotony  of the routine works. It widens their outlook and breaks away  social superstition. It helps to improvethe rural economy too. So a Baishakhi Mela has a great significance to the rural life. Every year I also visit the Baishakhi Mela with my grandfather who is very jolly-minded and humorous.

                             A BIRTHDAY PARTY I ENJOYED

A birthday is observed or celebrated to make one’s birthday memorable or to get amusement, or to give pleasure to others. A birthday party is a matter of joy and merriment. One normally becomes very joyous to celebrate one’s birthday. There are many charms in a birthday party because both the guests and the hosts get much pleasure in a birthday party. I have recently enjoyed a birthday party of one of my younger cousins. It was his 13 /14 / 15th birthday. As I am very close to him I had gone to their residence earlier to help him.  We together decorated their house nicely. My cousin put on his new dress which my uncle had bought for him. Then the birthday cake arrived, which was the main attraction of the party. It had been ordered earlier. At 7 p.m. the arrival of the invited guests started. My cousin lighted the candle, cut the cake chuckling merrily, followed by applause of friends, fans and well-wishers. Then the prepared delicious food was served to the guests. Thereafter, all joining it felt interested to do something pleasant. So, a short cultural programme was arranged after the meal. I also took part in the function by cutting a joke in the party. Everybody became happy to hear this. Then the guests gradually were leaving the function. All the guests left wishing my cousin many happy returns of the day. Finally it was my turn. In the mean time I extended my helping hand to do everything up nicely. Then I took farewell from my cousin. He did not like to leave me but I had to, as I had an important class next day. So I came back and all the night I cherished the sweet memories of the party. [Some information can be excluded to shorten the volume if necessary.] 

                                     A Book Fair

There is a great significance of a book fair in the cultural activities of a nation. Nowadays, book fairs are becoming more and more popular in Bangladesh. These are held in different cities and towns on different occasions of national significance days such as 'Ekusher Boi Mela' in the Bangla Academy Campus. Every year a book fair (exhibition) is arranged in the campus. Book fairs are now held in district towns also. In a book fair some publishers set up stalls. Book lovers such as, the teachers, the students, the poets, the writers, the service holders and some common people crowd there to make their choice and buy books from the stalls. The stalls are beautifully decorated and lighted in order to draw the attention of the customers. Books of different tastes are displayed in the stalls in an attractive way. The distinguished authors personally remain present in the stalls. Consequently, the readers can have a chance to meet their favourite authors. However, a book fair spreads the message that books are our best friends and companions. In fact, a book fair enriches our outlook and makes our life more meaningful.


                         A Book Fair

A book fair is a joyful and attractive fair where books are displayed and sold to the common people. Today educated people are very fond of visiting a book fair to enrich knowledge. So a book fair has also become very popular in our developing country. Every year, it is held on some special occasions in towns and cities every year. The Bangla Academy organizes a month long book fair on the occasion of the International Mother, Language Day on its compound. Besides, the famous book publishers also organize book fairs every. year. A book fair usually lasts for a week or even a month. Hundreds of book publishers and book sellers take part in the Ekushe book fair. The stalls sits in rows They are decorated nicely. Books on various branches both in Bangla and English are displayed and sold here. The, ,book lovers and the readers gather in a book fair. It is a large gathering - of students, teachers and educated people, sometimes scholars, writers and poets also visit a book fair. Seminars on books are also held here. Folk songs are also sung in a book fair. A book fair is an important part of education. It helps to broaden our kingdom of knowledge and helps to promote cultural attitude Books are sold       at a cheap rate in a book fair. Visiting a book fair forms the habit of reading, buying, writing and taking care of books. Every student and every educated person should visit the book fair every year. I am also fond of visiting a book fair.

                                          A BOOK FAIR

The purpose of a fair is to display products as well as to create demands in the markets for these products. A book fair is also arranged for the same. Now-a-days, it has become a practice to hold book fairs in our country. In a book fair, hundreds of pavilions are set up. All sorts of books such as, fictions, text-books, dramas, children books, reference books etc are displayed. The stalls are decorated tastefully and thus the attraction of the customers is drawn. There are also food and drink stalls. The tired customers halt, rest and take refreshment there. The entire atmosphere wears a festive look. It is heartening to see thousands of people coming to the fair and buying books according to their choice. A book fair becomes crowded especially in the evening. The writers also visit the fair regularly. The important book fair in Bangladesh is generally held in the premises of Bangla Academy. It creates a taste and eagerness for reading while the authors and book-sellers get a chance for publicity. A book fair bears the testimony of the refined taste and national culture of a country. Hence our government and conscious citizens should take positive steps to make these fairs more popular if we want to thrive as a nation in this competitive world.



A deep relation is in existence between man and responsibility. Responsibility is an inherent quality of man. As a social being man cannot be irresponsible. He cannot be nonchalant to his duties towards himself and to his neighbours. He should be conscious about his responsibilities and be active in performing them. Truly speaking man cannot live alone. He has to live in a society, so in this respect he has to behave very responsibly. Here we can mention the name of Anwar, Kashem and Mina who behaved very responsibly. One day Anwar and Kashem were walking together. They noticed a small crowd near the college pond. They walked fast to the place and found that the people were looking at an old lady who fell down and hurt herself. Anwar recognised the old lady that she was Rina’s grandmother. He requested Kashem to stay there. He ran off to Rina’s house and informed Rina’s mother of the accident. He came back with Rina’s mother and helped the old lady to transfer her to the hospital. While Anwar, Kashem and Rina’s mother were busy with Mrs. Murshed; Rina was attending her little brother. Thus Anwar, Kashem and Mina all have shown their respective sense of responsibility which charms us very much. So, as social beings we all should behave responsibly. Otherwise our existence will lose its value in the society.


                                 A BOOK FAIR   


A book fair is an occasion where we find gathering of books for sale and show. The duration of a book fair is not so fixed. Nowadays, it has become a practice to hold book fairs in our country. In a book fair, hundreds of pavilions are set up. All sorts of books such as, fictions, text-books, dramas, children books, reference books etc are displayed. The stalls are decorated tastefully and thus the attraction of the customers is drawn. There are also food and drink stalls. The tired customers halt, rest and take refreshment there. The entire atmosphere wears a festive look. A book fair becomes crowded especially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather in a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. Seminars and cultural programmes are also held. The important book fair in Bangladesh is generally held in the premises of Bangla Academy. It creates a taste and eagerness for reading while the authors and book-sellers get a chance for publicity. A book fair bears the testimony of the refined taste and national culture of a country. Hence positive steps should be taken to arrange more fairs in our country.

                                 A BOOK FAIR I VISITED

A fair is a collection of outdoor entertainment, stalls etc on a large piece of open ground where a huge number of people gather and enjoy themselves. In other words, a fair can be defined as an exhibition of different types of products. Similarly a book fair is an exhibition of hundreds of thousands of books. In a book fair books on different subjects are systematically displayed for the attention of the readers. Recently I visited a book fair. It was held on the premises of the Bangla Academy. I went there with my parents. In the fair, I saw hundreds of bookstalls selling them displaying different types of books. Almost all of the bookstalls were arranged by different famous publications of the country. A few bookstalls were also organised by some leading cultural organisations of the country. As it was evening, there was a huge rush of crowd in the fair. Even it was difficult to walk freely at that hour. I along with my parents went to a number of bookstalls and bought some books. I also attended a seminar organised by the Bangla Academy. After passing some hours there we started for home just after the sunset. It was a nice experience for me which will remain long in my mind.    

                                          A BOOK FAIR                        

A book fair is an occasion where we find gathering of books for sale and show. The duration of a book fair is not so fixed. Nowadays, it has become a practice to hold book fairs in our country. In a book fair, hundreds of pavilions are set up. All sorts of books such as, fictions, text-books, dramas, children books, reference books etc are displayed. The stalls are decorated tastefully and thus the attraction of the customers is drawn. There are also food and drink stalls. The tired customers halt, rest and take refreshment there. The entire atmosphere wears a festive look. A book fair becomes crowded especially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather in a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. Seminars and cultural programmes are also held. The important book fair in Bangladesh is generally held in the premises of Bangla Academy. It creates a taste and eagerness for reading while the authors and book-sellers get a chance for publicity. A book fair bears the testimony of the refined taste and national culture of a country. Hence positive steps should be taken to arrange more fairs in our country.

                                      A BOOK FAIR

A book fair is a fair where a large number of books are displayed. It is usually held on certain occasions. Books of different tastes on different subjects are displayed in a book fair. The fair is normally held fora week for some days and sometimes fora whole month. For example Bangla Academy Boi Mela is held fora whole month. A book fair is place of union of readers, the book lovers, the writers, the publishers and soon. The stalls sit in rows. They arc decorated tastefully. Thousands of visitors gather in a book fair to visit or to buy the chosen books of their favourite writers. There area large number of books. So a reader can choose a book according to his/her own choice. There are also some arrangements for refreshments. Sometimes discussions are held on various topics. Speaking truly, a book fair upholds the culture of a particular society or country. It plays an important role in spreading the light of education and knowledge. Again, books are the best companions of our life. Hence a book fair revives the conscience of a nation.

                                     A BALANCED DIET


Our body is the construction of food we eat. We must eat to live. For the formation of our body, we need to maintain a balanced diet. It is defined as one which contains food from different groups in such quantities and proportions that can meet the nutritional needs of the body. A balanced diet is one in which the ratio of the elements of food is balanced. It ensures that there are carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts and water in proportion to the requirement of our body. Carbohydrate gives us heat and energy. By eating rice, bread, potato, sugar, etc we get carbohydrate. Protein food like fish, meat, egg, dal, peas, bean and milk build our body. Fat gives us heat and energy and prevents decay of the body. We get fat by eating oil, butter and ‘ghee’. By eating leafy and green vegetables, fruit, egg, fish, meat and liver and by drinking milk we get vitamins and also mineral salts. Vitamins and mineral salts keep our body fit for work and keep away diseases. Thus a balanced diet is a system of food in which we get the essential elements of food for our body.   

                      BANGLADESH : MY COUNTRY

Bangladesh is in South Asia on the shore of the Bay of Bengal. The Bay of Bengal is on the south and the other three sides of the country are surrounded by India but she shares a bit of the south-east border with Myanmar. The Tropic of Cancer and the 90° longitudinal line intersect almost in the middle of the country. She became independent from Pakistan in 1971. The total land area of the country is 1,44,570 square kilometres and population is about 130 million. Almost all the people of the country speak Bangla. English is also used widely as well. There area number of tribal dialects. About 85 per cent of the people are Muslims and the rest are Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. The national dress for men is pyjama and punjabi and for women saree and blouse. But educated people wear generally trousers and shirts and young women salowar and kamiz. The farmers, the majority of the population, wear longi and shirts. Dhaka is the capital of this country and Chittagong, the port city, is called the commercial capital of the country. Cox's Bazar for its silvery sandy sea beach and Rangamati with ever-green hills and lakes are special natural sites worth-seeing for the tourists. The society is generally male-dominated but nowadays both men and women manage the finances and maintain the family. Female rights are acknowledged and they are encouraged in every sector of the country.


                                A BRIDAL PARTY


A woman on her wedding day or a newly married woman is called a bride. Hence a bridal party is a party which consists of the bride and her friends and attendants. This party is formed to observe certain rites peculiar to women both before and after solemnization of marriage. They also make arrangement for rejoicings and merry-making. They sing nuptial songs while they help the bride observe various rites and ceremonies. As for example, they perform the ceremony of smearing the person of the bride or bridegroom with turmeric preparatory to marriage. They also welcome the bridegroom and his friends when they arrive at the bride’s house. After solemnization of marriage the ‘ruyyat’ ceremony is observed under the supervision and guidance of the bridal party. It is the young girls of the bridal party that take the bridegroom to the ‘Zenana’ where in a room the richly decorated bride adorned with precious ornaments is kept waiting. She is surrounded by the jovial ladies and gay young girls of the bridal party. The bridegroom is made to sit on the right side of the bride. A big mirror is placed before the bride and the bridegroom. Then they have to exchange looks and to go through certain other rites. The witty devices that the girls and ladies of the bridal party take to put the bridegroom to feminine harassment draw forth a peal of laughter from the assemblage in the ‘Zenana’. In fact, the bridal party, like the bridegroom’s party, plays a vital role in bringing the bride and bridegroom into a happy wedlock.     


                         A BUS ACCIDENT

Nowadays bus accident has become a regular affair. Many people lose their lives for bus accident. Last week I saw a bus accident. It was 10 am and I was walking along the Hospital Road, Tala, Satkhira to go to my college. A girl was going the same way. Site was a few hands ahead of me. Suddenly she crossed the road. When she was in the middle of the road, all on a sudden a micro bus came on and knocked her down. The micro ran over her. She shouted and fell within seconds. Meanwhile people gatherer round her. She was taken to hospital but doctor declared her dead. This incident really shocked me a lot. Words cannot express my feelings. She is a student of class six. She is the only child of her parents. She is no more. This accident made me very sad. I won't forget this bitterest experience.




