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My Aim in Life / My Future Plan of Life /Choice of Career / Your Ambition in Life / Future Profession (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 21

Paragraph Writing


One must settle some plans or aim in life because without them life becomes a drifting boat in a stormy sea, always looking for a land to anchor. It may be disputed that humans cannot follow all their plans owing to the adversity of time. However, I have fixed up a plan for myself. I have a desire to serve the country. With this in mind, I want to be a teacher, the noblest person in the society, who is morally obliged to build and mould up a sound society. Teaching has always been regarded as a noble profession. It is the teachers who impart knowledge, provide consciousness, humanity to the inhabitants of the society and serve until the last day of their life. This is why I have chosen to be a teaches. Right from this moment, I am preparing for my future. I will enter university and work sincerely to complete my graduation and post-graduation and, then try to receive training ing for effective teaching. It is really encouraging for me that my parents have their support and cooperation for my aim. They all believe that my sincerity, determination, vivacity in my work will obviously contribute to the development of the society.


My Future Plan of Life

Having a clear goal in life is like having a compass for direction. My dream for the future is to become a doctor and help people. There are good reasons behind this choice. Firstly, doctors are respected in society and it's a job that helps others, which I find noble. Also, many villages lack enough doctors, leading to suffering and early deaths among the villagers. This really bothers me. Plus, my parents are supportive of my decision. Becoming a doctor means I can make a real difference in people's lives. Once I finish my studies, I plan to go back to my village and start a clinic where I can provide medical care. This will hopefully improve the health of my community. Right now, villagers have to travel long distances to get to a hospital, and sometimes they don't make it in time. My big dream is to build a hospital in my village. Even though it might be difficult, I'm determined to make it happen. This hospital will focus on helping those who can't afford medical care, offering treatments either for free or at a reduced cost. I believe that with hard work and dedication, I can achieve my goal. And I also hope for some help from above along the way.


Model Answer-2

My Future Plan of Life

There is a proverb that a person without an aim is like a ship without a rudder. So, it is necessary for everybody to have a definite aim in life. I have a future plan, and it is to serve the people. So, I like to be a doctor in future. There are some strong reasons for which I want to become a doctor. A doctor has high status in our society. It is a noble profession. Again, there is a shortage of doctors in our villages. The villagers suffer from various diseases and die a premature death. These hurt me a lot. Moreover, my parents support my choice. In this profession, there is a good opportunity to serve the people. After completing MBBS, I will return to my village and serve the villagers. I will set up a charitable dispensary for treatment. The villagers will enjoy good health under my treatment. Since there is no hospital in the village, the people usually go to the district hospital for treatment. Sometimes, the patients die on the way to the hospital as it is ten miles away from the village. So, I have a dream to establish a hospital in my village by hook or by crook. The poor people will be treated without any fees. They will get medicines from the dispensary of the hospital by paying only half of the Trice. I hope and believe that I will be able to work hard to reach my goal. I pray to the Almighty for the success of my aim in life.

Model Answer-3

Composition / Essay Writing

                             MY  AIM  IN  LIFE / YOUR FUTURE PLAN OF LIFE


Life  without  aim  is  like  a  ship  without  a  rudder .  To  young  students  this  world  is  like  a  sea .  There are so  many  paths  or  courses  open  to  them .  Some  of  these  are  good  and  some  are  bad .  Even  then  the  same  good  paths  may  not  be  suitable  for  all .  Under  the  circumstances ,  Young  students  require  proper  guidance  to  determine  the  right  path .

  Since  my  boyhood ,  it  has  been  my  cherished  aim  of  life  to  serve  my  country  as  a  teacher .  It  is  due  to  my  father’s  influence  that  I  have  decided  to  take  to  this  career .  My  father  himself  is  a  teacher  of  a  village  high  school .  He  has  often  said  that  a  teacher  can  give  real  service  to  his  country  through  teaching .

