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Writer's pictureFakhruddin Babar

City Life / Town Life /City Life vs. Village Life / City Life and Rural Life (Paragraph / Composition / Essay )

Updated: Apr 24

Paragraph Writing


City life is a pleasant to the rich people. They can enjoy all sorts of comforts in cities. In cities the rich people have colleges and schools for higher education. Doctors, nurse and hospitals are available in cities. There is a good facility for trades, commerce and industry in cities. Most of the people have source of earning. There are clubs all libraries which one can join as member, and cinemas that one can enjoy for joy and pleasure. There is also good communication in the town. But city life is not free from defects. Life in a city is complex and difficult. It makes people more or less complex. People in cities are always busy with their own affairs and no time to look after another. City is rather nasty with it dust, filth and boat smell. Vehicles play constantly in cities. Accidents occur here every now and then. Cheats, pick-pockets, hijackers are abundant in cities. Even all necessary things are available in cities. We need for culture, education and amusement. So, we should try to eliminate the disadvantages of city life and this is nothing impossible to do.


City life is a pleasant to the rich people. They can enjoy all sorts of comforts in town. In a big city the rich people have colleges and schools for higher education. Doctors, nurse and hospitals are available in town. There is a good facility for trades, commerce and industry in town. Most of the people have source of earning. There are clubs all libraries which one can join as member, and cinemas that one can enjoy for joy and pleasure. There is also good communication in a big city. But city life is not free from defects. Life in a big city is complex and difficult. It makes people more or less complex. People in town are always busy with their own affairs and no time to look after another. Big city is rather nasty with it dust, filth and boat smell. Vehicles play constantly in town. Accidents occur here every now and then. Cheats, pick-pockets, hijackers are abundant in town. Even all necessary things are available in town. We need for culture, education and amusement. So, we should try to eliminate the disadvantages of city life and this is nothing impossible to do.

City Life vs. Village Life / City Life and Rural Life

Life in Bangladesh offers a fascinating duality: the bustling city life in urban centers like Dhaka, and the tranquil village life nestled in the countryside. These two contrasting lifestyles provide unique experiences and opportunities for its residents. In city life, particularly, one encounters a whirlwind of activity. The city is a cacophony of traffic, honking horns, and crowded streets. People here lead fast-paced lives, driven by work and career prospects. Urban dwellers enjoy better access to education, healthcare, and entertainment options like theaters, restaurants, and shopping malls. However, the trade-off is the relentless traffic congestion, pollution, and the high cost of living.On the flip side, village life in Bangladesh offers a serene escape from the urban chaos. Villagers lead a more laid-back lifestyle, deeply rooted in tradition and community bonds. Agriculture is the backbone of village economies, and life revolves around the rhythm of planting and harvesting seasons. The air is cleaner, and the pace of life is slower, allowing for a deeper connection with nature. However, limited access to quality education and healthcare facilities can be a drawback. One notable distinction lies in the close-knit community ties in villages, where everyone knows each other, and support systems are strong. In cities, the sense of community is often diluted due to the transient nature of urban living.Another point of divergence is employment opportunities. Cities attract a diverse job market, offering a wider range of career choices, while villages mainly rely on agriculture and cottage industries. In summary, life in Bangladesh offers a stark contrast between city and village living. City life provides convenience, job opportunities, and modern amenities, but it comes at the cost of congestion and pollution. Village life, on the other hand, offers tranquility, a strong sense of community, and a connection to nature but can lack access to advanced services. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on individual preferences and priorities.

City Life vs. Village Life / City Life and Rural Life

Rural life pertains to individuals residing in areas outside urban centers, while city life refers to those living within towns and cities. These two lifestyles exhibit distinct characteristics, each offering unique advantages and disadvantages. Rural areas provide residents with an open, spacious environment, abundant fresh air, and ample sunlight, fostering a serene atmosphere with minimal noise pollution. Additionally, rural dwellers typically have access to fresh produce, fish, and unadulterated milk. However, they often lack access to modern amenities such as advanced medical facilities and quality education. In contrast, urban environments are meticulously crafted, characterized by a perpetual state of activity and access to contemporary conveniences. Cities house well-developed institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, banks, government offices, extensive road networks, efficient transportation systems, and a myriad of industries. Nevertheless, city inhabitants are often exposed to the pitfalls of adulterated food and polluted air, making them more susceptible to complex health issues. Both rural and city life possess their merits and demerits, but individuals can lead lives of prosperity, compassion, and tranquility in either setting. It is important to recognize that these two spheres are interdependent, as each relies on the other for various resources and support. In essence, neither can be entirely disregarded, as they are intertwined and contribute to the overall fabric of society.


