HSC Chattogram Board -2024 English 1st Paper Question with Answer
[According to the Syllabus of 2024]
Subject Code: 10 7
Time 3 hours Full marks-100
[N.B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]
Part I-Reading Test Marks-60
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A
Education gives us knowledge and a set of abilities to function meaningfully in life, such as the ability to decide things rationally and make the right choices. As we learn how to read, write and do the basic operations of arithmetic, we gain a degree of self confidence. We learn to think for ourselves and articulate our thoughts we pick up skills to communicate with others and manage our affairs well. Education helps us think independently and make our own opinions. As we know more about the world, we appreciate the good things it offers us but also become critical of the deviations from the values it imparts and the rise of hatred or conflict that follows. The first thing education does is to give us an awareness about ourselves which leads to the development of our personality. As we begin school, we feel the need to belong to the class and make friends. We then expand our sense of belonging to include the school at large, our community and finally our country. Education thus prepares every child to become an active member of the community and work for its welfare. Education, is believed, releases our potentials and our inner strengths. It sharpens our intellect and develops our creativity. As we are taught to reason well and find solutions to the problems of life, we become productive members of society. Education by definition is progressive and liberal, teaching us to respect human diversity and cultural and religious differences. If all of us practice these values in life, the world becomes a much happier place.
Education also fosters critical thinking and provides us a set of competencies including life skills that enable us to become competitive even in the most challenging of circumstances. Education also teaches us to appreciate beauty and the bounties of nature.
School, however, is not the only place where a child gets education. A Bangla poem tells us that nature can be our best teacher. Here are a couple of lives from the poem in English translation:
The sky has taught me to be liberal.
The wind has given me the motto to be industrious.
It we can make nature our friend, philosopher and guide, we can learn lessons about life that, combined with what our schools teach us, will prepare us for the future.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. Marks 0.5×10=5
(a) The word ‘arithmetic’ means —
(i) The study of Physics (ii) The study of Mathematics (iii) The study of Biology (iv) The study of Chemistry
(b) To decide things rationally explains —.
to judge things reasonably and take wise decision (ii) to judge things madly and take hasty decision
(iii) to judge thins independently and take illogical decision (iv) to develop good debating power
(c) The first act of education is to develop —.
(i) personality (ii) nationality (iii) dignity (iv) brutality
(d) What does the idiom ‘at large’ mean?
(i) Critically Entirely (ii) Dependently (iii) entirely (iv) Surely
(e) Through education we become — members of society.
(i) rational (ii) evil (iii) common (iv) foolish
(f)The sky teaches us to be-:
(i) honest (ii) poetic (iii) liberal (iv) scientific
(g) The passage is about —.
(i) scholars of education (ii) benefits of education
(iii) sources of education (iv) elements of education
(h) The meaning of the word ‘hatred’ is —
(i) intense dislike (ii) love (iii) strong affection (iv) friendship
(i) We can get education —.
(i) from school only
(ii) not only from educational institutions but also from family, society, nature, from experiences of life
(iii) from teachers, philosophers and nature (iv) from nature only
(j) Proper education frames a child for —.
(i) the former (ii) the present (iii) the future (iv) the past
B. Answer the following questions: 3×5=15
(a) What does education provide us?
(b) How does a child become an active member of the community?
(c) What is accepted as true about education?
(d) How will the world become a much happier place?
(e) Do you want to make nature your friend, philosopher and guide? Why?
2. Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing different characteristics of dreams. (No. 1 has been done for you):
Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but only recently have dreams been subjected to empirical research and scientific study. Chances are that you’ve often found yourself puzzling over the content of a dream, or perhaps you’ve wondered why you dream at all. First, let’s start by answering a basic question: What is a dream? A dream can include any of the images, thoughts and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid or very vague; filled with joyful emotions or frightening images;
focused and understandable or unclear and confusing. Why do we dream? What purpose do dreams serve? While many theories have been proposed about the reason and function of dreams, no consensus has emerged. Considering the time we spend in a dreaming state, the fact that researchers do not yet understand the purpose of dreams may seem baffling. However, it is important to consider that science is still unraveling the exact purpose and function of sleep itself. Some researchers suggest that dreams serve no real purpose, while others believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Extraordinarily vivid
Very vague
Filled with joyful emotions
Frightening images
Focused and understandable
Unclear and confusing
3. Summarize the following passage
My name is Amerigo. I am 13 years old and I live on the street, alone. My mother, who is separated from my father, doesn’t want me. She told me to go away. Now she is married to another man. My father lives very far away. I want to go to him, but he won’t take me either. I begged him to send me some money so that I could buy a bus ticket. I am still waiting. He hasn’t answered.
