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Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking ( Phrases, Idioms, Collocations, Words)

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Dec 23, 2024

Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Test ( Phrase, Idioms, Collocation, Words)

  1. A blessing in disguise (something good that seems bad at first) – "Losing that job was a blessing in disguise; it pushed me to pursue my dream career." (যে ঘটনা প্রথমে খারাপ মনে হয়, কিন্তু পরে ভালো কিছু আসে)

  2. A dime a dozen (something very common) – "Smartphones are a dime a dozen these days." (যা খুব সাধারণ বা প্রচলিত)

  3. A hot potato (a controversial issue) – "The topic of the new policy is a real hot potato right now." (একটি বিতর্কিত বিষয়)

  4. A penny for your thoughts (to ask someone what they are thinking) – "You seem deep in thought, a penny for your thoughts?" (তুমি কী ভাবছো, আমাকে বলো)

  5. A piece of cake (something very easy) – "The exam was a piece of cake, I finished it in 30 minutes." (খুব সহজ কিছু)

  6. Accomplish (to achieve) – "If you work hard, you can accomplish your goals." (অর্জন করা)

  7. Ace (to do very well) – "I think I’ll ace the interview because I’m fully prepared." (খুব ভালোভাবে করা)

  8. Adequate (sufficient) – "The city’s public transport system is adequate for daily commuters." (যথেষ্ট)

  9. Advocate (to support) – "I strongly advocate for the use of renewable energy sources." (সমর্থন করা)

  10. All ears (listening attentively) – "When she explained her travel experiences, I was all ears." (পুরো মনোযোগ দিয়ে শোনা)

  11. Ambiguous (unclear) – "The instructions were ambiguous and caused confusion." (অস্পষ্ট)

  12. Ample (enough or more than enough) – "The library has ample resources for research." (যথেষ্ট বা এর চেয়ে বেশি)

  13. Assertive (confident) – "It’s important to be assertive during negotiations." (আত্মবিশ্বাসী)

  14. Astonishing (amazing) – "The progress in AI technology is truly astonishing." (অবিশ্বাস্য)

  15. Back to square one (to start again) – "If this plan doesn’t work, we’ll be back to square one." (আবার শুরু করা)

  16. Ballpark figure (an approximate number) – "Can you give me a ballpark figure for the project cost?" (আনুমানিক পরিমাণ)

  17. Be on the same page (to agree or have the same understanding) – "We need to be on the same page before the presentation tomorrow." (একই মত হওয়া)

  18. Bear in mind (to remember) – "Bear in mind that the exam is tomorrow, so you should study tonight." (মনে রাখা)

  19. Beat around the bush (to avoid the main topic) – "Don’t beat around the bush, just tell me what happened." (প্রধান বিষয় এড়িয়ে যাওয়া)

  20. Bend over backwards (to try very hard) – "She bent over backwards to help me with my project." (খুব চেষ্টা করা)

  21. Benevolent (kind) – "Her benevolent actions inspired others to contribute." (দয়ালু)

  22. Big deal (something important) – "Getting into university was a big deal for me." (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়)

  23. Bite off more than you can chew (take on too much) – "I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew with this assignment." (যতটা পারা যায় তার বেশি দায়িত্ব নেয়া)

  24. Bite the bullet (to do something difficult or unpleasant) – "I don’t want to go to the dentist, but I’ll have to bite the bullet." (কষ্টসহকারে কিছু করা)

  25. Bite the dust (to die or fail) – "Unfortunately, my old car bit the dust last week." (ব্যর্থ হওয়া বা মারা যাওয়া)

  26. Blow someone away (to impress greatly) – "The performance really blew me away last night!" (অত্যন্ত প্রভাবিত করা)

  27. Blow someone’s mind (to amaze someone) – "The fireworks display blew my mind last night!" (অবাক করা)

  28. Blow things out of proportion (exaggerate) – "There’s no need to blow things out of proportion; it’s a minor issue." (অতিরিক্ত বড় করে দেখানো)

  29. Boost (to increase) – "Regular exercise can boost your overall health." (বৃদ্ধি করা)

  30. Break a leg (to wish someone good luck) – "Break a leg in your presentation tomorrow!" (ভালো কিছুর জন্য শুভকামনা)

  31. Break down (to stop working) – "My car broke down on the way to work this morning." (ভেঙে পড়া)

  32. Break the ice (to start a conversation or relationship) – "I used a joke to break the ice at the party." (আলাপ শুরু করা)

  33. Break the news (to inform someone) – "I had to break the news to my friend that the concert was cancelled." (সংবাদ দেয়া)

  34. Break up (to end a relationship) – "They decided to break up after several years together." (সম্পর্ক ভাঙা)

  35. Breakthrough (important discovery) – "The scientists made a breakthrough in cancer research." (গুরুতপূর্ণ আবিষ্কার)

  36. Breathtaking (very beautiful) – "The view from the mountain was absolutely breathtaking." (চমৎকার বা অভূতপূর্ব)

  37. Bright and early (very early) – "We need to leave bright and early tomorrow for the hike." (খুব সকালে)

  38. Bring about (to cause something to happen) – "His hard work brought about positive changes in the company." (ঘটনা ঘটানো)

  39. Bring down (to reduce) – "The government is trying to bring down taxes." (কমানো)

  40. Bring in (to introduce or make money) – "The new law will bring in more revenue for the country." (প্রবর্তন করা বা আয় করা)

  41. Bring to light (to reveal) – "The investigation brought to light some important new evidence." (উন্মোচন করা)

  42. Bring up (to mention or raise a topic) – "He brought up the issue of climate change during the meeting." (উত্থাপন করা)

  43. Brisk (quick and energetic) – "A brisk walk in the morning is refreshing." (সতেজ বা দ্রুত)

  44. Buckle down (focus and work hard) – "You’ll need to buckle down if you want to pass the exam." (মনোযোগী হয়ে কাজ করা)

  45. Bump into (to meet unexpectedly) – "I bumped into an old friend at the supermarket." (অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে দেখা হওয়া)

  46. Burn bridges (to destroy relationships or opportunities) – "Don’t burn bridges, you might need to work with those people again." (সম্পর্ক নষ্ট করা)

  47. Burn the midnight oil (to work late into the night) – "I had to burn the midnight oil to finish the project on time." (রাতে কাজ করা)

  48. By the book (to do something strictly according to rules) – "She does everything by the book, following all the guidelines." (নিয়ম অনুযায়ী করা)