City Life vs. Village Life / City Life and Rural Life

Throughout history, humans have naturally formed communities, eventually leading to the establishment of families and societies. As time progressed, cities emerged as centers of activity and growth. However, the significance of rural life has remained strong alongside urban development. In today's competitive world, the urban lifestyle is increasingly sought after due to its access to modern conveniences. The progress of society hinges on the advancement of both urban and rural areas. Cities often specialize in production while villages provide essential resources. Urban environments are known for their busy atmosphere and competitive spirit, albeit with higher levels of pollution. On the other hand, rural regions offer cleaner and more natural surroundings. While cities boast modern amenities, many villages lack such facilities, requiring residents to travel to urban centers for medical care and advanced education. Despite the conveniences of city life, rural living appeals to those seeking a simpler existence closer to nature. However, concerns about politics emerging even in rural areas are worth noting. Despite their differences, both lifestyles hold their own charm, catering to individual preferences. Achieving a balance in development between urban and rural areas can help bridge the gap and ensure equitable progress for all. It is essential to acknowledge the importance of both urban and rural lifestyles in shaping the fabric of society and strive for inclusive development that benefits everyone.

Model Answer-2


Town life is a pleasant to the rich people. They can enjoy all sorts of comforts in town. In town the rich people have colleges and schools for higher education. Doctors, nurses and hospitals are available in town. There is a good facility for trades, commerce and industry in town. Most of the people have source of earning here. There are clubs and libraries where one can join as members and cinemas that one can enjoy for joy and pleasure. There is also good communication in the town. But town life is not free from defects. Life in town is complex and difficult. People in town are always busy with their own affairs and no time to look after another. Town is rather nasty with it dust, filth and bad smell. Vehicles ply constantly in town. Accidents occur here every now and then. Cheats, pick-pockets, hijackers are abundant in town. Even all necessary things are available in town. We need town for culture, education and amusement. So, we should try to eliminate the disadvantages of town life and this is nothing impossible to do.


Town life can be quite pleasant for those who are fortunate enough to have the means. In towns, the affluent can enjoy a wide range of comforts and amenities. Higher education institutions such as colleges and schools are readily available. Access to healthcare is easy, with doctors, nurses, and hospitals at one's disposal. Towns also offer excellent opportunities for trade, commerce, and industry, providing various means of livelihood for the residents.Cultural and recreational facilities are abundant in towns. People can become members of clubs and libraries, and there are cinemas for entertainment and enjoyment. The communication infrastructure in towns is well-developed, facilitating easy connectivity.However, town life is not without its drawbacks. It can be complex and demanding, with residents constantly engrossed in their own affairs and little time to spare for others. Towns can often be unpleasant due to issues like dust, filth, and unpleasant odors. Traffic congestion is a common problem, leading to frequent accidents. The urban environment may also attract individuals engaged in illegal activities, such as cheats, pickpockets, and hijackers.Despite these challenges, towns play a crucial role in our society, providing centers for culture, education, and recreation. Efforts should be made to address the disadvantages of town life, and with collective action, these issues can be mitigated and improved upon.

