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Writer's pictureFakhruddin Babar

Deforestation  (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )  

Updated: Apr 23

Paragraph Writing



Deforestation, which involves the unchecked cutting down of trees and burning of forests, has become a global crisis of significant concern. On a daily basis, large amounts of wood are used as fuel for cooking and brick-making, as well as for constructing furniture, homes, boats, shops, and other items. Illiteracy, overpopulation, and severe poverty are among the primary reasons behind deforestation in numerous countries, including Bangladesh. Additionally, public ignorance plays a critical role in this imprudent practice. Deforestation causes the quick release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, resulting in global warming, disrupting ecological balance, and triggering natural disasters. It also severely impacts agriculture and causes significant river erosion, engulfing vast tracts of arable land, homes, roads, culverts, schools, and colleges each year. Deforestation poses a threat to wildlife and jeopardizes our existence on the planet. The escalating sea level is yet another serious consequence of deforestation. It is essential to establish new, rigorous laws to put an end to the rampant destruction of forests. We must raise public awareness, eliminate illiteracy from society, control overpopulation, and prohibit early marriages. The extensive use of wood should be curbed, and the dangers of deforestation must be widely disseminated through the mass media. Tree planting programs must be efficiently implemented to counter deforestation and ensure a sustainable future.


Deforestation: An unwise act leading to disasters

Deforestation means cutting down trees in large number. The causes of deforestation are many. Bangladesh is one of the most densely-populated countries in the world. Her population is much more in proportion to its area. This huge number of population needs more food, shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture, medicine etc. People cut trees for various purposes. Most of the villagers cut down trees to use them as fuel. Some of them use trees as wood, wooden furniture and some sell trees for getting quick profit. There are some dishonest people who cut trees in the forests to make money. The effects of deforestation are too many to describe. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. The existence of wildlife is going to be threatened. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, the world is becoming warmer. The sea level is rising and many parts of the world are going to be engulfed by the sea in near future. On the other hand, new areas of the world are turning into deserts as a result of deforestation. The removal of trees causes birds and other animals living on them to leave the place. It also causes serious damage to the soil, as trees give protection to soil as well. Aftermaths, the soil gets sediment in the riverbed and causes frequent floods. So, if we destroy trees at random, one day the country may turn into a great desert. All living animals and birds will not find any food or shelter to live in. That’s why they will be destroyed. There will be no rain and as a result our agriculture will face a great crisis. The temperature will rise and it will cause green house effect. The country will be unsuitable for living and various natural calamities like flood, drought, storm, earthquake etc. will visit our country. Immediate measures should be taken to prevent deforestation. People should be made aware of tree plantation through mass media. And tree plantation programme should be extended throughout the country so that we can make our country evergreen, fruitful and prosperous.



Model Answer-2



Deforestation refers to the clearance of forested land, where trees are felled and the land is subsequently converted for non-forest use. This phenomenon entails the indiscriminate cutting down of trees, which not only undermines the planet's ecological balance but also poses severe threats to human well-being. Environmental experts recommend that forests occupy at least 25% of the total land area to support sustainable development, yet in Bangladesh, the coverage of forests stands at a meager 16%. The underlying causes of deforestation are multifarious, ranging from the extraction of fuel, timber, and other forest products to making room for livestock, crops, and human settlements. Trees are integral components of our ecosystem, providing food, medicine, and shelter, and playing an important role in preventing droughts and floods. However, individuals motivated by short-term gains often clear-cut forests at an alarming rate, resulting in serious ecological imbalances. Deforestation leads to soil erosion, depletes the fruit and timber supply, and engenders economic losses. Trees also play a pivotal role in regulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, where they absorb this greenhouse gas and produce oxygen. The absence of trees exacerbates the effects of carbon dioxide emissions, causing a rise in global temperatures and a corresponding increase in sea levels, with consequent adverse impacts on human populations. If the current rate of deforestation continues unabated, the country may soon be transformed into a barren desert. To counteract this, education and awareness-raising campaigns should be prioritized, aimed at persuading people to refrain from cutting down trees and advocating the planting of more trees. In the absence of such initiatives, the country's remaining forests will steadily disappear, leaving its inhabitants to suffer the consequences. Therefore, every member of society should assume responsibility and commit to planting at least one tree each year to counteract deforestation.