  49. Call back (to return a phone call) – "I’ll call you back after the meeting." (ফোন কল ফিরিয়ে দেয়া)

  50. Call it a day (to stop working for the day) – "I’m exhausted, let’s call it a day and pick up again tomorrow." (আজকের কাজ শেষ করা)

  51. Call off (to cancel) – "They called off the event due to the bad weather." (অনুষ্ঠান বাতিল করা)

  52. Call the shots (make decisions) – "As the team leader, you’ll call the shots during the project." (সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়া)

  53. Captivating (very interesting) – "The museum had a captivating display of ancient artifacts." (অত্যন্ত আকর্ষণীয়)

  54. Carry on (to continue) – "Despite the rain, we carried on with our plans." (চলিয়ে যাওয়া)

  55. Carry out (to perform or complete) – "The scientists are carrying out an important experiment." (সম্পাদন করা)

  56. Catch someone off guard (to surprise someone) – "The question caught me off guard during the test." (অপ্রস্তুত করা)

  57. Catch up on (to update oneself or review) – "I need to catch up on my reading for the class." (আপডেট হওয়া বা পর্যালোচনা করা)

  58. Caught between a rock and a hard place (to be in a difficult situation with no good options) – "I was caught between a rock and a hard place when my boss asked me to work overtime during my vacation." (কঠিন পরিস্থিতিতে পড়া)

  59. Caught in the act (to be caught doing something wrong) – "He was caught in the act of cheating during the exam." (অপকর্ম করতে ধরা)

  60. Caught red-handed (to be caught in the act of doing something wrong) – "He was caught red-handed stealing from the store." (মিথ্যা কাজ করতে ধরা)

  61. Cautious (careful) – "He is cautious when making big decisions." (সতর্ক)

  62. Charismatic (charming) – "He’s a charismatic leader who inspires loyalty." (আকর্ষণীয়)

  63. Check out (to examine or pay for something) – "You should check out that new restaurant down the street." (যাচাই করা বা পরিশোধ করা)

  64. Cheer up (to make someone feel better) – "You should cheer up; everything will be okay." (উল্লসিত হওয়া)

  65. Chill out (to relax) – "I usually chill out by watching movies on weekends." (বিশ্রাম নেয়া)

  66. Clear up (to clarify or resolve) – "Let me clear up the confusion about the schedule." (স্পষ্ট করা)

  67. Come across (to find by chance) – "I came across an interesting article about art." (অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে খুঁজে পাওয়া)

  68. Come across as (to seem) – "She comes across as very professional and reliable." (প্রকৃতিতে মনে হওয়া)

  69. Come along (to progress or join) – "He’s really come along with his English skills." (উন্নতি করা)

  70. Come in handy (to be useful) – "Learning first aid might come in handy someday." (সহায়ক হওয়া)

  71. Come to a decision (to make a decision) – "After much deliberation, we finally came to a decision about the trip." (সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়া)

  72. Come to grips with (to understand or accept something) – "I’m slowly coming to grips with the changes at work." (বুঝতে বা মেনে নিতে)

  73. Come to light (to be revealed) – "New details came to light during the investigation." (প্রকাশিত হওয়া)

  74. Come to terms with (to accept) – "She came to terms with the fact that she would have to move." (মেনে নেয়া)

  75. Come up with (to think of an idea) – "I need to come up with a new strategy for my business." (চিন্তা করা)

  76. Come up with an idea (to create or think of something) – "She came up with a great idea for the charity event." (একটি ধারণা সৃষ্টি করা)

  77. Compelling (persuasive) – "He gave a compelling argument during the debate." (বিশ্বাসযোগ্য)

  78. Comprehensive (complete) – "The lecture provided a comprehensive overview of the topic." (সম্পূর্ণ)

  79. Conservation (protection) – "Wildlife conservation is essential for maintaining biodiversity." (সংরক্ষণ)

  80. Convenient (easy and suitable) – "Online shopping is convenient for people with busy schedules." (আরামদায়ক)

  81. Cost an arm and a leg (very expensive) – "That designer bag costs an arm and a leg!" (খুব দামি)

  82. Cross your mind (to think of something briefly) – "It never crossed my mind that I might fail the test." (মনে আসা)

  83. Crucial (important) – "Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future." (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ)

  84. Cry over spilled milk (to complain about something that can’t be fixed) – "Don’t cry over spilled milk, it’s already happened and we can’t change it." (কিছু যা আর পরিবর্তন করা সম্ভব নয় তার জন্য দুঃখিত হওয়া)

  85. Cut corners (do something cheaply or carelessly) – "If you cut corners on safety, it could lead to problems later." (অবহেলা করা)

  86. Cut corners (to do something badly to save time or money) – "They cut corners on the project, and it ended up being a failure." (যতটুকু ভালোভাবে সম্ভব না করা)

  87. Cut down on (to reduce) – "You should cut down on junk food to stay healthy." (কমানো)

  88. Cut down on (to reduce) – "You should cut down on sugar if you want to stay healthy." (কমানো)

  89. Cut out (to stop doing something) – "You should cut out eating too much junk food." (ছোট করা বা বাদ দেয়া)

  90. Cut the mustard (to meet expectations) – "He didn’t cut the mustard during the interview, so they didn’t hire him." (আশা পূরণ করা)

  91. Cut to the chase (get to the point) – "We don’t have much time, so let’s cut to the chase." (মূল বিষয় বলুন)

  92. Cut to the chase (to get to the main point) – "Let’s cut to the chase, are we going to get the contract or not?" (মূল বিষয় সরাসরি বলা)

  93. Cutting-edge (modern and advanced) – "The lab is equipped with cutting-edge technology." (অত্যাধুনিক)

  94. Dazzling (impressive) – "Her performance at the concert was dazzling." (অবিশ্বাস্য)

  95. Debilitating (weakening) – "Chronic stress can have a debilitating effect on health." (দুর্বল করা)

  96. Deceptive (misleading) – "Appearances can often be deceptive." (প্রতারণামূলক)

  97. Definitive (final and conclusive) – "The committee has made a definitive decision on the matter." (চূড়ান্ত)

  98. Detrimental (harmful) – "Pollution has a detrimental impact on marine life." (হানিকর)

  99. Diverse (varied) – "The city is known for its diverse culture and cuisine." (বিভিন্ন)

  100. Do something at the drop of a hat (to do something immediately) – "She’s always willing to help, she’ll do it at the drop of a hat." (একেবারে তৎক্ষণাৎ কিছু করা)

