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Acid Violence​ (Paragraph / Composition / Essay on )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 14

Paragraph Writing

The Danger of Acid Violence

Acid throwing on human bodies is the worst deed of all. Acid violence is the most inhuman act in this civilized society. Today it is the most heinous and brutal crime in this modern world. When anything is damaged by throwing acid, it is called acid violence. It is one of the most merciless and unpardonable crimes. It is a panic news that acid violence is increasing in our society wonderfully day by day. Mainly women and girls are the worst victims of' this cowardice violence. A young man having no moral sense usually commits this brutal act. Having failed to win the love of girls, some senseless and unwise young people throw acid on. '. bodies. Illiteracy is the root cause of acid throwing in our society. Gender discrimination is another root cause of it. Dowry-hunter husbands also mainly cause acid violence on their wives. Some hunters throw acid on their enemies to take revenge . Social unconsciousness is greatly liable for this brutal act. The effect of acid throwing is very panic and painful. In most cases the acid victims lose their invaluable eves. Acid violence makes their beautiful appearance very ugly as like as ghosts. Some victims become fully paralyzed forever. Those who survive lead a very miserable and sorrowful life. They lose their status and dignity in the society. They are deprived of love and affection of near and dear ones. Developed social consciousness is a must to stamp out this inhuman act. Illiteracy and gender discrimination must be eradicated to stop this cowardice deed. It is high time we started a strong campaign against acid violence in order to build up a happy and 'decent society.


Acid violence

Acid violence is a deeply disturbing crime that has unfortunately become increasingly common in our society. Perpetrated by a few individuals, this crime primarily targets women, making them the most vulnerable victims in our male-dominated society. Women often face severe consequences for rejecting advances or proposals from men, with acid violence being one of the most extreme forms of retaliation. In some cases, acid violence stems from disputes over dowry payments or other personal conflicts, exacerbating the already dire situation. The repercussions of acid attacks are devastating, not only causing physical harm but also leaving victims in a state of perpetual fear and psychological trauma. The effects of acid attacks are life-altering, leaving victims scarred both physically and emotionally. To combat acid violence, collective action and awareness are essential. Women must remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings, while law enforcement agencies must rigorously enforce laws to deter perpetrators and hold them accountable for their actions. Additionally, providing proper treatment and support to victims is imperative, and government initiatives must be strengthened in this regard. It is heartening to see the government's determination to impose harsh penalties, including the death sentence, on acid throwers. However, our efforts must extend beyond punitive measures to address the root causes of this heinous crime and create a society where such violence is unthinkable. Ultimately, it is only through sincere and united action that we can eradicate acid violence and ensure a safer and more just society for all.

 The Danger of Acid Violence

Acid throwing on human bodies is the worst deed of all. Acid violence is the most inhuman act in this civilized society, (4W Today it is the most heinous and brutal crime in this modern world. When anything is damaged by throwing acid, it is called acid violence. It is one of the most merciless and unpardonable crimes. It is a panic news that acid violence is increasing in our society wonderfully day by day. Mainly women and girls are the worst victims of' this cowardice violence. A young man having no moral sense usually commits this brutal act. Having failed to win the love of girls, some senseless and unwise young people throw acid on. '. bodies. Illiteracy is the root cause of acid throwing in our society. Gender discrimination is another root cause of it. Dowry-hunter husbands also mainly cause acid violence on their wives. Some hunters throw acid on their enemies to take revenge . Social unconsciousness is greatly liable for this brutal act. The effect of acid throwing is very panic and painful. In most cases the acid victims lose their invaluable eves. Acid violence makes their beautiful appearance very ugly as like as ghosts. Some victims become fully paralyzed forever. Those who survive lead a very miserable and sorrowful life. They lose their status and dignity in the society. They are deprived of love and affection of near and dear ones. Developed social consciousness is a must to stamp out this inhuman act. Illiteracy and gender discrimination must be eradicated to stop this cowardice deed. It is high time we started a strong campaign   against acid violence in order to build up a happy and 'decent society.

The Danger of Acid Violence

Acid violence stands as one of the most atrocious crimes in our modern society, characterized by its sheer brutality and inhumanity. Targeted at individuals, particularly women and girls, this abhorrent act inflicts unimaginable suffering and irreparable damage. The perpetrators of acid violence, often driven by a lack of moral compass and a sense of entitlement, commit this heinous deed out of jealousy, revenge, or as a means of exerting power.Rooted in factors such as illiteracy and gender discrimination, acid violence reflects a deeply entrenched societal malaise that must be addressed urgently. Women, especially, bear the brunt of this violence, often falling victim to husbands seeking dowry or individuals unable to accept rejection. The consequences of acid attacks are devastating, with victims enduring excruciating pain, disfigurement, and permanent disability. Many lose their sight, forever altering their appearance and robbing them of their dignity and societal standing. The impact of acid violence extends far beyond physical wounds, leaving survivors emotionally scarred and socially ostracized. They face discrimination, isolation, and a loss of trust in humanity, as the society they once belonged to turns its back on them. To combat this epidemic of violence, concerted efforts are needed to eradicate illiteracy, challenge gender discrimination, and foster social awareness and empathy. By promoting education, gender equality, and community support, we can create a society where acid violence has no place, and every individual can live free from fear and harm. It's imperative that we launch a unified campaign against acid violence, striving to build a society where such barbarity is unthinkable, and all members can thrive in safety and dignity.

