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IELTS Speaking Part-2 A a place that you remember that is full of colours

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Describe a place that you remember that is full of colours

You should say:

·         Where it is

·         What it is like

·         What it is used for

·         And explain why you remember it

I was struggling to think of a place to talk about because colour is not something I pay much attention to, to be perfectly honest, but if I remember rightly, my primary school was quite a colourful place full of bright, vivid splashes of colour so I’ve decided to talk about that place.

I can remember my classroom quite clearly/vividly and there was an explosion of colour. The walls were painted pale blue – I think I heard recently that this colour has a calming effect on the body so this is probably why it is used in schools. Red is not a good colour to use because it is regarded as an angry and aggressive colour and can get you too excited and it would not be good to have a class full of overenergized and hyper kids!

All the chairs and tables were different colours and we used to fight over who could sit on which chair because everyone wanted to sit in their favourite colour. Mine was blue, I always tried to get the blue chair.

Interestingly, the walls were a pastel colour, whereas the other objects in the room were strong colours. You’d think that pastels would be better to not overstimulate the pupils; however, I guess schools tend to use bright colours to make them look like fun places to learn.

The main reason why I remember it so well is that I spent the first seven years of my life in that school and it left a lasting impression on me because I was probably the happiest when I was in primary school. Secondary school/high school was a depressing, miserable place and all we did was prepare for exams and I remember it as a much darker place lacking in colour.

Describe a Place That You Remember That Is Full of Colours

One vivid memory I have is of my primary school, which was a remarkably colorful place. Although I don't often focus on colors, this school stands out because of its vibrant and lively atmosphere.

The primary school was located in a charming, suburban neighborhood. It was an old building with an exterior that had been painted in a cheerful yellow, which instantly made it look inviting and warm. The interior was even more striking. My classroom, in particular, was a kaleidoscope of colors. The walls were painted a soothing pale blue. I recently learned that this color is known for its calming effects, which is likely why it was chosen for the classroom. Red, often associated with excitement and aggression, was deliberately avoided to prevent overstimulation among the students.

The furniture in the classroom was an assortment of bright colors. Every chair and table was a different hue, which made the classroom look like a patchwork quilt of colors. This variety led to friendly disputes among us kids over who got to sit in the chair of their favorite color. Personally, I always aimed for the blue chair, as blue was my preferred color.

Interestingly, while the walls were painted in soft pastel shades, the furniture featured bold, vibrant colors. The contrast between the calming pastels on the walls and the vivid colors of the furniture created a dynamic learning environment. The bright colors helped to make the classroom a fun and engaging place, appealing to the innate curiosity and energy of young children.

What makes this memory especially significant is that I spent the first seven formative years of my life in that school. The vibrant colors and the joyful environment had a lasting impact on me. I remember feeling incredibly happy and excited to go to school every day. In contrast, my secondary school experience was rather dull and stressful, with a focus on exam preparation and less emphasis on creating a stimulating environment. The colorfulness of my primary school is a cherished memory that reminds me of a happier and more carefree time.

Vocabulary and Phrases Table


Bangla Meaning

Russian Meaning

Hindi Meaning

vivid memory

স্পষ্ট স্মৃতি

яркое воспоминание

जीवंत याद

vibrant and lively atmosphere

প্রাণবন্ত এবং প্রাণচঞ্চল পরিবেশ

яркая и живая атмосфера

जीवंत और उत्साही वातावरण

soothing pale blue

শান্তিপূর্ণ নীল

успокаивающий бледно-голубой

शांतिपूर्ण हल्का नीला


অতিরিক্ত উত্তেজনা

чрезмерная стимуляция

अत्यधिक उत्तेजना

kaleidoscope of colors

রঙের ক্যালিডোস্কোপ

калейдоскоп цветов

रंगों की कैलेडोस्कोप

cheerful yellow

উজ্জ্বল হলুদ

яркий желтый

खुशहाल पीला

soothing effects

শান্তিদায়ক প্রভাব

успокаивающий эффект

शांतिप्रद प्रभाव


রঙের শেড


रंग की छाया

patchwork quilt

প্যাচওয়ার্ক কুইল

лоскутное одеяло

पैचवर्क रजाई

dynamic learning environment

গতিশীল শিক্ষামূলক পরিবেশ

динамичная образовательная среда

गतिशील शिक्षा का वातावरण

innate curiosity

স্বাভাবিক কৌতূহল

врожденное любопытство

जन्मजात जिज्ञासा

cherished memory

প্রিয় স্মৃতি

драгоценное воспоминание

प्रिय याद

dull and stressful

একঘেয়েমি এবং চাপপূর্ণ

унылый и напряженный

सुस्त और तनावपूर्ण

exam preparation

পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি

подготовка к экзаменам

परीक्षा की तैयारी

stimulating environment

উদ্দীপক পরিবেশ

стимулирующая среда

उत्तेजक वातावरण

carefree time

চিন্তামুক্ত সময়

беззаботное время

निश्चिंत समय





friendly disputes

বন্ধুসুলভ বিরোধ

дружеские споры

दोस्ताना झगड़े

bright colors

উজ্জ্বল রঙ

яркие цвета

चमकदार रंग

4o mini

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