  101. Do up (to fasten or decorate) – "She did up her jacket and headed out the door." (বন্ধ করা বা সজ্জিত করা)

  102. Dominant (most powerful) – "English is the dominant language in international business." (প্রাধান্যপ্রাপ্ত)

  103. Down to earth (practical and realistic) – "I like her because she’s very down to earth." (প্রকৃতপক্ষে এবং বাস্তববাদী)

  104. Down to earth (practical and realistic) – "She’s so down to earth, she doesn’t care about all the fame." (অত্যন্ত বাস্তব)

  105. Down to the wire (until the last possible moment) – "The project was down to the wire, but we managed to submit it on time." (শেষ মুহূর্ত পর্যন্ত)

  106. Drive someone up the wall (to annoy someone) – "His constant singing drives me up the wall!" (খুব বিরক্ত করা)

  107. Drop by (to visit briefly) – "Feel free to drop by anytime you’re in the area." (খুব অল্প সময়ের জন্য দেখা করা)

  108. Drop off (to deliver or leave something/someone) – "I’ll drop off the package at your house tomorrow." (ছেড়ে আসা)

  109. Drop the ball (make a mistake) – "He dropped the ball by forgetting to confirm the meeting." (ভুল করা)

  110. Dull (boring) – "The lecture was so dull, I almost fell asleep." (বোরিং)

  111. Dumb down (to simplify) – "They had to dumb down the instructions for beginners." (সহজ করা)

  112. Dwindle (to decrease gradually) – "The company’s profits have dwindled over the years." (ধীরে ধীরে কমে যাওয়া)

  113. Dynamic (energetic and adaptable) – "The company is looking for dynamic employees." (শক্তিশালী এবং অভিযোজনশীল)

  114. Eager (enthusiastic) – "She was eager to start her new job." (উত্সাহী)

  115. Easy come, easy go (something gained easily is lost easily) – "I spent all the money I won in the lottery, easy come, easy go." (যে কোনো কিছু সহজে পাওয়া যায়, সহজে চলে যায়)

  116. Eccentric (unusual or quirky) – "He has an eccentric sense of fashion." (অদ্ভুত বা অস্বাভাবিক)Ecstatic (very happy) – "The team was ecstatic after winning the championship." (অত্যন্ত খুশি)

  117. Edge of your seat (very exciting) – "The movie was so good, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time." (অত্যন্ত উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ)

  118. Eerie (strange and frightening) – "The abandoned house gave off an eerie vibe." (ভৌতিক বা অদ্ভুত)

  119. Efficient (productive) – "Using public transport is an efficient way to travel." (কার্যকর)

  120. Eloquent (fluent and persuasive) – "She is an eloquent speaker who captivates her audience." (বাগ্মী ও প্রভাবিত করার ক্ষমতা)

  121. Elusive (difficult to find or define) – "The answer to the riddle was elusive." (অস্পষ্ট)

  122. Eminent (famous and respected) – "He is an eminent professor in his field." (প্রখ্যাত)

  123. End up (to eventually reach a place or situation) – "I ended up going to the movies instead of studying." (অবশেষে পৌঁছানো)

  124. Endeavor (effort) – "The government is making every endeavor to reduce pollution." (চেষ্টা বা প্রচেষ্টা)

  125. Endeavor (to try hard) – "She endeavored to complete the task before the deadline." (চেষ্টা করা)

  126. Endorse (to support publicly) – "The celebrity endorsed the new product in the ad." (সমর্থন করা)

  127. Engrossing (absorbing) – "The novel was so engrossing I couldn’t put it down." (আকর্ষণীয়)Enhance (to improve) – "These programs aim to enhance students’ skills." (উন্নতি ঘটানো)

  128. Engrossing (very interesting) – "The novel was so engrossing, I finished it in one sitting." (আকর্ষণীয়)

  129. Enthusiastic (excited and eager) – "She was enthusiastic about starting her new job." (উত্সাহী)

  130. Envious (jealous) – "I felt envious of my friend's new car." (ইর্ষ্যাপূর্ণ)

  131. Envision (to imagine) – "I envision myself traveling the world one day." (কল্পনা করা)

  132. Every now and then (occasionally) – "I go hiking every now and then when I have free time." (মাঝে মাঝে)

  133. Exemplary (outstanding) – "He received an award for his exemplary work in the community." (উত্তম বা আদর্শ)

  134. Exemplify (to represent) – "This case exemplifies the need for stricter regulations." (উদাহরণ হিসেবে প্রদর্শন করা)

  135. Explicit (clear and detailed) – "The teacher gave explicit instructions for the assignment." (স্পষ্ট এবং বিস্তারিত)

  136. Exquisite (beautifully made) – "The artist’s work is known for its exquisite detail." (সুন্দরভাবে তৈরি)

  137. Face the music (accept consequences) – "He broke the rules, so he’ll have to face the music." (ফলাফল মেনে নেওয়া)

  138. Fall behind (to be late or slow) – "If you don’t study regularly, you’ll fall behind in your classes." (পিছিয়ে পড়া)

  139. Feasible (possible) – "Is it feasible to switch to solar energy on a large scale?" (সম্ভব)

  140. Fed up (tired or annoyed) – "I’m fed up with waiting in long queues all the time." (থকা বা বিরক্ত হওয়া)

  141. Feel under the weather (to feel sick) – "I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I might skip work." (অসুস্থ অনুভব করা)

  142. Fervent (passionate) – "She is a fervent advocate for climate action." (উৎসাহী বা আবেগপ্রবণ)

  143. Figure out (to understand or solve) – "I need to figure out how to use this new software." (সমাধান বা বোঝা)

  144. Fill in (to complete) – "Can you fill in this form for me?" (পূর্ণ করা)

  145. Fill in for (to substitute or replace) – "I’ll fill in for John while he’s on vacation." (পূর্বস্থলে কাজ করা)

  146. Fill out (to complete a form) – "Please fill out this form before the appointment." (ফর্ম পূর্ণ করা)

  147. Flourish (to thrive) – "The tourism industry flourishes during the holiday season." (বিকশিত হওয়া)

  148. Fluctuate (to change frequently) – "The prices of fuel fluctuate every month." (অস্থিরভাবে পরিবর্তিত হওয়া)

  149. Formidable (intimidating) – "Climbing Mount Everest is a formidable challenge." (ভীতিকর)

  150. Frugal (economical) – "He leads a frugal lifestyle to save money." (অর্থনৈতিক বা মিতব্যয়ী)

  151. Generous (willing to give) – "She is generous with her time and often volunteers." (দানশীল)

  152. Get a grip on (to understand or control) – "You need to get a grip on your finances to avoid stress." (ধরা বা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা)