Model Answer-3

Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life

City life in Bangladesh comes with both advantages and disadvantages. One of the major advantages is access to a wide range of amenities and opportunities. Cities offer better education facilities, including schools, colleges, and universities, which can lead to higher-quality education. There are more employment opportunities in cities, drawing people from rural areas in search of better jobs. Access to healthcare is also better, with numerous hospitals and healthcare facilities. In addition, cities are hubs of cultural and recreational activities, providing entertainment options and a vibrant social life. On the flip side, city life has its share of disadvantages. Overcrowding is a common issue, leading to traffic congestion and pollution, which can affect health and quality of life. The cost of living in cities is often higher, including housing, transportation, and food. This can make it challenging for low-income individuals and families. Urban areas may also have higher crime rates, which can impact safety. Furthermore, the fast-paced city life can be stressful, and the sense of community may be weaker compared to rural areas.In summary, living in a city in Bangladesh offers numerous advantages such as better educational and employment opportunities, access to healthcare, and cultural activities. However, it also comes with disadvantages like overcrowding, higher living costs, increased crime rates, and a more stressful lifestyle. People must weigh these factors and make informed decisions when choosing between city life and rural life in Bangladesh.

Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life

City life in Bangladesh presents a multitude of advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, cities offer a wide array of amenities and opportunities. Access to quality education is significantly enhanced in urban centers, with a plethora of schools, colleges, and universities. These educational institutions often provide a superior standard of learning. Cities also host a multitude of employment prospects, attracting individuals from rural areas in pursuit of better career opportunities. Healthcare facilities in cities tend to be more abundant and advanced, ensuring better medical services for residents. Furthermore, cities serve as epicenters of culture and recreation, offering a vibrant social life and a wealth of entertainment options. Conversely, city living is not without its drawbacks. Overcrowding is a common issue, leading to problems like traffic congestion and pollution, which can detrimentally impact the health and overall quality of life of urban inhabitants. The cost of living in cities, encompassing housing, transportation, and food, is often considerably higher than in rural areas, posing financial challenges, especially for lower-income individuals and families. Cities may also grapple with elevated crime rates, affecting the safety of their residents. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of city life can engender high levels of stress, and the sense of community may be weaker compared to rural areas.In conclusion, residing in a city in Bangladesh offers manifold benefits, including improved educational and employment prospects, enhanced access to healthcare, and a rich cultural and recreational scene. Nonetheless, it is vital to recognize and weigh the associated disadvantages such as overcrowding, higher living costs, elevated crime rates, and a more stress-inducing lifestyle when considering the choice between city and rural living in Bangladesh.


Country Life and City Life/ Country vs City Life Country Life and Rural Life

Country life and city life in Bangladesh offer contrasting lifestyles, each with its own unique advantages and drawbacks. In rural areas, or country life, the pace of living is typically slower, marked by close-knit communities and a strong sense of togetherness. People in these areas often engage in agriculture, contributing to the country's primary livelihood, and maintain a connection with nature. Rural life offers tranquillity and fresh air, along with the opportunity for children to grow up in a more spacious and natural environment.On the other hand, city life in Bangladesh is characterized by hustle and bustle, with fast-paced urban centers serving as economic hubs. Cities offer a wide range of job opportunities, education options, and cultural experiences. The access to amenities like healthcare, entertainment, and shopping is more extensive. People in urban areas often have more convenience and lifestyle choices. However, city life also has its challenges, including traffic congestion, pollution, higher costs of living, and the occasional loss of a sense of community.The choice between country life and city life in Bangladesh is often influenced by personal preferences, economic opportunities, and individual circumstances. Some people prefer the peace and simplicity of rural life, while others seek the opportunities and amenities offered by city living. Ultimately, both lifestyles have their unique appeal, and what suits an individual best depends on their values and priorities. The contrast between country and city life adds diversity to Bangladesh's cultural landscape, and both settings contribute to the country's social and economic dynamics.

Composition / Essay Writing


City life has some distinct characteristics which distinguish it from the country life. Those who live in cities find life very busy and routined. They can hardly ever stand at one place for long. They are continuously entrapped in motion and rush. They are busy not only physically, but also mentally. Their life is environed by dust, smoke, buzz, pricking smell, and hardened touch of brick-tiles and pavements. These words are true for all the dwellers of all cities.