The streets are now my home. Sometimes I find work. I used to collect trash and sell it to a vendor. I stopped doing that after I had a serious infection and a doctor told me to stay away from the trash dump. Once I worked for an ice cream shop owner and sold ice cream on the beach. But I got no money in return. The owner of the shop gave me something to eat, and let me sleep in his hut at night. The work was difficult and painful. The ice cream box is quite heavy when it is full. I had to walk for hours, offering my ice cream to whoever wanted to buy. There were days when I could not even sell one ice cream.
In a way, I am lucky because I am alive. My friends who work sorting rubbish in dumps often suffer from serious diseases. One of them was recently killed after he fell into a hole that opened up in the pile of trash. Many of us work for 10 to 12 hours, and get so little in return that we can’t even buy food.
4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical change if necessary. 0.5×10=5
device | trained | abour | perform | essential | great |
abacus | large | special | recent | refer | call |
The computer is a fairly (a)—— invention. It has now become an (b) —- part of modern life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c)—– revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d)—- that helps people perform mathematical calculation may be (e)—– a computer. In this sense the (f)—– is a simple computer. Today, however, the term, computer (g)—– to a special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process (h)—– masses of information at a (i)—–speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j)——. mathematicians would need years to complete.
5. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap:
Bangladesh is a land of (a) ______ beauty. Its beauty is so captivating that a stranger cannot but be (b) _____ looking at this endless variety. Nature has (c) ______ showered its blessings on this country. The rivers, hills and forests are rich in natural (d) _______. The people of this country feel a strong (e) _______ for their motherland. They love their motherland from the (f) _______ of heart. They work hard to (g) ______ its economic condition and to remove poverty. Most of them toil hard from dawn to dask to accelerate the pace of (h) _____. The progress of this country lies in the (i) _____ of common people. They are the (j) ______ of a beautiful and prosperous Bangladesh.
6. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) The crow tried to turn the jar over the over again but failed.
(ii) At last he found a jar in a garden.
(iii) As he was leaving the jar in despair, he noticed a heap of pebbles nearby.
(iv) There was some water in the jar, but it was at the bottom and out of his reach.
(v) He flew from one place to another in search of water.
(vi) He took some pebbles and started dropping them into the jar.
(vii) Then he hit upon a plan.
(viii) A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water.
(ix) When the water came to the mouth of the jar the crow drank his full.
(x) As each pebble went down, the water in the jar rose up little by little.
Part 2 Guided Writing Marks-40
7. The graph shows the choice of profession by educated people in our country. Analyze the graph in 150 words.. 80% ד 60%- 60% 40% 30% 40%- 20%- 0% 10% 20% 10% Farming Business V Govt. Job V V Research work. 15 Banking Teaching
8. The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words:
There was a naughty cowboy who grazed his cows beside a forest. He used to make fun with people crying Tiger! Tiger!
9. Imagine, you are Rashed/Raisa. Recently you got a letter from your friend asking you what you would like to do after your HSC examination. Now write a letter to your friend telling him/her about it.
[According to the Syllabus of 2024]
Subject Code: 10 7
Time 3 hours Full marks-100
[N.B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]
Part I-Reading Test Marks-60
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A
Education gives us knowledge and a set of abilities to function meaningfully in life, such as the ability to decide things rationally and make the right choices. As we learn how to read, write and do the basic operations of arithmetic, we gain a degree of self confidence. We learn to think for ourselves and articulate our thoughts we pick up skills to communicate with others and manage our affairs well. Education helps us think independently and make our own opinions. As we know more about the world, we appreciate the good things it offers us but also become critical of the deviations from the values it imparts and the rise of hatred or conflict that follows. The first thing education does is to give us an awareness about ourselves which leads to the development of our personality. As we begin school, we feel the need to belong to the class and make friends. We then expand our sense of belonging to include the school at large, our community and finally our country. Education thus prepares every child to become an active member of the community and work for its welfare. Education, is believed, releases our potentials and our inner strengths. It sharpens our intellect and develops our creativity. As we are taught to reason well and find solutions to the problems of life, we become productive members of society. Education by definition is progressive and liberal, teaching us to respect human diversity and cultural and religious differences. If all of us practice these values in life, the world becomes a much happier place.