  153. Get a kick out of (enjoy something) – "I get a kick out of playing board games with friends." (মজা পাওয়া)

  154. Get across (to communicate successfully) – "I couldn’t get my point across during the meeting." (স্পষ্টভাবে বোঝানো)

  155. Get ahead (to progress) – "He’s always trying to get ahead in his career." (অগ্রসর হওয়া)

  156. Get by (to survive or manage) – "I don’t have much money, but I’m getting by." (জীবন চালানো)

  157. Get cold feet (nervous about something) – "I almost got cold feet before the presentation, but I managed to do it." (কিছু করার আগে ভয় পাওয়া)

  158. Get down to (to start doing something) – "Let’s get down to business and finish the project." (কাজে মনোযোগ দেওয়া)

  159. Get in touch with (to contact) – "I’ll get in touch with you to discuss the details." (যোগাযোগ করা)

  160. Get on with (to continue or proceed) – "I need to get on with my homework before the weekend." (চালিয়ে যাওয়া)

  161. Get over (to recover from) – "It took me a while to get over the flu." (সুস্থ হয়ে ওঠা)

  162. Get the ball rolling (to start something) – "Let’s get the ball rolling and begin the project now." (শুরু করা)

  163. Get the hang of (to understand something new) – "I’m slowly getting the hang of using this new software." (নতুন কিছু বুঝে নেওয়া)

  164. Get through (to complete something or connect via phone) – "It took me a while to get through to customer service." (সম্পূর্ণ করা বা ফোনে যোগাযোগ করা)

  165. Give a hand (to help) – "Can you give me a hand with these bags?" (সহায়তা করা)

  166. Give in (to surrender or agree) – "She finally gave in and agreed to join the team." (সম্মত হওয়া)

  167. Give it a go (to try something) – "I’m going to give it a go and try playing the piano." (চেষ্টা করা)

  168. Give it a shot (try something) – "I’ve never painted before, but I’ll give it a shot." (চেষ্টা করা)

  169. Give rise to (to cause something) – "The new policy gave rise to a lot of debate." (কারণ হওয়া)

  170. Give someone a hand (to help someone) – "I’ll give you a hand with your project if you need it." (সহায়তা করা)

  171. Give someone a lift (to offer transportation) – "Can you give me a lift to the airport?" (ট্রান্সপোর্ট দেওয়া)

  172. Give someone the cold shoulder (to ignore or be rude to someone) – "She gave him the cold shoulder after their argument." (অবহেলা করা)

  173. Give something a shot (to try something) – "I’m going to give cooking a shot this weekend." (চেষ্টা করা)

  174. Give the benefit of the doubt (to trust someone despite doubts) – "I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she didn’t mean it." (বিশ্বাস করা)

  175. Give up (to quit) – "Don’t give up on your dreams, no matter how tough it gets." (ছেড়ে দেওয়া)

  176. Go ahead (to proceed) – "You can go ahead and start the project without me." (অগ্রসর হওয়া)

  177. Go over (to review) – "Let’s go over the details of the plan again." (পুনঃপর্যালোচনা করা)

  178. Go overboard (to overdo something) – "Don’t go overboard with the decorations, just keep it simple." (অতিরিক্ত করা)

  179. Go the extra mile (to put in extra effort) – "She always goes the extra mile to make sure the customers are satisfied." (অতিরিক্ত চেষ্টা করা)

  180. Go through (to experience or examine) – "She went through a lot last year, but she’s stronger now." (অভিজ্ঞতা পাওয়া)

  181. Go through with (to complete or follow through) – "He decided to go through with the plans for the wedding." (সম্পূর্ণ করা)

  182. Go with the flow (accept things as they come) – "I don’t like making plans; I prefer to go with the flow." (ভাসমান থাকা)

  183. Go-to (reliable or preferred) – "This restaurant is my go-to place for a quick meal." (বিশ্বস্ত বা প্রিয়)

  184. Hold on (to wait) – "Hold on a second, I’ll be right back." (অপেক্ষা করা)

  185. Hostile (unfriendly) – "The weather conditions were hostile during the expedition." (শত্রুতা পূর্ণ)

  186. Imminent (about to happen) – "A storm is imminent according to the weather report." (ঘটতে চলেছে)

  187. Impartial (fair and unbiased) – "Judges must remain impartial in court cases." (নিরপেক্ষ)

  188. Impeccable (perfect) – "Her English accent is impeccable." (অপূরণীয়)

  189. Imperative (essential) – "It is imperative to address climate change immediately." (অত্যাবশ্যক)

  190. Imply (to suggest indirectly) – "His tone seemed to imply dissatisfaction." (অপ্রত্যক্ষভাবে ইঙ্গিত করা)

  191. In hot water (in trouble) – "He’s in hot water for not completing his assignment on time." (সমস্যায় পড়া)

  192. In the long run (over a long period of time) – "In the long run, practicing daily will improve your skills." (দীর্ঘমেয়াদে)

  193. In the nick of time (just in time) – "I caught the bus in the nick of time, just as the doors were closing." (ঠিক সময়)

  194. Inclusive (all-encompassing) – "The event was inclusive and welcomed people of all backgrounds." (সর্বাত্মক)

  195. Ingenious (clever and inventive) – "He came up with an ingenious solution to the problem." (প্রতিভাবান)

  196. Innovative (creative) – "The company is known for its innovative products." (সৃষ্টিশীল)

  197. Intriguing (fascinating) – "The documentary on space exploration was intriguing." (আকর্ষণীয়)

  198. It takes two to tango (both people are responsible) – "It takes two to tango, both of you were involved in the argument." (দ্বিধা বিভক্তি হওয়া)

  199. It’s not rocket science (it’s not difficult to understand) – "Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science; you can learn it quickly." (এটা কঠিন কিছু নয়)

  200. Jump on the bandwagon (to join others in doing something popular) – "Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon of eco-friendly products now." (জনপ্রিয় কিছুতে যোগ দেওয়া)

  201. Jump the gun (do something too soon) – "I jumped the gun by sending the email before the final approval." (অতিরিক্ত তাড়াহুড়ো করা)

  202. Keep a straight face (to remain serious or not laugh) – "It was hard to keep a straight face during the funny movie scene." (গম্ভীর থাকা)