Still city-life has some certain charms. In cities people usually have more work than in countries. This means that the rate of unemployment is low. Here those who have money can have almost anything they like. There are sufficient supply of necessaries and luxuries. Medical facilities are most available here. There are hospitals, clinics, ambulances, drug stores, and qualified doctors. Actually, almost all the highly qualified doctors of a country are settled in cities. There are good facilities for education also. Education, knowledge, and consciousness ---- these are the foundations of the modern city. Housewives in the cities do not have to burn their hands and suffocate their eyes with smoke during their cooking activities. They are blessed with the latest arrangements of civilizations ---- gas-stoves, electric-heaters, and various other micro-ovens. For them it is but a few minutes of work to cook any dish whatever. Best of all, city-life enjoys much more than country life. There are cinemas, theatres, audio-video clubs, cultural programmes arranged for specific occasions, parks, clubs, and so on for their recreation. Transportation and communication, which must be made mention of in this regard, have made the cities some sort of representative heaven. True to say; in cities geographical distance cannot sever one man or institution from another. All enjoy the pleasure of being close to one another. The charms are many, since man himself made cities for his own convenience.





We all are familiar with the saying that God has made the village and man has made the town. A city is a large town and man has made it to fulfil his needs. Human civilisation is an ever-advancing process giving rise to newer. and newer needs which he cannot meet within the confines of the village. So, lie made the cities and filled them with all the amenities of life. He has provided a city with the opportunities of living a comfortable, luxurious and developing life in a civilised society. and all these may be called the charms of city life. These charms consist in the opportunities, facilities and amenities which, by and large, are not ordinarily available in the village.


All kinds of educational facilities are available only in a city. In fact, all cities have good schools, colleges, institutes and universities for imparting all kinds of education at all levels including higher and specialised education in all branches and disciplines. The best possible housing facilities with buildings, bungalows and apartments with all the modern amenities of life are available in a city. Here one can find fascinating malls, market places and business areas where people can conduct business, trade and commerce of all kinds. The best possible medical aid and hospitals are available in the cities. A city provides for better sanitation and a good supply of pure water to the citizens. All the roads are metalled and furnished with electric lights. There are better facilities of transport and communication. There are also provisions for games, sports. amusements of different kinds for the recreation of the people. All these are but the charms of city life, in consideration of which people prefer to live in a city. Most of the people living in cities are generally educated. A great many of them lead a life of comfort and luxury. But there are still a large number of day-labourers and wage-camers. who are attracted to the cities for their earning facilities. The earning facilities of these poor and helpless constitute their 'charm' for city life, if we can designate them as charm.


But nowadays the charms of city life have lost their attraction. Most cities are now in the grip of traffic jarn, air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and a lot of social evils. The charms of city life are nothing but an empty moon shine.






William Cowper, a famous English poet, wrote, "God made the country but man made the town." The difference between a rural life and a city life is remarkable. In the village we see the glamour of nature where God pervades. But the town is man-made the artificial thing and it cuts us off from direct contact with nature.


Both the rural life and the city life have their advantages. In rural life we see perfect peace. A rural life is very simple and easy-going. It is free from cares and anxieties of the world . The village people are free from the troubles of the cheats and pick-pockets of the town. The fish and vegetables we get are fresh. The air we breathe is pure. We are in direct touch with nature. The people living in villages are very open-minded, honest, and peace-loving.


On the other hand, town life has some advantages too. It provides us with all that we want. There are good roads for comfortable transport, electricity for physical comfort. good schools, colleges, madrasahs,, universities. technical centres for education, good hospitals and clinics for proper medical treatment and well-furnished shops and stores to meet all our wants. For recreation and pastime, we have clubs, libraries and show houses of various kinds. There is a good facility for trade. commerce and industry in the town.

The village has no good roads and as a result, there is no easy and good transport facility. The sanitary conditions are very unsatisfactory and such is the case with medical and educational facilities because good doctors and teachers generally avoid villages on account of their disadvantages.


In respect of a city life, the air is full of smoke and soot and the food we get is mostly impure and adulterated. Life in a city is very complex and difficult. People have no time to look after one another. Town is rather nasty with its dust, waste, filth and bad smell. Vehicles ply here and there constantly and for it people are afflicted with sound pollution. Hijackers, cheats and pick-pockets along with terrorists also abound in the city.


It is quite impossible to make a choice for one or the other. We need villages for perfect, peaceful and care-free life while we need city life for education, culture, good transport and amusement. Hence my choice is for rural life.


