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Corruption in Bangladesh and How to Remove It(Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: 4 days ago

Paragraph Writing

Causes of Corruption in Bangladesh and How to Remove It

Corruption has become a pervasive and deeply ingrained issue in Bangladesh, akin to a social cancer that threatens the nation's reputation and well-being. It has permeated both our personal lives and the public sphere, eroding our sense of peace and happiness. This problem has become an open secret, manifesting as dishonesty exercised by individuals in positions of power. Corruption has spread its roots across various sectors, including education, public services, healthcare, business, taxation, administration, law, police, land management, and more. No facet of daily life remains untouched by this unethical practice. It has ensnared the government, the business community, and the political system, posing a significant threat to democratic principles and hampering our development progress.

Bangladesh has gained an unfortunate reputation as one of the most corrupt countries globally, holding this title repeatedly. Even financial aid from international agencies has not been spared from the grasp of corruption. Bribery has become a common currency for getting things done. While the government has initiated campaigns against corruption and established anti-corruption committees, there are concerns about their effectiveness and integrity. The influence of politicians on a weak and inefficient bureaucracy further complicates the matter. However, the populace has become more vigilant in voicing their opposition to all forms of corruption. Eliminating corruption is a complex challenge because it is deeply rooted in human nature's pursuit of power and wealth. To reduce the prevalence of corruption, it is essential to instill moral values through education, promote honest upbringing, and foster a sincere commitment to a philosophy of simple living and high thinking. While eradicating corruption may not be easy, addressing its root causes is crucial for a more ethical and prosperous society.

Model Answer-2

Corruption in Bangladesh

Corruption is a major problem in Bangladesh that harms the country’s development and creates inequality. It affects almost every sector, including politics, education, healthcare, and public services. People often have to pay bribes or use personal connections to access basic services like school admissions, medical treatment, or government documents. This makes life especially hard for poor people who cannot afford to pay extra money. Corruption also means public funds are wasted on dishonest activities instead of being used for building roads, schools, or hospitals. It discourages foreign investors from doing business in Bangladesh, which affects economic growth. Although there are laws against corruption, they are not always enforced properly. Institutions like the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) work to reduce corruption, but the results are slow. One reason is that some powerful people misuse their positions and influence to avoid punishment. To fight corruption, everyone must work together. The government needs to make its systems more transparent and accountable, while citizens should be encouraged to speak up against corrupt practices. Teaching young people about honesty, fairness, and the importance of following rules can also help create a culture of integrity. Reducing corruption is not easy, but with strong efforts from both the government and the people, Bangladesh can move toward a brighter and more equal future.

Model Answer-3

Composition / Essay Writing


Corruption is a vast and complex matter. Corruption may originate from unsolved problems, unfinished works, vicious politics, weak administration and many other related or relevant things. Bribery, misuse of power, nepotism, avarice for wealth and social condition are the root of corruption. A corrupted person can do everything for his own self. Social or state value is fruitless to him.

Corruption is an incurable social disease. It is very difficult to find out when and why someone is corrupted. Avarice is the main cause of corruption. Besides this, economic insolvency, ambiguity of laws, unemployment, political instability, lack of patriotism are the main causes of corruption.

Corruption is engulfing our total life at a high speed. It seems that it would be difficult for us to distinguish fair from unfair. In a developing and poor country like Bangladesh the effect of corruption in politics is very devastating. Corrupted politicians misuse state power, use power for their own self and party.

Corruption is the main obstacle to socio-economic development of a country. A great amount of money for development work is misappropriated by the government staff and political leaders. As a result the main target of the development work is not reached.

Eradication of corruption is a crying need for the country's greater interest. To make the country free from corruptions, citizens of all classes should be responsible, accountable, dutiful and considerate. Nepotism, favouritism, redtapism etc. should be dealt with an iron hand.


Corruption in Bangladesh

Corruption has become a social cancer in Bangladesh. It has appeared to be a threat to our national image. Both our personal and public life are more on less affected by it and have lost peace and happiness for the prevalent corruption in our country. It is an evil which is exposed as an open secret.