Model Answer-3


Tree is one of the most mentionable gifts of nature. In many ways it is very useful to us. Trees produce oxygen which is the vital ingredient for life. Besides, we need them for many more reasons. Trees make the land fertile. They save the land from erosion. They provide us with wood and other products. They give us shade and they help to prevent droughts and floods. They cause rain. They save our houses from cyclone and tidal bore. They also provide us different types of crops and nutritious fruits which are full of food values. Above all, trees make a balance in the environment. So life cannot be imagined without trees or forest. On the other hand, we know ‘deforestation’ means removing trees or forest from one place. A very few people care to plant new trees. Our country is now at a deficit in necessary timber. One of the main reasons is that people in rural areas indiscriminately cut trees for getting firewood. They use it as fuel. But our people are simply careless for planting new trees in the place of the old one. If there are no trees, there will be little or no rainfall. Then there will be a great change in the whole atmosphere. As a result the whole country may turn into a desert. So, Rabindranath, the great poet rightly said, “Give back the forest, take your town.” Hence we have to realize the bad effect of deforestation and plant more and more trees in the roads and highways, in the houses and there where a land remains unused.


‘Deforestation’ means removing trees or forest from one place. This is the problem haunting the whole world. According to the ecologists, for liveable environment there should be forest on the 25% land of the total land area. In Bangladesh there is 16% forest of the total land. To meet up the basic needs of food and housing, man is destroying forest without caring for the ecological imbalance. Our country is now at a deficit in necessary timber. One of the main reasons is that people in rural areas indiscriminately cut trees for getting firewood. But our people are simply careless for planting new trees in the place of the old one. Green patches of land are no more green. New areas of the world are getting deserts as an immediate effect of deforestation. The removal of trees causes the birds and other animals living on them to leave the place. It also causes serious damage to the soil, as trees give protection to soil as well. Moreover, the soil gets sediment in the river bed and causes frequent floods. In absence of trees carbon-di-oxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, there is global warming. The sea level is rising. Any time in future the earth may be engulfed by seas. Hence we have to realise the bad effect of deforestation and plant more and more trees in the roads and highways, in the houses and there where land remains unused.

The Curse of Deforestation

Deforestation denotes the indiscriminate cutting down of trees and the burning down of forests. Today it is a global problem too. It is getting very acute form all over the world day by day. Everyday huge fire wood is used as fuel in brickfields and for cooking food. Besides, a lot of wood is used for making furniture, houses, boats, ships, shops and many other purposes. Illiteracy is the root cause of defore8tation. Population explosion and acute poverty are the major reasons of deforestation in our country. Public unawareness is the another principal reason of this unwise act. As a result of deforestation, carbon-di-oxide is increasing in the air rapidly. It causes global warming. It hampers ecological balance. It brings about various natural disasters .It affects our agriculture drastically. It also causes acute river-erosion which engulfs huge cultivable land, many houses, roads. culverts, schools and colleges etc. every year. Deforestation endangers the wild life and our decent life on earth. As a result of deforestation, the sea-level is increasing at an alarming rate. Random destruction of trees and forest must be stopped by enacting new and strict law and by creating social awareness and by removing illiteracy from the society. Population problem must be controlled and early marriage must be banned. The widespread use of wood must be stopped and the danger of deforestation should be telecast widely through mass media. Tree plantation programme must be made successful to subdue deforestation.

Deforestation/Indiscriminate Cutting of Trees

Deforestation, the widespread cutting down of trees, is a significant problem worldwide. It involves the destruction of forests without proper planning or consideration. This destructive activity is the opposite of tree planting, which helps replenish forests. Deforestation occurs for various reasons, including the need for land for housing and agriculture as the global population grows. Additionally, people require wood, timber, fuel, and furniture, leading to the cutting down of trees. Sometimes, forests are cleared in the name of development, while others exploit forests for financial gain. The consequences of deforestation are severe and far-reaching. Removing trees disrupts ecosystems, causing birds and animals that rely on them for habitat to relocate. It also damages the soil, as trees play a crucial role in soil preservation. Furthermore, deforestation contributes to the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. This warming effect is a primary driver of climate change, resulting in rising temperatures, irregular rainfall patterns, floods, cyclones, droughts, and the melting of polar ice caps. Additionally, deforestation negatively impacts agricultural productivity. To address deforestation and its detrimental effects, proactive measures are necessary. Public awareness campaigns can educate people about the causes and consequences of deforestation, promoting responsible forest management. Finding alternative sources for wood and other forest products can help reduce the demand for deforestation. Governments should implement stringent laws and regulations to protect forests from indiscriminate cutting. By preventing deforestation and promoting sustainable forest management, we can safeguard the environment and ensure a better future for all.