  203. Keep an eye on (to monitor) – "I’ll keep an eye on the kids while you’re at work." (মonitor করা)

  204. Keep in touch (to remain connected) – "I try to keep in touch with my friends from school." (যোগাযোগ রাখা)

  205. Keep up (to maintain or continue) – "You need to keep up with your homework if you want to do well." (অনুসরণ করা)

  206. Keep up with (to stay informed or continue at the same pace) – "She tries to keep up with all the latest news." (সামঞ্জস্য রাখা)

  207. Keep your chin up (stay positive) – "Even after failing, he kept his chin up and tried again." (আত্মবিশ্বাস রাখা)

  208. Keep your eye on the ball (to stay focused) – "You need to keep your eye on the ball during the presentation." (মনোযোগী থাকা)

  209. Keep your fingers crossed (to hope for a positive outcome) – "I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I get the job." (ভাল ফলাফলের জন্য প্রার্থনা করা)

  210. Knock it out of the park (do something exceptionally well) – "She knocked it out of the park with her presentation." (অসাধারণভাবে কাজ করা)

  211. Last straw (the final problem that causes someone to give up) – "That missed deadline was the last straw for the manager." (শেষ সমস্যা যা কেউ ছেড়ে দেয়)

  212. Lay the groundwork (to prepare for something) – "The team laid the groundwork for a successful launch." (প্রস্তাবনা প্রস্তুত করা)

  213. Learn the ropes (understand the basics) – "It took a while, but I’ve learned the ropes of my new job." (বেসিক শিখা)

  214. Let bygones be bygones (to forgive and forget) – "We had our differences, but let’s let bygones be bygones." (পূর্বের বিষয় ভুলে যাওয়া)

  215. Let down (to disappoint) – "I really hope I don’t let you down during the presentation." (নিরাশ করা)

  216. Let in (to allow entry) – "The security guard let us in after checking our IDs." (প্রবেশাধিকার দেওয়া)

  217. Let off (to excuse or release) – "They let him off with a warning." (মুক্তি দেয়া)

  218. Let sleeping dogs lie (to avoid restarting a problem) – "Let’s not talk about the past, it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie." (অতীত বিষয় নিয়ে আলোচনা না করা)

  219. Let someone down (to disappoint someone) – "I hate letting my parents down, so I try to do my best." (কাউকে নিরাশ করা)

  220. Let someone off the hook (to forgive someone) – "I let him off the hook because it was an honest mistake." (কাউকে মাফ করা)

  221. Let the cat out of the bag (reveal a secret) – "She accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party." (গোপন কথা প্রকাশ করা)

  222. Live and learn (to gain experience from mistakes) – "I made some mistakes, but I live and learn from them." (ভুল থেকে শিক্ষা নেয়া)

  223. Live up to (to meet expectations) – "The movie didn’t quite live up to the hype." (আশা পূর্ণ করা)

  224. Look after (to care for) – "I need to look after my younger brother while my parents are away." (খেয়াল রাখা)

  225. Look forward to (to be excited about something) – "I’m really looking forward to our trip to the beach." (উত্তেজিত হয়ে অপেক্ষা করা)

  226. Look forward to (to eagerly await something) – "I look forward to visiting Japan next year." (অপেক্ষা করা)

  227. Look into (to investigate) – "I’ll look into the issue and get back to you soon." (তদন্ত করা)

  228. Look out (to be careful or to watch for) – "Look out for the car when crossing the street." (সাবধান হওয়া)

  229. Looming (approaching) – "The deadline for the project is looming." (আসন্ন)

  230. Lose your temper (get angry) – "I try not to lose my temper, but sometimes it’s hard." (রাগ করা)

  231. Lucrative (profitable) – "He has a lucrative career in the tech industry." (লাভজনক)

  232. Make a comeback (to return after a break or setback) – "The singer made a successful comeback after several years." (ফিরে আসা)

  233. Make a difference (to have a significant impact) – "Volunteering can really make a difference in the community." (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রভাব তৈরি করা)

  234. Make a fuss (to complain or create a scene) – "Don’t make a fuss, it’s just a minor mistake." (অতিরিক্ত হইচই করা)

  235. Make a mountain out of a molehill (to exaggerate a small problem) – "Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, it’s just a minor mistake." (ছোট বিষয়কে বড় করা)

  236. Make a splash (get attention) – "The new singer made a splash with her debut performance." (অ্যাটেনশন পাওয়া)

  237. Make an effort (to try hard) – "She made a real effort to improve her skills in English." (চেষ্টা করা)

  238. Make an impression (to have an effect on others) – "Her speech made a strong impression on the audience." (প্রভাব ফেলা)

  239. Make ends meet (manage finances) – "It’s hard to make ends meet with rising living costs." (অর্থনৈতিক সমস্যা মেটানো)

  240. Make out (to understand or kiss) – "I couldn’t make out what he was saying because of the noise." (বুঝতে পারা)

  241. Make the most of (to use as much as possible) – "Let’s make the most of our time at the beach." (সর্বোচ্চ সুবিধা নেয়ার চেষ্টা করা)

  242. Make your mark (to be successful) – "She made her mark in the fashion industry." (বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে একটি পরিচিতি অর্জন করা)

  243. Mind your own business (not interfere in others’ affairs) – "Stop asking personal questions, just mind your own business." (নিজের কাজের মধ্যে থাকা)

  244. No-brainer – (an easy decision) – "Choosing to save money for my future is a no-brainer." (সহজ সিদ্ধান্ত)

  245. Off the cuff – (without preparation) – "She gave an off-the-cuff speech that impressed everyone." (প্রস্তুতি ছাড়া)

  246. On the ball – (to be quick to understand or react) – "She’s always on the ball during meetings, asking great questions." (চটপটে)

  247. On the same page – (to agree or understand each other) – "We need to make sure everyone is on the same page before starting the project." (একমত হওয়া)

  248. On thin ice – (in a risky or dangerous situation) – "He’s on thin ice with his boss after missing that meeting." (ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ অবস্থায়)

  249. On thin ice – (in a risky situation) – "He’s on thin ice after being late to work several times." (ঝুঁকিতে থাকা)

  250. Optimistic – (hopeful) – "I’m optimistic about finding a solution to this issue." (আশাবাদী)

  251. Opulent – (luxurious) – "The hotel offers an opulent experience for its guests." (অতিউচ্চ মানের)

  252. Out of the blue – (something unexpected) – "She called me out of the blue after years of not speaking." (অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে)

  253. Out of the blue – (unexpectedly) – "Out of the blue, he decided to move abroad." (অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে)

