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Synonyms and Antonyms for HSC Examination

Synonyms and Antonyms Exercise

hsc synonyms and antonyms

    Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheet-5.0

                           Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheet-5.0 Answer
(a)    inner; (b) working-class/ amateur/ simple/ordinary (c) take off/initiation; (d) plan; (e) ended/completed; (f) faulty; (g) sickness; (h) comfort; (i} keep; (j) earlier.
2.    (a)dissimilar/unalike; (b) attempt/try/endeavour; (c) apathetic/ uninterested; (d) examination/ consideration; (e) immense/great/huge; (f), vigilant/ watchful/ observant; (g) manifest/obvious/active; (h) trainer/guide/advisor; (i) misguide/mislead;. (j) lifestyle/path/course
3.    (a) static/inactive/idlet1ethargic; (b) disorder/ venture; (c)goal/objective; (d) target; e) business/ occupation;(f) mismatch; {g) incapability /incapacity; (h) differ; (i) instruct/teach; (j) foreigner /immigrant.
4.    (a)good; (b) expert; (c) destroy/repeal; (d) way/ system; (e) unconvincing; (f) criticize/humiliate; (g) error/fault/ blunder; (h) calm/pleased; (i) luxurious; (j) ethical.
5.    goodness/morality/ quality; (b) plenty/much; (c) discourteous/ rude/ impolite; (d) rudeness/ impoliteness; (e) lose; (f) foe/rival/opponent; (g) make sure/ secure/guarantee/ confirm; (h) calmness/ pleasure/delight/satisfaction; (i) dispel; (j) hostility/ unfriendliness.    .
6.    (a) boring/ uninteresting/dull/tedious; (b) attraction/ curiosity; (c) patient/ tolerant; (d) corrupt/ indecent ;(e) include/have; (f) logical/ sensible; (g) inattentive/ callous; (h) imperfect / flawed; (i) educative/ instructional; (j) un9thical/ immoral.
7.    (a)beautiful/pretty; (b)- black; (c) impeccable/ perfect/unblemished; (d) matt/dull/murky; (e) obese;
(f) elegant/ charming/gracious; (g) unfashionably; (h) criticize/humiliate/ignore/underestimate; (i) ignore/ neglect; (j) desire/zeal/aspiration.
8.    (a)need; (b) incompetence; (c) surprise; (d) assessed/ evaluated; (e) unequally; (f) upsetting/ disheartening;(g) certainly/ obviously/ surely/ definitely; (h) disqualify; (i) presumably/ perhaps/ uncertainly; (j) incorrect/mistaken/error.
9.    (a) common/general/simple; (b) trifling/ordinary; (c) compassion/generosity/mercy; (d) unreliable; (e) cheap/inexpensive/ valueless; (t) ceremony/custom; (g) useless/ valueless/bad; (h) solitude/solitariness/ aloneness; (i) sickness/ disease; (j) sorrow/ unhappiness.
10.    (a)enemy/foe; (b) ignore/avoid; (c) compassion/ love; (d) appear/seem; (e) real/genuine; (f) help/ favour; (g) ' cry; (h) joy/delight; (i) give/ provide/ convey/ carry; (j)views/concept. 
11.    (a)unpopular; (b) type/sort; (c) amusement; (d) arrange; (e) patronise; (f)" local/national; (g) receive;
(h) enjoy; (i) minimum; (j) denial.
12.    (a)persons/humans; (b) liberal; (c) late; (d) trust/ faith;·(e) earth; (f) nothing; (g) affluence; (h) distress/ pains/agonies; (i) surmount/succeed;(j) different.
13.    (a) certainly/definitely/apparently; (b) honour; (c) domestic/local; (d) common; (e) foreign; (f) diversity;disappear; (h) unrestraint/freedom; (i) significant; (j) unintelligibility.
14.    (a)clear; (b) pleasant/comforting; (c) colonialism; (d) good/decent; (e) later; (f) quitted/ abandoned/ discarded; (g) worse; (h) hypothetically; (i) confidentially/ privately; (j) dictator.
15.    (a)failure; (b) work; (c) ordinary; (d) as; (e) understand/ realize; (f) neglect/disobey/unfollow; (g) principle; (h) always; (i) w n;(j) undesirable.
16.    (a)independence/freedom; (b) humane/kind; (c) genocide; (d) beast; (e) dislocated; (f) known/ named;(g) encircled; (h) ended/finished; (i) murdered; (j) smallest.
