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                     Prefixes and suffixes



Words with a different grammatical form or meaning can be derived from a base word using prefixes and suffixes. By understanding how these prefixes and suffixes work, it is often easier to deal with unknown vocabulary. You can sometimes see what part of speech a word is (verb, noun, adjective etc.), or additional information that a prefix may give.


1. Changes in grammatical form.

The noun 'power' can be used as an adjective by adding the suffix ~ful (powerful). The adverbial form is made by adding the suffix ~ly to the adjective (powerfully).

The verb 'to improve' becomes a noun by adding the suffix ~ment (improvement). The same root word can also become a verb (improvise)

The noun 'nation' changes into an adjective with the suffix ~al (national), and by adding another suffix

~ize the word changes from an adjective to a verb (nationalize)

The adjective 'special' can change to a verb (specialize) or a noun (speciality).


2. Changes in meaning.


Prefixes and suffixes can also change the meaning of a word.

The meaning of 'possible' is reversed with the addition of the prefix im~ (impossible).

To 'overeat' means to eat too much and if food is undercooked, it is not cooked enough.

Some suffixes commonly denote an occupation.

Eg. The verb 'to teach' is transformed into the occupation with the suffix ~er (teacher).

Both grammatical changes and changes in meaning can be applied to the same base word.

Eg. The noun 'interest' can be made an adjective and given opposite meaning by adding a prefix and a suffix ~un….~ing (uninteresting).

3. Changes in pronunciation.


When prefixes and suffixes are added to root words, the word stress sometimes changes.

Eg. Noun & verb: 'photograph'. Adjective: 'photographic'. Opposite: 'unphotographic'.

Person: 'photographer'.

In English the word stress is often on the third syllable from the end.

Overleaf is a list of the most common suffixes and prefixes and the grammatical and meaning changes that they apply to root words.








What Are Prefixes?

Prefixes are small but meaningful letter groups added in front of a base word or root that contribute to the meaning of a word. There is some confusion between prefixes and roots. Linguists solve the problem by calling both combining forms. We have chosen to call all combining forms commonly found at the beginning of a word prefixes.      •

•Prefixes combine with words to create new meanings.

1.Pre + View = Preview (first look) 2.Super + Star = Superstar (top player)



Why Learn Prefixes?

•Prefixes add meaning to thousands of words.

•Learn a few prefixes, and you open up the meaning of thousands of words.

•The four most frequent prefixes are 97% of prefixed words!


Most Common Prefixes

1. a = without : amoral, apolitical, atypical

2. ante = before : antecedent, antedate

3. anti = against, opposing : anti-war, anti-bacterial

4. arch = more extreme : arch-capitalist, arch-rebel

5. auto = self : auto-dial, auto-rotate

6. bi = two, twice : bilingual, bisect, bi-monthly

7. circum = round : circumnavigate, circumvent

8. co = with : co-author, co-edit

9. col, com, con = with : collaborate, combine, connect

10. contra, counter = against, opposing : contraception, counter-claim

11. de = opposite action : declassify, destroy

12. dia = across : diagonal, diameter

13. dis = not, opposite of : disagree, disprove, distrust, disbelief

14. dys = abnormal : dyslexia, dysfunctional

15. e = electronic : e-literate, e-book

16. eco = relating to the environment : eco-tourism, eco-disaster

17. en(m) = cause to : encode, embrace

18. equi = equal : equidistant, equilateral

19. ex = previously : ex-president, ex-student

20. extra = very : extra-bright, extra-strong

21. extra = outside : extra-curricular, extra-sensory

22. fore = before : forecast

23. hyper = having too much : hyperactive, hypersensitive

24. il, im, in, ir = not : illogical, impossible, indistinct, irrational

25. in(m) = in, movement to: input, inset, intake, implant, import

26. inter = between, connected : interrelated, interact

27. intra = within : intra-generational, intramuscular

28. kilo = thousand : kilogram, kilometer, kilowatt

29. macro = large in size or scope : macro-economics, macro-scale

30. mal = badly : malfunction, malpractice

31. micro = small in size or scope : micro-economics, micro-scale

32. mid = middle : midway

33. mis = wrongly : mistake, mistranslate, misunderstanding

34. mono = one : mono-centric, monoculture

35. multi = many : multicultural, multi-level

36. neo =  based on something older but in new form : neo-classical

37. non = not : non-believer, non-competitive, nonsense

38. out = more, to a greater extent : outnumber, outlive

39. over = over/above/too much : overlook, overcook, overhead

40. post = after : post-examination, post-modern

41. pre = before : pre-industrial, preview, pre-war

42. pro = in favour of : pro-feminist, pro-liberal

43. pseudo = false : pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-science

44. quasi = almost, not quite : quasi-academic, quasi-legal

45. re = again : rediscover, redefine, rename, return

46. retro = backwards : retrogressive, retrospective

47. semi = half, partly : semicircle, semi-organic, semi-precious

48. sub = under, beneath, part of something: submarine, subsection

49. super = above, bigger : superpower, supersonic, superstar

50. trans = across : transcontinental, transcribe, transport

51. ultra = extreme : ultra-sensitive, ultrasound

52. un = not : uncertain, unusual, unscrew, unplug, unfriendly

53. under = insufficient, under, beneath : underemployed, undersea

54. well = useful, successful : well-designed, well-written





What Are Suffixes?


Suffixes combine with words to create new meanings.

1.Turn + ed = Turned (in the past)

2. Quick + ly = Quickly (how it turned)


Why Learn Suffixes?

Suffixes add meaning to thousands of words.

Learn a few Suffixes, and you open up the meaning of thousands of words.

The four most frequent suffixes are 97% of suffixed words!


Most Common Suffixes

1. -able, ible = can be done : identifiable, predictable

2. -al, ial = has property of : personal

3. -ant = having an effect : coolant, accelerant
4. –based = forming a major part of : computer-based, oil-based

5. –cy = state or quality : accuracy, literacy, urgency

6. -ed* = past verb : turned

7. –ee = person affected by something : interviewee, trainee, addressee

8. -en = made of : golden

9. -er = comparative : higher

10. -er = one who : doer, actor

11. -est = superlative : best, biggest

12. –free = without : debt-free, pain-free

13. –ful = full of : careful, joyful

14. –hood = state, condition, period : adulthood, motherhood

15. –ic = having property of, connected with : linguistic, photographic, electric

16. –ics = study of : genetics, electronics

17. –ify = give something a quality : clarify, purify, solidify

18. –ing* = present participle : running

19. –ism = belief, behaviour : modernism, heroism

20. – ist = person with specific beliefs or behaviour : anarchist, optimist

21. –(t)ion = act, process : action

22. –(i)ty = state of : infinity, sanity

23. –(t)ive = adjective : motive, votive

24. –ize, -ise = bring about a state or condition : modernize/modernize, colonize/colonise

25. –less = without : fearless, careless, childless, meaningless

26. –like = resembling : bird-like, child-like, hook-like

27. –ly* = having : quickly, quietly

28. –ment = action, process : enjoyment

29. –ness = quality or state of : kindness, effectiveness, openness

30. –ocracy = type of ruling body : meritocracy, bureaucracy

31. –ocrat = person ruling : technocrat, aristocrat

32. –ology, -ological = study of : archaeology, biology, biological, geology, physiological

33. –ous = having : joyous, religious

34. –proof = protected against, safe from : waterproof, dustproof

35. –s* = more than one : books

36. –ship = state or experience of having a specific position : professorship, leadership

37. –y = having : happy, windy



                  Prefix and Suffix Worksheet-3.1
1.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Once upon a time, there lived an old (a)---(farm) in a village. He had three sons. They were (b) ---(quarrel). They always quarrelled with one another. Their father told them that (c) ---(quarrel) is a bad thing. (d) ---(final) he decided to teach them a good lesson. His (e) ---(decide) was a good one. The sons come to the (f) ---(realize) that they should not quarrel like that. The farmers become very happy to see that there is no (g) ---(understanding) among his sons. Although they were (h) ---(conscious) about the importance of unity, they can now realize its importance.

2.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Money is a) ---(sweet) than honey and it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a must in our b)world Life. it cannot c)---(sure). All happiness. d)---happy lies in contentment. People who are happy with what they have, are never e)---(happy) People who are (f)---(mental) unhappy with what they have, are sure unhappy (g)---(morality) cannot bring peace’s (h)---(moral) is always rewarded.

3.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The rapid (a) ---(grow) of population must be controlled (b) ---(wise), all the attempts for the solution of food problem will fail. So, we have to increase our food production very (c) ---(rapid) we may solve our food problem (d)---(large) by charging our (e)---(tradition) Food habit. We can create a (f)---(very) in our menu. For example, we can take potato instead of rice. However, we cannot solve the problem (g)---(less) We increase our food (h)---(product).

4.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Truth is not (a)---(normal) it is (b)---(nature) it (c)---(sure ). The spiritual peace of the human mind. It (d)---(power) our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e)---(lawful) things are against the truth. We must speak boldly and (f)---(clear) (g) ---(kind) is a condition of (h) ---(truthful).

5.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Education for girls is essential for the (a)---(better) of the society’s (b)---(develop). Education for girls surely bring in greater (c)---(put) Economically because educated women can contribute more to the family than those who have no (d)---(school). Educated mothers are more (e)---(care) to send their children to school and look after their health and nutrition. According to napoleon education of women is the (f)---(condition) of (g)---(nation). Development. In Bangladesh, govt. should take more steps to educate the girls for progress and (h)---(prosper).

6.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Price-like means the (a)---(usual) increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Nowadays, it is not an (b) ---(common) phenomenon in Bangladesh. Market syndicate is (c)---(most) responsible for this price-hike. Besides, some (d) ---(honest) people stone essential commodities with a view to making a huge profit. As a result, a (e) ---(deplore) condition is created in our society. To get rid of this (f) ---(problem) Situation (g) ---(agriculture) sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public (h) ---(aware) should be raised against it.

7.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a)---(beauty). It is an (b)---(agriculture) country. Most of the people of this country directly or (c)---(direct) depend on agriculture for their (d)---(lively). Many important industries are (e)---(depend) on agricultural products. But our farmers are sometimes helpless and depend on nature. if the (f)---(rain) is timely, they can grow bumper crops. But it is (g)---(fortune). That they hardly get water in time. (h)---(fail) to grow crops causes sufferings to the entire people.

8.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Patriot) is a noble virtue. It is an (b)---(emotion). Love for one’s country. It is the (c)---(inspire) for a man to shed every drop of blood to defend the d)liberate and dignity of the country. But patriotism should not be (e)---(mere) a so called slogan in the public f)---(meet) to deceive the people. We should have (g)---(fix) it is the core of our heart. We should keep (h)---(our)  in such noble virtue.

9.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is an (a)---(agriculture) country. Here most of the people live below the poverty line. They took the profession of the farmer. But (b)---(literacy) is a big problem in our country. The (c)---(literate) people have little (d)---(know) of the modern methods of farming. It is true that our e)---(govern) has taken some steps, but they are (f)---(sufficient) the government should not remain (g)---(attentive) to the agricultural sector. Farmers should be trained (h)---(proper) to grow more crops.

10.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
My mother is very (a) ---(religion). She always prefers me to follow the path of (b) ---(honest) and integrity. She has strong (c)---(moral) she has (d)---(soft) in her heart for the poor. She always helps the poor to see the (e)---(happy) in their face. She is an ideal housewife. She does all the household chores by (f) ---(her). She is also (g)---(care) of our study. She says her (h) ---(pray) regularly.

11.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The (a)---(develop) of a country is (b)---(depend) on good (c)---(govern) without good governance country can reach the (d)---(culminate) of success. For good governance, democracy must be (e)---(institution) democracy must be (f)---(practical) applied. It should not be in theory must have (g)---(good) for people. If not, the development will not be (h)---(actualize).

12.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is an independent country. The (a)---(achieve) of independence is a milestone in the history of Bangladesh. The country is known as a (b)---(democrat) country. The country has problems and (c) ---(possible). A lot of people are uneducated. So, (d)---(literacy) is a great problem in the country. Again, a lot of people are unemployed. We are facing the problems of (e) ---(employment). Political conflict is an obstacle to progress in the country. There is (f)---(understanding) among the political parties. Most of the political leader's work (g)---(morally) Bangladesh has to go a long way for its development. We all should be aware of our (h)---(constitution) right.

13.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
One cannot become great in life (a)---(automatic). For this one needs to labour (b) ---(continue). If one labour (c) ---(regular), one’s goal can never remain (d) ---(steady) and (e) ---(patience), he is sure to face (f)---(hard) in life.

14.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Money is (a)---(sweet) than honey and it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a must in our (b)---(world) life. It cannot (c)---(sure). All happiness. (d) ---(happy) lies in contentment. People who are happy with what they have, are never (e) ---(happy). People who are (f) ---(mental) unhappy with what they have, are sure unhappy(g)---(morality) cannot bring peace’s(h)---(moral) is always rewarded.

15.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The rapid (a)---(grow) of population must be controlled (b) ---(wise), all the attempts for the solution of food problem will fail. So, we have to increase our food production very (c)---(rapid). We may solve our food problem (d) ---(large) by charging our (e) ---(tradition) food habit. We can create a (f) ---(very) in our menu. For example, we can take potato instead of rice. However, we cannot solve the problem (g)---(less). We increase our food (h)---(product).