  254. Out of the frying pan and into the fire – (to go from a bad situation to a worse one) – "I thought the new job would be easier, but it’s out of the frying pan and into the fire." (বাজে অবস্থার থেকে আরও বাজে অবস্থায় যাওয়া)

  255. Out of your league – (beyond your abilities) – "That job is challenging, but it’s not out of your league." (আপনার ক্ষমতার বাইরে)

  256. Over the moon – (very happy) – "I was over the moon when I got accepted into university." (খুব খুশি)

  257. Over your head – (too difficult) – "This topic is a bit over my head; I’ll need to study more." (কঠিন হয়ে যাওয়া)

  258. Overwhelming – (very strong) – "The response to the charity event was overwhelming." (অতি প্রবল)

  259. Pass by – (to go past) – "I saw your house when I passed by earlier today." (বেড়ানো)

  260. Pass out – (to lose consciousness) – "He passed out from the heat during the concert." (অবচেতন হয়ে পড়া)

  261. Pay attention to – (to focus on) – "It’s important to pay attention to your health and wellbeing." (মনোযোগ দেওয়া)

  262. Perceive – (to understand) – "He is perceived as a leader by his peers." (বুঝা)

  263. Perceptive – (observant) – "He is a perceptive leader who understands his team’s needs." (সজাগ)

  264. Pick out – (to choose or identify) – "Can you pick out the best photo from this album?" (বাছাই করা)

  265. Pick someone’s brain – (to ask for advice) – "I’m going to pick his brain about how to improve my writing." (পরামর্শ নেওয়া)

  266. Pick up – (to learn or improve) – "I’ve been trying to pick up a few new words in Spanish." (শিখা)

  267. Pick up on – (to notice something) – "She quickly picked up on the fact that something was wrong." (ধারণ করা)

  268. Piece of cake – (very easy) – "For me, cooking is a piece of cake." (অতি সহজ)

  269. Pioneering – (original and innovative) – "She is known for her pioneering research in genetics." (পথিকৃৎ)

  270. Play a role – (to be involved in something) – "Teachers play a vital role in shaping students’ futures." (ভূমিকা পালন করা)

  271. Play it by ear – (improvise) – "I’m not sure what time we’ll arrive; let’s play it by ear." (অদ্বিতীয়ভাবে চলা)

  272. Plentiful – (abundant) – "The region has plentiful natural resources." (অবস্থানীয়)

  273. Pragmatic – (practical) – "She took a pragmatic approach to solving the issue." (প্রায়োগিক)

  274. Pristine – (pure and untouched) – "The island boasts pristine beaches." (অবিকৃত)

  275. Prosperous – (wealthy) – "They live in a prosperous neighborhood." (সমৃদ্ধ)

  276. Pull off – (to succeed or manage) – "She pulled off the project even with limited time." (সফল হওয়া)

  277. Pull someone's leg – (to joke or tease) – "Don’t worry, I’m just pulling your leg, you’re not actually in trouble." (মজার মজার কথা বলা)

  278. Pull strings – (use influence) – "He pulled some strings to get tickets to the sold-out concert." (অভ্যন্তরীণ সম্পর্ক ব্যবহার করা)

  279. Pull the wool over someone’s eyes – (to deceive someone) – "Don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes, I know what you did." (ধোঁকা দেওয়া)

  280. Pull up – (to stop or bring to a halt) – "He pulled up at the traffic light." (থামানো)

  281. Push the envelope – (go beyond limits) – "He always tries to push the envelope in his field." (সীমা ছাড়ানো)

  282. Put all your eggs in one basket – (to rely on one plan or option) – "Don’t put all your eggs in one basket by relying on just one job offer." (একটি পরিকল্পনার উপর নির্ভর করা)

  283. Put off – (to delay) – "They had to put off the meeting until next week." (পরিবর্তন করা)

  284. Put out – (to extinguish) – "They put out the fire quickly with the fire hose." (নেভানো)

  285. Put someone at ease – (to make someone feel comfortable) – "His kind words really put me at ease during the interview." (শান্তি পাওয়া)

  286. Put someone’s mind at ease – (to reassure someone) – "Her kind words really put my mind at ease." (মনকে শান্ত করা)

  287. Put something into practice – (to implement) – "It’s easy to have ideas, but it’s important to put them into practice." (প্রয়োগ করা)

  288. Put something on hold – (to delay something) – "I had to put my plans on hold because of work commitments." (অস্থায়ীভাবে স্থগিত করা)

  289. Put together – (to assemble) – "She put together a fantastic team for the project." (একত্রিত করা)

  290. Put up with – (to tolerate) – "I can’t put up with the noise in the city anymore." (সহ্য করা)

  291. Put your money where your mouth is – (to take action based on what you say) – "If you really believe in it, put your money where your mouth is." (কথার চেয়ে কাজ দেখান)

  292. Rain on someone's parade – (to spoil someone’s plans) – "I didn’t mean to rain on your parade, but we might need to delay the event." (অভিযান নষ্ট করা)

  293. Raining cats and dogs – (raining heavily) – "It’s raining cats and dogs; let’s wait until it stops." (মুষলধারে বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে)

  294. Read between the lines – (to understand the hidden meaning) – "If you read between the lines, you’ll see he’s actually unhappy with the decision." (আন্তরিক মানে বোঝা)

  295. Read between the lines – (understand the hidden meaning) – "You need to read between the lines to get his point." (গোপন অর্থ বুঝতে পারা)

  296. Read someone like a book – (to understand someone’s thoughts easily) – "She can read him like a book, she knows exactly how he’s feeling." (সোজা বুঝতে পারা)

  297. Read the room – (to understand the mood of the situation) – "Before making your joke, try to read the room first." (অবস্থার মনোভাব বুঝতে পারা)

  298. Refute – (to prove wrong) – "He managed to refute the argument with solid evidence." (অস্বীকার করা)

  299. Rein in – (to control) – "The manager had to rein in the team’s enthusiasm to stay focused." (নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা)

  300. Reluctant – (unwilling) – "She was reluctant to speak in front of the large crowd." (অমনা)

  301. Rest on your laurels – (to stop trying after achieving success) – "He shouldn’t rest on his laurels; there’s more work to be done." (সাফল্য লাভের পর বসে থাকা)

  302. Return the favor – (to do something for someone as a way of repaying a kindness) – "I’ll return the favor and help you next time." (অতিথেয়তার প্রতিদান দেওয়া)

  303. Revamp – (to improve or update) – "They plan to revamp the store’s interior to attract more customers." (নতুন করে সাজানো)