17.    (a)   productive;   (b)   lazy;   (c)   endlessly/continuously/constantly; (d) idle; (e) hate; (f) deep/ profound; (g) fixed/still; (h) honour/regard; (i) ungrateful; (j) dedication/loyalty.
18.    (a)unaccepted/disapproved; (b) insincerity; (c) accountability/liability; (d) simplicity; (e) love/ liking/ praise; (t) virtue; (g) effect/ outcome/ result/ influence; result/ effect/consequence; (i) emphasis; (j) consciousness.
19.    (a)always; (b) stronger; (c) encourage; (d) ignoring/upsetting/disappointipg; (e) curiosity/wish; (f) capacity/ wish/capability; (g) hope/goal/aim; (h) worst;
failure; (j) acquire/earn/attain.
20.    (a)constitute; (b) broad/wide; (c) exclude; (d) watery; (e) able/capable; (f) narrow; (g) abode/ accommodation/ residence; (h) unknown/ unnoticeable/ unclear; (i) all/ indefinite; U) cultivated/ used/ engaged.
21.    (a) permit; (b) liberty; (c) idea/view; (d) unfair; (e) unequal; (f) parity/equality/unity/union; (g) select; (h) policy/method.; (i) care; (j) benefit/ advantage/ privilege.    ·
22.    (a)cheap/valueless; (b) shine; (c) fascinate; (d) internal/inward; --(e) acknowledge; (f) charm; (g) dullness; (h) fade; (i) inborn/instinctive/inherent; (j) immorality.
23.    (a)bad; (b) orator; (c) reading; (d) possible; (e)'active;
(f) earnestness/honesty; (g) sincerity/ earnestness; (h) impossible; (i) wish/aim/will; G) prosper.
24.    (a)blessing; (b) reason; (c) knowledge; (d) hampers; (e) progress; (f) attain; (g) established/retained; (h) small; (i) certainly; (j) tiny.
25.    (a)simplicity/ plainness; (b) paradox/ incongruity; (c)impossibility/despair; (d) realize/fulfil; (e) unnaturally;(f) contrary; (g) vice; (h) flourishing/ thriving/ successful; (i) impiety; (j) ease/ peace.
26.    (a)progress; (b) easy/simple; (c) updated/ last/ newest/recent/current; (d) unnecessary; (e) do; (f) ordinary/ common; (g) small/ little; (h) largely/ extensively/broadly; · (i) check/impede /restrain; (j) abuse /waste.
27.    (a)certainly/definitely/surely; (b) nowhere; (c) comfort;-(d) made/posed/caused; (e) good/honest; (f) praise/recognition; (g) finally/eventually; (h) neglect/avoid/shun/ignore; (i) speech; (j) deed.
28.    (a)pardon; (b) disregarded/ignored/neglected; (c) grudge/anger; (df revenge/retribution; (e) mind/ mentality/  personality;  (f)  curb/  check/  control/suppress; (g) apathy/ indifference; (h) inferior; (i)· friend; (j) vengeance/ reprisal.
29.    (a)integrity; (b) useful/beneficial; (c) justice; (d) unjust/ wrong/ unethical; (e) comfortable; (t) sincere/ dutiful/ liable/ accountable; (g) do/ accomplish; (h) sincerity; (i) worse; (j) lie/deceit.
30.    (a)quality; (b) eradicate/dispel/withdraw; (c) narrowness/ beastliness/baseness/triviality; (d) narrow;
(e) discourage/ dissuade; (f) protect/save; (g) restriction/ subordination/ subjection; (h) dishonour/ disrespect; (i) goal/ aim/ function/- purpose/ assignment; (j) block/ prevent/ demote/ obstruct.
31.    (a)amazing/miraculous; (b) ancient/old; (c) formerly; (d) blessing; (e) created; (f) supply/ transmit; (g) dominated; (h) spoil/harm; (i) ancient; j) news/ report. 
32.    (a)unpleasant; (b) detrin1ental/harmful; (c) irregularly; (d)recommendable/helpful; (e) assume/ look/ seem/reveal; (f) noisy; (g) calm/quiet;(h) astonished/surprised; (i) unhappy/sad; (j) mood/ disposition.    ·
33.    (a)' laziness/indolence; (b) fully/quite/completely; (c) wise; (d) failure; (e) naturally/spontaneously; (f) attained/ gained; (g) continuously/rigorously; (h) success/ prosperity; (i) indolent/lazy; (j) fruit.
34.    (a) warrior; (b) villain; (c) forget; (d) issue/subject; (e) pleasure; (f) avoided/ignored; (g) timid/fearful; (h) few; (i) proper/actual/right; (j) respect.
35.    (a) succeed; (b) unsuitable; (c) crack; (d) smooth; (e) unwrap; (f) entrance; (g) departure;    (h) band; (i)sharp; (j) pointed.