16.    Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Truth is not (a)---(normal) It is (b)---(nature). It (c)---(sure). The spiritual peace of human mind. It (d)---(power) our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e)lawful things are against the truth. We must speak boldly and (f)---(clear). (g) ---(kind) is a condition of (h) ---(truthful).

17.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The (a)---(look) of village people is changing. They have learnt about the importance of health and sanitation. So in rural areas (b)---(sanitary) latrines have been (c) ---(placed) by sanitary latrines. But still water is (d) ---(constant) pollute in various ways. We must prevent its pollution to be (e) ---(health). Water (f) ---(pollute) is number one problem in both our rural and urban areas. (g) ---(Defecate) here and there is a common sight in the villages. Of course, this (h) ---(healthful) practice is gradually declining in the country.

18.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
In our society, almost in every sphere of life, some kinds of (a) ---(crimination) exist between boys and girls. In the field of (b) ---(educate) this disparity is very (c) ---(fortunate). People, in general, do not send their female (d) ---(child) to school and confine them to the household boundaries. Girls are (e) ---(general) not cared well. They become the subject of (f) ---(deprive). Although mass media often talk about this (g) ---(human) issue, they ultimately remain where they are. It is time; we raise awareness amongst ourselves and take some serious (h) ---(act).

19.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Iron is the most (a) ---(value) of all metals. From a pin or a needle to the (b) ---(big) instrument, man needs iron. Modern (c) ---(civil) largely depends on the (d) ---(use) of iron. The (e) ---(construct) of high rise buildings is not possible (f)---(out) iron. Modern industries would have been (g) ---(possible) if there were no iron. It’s necessary in our life is completely (h) ---(deniable).

20.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Teaching is a noble (a) ---(profess). In the classroom, a good (b) ---(teach) acts like an (c) ---(act). He teaches (d) ---(moral) among the students. Moreover, he makes the students (e) ---(dated). He also advise them to reject (f) ---(honest) means in the exam hall. A teacher is thought to be the (g) ---(build) of a nation. So, he must be (h) ---(selfishly) devoted to his work.

21.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Robinson Crusoe was a famous (a) ---(adventure). He wanted to be a (b) ---(sail) from his (c) ---(boy). But his father did not like the idea at all. Rather he (d) ---(courage) him to be a (e) ---(law). In course of time, a (f) ---(ship) company offered Crusoe a job as a cabin boy. Crusoe (g) ---(glad) accepted the offer without having any second thought. How (h) ---(courage) he was eighteen.

22.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Happiness is (a)---(known) as a relative term. It means the (b) ---(content) of mind. It is also said that health is the root of all (c) ---(happy). A sick (d) ---(money) man is not as a poor (e) ---(health) man. So we should take physical exercise (f) ---(regular). Physical exercise keeps or gives us (g) ---(fit). Moreover, it makes us (h) ---(discipline).

23.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Most of the people of our country are (a) ---(literate). They lead an (b) ---(planned) life. They do not have much (c) ---(know) about health, sanitation and (d) ---(populate) control. So the government should take constructive steps (e) ---(immediate), to remove (f) literacy. Otherwise, our country will be (g) ---(able) to stand upright in front of other (h) ---(develop) countries.

24.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Water is an important element of our environment. But it is polluted in (a) ---(vary) ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. (b) ---(farm) use chemical (c)--- (fertilize) and insecticides in their fields. When rain and floods wash away some of these chemicals, they get (d)---(mix) with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also throw their (e) ---(poison) chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and they polluted the water. (f)---(sanitary) latrines and (g)----(safe) drains standing on river and canals banks are also responsible for further (h) ---(pollute). 

25.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
There are four skills to learn a language (a) ---(scientific). Writing is the (b)---(four) skill. It is (c)--- (essential) important for those who take formal (d)---(educate). Those who do not go to schools and colleges for (e) ---(institution) education do not read and write, but they can learn the mother tongue. This is possible only because of listening and speaking. But in the case of a foreign language, the process is (f)---(differ). The (g)---(learn) should learn it (h)---(methodical).




                                       Prefix and Suffix Worksheet-3.1 Answer
1.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Once upon a time, there lived an old (a)---(farm) in a village. He had three sons. They were (b) ---(quarrel). They always quarrelled with one another. Their father told them that (c) ---(quarrel) is a bad thing. (d) ---(final) he decided to teach them a good lesson. His (e) ---(decide) was a good one. The sons come to the (f) ---(realize) that they should not quarrel like that. The farmers become very happy to see that there is no (g) ---(understanding) among his sons. Although they were (h) ---(conscious) about the importance of unity, they can now realize its importance.
Answer: (a) farmer (b) quarrelsome (c) quarreling (d) finally (e) decision  (f) realization (g) misunderstanding h) unconscious.

2.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Money is a) ---(sweet) than honey and it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a must in our b)world Life. it cannot c)---(sure). All happiness. d)---happy lies in contentment. People who are happy with what they have, are never e)---(happy) People who are (f)---(mental) unhappy with what they have, are sure unhappy (g)---(morality) cannot bring peace’s (h)---(moral) is always rewarded.
Answer: (a) sweeter (b) worldly (c) ensure (d) happiness (e) unhappy (f) mentally (g) immorality (h) morality

3.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The rapid (a) ---(grow) of population must be controlled (b) ---(wise), all the attempts for the solution of food problem will fail. So, we have to increase our food production very (c) ---(rapid) we may solve our food problem (d)---(large) by charging our (e)---(tradition) Food habit. We can create a (f)---(very) in our menu. For example, we can take potato instead of rice. However, we cannot solve the problem (g)---(less) We increase our food (h)---(product).
Answer: (a) growth (b) otherwise (c) rapidly (d) largely (e) traditional (f) variety(g) unless (h) production.

4.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Truth is not (a)---(normal) it is (b)---(nature) it (c)---(sure ). The spiritual peace of the human mind. It (d)---(power) our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e)---(lawful) things are against the truth. We must speak boldly and (f)---(clear) (g) ---(kind) is a condition of (h) ---(truthful).
Answer: (a) abnormal (b)natural (c) ensures (d) empowers (e) unlawful (f) clearly (g) kindness (h) truthfulness      

5.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Education for girls is essential for the (a)---(better) of the society’s (b)---(develop). Education for girls surely bring in greater (c)---(put) Economically because educated women can contribute more to the family than those who have no (d)---(school). Educated mothers are more (e)---(care) to send their children to school and look after their health and nutrition. According to napoleon education of women is the (f)---(condition) of (g)---(nation). Development. In Bangladesh, govt. should take more steps to educate the girls for progress and (h)---(prosper).
Answer: (a) betterment (b) development (c) output (d) schooling (e) careful (f) precondition (g) national (h) prosperity.

6.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Price-like means the (a)---(usual) increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Nowadays, it is not an (b) ---(common) phenomenon in Bangladesh. Market syndicate is (c)---(most) responsible for this price-hike. Besides, some (d) ---(honest) people stone essential commodities with a view to making a huge profit. As a result, a (e) ---(deplore) condition is created in our society. To get rid of this (f) ---(problem) Situation (g) ---(agriculture) sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public (h) ---(aware) should be raised against it.
Answer: (a) unusual (b) uncommon (c)mostly (d) dishonest (e) deplorable (f) problematic (g) agricultural (h) awareness.

7.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a)---(beauty). It is an (b)---(agriculture) country. Most of the people of this country directly or (c)---(direct) depend on agriculture for their (d)---(lively). Many important industries are (e)---(depend) on agricultural products. But our farmers are sometimes helpless and depend on nature. if the (f)---(rain) is timely, they can grow bumper crops. But it is (g)---(fortune). That they hardly get water in time. (h)---(fail) to grow crops causes sufferings to the entire people.
Answer: a) beautiful (b) agricultural c) indirectly d) livelihood e) dependable f) rainfall (g) unfortunate

8.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Patriot) is a noble virtue. It is an (b)---(emotion). Love for one’s country. It is the (c)---(inspire) for a man to shed every drop of blood to defend the d)liberate and dignity of the country. But patriotism should not be (e)---(mere) a so called slogan in the public f)---(meet) to deceive the people. We should have (g)---(fix) it is the core of our heart. We should keep (h)---(our)  in such noble virtue.
Answer: (a) patriotism (b) emotional (c) inspiration  (d) liberty (e) merely  (f) fix (d) materialize  (h) ourselves.

9.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is an (a)---(agriculture) country. Here most of the people live below the poverty line. They took the profession of the farmer. But (b)---(literacy) is a big problem in our country. The (c)---(literate) people have little (d)---(know) of the modern methods of farming. It is true that our e)---(govern) has taken some steps, but they are (f)---(sufficient) the government should not remain (g)---(attentive) to the agricultural sector. Farmers should be trained (h)---(proper) to grow more crops.
Answer: (a) agricultural  (b) illiteracy   (c) illiterate  (d) knowledge  (e) government (f) insufficient (g) inattentive  (h) properly.

10.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
My mother is very (a) ---(religion). She always prefers me to follow the path of (b) ---(honest) and integrity. She has strong (c)---(moral) she has (d)---(soft) in her heart for the poor. She always helps the poor to see the (e)---(happy) in their face. She is an ideal housewife. She does all the household chores by (f) ---(her). She is also (g)---(care) of our study. She says her (h) ---(pray) regularly.
Answer: a) religious (b) honesty c) morality d) softness e) happiness f) herself g) careful  (h) prayer.

11.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The (a)---(develop) of a country is (b)---(depend) on good (c)---(govern) without good governance country can reach the (d)---(culminate) of success. For good governance, democracy must be (e)---(institution) democracy must be (f)---(practical) applied. It should not be in theory must have (g)---(good) for people. If not, the development will not be (h)---(actualize).
Answer: a) development b) dependent c) government d) culmination e) institutionalized f) practically g) goodness h) actualized

12.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is an independent country. The (a)---(achieve) of independence is a milestone in the history of Bangladesh. The country is known as a (b)---(democrat) country. The country has problems and (c) ---(possible). A lot of people are uneducated. So, (d)---(literacy) is a great problem in the country. Again, a lot of people are unemployed. We are facing the problems of (e) ---(employment). Political conflict is an obstacle to progress in the country. There is (f)---(understanding) among the political parties. Most of the political leader's work (g)---(morally) Bangladesh has to go a long way for its development. We all should be aware of our (h)---(constitution) right.
Answer: (a)achievement (b) democratic (c) possibility (d) illiteracy (e) unemployment (f) misunderstanding (g) immorally (h) constitutional

13.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
One cannot become great in life (a)---(automatic). For this one needs to labour (b) ---(continue). If one labour (c) ---(regular), one’s goal can never remain (d) ---(steady) and (e) ---(patience), he is sure to face (f)---(hard) in life.
Answer: (a) automatically (b) continuously (c) regularly (d) steadily (e) happily (f) hardly

14.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Money is (a)---(sweet) than honey and it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a must in our (b)---(world) life. It cannot (c)---(sure). All happiness. (d) ---(happy) lies in contentment. People who are happy with what they have, are never (e) ---(happy). People who are (f) ---(mental) unhappy with what they have, are sure unhappy(g)---(morality) cannot bring peace’s(h)---(moral) is always rewarded.
Answer: (a) sweeter (b) worldly (c) ensure (d) Happiness (e) unhappy (f) mentally (g) immorality (h) morality.

15.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The rapid (a)---(grow) of population must be controlled (b) ---(wise), all the attempts for the solution of food problem will fail. So, we have to increase our food production very (c)---(rapid). We may solve our food problem (d) ---(large) by charging our (e) ---(tradition) food habit. We can create a (f) ---(very) in our menu. For example, we can take potato instead of rice. However, we cannot solve the problem (g)---(less). We increase our food (h)---(product).
Answer: (a) growth (b) otherwise (c) rapidly (d) largely (e) traditional (f) variety (g) unless (h) production.

