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WOMEN’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR COUNTRY / Role of Women (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 23

Paragraph Writing


One very conspicuous change in our society is the presence of working women outside the home. About 50% of total population of our country is women. Their role to the development of our country is no less than that of men. They are contributing a great deal to the development of our country. They play a significant role at home and outside. As a mother in a family she manages her family with her intelligence. This affects our economy indirectly and positively. The educated women are mostly engaged in teaching and a small percentage of them work in offices and factories. Moreover, women with little or no education have come out of their cocoons to earn and become self-reliant. The uneducated women usually work as farmers, brick clinkers, construction workers, garment workers etc. Our agriculture is not possible without the active participation of women. In the garment sector our women’s contribution is far greater than men’s. Moreover, our rural women-folk contribute to the cottage industry which boosts up our national economy. Nevertheless there are few opportunities, our women are eager to share the burden with the male member to maintain a family in this age of price-hike. With their collective efforts our economy is developing day by day.


A significant and visible change in our society is the increasing presence of women in the workforce outside their homes. In our country, women make up approximately 50% of the total population, and their role in the development of our nation is as crucial as that of men. They contribute significantly to our country's progress, both within their households and beyond.Within their families, women exhibit exceptional management skills, effectively overseeing household matters with intelligence. This has indirect but positive effects on our economy. Educated women are predominantly involved in teaching, with a small percentage working in offices and factories. Additionally, women with limited or no formal education have broken barriers to become self-reliant, engaging in various occupations such as farming, brick-making, construction work, and garment manufacturing.The active participation of women, especially in agriculture, is vital for our nation's sustenance. In the garment sector, women often outperform men in terms of contribution. Furthermore, rural women significantly contribute to the cottage industry, which plays a crucial role in boosting our national economy. Despite limited opportunities, women are eager to share the financial burden with male family members, particularly in coping with the challenges of an era marked by rising costs. Their collective efforts are propelling our economy's daily growth.Therefore, the increasing presence of working women is not just a conspicuous change but also a significant contributor to our nation's development. It highlights the importance of women's empowerment and their indispensable role in our society and economy.


One very conspicuous change in our society is the presence of working women outside the home. Whether it is due to economic necessity or the urge to establish an individual identity or both, nowadays many women are entering the outside work force. About 50% of total population of our country is women. Their role to the development of our country is no less than that of men. They are contributing a great deal to the development of our country. They play a significant role at home and outside. As a mother in a family she manages her family with her intelligence. This affects our economy indirectly and positively. Moreover, it is not only educated women who are opting to work but women with little or no education have come out of their cocoons to earn and become self-reliant. The educated women are mostly engaged in teaching and a small percentage of them work in offices and factories. The uneducated women usually work as farmers, brick clinkers, construction workers, garment workers etc. Our agriculture is not possible without the active participation of women. In the garment sector our women’s contribution is far greater than men’s. Moreover, our rural women-folk contribute to the cottage industry which boosts up our national economy. Recently being trained by government and non-government organisations, they are making different products. Nevertheless there are few opportunities, our women are eager to share the burden with the male member to maintain a family in this age of price-hike. With their collective efforts our economy is developing day by day.


A noticeable change in our society is the increasing presence of women working outside their homes. This shift can be attributed to economic necessity and the desire to establish their individual identities, or sometimes both. Presently, a significant number of women are entering the workforce, and they make up approximately 50% of our country's total population. Their role in the development of our nation is equally important as that of men. Women are making substantial contributions to our country's progress, both within their households and in external roles. As mothers within their families, women demonstrate remarkable managerial skills, indirectly and positively impacting our economy. This is because the efficient management of their households has a ripple effect on the overall economic well-being of the nation. What's noteworthy is that it's not just educated women who are pursuing employment opportunities; women with limited or no formal education are also breaking out of their traditional roles to earn and become self-reliant. Educated women are often engaged in teaching, with a smaller percentage working in offices and factories. In contrast, less educated women commonly work as farmers, brick makers, construction laborers, or in the garment industry. The active participation of women is crucial in our agriculture sector, and in the garment sector, their contribution often surpasses that of men. Additionally, rural women actively contribute to the cottage industry, which bolsters our national economy. Recently, with training provided by government and non-government organizations, women have been diversifying their production efforts.Despite limited opportunities, women are eager to share the financial responsibilities with their male counterparts to sustain their families in an era marked by rising costs of living. Through their collective efforts, our economy continues to develop steadily.