Causes and Effects of deforestation/ Indiscriminate Cutting of Trees

Deforestation, which refers to the indiscriminate cutting and removal of trees from forests, is a pressing issue in Bangladesh. Several key causes contribute to this problem. Firstly, the need for land for agriculture and urban development drives the clearing of forests. Population growth places pressure on available space, resulting in the conversion of forested areas into farms and housing. Additionally, logging, both legal and illegal, is a significant driver of deforestation. Trees are often cut down for timber, wood products, and fuel. Moreover, industrial activities, such as road construction and infrastructure development, further encroach on forested areas.The effects of deforestation in Bangladesh are extensive and concerning. It disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to a loss of biodiversity as numerous plant and animal species lose their habitats. It also contributes to soil erosion and reduced water quality, impacting agriculture and water resources. Deforestation exacerbates climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, as trees play a vital role in absorbing and storing carbon. This, in turn, leads to more extreme weather events. Furthermore, local communities reliant on forests for their livelihoods face challenges, as deforestation diminishes their access to resources. To address deforestation, it is crucial to implement sustainable land use practices, promote reforestation and afforestation, strengthen environmental regulations, and raise awareness about the importance of conserving forests and their significant role in maintaining ecological balance and ensuring a sustainable future for Bangladesh.

Composition / Essay Writing


Deforestation, the process of clearing forested areas for other purposes, is a significant environmental concern with far-reaching consequences for both ecosystems and human societies. In Bangladesh, where forests cover only 16% of the land, well below the recommended 25% for sustainable development, the impact of deforestation is particularly acute.

The causes of deforestation are diverse and include activities such as logging for timber, clearing land for agriculture and settlements, and harvesting wood for fuel. Despite the vital role forests play in providing resources like food, medicine, and shelter, short-term economic interests often drive individuals to exploit forested areas without considering the long-term consequences.

The loss of trees leads to various environmental problems, including soil erosion, depletion of natural resources, and disruption of ecosystems. Trees also play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. With deforestation contributing to increased carbon emissions and global warming, the threat of rising sea levels and extreme weather events becomes more pronounced.

To address deforestation, education and awareness campaigns are essential to encourage sustainable land use practices and promote tree planting initiatives. Each member of society can contribute to combating deforestation by planting trees and advocating for conservation efforts.

Without concerted action to protect and preserve forests, Bangladesh risks losing its remaining green spaces and exacerbating environmental degradation. It is imperative for individuals, communities, and policymakers to prioritize conservation efforts to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.


Deforestation is one of the most serious problems all over the world & tremendously in our country. It means the act of cutting down or burning the trees of an area and it is increasing rapidly day by day. Men & trees are closely associated. They cannot be separated. Men get oxygen from trees and trees get carbon-di-oxide from men. They depend on each other for existence. So the people of whole country will face a great problem in near future.

The most common causes of deforestation are cutting & burning down the forestland. People cut down trees for the sake of agriculture & habitation. But it has a negative effect on our environment.

reforestation causes serious damage to the soil. Various types of birds & animals are leaving the place. Trees give shelter to birds & beasts, prevent soil erosion & beautify nature. It spoils ecological balance. It is needless to say that forest is the most important & suitable place or home for the wild animals & birds. If people destroy trees according to their will, the beasts & birds will gradually decrease. And ecological balance will gradually be disturbed & imbalanced. So to speak, the effects of deforestation on human beings are positively terrible. The climate becomes unbearable & brings a great havoc to the people of the country. There is also lack of oxygen in the air. That's why, people suffer from various diseases like heart disease, bronchitis & so on. Deforestation also leads to serious soil erosion. So, the riverbed is filled with sediment & causes frequent floods.

Deforestation is really a national problem. People of all classes should come forward to solve this problem. Green revolution is to be made successfully. The illiterate people should be made conscious & alert regarding the bad effects of deforestation.

It is the fundamental duty & responsibility of all the inhabitants of the world to keep the environment balanced. We should prevent deforestation. Otherwise, our environment will face an ecological disorder in near future. Without keeping our environment balanced, we cannot expect a secure world for the next generation.




Deforestation, the act of felling or burning trees in a particular area, is an alarming and menacing issue that plagues our world, particularly our country, with increasing severity day by day. The interdependence of men and trees is paramount, with men receiving life-sustaining oxygen from trees, and trees reciprocating by absorbing carbon dioxide from men. Hence, the state of deforestation is poised to pose an unprecedented threat to our ecosystem in the near future.