16.    Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Truth is not (a)---(normal) It is (b)---(nature). It (c)---(sure). The spiritual peace of human mind. It (d)---(power) our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e)lawful things are against the truth. We must speak boldly and (f)---(clear). (g) ---(kind) is a condition of (h) ---(truthful).
Answer: (a) abnormal (b) natural (c) ensures (d) empowers (e) unlawful  (f) clearly (g) kindness (h) truthfulness  

17.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The (a)---(look) of village people is changing. They have learnt about the importance of health and sanitation. So in rural areas (b)---(sanitary) latrines have been (c) ---(placed) by sanitary latrines. But still water is (d) ---(constant) pollute in various ways. We must prevent its pollution to be (e) ---(health). Water (f) ---(pollute) is number one problem in both our rural and urban areas. (g) ---(Defecate) here and there is a common sight in the villages. Of course, this (h) ---(healthful) practice is gradually declining in the country.
Answer: (a) outlook (b) unsanitary (c) replaced (d) constantly (e) healthy (f) pollution (g) defecation (h) unhealthful

18.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
In our society, almost in every sphere of life, some kinds of (a) ---(crimination) exist between boys and girls. In the field of (b) ---(educate) this disparity is very (c) ---(fortunate). People, in general, do not send their female (d) ---(child) to school and confine them to the household boundaries. Girls are (e) ---(general) not cared well. They become the subject of (f) ---(deprive). Although mass media often talk about this (g) ---(human) issue, they ultimately remain where they are. It is time; we raise awareness amongst ourselves and take some serious (h) ---(act).
Answer: (a) discrimination (b) education (c) unfortunate (d) children (e) generally (f) deprivation (g) inhuman (h) actions

19.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Iron is the most (a) ---(value) of all metals. From a pin or a needle to the (b) ---(big) instrument, man needs iron. Modern (c) ---(civil) largely depends on the (d) ---(use) of iron. The (e) ---(construct) of high rise buildings is not possible (f)---(out) iron. Modern industries would have been (g) ---(possible) if there were no iron. It’s necessary in our life is completely (h) ---(deniable).
Answer: (a) valuable(b) biggest(c) civilization(d) Usage (e) construction (f) without(g) impossible (h) undeniable

20.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Teaching is a noble (a) ---(profess). In the classroom, a good (b) ---(teach) acts like an (c) ---(act). He teaches (d) ---(moral) among the students. Moreover, he makes the students (e) ---(dated). He also advise them to reject (f) ---(honest) means in the exam hall. A teacher is thought to be the (g) ---(build) of a nation. So, he must be (h) ---(selfishly) devoted to his work.
Answer: (a) profession (b) teacher (c) actor (d) morality (e) updated (f) dishonest(g) builder (h) unselfishly  

21.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Robinson Crusoe was a famous (a) ---(adventure). He wanted to be a (b) ---(sail) from his (c) ---(boy). But his father did not like the idea at all. Rather he (d) ---(courage) him to be a (e) ---(law). In course of time, a (f) ---(ship) company offered Crusoe a job as a cabin boy. Crusoe (g) ---(glad) accepted the offer without having any second thought. How (h) ---(courage) he was eighteen.
Answer: (a) adventure (b ) sailor (c) boyhood (d) encouraged (e) lawyer (f) shipping (g) gladly (h) courageous

22.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Happiness is (a)---(known) as a relative term. It means the (b) ---(content) of mind. It is also said that health is the root of all (c) ---(happy). A sick (d) ---(money) man is not as a poor (e) ---(health) man. So we should take physical exercise (f) ---(regular). Physical exercise keeps or gives us (g) ---(fit). Moreover, it makes us (h) ---(discipline).
Answer: (a) well-known (b) contentment (c) happiness (d) moneyed (e) healthy (f) regularly (g) fitness (h) disciplined

23.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Most of the people of our country are (a) ---(literate). They lead an (b) ---(planned) life. They do not have much (c) ---(know) about health, sanitation and (d) ---(populate) control. So the government should take constructive steps (e) ---(immediate), to remove (f) literacy. Otherwise, our country will be (g) ---(able) to stand upright in front of other (h) ---(develop) countries.
Answer: (a) illiterate (b) unplanned (c) knowledge (d) population (e) immediately (f) illiteracy (g) unable (h) developing

24.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Water is an important element of our environment. But it is polluted in (a) ---(vary) ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. (b) ---(farm) use chemical (c)--- (fertilize) and insecticides in their fields. When rain and floods wash away some of these chemicals, they get (d)---(mix) with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also throw their (e) ---(poison) chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and they polluted the water. (f)---(sanitary) latrines and (g)----(safe) drains standing on river and canals banks are also responsible for further (h) ---(pollute). 
Answer: (a) various (b) farmers (c) fertilizers (d) mixed (e) poisonous (f) unsanitary (g) unsafe (h) pollution

25.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
There are four skills to learn a language (a) ---(scientific). Writing is the (b)---(four) skill. It is (c)--- (essential) important for those who take formal (d)---(educate). Those who do not go to schools and colleges for (e) ---(institution) education do not read and write, but they can learn the mother tongue. This is possible only because of listening and speaking. But in the case of a foreign language, the process is (f)---(differ). The (g)---(learn) should learn it (h)---(methodical).
Answer: (a) scientifically (b) fourth (c) essentially (d) education (e) institutional (f) different (g) learners (h) methodically








                       Prefix and Suffix Worksheet-3.2
1.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
A book fair is a large scale (a)---(exhibit) of different kinds of books. It is (b)---(occasion) held in our country. The bookstalls are (c)---(temporary) built and then decorated. The (d)---(publish) organize it in order to(e)---(play) the works of different authors. The (f)---(decorate) work is completed costing a lot of money. The (g)---(organize) do not worry about the (h)---(expend) because they can make a profit by selling a lot of books.

2.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Eve teaching is one of our social problems. It is the result of moral the (a)---(degrades) of our young generation.  Eve teaching is an (b)---(moral) activity.  Laws have been (c)---(acted) to stop eve teaching. We want the proper (d)---(execute) of the laws. The steps will not produce the desired result if the (e) ---(offend) come out through the loopholes of the laws. What (f)---(practical) happens is that the (g) use of power makes the criminals go (h)---(punished).  It is never desirable in a civilized society.

3.    Fill in the gaps using by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
A winter morning is very cold and dull. The sun is (a)---(hard) seen if the sky is (b)---(cloud). Nothing is seen at a distance and everything is hazy because of heavy fog. The (c)---(hazy) continues until the fog disperses. A winter morning is (d)---(comfort) for the rich while it is (e)---(comfort) for the poor.  However, winter is (f)---(favour) for working hard. People can (g)---(go) hard labour and those who work (h)---(physical) do not get sweating and tired.

4.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Health is the (a)---(sound) of both body and mind. To posses good health, one must grow up (b) ---(physical), mentally,(c)---(emotional) as well as (d)---(social). You may be unsocial. Balanced (f)---(grow) of our young (g)---(learn) is essential in order to have (h)---(sound) of both body and mind.  

5.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is the most (a)---(dense) populated country in the world. She is also a (b)---(populated) country. There are many countries that are small but not overpopulated. They are rather (c)---(population). We need (d)---(population) to (e)---(move) poverty, but we have no way other than birth control. In order to (f)---(popular) birth control, certain steps have been taken (g)---(pragmatic), but the result is not yet up to the level of (h)---(expect).

6.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Our national flag is the symbol of our freedom and (a)---(sovereign). It is also (b)---(symbol) of our integrity and solidarity. Only (c)---(territory) independence without sovereignty is not the real independence. Our national flag (d)---(minds) us of our glorious existence. It is also the emblem of our spirit, hopes and aspiration. We must (e)---(hold) its dignity. It is a great pity that some (f)---(treachery) people live in this country but do not pay (g)---(loyal) to the sovereignty of the country. They are really factors who worked against the war of (h)---(liberate).

7.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Trees are (a)---(use) part of the human environment. They are needed to (b)---(beauty) our (c)---(surround). No one should cut down a tree (d)---(necessarily) or for any (e)---(important) reason. Let us plan more and more trees. In the USA on one living in the (f)---(local) can cut down any three without the (g)---(permission) local authority even if he is the (h)---(own) of the tree. This rule should be introduced in our country too.

8.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Tree (a)---(plan) is a must for (b)---(ecology) balance. If trees are cut down and not planted (c)---(proportionate) the country will face more and more problems. There should be laws so that the (d)---(considerate) people cannot cut down trees.(e)---(indiscriminate). Very often the (f)---(editor) desk of new paper write on the (g)---(important) of tree plantation and (h)deforest cause by many dishonest people.

9.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
A school magazine is a literary creation of the students reading in the school. It is (a)---(patron) by the headmaster of the school. A student works at the (b)---(editor|) desk under the (c)---(guide) of senior teacher.  A school cannot bring out an (d)---(inform) magazine if the management is (e)---(efficient). Many good (f)---(education) institutions bring out magazines (g)---(annual) focusing the (h)---(creative) of the young learners.

10.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
A price hike means the (a)---(usual) increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Nowadays, it is not an (b)---(common) phenomenon in Bangladesh. Market syndicate is (c)---(most) responsible for this price-hike. Besides, some (d)---(honest) people store essential commodities with a view to making a huge profit. As a result (e)---(deplore) condition is created in our society. To get rid of this (f)---(problem) situation (g)---(agriculture) sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public (h)--- (aware) should be raised against it.

11.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
A book fair is an (a)---(exhibit) where different types of books are displayed and sold. Now a days its (b)---(popular) is increasing day by day. (c)---(Lucky) I visited the Ekushey Boi Mela this year. Every year, it reminds us struggle and sacrifice of the language (d)---(move). The fair is organized by Bangla Academy (e)---(author) in the premises of the (f)---(institute). I found a (g)---(differ) environment in the fair and bought some(h)favour books.

12.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Child) is an important period of life. It moulds the character of the (b)---(child). Children learn from their parents. But it is very (c)---(fortunate) that a huge number of children are working in various risky sectors. It is (d)---(basic) a problem of the (e)---(develop) country like Bangladesh. The child labours suffer from various diseases including (f)---(nutrition). Abusing children at this (g)---(mature) age is a punishable crime. Poverty alleviation and (h)---(conscious) among the common people can help minimize this problem.

13.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Everybody hates the (a)---(honest) people. On the other hand, honest people are always respected. Even children (b)---(like) dishonest people. A dishonest people. A dishonest man has (c)---(pomp)life. But it is totally (d)---(possible) for a dishonest person to find out (e)---(happy). Honest can offer you a (f)---(comfort) life. We are (g)---(hope) that our younger generation will follow the path of (h)---(honest).

14.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Addiction means strong (a)---(attract) for any (b)---(harm) thing. Drug(c) ---(addict) means taking heroine, marijuana etc. Some of these are taken by smoking or through injection. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to (d)---(die). Drug addiction is not only a national but also a (e)---(globe) problems. Some steps can be taken to stop this problem. People should be made aware of the (f)---(merits) of drugs. Those who are involved with the (g) ---(legal) business of drug should be punished strictly. Taking the drug is definitely an (h)---(social) act.

15.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
We should be (a)---(duty). Our sense of dutifulness is very (b)---(signify) in our day today life. We should be(c) self-rely. We should have (d)---(sincere) in every (e)---(act). Those who do not work hard can not become (f)---(industry). The industry is the mother of success. To be (g)---(success) in life we have to struggle (h)---(proper).

16.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Religion) belief is (b)---(signify). There are (c)---(differ) types of (d)---(religion) belief. No religion is of the (e)---(opine) about (f) ---(criticize) other religions. If we citizen anything of any religion, it is nothing but (g) ---(hallucinates). We should be (h)--- (care) of it.

17.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Deforest) is one of the greatest threats to our environment. It has many (b) ---(reaching) effects on the environments. Many people cut down trees (c)---(discriminate) but they (d) ---(hard) think about the adverse effect it causes. In fact,(e)---(forestation) the act of cutting or (f) ---(burn) the trees in an area by which trees can be decreased (g) ---(rapid) and (h) ---(large).

18.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The (a)---(develop) of a country is(b)---(depend) on good (c)---(govern). Without good governance, no country can reach the (d)---(culminate) of success. Good governance democracy must be (e)---(institution). Democracy must be(f)---(practical) applied. It should not be theory only. It must have (g)---(good) for people. If not, the development will not be (h) ---(actualize).

19.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Electron) mail is one of the many moderns devices of (b)---(communicate). This is not only a quick, easy and (c) ---(relative) cheap way to keep in touch with family and friends. We need internet (d) ---(connect) for browsing email. We can also attach big files and send them to our desired persons. Thus it becomes very easy to transfer important files, documents, photos etc instantly without (e) ---(physical) going to anywhere. It maintains our private, social and (f) ---(office) networking in a (g) ---(power) and (h) ---(effect) way.

20.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Truthful is not (a) ---(normal). It is (b) ---(nature). It (c) ---(sure) the spiritual peace of the human mind. It (d) ---(power) our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e) ---(lawful) things are against the truth. We must speak boldly and (f) ---(clear). (g) ---(Kind) is a condition of (h) ---(truthful).