Bangladesh has only a few towns and most of them are small. Only fifteen to twenty percent of the people of Bangladesh live in towns. People in the city lead a most unpleasant life. The noise and bustle, the smokes and the dust make city life unpleasant. A man born and bred in the city has different feelings all together. All this crowd and busy hum of men is to him a perpetual tonic. They bring him in touch with the human beings and fill his mind with a sense of human fellowship.

City life has its own particular pattern. The day breaks with the street cries of hawkers, the horn of vehicles. As the day advances, noises and movement of the vehicles increase until mid-day comes. City life, as we know it in our country, is unattractive. Cities grow in a small area with a large population. Houses are for the most part crowded to suffocation, want of fresh air and light makes the congested localities, extremely unhealthy. Streets are infested with unsightly beggars, unwanted dogs and cattle let loose to wander at will. Life in a city is complex and difficult. It makes people more or less selfish. People in a city are always busy with their own affairs and have no time to turn to others. City life is rather nasty with its dust, filth and bad smell. Vehicles ply constantly in city. Accidents occur here every now and then. Cheats and pick-pockets also abound in cities.

In spite of all there ugly features, cities have their importance and usefulness. So long as business and industry form the economy of a country, cities will not lose their importance. There are big and beautiful buildings, motor cars, buses and cinema halls with all their

charms to attract people. Besides, there are comforts, fashions and luxuries in a city. Above all, a city is a veritable university for men who like to acquire wisdom from observation and experience.


History tells us that in ancient times people lived in villages. Several villages were grouped together under one headman and formed one of the units of society. Gradually, with the increase of population and commerce, there sprang up towns. The tendency of modern civilization is to give prominence to town life. Consequently, towns are increasing in number by leaps and bounds. Both town life and country life have advantages as well as disadvantages.

Towns provide us with all we want. In a town, there are numerous schools and colleges. There are big libraries where anyone can go and read about the current thoughts of the world and converse with the masterminds of old. There are lecture halls where matters of public interest are frequently discussed. Again in a town, there are hospitals and dispensaries where medical and experienced doctors from whom medical advice can be had. Besides, a town is a centre of business where all sorts of men may find suitable employment. There are also various forms of amusement and recreation. For recreation, we have clubs, parks and show houses of different kinds.

Town life has its disadvantages too. A town is over-crowded. The air is full of smoke and soot. The streets are noisy. In a town, pure and fresh food-stuffs cannot be easily procured. There is too much excitement, and too little repose in towns. Its constant din and bustle gets on our nerves. People are always in a hurry as if some invisible demon of materialism, were driving them on with a whip in hand. In short, life here is so artificial that man soon loses his divine origin and becomes almost a machine.

The village life has its bright side. The fish and vegetables we get are fresh, the air we breathe is pure. Here people are in direct touch with Nature which enable them to retain something of their divine origin. A village is rich in the beauties of nature. Vast fields smiling with green crops, rivers rippling gently by, woods resounding with the songs of birds, rows of trees with blooming flowers, cool groves green with leaves, make up a charming scenery.

The living condition of the villagers is not satisfactory. They abound in swamps, wastes and jungles, which are hot-beds of malaria and other diseases. The sanitary conditions are unsatisfactory, and so are medical and educational facilities. The shops cannot always supply all the needs of modern life. So people have occasionally to run to nearby towns for their requirements.

William Cowper, the famous English poet, wrote, “God made the country and man made the town.” This famous line represents the natural difference between town life and village life. In the country, we see things as God made them the wide-open sky above, and the green fields, beautiful flowers and murmuring streams on earth below. But the town is the product of man’s labour and cuts us off from direct contact with Nature. Our rural life will be more pleasant and comfortable if proper arrangements are made for sanitation and education.


Introduction: History tells us that in ancient times people lived in villages. Several villages were grouped together under one headman and formed one of the units of society. Gradually, with the increase of population and commerce, there sprang up towns. The tendency of modern civilization is to give prominence to town life. Consequently, towns are increasing in number by leaps and bounds. Both town life and country life have advantages as well as disadvantages.