                         A BUS STAND

A bus stand is a place where service buses stop and start from. After a fixed time a good number of up and down buses touch at a bus stand at different hours of the day and night. In cities there are sheds for passengers at a bus stand. It is a temporary shelter for passengers. Passengers wait for sometime to get on a bus. In some bus stands there are counters for ticket. Passengers stand in a line for buying tickets. Sometimes there is exchange of hot words if anybody breaks the line. A bus stand is a busy place. One bus comes and another stands for. The passengers become busy in procuring a seat. The drivers and conductors are also very busy. Their shouts are heard. They try to get as many passengers as they can. A bus stand is always noisy. There are roadside tea-stalls, small shops and hawkers selling betel leaf and cigarette at a bus stand. Magazines and seasonal fruits are also sold here. It is a useful place indeed.

                         A BUS STAND

A bus stand is generally a place where public buses usually stay for some time. Near the place there lies a shed which protects the passengers from the sun and the rain. Sometimes, there is a long queue of passengers in a bus stand. When a bus arrives, there is a rush of passengers to get down and to get into the bus. Taking the advantage of this, pickpockets sometimes pick the pockets of the passengers. There are different types of shops that sell foods, fruits, newspapers and other essentials. Hawkers, with their peculiar shouting, try to sell betels, cigarettes, biscuits, chocolates, newspapers, and such other things. People of all ages while away time here when they get chance. A bus stand in Bangladesh often causes traffic jam because most of the bus drivers do not follow traffic rules. This is a great threat to our smooth communication. So steps should be taken to improve the condition of the bus stands for the betterment of the passengers.

                                    A Bus Stand

A bus stand is nothing but a halting and starting place for buses. In a bus stand, there is a temporary shed for the passengers. It is open on all sides. The passengers wait here to avail a bus. There is a heavy rush of passengers in a bus stand. When a bus comes, passengers rush to get into it. The passengers who are inside the bus are not able to get down from it due to on-rush of the passengers who try to get into the bus. In this way, pushing and pulling among the passengers go on. In some bus stands, there are book stalls and small tea shops. The hawkers sell betel leaf, bread, chanachur, betel nuts, cigarettes, chocolates, newspapers and magazines etc. Now and then, seasonal fruits are sold in a bus stand. When a bus comes, shouts of the helpers and conductors of the buses are hoard continually. Hawkers try to draw the attention of the passengers by their peculiar shouts. In Bangladesh, most of the bus stands do not have sheds. So the passengers suffer under scorching heat of the sun. They also get wet by the sudden shower of rain. A bus stand is not an attractive place. Yet it is a very useful place undoubtedly.

                          My Last Birthday Party

Today birthday is one of most popular and common festivals in any society of the world. It is an important part of our culture. A birthday is a symbol or token of pleasure and enjoyment. The festival reminds our past life. Every year our family celebrates my birthday party very gorgeously. My last birthday ceremony was held at our village home on December 10, 2007. The sky was very clear. Many relatives, friends and neighbour attended the joyful function. I along with my younger sister decorated the house very nicely with coloured papers, flowers and baloons. I put on a new nice dress. Almost all the guests arrived at our home by 5 pm and I received them cordially. Almost all the guests brought some gifts for me. But my uncle brought a nice pilot pen for me and I am fond of the pen very much. All the guests stood around the dinning table. I cut the cake and put out the candles. At that time all clapped and sang, "happy birthday tou." Then, delicious food items were served. All enjoyed the delicious food with satisfaction. In fact. the day was a glorious ceremony.

                           Bangla Academy Book Fair
A good book is the constant companion of any good reader. When new books are published, they need to be made known to the reading realm. To draw the attention of the readers and to popularize the reading habit, book fair is organized on different important occasions. Last I visited a book fair in Bangla Academy campus. It was about 5 pm. when I arrived there. The main gate was nicely decorated. Inside the premises there were about three hundred book stalls set up by different publishing houses. It was a fair of books of different interest. The whole area became over-crowded. Many people were walking aimlessly. There were also children. I enjoyed the atmosphere very much. I had an opportunity to meet several famous poets and novelists. I also bought five books on different issues. The main thing about a book fair is not sale but display of books on different subjects. National Book Center, Jupiter Publication, Naboputhighar Publication, Bangla Academy and many other book publishers took part in the fair. I also met Mr. Anisul Haque, Humayun Ahmed, Jafar Iqbal, Imdadul Haque Milan etc at the book fair.


Cyber Café: A site for multidimensional communication

Cyber Café is the centre where the Internet users can have an easy access to get all types of information. In a cyber cafe there are arranged many computers with Internet connection. Here one can use Internet paying the required amount of money. Different types of people come to a cyber cafe in quest of different types of information. The modern cyber cafe is established providing the users with all sorts of facilities including fast food facilities. Most of the students go to a cyber cafe to get help from various educational corners. At times they collect information of different universities of the world for higher education and sometimes for better job. Those days are not so far when the students can take their class lecture from anywhere of the worlds. It is also sure that some users go to a cyber cafe for gossiping with their friends through Internet. Again, one can have a telephone call with the help of net2phone and with other popular programmes and devices. Some users go there with a view to checking their emails. Some are compelled to go to a cyber cafe because their telephone lines at home remain busy with normal phoning. Going to a cyber cafe the users can get the advantages of voicemail, email, telephone, web-phone, fax, telex and even videoconference. But for videoconference the cyber cafe requires a web camera or a digital video camera that gives the facility of enjoying movie-live pictures each other of the users. Nowadays a physician can treat a patient staying in other country through Internet. Moreover, the modern professional doctors are getting opportunities to make themselves up-to-date and becoming familiar with the new and latest systems of treatments. Besides these, all types of learners are to go to a cyber cafe not only for solving their perspective problems but also for having an acquisition of wisdom from the online Encarta Encyclopaedia, Britannica and many others. Browsing homepage and purchase-corner, the users can learn the price, quality etc of different products of different companies; and they can order them sending MasterCard, Visa-Card, Ready-Cash etc. through Internet. One can download freeware software, virus-protection tools and many other essentials from the web-site of Internet. Web-TV, 3-D games, virtual-reality, IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and so on cannot but excite our mind with entertainment. But the youngsters sometimes enjoy the taboo and obscene pictures and movies that may harm their moral characters. Moreover, they may spend time and money more than necessary. After all, we can say that cyber cafe is getting more and more popular day by day for its great importance.

Culture and Cultural Assault: An adverse effect of satellites

Culture stands for the pre-determined notions, norms, values, beliefs, customs, conventions, music, language and ways of behaviour of persons living in a particular zone. It denotes what is good and bad, what is to be done and what is not to be done. It is determined by the society through the day-to-day activities. It does not stand still and it varies from society to society, country to country and time to time. We can rightly boast of an affluent cultural heritage. We have our own cultural traits and its identity. We have miscellaneous songs based on rural and idyllic pictures of life. We have jari, sari, kobi, bhatiali, polligeeti, Lalongeeti, Nazrulgeeti, Rabindrasangeet, marufoti, swariati, murshidi and local jatrapala. We have our own food habits like rice and fish as well as ways of eating. We have our traditional dress like longyi, dhuti, shirt and punjabi for the male and sharee and blouse for the female. Eid, puja, Buddha Purnima, Christmas Day, Victory Day, Pahela Baishakh, Nabanna and Halkhata are some of our distinguished festivals. All these are our culture and cultural traits. On the contrary, culture which is not known and practised in a society is called alien culture. All alien cultures are not detrimental to a society. A native culture may be enriched and ameliorated enough with the influence of some alien cultures. But some cultures have profound impact on other cultures that might be harmful and then it will be a cultural assault. Cultural assault means bad influence of foreign cultures on any native culture. In the present global world it is quite tough to impede this cultural aggression. With the development of hi-tech media, it has been very easy for a society to be infiltrated by alien cultures. Many of the cultural elements may be influenced in this way. Our Bangladeshi culture is mostly affected because of cultural assault of other countries. Our dress pattern especially for teenagers and young generation has altered a lot. Now people like pop song and band music sung in the western style and with western musical instruments. Besides, our eating habits are also being changed. Today many of us like to take fast food outside home using chopstick, fork etc. Now our young generations prefer celebration of 31 December to that of Pahela Baishakh. They never mind celebrating the Valentine’s Day. However, to get rid of the invasion of alien culture, we should be very much strict to exercise our own culture and flourish our cultural elements. In addition to that, we have to accept miscellaneous alien cultures selectively, which will make our traditional culture more affluent.


‘Children are today’s investment and tomorrow’s dividend’. It does not seem to be true when we look at the thousands of children working around us, even before they begin to bloom. Child labour emerged as a serious problem during industrial evolution and it pervades the world as a global phenomenon. In Bangladesh too, it remains a ubiquitous problem. The most glaring causes that have compounded this evil are back-breaking poverty, large families, lack of free and compulsory education and ignorance of parents. Children from 8 to 12 years of age have to do manual labour. Many of them work as domestic servants. Sometimes they are engaged to work in the fields. They work in shops, hotels and restaurants. They are seen to break brick and stones. Some are found to work as street-hawkers, rickshaw-pullers and car cleaners. They work in small factories. They polish boots, sell ‘chanachur’, ‘badam’ and vegetables. They work as porters. In the platforms of big stations, they are found to work as porters and often they are found to beg. Some of them move as pick-pockets. This undoubtedly jeopardises their future for they have no choice except to work. So, all sections of people of our country as well as the government should give serious thought to this problem. The government should think about the grim situation of child labour. Child labour should be stopped by law.


City life is a pleasant to the rich people. They can enjoy all sorts of comforts in cities. In cities the rich people have colleges and schools for higher education. Doctors, nurse and hospitals are available in cities. There is a good facility for trades, commerce and industry in cities. Most of the people have source of earning. There are clubs all libraries which one can join as member, and cinemas that one can enjoy for joy and pleasure. There is also good communication in the town. But city life is not free from defects. Life in a city is complex and difficult. It makes people more or less complex. People in cities are always busy with their own affairs and no time to look after another. City is rather nasty with it dust, filth and boat smell. Vehicles play constantly in cities. Accidents occur here every now and then. Cheats, pick-pockets, hijackers are abundant in cities. Even all necessary things are available in cities. We need for culture, education and amusement. So, we should try to eliminate the disadvantages of city life and this is nothing impossible to do.





The manual labour done by children is known as child labour. Today it is one of the most major problems in our developing country. It is an inhuman and brutal act. It is also treated as a sinful act. Child labour has become a very common affair in Bangladesh. The street children and the orphan boys and girls are the victims of child labour. Many of the children are engaged in houses as domestic servants and maid-servants. Today most children are engaged in garment factories, cottage industries, shops. hotels, restaurants and many small industries. Many are also seen selling flowers, betel leaves. chanachur. fruits, chocolates, polishing boots and collecting garbage, torn papers and torn clothes. Many are seen begging and catching fish in canals, rivers. haors and beels. They are also seen breaking stones and bricks, carrying brick on their heads and pulling rickshaws. Many child work as porters, in rail station and launch terminals. They have to work from dawn to desk. They have neither recreation nor leisure. 'They are always misbehaved. Sometimes they are beaten mercilessly. They get very poor wages. They are given stale food. They have no scope to receive education. They are deprived of all basic needs and rights of life. But our children are the future leaders of our country. So child labour must be stopped soon by law. Proper education should be made compulsory for them. Social awareness must be created to stop child labour.

                                                             Campus Violence

Education in our country is passing through a stage of crisis. Along with political unrest in the country, campus violence has become almost a daily affair. It appears that the students are there in our colleges and universities only to be engaged in violence throwing their main duty of learning something to dust. The impact of such violence is too many to be described. It may simply be said that Bangladesh is already educationally backward. The teachers are growing unconcerned about the welfare of the students. The students are growing to be more concerned about politics endless about their studies. They are gradually forming the habit of intolerance. The basic principles of democracy for which they are shouting are going to be slaughtered at their hands. The innocent students and guardians are becoming the worst sufferers. Campus violence not only ruins the academic environment but also spoils the life of the students and takes away many valuable lives. They have become puppets in the hands of the so called narrow minded politicians. The self centered narrow minded politicians exploit the innocent students and encourage them terrorism by supplying them with weapons. As campus violence is a demon and no one like to see it again, the government is also keen to make campuses violence free and making student activism a process of leadership building for future, people concerned want to see immediate steps from the government and elder politicians in this regards.