Education also fosters critical thinking and provides us a set of competencies including life skills that enable us to become competitive even in the most challenging of circumstances. Education also teaches us to appreciate beauty and the bounties of nature.
School, however, is not the only place where a child gets education. A Bangla poem tells us that nature can be our best teacher. Here are a couple of lives from the poem in English translation:
The sky has taught me to be liberal.
The wind has given me the motto to be industrious.
It we can make nature our friend, philosopher and guide, we can learn lessons about life that, combined with what our schools teach us, will prepare us for the future.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives. Marks 0.5×10=5
(a) The word ‘arithmetic’ means —
(i) The study of Physics (ii) The study of Mathematics (iii) The study of Biology (iv) The study of Chemistry
(b) To decide things rationally explains —.
to judge things reasonably and take wise decision (ii) to judge things madly and take hasty decision
(iii) to judge thins independently and take illogical decision (iv) to develop good debating power
(c) The first act of education is to develop —.
(i) personality (ii) nationality (iii) dignity (iv) brutality
(d) What does the idiom ‘at large’ mean?
(i) Critically Entirely (ii) Dependently (iii) entirely (iv) Surely
(e) Through education we become — members of society.
(i) rational (ii) evil (iii) common (iv) foolish
(f)The sky teaches us to be-:
(i) honest (ii) poetic (iii) liberal (iv) scientific
(g) The passage is about —.
(i) scholars of education (ii) benefits of education
(iii) sources of education (iv) elements of education
(h) The meaning of the word ‘hatred’ is —
(i) intense dislike (ii) love (iii) strong affection (iv) friendship
(i) We can get education —.
(i) from school only
(ii) not only from educational institutions but also from family, society, nature, from experiences of life
(iii) from teachers, philosophers and nature (iv) from nature only
(j) Proper education frames a child for —.
(i) the former (ii) the present (iii) the future (iv) the past
(a) (ii) The study of Mathematics
(b) (i) to judge things reasonably and take wise decision
(c) (i) personality
(d) (iii) entirely
(e) (i) rational
(f) (iii) liberal
(g) (ii) benefits of education
(h) (i) intense dislike
(i) (ii) not only from educational institutions but also from family, society, nature, from experiences of life
(j) (iii) the future
B. Answer the following questions: 3×5=15
(a) What does education provide us?
(b) How does a child become an active member of the community?
(c) What is accepted as true about education?
(d) How will the world become a much happier place?
(e) Do you want to make nature your friend, philosopher and guide? Why?
(a) Education provides us with knowledge and a set of abilities to function meaningfully in life, such as the ability to make rational decisions, think independently, articulate our thoughts, communicate effectively, and manage our affairs. It also helps in developing our personality and gaining self-confidence.
(b) A child becomes an active member of the community by first developing a sense of belonging within the class, then expanding this sense to include the school, community, and country. Education helps to nurture these values and encourages the child to contribute to the welfare of the community.
(c) It is accepted as true that education is progressive and liberal, teaching us to respect human diversity, cultural, and religious differences. It sharpens our intellect, develops our creativity, and enables us to reason well and find solutions to problems, making us productive members of society.
(d) The world will become a much happier place if everyone practices the values taught by education, such as respecting human diversity and cultural differences, and fostering critical thinking and appreciation for beauty and nature.
(e) Yes, I would like to make nature my friend, philosopher, and guide because nature offers valuable lessons about life, teaching us qualities like liberalism and industriousness. Nature can provide us with insights that complement what we learn in school, preparing us for the challenges of the future.
2. Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing different characteristics of dreams. (No. 1 has been done for you):
Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but only recently have dreams been subjected to empirical research and scientific study. Chances are that you’ve often found yourself puzzling over the content of a dream, or perhaps you’ve wondered why you dream at all. First, let’s start by answering a basic question: What is a dream? A dream can include any of the images, thoughts and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid or very vague; filled with joyful emotions or frightening images;
focused and understandable or unclear and confusing. Why do we dream? What purpose do dreams serve? While many theories have been proposed about the reason and function of dreams, no consensus has emerged. Considering the time we spend in a dreaming state, the fact that researchers do not yet understand the purpose of dreams may seem baffling. However, it is important to consider that science is still unraveling the exact purpose and function of sleep itself. Some researchers suggest that dreams serve no real purpose, while others believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Extraordinarily vivid
Very vague
Filled with joyful emotions
Frightening images
Focused and understandable
Unclear and confusing
3. Summarize the following passage
My name is Amerigo. I am 13 years old and I live on the street, alone. My mother, who is separated from my father, doesn’t want me. She told me to go away. Now she is married to another man. My father lives very far away. I want to go to him, but he won’t take me either. I begged him to send me some money so that I could buy a bus ticket. I am still waiting. He hasn’t answered.
