Paragraph Writing
Tree Plantation
Tree plantation is the act of increasing the number of trees in a specific area. Among the essential components of our environment – trees, air, soil, and water – trees stand out as the most crucial and beneficial. Without trees, the existence of life on Earth would be impossible. Trees play a fundamental role in sustaining life by producing the oxygen we breathe, while also absorbing the harmful carbon dioxide we exhale. Additionally, trees provide various fruits, foods, wood, shade, and flowers, enriching our lives in countless ways. They serve as a shield against air pollution, river erosion, soil erosion, and natural disasters, such as floods and landslides, by stabilizing the environment. Moreover, trees influence weather patterns, contributing to rainfall that supports agriculture. In the realm of medicine, many valuable drugs and treatments are derived from the leaves, roots, and bark of various tree species. Furthermore, trees enhance the natural beauty of our surroundings, making the world a more visually appealing place.Despite the undeniable benefits of trees, they are subjected to indiscriminate deforestation throughout the year, posing a severe threat to our existence on Earth. To counteract this peril, tree plantation initiatives are imperative in our country. The ideal period for such efforts is during June and July when the climate is most conducive to tree growth. Ensuring the success of tree plantation programs nationwide is of paramount importance. By doing so, we can contribute to a safer, better, and more harmonious world. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to prioritize and effectively implement tree plantation projects to secure a sustainable future for all.
Since the dawn of civilisation man has a close relation with nature. Nature helps us in many ways. And trees are the integral part of nature. They are the gifts of nature. Trees give us oxygen. It gives us fruits. It gives shade in the sun. It gives shelter to the homeless. It makes the land fertile. It saves the soil from erosion. Trees are very essential in a country to cause rains. It forms a natural beauty in a country. It plays a very important role for our existence. But for the development of human civilisation this valuable assets are damaged day by day. The people of our country cut down our trees at random. So, our country is losing her trees. If this process continues, she will turn into a desert. The country will bear the consequences of ‘Green House Effect’. To preserve our environment, we should plant more and more trees. People must be convinced of the need for planting more and more trees. They should be made aware that our economy is dependent upon trees. There is an ample scope for afforestation in Bangladesh. Sea beaches, low lying areas and fallow lands can be brought under the scheme of afforestation with special types of trees suited to the soil. Shady trees and fruit trees should be planted by the side of roads and highways. Trees may be planted in all sides of ponds and tanks in village. It is the duty of all of us to maintain balance between man and nature for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival.
Since the dawn of civilization, humans have maintained a close relationship with nature, which has provided us with numerous benefits. Among these natural gifts, trees hold a particularly vital role. Trees contribute significantly to our well-being and the health of the environment. They are responsible for producing oxygen, bearing fruits, providing shade from the sun, offering shelter to the homeless, enriching the soil, and preventing erosion. Moreover, trees play a crucial role in the formation of rain, adding to the natural beauty of a region.Despite their immense importance, the trees in our country are facing relentless damage due to indiscriminate cutting. This widespread deforestation poses a grave threat to our environment. If this destructive trend persists, our land may transform into a desert, and the adverse effects of the 'Greenhouse Effect' will become increasingly apparent. To protect our environment, it is imperative that we prioritize afforestation and increase tree planting efforts.Raising awareness among the public is essential to instill the understanding that our economy is intricately linked to the well-being of trees. Bangladesh possesses ample opportunities for afforestation, with areas such as sea beaches, low-lying regions, and fallow lands being suitable candidates for tree planting initiatives. Roadside and highway plantations should feature shade trees and fruit-bearing trees to enhance the surroundings. In villages, planting trees around ponds and tanks is another approach to increase green cover.It is the collective responsibility of every citizen to maintain a harmonious balance between humanity and nature for the greater good of our nation and the sustainability of our own lives. By protecting and nurturing our trees, we can safeguard our environment and secure a healthier future.
Tree plantation refers to the deliberate act of strategically planting trees in a structured manner, offering both economic sustainability and ecological equilibrium. Trees are invaluable assets, providing an array of benefits to humans. They yield a diverse range of fruits for consumption, serve as a source of wood for furniture, offer ornamental flowers for embellishing our surroundings, and provide branches and leaves that can be used as fuel. Moreover, trees play a pivotal role in preserving the balance of our atmosphere by absorbing Carbon Dioxide and releasing Oxygen, a vital element for respiration. Their presence also has a positive impact on precipitation, contributing to increased rainfall that is beneficial for the growth of vegetables, fruits, and agricultural crops. Consequently, trees are among nature's most cherished gifts.Unfortunately, the escalating demand for resources has resulted in rampant deforestation, threatening our environment. This depletion of trees has led to an excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide, contributing to global warming, climate change, and more frequent natural disasters such as floods, thunderstorms, and cyclones. Additionally, the removal of trees weakens soil stability, leading to landslides and river erosion. Despite the fact that it is recommended that a country should maintain 25% forest coverage for a healthy environment, many nations, including ours, fall short with only approximately 11% forested areas.In light of these challenges, it is imperative that we intensify tree planting efforts. Trees should be planted around our residences, along roadsides, railways, and vacant spaces. The government should spearhead large-scale tree plantation projects to bolster forestation. Forests play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and mitigating natural disasters such as cyclones, floods, and tidal bores. Given the monumental contribution of trees to our daily lives, it is inconceivable to envision a world without them. To ensure a green, clean, and safe environment for current and future generations, we must commit to planting more trees and nurturing them to maturity.