The Curse of Campus Violence

Campus violence is one of the most inhuman and brutal acts in our free land. It is a great social curse. Campus violence refers to clashes between two rival groups of the students in the campus of an educational institution. Today campus violence is very a common scene in colleges and universities in Bangladesh. It is a great wonder that a great number of colleges and the universities have turned into the ground of clashes, violence and terrorism. In fact, an educational institution is a sacred place 41-f) to the learners for gaining education as well as knowledge. Parents send their children there to acquire and receive true and better education to make their life fruitful and successful. But this holy place often turns into the sea of blood of the innocent brilliant students. Many innocent learners take arms and weapons in their hands in place of education under the misguidance of some brutal political leaders or the terrorists or the traitors. Ignorance and illiteracy is also mainly liable for campus violence in Bangladesh. It is great obstacle t­o true and standard education. This brutal ,practice paralyze and averts our social and national development plans and programmes drastically. If violence continues , our all hopes and aspirations         will turn into astray. Campus violence must be wiped out at any cost with a view to saving our young society. Public awareness must be raised. In order to wipe out this brutal act, both the teachers and the guardians must be more conscious and watchful of the students. The students should be taught the value of good moral character and patriotism.


“Child labour” defines an extremely complex set of phenomena. It is undoubtedly one of the curses of new era. Poverty poses to be a great threat in Bangladesh. Their working in the hotels or in the garments, as a tempo helper or a tokai is really pathetic. Sometimes they are engaged in full time job from tender age like domestic servant, day-laborer. It may involve too much physical pressure such as brick clinker, railway porter. In many places, children are mentally and physically oppressed during their work. But a child has right to live and survive well. Being deprived of basic rights, a child cannot become a perfect man. We should ensure their good leaving. A child should be protected from all kinds of threats and oppressions. He has the right to get educated. We should encourage them to learn. We should also ensure a child’s health and hygiene. We should try to improve their physical and mental development. A child should not be forced into labor. We must not expect income from the children. The world community has to be more conscious about this. Child labor should be banned from the society as soon as possible for a better future of the country because one who is child today will be a perfect man tomorrow. All children should be given equal privileges to grow up in the interest of mankind itself.


                                                                 Child trafficking

Child trafficking is a crime against humanity. Trafficking in persons is nothing short of modern-day slavery. It is, therefore, not only a problem for Bangladesh but rather it is a global problem. The most common forms of human trafficking in Bangladesh are, among others: trafficking for sexual exploitation, forced prostitution, domestic servitude, forced labour and other forms of exploitation. Child trafficking is now considered one of the major concerns for Bangladesh. However, various studies reveal that over 1 million women and children have been trafficked out of the country in the last 30 years. A UNICEF report says that approximately 400 women and children in Bangladesh are victims of trafficking each month.  Both internal and cross-border trafficking exist in Bangladesh. In the case of internal trafficking, women and children are often taken away from their homes on false promises of a better life with good employment or by using various other criminal acts and means by the traffickers who sell them to brothels. It is mainly people from rural areas with minimal survival options and those who suffer the worst from discriminatory sociocultural practices who are lured or deceived with promises of a better life and more lucrative job opportunities in cities. At the cross-border level, victims are transported and transferred to destinations further away such as India, Pakistan and Middle Eastern countries, by using illegal acts and processes which culminate in the most corrosive forms of human rights violations and a life of unspeakable agony and torture.

                                                                Cultural Assault

Cultural assault means bad influence of foreign cultures on any native culture. Some cultures have profound impact on other cultures that might be harmful and then it will be a cultural assault.  In the present global world it is quite tough to impede this cultural aggression. With the development of hi-tech media, it has been very easy for a society to be infiltrated by alien cultures. Many of the cultural elements may be influenced in this way. Our Bangladeshi culture is mostly affected because of cultural assault of other countries. Our dress pattern especially for teenagers and young generation has altered a lot. Now people like pop song and band music sung in the western style and with western musical instruments. Besides, our eating habits are also being changed. Today many of us like to take fast food outside home using chopstick, fork etc. Now our young generations prefer celebration of 31 December to that of Pahela Baishakh. They never mind celebrating the Valentine’s Day. However, to get rid of the invasion of alien culture, we should be very much strict to exercise our own culture and flourish our cultural elements. We can rightly boast of an affluent cultural heritage. We have our own cultural traits and its identity. In addition to that, we have to accept miscellaneous alien cultures selectively, which will make our traditional culture more affluent.

                             Courtesy in the perspective of Bangladesh and other countries

Courtesy means showing of politeness in ones attitude and behaviour towards others. It costs nothing but buys everything. The measure of a truly great man is the courtesy with which he treats lesser man. Saying courtesy words like thank you are simple acts of courtesy they make an impact on every one and go a long way in building long lasting meaningful relationships. Few are the words which we use with courtesy ….thank you, you are welcome, i am sorry, excuse me. The traditional greeting for Muslims is Asalamu alaikum to which the response is wa alaikum salam. The hand shake is common although they may feel rather limp. If people are of the same age, they use first names. When visiting a Bangladeshi’s home, it is more common to bring pastries, sweets or good quality chocolates. Patterns of behaviour and action vary from individual to individual, class to class, society to society and country to country. These differences are referred to as cultural differences. What is an appropriate mode of behaviour in one culture might prove inappropriate or even rude in another culture. For example, when Latin Americans talk to each other, they stand about 18 to 12 inches apart, measured nose to nose. To stand further away from each other while talking seems unfriendly, to them. In some Arab countries too, the proper and polite distance for a conversation is to be close enough to feel the other person’s breath. But in British or American society, getting so close during a conversation is considered inappropriate. An example is the informal use of first names among staff holding different status at work. Although it would be a blasphemy for a student to call his/her teachers by their first names in Bangladesh, it is quite common in British colleges and universities.


A craftwork is an applied form of art, a social and cultural product reflecting the inclusive nature of folk imagination. It, which usually doesn’t bear the signature of its maker, retains a personal touch. It is shaped by the interaction of individual creativity and community aesthetics, utility functions and human values. It is distinguished by its maker’s desire to locate himself or herself in the wider and ever-changing cultural aspirations of the community, and subsequently of the market. Certain forms, shapes, styles and aesthetic preferences change little over time, suggesting that a craftwork can function as a stable signifier of community values and desires over time. Mechanical and mass production take away this feeling of assurance and stability and the sense of continuity that the handmade craftwork evokes. Traditionalists contend that the society needs to preserve the authenticity and naturalness of craftworks and their association with domesticity and environment; and, on the other, promoters of machine production argue that the machine has helped restore the appeal of the crafts due to their cheaper production costs. Crafts that are disappearing can and should be revived, even where the machine has made the prospect difficult. And crafts that are still practiced can be safeguarded and made to consolidate their position further. This can be done by providing grants, loans, assistance and other support to the producers, and helping them find a comfortable customer base. But more importantly, craftwork can be branded and successfully marketed throughout the country and beyond as there are always buyers and users of handmade products who feel a strong attraction towards such cultural productes.


A Celebration is a matter of joy and merriment. Generally one celebrates one’s birth anniversary, achieving bright result in the examination, winning competition or match etc. But recovery or illness is sometimes celebrated if there are many efforts after this recovery. As we go through our text book, Mrs. Murshed’s recovery of illness caused by an accident was celebrated in a usual manner. After her recovery from accident she came back her home and decided to arrange a celebration party. On a school holiday she invited all those young boys and girls who helped her to get cured. She not only invited the young teenagers but also their parents. On the celebration day, everybody was present in her house at scheduled time. At first she delivered a short speech to the guests. She thanked them all for their kind co-operation in her recovery. She also thanked them for their participation in celebration. Then she welcomed all to enjoy the feast. After the feast they enjoyed gossip, story-telling. All these things made the celebration party mirthful and enjoyable. Thus a celebration party can be arranged and enjoyed in friendly atmosphere.

                                                       A COLLEGE LIBRARY

Library is a place where there are plenty of books to read or borrow. A college library is a part and parcel of any educational institute. It is the storehouse of knowledge where many ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions of many kinds are imprisoned in the block letters of the books. It contains many books of various kinds. There are books of literature, science, philosophy, commerce, history, arts and so on. There are also some biographies, dictionaries and reference books. There are two rows of open shelves in the library. There are also sitting arrangement for the students to study and take down notes. Students can move around the shelves and choose books according to their need. The man in charge of the library is called the librarian. He keeps the records of the library and issues the students books. There are rules of borrowing and using the library books. The library is a quiet place. Students keep quiet when they enter the library. It is an ideal place for study and meditation. A library helps the students to develop their knowledge. All kinds of prosperity of a nation depend on education which is directly related to the library. It is the best teacher if students can use it properly.

                                                                A COLLEGE CANTEEN

College canteen is a stall where the students, teachers, employees and guests can take light snacks as well as rice. This type of canteen is very important for the students because they can take food front there without going outside. If they go outside, it takes a lot of time and costs money for rickshaw fare. The canteen provides the students with various food items ranging from rice to bread, chicken to vegetables, sandwich to singara, coke to tea, banana to grapes etc. There area wide varieties of food for them. They can cat rice and curry or singara and tea. They can sit in the canteen or take away food from there. In some canteens there are facilities like photocopy, computer and boat stall. Students can bay books, pens, pencils etc from the stall. The canteen is usually furnished with chairs, tables. fans etc. Some canteens keep pure drinking water for the students. Students usually come to the canteen during leisure period to take food or tiffin. But some of the students come here to gossip and pass time discussing fashion, politics, personal affairs etc. Some of them come here to smoke and drink water and tea. So, canteen serves various necessities of students– both good and bad.

                                                         A COLLEGE LIBRARY

Library is a place where there are plenty of books to read or borrow. A college library is a part and parcel of any educational institute. It is the storehouse of knowledge where many ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions of many kinds are imprisoned in the block letters of the books. It contains many books of various kinds. There are books of literature, science, philosophy, commerce, history, arts and so on. There are also some biographies, dictionaries and reference books. There are two rows of open shelves in the library. There are also sitting arrangement for the students to study and take down notes. Students can move around the shelves and choose books according to their need. The man in charge of the library is called the librarian. He keeps the records of the library and issues the students books. There are rules of borrowing and using the library books. The library is a quiet place. Students keep quiet when they enter the library. It is an ideal place for study and meditation. A library helps the students to develop their knowledge. All kinds of prosperity of a nation depend on education which is directly related to the library. It is the best teacher if students can use it properly.


This time I along with our family have visited our village home and spent the Eid festival there. We had reached the village two days before. My two cousins with their families also visited the village. On the eve of the Eid we passed the night in excitement, and made various preparations. Some of us used fireworks and decorated and illuminated our houses. As soon as the day dawned all rose from our beds. We had our bath. Then we dressed ourselves in the best clothes. This being over, all the male members of our family proceeded towards the ‘maidan’ to offer prayers in congregation. We also said our prayer at home. After the prayer my father and brothers came back home and we wished our grandmother, mothers and sisters together. Meanwhile mother and aunts prepared ‘shemai’ and other kinds of sweets. Then all of us took sweets with great joy and merriment. Sweets were also distributed among the poor, friends and relatives. Poor people gathered at the lawn of the houses and my grandfather gave them money and clothes. In the evening we visited the houses of our relatives and passed our time in merry-making. Everywhere we were received with utmost cordiality and hospitality. Then we came back our home. Sumptuous dinner was arranged in our home. At night we all got together and had a gossip for a long time. There we sang songs, cut jokes etc. Thus the day passed through great excitement and bustle.

The Last Independence Day I Celebrated

The independence Day is one of the most remarkable days in our national life. Our independence/ freedom is our great achievement. Our independence was declared at the mid night of 26th March in 1971. But we won the Victory on the 16th December in the same year. So the 26th March is a red letter day in our national life. Every year our nation observes the gala day to show profound love and homage to the heroic sons who died for the cause of our freedom. All educational institutions, offices, banks and organizations hold/ organize discussion meetings, cultural functions and rallies to welcome the red letter day. Every year our college also observes the joyful day in a befitting manner. The last Independence Day was observed more gorgeously in our college. The college buildings were adorned nicely. Our college arrange a discussion meeting at our college auditorium A local freedom fighter Mr Habib was the chief guest in the function. He hoisted the national flag. The students and many freedom loving persons took part in the discussion meeting. The chief guest and the Principal= spoke highly about the great sacrifice of the martyred freedom fighters. I also took part in the discussion on behalf of the students. All stressed on our poverty and hunger alleviation. In fact, the Independence is a day of joy, hopes and inspirations. The day inspires us to fight and protest against any injustice and inhuman act. Really we are proud of our independence.

