Paragraph Writing
‘Children are today’s investment and tomorrow’s dividend’. It does not seem to be true when we look at the thousands of children working around us, even before they begin to bloom. Child labour emerged as a serious problem during industrial evolution and it pervades the world as a global phenomenon. In Bangladesh too, it remains a ubiquitous problem. The most glaring causes that have compounded this evil are back-breaking poverty, large families, lack of free and compulsory education and ignorance of parents. Children from 8 to 12 years of age have to do manual labour. Many of them work as domestic servants. Sometimes they are engaged to work in the fields. They work in shops, hotels and restaurants. They are seen to break brick and stones. Some are found to work as street-hawkers, rickshaw-pullers and car cleaners. They work in small factories. They polish boots, sell ‘chanachur’, ‘badam’ and vegetables. They work as porters. In the platforms of big stations, they are found to work as porters and often they are found to beg. Some of them move as pick-pockets. This undoubtedly jeopardises their future for they have no choice except to work. So, all sections of people of our country as well as the government should give serious thought to this problem. The government should think about the grim situation of child labour. Child labour should be stopped by law.
Model Answer-2
The manual labour done by children is known as child labour. Today it is one of the most major problems in our developing country. It is an inhuman and brutal act. It is also treated as a sinful act. Child labour has become a very common affair in Bangladesh. The street children and the orphan boys and girls are the victims of child labour. Many of the children are engaged in houses as domestic servants and maid-servants. Today most children are engaged in garment factories, cottage industries, shops. hotels, restaurants and many small industries. Many are also seen selling flowers, betel leaves. chanachur. fruits, chocolates, polishing boots and collecting garbage, torn papers and torn clothes. Many are seen begging and catching fish in canals, rivers. haors and beels. They are also seen breaking stones and bricks, carrying brick on their heads and pulling rickshaws. Many child work as porters, in rail station and launch terminals. They have to work from dawn to desk. They have neither recreation nor leisure. 'They are always misbehaved. Sometimes they are beaten mercilessly. They get very poor wages. They are given stale food. They have no scope to receive education. They are deprived of all basic needs and rights of life. But our children are the future leaders of our country. So child labour must be stopped soon by law. Proper education should be made compulsory for them. Social awareness must be created to stop child labour.
Model Answer-3
“Child labour” defines an extremely complex set of phenomena. It is undoubtedly one of the curses of new era. Poverty poses to be a great threat in Bangladesh. Their working in the hotels or in the garments, as a tempo helper or a tokai is really pathetic. Sometimes they are engaged in full time job from tender age like domestic servant, day-laborer. It may involve too much physical pressure such as brick clinker, railway porter. In many places, children are mentally and physically oppressed during their work. But a child has right to live and survive well. Being deprived of basic rights, a child cannot become a perfect man. We should ensure their good leaving. A child should be protected from all kinds of threats and oppressions. He has the right to get educated. We should encourage them to learn. We should also ensure a child’s health and hygiene. We should try to improve their physical and mental development. A child should not be forced into labor. We must not expect income from the children. The world community has to be more conscious about this. Child labor should be banned from the society as soon as possible for a better future of the country because one who is child today will be a perfect man tomorrow. All children should be given equal privileges to grow up in the interest of mankind itself.
Composition / Essay Writing
Child labor, as defined by international law, occurs when children under the age of 16 engage in work activities. In Bangladesh, child labor is a pervasive and serious issue, with children employed in various sectors such as factories, fields, workshops, and markets to support their families financially. Tragically, many children are subjected to hazardous and exploitative working conditions in industries like tanneries, garment factories, motor workshops, and ship-breaking facilities, leading to deadly diseases, disabilities, and even premature death.
The root cause of child labor lies in the economic desperation of impoverished families who rely on their children's income to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. However, child labor should be unequivocally condemned and banned for several reasons.
Firstly, children deserve protection from the harmful and unhealthy environments of workplaces, as well as from the risks of disease and injury associated with labor. Moreover, education is essential for children to become productive and responsible citizens. Children should be nurtured in environments of maternal care and provided with opportunities for learning, rather than being subjected to the hostile conditions of workplaces.
Addressing the economic needs of families is crucial to combating child labor effectively. Providing financial assistance or food support to families can alleviate economic pressures, enabling parents to prioritize their children's education over their labor. This dual approach not only addresses economic hardships but also ensures that children receive an education, thereby breaking the cycle of poverty and exploitation.