Corruption is dishonesty done by people in position of power. Nowadays corruption is rampant in basic services like education, public service commission, healthcare, business, taxation, administration, power, judiciary, police, land, etc. No sphere of our daily life is out of this evil practice. The government, business community, political system- all are in the clutch of corruption. As social cutes, it threatens all our democratic and development process.


Corruption has reached such a position that we are known in the world as most corrupt country. We have been consecutively four times champion corrupt country in the world. Even the donation from multinational agencies has been misappropriated by corrupt means. Nothing can be done without bribe.


Fortunately, our government has realized the fact and started campaign against corruption. Anti-corruption Committee has been formed who filed cases against the corrupt big guns. But the work of the Commission was not beyond questions. Moreover, it has been blamed to be weak and irresponsible. Politician has already made the weak and inefficient bureaucracy almost non- functional. It is difficult for us to believe that the Commission can take any strong decision against the corrupt people. However, people are now more conscious about his evil practice and so they are always seen to raise their voice against corruption of any type. This malpractice should be stopped immediately. But it is not easy to root out corruption. Corruption is ingrained in human nature which seeks power and pelf in pursuit of happiness. Only a true moral education, honest upbringing and sincere belief in a perfect philosophy of plain living and high thinking can reduce the magnitude of corruption.


The Corruption in Bangladesh

Introduction : Bangladesh is a free land but she is beset with various major and alarming issues. Now corruption, is the most frightful issue in every government and non-government sector/field and even in various private organizations. It is a great pity that Bangladesh has been branded -as the most corrupted country in the world in. the recent four years. Bangladesh has been called to curb and stamp out corruption by various sources with a view to iiiaintaining the world peace.

Corruption : Corruption is an inhuman and brutal act. Corruption means adopting unfair means or unfair practice to gain any profit or benefit that goes against laws and affects/harms the interest of others. In other words, corruption means gaining personal interest and benefit harming/damaging others or country's greater interest and benefit. It includes misuse of power. misuse of national resources :wealth) and bribery by damaging others or country's greater interest and benefit.

Causes of corruption : The causes of corruption in Bangladesh are many. They are as follows :-

(a)      Our moral degradation is the root reason of the corruption in Bangladesh.

(b)      Political instability is another root reason of corruption.

(c)      Lack of patriotism i.s also a main cause of it.

(d)      Illiteracy and severe poverty are,greatly liable for corruption.

(e)      The degradation of laws is also liable

for corruption. (0 Unemployment problem

is another main cause of it.

(g) Population explosion causes corruption too.

(n) Social unawareness and illiteracy are also liable for corruption.

(i) Lack of true and standard education commits corruption in our country.

Remedies :-

(a) The value of the good moral character must be taught widely.

(b)   The curse of the bad moral character should be taught widely.

(c)   Patriotism must be created among the people.

(d)   The curse of unpatriotism' should be taught.

(e)   The danger of corruption should be published through different mass media.

(f)    Public awareness regarding corruption must be raised-.

(g)   The laws against corruption should be reformed wonderfully.

(h)   An education system must be introduced.

(i)     Corrupted officers, leaders and politicians should be punished. 0) A just judicial system is essential to prevent corruption.

(k) Wide gap between the high and the low should be reduced to prevent corruption. (1) Acute poverty must be removed.

(in) Illiteracy must be eradicated.

(n)   Population explosion must be checked.

(o)   Early marriage must be banned.

(p)   Civic awareness must be created about the curse of corruption.

Effects : The effects of corruption is very panic and drastic. They are as follows

(a)   Corruption makes a person a beast.

(b)   It makes a man dead soul.

(c)   It makes a man dumb, deaf and blind towards the interest of the country and countrymen.

(d)   It harms a man's character which is the best ornament of life.

(e)   It leads a man to the dogs.

(fl Corruption commits various offences, crimes and other evil activities.

(g)       It hampers all the development plans, programmes and activities.

(h)       It damages patriotism and unity.