Services  rendered  by  a  political  leader  or  an  administrator  or  an  army  officer  are  no  less  useful  to  the  nation .  But  these  people  are  amply  rewarded  for  their  services .  They  enjoy  power ,  position  and  riches .  There  are  glory  and  glamour  both  in  politics  and  military  services .  But  the  only  power  that  can  exercise  lasting  influence  is  the  moral  power  and  teaching  wields  this  moral  power .  Now – a – days  even  the  educated  people  consider  moral  power  unimportant .  But  in  the  ultimate  analysis  it  is  a  vital  force  which  can  make  a  nation  really  great .  Hence  the  importance  of  teaching  as  a  profession  can  not  be  over – emphasized .

The  simple  and  plain  life  of  a  teacher  has  little  attraction  for  the  ambitious  young  men .  They  prefer  other  jobs  to  teaching .  But  they  do  not  know  that  the  destiny  of  a  nation  lies  in  the  hands  of  teachers .  Teachers  build  up  the  character  of  our  future  citizens ,  leaders  and  administrators .  Teachers  can  infuse  the  spirit  of  universal  brotherhood  and  self – sacrifice  in  their  students .  They  can  also  engender  greediness ,  meanness  and  licentiousness  in  them .  So  I  think  that  teachers  have  got  a  tremendous  force  good  or  bed ,  to  exercise  so  far  as  the  future  of  the  nation  is  concerned .  Although  it  is  imperceptible ,  it  is  far  more  potent  than  any  other  force .

Considering  all  these  I  have  decided  to  become  a  teacher .  But  I  do  not  expect  to  become  a  College  or  University  teacher  because  I  am  an  ordinary  student  and  my  father  is  too  poor  to  pay  for  my  higher  education  in  University .  After  graduation  I  shall  complete  the  B. ED.  course  to  qualify  myself  as  a  teacher .

Then  I  shall  come  back  to  join  my  village  high  school .  I  do  not  like  to  leave  this  High  School  for  a  more  lucrative  job  anywhere .  I  want  to  live  in  the  midst  of  my  students  are  and  relations  till  the  last  day  of  my  life .  This  is  a  life  far  apart  from  the  temptation  of  civil  and  military  services .  Being  free  from  distraction ,  I  shall  be  able  to  devote  myself  fully  to  study  and  teaching .

I  pray  to  Allah  that  I  may  lead  this  ideal  life  and  serve  my  country  and  countrymen  to  the  best  of  my  abilities .  I  must  not  forget  that  he  who serves  man  serves  God .




                   MY  AIM  IN  LIFE / YOUR FUTURE PLAN OF LIFE

A life without an aim is akin to a ship without a rudder, aimlessly drifting in the vast expanse of the sea. For young students, the world is an ocean teeming with numerous paths, some good and some bad, and not all good paths are suitable for everyone. Hence, proper guidance is essential to help young students determine the right course of action.


Ever since my boyhood, I have harbored a cherished aim to serve my country as a teacher. It was my father's influence that led me to pursue this career, as he himself is a teacher at a village high school. He has often emphasized that teaching is a noble profession that allows one to give real service to their country.


Although the services rendered by political leaders, administrators, and army officers are no less useful to the nation, they are amply rewarded with power, position, and riches. However, the only power that can exercise a lasting influence is moral power, and teaching wields this moral power. Nowadays, even educated people consider moral power unimportant. Nevertheless, in the ultimate analysis, it is a vital force that can make a nation truly great. Therefore, the importance of teaching as a profession cannot be overemphasized.


The simple and plain life of a teacher has little attraction for ambitious young men who prefer other jobs to teaching. But they fail to realize that the destiny of a nation lies in the hands of teachers who build up the character of future citizens, leaders, and administrators. Teachers can infuse the spirit of universal brotherhood and self-sacrifice in their students, or engender greediness, meanness, and licentiousness. Hence, teachers have a tremendous force, for good or bad, to exercise as far as the future of the nation is concerned, a force that is far more potent than any other.


Considering all these factors, I have decided to become a teacher. However, I do not aspire to become a college or university teacher as I am an ordinary student, and my father is too poor to pay for my higher education at a university. After graduation, I shall complete the B.ED. course to qualify myself as a teacher. Then I shall return to join my village high school, where I wish to remain until the last day of my life, living amidst my students and relations, free from the temptation of civil and military services. Being free from distraction, I shall be able to devote myself fully to study and teaching.