  304. Revisit – (to look at or consider again) – "We may need to revisit the proposal after receiving feedback." (পুনঃমূল্যায়ন করা)

  305. Ring a bell – (to sound familiar) – "That name rings a bell, but I can’t remember where I’ve heard it before." (পরিচিত শোনানো)

  306. Rise and shine – (wake up and get started) – "It’s time to rise and shine, we have a full day ahead of us." (উঠে পড়া এবং প্রস্তুত হওয়া)

  307. Roll with the punches – (to adapt to challenges) – "In business, it’s important to roll with the punches and keep moving forward." (চ্যালেঞ্জের সঙ্গে মানিয়ে নেওয়া)

  308. Run into – (to meet unexpectedly) – "I ran into an old friend at the grocery store yesterday." (অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে দেখা হওয়া)

  309. Run out of steam – (to lose energy or enthusiasm) – "She ran out of steam halfway through the project and needed a break." (শক্তি হারানো)

  310. Save face – (to avoid humiliation or embarrassment) – "He tried to save face after making a mistake during the presentation." (মুখ রক্ষা করা)

  311. See eye to eye – (to agree completely) – "They don’t always see eye to eye on every issue, but they make it work." (একমত হওয়া)

  312. See the writing on the wall – (to recognize signs of future trouble) – "I saw the writing on the wall when the company started laying off staff." (ভবিষ্যতের বিপদ দেখতে পাওয়া)

  313. Set in stone – (fixed or unchangeable) – "The plans aren’t set in stone yet; we can still make changes." (অপরিবর্তনীয়)

  314. Set the stage – (to prepare for something to happen) – "The decorations really set the stage for the wedding ceremony." (প্রস্তুত করা)

  315. Show one's true colors – (to reveal one's true nature) – "He showed his true colors during the argument and made everyone uncomfortable." (নিজের আসল চরিত্র প্রকাশ করা)

  316. Show up – (to appear or arrive) – "She always shows up on time for meetings." (এগিয়ে আসা)

  317. Show your true colors – (to reveal your real intentions or nature) – "His actions showed his true colors as a leader." (আপনার আসল উদ্দেশ্য বা প্রকৃতি প্রকাশ করা)

  318. Shut down – (to stop functioning or operating) – "The company decided to shut down the branch due to financial difficulties." (বন্ধ হয়ে যাওয়া)

  319. Side by side – (next to each other) – "They worked side by side to complete the project successfully." (একসাথে, পাশাপাশি)

  320. Sit on the fence – (to not take sides in a dispute) – "I can’t sit on the fence anymore, I need to choose a side." (বিরোধে কোনো পক্ষ না নেওয়া)

  321. Sit on the fence – (to remain neutral) – "He’s sitting on the fence and refuses to take sides in the debate." (নিরপেক্ষ থাকা)

  322. Sit tight – (to wait patiently) – "We were asked to sit tight while they prepared the necessary documents." (ধৈর্য সহকারে অপেক্ষা করা)

  323. Sit tight – (wait patiently) – "Just sit tight, and the doctor will call you soon." (ধৈর্য সহকারে অপেক্ষা করা)

  324. Sleep on it – (think about it) – "I’m not sure about this decision; I’ll sleep on it." (ভেবে দেখুন, সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়ার আগে কিছু সময় নেওয়া)

  325. Sleep on it – (to think about something before making a decision) – "I’ll sleep on it and let you know my decision tomorrow." (ভালভাবে চিন্তা করা)

  326. Small talk – (light conversation) – "We had some small talk before the meeting started." (হালকা আলাপ-আলোচনা)

  327. Smell a rat – (to suspect something is wrong) – "I smell a rat; something doesn’t seem right about this deal." (কিছু ভুল আছে মনে হওয়া)

  328. Sophisticated – (refined) – "She has a sophisticated taste in art and music." (প্রতিষ্ঠিত, উন্নত স্বাদ)

  329. Sort out – (to resolve or organize) – "We need to sort out the details before we move forward." (সমস্যা সমাধান বা সংগঠিত করা)

  330. Speak your mind – (say what you think) – "Don’t be afraid to speak your mind in the discussion." (আপনার মনোভাব বা মতামত প্রকাশ করা)

  331. Spill the beans – (to reveal a secret) – "He accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party." (গোপন তথ্য প্রকাশ করা)

  332. Spill the beans – (to reveal a secret) – "He accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise dinner." (গোপন তথ্য ফাঁস করা)

  333. Spinning your wheels – (to waste time doing something unproductive) – "I’ve been spinning my wheels all day and haven’t gotten anything done." (অকারণে সময় কাটানো)

  334. Stand one's ground – (to remain firm in one’s position) – "Despite the pressure, she stood her ground and didn’t back down." (দৃঢ় থাকা)

  335. Start from scratch – (to begin something again from the very beginning) – "After the project was cancelled, we had to start from scratch." (শুরু থেকে শুরু করা)

  336. State of the art – (the most advanced or modern) – "The new smartphone has state-of-the-art features." (সবচেয়ে আধুনিক)

  337. Stay on top of – (to remain informed or in control) – "You need to stay on top of your assignments to avoid falling behind." (অগ্রগতি বা নিয়ন্ত্রণে থাকা)

  338. Steal someone's thunder – (to take attention away from someone) – "She stole my thunder by announcing her engagement at my party." (অন্যের প্রশংসা বা মনোযোগ চুরি করা)

  339. Steal the show – (to attract the most attention or praise) – "Her performance in the play stole the show." (প্রধান মনোযোগ আকর্ষণ করা)

  340. Step in – (to intervene) – "The teacher had to step in and stop the argument." (হস্তক্ষেপ করা)

  341. Step up – (to increase effort or responsibility) – "It’s time to step up and take responsibility for the team." (অধিকার গ্রহণ করা, দায়িত্ব বাড়ানো)

  342. Step up your game – (improve performance) – "If you want that promotion, you’ll need to step up your game." (আপনার কাজের মান উন্নত করা)

  343. Stick to one's guns – (to refuse to change one’s position) – "He stuck to his guns even though everyone disagreed with him." (নিজের মতামত ঠিক রাখা)

  344. Stick with – (to continue doing something) – "You should stick with your fitness routine if you want results." (কোনো কাজ চালিয়ে যাওয়া)

  345. Stir the pot – (to create trouble or provoke a reaction) – "Stop stirring the pot; this conversation is already tense enough." (ঝামেলা সৃষ্টি করা)