                     Synonyms and antonyms Worksheet-5.3

1.    Imprisoned for nearly three decades for his fight against white minority rule, Mandela never lost his resolve to fight for his people’s emancipation. He was determined to bring down apartheid while avoiding a civil war. His prestige and charisma helped him win the support of the world. Mandela went on to play a prominent role on the world stage as an advocate of human dignity in the face of challenges ranging from political repression to AIDS.

(a) Imprisoned (antonym), (b) decade (synonym), (c) resolve (antonym), (d) emancipation (synonym), (e) apartheid (synonym), (f) charisma (antonym), (g) prominent (antonym), (h) dignity (synonym), (i) ranging (synonym), (j) repression (antonym)

2.    Traffic jam refers to long line of vehicles on the road leading to serious road block. It is a common picture of the major roads in Bangladesh. It is also seen on the town or even rural roads. There are some causes behind this. Firstly, many drivers are ignorant of traffic rules while some deliberately violate traffic rules.

(a) jam (synonym), (b) road (synonym), (c) serious (antonym), (d) common (synonym), (e) major (antonym), (f) rural (antonym), (g) causes (synonym), (h) ignorant (antonym), (i) rules (synonym), (j) deliberately (synonym)

3.    Khan Jahan Ali was a powerful leader of the people. He could buildluxurious palaces and amassvast riches for his own pleasure but he did not do so. On the other hand, he made roads, dug tanks and built mosques to lead people to the path of well-being and prosperity both here and hereafter. His soldiers were busy with construction work not with military exploits.

(a) powerful (antonym), (b) build (antonym), (c) luxurious (synonym), (d) amass (synonym), (e) vast (antonym), (f) pleasure (synonym), (h) busy (antonym), (i) construction (antonym), (j) exploit (synonym)

4.    Rabindranath showed his literary genius at his very boyhood. At the age of 17, he was sent to London for higher education. At the very beginning, London made a poor impression on him. Later, he attended London University and often visited the Houses of Parliament for listening to Gladston and John Bright’s debates on Irish home rule. At the later stage, he admired the western culture and for this reason, he was called back to India.

(a) genius (synonym), (b) sent (antonym), (c) higher (antonym), (d) beginning (antonym), (e) poor (antonym), (f) Later (antonym), (g) often (synonym), (h) debate (synonym), (i) admired (antonym), (j) reason (synonym)

5.    A most important truth, which we are apt to forget, is that a teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his knowledge, but merely repeats his lessons to his students, can only load their minds; he cannot quicken them. Truth not only must inform but inspire. If the inspiration dies out and the information only accumulates, then truth loses its infinity.