In conclusion, I pray to Allah that I may lead this ideal life and serve my country and countrymen to the best of my abilities. I must not forget that he who serves man serves God, and thus, my aim to become a teacher is not just a personal ambition but a divine calling to serve my fellow human beings.




Dreams, ambitions and aspirations are inherent part of everyone’s life. If someone wants to become a hero, someone else dreams to be an industrialist. One may have the ambition to occupy the high chair of the Prime Minister, the President or the bureaucrat. Others may aspire to represent the people in the Parliament, assembly or municipal council. A humble person may have an ambition to possess his own rickshaw, taxi, while middle class children often dream to become a doctor, engineer, architect, media person, sales executive, computer expert, chartered accountant, public administrator or any other professional.

As a career, journalism is exciting. It has opportunity as well as risk. It has boredom, too. A young man who likes to have a bit of excitement and is not afraid of insecurity will find it to his liking. With courage and honesty he can serve his nation to a great extent. The profession has a prestige of its own. It commands great respect in all countries where there is a free society. An honest but outspoken journalist is feared by all who indulge in shady dealings. In truly democratic countries a journalist has more freedom than in totalitarian countries. He is also loved and honoured by the people and is rewarded by advancement. Bangladesh is a democracy. So, I prefer to take journalism as my ambition.


At present I am an S.S.C. student in a high school. For reaching my noble ambition, I regularly study from now on to gain knowledge in different lines. I try to make myself efficient in my group subjects. Besides, I like to make myself aware of politics, national and international affairs. I shall try to secure good marks in my S.S.C and H.S.C. examinations so that I can join in the department of journalism in university for higher degree. By hard and sincere labour, I hope that I shall turn myself a good journalist. Then I shall be able to render real service to my country and at the same time earn my living.

A journalist’s profession is a noble one. Much of a journalist’s success depends upon technical knowledge. I must be able to discern the news value of an event. I must have skill to make up a story out of the bits I can gather. It is also my duty to report objectively. I can take up the cause of justice and fight for it. I can provide information about national and international affairs and thus educate the minds of the people. I can contribute to good administration by making healthy criticism. I think I will be able to guide the nation on right course. Keeping people conscious of their rights, I can prevent rulers from being despotic. This profession is quite paying in advanced countries, but in under-developed and developing countries it is not so paying. Even then I am hopeful about my earning.

We cannot imagine a country without newspapers. This has contributed to the growth and development of journalism. Journalism is, therefore, a profession for the honest and bold of spirit. For such men it is paying, too. So, I should never be shaky about initial problems. As I always bear in mind that an aim is a virtue, when it seeks to do good to others, I have the only aim of my life to serve my country honestly and sincerely by being an efficient journalist.



Life without aim is like a ship without a rudder . To young students this world is like a sea . There are so many paths or courses open to them . Some of these are good and some are bad . Even then the same good paths may not be suitable for all . Under the circumstances , Young students require proper guidance to determine the right path .

Since my boyhood , it has been my cherished aim of life to serve my country as a teacher . It is due to my father’s influence that I have decided to take to this career . My father himself is a teacher of a village high school . He has often said that a teacher can give real service to his country through teaching .


Services rendered by a political leader or an administrator or an army officer are no less useful to the nation . But these people are amply rewarded for their services . They enjoy power , position and riches . There are glory and glamour both in politics and military services . But the only power that can exercise lasting influence is the moral power and teaching wields this moral power . Now – a – days even the educated people consider moral power unimportant . But in the ultimate analysis it is a vital force which can make a nation really great . Hence the importance of teaching as a profession can not be over – emphasized .

The simple and plain life of a teacher has little attraction for the ambitious young men . They prefer other jobs to teaching . But they do not know that the destiny of a nation lies in the hands of teachers . Teachers build up the character of our future citizens , leaders and administrators . Teachers can infuse the spirit of universal brotherhood and self – sacrifice in their students . They can also engender greediness , meanness and licentiousness in them . So I think that teachers have got a tremendous force good or bed , to exercise so far as the future of the nation is concerned . Although it is imperceptible , it is far more potent than any other force .