                                           Prefix and Suffix Worksheet-3.2 With Answer

1.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
A book fair is a large scale (a)---(exhibit) of different kinds of books. It is (b)---(occasion) held in our country. The bookstalls are (c)---(temporary) built and then decorated. The (d)---(publish) organize it in order to(e)---(play) the works of different authors. The (f)---(decorate) work is completed costing a lot of money. The (g)---(organize) do not worry about the (h)---(expend) because they can make a profit by selling a lot of books.
Answer: (a) exhibition (b) occasionally (c) temporarily (d) publishers (e) display (f) decoration (g) organizers (h) expenditure

2.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Eve teaching is one of our social problems. It is the result of moral the (a)---(degrades) of our young generation.  Eve teaching is an (b)---(moral) activity.  Laws have been (c)---(acted) to stop eve teaching. We want the proper (d)---(execute) of the laws. The steps will not produce the desired result if the (e) ---(offend) come out through the loopholes of the laws. What (f)---(practical) happens is that the (g) use of power makes the criminals go (h)---(punished).  It is never desirable in a civilized society.
Answer: a) degradation (b) immortal (c) enacted (d) execution (e) offenders (f) practically (g) misuse (h)unpunished

3.    Fill in the gaps using by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
A winter morning is very cold and dull. The sun is (a)---(hard) seen if the sky is (b)---(cloud). Nothing is seen at a distance and everything is hazy because of heavy fog. The (c)---(hazy) continues until the fog disperses. A winter morning is (d)---(comfort) for the rich while it is (e)---(comfort) for the poor.  However, winter is (f)---(favour) for working hard. People can (g)---(go) hard labour and those who work (h)---(physical) do not get sweating and tired.
Answer: (a) hardly (b) cloudy (c) haziness (d) comfortable (e) uncomfortable (f) favourable (g) undergo (h) physically    

4.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Health is the (a)---(sound) of both body and mind. To posses good health, one must grow up (b) ---(physical), mentally,(c)---(emotional) as well as (d)---(social). You may be unsocial. Balanced (f)---(grow) of our young (g)---(learn) is essential in order to have (h)---(sound) of both body and mind.  
Answer: (a) soundness (b) physically (c) emotionally (d) socially (e) unusual (f) growth (g) learners (h) soundness

5.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is the most (a)---(dense) populated country in the world. She is also a (b)---(populated) country. There are many countries that are small but not overpopulated. They are rather (c)---(population). We need (d)---(population) to (e)---(move) poverty, but we have no way other than birth control. In order to (f)---(popular) birth control, certain steps have been taken (g)---(pragmatic), but the result is not yet up to the level of (h)---(expect).
Answer: (a) densely (b) overpopulated (c) depopulated (d) depopulation (e) remove (f) popularize (g) pragmatically (h) expectation 

6.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Our national flag is the symbol of our freedom and (a)---(sovereign). It is also (b)---(symbol) of our integrity and solidarity. Only (c)---(territory) independence without sovereignty is not the real independence. Our national flag (d)---(minds) us of our glorious existence. It is also the emblem of our spirit, hopes and aspiration. We must (e)---(hold) its dignity. It is a great pity that some (f)---(treachery) people live in this country but do not pay (g)---(loyal) to the sovereignty of the country. They are really factors who worked against the war of (h)---(liberate).
Answer: (a) sovereignty (b) symbolic (c) territorial (d) reminds (e) uphold (f) treacherous (g) loyalty (h) liberation

7.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Trees are (a)---(use) part of the human environment. They are needed to (b)---(beauty) our (c)---(surround). No one should cut down a tree (d)---(necessarily) or for any (e)---(important) reason. Let us plan more and more trees. In the USA on one living in the (f)---(local) can cut down any three without the (g)---(permission) local authority even if he is the (h)---(own) of the tree. This rule should be introduced in our country too.
Answer: (a) useful (b) beautify (c) surrounding (d) unnecessarily (e) unimportant (f) locality (g) permission (g) owner

8.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Tree (a)---(plan) is a must for (b)---(ecology) balance. If trees are cut down and not planted (c)---(proportionate) the country will face more and more problems. There should be laws so that the (d)---(considerate) people cannot cut down trees.(e)---(indiscriminate). Very often the (f)---(editor) desk of new paper write on the (g)---(important) of tree plantation and (h)deforest cause by many dishonest people.
Answer: (a) plantation (b) ecological (c) proportionately (d) inconsiderate (e) indiscriminately (f) editorial (g) importance (h) deforestation

9.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
A school magazine is a literary creation of the students reading in the school. It is (a)---(patron) by the headmaster of the school. A student works at the (b)---(editor|) desk under the (c)---(guide) of senior teacher.  A school cannot bring out an (d)---(inform) magazine if the management is (e)---(efficient). Many good (f)---(education) institutions bring out magazines (g)---(annual) focusing the (h)---(creative) of the young learners.
Answer: (a) patronized (b) editorial (c) guidance (d) informative (e) inefficient (f) educational (g) annually (h) creativity

10.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
A price hike means the (a)---(usual) increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Nowadays, it is not an (b)---(common) phenomenon in Bangladesh. Market syndicate is (c)---(most) responsible for this price-hike. Besides, some (d)---(honest) people store essential commodities with a view to making a huge profit. As a result (e)---(deplore) condition is created in our society. To get rid of this (f)---(problem) situation (g)---(agriculture) sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public (h)--- (aware) should be raised against it.
Answer: (a) unusual(b) uncommon (c) mostly (d) dishonest (e) deplorable (f) problematic (g) agricultural (h) awareness

11.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
A book fair is an (a)---(exhibit) where different types of books are displayed and sold. Now a days its (b)---(popular) is increasing day by day. (c)---(Lucky) I visited the Ekushey Boi Mela this year. Every year, it reminds us struggle and sacrifice of the language (d)---(move). The fair is organized by Bangla Academy (e)---(author) in the premises of the (f)---(institute). I found a (g)---(differ) environment in the fair and bought some(h)favour books.
Answer: (a) exhibition (b) popularity (c) luckily (d) movement (e) authority (f) institution (g) different (h) favourite

12.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Child) is an important period of life. It moulds the character of the (b)---(child). Children learn from their parents. But it is very (c)---(fortunate) that a huge number of children are working in various risky sectors. It is (d)---(basic) a problem of the (e)---(develop) country like Bangladesh. The child labours suffer from various diseases including (f)---(nutrition). Abusing children at this (g)---(mature) age is a punishable crime. Poverty alleviation and (h)---(conscious) among the common people can help minimize this problem.
Answer: (a) childhood (b) children (c) unfortunate (d) basically (e) developing (f) malnutrition (g) immature (h) consciousness

13.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Everybody hates the (a)---(honest) people. On the other hand, honest people are always respected. Even children (b)---(like) dishonest people. A dishonest people. A dishonest man has (c)---(pomp)life. But it is totally (d)---(possible) for a dishonest person to find out (e)---(happy). Honest can offer you a (f)---(comfort) life. We are (g)---(hope) that our younger generation will follow the path of (h)---(honest).
Answer: (a) dishonest (b) dislike (c) pompous (d) impossible (e) happiness (f) comfortable (g) hopeful (h) honesty

14.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Addiction means strong (a)---(attract) for any (b)---(harm) thing. Drug(c) ---(addict) means taking heroine, marijuana etc. Some of these are taken by smoking or through injection. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to (d)---(die). Drug addiction is not only a national but also a (e)---(globe) problems. Some steps can be taken to stop this problem. People should be made aware of the (f)---(merits) of drugs. Those who are involved with the (g) ---(legal) business of drug should be punished strictly. Taking the drug is definitely an (h)---(social) act.
Answer: (a) attraction (b) harmful (c) addiction (d) death (e) global (f) demerits (g) illegal (h) antisocial

15.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
We should be (a)---(duty). Our sense of dutifulness is very (b)---(signify) in our day today life. We should be(c) self-rely. We should have (d)---(sincere) in every (e)---(act). Those who do not work hard can not become (f)---(industry). The industry is the mother of success. To be (g)---(success) in life we have to struggle (h)---(proper).
Answer: (a) dutiful (b) significant (c) self-reliant (d) sincerity (e) action (f) industrious (g) successful (h) properly

16.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Religion) belief is (b)---(signify). There are (c)---(differ) types of (d)---(religion) belief. No religion is of the (e)---(opine) about (f) ---(criticize) other religions. If we citizen anything of any religion, it is nothing but (g) ---(hallucinates). We should be (h)--- (care) of it.
Answer: (a) Religious (b) significant (c) different (d) religious (e) opinion (f) criticizing (g) hallucination (h) careful

17.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Deforest) is one of the greatest threats to our environment. It has many (b) ---(reaching) effects on the environments. Many people cut down trees (c)---(discriminate) but they (d) ---(hard) think about the adverse effect it causes. In fact,(e)---(forestation) the act of cutting or (f) ---(burn) the trees in an area by which trees can be decreased (g) ---(rapid) and (h) ---(large).
Answer: (a) deforestation (b) far-reaching (c) indiscriminately (d) hardly (e) deforestation (f) burning (h) largely

18.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The (a)---(develop) of a country is(b)---(depend) on good (c)---(govern). Without good governance, no country can reach the (d)---(culminate) of success. Good governance democracy must be (e)---(institution). Democracy must be(f)---(practical) applied. It should not be theory only. It must have (g)---(good) for people. If not, the development will not be (h) ---(actualize).
Answer: (a) development (b) dependent (c) government (d) culmination (e) institutionalized (f) practically (g) goodness (h) actualized

19.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)---(Electron) mail is one of the many moderns devices of (b)---(communicate). This is not only a quick, easy and (c) ---(relative) cheap way to keep in touch with family and friends. We need internet (d) ---(connect) for browsing email. We can also attach big files and send them to our desired persons. Thus it becomes very easy to transfer important files, documents, photos etc instantly without (e) ---(physical) going to anywhere. It maintains our private, social and (f) ---(office) networking in a (g) ---(power) and (h) ---(effect) way.
Answer: (a) Electronic (b) communication (c) relatively (d) connection (e) physically (f) official (g) powerful (h) effective

20.    Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Truthful is not (a) ---(normal). It is (b) ---(nature). It (c) ---(sure) the spiritual peace of the human mind. It (d) ---(power) our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e) ---(lawful) things are against the truth. We must speak boldly and (f) ---(clear). (g) ---(Kind) is a condition of (h) ---(truthful).
Answer: (a) abnormal (b) natural (c) ensures (d)empowers (e) unlawful (f) clearly (g) kindness (h) truthfulness





                                                 Prefix and Suffixes-4.0

SSC Suffix and Prefix 2020 All Board Questions With Answer


1.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dhaka Board-2020; Chattogram Board-2015]
Bangladesh is an (a)--- (dependent) country, but she is still burdened with poverty, (b)--- (population), (c)---(employ), corruption, food (d)--- (deficient), natural calamities, power crisis, etc. Considering all these, the present (e)--- (govern) has aimed at making a digital Bangladesh to (f)---(come) most of these problems. The actual aim of (g)--- (digit) Bangladesh is to establish technology-based government which will emphasize the overall (h)--- (develop) of the country and the nation. The country has (i)--- (ready) fixed its target for the (j)--- (achieve) of Digital Bangladesh by 2021.

2.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Mymensingh Board-2020]
Education is essential for any kind of (a)---(develop). The poor socio-economic condition of our country can be (b) ---(large) attributed to many people’s (c)--- (accessibility) to education. Many (d)---(literate) people do not have any knowledge of health, sanitation and (e) ---(populate) control. It (f) ---(able) us to perform our duties (g)---(proper). Education helps us to adopt a (h)--- (ration) attitude. It provides us with an (i)--- (lightened) awareness about things and this awareness is a (j) ---- (requisite) for social development.

3.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Cumilla Board-2020]
The books of famous (a) ---(write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b) ---(visit) buy different (c) ---(publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any purchase. The (d)---(buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e) ---(crowd). As various books are (g) ---(play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy (h) ---(choose) books after a long search. This facility is (i) ---(available) in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j) ---(come) to the students.

4.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Chattogram Board-2020]
Life without (a) ---(sure) and pleasure is dull. Life becomes (b) ---(charm) if it does not have any time to enjoy the (c) ---(beauty) objects of nature. (d) ---(monotony) work hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) ---(new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) ---(work) is (h) --- (harm) Leisure does not mean (i) ---(averse) to work. It gives freshness and (j) ---(create) to our mind.

5.    . Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Sylhet Board-2020]
King Solomon was (a) --- (fame) for his (b) --- (wise). He was blessed with (c) ---(ordinary) knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d) ---(imagine). One day, the Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was (e) ---(nature) and the other was (f) ---(artifice). As he had a close (g) ---(associate) with nature, he had been (h) ---(success) to differentiate them.  In this way, his (i) ---(repute) of (j) --- (multidimension) knowledge spread all over the world.

6.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Barishal Board-2020]
Mobile phone is a great (a) ---(invent) of modern science. The (b) ---(consume) of mobile phone are increasing day by day. People are getting benefits. But it is (c) ---(fortunate) that mobile phone sometimes (d) ---(comes) a cause of health hazard, especially the (e) ---(child) are affected much, According to the (f) ---(science) mobile phone causes brain tumours, genetic damage and many other (g) ---(cure) diseases. They believe that (h) ---(visible) uncontrolled radioactivity of mobile phone causes (i) ---(repairable) damage to human body. They say that the (j) ---(govern) should control radioactive sources.

7.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Jashore Board-2020]
(a)---(persevere) is needed to be (b) ---(success) in life. Those who do not persevere in life become (c)---(success) in their mission and only blame their lot for their (d)  ---(fortune). (e)---(Persevere) people always become successful. (f) ---(sincere) is another important virtue which (g)  ---(able) a person to accomplish a job (h)---(fruit). Student life is the (i)  ---(form) period of a man’s life. One should not (j)---(use) this period of life.


8.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Rajshahi Board-2020]
A (a)--- (west) survey was conducted in this (b)--- (quest), "Are social (c)--- (work)  making us social?" The participants are mainly the (d)--- (net) users of the west. 81% opined (e)--- (affirm). One commented that (f) (smart) detach you from your family and (g)--- (company) in exchange of an addition to fun. Another comment was that many (h)--- (virtue) relations are maintained at time and so they (i)--- (hard) become deep and reliable. Another remarkable comment was that direct (j)--- (action) has no alternative for a safe relation.