(a) important (synonym), (b) truth (antonym), (c) apt (synonym), (d) continue (antonym), (e) living (antonym), (f) knowledge (synonym), (g) quicken (antonym), (h) inspire (synonym), (i) accumulate (synonym), (j) lose (antonym)

6.    Life is full of complexities and contradictions. Our expectations are not always materialized. What we think to be happy naturally teaches us that virtue is rewarded but vice is punished. A good-natured man will live a happy and prosperous life but an ill-natured man will face various sufferings. But in real life we see that a man who cultivates the good qualities like honesty, sincerity, piety is not happy. He suffers physically, financially and even socially. But a man who does the opposite live a life incomfort and happiness.

(a) contradiction (synonym), (b) materialize (synonym), (c) naturally (antonym), (d) prosperous (antonym), (e) honesty (synonym), (f) sincerity (antonym), (g) piety (antonym), (h) comfort (synonym), (i) complexities (synonym), (j) happiness (antonym)

7.    Man’s intellect has a natural pride in its own aristocracy which is the pride of its culture. When this pride succumbs to some compulsion of necessity or lure of material advantages, it brings humiliation to the intellectual man. It is a matter of great sorrow that, nowadays, the students of our country are made to tread the mill of passing examinations not for learning anything. In the Bengali Language there is a modern maxim which can be translated, “he who learns to read and write rides in a carriage and pair”. In English there is a similar proverb. ‘Knowledge is power’. It is an offer of a prospective bribe to the student, a promise of an ulterior reward which is more important than knowledge itself.

(a) aristocracy (synonym), (b) succumb (antonym), (c) compulsion (synonym), (d) lure (antonym), (e) humiliation (antonym), (f) tread (synonym), (g) maxim (synonym), (h) carriage (synonym), (i) prospective (antonym), (j) ulterior (synonym)

8.    Sincerity is the root of success of all works. One can go a long way if he does a job with sincerity. The great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way. Sincerity is the secret of victory. If any work is not done with sincerity, one will never receive desirable output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life.

(a) success (antonym), (b) job (synonym), (c) great (antonym), (d) because (synonym), (e) know (synonym), (f) follow (antonym), (g) rules (synonym), (h) never (antonym),, (i) victory (synonym), (j) desirable (antonym)

9.    There are many people who have a conservative outlook. Quite early in life they learn to believe that everything in this world was predetermined. All that happens to them was ordained by God. From this belief, the poor generally accept their poverty and all their sorrows and sufferings without trying much to overcome them. They also have the same sort of attitude towards illness and disease.

(a) people (synonym), (b) conservative (antonym), (c) early (antonym), (d) believe (synonym), (e) world (synonym), (f) all (antonym), (g) poverty (antonym), (h) sufferings (synonym), (i) overcome (synonym), (j) same (antonym)

10.    During the nine month long Liberation war the Pakistani army carried out the most brutalmassacre in human history. There were thousands of killing field all around Bangladesh. One of the largest killing fields is located at Dumuria in Khulna. The area is called Chuknagar. Hundreds and thousands of fleeing people arrived all Chuknagar to cross the border. On 20 May 1971 Pakistani soldiers surrounded the area. They started to fire at the fleeing people. About eight to ten thousand people were killed at Chuknagar.