The Last International Mother Language Day I Celebrated

The International Mother Language Day is one of the most remarkable days in our national life. Our Shaheed Dibash February 21 is now observed as the International Mother Language Day. The day is our great achievement. But the 21st February is the mourning day in our national life. Every nation of the world observes the day to show true love and deep homage towards the martyrs of our Language Movement.

All educational institutions, offices, banks, political parties and other social organizations hoist the National Flag on the top of their buildings or office and hold discussions meetings. rallies and cultural functions to welcome the day. Every year our college also observes the day in a befitting manner. We observed the last International Mother Language Day with due respect too. The college buildings was decorated nicely. Our college arranged a discussion meeting at college auditorium. Our former Principal was the chief guest of the meeting. The students, many guardians and many educated people attended the discussion meeting. The chief guest and our Principal spoke highly about the great sacrifice of the martyrs who died for the cause of our mother language in 1952. I spoke in the meeting on behalf of the students of our college. The day has a great significance and importance in our national life. It inspires us to fight and protest against any injustice and inhuman act.


One celebrates one’s birth anniversary, achieving bright result in the examination, winning competition or match etc. A birthday is observed or celebrated to make one’s birthday memorable or to get amusement. There are much charms of a birthday party because the guests and the hosts get much pleasure from the birthday party. I have recently celebrated my 12 /13 /14th birthday. First I have invited my relatives and friends. Secondly I have decorated my house nicely. I have also put on my new dress. Thirdly I have arranged a birthday cake, which is the main attraction of the party. Fourthly after the arrival of the invited guests, I have lighted the candle, cut the cake chuckling merrily, followed by applause of friends, fans and well-wishers. Then the prepared delicious food is served to the guests. Thereafter, all joining it have felt interested to do something pleasant. So, a short cultural programme has been arranged after the meal. Finally, the guests have left wishing me many happy returns of the day. Thus the celebration of my birthday party has come to an end with joy and merriment.

Celebration of Pahela Baishakh in College

Every year Pahela Baishakh is celebrated across the country to welcome Bangla New Year. It is the first day of Bangla New Year. It is a public holiday in our country. Every educational institution or any office or any organization  or any club celebrates the day every year. Every year our college also holds various special programmes on the happy day. This time too we celebrated Pahela Baishakh in our college compound in a befitting manners . Our college chalked out various ' joyful programmes including a discussion meeting and cultural functions. All the students and many I guardians attended the programmes wearing traditional rich dresses. I went to college at dawn with my grandfather wearing traditional dresses and by  taking traditional foods like Panta Bath with hilsha fish and green chilly .We decorated the whole college campus with coloured papers and various flowers. Many reputed singers, poets, writers and special guests attended the joyful programmes. The Chairman of Comilla Education Board was the chief guest of the day. I recited some poems regarding Pahela Baishakh. My grandfather sang some sweet songs which were the main attraction of the function. Our Bangla teacher made funs and jokes which made all laugh wonderfully. The chief guests and the teachers delivered valuable speeches about the significance of the day. Our principal declared the end of the function thanking all at 5 pm and I returned home at 6 pm with happy mood. The day has a great importance in our life. It removes the monotony of my routine works, gives joy, removes dismal of mind and makes life cheerful.

Climate Change

Climate change refers to an increase in average global temperatures due to the consequence of unchecked pollution. Most climatologists opine that boh natural events and human activities are contributing to the increase in average temperatures surrounding the earth. This is caused primarily by the increases in “greenhouse” gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2). However, the main culprits for global warming are carbon di-oxide gas, and pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons. The destruction and burning down of tropical rain forests, traffic that clogs up city streets, the rapid growth of industry, the use of CFCs, detergents, maritime disaster, human and industrial waste products etc are highly responsible for this change. Now a days global warming has made the environmentalists think about the dreadful consequences. Climatologists predict that midway through the next century; temperatures may have risen by as much as 4 C. This could catastrophically reduce mankind’s ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland. The alarming news about Bangladesh is that as a result of the rise of the sea level, the lower southern part of the country may one day go under water. Pragmatic as well as drastic steps should be taken to create awareness to stop the causes and sources of emitting carbon dioxide. Tree plantation program should be adopted soon. These are the measures the whole world needs to be concerned with a view to preventing global warming.

College Campus

Our college campus is an ideal one in the Upazila. Ours is an ideal and renowned college. It has a good reputation all over Bangladesh for its better education, good results and extra-curricular activities. It has a vast area. Our college campus consists of five academic buildings, one administrative building, a rich library building, a big auditorium, a modern science laboratory building, a modern computer club building, a big college canteen building, two modern hostels, a modern beautiful mosque and a big temple. There are also a big pond, a big playground, a beautiful Shaheed Minar in our college campus. About 4,000 students both male and female are studying here. The whole college campus covers 6 acres of high land near the river. There are hundreds of fruit and medicinal trees around the college compound. So the natural scenery of the college campus is matchless and spectacular. Really, our college campus is worth-seeing . It is never flooded . There is a big car park in front of the main gate of the college. Our principal room is housed in the main building. The four academic buildings and the administrative buildings are four storied each. The classes are held in the four-academic buildings. All the building are modern and south facing. So they are well-lighted and well-airy. A disciplined and lively atmosphere  exists here. Our college campus is free from any chaos and disturbance. On holidays, the students from remote areas come to our college to make a picnic. We feel proud of it. We always keep it neat and clean.


A cultural function is the practical and useful performance relevant to our culture. It gives us joy and helps us to improve our culture. Of many cultural functions I have attended in recent years, I remember the one that took place at our college auditorium in observance of ‘Pahela Baishakh’. The function was arranged by our college authority. Some girls wearing white sari with red corner inaugurated the programme by singing a very melodious song. After that our honourable teacher, Mr. Hasan very beautifully narrated the primitive history of Bangla year. Then started the reciting competition composed by the young poets and based on ‘Pahela Baishakh’. Mr. Nasiruddin, the Principal of our college discussed on the importance of ‘Pahela Baishaka’ in the national life of Bangladesh. The second part of the programme was arranged by different songs composed by the established poets and lyricists. The full audience made the pin-drop silence as some famous new and old singers were performing with superb melody. The third phase of the programme started with the declaring our deep and inborn relationship with ‘Pahela Baishakh’. At the end some tasty food were distributed among all the guests. The deep impression the function left on me will continue living in my memory for many days.


Bangladesh is a land of rich culture and heritage. Baishakhi Mela is a part and parcel of Bengali culture. A ‘Baishakhi Mela’ is an annual gathering. It is a gathering held in villages too. This year along with some of my friends I went to Baishakhi Mela held in the Dhanmondi Club playground. We went there in the afternoon. I found the fair bustling with life. There were various kinds of shops and stalls. They were full of different kinds of things such as toys, handicrafts, potteries, sweets and cakes and many handmade things. The potteries made by the students of Charukala Institute, Dhaka University attracted me most. I purchased some specimens of their potteries only. Prices of things were a great deal higher than I had anticipated. Several book-shops were also there. Children’s books were among them which were sold at a great number. In the evening a discussion was held in which the speakers were from intellectual level of our country. In the fair, people were thronged to different food shops. It also became a place for annual meeting for people. But Baishakhi Mela had a different message to give us. The cultural outlook of the young people ought to be broadened. The authorities should organise more fairs.

Our College Canteen

A college canteen is one of the important and useful parts of a college. An ideal college should have all teaching aids and necessary tools in order to ensure a standard education. A canteen is a place where the employees or the workers of an office or a bank or an industry or a mill take a tiffin during interval. Today a canteen is very common to any educational institutions. A college, canteen is a canteen belonging to a college. It serves tiffin and drinks to the students, staffs and the .teachers of a college during leisure hours or free time. Ours is a big and old college. More- than 2000 students both male and female are reading here. I am lucky that there is a big and modern canteen in our college compound. It is housed (located) at one corner of the college premises. It is south-facing. So it is well-airy and well-lighted. There are necessary chairs, tables and other tools in the canteen. The college canteen supplies us delicious and healthful dishes. It also supplies us hot tea and coffee. Only the students of our college gather here for tiffin during tiffin hours. No outsider is allowed here. We need not go to outside for refreshment or tiffin. We abide by the rules and discipline of our college canteen. So, a -decent er-14ronment always prevails in our college canteen. A college canteen plays a vital role in saving time and keeping sound health of the students. A standard education is not possible in a college without a canteen. So each and every college should have a good canteen in order to ensure a standard education.


Bangladesh is a land of rich culture and heritage. Baishakhi Mela is a part and parcel of Bengali culture. A ‘Baishakhi Mela’ is an annual gathering. It is a gathering held in villages too. This year along with some of my friends I went to Baishakhi Mela held in the Dhanmondi Club playground. We went there in the afternoon. I found the fair bustling with life. There were various kinds of shops and stalls. They were full of different kinds of things such as toys, handicrafts, potteries, sweets and cakes and many handmade things. The potteries made by the students of Charukala Institute, Dhaka University attracted me most. I purchased some specimens of their potteries only. Prices of things were a great deal higher than I had anticipated. Several book-shops were also there. Children’s books were among them which were sold at a great number. In the evening a discussion was held in which the speakers were from intellectual level of our country. In the fair, people were thronged to different food shops. It also became a place for annual meeting for people. But Baishakhi Mela had a different message to give us. The cultural outlook of the young people ought to be broadened. The authorities should organise more fairs.


The crown and glory of life is character. Character includes many moral qualities such as honesty, truthfulness, kindness, sympathy, charity etc. These qualities are like jewels. They bring a man of character honour and glory. The character of a man is revealed in his action, speech and manners. Truth is the breath of a man of character. He is always true to his promise. He is a man of principles. He has sympathy for other people. He does good to others. He has a strong control over his passions. Character is more forceful than learning. A man may be vastly learned. But if he has no character, he will be respected by none. A man may not have much learning. If he has character, he wins the love and respect of the world. A man of character is an asset to the state. A nation whose citizens are men of character is sure to live on the world for ever. But a nation, whose members have no regard for honesty and character, is doomed to ruin. Character is the key-stone of success in life. It is more valuable than money and wealth. All the great men of world flourished in life by virtue of character.


Computer is an electronic device which stores and processes different data and information in it. Computer was discovered mainly to perform different complicated mathematical calculations. However, it was not invented overnight. It was invented after ceaseless efforts of different scientists. Charles Babbage deserves the glory of inventing and modernising this device. Nowadays its functions are not only confined to calculation but also it performs any work useful for us. People in the modem life can hardly do without it. All mho offices, schools, colleges shanks are very much dependent on computerised automation. In the offices big piles of papers are no longer seen because all the data are stored in computer. Banking facility has risen a lot because of computerisation. We even can enjoy songs, movies and play games on computer. However computer has some bad effects as automation may curtail the human employment in offices. It may cause harm to our eyesight. So, we must be careful of the way we use it.



Or, The Uses and the Abuses of Computer

Computer is one of the most wonderful and useful inventions of modern science. Wherever we turn our eyes we can see the blessings/ inventions of science. Computer is a great success of science. It does the works of human brain. So it is called an electric brain. At first computer was invented in China. The modern computer was invented by Charles Babage. an American scientist in 1944. So he is called the father of modem computer. There are two kinds of computer like Analogue computer and Digital computer. Today Digital Computer is widely used all over the world. A computer consists of five principal units like the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit and the arithmetic unit. A modem computer can do/ perform hundreds of difficult things within a short time. It can solve hundreds of problems within a second. Now it is being widely used in all fields such as education, medical science, agriculture, commerce,business, communication, transport. travelling, sports and games, recreation, factories, banks, shopping etc. It is widely used in printing books and preparing the results of examinations. Students are much benefited by using computer. They can learn many things within a short time. It has some defects too. It may cause brain tumour and weakens/ shortens the eye-sight of the operator. Sometimes it gives wrong information. In spite of its some defects it has wonderfully made our life easy, comfortable and happy. In order to make our life more successful we should learn the uses of computer well.


Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. It is operated by software. It is an electronic machine that can perform the work done by human brain. It is used in various ways. It can perform mathematical calculations in a few minutes, which trained mathematicians would need years to complete. The faster computer can handle millions of problems in a few seconds. Without it modern civilisation is meaningless. It is used in every aspect of life. It is used in medical science, engineering, administrative fields, defence, meteorology, astrology, marine science, telex communication, industrial operation, airways, entertainment, research work etc. It has performed an imaginary revolution in the field of information technology. Nowadays Internet is used in innumerable scales. One can get entry to any library of university in anywhere of the world by browsing a computer sitting in Bangladesh. We can visit the whole world just sitting in front of it. A computer promises to free man from monotonous routine tasks. It also can run a business, play chess or even compose music. It is now being used in offices, industries and shopping centres. At present modern civilisation is meaningless without a computer. 





Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. It is the miracle of modern science. It is operated by software. Without software a computer is useless. It is an electronic machine that can perform the work done by human brain. It is used in various ways. It can perform mathematical calculations in a few minutes, which trained mathematicians would need years to complete. It cannot only solve complex mathematical problems but also perform many operations at once and at the same time without any confusion. The faster computer can handle millions of problems in a few seconds. Without it modern civilisation is meaningless. It is used in every aspect of life. It is used in medical science, engineering, administrative fields, defence, meteorology, astrology, marine science, telex communication, industrial operation, airways, entertainment, research work etc. It has performed an imaginary revolution in the field of information technology. Nowadays Internet is used in innumerable scales. One can get entry to any library of university in anywhere of the world by browsing a computer sitting in Bangladesh. On-line communication is a great advantage for us. It can connect the whole world at a glance. We can visit the whole world just sitting in front of it. A computer promises to free man from monotonous routine tasks. It also can run a business, play chess or even compose music. It is now being used in offices, industries and shopping centres. At present modern civilisation is meaningless without a computer.      



Computer has become an integral part of life. A computer is an electronic brain which can perform many tasks. It is a versatile device which can compute and interpret information very quickly. Computer is made up of tiny electronic circuits. Every computer has a key board which acts like a typewriter. The monitor is like a TV screen which we can see. There are various softwares which can be used for various programmes. According to functions, the computer processes the information. It can do various tasks. These are nowadays used almost in every field like weather forecasting, entertainment, business, marketing, planning, design, education, publishing etc. They are even used for making films and cartoons. Computers have become so common that these are found in schools, homes, hotels and offices. It has performed an imaginary revolution in the field of information technology. Nowadays Internet is used in innumerable scales. One can get entry to any library of university in anywhere of the world by browsing a computer sitting in Bangladesh. We can visit the whole world just sitting in front of it. People can even be seen using portable computers while travelling. The software for games, general knowledge and graphics are very popular among children. Without it modern civilisation is meaningless. Computer indeed, is a wonder of modern science.   

A Computer Exhibition/ Fair    


A computer exhibition is a fair where computer and its functions are displayed and exhibited to the common people. So to make computer,.more popular to every fields, computer fairs are held in towns and cites in every country. Today a computer fair is also very common and popular in our country. Every year-, a computer fair is also held in every capital cities in Bangladesh. A world famous computer exhibition is held at Shere-E-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka every year. A computer exhibition displays different brands and function of computer made by different companies of different countries. Computer soft wares and hard wares are also displayed in a computer exhibition to make computer more popular in every sector/ field. People of all ages gather in a computer exhibition. Specially, science students and computer lovers visit a great extent because the buyers get inspired for buying computers. The value of a computer exhibition is very great in our life. We can learn newer and important information and programmes by visiting a computer exhibition regularly. A science student can learn a lot of valuable and important new informationabout computer world by visiting a computer. exhibition.


Character is the combination of habits. It is the crown and glory of life. Honesty, truthfulness, sympathy, charity and other good qualities constitute character. A man of character does good to everybody. He is always honest and generous in his views. He is also a man of principle. He is respected by all. He never plays tricks with his friends. He encourages other people also. A man without character is like a beast. He may be rich or educated, but he is disliked by all. He is a curse to the society. Everybody hates him. Such a person lives a miserable life ultimately. Indeed, a man of character is an asset to the state. A child's character is built up from childhood. Heredity is also a great element to build up character. Environmental influence also plays an important role in moulding one's character. Character brings fame. It makes a man immortal. All the great persons of the world were men of character. Thus we should remember the maxim, 'When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost, but when character is lost, everything is lost'.

Our College Common Room

A college common room is a place where the students of a college get together and spend their free time by reading books and magazines or by playing indoor games or by gossiping. It is an important part of education. Every school or college belongs to a common room, big or small. A college common room is' one which belongs to a college. Ours is a very old and big college in the district. It has a good reputation throughout the country. There is a big common room for the students in our college campus. It is located on the ground floor of the main building of our college. It is decorated nicely. It faces to the south. So it is well-airy and well-lighted. There is a nice arrangement for indoor games in our college common room. In a word, the students of our college enjoy all recreational facilities in the college common room during leisure hours and off periods. The room has chairs, desks and table and other necessary tools for the students. We spend our leisure hours and off periods in the common room by playing indoor games, by reading newspapers and magazine and by watching educational programmes on the TV screen. The female students usually spend their free time by playing indoor games in our college common room. It is a great attraction for us. We always keep it neat and clean. We abide by the rules and discipline of the common room. A lively atmosphere `f) exists in our college common room. No outsider or smoker is allowed here. It is free from all kinds of pollutions. Without a nice common room, the college life becomes dismal and gloomy. It removes the monotony of hard studies of the student. So a college common room is a must  for each and even, college.

Our College Hostel

A college hostel is a place belonging to a college. A college hostel is very common to every college. Generally the students coming from distant places reside (put up) in the college hostel. Ours is an old and big college in the district. There is a big and modern hostel for the students of our college. It is housed         near the big college pond. It is a U shaped and three storied modem building. It faces to the south. So it is well-airy and well-lighted. About 200students reside here. Our college hostel has 30 rooms including a big dinning hall and a big common room. There is a nice and big office room for our hostel superintendent. Prof. Mr. Shaheed is the superintendent of our college hostel. He regularly visits it. In the common room there are all sorts of arrangement for recreation and amusement . There is also a set. of TV at one corner in it. So the students who stay here spend their off periods by watching TV, by playing indoor and outdoor games aril by reading newspapers and magazines. Studious students concentrate on their studies without any disturbance in the hostel. Inattentive students get a chance to concentrate themselves on their studies here. Besides, the weak students can get any help and suggestion from the bright ones in the hostel. 'Me lively and disciplined atmosphere exists in our college hostel. All abide by the strict rules and discipline of the hostel. A hostel has a great value to a student. A college hostel teaches a student how to adjust with others in a new circumstance and helps to make better results in the exam.

Our College Magazine

college magazine is an annual or periodical publication  of the students and the teachers of a college. It is an important part of education. Only bookish knowledge cannot meet the thirst of knowledge of a student. A college magazine plays a vital role in widening the kingdom of knowledge of a student. Almost every college publishes a magazine every year. Ours is an old and ideal college in the district. It has a fame for standard education and extra- curricular activities all over the country. Every year our college publishes an important and successful magazine. The title of our college magazine is "The light of life." A magazine committee is formed in a general meeting of the students and the teachers. The principal of our college is the chief patron of the magazine committee of our college magazine. A senior professor of our college becomes the adviser of the committee. Four members are selected from the senior students of our college. The four members of the committee. assist them for editing and proof-reading and other needful jobs of the magazine. Both the students and the teachers write the necessary articles both in Bangla and English in our college magazine. Our college magazine contains short stories, short essays, poems, riddles, general knowledge etc. The magazine also contains the valuable speeches and messages of the principal and the teachers of our college. All the members of the committee perform their respective duties honestly to publish a magazine in time. A magazine  has a great educative value. Both the teachers and the students get scope to show their creative power, thoughts and views through the college magazine. The magazine inspires the students and the teachers to form the habit of reading, writing and buying magazines regularly.

Our College Library

A library is a room or a building having/ containing a large number of books on different branches of different poets, writers and scholars. A college library is a. library belonging to a college. A library is an important part of education. A school or college can not run well without a library. So every college has a library. Ours is a big and old college in the Upazila. There is a rich library in our college. It is on the ground floor of our college building. It is south facing. So it is well airy and well lighted. It is nicely decorated (TAM). There are 5 thousand books on history, religion, culture, sports and games, computer, science, agriculture and English grammar etc. in our college library. The books are well arranged in selves and in almirahs. The librarian of our college library is very experienced and expert. He is very friendly, helpful, co-operative, dutiful and honest. He always helps us in reading books in library. There is a big reading room in the library. The students can read books in the reading room during off periods. We can borrow books by showing library cards. No outsider is allowed to read books here. It remains open ((*M VM) from I am to 5 pm. We are proud of our college library. We always keep it neat and clean. In fine, it can be said that a college library plays a vital role in making goad results.


A cultural function is the practical and useful performance relevant to our culture. It gives us joy and helps us to improve our culture. Of many cultural functions I have attended in recent years, I remember the one that took place at our school auditorium in observance of ‘Pahela Baishakh’. The function was arranged by our school authority. Some girls wearing white sari with red corner inaugurated the programme by singing a very melodious song. After that our honourable teacher, Mr. Hasan very beautifully narrated the primitive history of Bangla year. Then started the reciting competition composed by the young poets and based on ‘Pahela Baishakh’. Mr. Nasiruddin, the Headmaster of our school discussed on the importance of ‘Pahela Baishaka’ in the national life of Bangladesh. The second part of the programme was arranged by different songs composed by the established poets and lyricists. The full audience made the pin-drop silence as some famous new and old singers were performing with superb melody. The third phase of the programme started with the declaring our deep and inborn relationship with ‘Pahela Baishakh’. At the end some tasty food were distributed among all the guests. The deep impression the function left on me will continue living in my memory for many days.



A cultural function is the practical and useful performance relevant to our culture. It gives us joy and helps us to improve our culture. Of many cultural functions I have attended in recent years, I remember the one that took place at our school auditorium in observance of ‘Pahela Baishakh’. The function was arranged by our school authority. Some girls wearing white sari with red corner inaugurated the programme by singing a very melodious song. After that our honourable teacher, Mr. Hasan very beautifully narrated the primitive history of Bangla year. Then started the reciting competition composed by the young poets and based on ‘Pahela Baishakh’. Mr. Nasiruddin, the Headmaster of our school discussed on the importance of ‘Pahela Baishaka’ in the national life of Bangladesh. The second part of the programme was arranged by different songs composed by the established poets and lyricists. The full audience made the pin-drop silence as some famous new and old singers were performing with superb melody. The third phase of the programme started with the declaring our deep and inborn relationship with ‘Pahela Baishakh’. At the end some tasty food were distributed among all the guests. The deep impression the function left on me will continue living in my memory for many days.


Computer is the latest miracle of modern science. It has become a part and parcel of modern age. An American scientist named Howard Aiken invented the computer in 1944. Now its use is world-wide. It has revolutionised modern life and civilization. Its use covers every aspect of life. It has almost become a substitute for man. Nowadays, a computer is used in various ways. It is being used in schools, colleges, banks, hospitals, offices, airports, shops, factories, laboratories and almost everywhere. It is the most sophisticated electronic brain 'doing all sorts of difficult calculations, keeping records and storing data for us'. It is used in "adding up columns of figure or flying an airplane on a fixed beam". In the field of medical examination it has simply done wonders. It is also used in weather forecasting. It solves the unemployment problem to a large extent in our country. It has quickened and simplified the process, which no human brain can do. It has thus saved time and labour. In a word, we can say that it has made our life easier in this universe.



A Celebration Party is a matter of joy and merriment. Generally one celebrates one’s birth anniversary, achieving bright result in the examination, winning competition or match etc. But recovery or illness is sometimes celebrated if there are many efforts after this recovery. As we go through our text book, Mrs. Murshed’s recovery of illness caused by an accident was celebrated in a usual manner. After her recovery she came back her home and decided to arrange a celebration party. On a school holiday she invited all those young boys and girls who helped her to get cured. She not only invited the young teenagers but also their parents. On the celebration day, everybody was present in her house at scheduled time. At first she delivered a short speech to the guests. She thanked them all for their kind co-operation in her recovery. She also thanked them for their participation in celebration. Then she welcomed all to enjoy the feast. After the feast they enjoyed gossip, story-telling. All these things made the celebration party mirthful and enjoyable. Thus a celebration party can be arranged and enjoyed in friendly atmosphere.


Different cultures have different occasions. Various cultures all over the world celebrate various events at different times of the year. These range from small 'family occasions like births, marriages and deaths to weeklong festivals involving thousands of people. Baishakh is the first month of the Bangla year. So, people in Bangladesh are accustomed to celebrating the Bangla New Year. The newyear is celebrated traditionally and some people think superstitiously that if they pass the beginning of the year happily, the whole year will go fine. However, people in rural and urban areas don't observe the occasion in the same way. In the rural areas, people make sweets and pithas, wear. new dresses and arrange feasts. In important areas. fair is held. In these fairs, people buy and sell their hand-made articles which include earthen pots, dolls and different toys. Children like to buy sweets and light foods. In some places cultural functions are arranged. In urban areas, the celebration differs but not much. In cities people come out of their houses early in the morning. Men wear punjabi-pajamas and women wear yellow and white sarees. People gather at a place where cultural activities are arranged. These cultural activities include dancing and singing. Rallies, procession and fairs arc also held. People like to eat 'pants bhat' and hilsa fish which can be bought at fairs. People feel joyous and happy as they celebrate the new year.