Trees play an indispensable role in maintaining a healthy and habitable environment. They are essential for the survival of virtually all living beings, including humans. One of their most critical functions is producing oxygen, which is vital for human and animal life—without it, survival for even a few minutes becomes impossible. Trees also provide us with fruits, flowers, and valuable shade. Their wood and leaves serve as valuable resources for crafting household furniture and as a source of fuel.To sustain a healthy environment, it is imperative that at least 25% of a country's total landmass is covered by forests. This forest cover plays a pivotal role in ensuring adequate rainfall, which is essential for crop production. Unfortunately, in recent times, trees are being indiscriminately felled to accommodate the growing population and meet their furniture needs. This reckless deforestation poses a significant threat to our natural world. Without a concerted effort to protect and preserve our forests, our ecosystem may collapse, leading to dire consequences for both the environment and humanity.To safeguard nature and ensure our own well-being, it is imperative that we prioritize tree planting and forest conservation efforts. Deforestation must be staunchly opposed to maintain a healthy environment. By raising our awareness and consciousness about the importance of trees, we can collectively work towards enriching our surroundings with greenery, thereby creating a more sustainable and thriving ecosystem.
Trees are the most important elements of our environment. There are the gifts of nature. A country without trees is no more than a desert. The world has become so beautiful because of its trees. Bangladesh is a land of trees. It has got different kinds of trees in its forest and on every habitable ground. Trees are useful to us in many ways. It gives us fruits. It gives shade in the sun. It gives shelter to the homeless. It makes the land fertile. It saves the soil from erosion. Trees are very essential in a country to cause rains. It forms a natural beauty in a country. It plays a very important role for our existence. It helps us to give oxygen and removes the harmful impact of carbon-di-oxide from the air. It saves the people from the hit of the storm. In the past there were plenty of trees in Bangladesh. But with the growth of population the trees are disappearing day by day. It is because a huge number of trees are chopped every day. The destruction of trees is to be checked. Otherwise, the shortage of trees will put us into sufferings in many ways. People must be convinced of the need for planting more and more trees. Trees are the great assets of a country. We should take care of it for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival.
Trees are the most vital components of our environment and are precious gifts from nature. In fact, a country without trees is akin to a desert. The world's beauty is significantly enhanced by the presence of trees, and Bangladesh is fortunate to be a land rich in various types of trees, found in its forests and on habitable land. Trees offer us numerous benefits. They provide us with fruits, offer shade from the scorching sun, and serve as shelters for the homeless. They also play a pivotal role in enhancing soil fertility and preventing soil erosion. Furthermore, trees are essential for inducing rainfall in a country and contribute to its natural beauty.Most importantly, trees are indispensable for our existence. They facilitate the production of oxygen and help remove harmful carbon dioxide from the air. Additionally, they act as a barrier against the impact of storms, protecting people from their destructive force.Unfortunately, in Bangladesh, the number of trees has been steadily decreasing due to population growth. Each day, a significant number of trees are being cut down. It is crucial to curb this destruction of trees; otherwise, the scarcity of trees will lead to various hardships. People need to understand the importance of planting more trees, as they are invaluable assets for a country. We must care for our trees not only for the greater good of our nation but also for our own survival.
Model Answer-2
Tree plantation involves the organized planting of trees on a large scale. Trees are essential for various reasons. They provide us with food, shelter, and a pleasing green landscape. Additionally, they offer fruits, firewood for cooking, and timber for various purposes such as furniture and construction materials. Trees also contribute to environmental balance by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, promoting rainfall, and preventing drought and soil erosion, especially when planted along roadsides and coastal areas. Unfortunately, indiscriminate tree cutting by some individuals for personal gain leads to the depletion of our tree cover. Therefore, it's imperative to conduct regular tree plantation programs nationwide to counteract this loss. The more trees we plant, the healthier and greener our environment becomes. In Bangladesh, tree plantation is particularly critical due to insufficient forest cover to maintain ecological balance. Raising awareness through seminars, meetings, and tree plantation campaigns can positively influence people's attitudes towards tree planting. Mass media platforms like television and radio can also play significant roles in inspiring individuals to participate in tree plantation efforts. Ultimately, tree plantation is essential for promoting both a healthy environment and a healthy life. It is a crucial step towards preserving our natural resources and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
Model Answer
Tree plantation
Tree plantation means to plant trees more and more. It is also the process of planting trees .Now- a- days it has become a social movement in our country. Trees are very useful for existence. They are related deeply with our life and well-being. They are our best friends. Trees provide us shelter, food, fruits, firewood, timber and oxygen. We get vitamins from fruits. They prevent soil erosion, air pollution and floods. They also effectively prevent the spread of the desert and landslides. They help us in many ways. Human beings, birds, domestic and wild animals are dependent on trees. We all should plant and grow trees more and more to maintain ecological balance. We should take social forestry about tree plantation. We also create awareness among the whole people about tree plantation. People should plant trees all around where there is open space. Trees add to the beauty and quality of our life and living. We have to plant trees in every bare space of land, the sea beaches, the low –lying areas and the road sides. It is a matter of great sorrow that some dishonest and greedy people cut down trees on a large scale. Our government should take proper steps against them. Infact, trees are very essential for human’s existence. The result of tree plantation will be positive for human being in every sphere of life. For this, we all should plant trees more and more to improve our adverse situation.
Model Answer
Tree plantation
The practice of tree plantation involves the transplantation of young trees, primarily intended for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purposes. The significant benefits trees offer us extend beyond mere aesthetic appeal. Trees serve as an abundant source of sustenance, providing nourishment in the form of food and vitamins. Additionally, trees aid in mitigating the impact of drought and flooding. Despite the positive effects of trees, the reckless felling of trees for fuel or timber persists. This devastation disrupts the equilibrium of our ecosystem, resulting in soil erosion, depletion of resources, and economic loss. The consequential role of trees in maintaining ecological balance cannot be overstated. Trees play a pivotal part in generating oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide levels. In the absence of trees, carbon dioxide levels worldwide continue to rise, leading to global warming and a subsequent rise in sea levels, threatening the earth's future. It is imperative to acknowledge the detrimental effects of deforestation, which, if left unchecked, will transform our country into a barren desert. As such, the most straightforward solution is to cease cutting down trees immediately. Consequently, we must impart knowledge and persuade people to refrain from felling trees. Creating awareness about the perils of deforestation and promoting the planting of trees are necessary steps to safeguarding our environment. Neglecting to do so will result in a gradual disappearance of our forests and subsequent societal suffering. It is thus incumbent upon every individual to plant at least a few trees annually.