Ultimately, strict enforcement of laws prohibiting child labor is essential to eradicate this harmful practice. By prioritizing the welfare and education of children and implementing effective measures to support families in need, Bangladesh can work towards eliminating child labor and fostering a brighter future for its youth.
Bangladesh is a very poor country with 55,598 square miles of land and 110 million population. Our country is rich neither in minerals nor in industries. It is mainly dependent upon agriculture. With the increase of population cultivable lands are being increasingly divided into fragments. So the cultivators are becoming poorer and poorer day by day. A large number of people have become landless. They live as day labourers. They find it difficult to maintain their families. So these families have to engage their children in physical labour from a very early age.
Children from 8 to 12 years of age have to do manual labour. Many of them work as domestic servants and maid-servants. Sometimes they are engaged to work in the fields. They are engaged to take out weeds from corn-fields. Sometimes they are found to graze the cattle. They work in shops, hotels and restaurants. They are seen to break brick and stones. They are also found to carry brick and other building materials from one place to another. Some are found to work as street-hawkers, rickshaw-pullers and car cleaners. They work in small factories. They polish boots, sell ‘chanachur’, ‘badam’ and vegetables. They work as porters. They catch fishes and sell them in the market. In the platforms of big stations, they are found to work as porters and often they are found to beg. Some of them move as pickpockets.
Though labour is sacred, child labour is a crime. The people who engage them take full advantage of their minor age and their helplessness. Children engaged as house servants or maid-servants have to work from early morning to late hours at night. They have to work, so to say, fifteen to eighteen hours a day. They are not allowed any recess and recreation. They are always dealt with abuse and reproof. Very often they are punished mercilessly. At the growing age they suffer from malnutrition as they cannot take balanced diet. So their natural growth of health and brain suffer. They grow up simply to become sick and to drag a miserable existence.
The have similar ill-treatment in the hotels, shops and factories. They are compelled to work for a longer period than a matured labourer. They work for a longer period with less wages. Their masters very often treat them mercilessly. Minor boys working as rickshaw pullers and factory workers often face accidents, lose their limbs and pass their days as disabled persons. Then they have to live as beggars. Sometimes they suffer from various diseases and have to live a short life. A country of people with poor health cannot make rapid progress. So all sections of people of our country as well as the government should give serious thought to this problem. The government should think about the grim situation of child labour. Child labour should be stopped by law.
Bangladesh is a land of third world countries. During to the rapid growth of population, the citizens of our country are getting poorer is engage to work day by day. The poverty-stricken people are deprived of the basic necessaries of life such as food, shelter, clothing and education. Therefore, to secure a better living or simply to support their family, poor parents are engaging their children to work from a very early stage.
All the child labourers in Bangladesh are manual workers. They have to work very hard to earn their living and the work is usually extremely unfit for them. As at the age of eight, a child as a servant at households. They are obliged to work in cheap hotels and shops. Many children are found breaking stones or bricks for house-building. They are also found doing dangerous work like welding. Some children work as street hawkers selling different items to the passers-by. Some work in factories, some polish boots and some even work as rickshaw-pullers. In the rural areas, we have a different picture. Children over there are engaged in the farming and rearing which is very difficult.
Child labourers are helpless and the employers take full advantage of this condition. They are given the least wages possible for the maximum labour/hours. Sometimes they need to work for ten to fourteen hours but are not paid for their overtime. They are usually treated very harshly at their working places. At households they are tortured Physically and mentally. They are usually given insufficient food and as a result, they suffer from malnutrition.
It is said that the children are the backbone of a country. Our government should think about this grim situation of child labour and promulgate a law against ill-treatment towards them. People in general should be more humanistic to these poor children. If these children are not provided with the basic necessaries of life, they would be an economic burden for us. So, we have to be conscious about this crucial problem while there is still time.