Conclusion : It is obvious that corruption is a great social curse and vice. Eradication/Removal of corruption from the society is a crying need for the greater interest of the country. It is high time we removed/eradicated/curbed corruption from the society with a view to establish exploitation free society, equality, justice. fraternity, brotherhood and unity in the society.

Causes of Corruption in Bangladesh and Solutions

Corruption is a significant issue in Bangladesh, affecting various aspects of society, including governance, business, and everyday life. Several factors contribute to the prevalence of corruption in the country, and addressing these issues is essential for combating this problem effectively.

Causes of Corruption:

  1. Lack of Transparency: A lack of transparency in government institutions and processes provides opportunities for corruption to thrive. Without proper oversight and accountability mechanisms, officials can engage in corrupt practices with impunity.

  2. Weak Legal Framework: Inadequate laws and enforcement mechanisms contribute to corruption. Weak legal institutions and ineffective prosecution of corrupt individuals allow corruption to persist without consequences.

  3. Political Interference: Politicization of government institutions and appointments based on political affiliation rather than merit create fertile ground for corruption. Political interference undermines the independence of institutions and fosters a culture of patronage.

  4. Low Salaries and Poor Working Conditions: Low salaries and inadequate compensation for public officials incentivize corruption as a means of supplementing income. Poor working conditions can also lead to moral compromise and susceptibility to bribes.

  5. Complex Bureaucracy: Complex bureaucratic procedures and excessive red tape create opportunities for bribery and extortion. Cumbersome processes make it easier for corrupt officials to exploit individuals seeking government services.

Solutions to Combat Corruption:

  1. Strengthening Legal Framework: Enact and enforce robust anti-corruption laws that hold individuals and institutions accountable for corrupt practices. Implement measures to ensure transparency and integrity in public procurement and contracting processes.

  2. Promoting Transparency and Accountability: Establish mechanisms for public oversight and transparency in government operations. Enhance access to information and encourage citizen participation in decision-making processes to hold officials accountable.

  3. Improving Salaries and Working Conditions: Enhance salaries and benefits for public servants to reduce the temptation for corruption. Implement merit-based recruitment and promotion practices to ensure qualified individuals are appointed to positions of authority.

  4. Political Reform: Promote political reform initiatives to reduce political interference in government institutions. Strengthen electoral processes and campaign finance regulations to minimize the influence of money in politics.

  5. Streamlining Bureaucratic Processes: Simplify administrative procedures and reduce bureaucratic hurdles to minimize opportunities for corruption. Implement e-government initiatives and digital services to enhance efficiency and transparency in service delivery.

  6. Public Awareness and Education: Raise awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption on society and promote ethical values and integrity. Provide training and education programs for public officials and citizens on the importance of combating corruption.

Addressing corruption requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that addresses its root causes while promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance. By implementing effective reforms and fostering a culture of integrity, Bangladesh can work towards reducing corruption and promoting sustainable development.


Corruption in Bangladesh

Corruption is a pressing issue in Bangladesh, significantly impacting our socio-cultural fabric and hindering national development. It involves the unfair exchange of favors, such as bribery, misuse of public resources, nepotism, favoritism, fraud, and intellectual dishonesty. Addressing these forms of corruption is crucial for the country's progress.

The root causes of corruption are multifaceted. Greed, selfishness, lack of accountability, and a disregard for national interest contribute to its prevalence. Moreover, the failure to hold corrupt individuals accountable exacerbates the problem, fostering a culture where corruption thrives unchecked.

Bangladesh has been ranked poorly by Transparency International for corruption, which undermines national growth, deters foreign investment, and impedes overall development. Funds meant for poverty alleviation often end up misappropriated, depriving the needy and depleting national resources. Consequently, Bangladesh remains categorized as a least developed country despite its potential.

Politicians and influential figures often perpetrate corruption, widening the gap between the wealthy elite and the impoverished masses. This disparity deepens poverty and exacerbates social inequality, perpetuating a cycle of hardship for the majority of Bangladeshis.