The streets are now my home. Sometimes I find work. I used to collect trash and sell it to a vendor. I stopped doing that after I had a serious infection and a doctor told me to stay away from the trash dump. Once I worked for an ice cream shop owner and sold ice cream on the beach. But I got no money in return. The owner of the shop gave me something to eat, and let me sleep in his hut at night. The work was difficult and painful. The ice cream box is quite heavy when it is full. I had to walk for hours, offering my ice cream to whoever wanted to buy. There were days when I could not even sell one ice cream.
In a way, I am lucky because I am alive. My friends who work sorting rubbish in dumps often suffer from serious diseases. One of them was recently killed after he fell into a hole that opened up in the pile of trash. Many of us work for 10 to 12 hours, and get so little in return that we can’t even buy food.
Amerigo, a 13-year-old boy, lives alone on the streets after being rejected by his mother, who is remarried. His father, who lives far away, also refuses to help him. Amerigo struggles to find work, having previously collected trash to sell but stopped due to an infection. He also worked for an ice cream shop owner, who provided food and shelter in exchange for Amerigo’s labor, but he received no payment. Although life is harsh, Amerigo feels fortunate to be alive, especially compared to his friends who suffer from diseases and accidents while working in garbage dumps. Many of them work long hours for little pay and still struggle to afford basic necessities.
4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical change if necessary. 0.5×10=5
device | trained | abour | perform | essential | great |
abacus | large | special | recent | refer | call |
The computer is a fairly (a)—— invention. It has now become an (b) —- part of modern life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c)—– revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d)—- that helps people perform mathematical calculation may be (e)—– a computer. In this sense the (f)—– is a simple computer. Today, however, the term, computer (g)—– to a special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process (h)—– masses of information at a (i)—–speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j)——. mathematicians would need years to complete.
(a) great
(b) essential
(c) recent
(d) device
(e) referred to
(f) abacus
(g) refers
(h) large
(i) great
(j) trained
5. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap:
Bangladesh is a land of (a) ______ beauty. Its beauty is so captivating that a stranger cannot but be (b) _____ looking at this endless variety. Nature has (c) ______ showered its blessings on this country. The rivers, hills and forests are rich in natural (d) _______. The people of this country feel a strong (e) _______ for their motherland. They love their motherland from the (f) _______ of heart. They work hard to (g) ______ its economic condition and to remove poverty. Most of them toil hard from dawn to dask to accelerate the pace of (h) _____. The progress of this country lies in the (i) _____ of common people. They are the (j) ______ of a beautiful and prosperous Bangladesh.
(a) natural
(b) fascinated
(c) richly
(d) resources
(e) affection
(f) bottom
(g) improve
(h) development
(i) effort
(j) builders
6. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
(i) The crow tried to turn the jar over the over again but failed.
(ii) At last he found a jar in a garden.
(iii) As he was leaving the jar in despair, he noticed a heap of pebbles nearby.
(iv) There was some water in the jar, but it was at the bottom and out of his reach.
(v) He flew from one place to another in search of water.
(vi) He took some pebbles and started dropping them into the jar.
(vii) Then he hit upon a plan.
(viii) A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water.
(ix) When the water came to the mouth of the jar the crow drank his full.
(x) As each pebble went down, the water in the jar rose up little by little.
(viii) → (ii) → (iv) → (i) → (iii) → (vi) → (x) → (vii) → (ix)
Part 2 Guided Writing Marks-40
7. The graph shows the choice of profession by educated people in our country. Analyze the graph in 150 words.. 80% ד 60%- 60% 40% 30% 40%- 20%- 0% 10% 20% 10% Farming Business V Govt. Job V V Research work. 15 Banking Teaching
8. The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words:
There was a naughty cowboy who grazed his cows beside a forest. He used to make fun with people crying Tiger! Tiger!
9. Imagine, you are Rashed/Raisa. Recently you got a letter from your friend asking you what you would like to do after your HSC examination. Now write a letter to your friend telling him/her about it.