Raha: Hey, where are you headed?
Kona: I’m going to collect notes from Dana. I’m really worried about my upcoming SSC exam.
Raha: Don’t stress too much. It’s natural to feel anxious when you’re serious about something.
Kona: Please don’t try to philosophize. My preparation is not up to the mark. It’s going to be really difficult for me to succeed in such a short time.
Raha: I’m in the same boat as you. But I want to share something with you.
Kona: Sure, go ahead.
Raha: The final exam is right around the corner. What should we do?
Kona: That’s a good point. Can you tell me about your preparation?
Raha: Definitely. Actually, I need your help. I know you’re really good in English.
Kona: Come on, that’s too much. I’m good overall but not an expert in English.
Raha: Your academic performance has always been great. Plus, you have a solid grasp of the English language.
Kona: Okay, fair enough. But I struggle with Math. Do you have any tips to help me improve my skills?
Raha: I suggest you get some extra help from our Math teacher for a few days. Gradually, you’ll see an improvement.
Kona: I haven’t thought much about Bengali, religion, and science. But Math is my biggest challenge. I really want to score an A+ in that subject.
Raha: I, on the other hand, am absolutely terrified of Accounting. I can handle general Math with ease, but accounting is a whole different ball game for me. Do you have any suggestions to help me improve?
Kona: Actually, you should start by understanding the basic terms related to accounting.
Raha: How about your other subjects?
Kona: I’m revising all my other subjects again and again. Plus, I read the textbooks and underline the root words to help me with objective type questions.
Raha: That’s an excellent idea. It will also be useful when applying for admission.
Kona: Exactly. You should try it too.
Raha: Thanks, I’ll definitely give it a shot.
Kona: Without hard work, we can’t achieve our goals.
Raha: Absolutely. Without an A+, we won’t have good chances. The world is very competitive these days.
Kona: That’s right. Alright, my friend. Let’s get going now.
Raha: See you later. Bye.
Kona: Bye.