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Exam Fitness / Strategies (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Updated: Feb 22

Paragraph Writing


Exam fitness is a must for any student who tries to do well in the examination. There must be a strategy to make brilliant results. A student should study regularly right from the beginning of the school term. Regular work right from the very beginning makes one thorough. Students should try to understand the lessons instead of cramming to develop their creativity. They should not learn answers by rote taking from a common source. They should prepare their own notes which will help them to avoid giving almost the same answers in scripts. They should revise their lessons frequently. It is important for an examinee to check and double-check the dates and times of ensuing exams and be aware of carrying the necessary things along with to the examination hall. In the examination hall, students should go through the whole question paper before starting to write and take the mental preparation of attempting to answer all the questions. While having a glance at the question paper, it is better to underline the key words in the questions. Moreover, during answering ‘half way’ check is important to be in proper track. Care should be given to the hand writing so that it is legible to the examiner. Thus exam fitness enables an examinee to perform well in the examination hall, which brings success to a student.

Examination Strategies or Examination Fitness

(i) What are strategies for the approach to Examination? (ii) What should you do firstly at the examination? (iii) How can you allocate time for answering the question paper at the Examination? (iv) How can you make your answer legible? (v) What should one do for planning to answer each question?

Strategy is an appropriate word for the approach to the examination on the day. Examination strategies mean examination skill which we may apply on the examination day. Checking and double checking the examination dates and times are most important for examination strategies. Budgeting time and avoiding allocating elaborate adequate answers are also significant. The strategies also include following instructions and attempting to answer all the questions. It is better to read through the question paper before starting to write. It is very useful to spend at least five minutes per question thinking about and planning answer. It is also useful to underline the key words in the questions. It helps the examinee to conscious what he or she is required to do. To check back half way through writing the answer is good. One should also make answer legible. A good plan about the examination leads a student to success. If one follows the exam tips on the exam day, he/she wins his/her chances of success. So students should be conscious of both subject knowledge and examination strategies to build a bright future.


Model Answer-2


Exam fitness is a must for any student who tries to do well in the examination. There must be a strategy to make brilliant results. A student should study regularly right from the beginning of the school term. Regular work right from the very beginning makes one thorough. Students should try to understand the lessons instead of cramming to develop their creativity. They should not learn answers by rote taking from a common source. They should prepare their own notes which will help them to avoid giving almost the same answers in scripts. They should revise their lessons frequently. It is important for an examinee to check and double-check the dates and times of ensuing exams and be aware of carrying the necessary things along with to the examination hall. In the examination hall, students should go through the whole question paper before starting to write and take the mental preparation of attempting to answer all the questions. While having a glance at the question paper, it is better to underline the key words in the questions. Moreover, during answering ‘half way’ check is important to be in proper track. Care should be given to the hand writing so that it is legible to the examiner. Thus exam fitness enables an examinee to perform well in the examination hall, which brings success to a student.

Model Answer-3


Composition / Essay Writing

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