Bangladesh is beset/ troubled with various frightful problems. Corruption is one of the most major problems in our country. Corruption means illegal and dishonest activities of the high authority of different sectors. Now-a-days corruption has become a very common word to each and every authority of every sector. Our some brute politicians and some police men are also greatly liable for corruption. Now it is a very common practice to the politicians, to the officers and to the clerk. During the last three times Bangladesh has been identified as the most corrupted land in the world. There are many reasons of corruption in Bangladesh. Greed and dishonesty are the main causes of corruption. Unpatriotism and bad moral character are also the another prime causes of corruption. The effect of corruption is very alarming and panic. It has already sucked up the life of our national economy and broken down the back bone of our development. Our development plans, efforts and programmes have been destroyed tremendously. As a result, various crimes, offences, sinful acts and lawlessness have increased in ever fields s and sectors. Our productive sectors and agriculture are almost dead. Extreme poverty and price hike are going on in our country. Owing to the corrupted people must be punished and controlled with an iron hand in order to reach our desired goal. All conscious people along with government must come forward to prevent and root out corruption from the country. It is a happy news that our present government have already adopted and started campaign to stamp out corruption from the country. If we fail to wipe out corruption, our 'freedom will be meaningless.


‘God made the country and man made the town’. Therefore town is a product of man. Town life has some distinct characteristics. The people living in the cities suffer from different types of crisis in the cities. It is very costly to live in the city. People in cities find life very busy and routined. They can hardly ever stand at one place for long. They are continuously entrapped in motion and rush. They must move as must the water of the river. Everyone tries to have his interests fulfilled. So they are selfish to the backbone. At every step a person meets deceit, fraud and dishonesty in the city. People have little or no sympathy for one another. The city grows in a small area with a large population. The houses here are congested. Light and air cannot enter into it freely. Here life is threatened by severe environmental pollutions caused by dust, smoke, buzz, smell of carbon mono-oxide, continuous obnoxious sounds of motor vehicles and factories, filths and hardened touch of bricks tiles and pavements. Cars, buses, taxies, lorries, scooters and rickshaws ply along the streets from morning to midnight. There are street accidents, traffic jams. All these tell upon the nerves of the people living in the town.             

My Daily Routine

Without maintaining a daily routine our life can not be successful and fruitful . A daily routine is a must to everyone to make a decent life. So, everyone should maintain a daily routine. A daily routine/ life denotes ("M) the dally activities of our life. I am a student of class xi. I maintain/ follow a daily routine properly. I get up from bed before sunrise. I wash my face and hands and say my morning prayers  at mosque in time. Then I walk in the open field for half an hour. Then I have my breakfast go to my reading room and learn my lessons for two hours. Next, I take bath and my meal. I start for college at 9 ann. Our Language Day has been recognized as the International Mother Language Day on the 30th General Assembly of the USNESCO on November 17 in 1999. Different organizations and institutions chalk out different programmes on the day to pay proper homage to our language martyrs. On the day thousands of people of all ages and classes assemble at the Central Shaheed Minar on bare footed to show respect and love to the language martyrs. February 21 reminds that these who died for mother tongue are always alive in the hearts of the country men.



My day starts just before the cock crows. I leave my bed early in the morning and take preparation for my morning prayer. After saying my prayer, I walk in the field adjacent to our house for half an hour. As I return from my walk, I feel like a second spell of sleep. But I have to get up soon because mother never allows me to remain in bed after sunrise. I start my studies at 6-30 and prepare my lessons till 9-30. I go to bathe then. I finish my bath and breakfast quickly. I start for school. Our school sits at 10-30 a. m. and breaks up at 3-30 p.m. I always listen attentively to what my teachers say and teach in the class. I go home straight after school. Then I spend the afternoon with friends in the playground or in the house of one of our friends, then home again as darkness starts falling. I wash my hands, feel and mouth. Mother brings me some light refreshment. Then I sit at my desk and do my study for at least three hours. When it is time for eating, all the members of our family meet in the dining room. We eat together and exchange our day’s experience with one another. Then we pass some of our time in watching television. This is the time when we have some fun and feel absolutely relaxed. I generally go to bed before it is 11 o’clock. This is, in short, the description of a usual day in my life. But I don’t follow this routine all the days of the week. There are departures from it on holidays. On holidays, I am very busy with my personal sundry tasks. But I perform my daily activities smoothly and enjoy equally everyday of the week.            



Deforestation: An unwise act leading to disasters

Deforestation means cutting down trees in large number. The causes of deforestation are many. Bangladesh is one of the most densely-populated countries in the world. Her population is much more in proportion to its area. This huge number of population needs more food, shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture, medicine etc. People cut trees for various purposes. Most of the villagers cut down trees to use them as fuel. Some of them use trees as wood, wooden furniture and some sell trees for getting quick profit. There are some dishonest people who cut trees in the forests to make money. The effects of deforestation are too many to describe. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. The existence of wildlife is going to be threatened. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, the world is becoming warmer. The sea level is rising and many parts of the world are going to be engulfed by the sea in near future. On the other hand, new areas of the world are turning into deserts as a result of deforestation. The removal of trees causes birds and other animals living on them to leave the place. It also causes serious damage to the soil, as trees give protection to soil as well. Aftermaths, the soil gets sediment in the riverbed and causes frequent floods. So, if we destroy trees at random, one day the country may turn into a great desert. All living animals and birds will not find any food or shelter to live in. That’s why they will be destroyed. There will be no rain and as a result our agriculture will face a great crisis. The temperature will rise and it will cause green house effect. The country will be unsuitable for living and various natural calamities like flood, drought, storm, earthquake etc. will visit our country. Immediate measures should be taken to prevent deforestation. People should be made aware of tree plantation through mass media. And tree plantation programme should be extended throughout the country so that we can make our country evergreen, fruitful and prosperous.



Diarrhoea is a common disease in our country. It is an epidemic. It usually breaks out after the visitation of floods and in scorching summer season. People who do not maintain the cleanliness are often attacked by diarrhoea. Every year many people including children are attacked by diarrhoea in our country. When people are attacked by diarrhoea, they suffer from the deficiency of water, which is called dehydration. Diarrhoea spreads through contaminated food and water. So drinking unsafe water or eating contaminated food causes diarrhoea. In some areas people live in congested houses and drink contaminated water. Such people are often attacked with diarrhoea. The patients feel weak and vomit every now and then and emptying of bowels are frequent. People attacked by diarrhoea feel thirsty and suffer from malnutrition. If this situation continues, the patient gradually grows weaker. Sometimes the condition becomes so fatal; it even causes the patient death. To recover from illness, primarily rehydration mixture is prescribed to the patients. Along with the oral saline, patients are advised to take all types of food items regularly. To prevent diarrhoea people should drink safe water, eat fresh food and keep the environment safe and healthy. They should wash hands with soap or ash before eating and after using the toilet. Using sanitary latrine is indispensable for keeping the environment healthy. Above all, Maintenance of cleanliness is a must for a patient of diarrhoea. 


Tree is one of the most mentionable gifts of nature. In many ways it is very useful to us. Trees produce oxygen which is the vital ingredient for life. Besides, we need them for many more reasons. Trees make the land fertile. They save the land from erosion. They provide us with wood and other products. They give us shade and they help to prevent droughts and floods. They cause rain. They save our houses from cyclone and tidal bore. They also provide us different types of crops and nutritious fruits which are full of food values. Above all, trees make a balance in the environment. So life cannot be imagined without trees or forest. On the other hand, we know ‘deforestation’ means removing trees or forest from one place. A very few people care to plant new trees. Our country is now at a deficit in necessary timber. One of the main reasons is that people in rural areas indiscriminately cut trees for getting firewood. They use it as fuel. But our people are simply careless for planting new trees in the place of the old one. If there are no trees, there will be little or no rainfall. Then there will be a great change in the whole atmosphere. As a result the whole country may turn into a desert. So, Rabindranath, the great poet rightly said, “Give back the forest, take your town.” Hence we have to realize the bad effect of deforestation and plant more and more trees in the roads and highways, in the houses and there where a land remains unused.


The term diaspora is used to refer to the movement of people who have left their ancestralhomelands and settled in other parts of the world, either because they were forced to do so or because they wanted to leave on their own. The word is increasingly used for such people as a collective group and/or a community. Its origin is traced in thousands years back. In the Bible there is reference of diaspora. In the history of human civilization, we find a number of events of it. The world has seen many diasporas but scholars have been studying the phenomenon with great interest only in recent decades. They have distinguished between different kinds of exoduses based on its causes such as imperialism, trade or labour migrations or by the kind of social coherence. Among the great diasporas of history is that of the Jewish people, who were forced to leave their lands in ancient times. Their ancestor Abraham was forced to leave Iraq and took shelter in Egypt. Then his offspring Jews were forced to leave Egypt and settled themselves in Palestine. In twentieth century history, the Palestinian diaspora has attracted a lot of attention and been a cause of concern for world leaders because of the plight of Palestinians. The movement of Aryans from Central Europe to the Indian sub-continent thousands of years ago is also a noteworthy diaspora, although the causes of this diaspora are unclear. There have been massive diasporas in Africa, too, over the centuries, either because of war or because of the ravages of nature. But the chief reason why the phenomenon of diaspora is attracting so much attention now is globalization.


Diarrhoea is a common disease in our country. It is an epidemic. It usually breaks out after the visitation of floods and in scorching summer season. People who do not maintain the cleanliness are often attacked by diarrhoea. Every year many people including children are attacked by diarrhoea in our country. When people are attacked by diarrhoea, they suffer from the deficiency of water, which is called dehydration. Diarrhoea spreads through contaminated food and water. So drinking unsafe water or eating contaminated food causes diarrhoea. In some areas people live in congested houses and drink contaminated water. Such people are often attacked with diarrhoea. The patients feel weak and vomit every now and then and emptying of bowels are frequent. People attacked by diarrhoea feel thirsty and suffer from malnutrition. If this situation continues, the patient gradually grows weaker. Sometimes the condition becomes so fatal; it even causes the patient death. To recover from illness, primarily rehydration mixture is prescribed to the patients. Along with the oral saline, patients are advised to take all types of food items regularly. To prevent diarrhoea people should drink safe water, eat fresh food and keep the environment safe and healthy. They should wash hands with soap or ash before eating and after using the toilet. Using sanitary latrine is indispensable for keeping the environment healthy. Above all, Maintenance of cleanliness is a must for a patient of diarrhoea. 


‘Deforestation’ means removing trees or forest from one place. This is the problem haunting the whole world. According to the ecologists, for liveable environment there should be forest on the 25% land of the total land area. In Bangladesh there is 16% forest of the total land. To meet up the basic needs of food and housing, man is destroying forest without caring for the ecological imbalance. Our country is now at a deficit in necessary timber. One of the main reasons is that people in rural areas indiscriminately cut trees for getting firewood. But our people are simply careless for planting new trees in the place of the old one. Green patches of land are no more green. New areas of the world are getting deserts as an immediate effect of deforestation. The removal of trees causes the birds and other animals living on them to leave the place. It also causes serious damage to the soil, as trees give protection to soil as well. Moreover, the soil gets sediment in the river bed and causes frequent floods. In absence of trees carbon-di-oxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, there is global warming. The sea level is rising. Any time in future the earth may be engulfed by seas. Hence we have to realise the bad effect of deforestation and plant more and more trees in the roads and highways, in the houses and there where land remains unused.




The Curse of Deforestation

Deforestation denotes the indiscriminate cutting down of trees and the burning down of forests. Today it is a global problem too. It is getting very acute form all over the world day by day. Everyday huge fire wood is used as fuel in brickfields and for cooking food. Besides, a lot of wood is used for making furniture, houses, boats, ships, shops and many other purposes. Illiteracy is the root cause of defore8tation. Population explosion and acute poverty are the major reasons of deforestation in our country. Public unawareness is the another principal reason of this unwise act. As a result of deforestation, carbon-di-oxide is increasing in the air rapidly. It causes global warming. It hampers ecological balance. It brings about various natural disasters .It affects our agriculture drastically. It also causes acute river-erosion which engulfs huge cultivable land, many houses, roads. culverts, schools and colleges etc. every year. Deforestation endangers the wild life and our decent life on earth. As a result of deforestation, the sea-level is increasing at an alarming rate. Random destruction of trees and forest must be stopped by enacting new and strict law and by creating social awareness and by removing illiteracy from the society. Population problem must be controlled and early marriage must be banned. The widespread use of wood must be stopped and the danger of deforestation should be telecast widely through mass media. Tree plantation programme must be made successful to subdue deforestation.