Composition / Essay Writing
Trees are the gifts of nature. They are the most important elements of our environment. A country without trees is no more than a desert. They are our great friends because they serve us in many ways. In fact, our life–cycle largely depends on trees. The contribution of trees to human civilisation is quite inestimable.
Bangladesh is a land of trees. It has got different kinds of trees in its forest and on every habitable ground. In the hill-tracts the trees like Teak, Mehogini, Shaal and Shishu grow in abundance. There are trees like Keora, Garan, Sundari etc grow in the Sundarbans. Some valuable trees are also found in Madhupur Garh in Mymensingh. There are fruit trees in the country. These are mango tree, jack-fruit tree, black-berry tree, tamarind tree, lichi tree and palm tree. Among the non-fruit trees Koroi, Babla, Khoir, Banyan and many others are found here and there in the soil of the country.
Trees are very useful and valuable to us. First of all, they help us to give oxygen and remove the harmful impact of carbon-di-oxide from the air for which the living creature still exists. Trees give us food and shelter. We get various types of fruits and vegetables which are essential for maintaining our sound health from trees. Trees give us timber to build our houses, furniture, boats, ships etc. They also give shelter to the homeless. A special gift of tree is flower. Flowers bloom in them, which forms the natural beauty in a country and develops our sound mind. Trees balance the nature. It is very essential in a country to cause rains and it protects us from cyclone and the scorching heat of the sun. They save the soil from erosion, too. Our environment can be prevented by trees from being polluted. They keep the environment pure. Trees are also a great source for earning foreign currency.
To increase the number of trees we should be attentive at trees plantation. In government and non-government way, we should make rule for trees plantation. People must be convinced of the need for planting more and more trees. Every person should plant trees in his house. We should plant the trees of flowers and fruits beside our houses. Planting fruit trees can lessen the pressure on rice. Students should plant trees in their schools and colleges.
Trees are the great assets of our country. So, the importance of trees plantation is infinite in our life. In the past, there were plenty of trees in Bangladesh. But with the growth of population trees are disappearing day by day because a huge number of trees are to be chopped every day. People use wood as fuel and burns trees in the brickfield. As a result, our country is losing so many of her trees. So, the destruction of trees is to be checked. Otherwise the shortage of trees will put us into sufferings in many ways. We should take care of it for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival.
Trees, the magnificent gifts of nature, are the most crucial components of our environment. They are the essential friends that serve us in multifarious ways, and our life cycle significantly depends on them. Indeed, the contribution of trees to human civilization is beyond estimation.
Bangladesh, a land of trees, is enriched with diverse species of trees in its forest and on every habitable ground. The hill-tracts are adorned with trees like teak, mehogini, shaal, and shishu, whereas the Sundarbans boasts of trees like keora, garan, sundari, and others. Some valuable trees can also be found in Madhapur garh in Mymensingh, whereas fruit trees like mango, jack-fruit, blackberry, tamarind, lichi, and palm are scattered across the country. Non-fruit trees like koroi, babla, khoir, banyan, and many others are also found here and there in the soil of the country.
Trees are highly valuable to us, serving numerous purposes. First and foremost, they help us to breathe by providing oxygen and removing the harmful impact of carbon-di-oxide from the air. Trees offer us food and shelter, including various types of fruits and vegetables that are essential for maintaining sound health. Trees also provide timber for building houses, furniture, boats, ships, etc. They serve as a shelter for the homeless and contribute to the natural beauty of a country through their blooming flowers, which develop a sound mind. Trees balance nature by causing rain and protecting us from cyclones and the scorching heat of the sun. They also prevent soil erosion and keep the environment pure, protecting it from pollution. Additionally, trees serve as a great source of earning foreign currency.
To increase the number of trees, we must be attentive to tree plantation. We should make rules for tree plantation in government and non-governmental ways. People must be convinced of the need for planting more and more trees, and everyone should plant trees in their houses. We should plant fruit trees beside our houses, which can lessen the pressure on rice. Students should plant trees in their schools and colleges.
Trees are the great assets of our country, and the importance of tree plantation in our lives is infinite. In the past, Bangladesh was filled with an abundance of trees, but with the growth of the population, trees are disappearing day by day, as a huge number of trees are being chopped down every day. People use wood as fuel and burn trees in brickfields, resulting in the loss of numerous trees. Thus, the destruction of trees must be checked; otherwise, the shortage of trees will cause us to suffer in many ways. We must take care of trees for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival.
Introduction: Trees are the gift of nature. They are the most important element of our environment. A country without trees is no more than a desert. They are our great friends because they serve us in many ways. In fact, our life – cycle largely depends on trees. The contribution of trees to civilisation is quite inestimable.
Description: A tree has roughly five parts- namely, roots, the stem or trunk branches, twigs and leaves. The roots are in the ground. They keep the tree fixed to the earth. The trunk is thickest – part of the tree. It rises from the ground. Branches grow from the trunk and twigs come out from the branches. Leaves grow on the twigs. Fresh leaves are green and dry leaves are brown.
Innumerable Varieties: There are many Kinds and varieties of trees. Some are large and some are small. Very small trees are called plants. Some trees have many branches. Some trees, such as the coconut trees, the date trees and the palm trees have no branches. They have big leaves at the top. Again, there are some trees which give us fruit and edible vegetables, oil etc. Some of them are also used as fuel and for making furniture. Some other trees are used exclusively as raw materials for different industries and also for making furniture, houses, sports, goods, wooden implements and apparatus of many kinds.
Trees in Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a land of trees. It has got different kinds of trees in its forest and on every habitable ground. In the hill- tracts the trees like Teak, Mehogini, Shaal and Shishu grow in abundance. There are trees like Keora, Garan, Sundari etc grow in the Sundarbans. Some Valuable trees are also found in Madhupur garh in Mymensingh. There are fruit trees in the Country. This are mango tree, jack -fruit tree, black-berry tree, tamarind tree, lichi tree and palm tree. Among the non- fruit trees Koroi, Babla, Khoir, Banyan and many others are found here and there in the soil of the country.