The primary culprits of deforestation are the clearance and burning of forests for agricultural and residential purposes. However, these actions have an adverse effect on the environment. The ensuing deforestation leads to serious soil degradation and the loss of habitats for a diverse range of wildlife species. Trees provide shelter for birds and beasts, prevent soil erosion, and adorn nature's beauty, which are all pivotal factors in the ecosystem's sustainability. The ecological balance is significantly disturbed, rendering it unbalanced, as it causes wild animals and birds to dwindle in numbers. In a domino effect, ecological imbalances eventually lead to climate change, resulting in intolerable conditions that wreak havoc on human life. The atmosphere becomes unbearably hot, causing various health ailments such as heart disease and bronchitis. Besides, the reduction of trees leads to severe soil erosion, filling riverbeds with sediment, which results in frequent floods.


The issue of deforestation is a national crisis that requires a united effort from all classes of people. A green revolution should be implemented to reverse the damage caused by the felling of trees. The illiterate population should also be made aware of the negative consequences of deforestation. It is the moral obligation of every inhabitant of the world to keep the environment balanced. Prevention of deforestation should be a top priority. Without a balanced environment, the safety of our world is in peril for future generations.


In conclusion, deforestation is an issue that can no longer be ignored. The detrimental impact on the environment is clear and should serve as an impetus for immediate and concerted action. The responsibility of preserving our ecosystem is incumbent upon all of us, regardless of class or education. It is imperative to acknowledge the issue and act accordingly to ensure a secure future for generations to come.


Deforestation is one of the most serious problems all over the world & tremendously in our country. It means the act of cutting down or burning the trees of an area and it is increasing rapidly day by day. Men & trees are closely associated. They cannot be separated. Men get oxygen from trees and trees get carbon-di-oxide from men. They depend on each other for existence. So the people of whole country will face a great problem in near future.

The most common causes of deforestation are cutting & burning down the forestland. People cut down trees for the sake of agriculture & habitation. But it has a negative effect on our environment.

reforestation causes serious damage to the soil. Various types of birds & animals are leaving the place. Trees give shelter to birds & beasts, prevent soil erosion & beautify nature. It spoils ecological balance. It is needless to say that forest is the most important & suitable place or home for the wild animals & birds. If people destroy trees according to their will, the beasts & birds will gradually decrease. And ecological balance will gradually be disturbed & imbalanced. So to speak, the effects of deforestation on human beings are positively terrible. The climate becomes unbearable & brings a great havoc to the people of the country. There is also lack of oxygen in the air. That's why, people suffer from various diseases like heart disease, bronchitis & so on. Deforestation also leads to serious soil erosion. So, the riverbed is filled with sediment & causes frequent floods.


Deforestation is really a national problem. People of all classes should come forward to solve this problem. Green revolution is to be made successfully. The illiterate people should be made conscious & alert regarding the bad effects of deforestation.

It is the fundamental duty & responsibility of all the inhabitants of the world to keep the environment balanced. We should prevent deforestation. Otherwise, our environment will face an ecological disorder in near future. Without keeping our environment balanced, we cannot expect a secure world for the next generation.



Tree is one of the most mentionable gifts of nature. In many ways it is very useful to us. Trees produce oxygen which is the vital ingredient for life. Besides, we need them for many more reasons. Trees make the land fertile. They save the land from erosion. They provide us with wood and other products. They give us shade and they help to prevent droughts and floods. They cause rain. They save our houses from cyclone and tidal bore. They also provide us different types of crops and nutritious fruits which are full of food values. Above all, trees make a balance in the environment. So life cannot be imagined without trees or forest. On the other hand, we know that ‘deforestation’ means removing trees or forest from one place. This is the problem haunting the whole world. According to the ecologists, for liveable environment there should be forest on the 25% land of the total land area. In Bangladesh there is 16% forest of the total land. To meet up the basic needs of food and housing, man is destroying forest without caring for the ecological imbalance. Our country is now at a deficit in necessary timber. One of the main reasons is that people in rural areas indiscriminately cut trees for getting firewood. They use it as fuel. But our people are simply careless for planting new trees in the place of the old one. Green patches of land are no more green. New areas of the world are getting deserts as an immediate effect of deforestation. A very few people care to plant new trees. In absence of trees carbon-di-oxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, there is global warming. The sea level is rising. Any time in future the earth may be engulfed by seas. So, deforestation should be stopped. If there are no trees, there will be little or no rainfall. Then there will be a great change in the whole atmosphere. As a result the whole country may turn into a desert. So, Rabindranath, the great poet rightly said, “Give back the forest, take your town.” Hence we have to realise the bad effect of deforestation and plant more and more trees in the roads and highways, in the houses and there where a land remains unused.

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