Drug addiction

Drug addiction refers to such state of not being able to stop taking illegal harmful substances like heroin, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, phensidyl etc that people take through smoking, inhaling or injection. It being a brain disease leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. It can lead to a range of both short-term and long-term mental and physical health problems. Unemployment problem, environmental factors, political unrest, family feud, lack of love and affection lead a man to frustration which is the main cause of drug addiction. It destroys us morally, physically and financially. Dependence on drugs can create a number of dangerous and damaging complications. People who are addicted to a drug are more likely to get an infectious disease, such as HIV, either through unsafe sex or by sharing needles.  Young people involved in crimes to get money for taking drugs. Behavioral changes may cause marital or family conflict and custody issues. It can also cause declining performance at work, absenteeism and eventual loss of employment. The best way to prevent an addiction to a drug is not to take the drug at all. Drug-addicts must be treated with love and kindness. A strong, stable bond between you and your child will reduce your child’s risk of using or misusing drugs.The society should take strong measures to control the dishonest businessmen and drug-traffickers. The highest punishment of dealing in or smuggling drugs is death in Bangladesh. There are laws of drug-control all over the world, yet drug-addiction is increasing gradually. What is needed an anti-drugs consciousness among the youth of the different countries.

Dowry System: A heinous social curse

The most heinous system prevalent in our country is the dowry system. We often read in newspapers that wives especially newly married girls are tortured by their husbands in all possible ways. It is, therefore, regarded as a social evil and has become pressing problem to be solved. To eradicate this social evil, we must find the loophole and one should remain satisfied with mere laws and by-laws or enactment of some rules. Total change in the outlook of the society is the crying need at this moment. As it is a social evil, we are to tackle it socially. Society must be free from the idea of disparity and false feudal values, which do not recognise woman as the equal partner of man. Social and public boycotts are two of the main weapons that may be used. Additionally, strong legal measures should be taken against the erring parents who are indulging in this practice. Young men and women must come forward to put an end to this disgraceful system. Very often we move from one seminar to another, but there is no co-ordination between our words and our actions. We are not evaluating our movements, nor monitoring actions. While on one hand the dowry-related crimes continue to increase, on the other hand the programmes aimed at stopping dowry also continue to flourish. Of course, we should not belittle the struggle that has been continuing against dowry. As the problem of dowry springs from a male-dominated, poor and backward society, the movement against this issue must include socio-economic, cultural, political forces and women’s organisations. The political parties and government must match word with action. General inequality is a major cause of dowry. Improving women’s position in society would be an effective measure against dowry. The over-extravagant expenses for weddings and marriage-related functions must be curtailed as the bridegrooms often take dowry so as to meet these costs. The girl’s guardians must also be conscious about the issue. A girl should be brought up to be self-dependent. There is a tendency for the girl and the girl’s family to simply tolerate the oppression because of risk the marriage’s breaking up. The families must resort to legal action rather than encourage the girl to bear the oppression due to social shame and honour. Educated girls are also asked for dowry, but the poor illiterate girls have no alternative if abandoned by their husbands for dowry. Unfortunately in the rural areas, the daughters of poor farmers often study and work in order to earn enough money to pay dowry. The activists of all spheres against dowry must keep these factors in mind to eradicate dowry effectively. 

Dowry System

Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they get married. Nowadays the system of giving and taking dowry in marriage is more prevalent in Bangladesh. To eradicate this social evil, we should remain satisfied with mere laws and by-laws or enactment of some rules. Total change in the outlook of the society is the crying need at this moment. Young men and women must come forward to put an end to this disgraceful system. The political parties and government must match word with action. General inequality is a major cause of dowry. Improving women’s position in society would be an effective measure against dowry. The girl’s guardians must also be conscious about the issue. A girl should be brought up to be self-dependent. There is a tendency for the girl and the girl’s family to simply tolerate the oppression because of risk the marriage’s breaking up. The families must resort to legal action rather than encourage the girl to bear the oppression due to social shame and honour. Educated girls are also asked for dowry, but the poor illiterate girls have no alternative if abandoned by their husbands for dowry. Unfortunately in the rural areas, the daughters of poor farmers often study and work in order to earn enough money to pay dowry. The activists of all spheres against dowry must keep these factors in mind to eradicate dowry effectively.

Digital Bangladesh

Digital Bangladesh means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where information will be available on line. Here all the possible tasks of government or semi-government will be performed using digital technology. The motto of digital Bangladesh is to establish technology based digital governance, e-commerce, e-agriculture, e-production, e-education etc. The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a digital Bangladesh, corruption will be reduced radically.  It will make people think globally and connect them with the whole world economically, socially, politically, academically and even culturally.  It will improve our banking and financial activities. Agriculture, health, education, commerce – all these sections will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one. To make our country digital first of all, uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured and we have to develop computer network skill and ensure equitable access. Finally, our education should be computer based and in primary and secondary schools students should get easy access to the computer.   Some products like software and TV programmes are also amenable to digital transmission. We will be able to buy and sell goods through the electronic screen if we can make a Digital Bangladesh. Undoubtedly, encouraging development towards digitalization of Bangladesh by 2021 can be possible. The ambitious dream for a Digital Bangladesh will remain a dream if the government can not equip the people with the technology needed for establishing the digital era.     

Duties of a Student Or, Students and Social Service

Students are the greatest force as well as the future leaders of a Country. They can build or destroy a nation. The primary duty of students is to acquire knowledge and to make themselves worthy citizens. It is needless to say that they get much time for merry making, playing, amusements, touring etc. apart from their routine life of study.Then they should pay attention to the welfare of the society. Students have no worries about earning their livelihood. They have strength and capacity. Students should go to the villages and serve the villagers during vacation. They can make the illiterate masses aware of their rights and duties. Hence the students can guide the people of digging canals or constructing educational institutions. Sympathy and fellow feeling should be imparted the students to do some noble works for the people. Students can co-operate with people on matters of public interest such as education, sanitation, trade and commerce. Students can participate in cleaning drains, ponds during the leisure hours. They can help people during natural calamities such as earth quake, flood, drought, cyclone by collecting funds from different sources. Students have a spirit to work but the guardians and, teacher should guide them in the right way. Student must be the servants of humanity. The aim of all true education is to teach a man how to live and lot others live. A student can learn this though social service. He gains experience, courage and confidence. Thus social service makes him fit for the greater world.    

                                    DENGUE FEVER

Dengue fever is a disease of Aedes mosquito-borne infection. Aedes mosquito bites during day and transmits dengue virus. It breeds in clean stagnant water both indoor and outdoor. If a person is infected, its symptoms become apparent in four to six days. Dengue virus originating from Africa, is now endemic in most tropical countries of Asia. According to the information of medical science at first dengue fever was experienced at Philadelphia in 1780. Death due to infection of dengue fever occurred in Australia in 1837. Dengue fever has broken out in Bangladesh in recent years. There are two types of dengue fever. They are classical dengue fever and Dengue Haemmorrhagic fever is fatal and it causes death with bleeding. There are four serotypes of dengue virus, such as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. DEN-2 and DEN-3 are more serious. Dengue mosquito is about 5 millimetres in size with stripe on the body and legs and can fly up to about 50 metres at a time. It breeds in small pots, jars, drums and discarded plastic containers and tyres. It lives on blood and it Aedes female mosquitoes cannot breed without blood. There is no antidote of dengue virus. So we should take immediate action to prevent this disease.    

                               DRUG ADDICTION

Drug addiction is a social problem. But it is no longer a social problem of specific society, it has become a global issue. The number of drug addicts has increased all over the world. Especially, in the under-developed countries the picture is very alarming. Many young people have become addicted to drugs in our country. Reasons for this addiction are many. Of them political interest, unemployment, lack of family ties are some of the main reasons which make them addicted to drugs. Out of complete frustration they become drug addicts. Drug traffickers also play a major role to instigate the young generation to this fatal habit. Once anybody takes to this habit he can hardly give it up. Many young people who suddenly become drug addicts find difficult times to buy the costly drugs marketed by the organized drug dealers. When their financial sources to buy drugs become exhausted, they commit many social crimes. Their crimes include looting, hijacking, killing, robbery and abduction. Drug addicts also become a burden for the society. They never enjoy sound health and become crippled, in most cases die, very shortly. Drugs have serious bad impacts on the human mind and body. It is a serious national issue of utmost importance. The government, the police, the local civil administration, the political parties, the parents and the common people must respond to the issue with concerted efforts to stop this fatal practice among the young generation of the country.

The Curse of Drug Addiction Or,

 Drug Addiction

Drug addiction means strong attraction for taking harmful drugs such as

wine, opium, morphine and heroine etc. It is the most injurious habit of a man's life. It is a curse to human civilization Today it has become the global problem too. When a person once starts taking drugs, he cannot stop taking it. It is an alarming news that many students in our society have already addict to drug-addiction. Bad association is one of the prime causes of this henious habit. Unemployment problem, restless politics and lack of family ties are liable for this dangerous habit. Some people take drugs to forget their past painful and sorrowful memories, some for amusement and some as a fashion. In order to collect money, the addicts commit various social crimes and sinful acts such as hijacking, smuggling, stealing, snatching, looting, killing etc. An addict always feels drowsy (sleepy) and suffers from severe headache. He totally loses his dignity in the society. He also loses the love and affection of his near and dear ones. Various natal diseases engulf him. He suffers from physical weakness, s, high blood pressure and many other fatal diseases. His kidneys and livers also get damaged seriously. This dangerous habit leads an addict to death. It is high time we started a strong campaign against drug addiction to save our young society as well as the nation. Illiteracy and ignorance must be driven away from the society. Social awareness can play a vital role in eradicating drug addiction. If we fail to stamp out this terrific habit, our all development plans and efforts will be fruitless and meaningless.

                              EARLY RISING

Early rising is the habit of getting up from bed early in the morning. It is a very good habit. The habit is beneficial to health. The man who rises early finds time to take some sort of exercise or a walk in the morning air. The morning air refreshes both body and mind. This certainly improves our health and increases our capacity to work. The habit gives us an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of Nature. There is a calm and serene atmosphere everywhere. In the morning all Nature is fresh and beautiful, trees are vocal with the songs of birds, flowers smile everywhere and the din and bustle of the day is absent. Enjoyment of these natural beauties sharpens our feelings and makes us cheerful and healthy. The beautiful gifts and coloured nature in the morning remind everybody of the Almighty. An early riser has many advantages. The habit enables him to begin his day’s work early. He has, therefore plenty of time to do it thoroughly. He gets the start in everything before others, who keep late in bed. He is never in haste. As he has more time to work, he can earn more and thus becomes wealthy. So, the habit of early rising is the source of health.




Early Rising

Early rising is one of the good habits of a man's life. The habit of getting up from bed early at morning is known as early rising. This good habit plays an important role in making a life successful, comfortable, fruitful and happy. Regarding this good habit there is a wise English saying. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." In fact, it is a true proverb. Fresh air and pure oxygen are very essential to sound a health and long life. It is the only early riser who can enjoy fresh air and pure oxygen in the morning. The fresh and cool air refreshes both our mind and body. An early riser gets enough time to finish his works properly in time. He never puts off his today's work for tomorrow. The student who rises early in the morning can learn more and can make a better result in the exam. On the other hand a late riser can earn poor and leads a poor and sorrowful life. He is deprived of the facilities and pleasure of life. He is deprived of enjoying the real beauty of nature. But an early riser leads a happier, healthier and longer life. I am an early riser. So I am healthy and always make a better result in the exam. Early rising is a great source of health, wealth and wise. This good habit should be formed .1t from the very childhood in order to lead a decent life.

Early Rising

Early rising means getting up from bed early in the morning. It is a good habit which greatly helps our mental and physical development. An early riser can take the fresh morning breeze and enjoy the beauties of nature. To walk or to take physical exercise in the open air is good for health. It makes us active, strong and energetic. If a man gets up in the early hours of the morning, he can begin his day's work early. An early riser gets enough time to perform his duty and does not suffer in future for want of time. Generally we remain undisturbed by noises of the ordinary world in the morning. As a result, we can concentrate ire our work. A student who rises early in the morning can learn and remember his lesson better than those who get up late. A late riser can not enjoy the blessings of the morning. Sometimes he performs his duties hurriedly and thus he can not do his work according to schedule. He suffers from ill health and temperament. Therefore, the habit of early rising should be formed from early stage of life. In a word, early rising makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


Duty towards parents is a great virtue. Indeed parents are second to none in this world except God. They are the only source of our lives on earth. Parents are our best friends and well-wishers on earth. When we were born first, we were quite helpless. They tenderly brought us up and looked after us during our infancy. So to speak, there is none to love us more like them. We have many duties to be done for our parents. As parents sacrifice everything for our happiness, it is our bounden duty to serve them and look after them in all possible ways. Particularly we should look after them when they become old, helpless as we were in our childhood. We should supply their needs properly. When they become weak, sick and infirm in old age, we should look after and nurse them with tenderness and care. We should fulfill all their wishes. We should not do anything that may hurt their feelings. A son who is not obedient to his parents can never prosper in life. On the contrary, obedience and performing duties to parents bring happiness, pleasure and satisfaction in life. In short, duty to parent is endless. So, every son every son and daughter should serve parents by obeying their orders, their advice and by looking after them with due care and heartfelt love.           



