Paragraph Writing
Technical Education and General Education
Education is vital for a country's progress. It helps people understand things better. There are two main types of education: general and technical. Both are important for a nation's growth. General education gives people a broad understanding of many subjects. However, it doesn't always prepare them for specific jobs. This means that many highly educated people can't find work, which is a problem for the country. On the other hand, technical education focuses on specific skills needed for jobs. People with technical skills can usually find work or start their own businesses. In today's competitive world, having technical skills is often more useful than just general knowledge. General education might make someone knowledgeable, but it doesn't always lead to a job. For a country like Bangladesh, where there's a need for skilled workers, technical education is crucial. While general education is important too, it's not enough to meet the country's needs. Technical education trains people for jobs that are in demand, like engineering or healthcare. It's common to see people with general education working in fields unrelated to their studies. This isn't always helpful for the country's development. Instead, focusing on technical education could lead to more skilled workers and better productivity. In conclusion, both general and technical education have their place. But in countries like Bangladesh, where there's a need for skilled workers, technical education should be a priority. This would help reduce unemployment and boost the country's economy..
Model Answer-2
Comparing and Contrasting Technical Education and General Education
Education serves as the foundation of a nation and serves to enlighten individuals. In this context, both technical education and general education play pivotal roles in a nation's development. General education typically imparts a high level of knowledge to individuals. However, it often fails to equip them for success in their lives because it doesn't provide specialization. Consequently, many highly educated individuals remain unemployed, becoming a burden on the country.On the other hand, individuals with technical education can usually secure employment or become self-reliant. In our current era, where survival of the fittest is the norm, general education often cannot offer suitable job opportunities and mainly produces highly educated clerks. While general education may meet the demand for education, it often falls short in fulfilling one's basic needs. A country like Bangladesh requires dedicated workers, a need that technical education can address.It's surprising to see individuals who complete a medical degree (MBBS) working in banks or commercial institutions, which raises questions about the value of their degrees. General education is more suitable for those with financial means who can contribute to the country through their knowledge. In contrast, technical education focuses on preparing individuals for specific jobs in their respective fields, reducing tension and frustration.In light of our socio-economic conditions, technical education becomes essential. While clerks and officials are necessary, skilled workers are even more critical. We must recognize that there is no alternative to production, and skilled individuals are vital for this purpose. A skilled worker is preferable to a highly educated individual who is unemployed. While both forms of education are valuable in terms of knowledge and education, they need to be distinguished when considering practical value and reality.
Model Answer-3
Composition / Essay Writing
Introduction : Technical education is the training in practical art and science. It means learning a particular art or science or a craft. No training is thorough without a scientific basis. No nation can be great without a large number of technically qualified men. The shortage of technicians is hampering our industries. Technical education on a wide scale is necessary to make up the leeway in our industries.
Various kinds of technical education : There are various branches of technical education, e. g., engineering, commercial, medical, agricultural, industrial and mining. Separate institutions exist for these subjects. Bangladesh has set up some of the institutions. Technical education helps the industrialization of a country. It provides employment to a good number of citizens.
General educations at a discount : General education is now of very little use to a man to earn his livelihood. This is being realized day by day. People are beginning to cease to place that high value on general education which they used to do a few years back. The field of service has been so overcrowded that graduates go a-begging. Every learned profession has been overcrowded. The struggle for existence is growing keener and keener everyday. General education ill-fits a man to cope with this struggle. Bread problem is now the only problem that people have got to solve. First let there be rice for the belly, then other things.
Technical education not yet given due worth : Technical education can, to some extent, solve this problem of all problems. But this education is not so thought of as it ought to be. Technical education, if it
does nothing more, will at least enable its votary to earn his own bread in an honest and honourable way. But still, there are many who do not think it worthwhile to give their sons or wards this useful education. Many even think this education beneath their dignity. They choose rather to be hungry lawyers than well-fed mechanics. But time is not far when this lingering illusion will be removed.
Technical education should be preferred to general education : By technical education is meant the training of boys in some arts and sciences. This is a training in practical arts. There is no theory. What is theoretical or visionary makes a man starve, but what is practical is sure to feed him. A man who has learnt some practical art has never known the want of bread. Money jingles in his pocket. It is, therefore, necessary that technical education which promises to give bread should be preferred to general education which cannot give bread.
Conclusion : It is highly encouraging that there has been considerable change in the outlook of our government and of the people towards technical education. The Government has realized that the rapid development of the country through industrialisation and mechanized agriculture is an impossibility without technically qualified manpower.
Education is the backbone of a nation. Nowadays technical education is the main concept to improve our basic education. Education is to train the young men and women of a country so that they may be able to guide their nation easily in the light of their ideals when they begin a full life.
But the system of education in our country is faulty. It does not aim at this practical aspect, because it is for the most part academic, theoretical and bookish. It fails to turn them into a confident and selfÂdirecting man. So when he enters the practical life at the close of academic career he faces the problems and complexities of the world. He is to depend upon others as his guides in the wide sea of life. The university degree does not make him capable of learning enough to earn his livelihood. Such educated unemployed or ill-employed citizens, really worsen the problem of unemployment in a free state.
Vocational education aims at making a person fit for a particular vocation in life by imparting both theoretical and practical knowledge. The object is to provide the young learners with a sure foothold in the battle of life.
With this end in view, the education system in our country should be replanned and readjusted to the need of the society. It should make provision for the technical institutions where such pupils, as are found unsuitable for general education may have a bread earning education without being unnecessary burdens of the country.