Advantages of Town Life: Towns provide us with all we want. There are good roads for comfortable transport, electricity for physical comfort, good schools and colleges for education, good hospitals and clinics for proper medical treatment and good stores to meet all our wants. In a town, there are numerous schools and colleges. There are big libraries where anyone ca.n go and read about the current thoughts of the world and converse with the masterminds of old. There are lecture halls where matters of public interest are frequently discussed. In a word, anybody with a real craving for knowledge and wishing to perfect himself in any branch of study will find some educational institution with its doors wide open to him. Again in a town, there are hospitals and dispensaries where medical and experienced doctors from whom medical advice can be had. Besides, a town is a centre of business where all sorts of men may find suitable employment. There are also various forms of amusement and recreation. For recreation, we have clubs, parks and show houses of different kinds.

Disadvantages of town life: Town life has its disadvantages too. A town is over­crowded. The air is full of smoke and soot. The streets are noisy. In a town, pure and fresh food-stuffs cannot be easily procured. There is too much excitement, and too little repose in towns. Its constant din and bustle gets on our nerves. We are always in a hurry as if some invisible demon of materialism, were driving us on with a whip in hand. In short, life here is so artificial that man soon loses his divine origin and becomes almost a machine.

Advantages of Village Life: The village life has its bright side. The fish and vegetables we get are fresh, the air we breathe is pure. Here we are in direct touch with Nature which enable us to retain something of our divine origin. A village is rich in the beauties of nature. Vast fields smiling with green crops, rivers rippling gently by, woods resounding with the songs of birds, rows of trees with blooming flowers, cool groves green with leaves, make up a charming scenery. And that is sure to make one forget the worries of life. In a village life there is calm everywhere. Living is very cheap. The villagers in sympathetic co-operation with one another live a placid life. ::BASE::

Disadvantages of country life: True it is that village life now-a-days is one of discomforts and troubles. The country has no good roads, which makes transport difficult, particularly during the rainy season. There is no electricity, and no proper intellectual atmosphere and recreational facilities to suit different tastes. The living condition of the villagers is not satisfactory. They abound in swamps, wastes and jungles, which are hot-beds of malaria and other diseases. The sanitary conditions are unsatisfactory, and so are medical and educational facilities. The shops cannot always supply all the needs of modern life. So people have occasionally to run to nearby towns for their requirements.

Conclusion: William Cowper, the famous English poet, wrote, “God made the country and man made the town.” This famous line represents the natural difference between town life and village life. In the country, we see things as God made them the wide-open sky above, and the green fields, beautiful flowers and murmuring streams on earth below. But the town is the product of man’s labour and cuts us off from direct contact with Nature. Our rural life will be more pleasant and comfortable if proper arrangements are made for sanitation and education.


A city is a veritable university for men who like to acquire wisdom from observation and experience. Bangladesh has only a few towns and most of them are small. Only fifteen to twenty percent of the people of Bangladesh live in towns. People in the city lead a most unpleasant life. The noise and bustle, the smokes and the dust make city life unpleasant. A man born and bred in the city has different feelings all together. All this crowd and busy hum of men is to him a perpetual tonic. They bring him in touch with the human beings and fill his mind with a sense of human fellowship. I also live in a city. The name of our city is We cannot but live in city for its importance and usefulness. So long as business and industry form the economy of a country, our city has a lot of importance. There are big and beautiful buildings, motor cars, buses and cinema halls in our city with all their charms to attract people. Besides, there are comforts, fashions and luxuries in the city. In spite of many facilities, our city is full of problems.


Our city life has its own particular pattern. Here the day breaks with the street cries of hawkers, the horn of vehicles. As the day advances, noises and movement of the vehicles increase until mid­day comes. Here city life is unattractive. Our city grows in a small area with a large population. Houses are for the most part crowded to suffocation, want of fresh air and light makes the congested localities, extremely unhealthy. Streets are infested with unsightly beggars, unwanted dogs and cattle let loose to wander at will. Life in a city is complex and difficult. It makes people more or less selfish. People here are always busy with their own affairs and have no time to turn to others. The environment in our city is rather nasty with its dust, filth and bad smell. Vehicles ply constantly in our city. Accidents occur here every now and then. Cheats and pick-pockets also abound in cities. If this situation continues, it will be baneful to us and our next generation. So it is our concerted efforts that are needed to make the city healthy and favourable for better living.

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