Composition / Essay Writing

                                  The Danger of Acid Violence

Acid violence is an extremely cruel and heartless crime that is becoming more prevalent in our society. It involves throwing acid on someone's body, causing severe and often permanent damage. Sadly, women and girls are often the primary targets of this despicable act.

The perpetrators of acid violence are usually individuals who lack empathy and resort to such brutality when they feel rejected or seek revenge. Many times, it's fueled by a sense of entitlement or a desire to exert power over others. Illiteracy and gender discrimination also play significant roles in perpetuating this crime. For example, husbands may attack their wives in attempts to extort dowries, while others may lash out due to feelings of inadequacy or jealousy.

The consequences of acid violence are devastating and long-lasting. Victims suffer excruciating pain and often lose their eyesight or sustain severe disfigurement. This not only affects their physical well-being but also shatters their self-esteem and sense of identity. Survivors are left to navigate a world that often stigmatizes and marginalizes them, leading to isolation and a loss of social support.

To combat acid violence, we must address its root causes and raise awareness about its consequences. This includes promoting education and gender equality to empower individuals and challenge harmful societal norms. It's crucial to provide support and rehabilitation services for survivors to help them rebuild their lives and regain their confidence. Additionally, stringent laws and swift justice are essential to deter potential perpetrators and hold them accountable for their actions.

By working together as a community, we can create a society where acid violence is not tolerated, and every individual is valued and respected. It's imperative that we stand united against this heinous crime and strive to build a safer and more compassionate world for all.

Bangla Translation

অ্যাসিড সহিংসতা

অ্যাসিড সহিংসতা একটি গভীর বিরক্তিকর অপরাধ যা দুর্ভাগ্যবশত আমাদের সমাজে ক্রমশ সাধারণ হয়ে উঠেছে। কিছু ব্যক্তি দ্বারা সংঘটিত, এই অপরাধটি প্রাথমিকভাবে মহিলাদের লক্ষ্য করে, আমাদের পুরুষ-শাসিত সমাজে তাদের সবচেয়ে দুর্বল শিকার করে তোলে। নারীরা প্রায়ই পুরুষদের অগ্রিম বা প্রস্তাব প্রত্যাখ্যান করার জন্য গুরুতর পরিণতির সম্মুখীন হয়, অ্যাসিড সহিংসতা প্রতিশোধের সবচেয়ে চরম রূপগুলির মধ্যে একটি। কিছু ক্ষেত্রে, অ্যাসিড সহিংসতা যৌতুক প্রদান নিয়ে বিরোধ বা অন্যান্য ব্যক্তিগত দ্বন্দ্ব থেকে উদ্ভূত হয়, যা ইতিমধ্যেই ভয়াবহ পরিস্থিতিকে আরও বাড়িয়ে তোলে। অ্যাসিড আক্রমণের প্রতিক্রিয়াগুলি ধ্বংসাত্মক, যা শুধুমাত্র শারীরিক ক্ষতিই করে না বরং ক্ষতিগ্রস্তদের চিরকাল ভয় এবং মানসিক আঘাতের অবস্থায় ফেলে। অ্যাসিড আক্রমণের প্রভাবগুলি জীবন-পরিবর্তনকারী, যার ফলে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিরা শারীরিক এবং মানসিক উভয়ভাবেই দাগ পড়ে। অ্যাসিড সহিংসতা মোকাবেলায়, সম্মিলিত পদক্ষেপ এবং সচেতনতা অপরিহার্য। নারীদের অবশ্যই তাদের পারিপার্শ্বিক অবস্থা সম্পর্কে সজাগ ও সচেতন থাকতে হবে, যখন আইন প্রয়োগকারী সংস্থাগুলিকে অবশ্যই কঠোরভাবে অপরাধীদের আটকাতে এবং তাদের কর্মের জন্য তাদের জবাবদিহি করতে আইন প্রয়োগ করতে হবে। উপরন্তু, ক্ষতিগ্রস্থদের যথাযথ চিকিৎসা এবং সহায়তা প্রদান অপরিহার্য, এবং এই বিষয়ে সরকারি উদ্যোগকে জোরদার করতে হবে। এসিড নিক্ষেপকারীদের মৃত্যুদণ্ডসহ কঠোর শাস্তি প্রদানে সরকারের দৃঢ় সংকল্প দেখে আনন্দিত হয়। যাইহোক, আমাদের প্রচেষ্টা অবশ্যই এই জঘন্য অপরাধের মূল কারণগুলিকে মোকাবেলা করতে এবং এমন একটি সমাজ তৈরি করতে শাস্তিমূলক ব্যবস্থার বাইরে প্রসারিত করতে হবে যেখানে এই ধরনের সহিংসতা কল্পনা করা যায় না। পরিশেষে, শুধুমাত্র আন্তরিক এবং ঐক্যবদ্ধ পদক্ষেপের মাধ্যমেই আমরা অ্যাসিড সহিংসতা নির্মূল করতে পারি এবং সবার জন্য একটি নিরাপদ এবং আরও ন্যায়সঙ্গত সমাজ নিশ্চিত করতে পারি।

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