(a) Liberation (synonym), (b) brutal (antonym), (c) massacre (synonym), (d) human (antonym), (e) largest (antonym), (f) located (synonym), (g) called (synonym), (h) surrounded (antonym), (i) started (synonym), (j) killed (antonym)

11.    A thing cannot become as precious as gold only by way of glittering. People in general, are charmed and attracted by outward show of things and not by their own merits. Gold is a precious metal and its value is recognized by all. Nevertheless, there are many metals cheaper than gold but look like it. They glitter for some time and fade in course of time. They fascinate our eyes too. But their beauty and glamour do not last long. But gold is such a metal that it can stand the wear and tear of time ad shine till the last moments of existence. In our society, there are so many people who are outwardly very gentle and nice. But after a period of time, their real identity is revealed. They do not have intrinsic value and morality.

(a) precious (antonym), (b) glittering (synonym), (c) attracted (synonym), (d) outward (antonym), (e) recognized (synonym), (f) fascinate (synonym), (g) glamour (antonym), (h) shine (antonym), (i) intrinsic (synonym), (j) morality (antonym)

12.    A good writer may be a good reader. A good reader may be a good speaker or make good recitation. Noting of this is impossible for a man if he is not lazy. The main thing is sincerity. Seriousness should also be taken under consideration. If a man is serious, he can make impossible to be possible. If we become serious in our intention we can shine in life.

(a) good (antonym), (b) speaker (synonym), (c) recitation (synonym), (d) impossible (antonym), (e) lazy (antonym), (f) sincerity (synonym), (g) seriousness (synonym), (h) possible (antonym), (i) intention (synonym), (j) shine (synonym)

13.    Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of ignorance which frustrates all development efforts of the government. No development effort can succeed unless illiteracy is eradicated. Eradication of illiteracy in a country like Bangladesh with so vast a population is undoubtedly a gigantic task.

(a) curse (antonym), (b) cause (synonym), (c) ignorance (antonym), (d) frustrates (synonym), (e) development (synonym), (f) succeed (synonym), (g) eradicated (antonym), (h) vast (antonym), (i) undoubtedly (synonym), (j) gigantic (antonym)

14.    Courtesy is a virtue in man. It goes without saying that courtesy costs nothing but gives a lot. So, you should be courteous. You must have politeness. People will disrespect and dislike you if you are discourteous. Nobody likes discourtesy. Try to be a gentle from your student life. You can win the heart of your enemy by being courteous. You can ensure removal of and improve mutual understanding and cordiality among people.

(a) virtue (synonym), (b) a lot (antonym), (c) disrespect (synonym), (d) Try (synonym), (e) gentle (antonym), (f) win (antonym), (g) ensure (synonym), (h) anger (synonym), (i) remove (synonym), (j) cordiality (synonym)

15.    Illiteracy is a curse. It retards all development work of a country. It is said that an illiterate nation gropes in darkness with no definite goal. In fact, an illiterate person is conservative, superstitions and blind. He can contribute very little to his society and country. He is unconscious and unaware of his rights and responsibilities. The whole country is responsible for this. Most of our people are illiterate and poor. In fact, illiteracy, caused by poverty, stands in the way of success. All should be practical and pragmatic while addressing this problem. Effective measures must be taken by all concerned to remove illiteracy and thus make the nation enlightened.

(a) curse (antonym), (b) retards, (c) darkness (antonym), (d) conservative (antonym), (e) unconscious (synonym), (f) success (antonym),  (g) pragmatic (synonym), (h) measures (synonym), (i) remove (synonym), (j) Enlightened (synonym)

16.     “I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life; I will fight it now and will do so until the end of my days,” Mandela said in his acceptance speech on becoming South Africa’s first black president in 1994,... “the time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come”. “We have, at last achieved our political emancipation.” In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, an honour he shared F.W de Klerk, the white African leader who had freed him from prison three years earlier and negotiated the end of apartheid.

(a) emancipation (antonym), (b) discrimination (synonym), (c) manifestation (synonym), (d) honour (antonym), (e) negotiate (synonym), (f) freed (antonym), (g) acceptance (antonym), (h) intensely (antonym), (i) apartheid (synonym), (j) chasm  (synonym)

17.    He is optimistic of his success. He works hardand abides by his teachers’ guidelines. He understands it is important to be diligent. He does not rely on any one and believes that honesty and hard work can help one reach the peak of success. He harbours the faith that a laborious main is sure to shine.