SSC -2019

9.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dhaka Board-2019]
A good student is always (a) ---(mind) of his studies. He is (b) ---(respect) of his (c) ---(teach) and superiors. He never (d) ---(honour) anybody. He is free from (e) ---(behavior) and never rude to his classmates. As he is (f) ---(study), he never wastes his time in vain. He is also sincere and listens to his teachers (g) ---(attentive) so that he can be (h) ---(success) in life. His punctuality and (i) ---(determine) help him to (j) ---(take) and solve any difficult work or job.

10.    . Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Rajshahi Board-2019]
Bangladesh is a (a) ---(river) and (b) ---(agriculture) country. So, we cannot ignore the (c) ---(important) of rivers. Our agriculture is largely (d) ---(depend) on the rivers. But we get (e) ---(sufficient) water for use from the rivers. There are (f) ---(differ) reasons behind it. At first the water of many rivers (g) ---(dry) up in summer. Again, the water of some rivers is (h) ---(extreme) poisonous. This poisonous water is (i) ---(suit) for our agriculture. So, water pollution should be prevented at any cost for the (j) ---(better) of our agriculture.

11.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Cumilla Board-2019]
Success in life depends on the proper (a) ---(utilize) of time. Those who waste their (b) --- (value) time in (c) ---(idle), reduce the time of their important work. (d) ---(punctual) is another great virtue of human beings that (e) ---(rich) the (f) ---(man) life. If one takes lesson from the (g) ---(biography) of successful persons, one will learn that they never kept any work (h) ---(do) for the next day. (i) ---(obvious), they were true to their words. So, they got a (j) ---(respect) position in the society.

12.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dinajpur Board-2019]
In ancient time, textbook was the most (a) ---(resource) thing for the students. Teachers were the only guides and source of information. The students had to collect all the (b) ---(inform) from the lecture of their (c) ---(teach). There was no guidebook or other (d) ---(refer) books in the market. During that period a teacher had to deliver a lecture by (e) ---(study) the textbook. Because of the (f) ---(situate) the students used to depend on the teachers (g) ---(complete). As a result, there was a great (h) --- (relate) between a (i) ---(teach) and a student. Their (j) ---(popular) existed among the students in the society.


SSC Suffix and Prefix 2018 All Board Questions With Answer

13.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [SSC Exam-2018]
People are (a)--- (general) fond of glittering things. They are (b)--- (love) of surface. They are concerned with the (c)--- (out) show of things and beings. They (d)--- (hard) bother about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (e)--- (value) thing. But there are (f)--- (vary) metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become less (g)--- (beauty). So, the surface of anything should not be the key for its (h)--- (measure). We all should be (i)--- (care) about this truth. Otherwise, we will have to be (j)---(repent) long run.

SSC -2017

14.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dhaka Board-2017]
Flowers are the symbol of love (a)--- (pure). They are (b)--- (know) for their beauty and fragrance. Some flowers are (c)--- (note) for their fragrance and some are for their beauty. But the rose is favourite to us for its colour and beauty. It mother place is the city of Paris. The (d)--- (Japan) are exceptionally famous for its (e)--- (cultivate). At present most of the countries grow rose in plenty. It (f) (general) grows from June to November. It scent makes us (g)--- (cheer). It makes people lively, lovely, (h)--- (affection) and so on. By (i)--- (grow) roses in plenty, we can export them and solve our (j)--- (employ) problem.


15.    . Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Cumilla Board-2017]
Trees are a)---(use) to man in many ways. They are companion in our day to day life. It is b)--- (possible) to build our homes, furniture etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and c)--- (nature) calamities. It d)--- (strength) the soil. If we cut trees (e)----(discriminately), there will be ecological f)---
(balanced). So tree g)---(plant) programme should be extended for a better, h)---(happy),(i)---- (healthy) life and j)---(peace) environment.  

16.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the brackets. [Dinajpur Board-2017;Jashore Board-2019;Barishal Board-2019]
Life without leisure a)----(relax) is dull. Life becomes ( b)---- (charm) if does not have any time to enjoy the (c)--- (beauty) objects of nature. d)---(monotony) work hinders the (e)--- (smooth) of work. Leisure (f)---(new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that g)--- (work) is (h)---(harm). Leisure does not mean (i)---(idle). It gives freshness to (j)--- (create) our energy/It gives (j) ---(fresh) to our mind.


17.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: [Sylhet Board-2017]
Food (a)--- (adulteration) is a crime. Adulterated food is (b)--- (poison) and causes (c)--- (curable) diseases. Some (d)--- (greed) businessmen are responsible for this (e)--- (wicked). The steps so far taken by the government against those (f)--- (honest) businessmen (g)--- (real) deserve praise. (h)--- (present), the fraudulent businessmen are much alarmed. (i)--- (Hopeful), we will be able to shun this (j)--- (practice) very soon.


18.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Jashore Board-2017]
You should bear in mind that (a)--- (confidence) assists a man to teach the gold of life. The lack of (b)--- (determine) leads one to lose the confidence. You need it in order to (c)--- (come) the problem of life. Fix a target and then try (d)--- (sincere) to gain success. Don't lose heart if you fail. Remember that (e)--- (fail) is the pillar of success. Whereas, success without (f)--- (complete) is not enjoyable. Determination keeps you (g)--- (mental k strong and make (h)--- (prepare) for struggling to reach the goal. Nobody can be (i)--- (success) in his mission. Failure makes him more (j)--- (determine) to work hard.


19.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Barishal Board-2017]
Zahir Raihan was of the most (a)--- (talent) film makers in Bangladesh. He was an (b)--- (act) worker of the Language Movement. He was also present at the (c)--- (history) meeting at Amtala on February 21, 1952. All through his life, Zahir dreamt for a (d)--- (democrat) society, a society that will (e)--- (sure) freedom of speech and will. He made a (f)--- (legend) film Jibon Theke Neya based on the Language (g)--- (Move) of 1952. He could see the (h)--- (incept) of a free and (i)--- (dependent) Bangladesh. And it's a pity that this (j)--- (dream) was missing at such a time when his dream came true.


20.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.[Chittagong Board-2017]
(a)--- (kind) is a divine virtue. So we should not be (b)--- (kind) to the people in distress and even to (c)--- (low) animals. Some naughty boys (d)---(joy) beating the lower animals like dogs  and cats. This is an (e)--- (rational) behaviour. Animals are dumb (f)--- (create). They are (g)---(harm) beings. Some animals are very (h)---(faith) and they feel no (i )---(hesitate) to risk their lives for our (j)---(protect). 


21.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Rajshahi Board-2017]
Early rising is the habit of (a)---(get) up from bed early in the morning. An early (b)--- (rise) can enjoy the (c)--- (fresh) of the morning air. He can hear the (d)--- (melody) songs of the birds. Again, he can start his day's work (e)--- ( early) than others. An early riser does not suffer from (f)--- (physic) problems very often. So, he need not go to any (g)--- (physic) (h)--- (frequent). Thus, an early riser enjoys (i)--- (very) benefits and leads an (j)--- ( peace) life.

SSC -2016

22.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dhaka Board-2016]
Load shedding is one of the most common problems of Bangladesh. Lives of our citizens are (a)--- (serious) hampered for load shedding. Students feel (b)--- (difficult) in reading during load shedding. (c)--- (industry) activities are also hampered. We should use electricity (d)--- (honest) and (e)--- (frugal) and should create (f)--- (aware) among people to solve this (g)--- (nation) problem. Besides, government should takes (h)--- (effect) step to (i)--- (grade) our power station to mitigate the (j)--- (advantage) of our people.


23.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Rajshahi Board-2016;Sylhet Board 2019]
Those who live a a)--- (luxury) life are always b)---(different) to the miseries of the poor. They enjoy life in c)---(amuse) and d)---(merry). They are e)--- (centered) people, they have little f)---(realize) of the g)--- (bounded) sufferings of the poor. They remain h)---(different) to their sufferings. They feel i)--- (comfort) to work for their j)--- (better).


24.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: [Cumilla Board-2016]
The other name of water is life. Clean water is (a)--- (drink). Dirty water is (b)--- (safe). Clean water is (C)--- (contaminate) and (d)--- (suit) for drinking. Bangladesh is a (e)--- (river) country. But we get (f)--- (adequate) water for use. The water of our rivers is (g)--- (filth) and (h)--- (poison). We should keep water clean for health, happiness and (i)--- (long). The Government should play an (j)--- (act) role to keep water safe.


25.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: [Jashore Board-2016]
Smoking is (a)---(danger) health. It is also (b)---(harm) to health. It is  to also (c)---(cost). A (d)--- (smoke) should not smoke (e)--- (public). Smoking creates (f)---(pollute). Smoking creates many (g)--- (curable) diseases. It causes (h)--- (comfort) to others. It causes irritation in the eye and (i)--- (settle) the mind. But there are many people who are (j)--- (aware) of the bad effect of smoking.


26.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Sylhet Board-2016]
Many is (a)--- (nature) curious to know the unknown. Newspaper is the best medium to satisfy this (b)--- (curious). It tells us what is (c)--- (happen) around the world. It is the (d)--- (supply) of all sorts of news and views. A newspaper is a (e)--- (power) instrument of publicity. Government (f)--- (notify) are given publicly through it. It is good (g)--- (company) in our solitary hours. It helps the (h)--- (grow) of public opinion. But it is not an (i)--- (mix) blessing. However, newspaper has made the world (j)--- (small) and help one nation to understand the other.


27.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Barishal Board-2016]
Smoking produces (a)--- (danger) effects on man. By smoking a man incurs both physical and (b)--- (economy) loss. Smoking is a kind of (c)--- (addict). Those who become (d)--- (addict) to drug first begin smoking which is is the initial step of addiction. We should raise (e)--- (aware) among our people. We should (f)--- (courage) others to smoke. It is (g)--- (possible) to stop smoking without(h)--- (unite) efforts.(i)--- (fortunate) only the (j)--- (wise) men can such foolish work.

28.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.[Chittagong Board-2016]
The aim of (a)--- (educated) is to make a man fully equipped to be (b)--- (use) to himself and to society. A (c)--- (true) educated person should be self reliant with regard to his (d)--- (person) needs. He should be well mannered, (e)--- (thought), sympathetic and co-operative. He should be (f)--- (truth),  honest, punctual and (g)--- (duty). Punctuality is a virtue that makes a nation (h)--- (prosper). An educated person tries to (i)--- (move) the sufferings of his countrymen. He also helps others in attaining (j)--- (self reliant)

SSC -2015

29.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.[Dhaka Board-2015]
The books of famous (a)---(write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b) ---(visit) buy books of different (c --- (publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any purchase. The (d)--- (buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e) ---(crowd). As (f)---(vary) books are (g)---(play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy their (h)---choose) books after a long search. This faculty is (i) ---(available) in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j)--- (come) to the students.

30.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Rajshahi Board-2015]
Money cannot buy (a)---(happy). Money is a must for our life. But it is not necessary to bring happiness. Happiness is (b)---(absolute) a (c)---(psychology) thing. It is the name of a (d)---(feel). It means the (e)---(content) of the mind. He who has (f)---(satisfy) with what he has is (g) --- (real) a happy one. Above all, we should keep in mind that (h)---(world) happiness is not all. If we want to be (i)---(eternal) happy and lead a (j) ---(dignify) life, we have to earn money in an honest way. 


31.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Cumilla Board-2015]
Student life is the (a)--- (form) season of life. This is a (b) ---period of life. This is the time for (c) (lead) (gold)--- (prepare) of future life. Students are the future (d)--- of the country. They should have (e) (patriot) They should achieve quality (f) --- (educate). and build themselves as (g) ---(know) (interact) (compete) and learn the art of (i)---- before others, citizens. They should gain h) (behave)- -and (j)---

32.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Jashore Board-2015]
A a)---(free) fighter is a b)--- (war) who took part in our war if liberation in 1971.  The(dependence) of our motherland was  (d)--- (dear) to a freedom fighter than his life. He joined the war (e)---(willing). He had no (f)---(might) weapons with him. But he had strong moral courage. He was (g)---(main) a guerrilla (h)--- (fighter). He attracted the enemy from an (i)--- (known) place and then (j)--- (appeared)


33.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.[Barishal Board-2015]
Honesty is opposite to (a)---(honest). An honest man is not (b) ---(harm) to anybody. He never does (c) ---(just) to others. When he does anything (d)---(moral), he feels (e)---(comfortable). He never tells a lie. He is always (f)---(response) to his duty. We should follow the path of (g)---(honest) and leave the path of (h)---(honesty). In that case, you will be (i)---(love) by all and will be able to reach the path of (j) ---(prosper). 


34.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.[Sylhet Board-2015]
King Solomon was (a)---(fame) for his (b) ---(wise). He was blessed with (c)---(ordinary) knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d)---(imagine). One day Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was (e) ---(nature) and the other was (f)---(artifice). As he had a close (g)---(associate) with nature, he had been (h)--- (success) to differentiate them. In this way, his (i)---(repute) of (j)---(multi-dimension) knowledge spreads all over the world. 


35.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dinajpur Board-2015]
Money cannot buy (a)---(happy) Money is (b)---(obvious) necessary for our life. But it is not the thing that (c)---(necessary) brings happiness. Happiness is (d)---(psychological) thing. Basically, it is the name of a (e)--- (feel) lies in the (f)---(content) absolute a it of mind. A poor man with mental (g)--- (satisfy) may become really happy in life. On the other hand a man with a lot of (h)---–(rich) may not be happy. Their wealth becomes the cause of (i)---(happy) from (j)---(secure). So, they lead a life full of cares and anxieties.