Importance of trees: Trees are very useful and valuable to us. First of all, they help us to give oxygen and remove the harmful impact of carbon-di-oxide from the air for which the living creature still exists. Trees give us food and shelter. We get various types of fruits and vegetables which are essential for maintaining our sound health from trees. Trees give us timber to build our houses, Furniture, boats, ships etc. They also give shelter to the homeless. A special gift of tree is flower. Flowers bloom in them, which forms the natural beauty in a country and develops our sound mind. Trees balance the nature. It is very essential in a country to cause rains and it protects us from cyclone and the scorching heat of the sun. They save the soil from erosion, too. Our environment can be prevented by trees from being polluted . They keep the environment pure. Trees are also a great source for earning foreign currency.
Protection trees: In the past, there were plenty of trees in Bangladesh. But with the growth of population trees are disappearing day by day. Because, a huge number of trees are to be chopped every day. People use wood as fuel and burns trees in the brickfield. As a result, our country is losing so many of her trees. So, the destruction of trees are to be checked. Otherwise the shortage of trees will put us into sufferings in many ways. Moreover, we can get more trees by planting.
How we succeed in trees plantation: To increase the number of trees we should be attentive at trees plantation. In government and non - government way. We should make rule for trees plantation. People must be convinced of the need for planting more and more trees. Every person should plant trees in his house. We should plant the trees of flowers and fruits beside our houses. Planting fruit trees can lessen the pressure on rice. Students should plant trees in their schools and colleges.
Conclusion: Trees are the great assets of our country. So, the importance of trees plantation is infinite in our life. We must take care of it for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival.
Trees are an extraordinary gift from nature and an essential component of our environment. Without trees, a country would be nothing more than a desolate desert. They are our loyal friends, serving us in countless ways, and our life-cycle is significantly reliant on them. The contribution of trees to civilization is truly invaluable.
A tree consists of five main parts - roots, stem or trunk, branches, twigs, and leaves. The roots anchor the tree to the ground, while the trunk, the thickest part of the tree, rises from the earth. The branches grow out of the trunk, and the twigs sprout from the branches. The leaves, which are green when fresh and brown when dry, grow on the twigs.
Innumerable varieties:
Trees come in a multitude of types and varieties. Some are massive, while others are tiny, and the smallest trees are known as plants. Some trees have numerous branches, while others, such as coconut, date, and palm trees, lack branches and instead have large leaves at the top. There are also fruit and vegetable trees that provide us with edible produce, oils, and fuels. Additionally, some trees are exclusively used as raw materials for various industries, furniture, houses, and wooden implements.
Trees in Bangladesh:
Bangladesh is a land of trees, with a diverse range of trees growing in its forests and on every inhabitable piece of land. Teak, mehogini, shaal, and shishu grow in abundance in the hill-tracts, while the sundarbans are home to trees like keora, garan, and sundari. Valuable trees are also found in madhupur garh in mymensingh. In terms of fruit trees, Bangladesh is home to mango, jackfruit, blackberry, tamarind, lychee, and palm trees, while non-fruit trees such as koroi, babla, khoir, banyan, and many others are scattered throughout the country's soil.
Importance of trees:
Trees are exceptionally useful and valuable to us. Firstly, they help us by providing oxygen and removing harmful carbon dioxide from the air, which allows living organisms to exist. Trees also provide us with food and shelter, producing various fruits and vegetables essential for maintaining good health. Furthermore, trees provide us with timber, which we use to build our homes, furniture, boats, and ships, among other things, and offer shelter to the homeless. Flowers bloom in trees, which enhance the natural beauty of a country and promote a healthy mind. Trees balance nature, and they are crucial to causing rainfall and protecting us from cyclones and the scorching heat of the sun. Additionally, they protect the soil from erosion and keep the environment pure. Trees are also an excellent source of foreign currency.
Protection of trees:
In the past, Bangladesh had an abundance of trees. However, with the population's growth, trees are vanishing day by day. A vast number of trees are cut down every day to use as fuel and burn in brickfields. As a result, the country is losing a significant number of its trees, and the destruction of trees must be controlled; otherwise, the shortage of trees will cause suffering in many ways. Planting more trees is an excellent way to replenish what has been lost.
How to succeed in trees plantation:
To increase the number of trees, we must pay attention to tree planting, both through government and non-governmental means. We should establish rules for planting trees and convince people of the need to plant more and more trees. Each person should plant trees in their homes, including fruit trees, which can help alleviate the pressure on rice production. Students should plant trees in their schools and colleges as well.
In conclusion, trees are a vital component of our environment and our society. They provide us with food, shelter, clean air, and numerous other benefits. However, we must recognize the importance of trees and take action to protect and promote their growth. By doing so, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.
Importance of Planting More Trees in Bangladesh
God has created many things for the well – fare of human being. All of these things are interrelated with each other. The nature consists of these things. Trees are one of the vital parts of nature. They are regarded as the gift of nature. Trees are our best friends. So, tree plantation is very necessary and important for our life and economy. “Give back the forest, take your town”, says Rabindranath Tagore. Forests play a vital role in the economy of a country. Forests exert much influence upon the climatic condition of a country. So, forests and trees are deeply interlinked with overall development and progress of a people. Trees give us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save land from erosion. They are, as such, part and parcel of our life.
Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. Lands in the upper valley of a river are more suitable for the growth and development of forest. As a result, we have no rich forest resources. The forests of Bhawal, Madupur, Chittagong Hill Tracts and the famous Sundarbans constitute our forest resources. Sundari, garan and ghewa are the famous wood of our forests.
Trees provide us with food and vitamins. Trees give us fruits and these fruits satisfy a part of our food requirement. Fruits also provide us with vitamins. Trees of mango, jack-fruit, coconut, black-beery, guava etc. supplies us delicious fruits. Trees solve food problem to some extent. Fruit trees, if planted properly, provide people with vitamins and help people to get good health.
