Paragraph Writing
A Rickshaw Puller
The man who pulls rickshaw for money is called a rickshaw puller. A rickshaw puller is a familiar person in cities and towns. He generally lives in a slum. Most of the rickshaw pullers have no their own rickshaws. They pull other rickshaws by renting. However, a rickshaw puller is a poor man. His dress is very shabby and dirty. His income is very low. He supports his family through much hardship. He works hard from morning till late night. He is seen carrying passengers in both good and bad weathers. He bargains with his passengers. He demands more when the weather is very hot and foul. Sometimes he tries to cheat passengers. But most often he is cheated by passengers. A rickshaw puller is seen sleeping on his rickshaw under a tree or sitting idly on his rickshaw. Though he drives rickshaw from morning till late night, he leads a very miserable life. His life is full of sorrows and sufferings. He cannot enjoy peace and happiness. If he becomes sick, he cannot drive his rickshaw. As a result, he and his family have to starve. Infact, the services of a rickshaw puller plays an importance role in our national life. So we should think about his rights and show respect to them.
Model Answer-2
 A rickshaw puller
A rickshaw puller is a person who operates a rickshaw for a living. In Bangladesh, rickshaws are a commonly used mode of transportation, and they are powered by human effort. The majority of rickshaw pullers reside in the slum areas of cities and endure significant hardships to support their families. They struggle to make ends meet and live from hand to mouth. They must work extremely long hours without any set schedule, often pulling their rickshaws from morning until midnight. Their meager earnings are barely enough to sustain their families, who are forced to endure severe poverty. The physical labor and emotional strain that rickshaw pullers endure are profound. They face difficulties beyond their control, such as illness or inclement weather, which can cause them and their families to go hungry. During the rainy season, their misfortunes are compounded by flooding, which inundates their slums. Despite these challenges, rickshaw pullers work tirelessly to support their families, and their efforts should be recognized and appreciated. As a society, it is our moral obligation to show empathy towards rickshaw pullers and help improve their living conditions. Through our kind behavior and positive attitude, we can inspire them towards a more hopeful and prosperous future. By valuing their hard work and respecting their dignity, we can help ease their struggles and bring them greater happiness and fulfillment.
Composition / Essay Writing
Introduction: A rickshaw- puller is a man who earns his livelihood by driving a rickshaw. He is a poor but hard-working man. What a cow to the farmer is what a rickshaw to the rickshaw- puller, that is the only source of livelihood. The life of a rickshaw- puller is hard and miserable. He leads a hard life with a small income.
How one becomes a rickshaw- puller:Â Rickshaw-pulling is not a hereditary profession. One is forced into picking a rickshaw because of hard economic conditions. When a man becomes jobless in the village, he travels to one of the big cities in the hope of finding work. He meets somebody who might introduce him to a garage owner, and if he is lucky, he might be given a rickshaw to pull on rent. He chooses it because it will at least prevent him from committing unsocial acts for money.
His profession: A rickshaw- puller first takes a short training for driving. Then he begins to drive a rickshaw. He does not have own carriage. He hires it on rent from the owner. He has to work in shifts. Sometimes he works at night and sometimes at noon. He has no holidays.
His daily labour: A rickshaw- puller works in all seasons. The sun and the rain test their strength on him. The rickshaw is a versatile carriage. It does not only carry passengers, but also goods of all sorts, even furniture, and even meat and fish. So, the rickshaw- puller has a vital link between several professions. Sometimes he is beaten by the traffic - police for violation of traffic law.
His manners: The rickshaw puller is considered as a pest by traffic police. He and the rickshaw puller are even at the opposite ends of an issue. And, in fact, much of the traffic jam is caused by the rickshaw- puller, because he somehow obstructs the passage of other faster vehicles. He does not do this intentionally, but because he does not have much road sense. And, as he is a destitute, and has nothing to lose, he keeps to his ground most arrogantly when there is an argument either with the police or with the passengers.
Exploitation: The attitude of the passengers to the rickshaw- puller is not above criticism either. Passengers when he carries on his vehicle, think that they are being cheated by the rickshaw- puller. They higgle with him about the fare in the most unreasonable way. The passengers often take advantage of the competition among the pullers to get passengers. Thus the passengers exploit the rickshaw- puller in an inhuman way. But the real exploiter is the owner of the rickshaw who earns much without any manual labour.
Conclusion: In a way, rickshaw pulling is an inhuman profession because it is completely opposite to the idea of motor age that all vehicles should be engine driven. But, in our country, the work of the rickshaw- puller seems to be a viable profession because thousands of poor men just thrive on it along with their families. So, we should be sympathetic and kind to a rickshaw- puller for his valuable service.
very nice