Considering all these I have decided to become a teacher . But I do not expect to become a College or University teacher because I am an ordinary student and my father is too poor to pay for my higher education in University . After graduation I shall complete the B. ED. course to qualify myself as a teacher .

Then I shall come back to join my village high school . I do not like to leave this High School for a more lucrative job anywhere . I want to live in the midst of my students are and relations till the last day of my life . This is a life far apart from the temptation of civil and military services . Being free from distraction , I shall be able to devote myself fully to study and teaching .

I pray to Allah that I may lead this ideal life and serve my country and countrymen to the best of my abilities . I must not forget that he who serves man serves God .

Aim in Life

"I slept and dreamt that life was beauty,I woke and found that life was duty."


Every man must have some aim in life. If a man has no particular aim, he can not succeed in life. He does not know what he will do. Life becomes significant only if there is a suitable effective aim in life. A man without an aim in life is like a ship without a rudder. A man should select a particular profession from the early stage of life.

Different people have different aims in life. Some want to be teachers, some want to be engineers, some want to be politicians, some want to be high officials and some want to be doctors. In the same way, I am reluctant to choose from the many.

Since my boyhood, I had great regard for the teaching profession. My father is a village High School teacher. Now and then, he says that a teacher can give proper service to his country through teaching profession. In fact, a tea-Cher can help to remove illiteracy and ignorance more than anyone else. Being a teacher, I shall be able to influence the young boys and girls on whom the bright future of a nation really depends. Consequently, they may be the worthy and lovable citizen of Bangladesh. Moreover, I think that the service of a good teacher is very essential for the welfare of the countrymen. So the country will progress and will be prosperous. Moreover, a teacher is a prominent figure in the society. He is honoured by all.

In order to become a successful teacher, I must require some degrees. I want to be a teacher of English. After graduation, I shall complete the B.ed. course to qualify myself as an ideal teacher. Then I shall come back to the village and adopt teaching as a profession.

Finally, we can say that a good teacher is an asset for a nation. We know that education is the backbone of a nation Similarly a good teacher is the backbone of education. That's why I want to be a good teacher. I small be a happy man if I can fulfil my aim in life and thus do something good for my country.



Your Ambition in Life

We are all familiar with the proverb ‘Hitch your wagon to a star. The logic behind it is simple. If we do not aspire for something great, we shall not strive for it and consequently lead a life of ignominy. The autobiographies of all great men revel, that each of them very early in childhood had a dream, a vision of what they intended to do or become. This is distinctively apart from daydreaming, for in the words of William Shakespeare “Ambition should be made of sterner stuff’. Thus it is not sufficing to only dream, but one must relentlessly strive to achieve and realise this dream.

I too have a dream, an ambition of becoming a doctor. This is so because it is a noble profession that also commands a lot of respect in the society. The white coat and the stethoscope mesmerizes me, right since my childhood. The look of concern, sense of empathy and the feeling of confidence that the doctor inspires in a patient, mitigates his suffering. He is looked as a messiah by the sick and the infirm. No matter how big or powerful a man might be, he invariable does fall sick and has to seek the doctor’s help. There are many other professions that offer more money, power and glamour, but none commands the respect and the dignity of a doctor. All these are but transitory things, that are there today and gone tomorrow, but the status and service of a doctor does not diminish. On the other hand, if he practices his profession nobly, it increases and multiplies with the passage of time.

The road to realising my dream is not easy, nor do I expect it to be so. I would have to pass the competitive premedical examination, before I could gain entry to a medical college. I have begun preparation for the same in earnest and with God’s grace I do hope to clear the test. I would like specialise in Cardiac diseases after completing my MBBS. This is a fatal ailment that has afflicted us and is on the rise. It has now started afflicting even young people and this country would need many cardiologists to take care of them.

This is my dream which I do hope will come true. I shall leave no stone unturned to turn my ambition into reality, for I firmly believe that our triumphs and defeats are in us. H.W. Longfellow rightly echoes these sentiments when he says, “Not in the glamour of crowded streets not in the shouts of plaudits of the throng. But in ourselves are triumphs and defeats.”