(a) optimistic (antonym), (b) hard (synonym), (c) abides (synonym), (d) understands (synonym), (e) important (antonym), (f) rely (synonym), (g) honesty (antonym), (h) help (antonym), (i) laborious (synonym), (j) shine (synonym)

18.    Most of the Bangladeshis know that our motherland is in the active earthquake zone. Experts are alarmed be the recurrence of the quakes in the recent years. But they do not give any direct answer to the question of the safety of the building in Dhaka city. As there is every possibility of earthquakes in Bangladesh, experts call for taking adequate precautionary measures to reduce the losses. RAJUK opines that an earthquake resistant building code should be followed to avoid natural disaster.

(a) active (antonym), (b) alarmed (antonym), (c) recurrence (synonym), (d) recent (antonym), (e) direct (antonym), (f) safety (synonym), (g) possibility (antonym), (h) reduce (synonym), (i) resistant (synonym), (j) followed (synonym)

19.    English is widely recognized as an international language. It is largely used and spoken all over the world. In the age of globalization. It is the only means to communicate across the national borders. So it is a must for every individual and so proper knowledge of English highlights an individual’s potentiality. To seek higher education and a better job, one must have a good command over English.

(a) widely (synonym), (b) international (synonym), (c) would (synonym), (d) means (synonym), (e) national (antonym), (f) individual (synonym), (g) highlights (synonym), (h) higher (antonym), (i) better (antonym), (f) command  (synonym)

20.    Patriotism means to love for one’s own country. It is a noblevirtue. It removes all sorts of meanness from human mind and makes it broad. Patriotism inspires a man to shed the drop of blood to defend the freedom of his country. A man without this quality is no better than a beast. A true patriot is honored by all. His only aim is to promote the welfare of his country and countrymen.

(a) noble (antonym), (b) virtue (synonym), (c) removes (synonym), (d) meanness (synonym), (e) broad (antonym), (f) inspires (synonym), (g) defend (synonym), (h) freedom (antonym), (i) honored (antonym), (j) promote (synonym)

21.    Without effort there can be no progress. Life loses its interest if there is no struggle. Games become dull if there is no competition in them and if the result is easily foreseen. No matter we win the game or lost it. The keener the contest, the greater the enjoyment. A victory is not a real triumph unless both the sides are equally matched. Whether we like it or not, life is one continuous competitive examination.

(a) effort (synonym), (b) progress (antonym), (c) interest (synonym), (d) dull (synonym), (e) easily (antonym), (f) enjoyment (antonym), (g) victory (antonym), (h) equally (antonym), (i) like (synonym), (j) competitive (antonym)

22.      Those who are industrious can prosper in life. It means that industry is the key to success. The idle are always unsuccessful. It is sheer foolishness to think that success comes automatically as it is given by the Almighty. Passing time in idleness brings about adversity in life. But the industrious can remove the hindrances by dint of continuous hard work and perseverance. A farmer is a real hard worker.

(a) industrious (antonym), (b) prosper (synonym), (c) perseverance (synonym), (d) unsuccessful (antonym), (e) real (synonym), (f) idle (antonym), (g) foolishness (antonym), (h) adversity (antonym) (i) automatically (synonym), (j) hindrances (synonym)

23.    Women in our society have always been considered subservient to men. The majority of houses are male dominated, usually by husbands and woman most often have no say in decision making. Their opinion is considered unnecessary even in such issues as the number of children they would like to have, education of their children and marriage of their sons and daughter, issues of finance and property.

(a) society (synonym), (b) subservient (antonym), (c) majority (antonym), (d) male (synonym), (e) usually (antonym), (f) say (synonym), (g) considered (synonym), (h) education (synonym), (i) issues (synonym), (j) finance (synonym)



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