There is ample scope for afforestation and plantation in our country. Sea-beaches and low-lying areas can be brought under the scheme of afforestation with special types of trees suited to the soil. Shady trees and fruit trees should be planted by the side of roads and highways. Trees may be planted on all sides of ponds and ‘dighis’ in villages.
June-July is the proper time for planting trees. Planting week needs to be expanded up to the interior of the villages. Govt. officials gifted with proper knowledge of afforestation and plantation may take initiative to popularise tree plantation. But unfortunately the people of our country cut down trees regularly. So, our country is losing her trees. If this process continues, she will be turned in to a desert. Illiterate people of the villages of our country do not know the utility and importance of trees and forests. Motivation in this line will be a fruitful attempt.
Trees maintain the balance of our environment. They purify air by taking carbon di oxide and omitting oxygen. Trees save us from the floods and cyclones. They also prevent air pollution in quite a remarkable way. Ours is a free and developing country. Gone are those days of frustration of colonial rule. All of us are greatly concerned with overall development of our country. It is our bounden duty to develop our country in forest resources. Development in afforestation and tree-plantation will strengthen the back-bone of our economy.
Importance of Planting More Trees in Bangladesh
The significance of planting more trees in Bangladesh cannot be overstated. Trees, considered nature's gift, are an essential aspect of our environment and the interrelated system of life. They offer us a plethora of benefits ranging from food, shelter, soil fertility, and protection against erosion, to purifying the air, preventing air pollution, and maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. Notably, trees also play a critical role in the economic development of any nation, as elucidated by Rabindranath Tagore's dictum: "Give back the forest, take your town."
Bangladesh, being a lower riparian country, lacks rich forest resources, with Bhawal, Madupur, Chittagong Hill Tracts, and the renowned Sundarbans being the notable exceptions. Therefore, planting more trees and promoting afforestation is imperative. There is immense potential for afforestation and plantation in Bangladesh, and the government officials with proper knowledge and expertise must take the initiative to popularize tree planting. Furthermore, afforestation should not be limited to sea-beaches and low-lying areas, as trees should also be planted by the side of roads, highways, and ponds in villages, which can significantly contribute to solving the food problem and improve the overall health of people by providing them with essential vitamins.
The illiterate population of the villages in Bangladesh are unaware of the importance of trees and forests. Therefore, it is crucial to raise awareness and motivation to plant more trees, which can prove to be a fruitful attempt. The planting week needs to be expanded up to the interior of the villages to promote this initiative. Unfortunately, the people of Bangladesh continue to cut down trees regularly, which poses a grave threat to the country's environment and could turn the nation into a desert if this process continues.
In conclusion, tree plantation and afforestation are crucial for the overall development and progress of a nation. Trees provide us with a multitude of benefits, ranging from food and shelter to protection against floods and cyclones, and purifying the air. Developing afforestation and tree-plantation in Bangladesh will strengthen the country's economic backbone and benefit the people in numerous ways. Therefore, it is our bounden duty to promote and develop afforestation and tree-plantation to enhance the overall well-being of our nation.
The Green Revolution of Bangladesh
Revolution means to bring about a wholesale change in a system. The idea of the title is that Bangladesh will grow crops many more times than it has ever done before. Why green? Because all paddies like rice are green while growing on the field. The green revolution therefore suggests the idea of having the lands of Bangladesh carpeted with green crops.
The title, however, addresses our dream more truly than the reality. The reality is that we are still a very backward country in producing crops. Our yield per acre is deplorably low compared to that of many neighbouring countries. The dream remains a dream.
The government comes up with a new plan of cultivation every five years. It talks of financing the farmers through issuing loans on soft terms, of supplying them with the necessary fertilizer, and of collecting their crops at a comfortable rate. But nothing of these seems to work. The peasants do not get the loans in time because of complicated bureaucratic procedures, the fertilizers are never supplied to the genuine farmers because of the interference of the middlemen, and the crops which the farmers produce with their sweat are never collected on the fare price. The peasants are cheated and deprived at every stage of cultivation. Such conditions are not amenable to starting a revolution.
We know that agriculture is the backbone of our economy. So we should not pursue policies that are detrimental to the interest of our peasantry. The political slogan that “if the peasant is saved, the country will be saved’ contains a grain of truth. The sooner we try to realize it the better.
What we should do is what we are not doing now. We should not base our economy on false priorities. That is, if it is proved that in our import policy buying of lawn tennis racket gets priority over the buying of seeds, it means we are not doing anything to hasten the green revolution. We also must see through the fallacy that singing about virtues of the peasants does not guarantee their well-being.
Importance of Planting More Trees in Bangladesh
God has created many things for the well – fare of human being. All of these things are interrelated with each other. The nature consists of these things. Trees are one of the vital parts of nature. They are regarded as the gift of nature. Trees are our best friends. So, tree plantation is very necessary and important for our life and economy. “Give back the forest, take your town”, says Rabindranath Tagore. Forests play a vital role in the economy of a country. Forests exert much influence upon the climatic condition of a country. So, forests and trees are deeply interlinked with overall development and progress of a people. Trees give us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save land from erosion. They are, as such, part and parcel of our life.
Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. Lands in the upper valley of a river are more suitable for the growth and development of forest. As a result, we have no rich forest resources. The forests of Bhawal, Madupur, Chittagong Hill Tracts and the famous Sundarbans constitute our forest resources. Sundari, garan and ghewa are the famous wood of our forests.
Trees provide us with food and vitamins. Trees give us fruits and these fruits satisfy a part of our food requirement. Fruits also provide us with vitamins. Trees of mango, jack-fruit, coconut, black-beery, guava etc. supplies us delicious fruits. Trees solve food problem to some extent. Fruit trees, if planted properly, provide people with vitamins and help people to get good health.