                              Prefix and Suffixes Worksheet-4.0 With Answer
SSC Suffix and Prefix 2020 All Board Questions With Answer

1.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dhaka Board-2020; Chattogram Board-2015]
Bangladesh is an (a)--- (dependent) country, but she is still burdened with poverty, (b)--- (population), (c)---(employ), corruption, food (d)--- (deficient), natural calamities, power crisis, etc. Considering all these, the present (e)--- (govern) has aimed at making a digital Bangladesh to (f)---(come) most of these problems. The actual aim of (g)--- (digit) Bangladesh is to establish technology-based government which will emphasize the overall (h)--- (develop) of the country and the nation. The country has (i)--- (ready) fixed its target for the (j)--- (achieve) of Digital Bangladesh by 2021.
Answer: a) independent; b) overpopulation; c) unemployment; d) deficiency; e) government; f) overcome; g) digital; h) development; i) already; j) achievement

2.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Mymensingh Board-2020]
Education is essential for any kind of (a)---(develop). The poor socio-economic condition of our country can be (b) ---(large) attributed to many people’s (c)--- (accessibility) to education. Many (d)---(literate) people do not have any knowledge of health, sanitation and (e) ---(populate) control. It (f) ---(able) us to perform our duties (g)---(proper). Education helps us to adopt a (h)--- (ration) attitude. It provides us with an (i)--- (lightened) awareness about things and this awareness is a (j) ---- (requisite) for social development.
Answer: a) development; b) largely; c) inaccessibility; d) illiterate ; e) population ; f) enables; g) properly; h) rational; i) enlightened; j) prerequisite

3.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Cumilla Board-2020]
The books of famous (a) ---(write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b) ---(visit) buy different (c) ---(publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any purchase. The (d)---(buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e) ---(crowd). As various books are (g) ---(play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy (h) ---(choose) books after a long search. This facility is (i) ---(available) in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j) ---(come) to the students.
Answer: a) writers; b) visitors; c) publishers; d) buyers; e) crowded; f) various; g) displayed; h) choosing; i) unavailable; j) welcoming

4.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Chattogram Board-2020]
Life without (a) ---(sure) and pleasure is dull. Life becomes (b) ---(charm) if it does not have any time to enjoy the (c) ---(beauty) objects of nature. (d) ---(monotony) work hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) ---(new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) ---(work) is (h) --- (harm). Leisure does not mean (i) ---(averse) to work. It gives freshness and (j) ---(create) to our mind.
Answer: a) Leisure ;  (b) charmless; (c) beautiful; (d) Monotonous; (e) smoothness; (f) renew; (g) overworking; (h) harmful; (i) aversion; (j) recreates/recreation
5.    . Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Sylhet Board-2020]
King Solomon was (a) --- (fame) for his (b) --- (wise). He was blessed with (c) ---(ordinary) knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d) ---(imagine). One day, the Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was (e) ---(nature) and the other was (f) ---(artifice). As he had a close (g) ---(associate) with nature, he had been (h) ---(success) to differentiate them.  In this way, his (i) ---(repute) of (j) --- (multidimension) knowledge spread all over the world.
Answer: a) famous ;  (b) wisdom; (c) extraordinary; (d) imagination; (e) natural; (f) artificial; (g) association; (h) successful; (i) reputation; (j) multidimensional

6.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Barishal Board-2020]
Mobile phone is a great (a) ---(invent) of modern science. The (b) ---(consume) of mobile phone are increasing day by day. People are getting benefits. But it is (c) ---(fortunate) that mobile phone sometimes (d) ---(comes) a cause of health hazard, especially the (e) ---(child) are affected much, According to the (f) ---(science) mobile phone causes brain tumours, genetic damage and many other (g) ---(cure) diseases. They believe that (h) ---(visible) uncontrolled radioactivity of mobile phone causes (i) ---(repairable) damage to human body. They say that the (j) ---(govern) should control radioactive sources.
Answer: a) invention;  (b) consumers; (c) unfortunate; (d) becomes; (e) children; (f) scientists; (g) incurable; (h) invisible; (i) irreparable; (j) government.

7.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Jashore Board-2020]
(a)---(persevere) is needed to be (b) ---(success) in life. Those who do not persevere in life become (c)---(success) in their mission and only blame their lot for their (d)  ---(fortune). (e)---(Persevere) people always become successful. (f) ---(sincere) is another important virtue which (g)  ---(able) a person to accomplish a job (h)---(fruit). Student life is the (i)  ---(form) period of a man’s life. One should not (j)---(use) this period of life.
Answer: a) perseverance; b) successful; c) unsuccessful; d) misfortune; e) Persevering; f) sincerity; g) enables; h) fruitfully;  i) formation; j) misuse.

8.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Rajshahi Board-2020]
A (a)--- (west) survey was conducted in this (b)--- (quest), "Are social (c)--- (work)  making us social?" The participants are mainly the (d)--- (net) users of the west. 81% opined (e)--- (affirm). One commented that (f) (smart) detach you from your family and (g)--- (company) in exchange of an addition to fun. Another comment was that many (h)--- (virtue) relations are maintained at time and so they (i)--- (hard) become deep and reliable. Another remarkable comment was that direct (j)--- (action) has no alternative for a safe relation.
Answer: a) western;  (b) question; (c) workers; (d) internet; (e) affirmatively; (f) smartphones; (g) companion; (h) virtual; (i) hardly; (j) interaction.

SSC Suffix and Prefix 2019 All Board Questions With Answer

9.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dhaka Board-2019]
A good student is always (a) ---(mind) of his studies. He is (b) ---(respect) of his (c) ---(teach) and superiors. He never (d) ---(honour) anybody. He is free from (e) ---(behavior) and never rude to his classmates. As he is (f) ---(study), he never wastes his time in vain. He is also sincere and listens to his teachers (g) ---(attentive) so that he can be (h) ---(success) in life. His punctuality and (i) ---(determine) help him to (j) ---(take) and solve any difficult work or job.
Answer: a) mindful; b) respectful; c) teachers; d) dishonours; e) misbehaviour; f) studious; g) attentively; h) successful;  i) determination; j) undertake

10.    . Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Rajshahi Board-2019]
Bangladesh is a (a) ---(river) and (b) ---(agriculture) country. So, we cannot ignore the (c) ---(important) of rivers. Our agriculture is largely (d) ---(depend) on the rivers. But we get (e) ---(sufficient) water for use from the rivers. There are (f) ---(differ) reasons behind it. At first the water of many rivers (g) ---(dry) up in summer. Again, the water of some rivers is (h) ---(extreme) poisonous. This poisonous water is (i) ---(suit) for our agriculture. So, water pollution should be prevented at any cost for the (j) ---(better) of our agriculture.
Answer: a) Riverine; b) agricultural; c) importance; d) dependent; e) insufficient; f) different; g) dries; h) extremely;  i) unsuitable; j) betterment

11.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Cumilla Board-2019]
Success in life depends on the proper (a) ---(utilize) of time. Those who waste their (b) --- (value) time in (c) ---(idle), reduce the time of their important work. (d) ---(punctual) is another great virtue of human beings that (e) ---(rich) the (f) ---(man) life. If one takes lesson from the (g) ---(biography) of successful persons, one will learn that they never kept any work (h) ---(do) for the next day. (i) ---(obvious), they were true to their words. So, they got a (j) ---(respect) position in the society.
Answer: a) utilization; b) valuable; c) idleness; d) Punctuality; e) enriches; f) human; g) autobiography; h) undone;  i) obviously; j) respectful

12.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dinajpur Board-2019]
In ancient time, textbook was the most (a) ---(resource) thing for the students. Teachers were the only guides and source of information. The students had to collect all the (b) ---(inform) from the lecture of their (c) ---(teach). There was no guidebook or other (d) ---(refer) books in the market. During that period a teacher had to deliver a lecture by (e) ---(study) the textbook. Because of the (f) ---(situate) the students used to depend on the teachers (g) ---(complete). As a result, there was a great (h) --- (relate) between a (i) ---(teach) and a student. Their (j) ---(popular) existed among the students in the society.

Answer: a) resourceful; b) information; c) teachers; d) reference; e) studying; f) situation; g) completely; h) relationship; i) teacher; j) popularity

SSC Suffix and Prefix 2018 All Board Questions With Answer

13.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [SSC Exam-2018]
People are (a)--- (general) fond of glittering things. They are (b)--- (love) of surface. They are concerned with the (c)--- (out) show of things and beings. They (d)--- (hard) bother about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (e)--- (value) thing. But there are (f)--- (vary) metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become less (g)--- (beauty). So, the surface of anything should not be the key for its (h)--- (measure). We all should be (i)--- (care) about this truth. Otherwise, we will have to be (j)---(repent) long run.
Answer: a) generally: b) lovers; c) outward / outer; d) hardly; e) valuable; f) various; g) beautiful; h) measurement; i) careful; j) repentant.

SSC Suffix and Prefix 2017 All Board Questions With Answer

14.     Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Dhaka Board-2017]
Flowers are the symbol of love (a)--- (pure). They are (b)--- (know) for their beauty and fragrance. Some flowers are (c)--- (note) for their fragrance and some are for their beauty. But the rose is favourite to us for its colour and beauty. It mother place is the city of Paris. The (d)--- (Japan) are exceptionally famous for its (e)--- (cultivate). At present most of the countries grow rose in plenty. It (f) (general) grows from June to November. It scent makes us (g)--- (cheer). It makes people lively, lovely, (h)--- (affection) and so on. By (i)--- (grow) roses in plenty, we can export them and solve our (j)--- (employ) problem.
Answer: a) purity; b) known; c) notable; d) Japanese; e) cultivation; f) generally; g) cheerful; h) affectionate;  i) growing; j) unemployment

15.    . Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Cumilla Board-2017]
Trees are a)---(use) to man in many ways. They are companion in our day to day life. It is b)--- (possible) to build our homes, furniture etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and c)--- (nature) calamities. It d)--- (strength) the soil. If we cut trees (e)----(discriminately), there will be ecological f)---
(balanced). So tree g)---(plant) programme should be extended for a better, h)---(happy),(i)---- (healthy) life and j)---(peace) environment.  
Answer: a) useful b) impossible c) natural d) strengthens e) indiscriminately f) imbalanced g) plantation h) happier i) healthier j) peaceful.

16.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the brackets. [Dinajpur Board-2017;Jashore Board-2019;Barishal Board-2019]
Life without leisure a)----(relax) is dull. Life becomes ( b)---- (charm) if does not have any time to enjoy the (c)--- (beauty) objects of nature. d)---(monotony) work hinders the (e)--- (smooth) of work. Leisure (f)---(new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that g)--- (work) is (h)---(harm). Leisure does not mean (i)---(idle). It gives freshness to (j)--- (create) our energy/It gives (j) ---(fresh) to our mind.
Answer: (a) relaxation; (b) charmless; (c) beautiful; (d) Monotonous; (e) smoothness; (f) enriches; (g) worklessness/over work; (h) harmful; (i) idleness; (j) recreates/ refreshment

17.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: [Sylhet Board-2017]
Food (a)--- (adulteration) is a crime. Adulterated food is (b)--- (poison) and causes (c)--- (curable) diseases. Some (d)--- (greed) businessmen are responsible for this (e)--- (wicked). The steps so far taken by the government against those (f)--- (honest) businessmen (g)--- (real) deserve praise. (h)--- (present), the fraudulent businessmen are much alarmed. (i)--- (Hopeful), we will be able to shun this (j)--- (practice) very soon.
Answer: a) adulteration; B) poisonous; c) incurable; d) greedy; e) wickedness; f) dishonest; g) really; h) Presently; I) Hopefully; j) malpractice

18.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Jashore Board-2017]
You should bear in mind that (a)--- (confidence) assists a man to teach the gold of life. The lack of (b)--- (determine) leads one to lose the confidence. You need it in order to (c)--- (come) the problem of life. Fix a target and then try (d)--- (sincere) to gain success. Don't lose heart if you fail. Remember that (e)--- (fail) is the pillar of success. Whereas, success without (f)--- (complete) is not enjoyable. Determination keeps you (g)--- (mental k strong and make (h)--- (prepare) for struggling to reach the goal. Nobody can be (i)--- (success) in his mission. Failure makes him more (j)--- (determine) to work hard.
Answer: a) self-confidence; b) determination; c) overcome; d) sincerely; e) failure: f) completion; g) mentally; h) preparation; i) succeeded/successful; j) determined

19.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Barishal Board-2017]
Zahir Raihan was of the most (a)--- (talent) film makers in Bangladesh. He was an (b)--- (act) worker of the Language Movement. He was also present at the (c)--- (history) meeting at Amtala on February 21, 1952. All through his life, Zahir dreamt for a (d)--- (democrat) society, a society that will (e)--- (sure) freedom of speech and will. He made a (f)--- (legend) film Jibon Theke Neya based on the Language (g)--- (Move) of 1952. He could see the (h)--- (incept) of a free and (i)--- (dependent) Bangladesh. And it's a pity that this (j)--- (dream) was missing at such a time when his dream came true.
Answer: a) talented; b) active; c) historical; d) democratic; e) ensure; f) legendary; g) Movement; h) inception; i) independent; j) dreamer

20.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.[Chittagong Board-2017]
(a)--- (kind) is a divine virtue. So we should not be (b)--- (kind) to the people in distress and even to (c)--- (low) animals. Some naughty boys (d)---(joy) beating the lower animals like dogs  and cats. This is an (e)--- (rational) behaviour. Animals are dumb (f)--- (create). They are (g)---(harm) beings. Some animals are very (h)---(faith) and they feel no (i )---(hesitate) to risk their lives for our (j)---(protect). 
Answer: a) Kindness; b) unkind; c) lower; d) enjoy; e) irrational; f) creations/ creatures; g) harmless h) faithful;  i) hesitation; j) protection.

