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Akbar / Akbar was born in 1542 - Rearranging / Completing Story for HSC, SSC & Other Examinations

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 27

Rearranging Sentences:


Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.

I. He was the grandson of Babur.

II. He ascended the throne of Delhi at the age of 13.

III. His father was Humayun.

IV. He did not have much education.

V. He won the 2nd Panipat battle in 1556.

VI. Akbar was born in 1542 at Amarkoat in Sindh.

VII. He was skilled in warfare.

VIII. It was the greatest victory in his life.

IX. He ruled over 50 years in India.

X. His full name was Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar.


Correct Sequence:

VI → X → III → I → II → IV → VII → V → VIII → IX


The Story:

Akbar was born in 1542 at Amarkoat in Sindh. His full name was Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar. His father was Humayun. He was the grandson of Babur. He ascended the throne of Delhi at the age of 13. He did not have much education. He was skilled in warfare. He won the 2nd Panipat battle in 1556. It was the greatest victory in his life. He ruled over 50 years in India.


আকবর 1542 সালে সিন্ধুর অমরকোটে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। তার পুরো নাম জালালউদ্দিন মোহাম্মদ আকবর। তার পিতার নাম হুমায়ুন। তিনি ছিলেন বাবরের নাতি। তিনি 13 বছর বয়সে দিল্লির সিংহাসনে আরোহণ করেন। তার খুব বেশি শিক্ষা ছিল না। তিনি যুদ্ধে দক্ষ ছিলেন। তিনি 1556 সালে দ্বিতীয় পানিপথ যুদ্ধে জয়লাভ করেন। এটি ছিল তার জীবনের সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ বিজয়। তিনি ভারতে 50 বছরেরও বেশি সময় রাজত্ব করেছেন।

Rearrange the following sentences to make a sequenced paragraph:

a. He had not much education.

b. He ascended the throne of Delhi at the age of 13.

c. His full name was Jalal Uddin Mahammad Akbar.

d. He was skilled in warefare.

e. Akbar was born in 1542 at Amafkoat in Sindh.

f. He won the 2nd Panipath battle in 1556.

g. His father was Humayun.

h. It was the greatest victory in his life.

i. He ruled over grandson of Babur.

j. He was the grandson of Babur.

Answer: e + c + a + j + b + a + d + f + h + i.

Completing Story:

An Ant and a Grasshopper Completing Story

Once there were two friends, Mr. Grasshopper and Mr. Ant. They were very different from each other. Mr. Ant was hardworking and always busy, while Mr. Grasshopper was Sleepy and really enjoyed singing.

As winter was coming, Mr. Ant was happily checking the food he had saved during the summer. Just then, Mr. Grasshopper came along, looking tired and hungry. He told Mr. Ant he was very hungry and asked for some food.

Mr. Ant asked him what he had been doing all summer. Mr. Grasshopper said that he spent his summer singing and having fun.

Mr. Ant was surprised and told him that spending the whole summer singing wasn’t wise. He reminded Mr. Grasshopper that if he didn’t work, he wouldn’t have food for the winter.

Feeling sad, Mr. Grasshopper admitted that he made a big mistake. He should have worked like Mr. Ant instead of wasting time.

Mr. Ant felt sorry for his friend but explained that he only had enough food for himself. He also said that since Mr. Grasshopper spent the summer singing, maybe now he could dance in winter.


An Ant and a Grasshopper Completing Story Bangla Meaning

এক সময়ের কথা, পিপড়ে আর ফড়িং নামে দুই বন্ধু ছিল। তবে তারা একদমই আলাদা স্বভাবের ছিল। পিপড়ে খুবই পরিশ্রমী, সবসময় কাজ নিয়ে ব্যস্ত থাকত। আর ফড়িং ছিল একটু অলস, সারাক্ষণ গান গেয়ে আনন্দে সময় কাটাতো।

শীতকালের আগে, পিপড়ে নিজের গ্রীষ্মে জমানো খাবারগুলো দেখে বেশ খুশি ছিল। ঠিক তখনই ফড়িং এসে হাজির। সে খুবই ক্লান্ত এবং ক্ষুধার্ত ছিল। ফড়িং বলল, আমি খুব ক্ষুধার্ত, তুমি কি আমাকে কিছু খাবার দেবে?

পিপড়ে অবাক হয়ে জিজ্ঞাসা করল, তুমি গ্রীষ্মে কী করেছিলে?

ফড়িং বলল, আমি গ্রীষ্মকালটা গান গেয়ে আর মজা করে কাটিয়েছি।

পিপড়ে তখন বলল, তুমি শুধু গান গেয়ে সময় কাটালে! শীতকালে যে খাবারের প্রয়োজন হবে, সেটা ভাবোনি?

ফড়িং লজ্জিত হয়ে বলল, হ্যাঁ, আমি বুঝতে পেরেছি বড় ভুল করেছি। আমারও তোমার মতো পরিশ্রম করা উচিত ছিল।

পিপড়ে একটু দুঃখ পেয়ে বলল, আমার কাছে নিজের জন্যই যথেষ্ট খাবার আছে। তুমি আগেই এসব ভেবে কাজ করা উচিত ছিল। গ্রীষ্মে তুমি যদি গান গাও, তাহলে শীতে হয়তো নাচতে পারবে।

Mr Ant and Mr Grasshopper: Once there lived two friend named      




In a grassy meadow, there once lived an industrious ant and a carefree grasshopper. Day in and day out, the ant would toil without cease, rushing back and forth from the field to collect the grains of wheat and store them carefully in her larder. Meanwhile, the grasshopper would laugh at the ant's diligence and urge her to dance and enjoy the pleasures of summer. Despite the ant's disregard for the grasshopper's frivolous behavior, the grasshopper would continue to hop across the meadow, singing and dancing merrily.


But as summer faded into autumn and autumn turned into winter, the meadow and the farmer's field became blanketed in snow, and the grasshopper found himself cold and hungry with nowhere to shelter from the harsh weather. Desperate and in need of sustenance, the grasshopper recalled the ant and decided to seek refuge and food from her. Upon knocking at the ant's door, he greeted her with cheer and proposed to sing for her as he warmed himself by her fire, while she retrieved some food from her larder.


The ant, however, looked at the grasshopper with disdain and rebuked him for his lack of foresight. Reminding him of the hard work she had put in during the summer months, she refused to offer him shelter or food. "You should have thought of winter then!" she chided before slamming the door in the grasshopper's face.


Thus, the grasshopper was left alone in the cold and snow, regretting his inaction and lack of preparation for the inevitable winter. The moral of the story being, as the adage goes, "Look before you leap."

Moral: Work hard and don’t be lazy.

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