There is ample scope for afforestation and plantation in our country. Sea-beaches and low-lying areas can be brought under the scheme of afforestation with special types of trees suited to the soil. Shady trees and fruit trees should be planted by the side of roads and highways. Trees may be planted on all sides of ponds and ‘dighis’ in
June-July is the proper time for planting trees. Planting week needs to be expanded up to the interior of the villages. Govt. officials gifted with proper knowledge of afforestation and plantation may take initiative to popularise tree plantation. But unfortunately the people of our country cut down trees regularly. So, our country is losing her trees. If this process continues, she will be turned in to a desert.Illiterate people of the villages of our country do not know the utility and importance of trees and forests. Motivation in this line will be a fruitful attempt.
Trees maintain the balance of our environment. They purify air by taking carbon di oxide and omitting oxygen. Trees save us from the floods and cyclones. They also prevent air pollution in quite a remarkable way. Ours is a free and developing country. Gone are those days of frustration of colonial rule. All of us are greatly concerned with overall development of our country. It is our bounden duty to develop our country in forest resources. Development in afforestation and tree-plantation will strengthen the back-bone of our economy.
Trees are the gifts of nature. They are the most important elements of our environment. A country without trees is no more than a desert. They are our great friends because they serve us in many ways. In fact, our life-cycle largely depends on trees. The contribution of trees to human civilisation is quite inestimable.
Bangladesh is a land of trees. It has got different kinds of trees in its forest and on every habitable ground. In the hill-tracts the trees like Teak, Mehogini, Shaal and Shishu grow in abundance. There are trees like Keora, Garan, Sundari etc grow in the Sundarbans. Some valuable trees are also found in Madhupur Garh in Mymensingh. There are fruit trees in the country. These are mango tree, jack-fruit tree, black-berry tree, tamarind tree, lichi tree and palm tree. Among the non-fruit trees Koroi, Babla, Khoir, Banyan and many others are found here and there in the soil of the country.
Trees are very useful and valuable to us. First of all, they help us to give oxygen and remove the harmful impact of carbon-di-oxide from the air for which the living creature still exists. Trees give us food and shelter. We get various types of fruits and vegetables which are essential for maintaining our sound health from trees. Trees give us timber to build our houses, furniture, boats, ships etc. They also give shelter to the homeless. A special gift of tree is flower. Flowers bloom in them, which forms the natural beauty in a country and develops our sound mind. Trees balance the nature. It is very essential in a country to cause rains and it protects us from cyclone and the scorching heat of the sun. They save the soil from erosion, too. Our environment can be prevented by trees from being polluted. They keep the environment pure. Trees are also a great source for earning foreign currency.
To increase the number of trees we should be attentive at trees plantation. In government and non-government way, we should make rule for trees plantation. People must be convinced of the need for planting more and more trees. Every person should plant trees in his house. We should plant the trees of flowers and fruits beside our houses. Planting fruit trees can lessen the pressure on rice. Students should plant trees in their schools and colleges.
Trees are the great assets of our country. So, the importance of trees plantation is infinite in our life. In the past, there were plenty of trees in Bangladesh. But with the growth of population trees are disappearing day by day because a huge number of trees are to be chopped every day. People use wood as fuel and burns trees in the brickfield. As a result, our country is losing so many of her trees. So, the destruction of trees is to be checked. Otherwise the shortage of trees will put us into sufferings in many ways. We should take care of it for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival.
Introduction: Trees are the gift of nature. They are the most important element of our environment. A country without trees is no more than a desert. They are our great friends because they serve us in many ways. In fact, our life - cycle largely depends on trees. The contribution of trees to civilisation is quite inestimable.
Description: A tree has roughly five parts- namely, roots, the stem or trunk branches, twigs and leaves. The roots are in the ground. They keep the tree fixed to the earth. The trunk is thickest - part of the tree. It rises from the ground. Branches grow from the trunk and twigs come out from the branches. Leaves grow on the twigs. Fresh leaves are green and dry leaves are brown.
Innumerable Varieties: There are many Kinds and varieties of trees. Some are large and some are small. Very small trees are called plants. Some trees have many branches. Some trees, such as the coconut trees, the date trees and the palm trees have no branches. They have big leaves at the top. Again, there are some trees which give us fruit and edible vegetables, oil etc. Some of them are also used as fuel and for making furniture. Some other trees are used exclusively as raw materials for different industries and also for making furniture, houses, sports, goods, wooden implements and apparatus of many kinds.
Trees in Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a land of trees. It has got different kinds of trees in its forest and on every habitable ground. In the hill- tracts the trees like Teak, Mehogini, Shaal and Shishu grow in abundance. There are trees like Keora, Garan, Sundari etc grow in the Sundarbans. Some Valuable trees are also found in Madhupur garh in Mymensingh. There are fruit trees in the Country. This are mango tree, jack -fruit tree, black-berry tree, tamarind tree, lichi tree and palm tree. Among the non- fruit trees Koroi, Babla, Khoir, Banyan and many others are found here and there in the soil of the country.
Importance of trees: Trees are very useful and valuable to us. First of all, they help us to give oxygen and remove the harmful impact of carbon-di-oxide from the air for which the living creature still exists. Trees give us food and shelter. We get various types of fruits and vegetables which are essential for maintaining our sound health from trees. Trees give us timber to build our houses, Furniture, boats, ships etc. They also give shelter to the homeless. A special gift of tree is flower. Flowers bloom in them, which forms the natural beauty in a country and develops our sound mind. Trees balance the nature. It is very essential in a country to cause rains and it protects us from cyclone and the scorching heat of the sun. They save the soil from erosion, too. Our environment can be prevented by trees from being polluted . They keep the environment pure. Trees are also a great source for earning foreign currency.
Protection trees: In the past, there were plenty of trees in Bangladesh. But with the growth of population trees are disappearing day by day. Because, a huge number of trees are to be chopped every day. People use wood as fuel and burns trees in the brickfield. As a result, our country is losing so many of her trees. So, the destruction of trees are to be checked. Otherwise the shortage of trees will put us into sufferings in many ways. Moreover, we can get more trees by planting.
