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A Traffic Police (Paragraph / Composition / Essay)

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 14

Paragraph Writing


Traffic police are well known persons to all in the towns and cities. They are the part and parcel of city life. We see them standing on the islands in the streets from morning to night. They put on a uniform. They use umbrella to save themselves from the scorching heat of the sun and from heavy rains. Sometimes they have sheds on the road to stand. They are engaged in controlling the movement of people and vehicles on the road. They are also engaged in minimising jams and accidents so that people can move easily and freely. Traffic police also extend help to cross the road to those who are unable to cross it. There are traffic signals on important roads, bends and junctions. Those who violate traffic rules are fined or taken to the custody. Sometimes traffic police search the drivers whether they have the licences or other necessary papers. Traffic police have heavy responsibilities. They are very punctual, sincere and dutiful. But there are some traffic police who are not sincere in their duties. But they are few in number. Traffic police do very laborious work for the welfare of people. But they are ill-paid employees. Government should take a hand to improve their fate.


Traffic police officers are familiar figures in urban areas, playing an integral role in the fabric of city life. These dedicated professionals can be observed stationed at street intersections, tirelessly performing their duties from dawn to dusk. Clad in their distinctive uniforms, they often employ umbrellas to shield themselves from the scorching sun or heavy rainfall. Some are fortunate to have shelters provided for their respite. Their primary responsibility entails regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the streets, with a focus on minimizing traffic congestion and averting accidents to ensure the smooth flow of people and traffic. Traffic police officers also offer assistance to individuals who require aid in crossing busy thoroughfares. To enhance safety, traffic signals are strategically placed at critical road sections, curves, and intersections. Those who disregard traffic regulations face penalties, including fines or even detention. At times, traffic police officers conduct checks to verify drivers' licenses and the completeness of necessary documentation. The role of traffic police is undeniably demanding, characterized by unwavering punctuality, dedication, and diligence. While the majority of traffic police officers are committed to their responsibilities, a small fraction may fall short of expected standards. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the arduous work these individuals perform for the betterment of society. Regrettably, their compensation often does not align with the magnitude of their responsibilities, leaving many in a financially precarious position. It is imperative for the government to intervene and improve the working conditions and remuneration of traffic police officers, recognizing their invaluable contributions to the welfare of the community.

A Traffic Police

A traffic police is a person who is engaged in maintaining the traffic on the roads or the streets according to traffic rules is one of the most useful govt. employees. poor-paid 'government employee. A traffic police is a poor . But he is very familiar to all in towns and cities. Though he is poor-paid employee, his duties and responsibilities are very great and important. He plays an important role in maintaining discipline in the streets and the roads of cities and the towns. He wears (puts on) khaki trousers. a blue shirt with white sleeves and a white helmet. He also carries an umbrella to protect himself from the sun and the heavy rain. He is engaged in controlling the movement of the vehicles and the passers-p on the road. He is always watchful Oand careful in order to avoid any accident and traffic jam on the road. He makes fine or puts punishment instantly against the drivers who, create black smoke or any violate traffic rules.Sometimes, he helps the disabled the old women and children while crossing the road. A traffic police is very sincere, dutiful, punctual, Alert, prompt, helpful, co-operative and,,Intelligent. He never hesitates to perform his duties even in the foul weather. He is seen standing on the island of the road or the street from dawn to dead of night. He does a great service to the society. He is really a good friend of all. He should be paid good salary and other necessary facilities and needs of life for his decent and happy life. We should honour and love such a great friend from the core of heart.