My Aim in Life  Or, My Future Plan

Introduction : There is a common saving, "A nian without an aim in life is like, a ship or a boat without a rudder. A ship or a boat without    a        rudder surely meets an accident. Similarly, an aimless life surely faces danger or an accident. He can't reach his desired goal of life. Our life is short but art is long. Man is in born only for eating, sleeping, playing or sleeping. He has a lot of duties to the family, to the society, to the country, to the countrymen and to the environment and to the animals. So, a man can't finish duties and responsibilities without a definite aim.

My aim : Different persons have different aims in life. Somebody desires/wants power, somebody desires riches, somebody wants high position in the society, somebody wants name and fame, somebody desires honour and dignity, and somebody desires to be the high personnel in society. But my aim in life is to be an ideal teacher.

Reasons of my choice : Teaching is a noble profession of all. An ideal teacher leads an honest and sincere life. He is honoured and loved everywhere. He is always alive in the heart of the people of the society. Another principal reason behind my choice is to serve my poor villagers. I would like to spread education among the people of the illiterate society., Education is compared to light. So it removes (roots out) the darkness of ignorance for the society. An illiterate person is not better than a beast. He is unable to differentiate between right and wrong. So, an illiterate society is deaf, dumb and blind. All these reasons, I have made tip my mind to be a good teacher so that I may lead an honest and decent life.

Preparation : Now I am a student of class xii of an ideal college of our Upazila. After passing the H.S.0 Examination I shall get myself admitted into a famous university to complete Honours and Masters Degrees, I shall complete the B-Ed and the M-Ed courses to make (qualify) myself as a good teacher.

After completing degrees and necessary courses, I will join in our village high school. It is true that there is a few good teachers in remote areas. Our village students don't get standard and proper education for want of qualified teachers. As a result, the people of our rural areas lag behind in the field of education. I long for/desire to eradicate the curse of the darkness of ignorant from my area/locality. I do believe that my noble and honest labour will bring m-- dignity in society. Mari is mortal but he can be immortal on earth through his noble works and noble dedication. An ideal teacher is an immortal one on earth.

Conclusion : Success of life largely depends on the right and proper aim in life. The service of mankind should be only the aim of life. Every religion says, "To serve man is to serve God." Islam says„" Allah loves him best who loves 'His' creatures, big or small." May Allah/God give me the opportunity, to serve my country and countrymen.



A life without any aim is like a ship without a rudder. An aim helps a man to gain his coveted objective, his career.

Among men some want to earn money, some want to earn fame and some want to serve people. I had to think a lot to choose my aim/profession/career in life. I think, it should be decided according to one's aptitude, ability and merit. Considering these my choice is the simple wish to be a teacher.

Undoubtedly teaching is a very noble profession. A teacher is like a potter who works on wheel to give shape to his pots, cutting out the rough edges to give a perfect finish to the end product. At present neither the students nor the teachers have the same sincerity and singleness of purpose. However there are still exceptional teachers who are genuinely concerned about the future of their pupils and try to guide them sincerely.

Unfortunately, there are people who take to teaching out of compulsion, because the other avenues are not open to them. They drift into teaching because they have failed to achieve their ambition. I have by choice decided to opt for teaching. I love working with children. It must be a very satisfying experience to shape young minds, eager to learn, who come to a teacher in total faith.

One cannot overlook the advantages that one has as a teacher. One gets so many holidays which can be used to catch up with other interests one neglects during the working days. This is really a very tempting prospect. Besides, over the years the salary of teachers has also become very attractive.

Teaching has certain distinct advantages over other professions. Teachers do not have very long working hours. Surely, lots of time is taken in preparing the lessons, correction work etc. Still one can have ample time to pursue other interests.

I am not unaware that it is quite difficult to secure admission in a good teachers' training college. I am willing to work hard to actualise my ambition, and waiting for the day when, after completing my training in teaching. I can become a teacher. That day indeed will be a red letter day in my life.



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