21.    Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. [Rajshahi Board-2017]
Early rising is the habit of (a)---(get) up from bed early in the morning. An early (b)--- (rise) can enjoy the (c)--- (fresh) of the morning air. He can hear the (d)--- (melody) songs of the birds. Again, he can start his day's work (e)--- ( early) than others. An early riser does not suffer from (f)--- (physic) problems very often. So, he need not go to any (g)--- (physic) (h)--- (frequent). Thus, an early riser enjoys (i)--- (very) benefits and leads an (j)--- ( peace) life.

Answer: a) getting; b) riser; c) freshness; d) melodious; e) earlier; f) physical; g) physician ;h) frequently; i) various; j) peaceful.

                                                                          Prefix and Suffix 4.1
Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.
1.  Sound health is the (a)—— (come)—— of physical exercise in a (b)—— (regulate)—— form. (c)—— (regulate)—— form of exercise or (d)——(exercise)—— is injurious to health. Remember that if you take physical exercise, you must not be (e)—— (regular)——. Physical exercise increases our appetite and improves (f)—— (digest)—— power. If anybody suffers from (g)—— (digest)—— he should take physical exercise. Proper (h)—— (digest)—— of food removes his loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (i)—— (constipate)—— and helps proper blood (j)—— (circulate).

 2. You should read throughout the year. In order to be sure of doing well in the examination you have to pay (a)—— (attend)—— to studies from the very beginning of the year. Regular practice can (b)—— (sure)—— your good result. But if you are (c)—— (attend)—— and irregular, you cannot expect to do so. Bear in mind that (d)—— (regular)—— is the cause of your (e)—— (satisfactory)—— result. Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good (f)——(prepare).——You should be (g)—— (prepare)—— for it well-ahead of the schedule. Some students remain (h)—— (prepare)—— for the examination even it is imminent. As a part of (i)—— (prepare)—— step they go to the teachers or a concise (j)—— (suggest)——.

 3. King Solomon had a great (a)—— (repute)—— for his (b)—— (wise). Once the Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. He brought two kinds of flowers. One was the floral wreath of (c)——(nature)—— flower and the other was of (d)—— (artifice)—— flower. Sheba asked the king to (e)—— (different)—— between the flower wreaths. Solomon did not answer (f)—— (instant)——. He thought for a while. There were bees outside. He told someone to open the window and keep it (g)—— (close)——. The bees came in and sat on the artificial flowers. The wreaths could be (h)—— (identify)—— by Solomon. Thus the (i)—— (indentify)—— of real flowers by the king made queen (j)—— ( great)—— impressed.

4. Of the four language skills, listening is the first and (a)—— (fore)—— one. It is (b)—— (cause)—— a child learns its mother tongue first by listening to its mother. Then with the (c)—— (grow)—— of age, a child comes in contact with others and learns the vocabulary and how to use them (d)—— (practical)——. Thus it learns (e)—— (speak)—— to mother and then to others. It is (f)—— (scientific)—— observed that speaking is the second skill of the four. A child is first a (g)—— (listen)——. Then it becomes a (h)—— (speak)—— while mother listens. Thus they both (i)—— (change)—— their ideas and (j)—— (eventual)—— the child learns its mother tongue.

 5. In the past children used to play in the open field before or after school hours. But now our children keep (a) —— (door) —— before the TV or computer. They watch TV or play games on computer. Children’s (b) —— (fond) —— for use of computer has (c) —— (recent) —— increased to a very great extent. Some prefer computer games to others programs. This (d) —— (prefer) —— is not a good habit. It makes them (e) —— (attentive) ——to studies and very often (f) —— (active) ——. So they should not keep bent on computer for long hours. They think that they are not spending time in (g) —— (idle) ——. Though this in not the (h) —— (waste) —— of time, it is the spending of mental energy. They do not undergo any exertion (i) —— (physical) —— and as a result they become (j) —— (mental) —— tired.

6. Bangladesh is an (a) —— (populated) —— country. Her (b) —— (dense) —— of population per square mile is very high. The per capita income of people is also low. Majority people live here below (c) —— (poor) —— line. Moreover, there are lots of problems that are the (d) —— (hinder) —— to her development. Political (e) —— (rest) —— is one of them. We are living in a (f) —— (democrat) —— country. We have many (g) —— (achieve) —— though we live in (h) —— (sufficient) ——. The country is gradually advancing towards (i) —— (prosper) ——. But observing hartal has become a bad political culture in our country. It harms economy and causes a great suffering to (j) —— (politics) —— people. We should give up the practice of hartal for our own interest.

7. Man can have (a) —— (popular) —— by means of service to people. People in power can have honour. But this honour will not last long if their behaviour is not good. When common people are (b) —— (internal) ——hurt by their (c) —— (behaviour) ——, usually they do not express their feeling in front of them. But they make (d) —— (criticize) —— of their manners and (e) —— (regard) —— them later. The (f) —— (elder) —— people should be honoured by the juniors or the young people in the society. In the (g) —— (develop) —— countries the people over sixty are called senior citizens and they are everywhere respected (h) —— (according) ——. In the (j) —— (develop) —— countries we expect this kind of (j) —— (treat) ——to the seniors.

 8. In order to (a) —— (material) —— your dream, you need (b) —— (determine) —— and efforts. Nothing is (c) —— (achieve) —— in this world without hard work. Nothing is (d) —— (achieve) —— for those who are blessed with (e) —— (common) —— abilities. They are very fortunate. It is a bad habit to put off the lesson for tomorrow. Good students never do this. It is (f) —— (neglect) ——of one’s duty. If you are not (g) —— (duty) ——, you will never do it (h) —— (dutiful) —— is a very bad practice that brings about (i) ——(adverse) —— in life. To become (j) —— (success) —— in life, you must be dutiful.

 9. Patriots love their country more than their lives. (a) ——- (patriot) ——- is a virtue. Men without patriotism can do anything (b) ——- (harm) ——- to the country. Our history shows that (c) ——- (patriot) ——- men made the nation subservient to the overseas (d) ——- (rule) ——-. They are more dangerous than (e) ——- (venom) ——- snakes. They did not want our (f) ——- (dependent) ——-. They are traitors. They are enemies. They gave (g) ——- (assist) ——- to the Pakistani soldiers. There is no country in the world where people quarrel among themselves over the question of independence. We were very (h) ——- (fortunate) ——- to have such people. However. after so many years of independence, we should remove our (i) ——- (differ) ——- and work for the country (j) ——- (unite) ——-.

10. Man makes him worthy and (b) ——- (honor) ——-. Without being religious, one cannot be (c) ——- (spirit) ——- rich and (d) ——- (light) ——-. Religion helps to build up one’s moral character. So it is said that (e) ——- (moral) ——- has its root in religion. We should teach our children to become religious to build up a happy and (f) ——- (peace) ——- career. Love for only (g) ——- (world) ——- pleasure cannot give real peace. It rather brings (h) ——- (frustrate) ——-. (i) ——- (religious) ——- people only hanker after worldly pleasure. They may (j) ——- (believe) ——- in God. So try to follow your religion.Religion leads us to the path of truth. The habit and manners of a (a) ——- (religion) ——-

 11. Courtesy is a virtue in man. It goes without saying that courtesy costs nothing but gives a lot. So you should be courteous. That is you must have (a) ——- (polite) ——-. People will (b) ——- (like) ——- and (c) ——- (respect) ——- you if your (d) ——- (courteous) ——-. Nobody likes (e) ——- (courtesy) ——-. Try to be gentle from your student life. When we come across a (f) ——- (strange) ——-, we should not be (g) ——- (friend) ——- towards him. If the stranger is a (h) ——- (tour) ——-, we should receive him (i) ——- (cordial) ——-. If he comes to visit our locality, We should (j) ——- (company) ——- him to see the important spots.

 12. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) is the last prophet of Allah and the (a) lead of all prophets. He is the greatest of men and (b) teach ever born on the earth. Before his birth Arabia was steeped in (c) dark , ignorance and superstition. The Arabs were ignorant and wicked and they led (d) beast lives. They were (e) worship of many gods and goddesses. He got no opportunity for learning. But he was taught much higher things than book knowledge by nature and the (f) seen hand of Allah. From his (g) boy he was (h) thought, honest and (i) truth . He was called Al-Amin or the (j) trust one.
13. Ours is a big (a) industry area in the country. Life of our area is (b) frequent paralyzed due to the failure of electric supply. The (c) own of both of the factories and industries are having a crucial time because their (d) product have been hampered much due to frequent (e) fail of electric supply. But they have to pay the wage (f) regular. Moreover, when there is (g) dark all around, thieves and anti-social people get opportunity to steal anything. As a result theft, (h) robber and other anti- social activities have increased. We have (i) frequent attention to the local WAPDA office but of no use. We, therefore, draw the attention of the WAPDA to look into the matter and (j) sure the regular supply of electricity in our locality.
14. The motive behind all (a) invent is to make human life (b) comfort . But if they are not used (c) proper , they become the source of (d) comports (behave). Similarly, loud speaker was invented to reach the voice of the (e) speak to all the audience in a function. But now-a-days this (f) use instrument has turned into an object of annoyance. The students are the worst (g) suffer as they fail to concentrate their attention to study. The owner (h) entire forget that the (i) education institutions, offices, hospitals and other (j) organizes are situated on the streets.
15. (a) Fail in English in our country is a common matter. There are many reasons of failure of the students in English and the reasons are not far to seek. (b) First our educational system is (c) defect . The English text books for the students of our country are not (d) suit for them. Secondly the students are not motivated / inspired to learn English. They think that it is (e) necessary to spend time in learning English. Moreover, as English is a foreign language it is very difficult to learn. So they (f) like learning English. They think it is mare (g) waste of time. Thirdly most of the English (h) teach are not good at English. They are (i) competent. Fourthly the students only cram the answers. In the exam hall they forget what they have crammed. So the answers they write are (j) correct .
16. Slum (a) dwell are (b) root people. (c) Actual they are rootless and they have to take shelter under different circumstances. They live there in an (d) human condition. They are deprived of all kinds of human rights. About 80 percent of the slum dwellers suffer from hunger, (e) nutrition and different types of diseases. As a result many of them die a (f) mature death and the others fight with the death. They live in a society of (g) lawless and violence. They are exploited by so called political (h) lead for organizing hortals, picketing, damaging vehicles etc. The govt. and NGO welfare (i) organize should come forward to (j) habilitate them.
17. Dhaka is not a clean city. There is (a)—(clean)—everywhere. (b)—(leak)—of sewerage pipes and dumping of wastes have made the city very (c)—(filth) —and unclean. We throw away the wastes here and there. We are so (d)—(conscious)—that we throw them out of the windows. We never think that these thrown out wastes fall on the heads of the pedestrians (পথচারী) walking away the footpath. What a (e) —(sense)—! In the developed countries people never throw away dirty things or wastes here and there. They are very conscious of their (f)— (responsible)—. They never keep the wastes (g)—(pack)—. The packed wastes are kept in front of their residences. The (h)— (clean)— of the city administration collect them everyday in the morning. The (i) —(own)—of the house reaches the cleaners the packed wastes. In the USA a kind of small trolley-bins are supplied and placed in front of the residences. They are so (j)—(conscience) —people.
18. Water is polluted in different ways. We are responsible for water (a)—(pollute)—. Oil and diesel and human waste mix with water. (b)—(insect)—and also (c) —(fertilize)—mix with water. There are still (d)—(sanitary)— latrines in the country. All these cause water pollution. We should not drink (e)—(boil)—water for good health. Our rural people do not know how to purify water. Water (f)—(purify)—process can help them drink pure water. If the arsenic (g)—(contaminate)— continues, arsenicosis will cause more deaths. Arsenic is found in ground water. Tube-well water contains arsenic. For (h)— (prevent)—of arsenicosis people should eat a balanced diet containing fish and vegetables. We also need a campaign (অভিযান) for (i)—(motivate)—to create (j)—(aware)—among people.