Model Answer-2

Model Answer-3


Composition / Essay Writing




One very conspicuous change in our society is the presence of working women outside the home. Whether it is due to economic necessity or the urge to establish an individual identity or both, nowadays many women are entering the outside work force. About 50% of total population of our country is women. Their role to the development of our country is no less than that of men. They are contributing a great deal to the development of our country. They play a significant role at home and outside. As a mother in a family a woman manages her family with her intelligence. This affects our economy indirectly and positively. Moreover, it is not only educated women who are opting to work but women with little or no education have come out of their cocoons to earn and become self-reliant.

In the present world women’s contribution in different fields of works cannot be denied. They play an important role in various development works of our country. It is a matter of great hope that in our democratic country women have been performing praiseworthy performances in scientific works, medical science, technology, social service and even in every sphere of life. The

contribution of women is immense. I feel that once our country was under foreign rule. Women were deprived of their right to prove their ingenuity and talent. But now women can prove themselves worthy by practically proving their latent qualities. It is really a matter of hope for all of us.

The educated women are mostly engaged in teaching and a small percentage of them work in offices and factories. The uneducated women usually work as farmers, brick clinkers, construction workers, garment workers etc. Our agriculture is not possible without the active participation of women. In the garment sector our women’s contribution is far greater than men’s. In the garment industry 90% workers are young girls. Moreover, our rural women-folk contribute to the cottage industry which boosts up our national economy. Recently being trained by government and non-government organisations, they are making different products. Nevertheless there are few opportunities, our women are eager to share the burden with the male member to maintain a family in this age of price-hike. With their collective efforts our economy is developing day by day.

women are playing a vital role serving the country in the field of education, medical science, teaching, nursing and even in social works. In the garment industry and even in social works.. Being students they prove their talent in the competitive examinations. They can adjust themselves with the present situation taking their position as a challenge. In political and cultural activities their contribution is not insignificant.

Role of Women

Women are the inherent part of our society and cannot be neglected due to their less power and authority. They are created as a companion for men and men have to make her walk with them in the course of life. As Bangladesh is an Islamic state so Pakistani female’s role and behaviors are defined by Islamic laws and as such are given divine sanction. She plays roles as a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife. They play their roles with great responsibilities in upbringing of a healthy solid society, but she is in our so called modern world, still living in chains.

The basic unit of society is a woman. As woman makes a family, family makes a home and homes make a society. Here we have forgotten that the very first and best school of a child is its mother’s lap. From behavioral to health education women have their hands in. Women are the main contributors in building up a strong society. Arabia, in pre-Islamic ages was wrapped all over by blanket of evil deeds, wicked thoughts and immorality. Women were the most effected during that time. The new born baby girls were buried alive. With the advent of Islam, the women got the respect and status in the society that she ever deserved. It the woman who is a mother and Islam has taught us that “paradise lies under the feet of mother”. From this we can judge women’s respect and importance in our life and society.

In western countries men and women are working shoulder to shoulder in the same pace and both are contributing and playing their parts equally in the developmental processes. They are given basic education as well as fundamental and higher education without any restrictions from the society. That is why the West is that much developed.


Women can take part in all activities weather they belong to financial, national, international, social or domestic affairs. Women population of our country is greater than that of men population. If such a big portion of population is kept behind then it’s difficult to progress. Women are more productive than men if they are given the right platform they will smoothly carry the nation towards development. Here the complete responsibility lies on the shoulders of the male to educate and encourage the females to step forward and to play their role in developmental processes. Women are not only for home­making and child-rearing but they must also be given chance to put their hands a little forward in building up of a good solid society. A good solid society is a good harbinger of development.

In order for a society to be a pure society, both men and women should think, dress and behave in ways that allow pure thoughts and actions to dominate the way of life and create a social climate conducive to the achievement of the real goal of life.



Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. So there can be no denying the fact that they too possess equal rights and duties as men do. They have noble missions to fulfil as men. If they get opportunity, their genius, powers and capacities will bloom fully. No nation can make real progress keeping a half of its population in the dark without the upliftment of women.

The progress of the nation is not at all possible. Though belated, women are now participating in the development of our country. They are taking part in different occupations. Garments are the most contributing industries in the development of our country. And 90% of the garment workers are women. Inspite of many problems they are working in the arments. Women work in many poultry farms. A large number of our women wU as construction workers. Women are receiving education and working in different offices nowadays. We have some women social workers too. They are contributing to the social development of our country. A number of teachers, bankers, lawyers are women. Thus a large number of women are contributing to the development of our country. Still I think the participation of women is not up to the mark.

More women should participate as they are the half of our population. Education is necessary for them, otherwise they will remain backward. If the country could ensure a better environment for women to work, they would be able to contribute a lot to the development of the country. Their families also should encourage them.



Women's Contribution to the Developmentof Our Country

Men and women are equal and integral part of a nation. So education is equally essential for both. We know that women are the half of the total -population of our country. So our country can not be developed if the women do not contribute to its development.

There are some people who think that women are physically and intellectually inferior to men. They are not fit for official and hard work. On the contrary, women of developed ' countries have proved that they are more active, sincere and skilful than a male worker. In the same way, women of our country need to be more educated. Napoleon says, "Give me good mothers, I will give you a good nation." In fact, the future of a child depends on how he is taught by his mother in early child-hood. That is education can make a woman more reasonable, knowledgeable and powerful.

However, there is a great contribution of the Bangladeshi women in the development of our country. They are now participating in different occupations. Garments are the most

contributing industries in the development process of our country. Nearly 90% of garment workers are women. Though they are ill paid, they do their jobs of spinning, knitting etc. with skill and devotion. Women have been contributing a lot to the banking sectors. Many women are contributing to the medical professions too. In educational institutions, the female teachers have been contributing a lot by taking better care and teaching the children than the male ones. They are now working as a doctor, politician, government employee, photo­grapher, journalist, high police official, lawyer and almost at every sector.

Unfortunately, the participation of women is not satisfactory. The Government and the conscious people of our society should come forward to establish them in the society sincerely. Consequently, they will be able to contribute more and more to the development of the country.


Empowerment of Women

Empowerment of women is a process through which women in general and poor women in particular get the opportunity to join the workforce and contribute to family income and interfere on family as well as social affairs. In past women were segregated from out of home productive work. They were kept within the four walls. The hearth became the place for them. So cooking, cleaning, washing, giving birth and rearing children became their jobs. Men became the wage earners and all other activities became their responsibilities. In Bangladesh position of the women is very humiliating. Women are the worst suffers. There are many reasons of dis­empowerment of women in Bangladesh such as Economic reasons, socio­culture and religious reasons

Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They co constitute nearly half of our total population. So, there are can be no denying the fact that they too possess equal rights and duties as men. They have noble missions to fulfill as men. If they get opportunity, their genius and capacities will bloom fully. No nation can make the real progress keeping a full of its population in the dark. So women’s empowerment is essential.

Some practical measures should be taken for the empowerment of women. The women should be made conscious of the fact that they have got all the potentialities to participate in the socio-economic development of the country. They should be made self-sufficient by given them proper education and employment. It should also be endured that at workplace that women get their desirable and just wages against their contributions. The social prejudices that exist regarding the girls must be changed. The violence against women must also stop. Women need to gain a lot more power over their decision making process. They should not be seen as fertility machines that have only the goal of reproducing.

During the last few decades, women’s status has been changed greatly. Today women are playing important role in all spheres of life. Many of them have come out of the kitchens. They are working hand in hand with men in all spheres of work i.e. from garments workers to pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators etc.


Now, it has come to the realization to all that if we want keep pace with the challenge of the millennium, both men and women should work side by side. In this regard, the government along with, with the people from all strata of life should come forward to extend their whole hearted cooperation.


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