বাংলাদেশে শিশু শ্রম
বাংলাদেশ একটি অত্যন্ত দরিদ্র দেশ, যার আয়তন ৫৫,৫৯৮ বর্গ মাইল এবং জনসংখ্যা ১১০ মিলিয়ন। আমাদের দেশ খনিজ বা শিল্পে সমৃদ্ধ নয়। এটি মূলত কৃষির উপর নির্ভরশীল। জনসংখ্যা বাড়ার সাথে সাথে চাষযোগ্য জমি ক্রমেই ভাগ হয়ে ছোট হচ্ছে। ফলে চাষীরা দিন দিন আরো দরিদ্র হয়ে পড়ছে। একটি বড় অংশ লোকেরা ভূমিহীন হয়ে গেছে। তারা দিনমজুর হিসেবে জীবিকা নির্বাহ করে। তাদের পরিবারের স্বাভাবিক জীবন ধারণে সমস্যা দেখা দেয়। তাই এসব পরিবার তাদের শিশুদের খুব ছোটবেলা থেকেই শারীরিক পরিশ্রমে নিয়োজিত করতে বাধ্য হয়।
৮ থেকে ১২ বছর বয়সী শিশুদের শারীরিক পরিশ্রম করতে হয়। তাদের মধ্যে অনেকেই গৃহকর্মী হিসেবে কাজ করে। কখনও কখনও তারা ক্ষেত্রের কাজেও নিয়োজিত হয়। তারা ধানক্ষেত থেকে আগাছা তুলে এবং কখনও কখনও গবাদি পশু চরাতে দেখা যায়। তারা দোকান, হোটেল ও রেস্তোরাঁয় কাজ করে। তাদের মাঝে কেউ কেউ ইট ও পাথর ভাঙে, কেউ বা ইট এবং অন্যান্য নির্মাণ সামগ্রী এক স্থান থেকে অন্য স্থানে নিয়ে যায়। কেউ রিকশা চালক, স্ট্রিট হকার বা গাড়ি পরিষ্কারকারী হিসেবে কাজ করে। তারা ছোট ছোট কারখানায় কাজ করে, জুতা পালিশ করে, চিঁড়ে, বাদাম ও শাকসবজি বিক্রি করে, এবং তারা পোর্টার হিসেবেও কাজ করে। তারা মাছ ধরতে গিয়ে বাজারে বিক্রি করে। বড় স্টেশনের প্লাটফর্মে পোর্টার হিসেবে কাজ করতে দেখা যায় এবং প্রায়ই তাদের ভিক্ষা করতে দেখা যায়। কিছু কিছু শিশু পকেটমার হিসেবেও কাজ করে।
যদিও শ্রম পবিত্র, শিশু শ্রম একটি অপরাধ। যারা শিশুদের কাজে লাগায় তারা তাদের অপ্রাপ্ত বয়স ও অসহায়তার পূর্ণ সদ্ব্যবহার করে। গৃহকর্মী বা মেয়েও কাজ করা শিশুদের সকাল থেকে রাত পর্যন্ত কঠোর পরিশ্রম করতে হয়। তারা দৈনিক ১৫ থেকে ১৮ ঘণ্টা কাজ করে। তাদের বিশ্রাম বা বিনোদনের কোনো সুযোগ থাকে না। তাদের সঙ্গটি সবসময় অত্যাচার ও ভর্ৎসনা দ্বারা পূর্ণ। প্রায়শই তাদের নির্মমভাবে শাস্তি দেওয়া হয়। বেড়ে ওঠার সাথে সাথে তারা অপুষ্টির শিকার হয়, কারণ তারা সঠিক খাদ্যগ্রহণ করতে পারে না। ফলে তাদের স্বাস্থ্য এবং মস্তিষ্কের স্বাভাবিক বৃদ্ধি বাধাগ্রস্ত হয়। তারা অসুস্থ হয়ে বড় হয় এবং এক দুঃখজনক জীবন যাপন করে।
হোটেল, দোকান এবং কারখানায় কাজ করা শিশুরাও একই ধরনের খারাপ আচরণ সহ্য করে। তারা পরিপূর্ণ শ্রমিকের চেয়ে দীর্ঘ সময় কাজ করতে বাধ্য হয়। তারা কম মজুরিতে দীর্ঘ সময় কাজ করে। তাদের মালিকরা প্রায়ই তাদের প্রতি নিষ্ঠুর আচরণ করে। রিকশা চালক এবং কারখানায় কাজ করা ছোট ছেলেরা প্রায়শই দুর্ঘটনার শিকার হয়, তাদের অঙ্গহানী হয় এবং প্রতিবন্ধী হয়ে পড়ে। তারপর তারা ভিক্ষুক হিসেবে জীবন কাটায়। কখনও কখনও তারা বিভিন্ন রোগে আক্রান্ত হয় এবং অল্প সময়ে মৃত্যুবরণ করে। একটি দেশ, যেখানে মানুষ অসুস্থ, তা দ্রুত উন্নতি করতে পারে না। তাই আমাদের দেশবাসী ও সরকারের উচিত এই সমস্যার প্রতি গুরুতর মনোযোগ দেওয়া। সরকারকে শিশু শ্রমের সঙ্গতি পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে চিন্তা করতে হবে। শিশু শ্রম আইন দ্বারা বন্ধ করা উচিত।