How we succeed in trees plantation: To increase the number of trees we should be attentive at trees plantation. In government and non - government way. We should make rule for trees plantation. People must be convinced of the need for planting more and more trees. Every person should plant trees in his house. We should plant the trees of flowers and fruits beside our houses. Planting fruit trees can lessen the pressure on rice. Students should plant trees in their schools and colleges.
Conclusion: Trees are the great assets of our country. So, the importance of trees plantation is infinite in our life. We must take care of it for the greater interest of the country and for our own survival.
Tree Plantation and Deforestation
Trees are the most important gift of nature. Since the dawn of civillization. Man has a close relationship with nature. They help us in maintaining the ecological balance which is essential for the preservation of life on earth. They are our friends. They play an important role in our life and economy.
Trees are useful to us in many ways. We get from trees different kinds of nutritious fruits which made us healthy and protect us from diseases. By taking in carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen in the air, trees help us to exist on earth. Trees give shade and shelter to many people. Trees make the land fertile and save the soil from erosion. Trees attract rains. We get timber from trees. We use timbers in making houses, furniture etc. Trees are used as fuel. Trees are also our source of income. We can earn a lot of money by selling fruits and timber.
Bangladesh is mostly a flat and riverine country. Lands in the upper region of the river are highly suitable for the growth and development of trees. Sea-beaches, low-lying unused lands, sides of the highways and roads can be brought under the scheme of tree plantation. Again, in the hilly areas of Chittagong Hill Tracts and Sylhet there are many lands left unused. These lands can also be brought under the plantation programme.
Deforestation means cutting down trees in large number. It is very harmful for our existence. It causes ecological imbalance. It leads to soil erosion and deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss. It is also responsible for climatic change, as well as global warming. In fact, if deforestation goes on our country will be turned into a desert. So we should stop cutting down trees for the greater interest of our existence. We should create awareness among the general people in this regard. So every man and woman should plant tree to make the country green.
Trees and forests bear a great impact on climate. A country needs trees to ensure a cool and healthy climate for her people. If we destroy trees randomly, one day the country will turn into a desert. As a result, the country will face a great crisis because our country is dependent upon agriculture.
Tree plantation is, by far, one of our most important duties. It is essential to prevent greenhouse effect. So tree-plantation is a must. June and July are the most suitable period for planting trees in our country. Both government and private sectors should come forward to raise consciousness people about the importance of tree plantation.
Trees are the most important gifts of nature. Since the dawn of civilization, man has a close relationship with nature. They help us in maintaining the ecological balance which is essential for the preservation of life on earth. They are our friends. They play an important role in our life and economy.
Trees are useful to us in many ways. We get from trees different kinds of nutritious fruits which make us healthy and protect us from diseases. By taking carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen in the air, trees help us to exist on earth. Trees give shade and shelter to many people. Trees make the land fertile and save the soil from erosion. Trees attract rains. We get timber from trees. We use timbers in making houses, furniture, etc. Trees are used as fuel. Trees are also our source of income. We can earn a lot of money by selling fruits and timber.
Bangladesh is mostly a flat and riverine country. Lands in the upper region of the river are highly suitable for the growth and. development of trees. Sea-beaches, low-lying unused lands, sides of the highways and roads can be brought under the scheme of tree plantation. Again, in the hilly areas of Chittagong Hill Tracts and Sylhet there are many lands left unused. These lands can also be brought under the plantation programme.
June and July are the most suitable period for planting trees in our country. Both government and private sectors should come forward to raise consciousness people about the importance of trees plantation.
Trees and forests bear a great impact on climate. A country needs trees to ensure a cool and healthy climate for her people.
If we destroy trees randomly, one day the country will turn into a desert. As a result the country will face a great crisis because our country is dependent upon agriculture.
Tree plantation is, by far, one of our most important duties. It is essential to prevent greenhouse effect. So Tree-plantation is a must.
Tree Plantation / Afforestation
/ Man And Trees
Man lives in nature. They depend on the possibility of assistance of nature. Availability of different natural resources like soil, water, coal, oil, gas etc. are influenced by trees and plants. Trees are closely related with human life. So, trees play an important role in both our life and economy.
Bangladesh is a deltaic region country. Sea-beaches and low- lying unused lands can be used for tree plantation. We can plant trees on the banks of ponds, on the banks of dams and on both sides of highways etc. Again in the villages there are many places which can be used for tree plantation.
June - July is the proper time for tree plantation. Tree plantation programmes should be expanded to the remote corners of the country. People must be convinced of the need for planting trees. Every year "Tree Plantation Week" is held.
Contribution of trees to the life of men are spectacular. Trees will solve food problems to some extent. These are a great source of food and vitamins. They meet up our vitamin deficiency. We get rich fruits and life saving medicines from trees and plants. We also get timber from trees. We use the timber to make furniture, doors, windows, boats and ships for our domestic use.
Green plants play the most important role in keeping the atmospheric balance by consuming carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. So, removal of plants and trees would disturb the composition of natural air. Natural calamities such as floods, cyclones, droughts are frequent affairs in Bangladesh.
Trees give shade and shelter to people. Trees make the land fertile and save us from erosion. Trees cause rainfall and beautify nature. They keep the environment cool and protected. Trees are also used as fuel. So to say, trees are constant companions of our daily life.
Finally, we can say that trees are our national assets. We should take massive programmes for plantation of trees all over the country. It may be noted that public awareness should be made to avoid cutting of trees. Hence, we should strive to make forests nearly all over Bangladesh.
Tree Plantation
Introduction : Nature is full of many useful, valuable and important gifts and blessings to make life easy and comfortable. The tree is one of the most useful and important elements of Nature. It is one of the best friends of men, animals and birds. A tree keeps environment, and climate of a area balanced and sound. We can not do even a day without the blessings of trees. So it is our bounden duty to plant more trees and take care of them properly. Tree plantation means planting more and more trees around our houses, highways, rail lines, offices and roads.