To combat corruption effectively, concerted efforts from all segments of society are essential. Anti-corruption campaigns should promote ethical values and create awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption. An independent anti-corruption commission empowered to investigate and prosecute offenders is crucial. Regular declaration and verification of assets by government officials and other influential figures should be enforced to ensure transparency.

Raising patriotic sentiments and promoting moral integrity among citizens are vital steps towards eradicating corruption. By fostering a collective commitment to ethical governance and accountability, Bangladesh can overcome this pervasive societal issue and pave the way for a fairer, more prosperous future for all its citizens.

বাংলাদেশে দুর্নীতির কারণ এবং কীভাবে তা দূর করা যায়

দুর্নীতি বাংলাদেশে একটি বিস্তৃত এবং গভীরভাবে এম্বেড করা সমস্যা হয়ে উঠেছে, এটি একটি সামাজিক ক্যান্সারের মতো যা দেশের সুনাম এবং মঙ্গলকে হুমকির সম্মুখীন করে। এটি আমাদের ব্যক্তিগত জীবন এবং জনসাধারণের উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে, আমাদের শান্তি ও সুখের বোধকে নষ্ট করে দিয়েছে। এই সমস্যাটি একটি উন্মুক্ত গোপনীয়তায় পরিণত হয়েছে, যা ক্ষমতার পদে থাকা ব্যক্তিদের দ্বারা অসাধুতা হিসাবে প্রকাশ করে। শিক্ষা, জনসেবা, স্বাস্থ্যসেবা, ব্যবসা, কর, প্রশাসন, আইন, পুলিশ, ভূমি ব্যবস্থাপনা এবং আরও অনেক কিছু সহ বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে দুর্নীতি তার শিকড় বিস্তার করেছে। দৈনন্দিন জীবনের কোন দিকই এই অনৈতিক অভ্যাসের দ্বারা অস্পৃশ্য থাকে না। এটি সরকার, ব্যবসায়ী সম্প্রদায় এবং রাজনৈতিক ব্যবস্থাকে ফাঁদে ফেলেছে, গণতান্ত্রিক নীতিগুলির জন্য একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য হুমকি এবং আমাদের উন্নয়ন অগ্রগতিকে বাধাগ্রস্ত করেছে। বারবার এই শিরোপা ধরে রেখে বাংলাদেশ বিশ্বব্যাপী অন্যতম দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত দেশ হিসেবে দুর্ভাগ্যজনক খ্যাতি অর্জন করেছে। এমনকি আন্তর্জাতিক সংস্থার আর্থিক সাহায্যও দুর্নীতির কবল থেকে রেহাই পায়নি। কাজ করার জন্য ঘুষ একটি সাধারণ মুদ্রায় পরিণত হয়েছে। যদিও সরকার দুর্নীতির বিরুদ্ধে অভিযান শুরু করেছে এবং দুর্নীতিবিরোধী কমিটি গঠন করেছে, তাদের কার্যকারিতা এবং সততা নিয়ে উদ্বেগ রয়েছে। দুর্বল ও অদক্ষ আমলাতন্ত্রের ওপর রাজনীতিবিদদের প্রভাব বিষয়টিকে আরও জটিল করে তোলে। তবে সব ধরনের দুর্নীতির বিরুদ্ধে সোচ্চার হয়ে জনসাধারণ আরও সজাগ হয়ে উঠেছে। দুর্নীতি নির্মূল করা একটি জটিল চ্যালেঞ্জ কারণ এটি মানুষের স্বভাব ক্ষমতা ও সম্পদের অন্বেষণে গভীরভাবে প্রোথিত। দুর্নীতির প্রকোপ কমাতে, শিক্ষার মাধ্যমে নৈতিক মূল্যবোধ জাগানো, সৎ লালন-পালন এবং সরল জীবনযাপন ও উচ্চ চিন্তার দর্শনের প্রতি আন্তরিক অঙ্গীকার গড়ে তোলা অপরিহার্য। যদিও দুর্নীতি নির্মূল করা সহজ নাও হতে পারে, তবে এর মূল কারণগুলি সমাধান করা আরও নৈতিক ও সমৃদ্ধ সমাজের জন্য অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

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