A common saying goes that childhood is a dream, youth a blunder and old age a regret. Many of the old, aged, elderly persons continue to be battered, strangled to death, rendered homeless and forced to live the last few years of their life in loneliness and despair. Elderly persons are the people of greater age, experience and authority. They were the strength of our civilisation. In every locality there are lots of elderly persons. We can take many effective measures for them. We can extend helping hand to elders. We can raise a fund for the welfare of the older persons. By this fund we can establish an older persons’ inn. All the helpless older people of the locality will be able to stay there free of living cost, medical treatment cost etc. With the help of the wealthy section of society we can provide them all kinds of human rights for their recreation and reminiscence. We can arrange gathering for them. Whenever they are in any kind of trouble we can come forth to help them. We can let them know the current information of the world. We can include them in our working opportunity. Social awareness can be raised for the welfare of the elderly persons. We must be kind to them. We must treat them as they treated us when we were helpless babies creeping upon the earth. In a word, the elderly persons should not be neglected anyway.


Dengue is one of the commonest mosquito-borne viral diseases in human.It causes 50-100 million infections every year in tropical countries of Asia, South America and Africa. It is caused by dengue virus, which is transmitted by the daytime-biting of an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue mosquito lives in cool, dark places and around homes, schools and other areas in towns and villages. The female mosquito lays her eggs in clean, stagnant, exposed collection of water like barrels, drums, pots, flower vases, plant saucers, tanks, discarded bottles/ tins, tyres etc. and a lot more places where rainwater collects. The first symptoms of the disease occur about 5-7 days after the infected bite. Symptoms of dengue include fever, headache, severe backache, flushing of the face. If anyone suspects dengue, he should consult with a physician. In a fraction of people bleeding from nose, gum, skin occurs, they can also develop shock. Those patients need hospitalisation for intensive care. To prevent dengue, people should be advised to use mosquito coils, sprays and other mosquito repeliants during the daytime. Babies, old people and others who may rest during the day should use mosquito nets. Curtains can also be treated with a suitable insecticide and hung at windows or doorways to kill or repel mosquitoes. Since mosquitoes which spread dengue breed in stagnant water, all water containers should be kept covered at all times. Discarded containers in which water collects e.g. bottles, cans, bags, tyres etc. should be destroyed. Water from air coolers, tanks, drums, buckets etc. should be drained out. Control measures should be taken by the city corporation along with NGO's & citizen to eliminate adult mosquitoes and eradicate their breeding sites.

Dengue Fever: A disease due to unhygienic environment
Dengue fever has become the ‘talk of the country’ of Bangladesh at present. It has spread throughout whole Bangladesh in an epidemic form. It is a virus fever. There are four different antigenic varieties of dengue viruses and all are transmitted by the daytime biting of adies aegypty mosquito. They are DEN-1, 2, 3 & 4 serotypes. From these viruses, two forms of dengue are recognised. One of them is classical dengue fever and the other is dengue haemorrhagic fever. Classical dengue fever is characterised by the abrupt onset of fever, malaise, headache, facial flushing, troubles pain. This pain is worse on eye movements, conjunctival suffusion and some backache that is a prominent symptom. Lymphadenopathy, petichae on the soft palate and skin rashes may also occur. This classical dengue fever is recovered by seven days. The patient of classical dengue fever should drink adequate water, take complete rest, drink a lot of liquid food, wash whole body with wet-cloth and finally should take the tablets of paracitamol group to decrease the fever. Dengue haemorrhagic fever is very severe. It is believed to be the result of two or more sequential infections with different dengue serotypes. If the symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever of a patient are found, we should take him to the hospital and consult with a doctor immediately. We have to wash the patient’s body again and again with a wet-cloth to mitigate fever. At the extreme case, it may be bleeding. The patient may be given paracitamol but never should be given aspirin group. It is a disease of children and has been found in South Asia and Africa. Adies lays its eggs on standing or stagnant water in the holes of trees, plastic bottles, plastic cans, tin-pots, tyres, green coconut plates, polythene bags etc. All of us should be conscious about the eradication of adies mosquitoes and should take necessary steps for that. Besides, government should highlight it through different media and should take essential measures to protect dengue fever.


Debating is a part of education. It is not only interesting and amusing but also has an educative value in sharpening people’s wits and brightening their intelligence. The students of the reputed school form a society for the purpose of carrying on debates on various subjects. It is known as debating society. In a debate a particular subject is chosen first. The persons of a debating society divide themselves into two groups. One group supports in favour of the subject and another opposes the subject. Both sides try to charm the house by their arguments. The discussion brings out the merits and demerits and ascertains through argument whether it is acceptable or not. At the end, the President clearly explains for and against the subject and closes the debates. Debating develops the power of thinking and expressions of the students. Through this, students get practical training to cultivate reasoning power and the power of thinking. Debating develops a student’s power of speech. It helps pupils to speak logically and relevantly. Debating widens the domain of knowledge. Above all, debating itself is a good education.         


Smoking is a very dangerous habit. People addicted to smoking often suffer from heart attack, chronic bronchitis and some other fatal diseases including cancer. One puff of cigarette smoke contains fifteen billion particles of injurious matters. Nicotine is one of them. Nicotine is so bad that it obstructs the flow of blood through the veins. This reduces the supply of oxygen in the body. It causes the rise of blood pressure and increases the heart beat thereby. Secondly, tobacco tar inside the lungs slow down the action of the cilia and at last destroys them. But cilium is important for sweeping out the germs, mucuses and dirt from the lungs. Thirdly, the presence of carbon mono-oxide in the tobacco smoke drives out the oxygen from the blood and it is equally bad for health. It also harms the nerves, damages the brain and sometimes spoils character. People addicted to smoking lose their appetite for food and energy for power. Smoking can cause irritation in the eye, offend the nose and unsettle the mind. Besides, it also pollutes the environment and air. Smoking is so dangerous that the stench of cigarette is repulsive to a non-smoker. Moreover, it wastes a lot of money. So, smoking needs to be given up and it can be done with a bit of determination.


Dowry is a social curse that has centered into every comer of our country. Dowry system refers to the system or custom in some societies in which a wife or her family must pay money or property or the both to her husband when they get married. The money or the property given is known as dowry. This abominable system is very disgraceful for any woman of self-respect. Women are the victims of his heinous system. The whole family of the bride is to suffer because the parents or brothers of the bride are to arrange the money to give the bridegroom or to his family. Socio-economic, cultural and religious factors are responsible for this detestable system. In some societies it is established as a social norm and they have accepted it normally. A poor husband wants to get a sum of money from his in-laws to start a business or to spend. In some societies it has been a culture to give and take dowry. But Islam does not support taking or giving dowry. The Hindu law withdraws the right of a woman's paternal property when she gets married. For this reason she along with her husband does not hesitate to take dowry. Due to this system the father's family of a bride often gets bankrupt. Dowry system also demeans women. A social awareness against dowry system is a must to stop this evil practice. The conscious and respected people should come forward to stop it. We should even adopt a law against this system.



The Curse of Dowry

Dowry is the most inhuman and alarming custom in our society. It is a social curse . But this evil social custom was more severe in the early age. A wife or her family is forced to pay money or jewellery or furniture to her husband when they get married. The money or property given is known as dowry. A poor family in our society having a maiden (unmarried girl) faces a severe problem owing to this evil custom. The poor parents can't arrange a marriage ceremony of their unmarried daughters due to dowry. Today this heinous custom is very common in our society. The poor and the illiterate girls are the worst victims of this vicious and heinous custom. Almost everyday the grim picture of this brutal sight is seen on TV screen or in newspapers. Gender discrimination is the root cause of it. Illiteracy and ignorance is another root cause of dowry. Extreme poverty and social unawareness are also great causes of this evil custom. Social superstition is another reason of it. The poor parents have to suffer much to meet up the illegal demand. This evil practice harms the dignity of the women society. It hampers severely peace and order in the society. It commits various crimes and sinful acts in the society. Owing to dowry system many parents have already become helpless and landless. In order to get rid of this evil custom social awareness must be raised. Illiteracy, ignorance and social superstition must be removed from the society. True female education should be ensured and new and strict law must be enacted and enforced against this brute custom.


Drug is usually used as medicine to cure diseases. But sometimes it is taken by some people for stimulating effect. This habit of taking harmfuldrugs is called drug addiction. Heroine, opium, morphin, cocaine, phensidyl etc are some of the drugs. The person who once starts taking drugs cannot stop taking it. There are some reasons behind people's getting addicted to the detrimental drugs. Some people take drugs to forget their painful past or memories. Some people take drugs as a pursuit of pleasure. There is also another type of people who at first take drugs as a fun but it turns into an addiction later on. The aftermaths of drug addiction is very dire and despicable. The health of the addicts breaks down. The addicts lose their mental power and courage. He feels drowsy and loses appetite. They lose their social status and the love of their near and dear ones as well. Various kinds of diseases grasp them. They suffer from amnesia, insomnia, nausea, physical weakness, blood pressure and from many other lethal diseases. Their kidneys and livers also get damaged. Drug addiction is not only a national problem but also a global problem. So, it should be stopped by any means. I can save myself from it by self-consciousness, by keeping myself aloof from bad companies and by being strict. minded against it.


A day labourer is he who has no land of his own and thus earns his bread by the sweat of the brow. He may work as a sweeper, a mason, a carpenter, a goldsmith, a peasant and an earth digger. His service is essential for the country. He produces crops by his hard labour. He cleans dirty places and makes them habitable. He builds houses, skyscrapers. He sets railway lines and builds highways. He works in the dockyard. He helps making launches, steamers and barges. He carries heavy loads of earth and digs canals. It is he who also works in ports. He works in mines. Drilling in gas-fields is made possible by his labour. In this way he performs many kinds of works to earn his livelihood. A day labourer is very poor. He can hardly make his both ends meet. He has no fixed income. He gets wages if he can hardly buy clothes or fancy things. He lives in slums. In some cases, he is found passing his time in gambling and drinking. He does not think of the future. So, he leads a hard and miserable life. We should find out ways and means to raise his position.



                Environmental Pollution: A cause of health-hazard
Nature, air, water, land and all other things around us in which we live are called environment. Any unexpected and abnormal change in chemical, physical and biological characteristics in environment is called the environmental pollution. Now our environment is getting polluted every moment in many ways. In major cities and towns motor vehicles, mills and factories are creating fume and smoke and they pollute air. Man makes fires to cook food, to make bricks, to melt tar for road construction and to do many other things. Fires create smoke and pollute the air. Railway engines and powerhouses create smoke by burning coal and oil and this smoke pollutes the air. Water, another vital element of the environment like air, is also polluted in many ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. Chemicals, fertilisers and insecticides get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds, and thus pollute water. Mills and factories also throw their poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers, canals and seas and water is polluted. Moreover, water vehicles, unsafe drains and unsanitary latrines are also responsible for water pollution. These days many rivers and lakes are getting filthy. Forests and trees are being cut down on a large scale. So, the ecosystem of the environment is now in great danger. The noise of motor vehicles, mills and factories, aeroplanes, domestic appliances, radios, cassette players, CDs, televisions etc pollutes sound and this polluted sound affects our hearing. The government must take effective steps to prevent the pollution. People of all classes should come forward to control this environmental pollution because it is necessary for our own existence.


                                                          EID FESTIVAL

Eid-ul-Fitr is the greatest religious festival of the Muslims all over the world. It is celebrated with great joy throughout the Muslim world. All Muslims, especially the young ones, remain eager for Eid as it draws near. The very thought of it fills a Muslim’s heart with exceeding joy. During the month the Muslims fast, pray and make sacrifice. The month of Ramadan is the month of fasting and prayer. As an essential part of Islam, the month-long fasting prohibits all wrong, inhuman and harmful acts. It is a month of self-analysis and self-restraint. A Muslim passes through all the trials and rigours of the month. He is thus purified in heart and disciplined in character. When this month is over and the month of Shawal begins, his joy knows no bounds. Eid-ul-Fitr takes place on the first day of Shawal. On this day the Muslims make charity and give a fixed amount of money to the poor. Eid is also a communion of souls. It is the occasion for thanksgiving to the Almighty Creator. Eid is certainly an occasion for joy by pious Muslims who follow the commandments of Allah during Holy Ramadan. Eid in fact awakens in us the spirit that stimulates us in giving a concrete shape to our worldly and spiritual life. The common scene on Eid day is exchangin