                                           Prefix and Suffix 4.1 Answer
Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.
1.  Sound health is the (a)—— (come)—— of physical exercise in a (b)—— (regulate)—— form. (c)—— (regulate)—— form of exercise or (d)——(exercise)—— is injurious to health. Remember that if you take physical exercise, you must not be (e)—— (regular)——. Physical exercise increases our appetite and improves (f)—— (digest)—— power. If anybody suffers from (g)—— (digest)—— he should take physical exercise. Proper (h)—— (digest)—— of food removes his loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (i)—— (constipate)—— and helps proper blood (j)—— (circulate).
a) outcome b) regulated c) Unregulated d) over-exercise e) irregular f) digestive g) indigestion h) digestion i) constipation j) circulation.
2. You should read throughout the year. In order to be sure of doing well in the examination you have to pay (a)—— (attend)—— to studies from the very beginning of the year. Regular practice can (b)—— (sure)—— your good result. But if you are (c)—— (attend)—— and irregular, you cannot expect to do so. Bear in mind that (d)—— (regular)—— is the cause of your (e)—— (satisfactory)—— result. Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good (f)——(prepare).——You should be (g)—— (prepare)—— for it well-ahead of the schedule. Some students remain (h)—— (prepare)—— for the examination even it is imminent. As a part of (i)—— (prepare)—— step they go to the teachers or a concise (j)—— (suggest)——.
a) attention b) ensure c) inattentive d) irregularity e) unsatisfactory f) preparation g) prepared h) unprepared i) preparatory j) suggestion.
3. King Solomon had a great (a)—— (repute)—— for his (b)—— (wise). Once the Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. He brought two kinds of flowers. One was the floral wreath of (c)——(nature)—— flower and the other was of (d)—— (artifice)—— flower. Sheba asked the king to (e)—— (different)—— between the flower wreaths. Solomon did not answer (f)—— (instant)——. He thought for a while. There were bees outside. He told someone to open the window and keep it (g)—— (close)——. The bees came in and sat on the artificial flowers. The wreaths could be (h)—— (identify)—— by Solomon. Thus the (i)—— (indentify)—— of real flowers by the king made queen (j)—— ( great)—— impressed.
a) reputation b) wisdom c) natural d) artificial e) differentiate f) instantly g) unclosed h) indentified i) identification j) greatly.
4. Of the four language skills, listening is the first and (a)—— (fore)—— one. It is (b)—— (cause)—— a child learns its mother tongue first by listening to its mother. Then with the (c)—— (grow)—— of age, a child comes in contact with others and learns the vocabulary and how to use them (d)—— (practical)——. Thus it learns (e)—— (speak)—— to mother and then to others. It is (f)—— (scientific)—— observed that speaking is the second skill of the four. A child is first a (g)—— (listen)——. Then it becomes a (h)—— (speak)—— while mother listens. Thus they both (i)—— (change)—— their ideas and (j)—— (eventual)—— the child learns its mother tongue.
a) foremost b) because c) growth d) practically e) speaking f) scientifically g) listener h) speaker i) exchange j) eventually.
5. In the past children used to play in the open field before or after school hours. But now our children keep (a) —— (door) —— before the TV or computer. They watch TV or play games on computer. Children’s (b) —— (fond) —— for use of computer has (c) —— (recent) —— increased to a very great extent. Some prefer computer games to others programs. This (d) —— (prefer) —— is not a good habit. It makes them (e) —— (attentive) ——to studies and very often (f) —— (active) ——. So they should not keep bent on computer for long hours. They think that they are not spending time in (g) —— (idle) ——. Though this in not the (h) —— (waste) —— of time, it is the spending of mental energy. They do not undergo any exertion (i) —— (physical) —— and as a result they become (j) —— (mental) —— tired.
a) indoors b) fondness c) recently d) preference e) inattentive f) inactive g) idleness h) wastage i) physically j) mentally
6. Bangladesh is an (a) —— (populated) —— country. Her (b) —— (dense) —— of population per square mile is very high. The per capita income of people is also low. Majority people live here below (c) —— (poor) —— line. Moreover, there are lots of problems that are the (d) —— (hinder) —— to her development. Political (e) —— (rest) —— is one of them. We are living in a (f) —— (democrat) —— country. We have many (g) —— (achieve) —— though we live in (h) —— (sufficient) ——. The country is gradually advancing towards (i) —— (prosper) ——. But observing hartal has become a bad political culture in our country. It harms economy and causes a great suffering to (j) —— (politics) —— people. We should give up the practice of hartal for our own interest.
a) overpopulated b) density c) poverty d) hindrance e) unrest f) democratic g) achievements h) insufficiency i) prosperity j) non-political.
7. Man can have (a) —— (popular) —— by means of service to people. People in power can have honour. But this honour will not last long if their behaviour is not good. When common people are (b) —— (internal) ——hurt by their (c) —— (behaviour) ——, usually they do not express their feeling in front of them. But they make (d) —— (criticize) —— of their manners and (e) —— (regard) —— them later. The (f) —— (elder) —— people should be honoured by the juniors or the young people in the society. In the (g) —— (develop) —— countries the people over sixty are called senior citizens and they are everywhere respected (h) —— (according) ——. In the (j) —— (develop) —— countries we expect this kind of (j) —— (treat) ——to the seniors.
a) popularity b) internally c) misbehaviour d) criticism e) disregard f) elderly g) developed h) accordingly i) developing j) treatment.
8. In order to (a) —— (material) —— your dream, you need (b) —— (determine) —— and efforts. Nothing is (c) —— (achieve) —— in this world without hard work. Nothing is (d) —— (achieve) —— for those who are blessed with (e) —— (common) —— abilities. They are very fortunate. It is a bad habit to put off the lesson for tomorrow. Good students never do this. It is (f) —— (neglect) ——of one’s duty. If you are not (g) —— (duty) ——, you will never do it (h) —— (dutiful) —— is a very bad practice that brings about (i) ——(adverse) —— in life. To become (j) —— (success) —— in life, you must be dutiful.
a) materialize b) determination c) achievable d) unachievable e) uncommon f) negligence g) undutiful h) Undutifulness i) adversity j) successful.
9. Patriots love their country more than their lives. (a) ——- (patriot) ——- is a virtue. Men without patriotism can do anything (b) ——- (harm) ——- to the country. Our history shows that (c) ——- (patriot) ——- men made the nation subservient to the overseas (d) ——- (rule) ——-. They are more dangerous than (e) ——- (venom) ——- snakes. They did not want our (f) ——- (dependent) ——-. They are traitors. They are enemies. They gave (g) ——- (assist) ——- to the Pakistani soldiers. There is no country in the world where people quarrel among themselves over the question of independence. We were very (h) ——- (fortunate) ——- to have such people. However. after so many years of independence, we should remove our (i) ——- (differ) ——- and work for the country (j) ——- (unite) ——-.
a) Patriotism b) harmful c) unpatriotic d) rulers e) venomous
f) independence g) assistance h) unfortunate i) differences j) unitedly.
10. Man makes him worthy and (b) ——- (honor) ——-. Without being religious, one cannot be (c) ——- (spirit) ——- rich and (d) ——- (light) ——-. Religion helps to build up one’s moral character. So it is said that (e) ——- (moral) ——- has its root in religion. We should teach our children to become religious to build up a happy and (f) ——- (peace) ——- career. Love for only (g) ——- (world) ——- pleasure cannot give real peace. It rather brings (h) ——- (frustrate) ——-. (i) ——- (religious) ——- people only hanker after worldly pleasure. They may (j) ——- (believe) ——- in God. So try to follow your religion.Religion leads us to the path of truth. The habit and manners of a (a) ——- (religion) ——-
a) religious b) honorable c) spiritually d) enlightened e) morality
f) peaceful g) worldly h) frustration i) Irreligious j) disbelieve.
11. Courtesy is a virtue in man. It goes without saying that courtesy costs nothing but gives a lot. So you should be courteous. That is you must have (a) ——- (polite) ——-. People will (b) ——- (like) ——- and (c) ——- (respect) ——- you if your (d) ——- (courteous) ——-. Nobody likes (e) ——- (courtesy) ——-. Try to be gentle from your student life. When we come across a (f) ——- (strange) ——-, we should not be (g) ——- (friend) ——- towards him. If the stranger is a (h) ——- (tour) ——-, we should receive him (i) ——- (cordial) ——-. If he comes to visit our locality, We should (j) ——- (company) ——- him to see the important spots.
a) politeness b) dislike c) disrespect d) discourteous e) discourtesy
f) stranger g) unfriendly h) tourist i) cordially j) accompany.
12. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) is the last prophet of Allah and the (a) lead of all prophets. He is the greatest of men and (b) teach ever born on the earth. Before his birth Arabia was steeped in (c) dark , ignorance and superstition. The Arabs were ignorant and wicked and they led (d) beast lives. They were (e) worship of many gods and goddesses. He got no opportunity for learning. But he was taught much higher things than book knowledge by nature and the (f) seen hand of Allah. From his (g) boy he was (h) thought, honest and (i) truth . He was called Al-Amin or the (j) trust one.
Answer-12   a. leader b. teachers c. darkness d. beastly e. worshippers f. unseen g. boyhood h. thoughtful i. truthful j. truthful.
13. Ours is a big (a) industry area in the country. Life of our area is (b) frequent paralyzed due to the failure of electric supply. The (c) own of both of the factories and industries are having a crucial time because their (d) product have been hampered much due to frequent (e) fail of electric supply. But they have to pay the wage (f) regular. Moreover, when there is (g) dark all around, thieves and anti-social people get opportunity to steal anything. As a result theft, (h) robber and other anti- social activities have increased. We have (i) frequent attention to the local WAPDA office but of no use. We, therefore, draw the attention of the WAPDA to look into the matter and (j) sure the regular supply of electricity in our locality.
Answer-13  a. industrial, b. frequently c. owners d. productions e. failure f. regularly g. darkness h. robbery i. frequently j. ensure
14. The motive behind all (a) invent is to make human life (b) comfort . But if they are not used (c) proper , they become the source of (d) comports (behave). Similarly, loud speaker was invented to reach the voice of the (e) speak to all the audience in a function. But now-a-days this (f) use instrument has turned into an object of annoyance. The students are the worst (g) suffer as they fail to concentrate their attention to study. The owner (h) entire forget that the (i) education institutions, offices, hospitals and other (j) organizes are situated on the streets.
Answer-14 a. inventions b. comfortable c. properly d. discomfort e. speakers f. useful g. sufferers g. entirely h. entirely i. educational j. organizations
15. (a) Fail in English in our country is a common matter. There are many reasons of failure of the students in English and the reasons are not far to seek. (b) First our educational system is (c) defect . The English text books for the students of our country are not (d) suit for them. Secondly the students are not motivated / inspired to learn English. They think that it is (e) necessary to spend time in learning English. Moreover, as English is a foreign language it is very difficult to learn. So they (f) like learning English. They think it is mare (g) waste of time. Thirdly most of the English (h) teach are not good at English. They are (i) competent. Fourthly the students only cram the answers. In the exam hall they forget what they have crammed. So the answers they write are (j) correct .
Answer-1 5  (a) Failure (b) Firstly (c) defective (d) suitable (e) unnecessary (f) dislike (g) wasting/wastage (h) teachers (i) incompetent (j) incorrect
16. Slum (a) dwell are (b) root people. (c) Actual they are rootless and they have to take shelter under different circumstances. They live there in an (d) human condition. They are deprived of all kinds of human rights. About 80 percent of the slum dwellers suffer from hunger, (e) nutrition and different types of diseases. As a result many of them die a (f) mature death and the others fight with the death. They live in a society of (g) lawless and violence. They are exploited by so called political (h) lead for organizing hortals, picketing, damaging vehicles etc. The govt. and NGO welfare (i) organize should come forward to (j) habilitate them.
Answer-1 6   (a) dwellers (b) rootless (c) actually (d) inhuman (e) malnutrition (f) premature g) lawlessness (h) leaders (i) organizations (j) rehabilitate
17. Dhaka is not a clean city. There is (a)—(clean)—everywhere. (b)—(leak)—of sewerage pipes and dumping of wastes have made the city very (c)—(filth) —and unclean. We throw away the wastes here and there. We are so (d)—(conscious)—that we throw them out of the windows. We never think that these thrown out wastes fall on the heads of the pedestrians (পথচারী) walking away the footpath. What a (e) —(sense)—! In the developed countries people never throw away dirty things or wastes here and there. They are very conscious of their (f)— (responsible)—. They never keep the wastes (g)—(pack)—. The packed wastes are kept in front of their residences. The (h)— (clean)— of the city administration collect them everyday in the morning. The (i) —(own)—of the house reaches the cleaners the packed wastes. In the USA a kind of small trolley-bins are supplied and placed in front of the residences. They are so (j)—(conscience) —people.
Answer to the question no-17:uncleanliness b. Leakage c. filthy d. unconscious e. nonsense f. responsibilities g. unpacked h. cleaners i. owner j. conscientious
18. Water is polluted in different ways. We are responsible for water (a)—(pollute)—. Oil and diesel and human waste mix with water. (b)—(insect)—and also (c) —(fertilize)—mix with water. There are still (d)—(sanitary)— latrines in the country. All these cause water pollution. We should not drink (e)—(boil)—water for good health. Our rural people do not know how to purify water. Water (f)—(purify)—process can help them drink pure water. If the arsenic (g)—(contaminate)— continues, arsenicosis will cause more deaths. Arsenic is found in ground water. Tube-well water contains arsenic. For (h)— (prevent)—of arsenicosis people should eat a balanced diet containing fish and vegetables. We also need a campaign (অভিযান) for (i)—(motivate)—to create (j)—(aware)—among people.
Answer to the question no-18:
pollution b. insecticides c. fertilizer d. unsanitary e. unboiled f. purification g. contamination h. prevention i. motivation j. awareness

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