A Traffic Police

A traffic police officer, despite being a poorly paid government employee, holds a crucial and esteemed role in maintaining order on the streets and roads of our towns and cities. Clad in a distinctive uniform comprising khaki trousers, a blue shirt with white sleeves, and a white helmet, they are a familiar presence to all. Equipped with an umbrella to shield themselves from the sun and rain, these officers are entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing and regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Their unwavering vigilance aims to prevent accidents and traffic congestion. They promptly impose fines and penalties on drivers who violate traffic regulations or emit excessive black smoke from their vehicles. Additionally, traffic police officers frequently extend assistance to the elderly, disabled individuals, and children when crossing the road. These officers exemplify qualities of sincerity, dedication, punctuality, alertness, promptness, helpfulness, cooperation, and intelligence. They tirelessly stand on road islands from dawn to the dead of night, rendering invaluable service to society. Despite their meager salaries, their commitment remains unwavering. Recognizing their contributions, it is imperative that traffic police officers receive appropriate compensation and essential amenities to ensure a dignified and contented life. Therefore, it is our duty to hold these remarkable individuals in high esteem and extend our heartfelt appreciation for their dedicated service.

Bangla Translation:

একজন ট্রাফিক পুলিশ একজন ট্রাফিক পুলিশ হল এমন একজন ব্যক্তি যিনি ট্রাফিক নিয়ম অনুযায়ী রাস্তায় বা রাস্তায় যানবাহন রক্ষণাবেক্ষণে নিয়োজিত থাকেন তিনি সবচেয়ে দরকারী সরকারের একটি। কর্মচারী দরিদ্র বেতনভুক্ত 'সরকারি কর্মচারী। একজন ট্রাফিক পুলিশ একজন গরীব। তবে শহর-নগরে সবার কাছেই তিনি খুব পরিচিত। তিনি দরিদ্র বেতনভোগী কর্মচারী হলেও তার দায়িত্ব ও কর্তব্য অত্যন্ত মহান ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। তিনি শহর ও জনপদের রাস্তাঘাটে শৃঙ্খলা রক্ষায় গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করেন। সে খাকি ট্রাউজার পরে (পরে)। সাদা হাতা এবং একটি সাদা হেলমেট সহ একটি নীল শার্ট। রোদ এবং ভারী বৃষ্টি থেকে নিজেকে রক্ষা করার জন্য তিনি একটি ছাতাও বহন করেন। তিনি সড়কে যানবাহন ও পথচারীদের চলাচল নিয়ন্ত্রণে নিয়োজিত রয়েছেন। সড়কে কোনো দুর্ঘটনা ও যানজট এড়াতে তিনি সর্বদা সজাগ ও সতর্ক থাকেন। কালো ধোঁয়া সৃষ্টি বা ট্রাফিক নিয়ম লঙ্ঘনকারী চালকদের বিরুদ্ধে তিনি তাৎক্ষণিকভাবে জরিমানা বা শাস্তি প্রদান করেন। কখনও কখনও, তিনি প্রতিবন্ধী বৃদ্ধ মহিলা ও শিশুদের রাস্তা পারাপারের সময় সহায়তা করেন। একজন ট্রাফিক পুলিশ অত্যন্ত আন্তরিক, কর্তব্যপরায়ণ, সময়নিষ্ঠ, সতর্ক, প্রম্পট, সহায়ক, সহযোগিতামূলক এবং বুদ্ধিমান। প্রতিকূল আবহাওয়ার মধ্যেও তিনি তার দায়িত্ব পালনে কখনও দ্বিধা করেন না। ভোর থেকে গভীর রাত পর্যন্ত রাস্তার দ্বীপে বা রাস্তায় দাঁড়িয়ে থাকতে দেখা যায় তাকে। তিনি সমাজের অনেক সেবা করেন। সে সত্যিই সবার ভালো বন্ধু। তাকে ভালো বেতন এবং অন্যান্য প্রয়োজনীয় সুযোগ-সুবিধা এবং তার শালীন ও সুখী জীবনের জন্য জীবনের চাহিদা দিতে হবে। আমাদের উচিত এমন একজন মহান বন্ধুকে হৃদয়ের গভীর থেকে সম্মান করা এবং ভালোবাসা।

Composition / Essay Writing

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