Teacher- Well Robert, I hear you are taking part in the speaking competition.
Pupil.- Yes, Sir; and I came to ask you to give me some hints on the art of the public
Teacher- With pleasure, Robert. Have you prepared your speech?
Pupil.- Yes, Sir; and now I am learning it by heart.
Teacher- Oh ! but that is a great mistake. Always carefully prepare what you want to say,
but never try to learn it off by heart.
Pupil.- But why, Sir?
Teacher- Because when you are speaking, you should watch your audience to see whether
they are following what you say. You can see by their faces whether they understand and
are interested; and if they are not, you can then win their attention by adding, or
emphasizing, or changing something. But if your speech is learnt by heart, you can't
alter it.
Pupil.- But it seems so much easier to learn it.
Teacher- It is not so in the end. Memorising is a great strain. Also, if you forget one
sentence, you may break down altogether.
Pupil.- Well, I might manage if I could have my notes with me when I speak.
Teacher- At first you may take a short note of outline, or main points, of your speech, lets
you forgot; But when you get used to speaking in public, it is best to do without notes
Pupil.- But if I don't use notes, and must not learn my speeches off by heart how can I
remember what to say?
Teacher- You must prepare carefully, and Ihink out what you want to say; and learn the
main points, or outline, of your speech. Then, when you get up to speak, you will find
that the words will conic.
Pupil.- But I feel so nervous when I have to speak.
Teacher- That is natural, especially at first. But as you get used to speaking in public, you
will overcome that. Even practised speakers often feel very nervous before they begin to
speak; but when they get on to their feet, they forget all about it.
Pupil.- When I am nervous. I think I speak too fast.
Teacher- Well, you must practise speaking slowly and distinctly. And don't shout-it
strains your voice and prevents people hearing you; and don't speak too low. Speak
naturally, so that all can hear.
Pupil.- Thank you, Sir, for your hints. I will try to follow them.