Value/utility : The value of trees in our life is very great and it can't be described in words. Its importance (value) is stated below .
.a. A tree is a great source of fruits and vitamins which give us vital force.
b. It is only the root source of wood which is used for making furniture, houses, shops, ships and steamers.
c. It is also a great source of many valuable medicines which save our life. d.. It causes heavy rainfall which makes soil soft and fertile and we get plenty of crops, fruits and vegetables:
e. It produces huge oxygen which is indispensable of life.
f. Man exhale carbon-di-oxide and it is the tree which inhales carbon-di-oxide, a life killing substance.
g. It prevents air pollution which endangers our existence.
h. It maintains the ecological balance of our environment.
i. It prevents soil from erosion and natural disasters.
j. It saves houses from floods. cyclones and storms.
k. It gives shade which saves us from the scorching heat of the sun.
It brings a lot of foreign currency every year.
Result of destroying trees : Today deforestation is a major and alarming problem. It is the global problem too. Now trees are being cut down and forests. are being burnt at random all the year round. As a result, we face the' following dangerous problems in our day-to-day rife.
a. Air pollution is increasing day by day.
b. Temperature is going up wonderfully day by day.
c. There is a little rainfall in our country which hampers our crops and climate severely.
d. Floods, Cyclones, Sidrs, tidal bores and storms visit in our country every year.
e. The balance of our six seasons is seriously hampered.
f. Every year a bitter cold grips in the northern part of our country.
g. Life has become impossible.
h. Foreign currency is hampered.
I. If this condition continues, our country will turn into a desert soon.
Tree plantation : It is high time we started tree plantation programme to save our environment as well as our existence on earth. Trees should be planted by every family. Trees should be planted on the banks- of ponds and dams, on the both sides of roads, highways, rail lines, embankments 'and barrages. Trees should be planted on any fallow land near our houses, schools and offices. June and July are the proper time for tree plantation. With a view to making the tree plantation programme- successful and fruitful in our dreamland. Public awareness must be raised, illiteracy must be wiped out and population explosion must -be controlled with an iron hand.
Conclusion : Trees are very useful to men and animals. They are part and parcel in. our life. In order to maintain a good harmony between man and nature we must plant more and more trees. If we don't stop the cutting down of trees and the bunting 'down forests our existence will become impossible on earth. So we should stop the cutting down of trees-and destruction of forest for our greater interest.
Introduction: “Give back the forest, take your town”, says Rabindranath Tagore. Forests play a vital role in the economy of a country. Forests exert much influence upon the climatic condition of a country. So forests and trees are deeply interlinked with overall development and progress of a people. Trees give us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save land from erosion. They are, as such, part and parcel of our life. Forest resources of Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. Lands in the upper valley of a river are more suitable for the growth and development of forest. As a result, we have no rich forest resources. The forests of Bhawal, Madupur, Chittagong Hill Tracts and the famous Sundarbans constitute our forest resources. Sundari, garan and ghewa are the famous wood of our forests.
Trees provide us with food and vitamins: Trees give us fruits and these fruits satisfy a part of our food requirement. Fruits also provide us with vitamins. Trees of mango, jack-fruit, coconut, black-beery, guava etc. supply us delicious fruits. Trees solve food problem to some extent. Fruit trees, if planted properly, provide people with vitamins and help people to get good health.
Scope of afforestation and plantation: There is ample scope for afforestation and plantation in our country. Sea-beaches and low- lying areas can be brought under the scheme of afforestation with special types of trees suited to the soil. Shady trees and fruit trees should be planted by the side of roads and highways. Trees may be planted on all sides of ponds and ‘dighis’ in villages.
Proper time of plantation of trees: June-July is the proper time for planting trees. Planting week needs to be expanded up to the interior of the villages. Govt. officials gifted with proper knowledge of afforestation and plantation may take initiative to popularise tree plantation. Illiterate people of the villages of our country do not know the utility and importance of trees and forests. Motivation in this line will be a fruitful attempt.
Conclusion: ours is a free and developing country. Gone are those days of frustration of colonial rule. All of us are greatly concerned with overall development of our country. It is our bounden duty to develop our country in forest resources. Development in affortation and treeplantation will strengthen the back-bone of our economy.
Introduction: “Give back the forest, take your town”, says Rabindranath Tagore. Forests play a vital role in the economy of a country. Forests exert much influence upon the climatic condition of a country. So forests and trees are deeply interlinked with overall development and progress of a people. Trees give us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save land from erosion.
They are, as such, part and parcel of our life. Forest resources of Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. Lands in the upper valley of a river are more suitable for the growth and development of forest. As a result, we have no rich forest resources.
The forests of Bhawal, Madupur, Chittagong Hill Tracts and the famous Sundarbans constitute our forest resources. Sundari, garan and ghewa are the famous wood of our forests.
Trees provide us with food and vitamins: Trees give us fruits and these fruits satisfy a part of our food requirement. Fruits also provide us with vitamins. Trees of mango, jack-fruit, coconut, black-beery, guava etc. supply us delicious fruits. Trees solve food problem to some extent. Fruit trees, if planted properly, provide people with vitamins and help people to get good health.
Scope of afforestation and plantation: There is ample scope for afforestation and plantation in our country. Sea-beaches and low- lying areas can be brought under the scheme of afforestation with special types of trees suited to the soil. Shady trees and fruit trees should be planted by the side of roads and highways. Trees may be planted on all sides of ponds and ‘dighis’ in villages.
Proper time of plantation of trees: June-July is the proper time for planting trees. Planting week needs to be expanded up to the interior of the villages. Govt. officials gifted with proper knowledge of afforestation and plantation may take initiative to popularise tree plantation. Illiterate people of the villages of our country do not know the utility and importance of trees and forests. Motivation in this line will be a fruitful attempt.
Conclusion: ours is a free and developing country. Gone are those days of frustration of colonial rule. All of us are greatly concerned with overall development of our country. It is our bounden duty to develop our country in forest resources. Development in affortation and treeplantation will strengthen the back-bone of our economy.