Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a mosquito killing movement in the school compound
The Headmaster,
PROGATI High School, Chittagong.
Subject: Prayer for a mosquito killing movement in the school compound
We have the honour to draw your kind attention to a serious problem faced by the students of our school. For the last few weeks the whole compound has been infested with flies and mosquitoes causing hardship to the students. Moreover, the Aedes aegypti carrying Dengue virus has paralysed the city dwellers with fear. A bite from it can result in death. It is a serious health hazard for the people as well as for the students. In this connection, let me point out that the wayside drains of our school are not cleaned regularly. As a result, the drains get waterlogged and become the breeding place of mosquitoes. Besides, the city dwellers around our school and the students of our school as well are not aware of the cleanliness.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary steps for a mosquito killing movement in the school compound and oblige thereby.
We remain
Yours most obediently,
The students of PROGATI High School
Model -2
Write a letter to the Chairman of your Union Parishad to eradicate mosquitoes from your area.
The Chairman,
‘X’ Union Parishad, Chittagong.
Subject: Prayer for taking steps to eradicate mosquitoes.
We, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Parishad would like to draw your kind attention to a serious problem faced by the people of our locality. For the last few months the whole area has been infested with mosquitoes causing hardship to the people of the locality. In the evening, people can feel their presence everywhere. They come out in swarm and seem to prevail all around.
People cannot do any serious work undisturbed. The students as well as little children suffer much from the mosquito-bites. Moreover, the poorer sections of the people become the easiest victims of the mosquito-menace. Many of them cannot afford to buy mosquito-curtains and coils to prevent the mosquitoes from biting them. In this connection, let me point out that the wayside drains are not cleaned regularly. As a result, the drains get water logged and become the breeding place of mosquitoes.
We would, therefore, request you to take proper steps to eradicate mosquitoes from the locality and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Abidur Rahman
On behalf of
The inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Council
Write a letter to the Chairman of your Union Parishad complaining about the spread of mosquitoes in your area.
The Chairman,
‘X’ Union Parishad, Chittagong.
Subject: Prayer for taking steps against the spread of mosquitoes.
We, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Parishad would like to draw your kind attention to a serious problem faced by the people of our locality. For the last few months the whole area has been infested with mosquitoes causing hardship to the people of the locality. In the evening, people can feel their presence everywhere. They come out in swarm and seem to prevail all around.
People cannot do any serious work undisturbed. The students as well as little children suffer much from the mosquito-bites. Moreover, the poorer sections of the people become the easiest victims of the mosquito-menace. Many of them cannot afford to buy mosquito-curtains and coils to prevent the mosquitoes from biting them. In this connection, let me point out that the wayside drains are not cleaned regularly. As a result, the drains get water logged and become the breeding place of mosquitoes.
We would, therefore, request you to take proper steps against the spread of mosquitoes and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
The inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Council
Write an application to the Chairman of your Municipality requesting removing the Dengue mosquito from the city.
The Mayor,
Chittagong City Corporation,
Subject: Prayer for removing the Dengue mosquito from the city.
We have the honour to draw your kind attention to a serious problem faced by the people of our locality. For the last few weeks the whole metropolitan area has been infested with flies and mosquitoes causing hardship to the people of the locality. Moreover, the Aedes aegypti carrying Dengue virus has paralysed the city dwellers with fear. A bite from it can result in death. It is a serious health hazard for the people. In this connection, let me point out that the wayside drains are not cleaned regularly. As a result, the drains get waterlogged and become the breeding place of mosquitoes. Besides, the city dwellers are not aware of the cleanliness.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary steps for removing the Dengue mosquito from the city and oblige thereby.
Yours sincerely
Abidur Rahman,
On behalf of the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Council
Write a letter to the Chairman of your Union Parishad complaining about the spread of mosquitoes is your area.
The Chairman,
‘X’ Union Parishad, Chittagong.
Subject: Prayer for taking steps against the spread of mosquitoes.
We, the inhabitants of ‘X’ Union Parishad would like to draw your kind attention to a serious problem faced by the people of our locality. For the last few months the whole area has been infested with mosquitoes causing hardship to the people of the locality. In the evening, people can feel their presence everywhere. They come out in swarm and seem to prevail all around.
People cannot do any serious work undisturbed. The students as well as little children suffer much from the mosquito-bites. Moreover, the poorer sections of the people become the easiest victims of the mosquito-menace. Many of them cannot afford to buy mosquito-curtains and coils to prevent the mosquitoes from biting them. In this connection, let me point out that the wayside drains are not cleaned regularly. As a result, the drains get water logged and become the breeding place of mosquitoes.
We would, therefore, request you to take proper steps against the spread of mosquitoes and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
The inhabitants of
X Union Council
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about mosquito menace and solution to the problem.
12 April 2021
The Editor
The Bangladesh Times
I am writing to address the pressing issue of mosquito menace through the esteemed columns of your newspaper.
Yours faithfully,
Md. Nazmul Hussain
10 Andorkilla, Chattogram.
Mosquito Menace
The term "mosquito menace" has become all too familiar to those living in towns and cities today. Urban areas are overrun with these pesky insects, which emerge in swarms resembling locusts after sunset, relentlessly attacking humans and sucking their blood. Residents are forced to draw mosquito curtains as soon as evening falls, but even in hospitals, patients are not spared from their relentless biting during the day.
Despite efforts to combat them using various insecticides and mosquito coils, these measures often prove futile. The incessant buzzing of mosquitoes disrupts sleep, while their bites can transmit diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, and elephantiasis. Outbreaks of these diseases in epidemic proportions claim countless lives and leave many others disabled.
Mosquitoes have instilled a sense of fear and panic among city dwellers, as they breed rapidly in stagnant water, plastic containers, bottles, and flower vases.
To combat this menace, it is essential to raise public awareness about mosquito-borne diseases and the importance of preventative measures. Additionally, utilizing a variety of insecticides targeted at mosquito breeding sites can help mitigate their population growth.
Thank you for considering the publication of these concerns.
Yours faithfully,
Md. Nazmul Hussain
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