  346. Straight from the horse's mouth – (from the original or direct source) – "I heard it straight from the horse's mouth that the event has been cancelled." (সরাসরি উৎস থেকে শোনা)

  347. Subtle – (not obvious) – "There’s a subtle difference between the two plans." (সূক্ষ্ম, যা সহজে ধরা পড়ে না)

  348. Surpass – (to exceed) – "Their sales have surpassed expectations this year." (অতিক্রম করা, ছাড়িয়ে যাওয়া)

  349. Sustainable – (eco-friendly) – "Sustainable farming practices benefit the environment." (টেকসই, পরিবেশবান্ধব)

  350. Tackle – (to deal with) – "The government needs to tackle the housing crisis." (সমস্যা সমাধান করা)

  351. Take a break – (to rest) – "After studying for hours, I decided to take a break." (বিশ্রাম নেওয়া)

  352. Take a leap of faith – (to trust without full evidence) – "Moving to a new country is a leap of faith, but it’s worth it." (অপ্রমাণিতভাবে বিশ্বাস করা)

  353. Take a rain check – (postpone) – "I can’t meet today, but I’ll take a rain check on dinner." (অন্য সময়ে করা বা সময় পরিবর্তন করা)

  354. Take a rain check – (to postpone or delay something) – "I’ll take a rain check on the dinner, I’m feeling too tired tonight." (পরে করার জন্য স্থগিত করা)

  355. Take a stab at – (to attempt something) – "I’ll take a stab at solving this problem and see if I can help." (চেষ্টা করা)

  356. Take a stand – (to make a firm decision or position) – "It’s important to take a stand on social issues." (দৃঢ় অবস্থান গ্রহণ করা)

  357. Take a toll on – (to have a negative effect) – "The long hours at work are starting to take a toll on my health." (প্রতিকূল প্রভাব ফেলা)

  358. Take action – (to do something) – "If we want change, we need to take action now." (কিছু করা, পদক্ষেপ নেওয়া)

  359. Take advantage of – (to use for benefit) – "It’s important to take advantage of the opportunities given to you." (সুযোগ গ্রহণ করা)

  360. Take after – (to resemble) – "She really takes after her mother with that smile." (কারো সাথে মিল থাকা)

  361. Take charge of – (to be in control of something) – "She took charge of the project and led the team effectively." (নিয়ন্ত্রণ নেওয়া)

  362. Take in – (to absorb or understand) – "It was so much information, but I managed to take it all in." (বুঝে নেওয়া)

  363. Take into account – (to consider) – "We need to take into account the weather before making plans." (বিবেচনায় নেওয়া)

  364. Take it easy – (to relax) – "After the long meeting, I’m going to take it easy for the rest of the day." (আরাম করা, শিথিল হওয়া)

  365. Take it for granted – (to assume something is true without question) – "We often take clean water for granted." (যথাযথভাবে মূল্যায়ন না করা)

  366. Take it with a grain of salt – (to not completely believe something) – "I take everything he says with a grain of salt; he tends to exaggerate." (বিশ্বাস না করা, সন্দেহ করা)

  367. Take it with a grain of salt – (to not fully believe something) – "He tends to exaggerate, so take what he says with a grain of salt." (অবিশ্বাস সহকারে গ্রহণ করা)

  368. Take off – (to remove or become successful) – "The plane will take off in 10 minutes." (উড়ে যাওয়া, সফল হওয়া)

  369. Take out – (to remove or invite someone on a date) – "I took out the trash this morning." (বাইরে নিয়ে যাওয়া, ময়লা ফেলা)

  370. Take over – (to assume control) – "She took over the team after the previous manager left." (নিয়ন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ করা)

  371. Take part in – (to participate) – "I love to take part in local festivals and events." (অংশগ্রহণ করা)

  372. Take responsibility for – (to accept duty) – "She took responsibility for the team’s mistakes." (দায়িত্ব গ্রহণ করা)

  373. Take something with a pinch of salt – (to not take something seriously) – "Take his advice with a pinch of salt, he’s known for exaggerating." (বিশ্বাস না করা, সন্দেহ করা)

  374. Take the bull by the horns – (to deal with a difficult situation directly) – "She decided to take the bull by the horns and address the issue head-on." (সমস্যার মোকাবিলা করা)

  375. Take the lead – (to take control or initiative) – "She took the lead in organizing the event." (নেতৃত্ব গ্রহণ করা)

  376. Take the plunge (to take a risk or make a big decision) – "She finally took the plunge and moved to another country for her career."

  377. Take things easy – (to relax) – "After the stressful week, I decided to take things easy over the weekend." (আরাম করা, বিশ্রাম নেওয়া)

  378. Take time off – (to rest or break from work) – "I’m planning to take some time off during the holidays." (বিশ্রাম নেওয়া, ছুটি নেওয়া)

  379. Take up – (to start a new activity) – "I’ve decided to take up painting as a hobby." (কোনো নতুন কাজ শুরু করা)

  380. Talk the talk – (to speak confidently or convincingly) – "He can talk the talk, but let’s see if he can walk the walk." (বিশ্বাসযোগ্যভাবে কথা বলা)

  381. Tedious – (boring and time-consuming) – "Filling out the paperwork was a tedious task." (যা বিরক্তিকর এবং সময়সাপেক্ষ)

  382. The ball is in your court – (it’s your decision) – "I’ve given you all the details; now the ball is in your court." (এখন সিদ্ধান্ত আপনার হাতে)

  383. The elephant in the room – (an obvious problem that everyone is ignoring) – "We need to address the elephant in the room, which is the budget." (একটি স্পষ্ট সমস্যা যা সবাই এড়িয়ে যাচ্ছে)

  384. The tip of the iceberg – (a small part of a much bigger problem) – "The delays were just the tip of the iceberg; there are bigger issues behind it." (একটি বৃহত্তর সমস্যার ছোট অংশ)

  385. The writing on the wall – (a sign of something bad to come) – "The writing was on the wall, and we knew the company would be closing soon." (খারাপ কিছু আসছে এমন একটি সংকেত)

  386. Think through – (to consider carefully) – "You need to think through your options before making a decision." (সাবধানে চিন্তা করা)

  387. Thriving – (successful) – "The local market is thriving thanks to tourism." (সাফল্যমণ্ডিত, সমৃদ্ধ)

  388. Throw away – (to discard) – "Don’t throw away that old furniture; we can still use it." (ফেলে দেওয়া, নিঃশেষিত করা)

  389. Throw caution to the wind – (to take a risk) – "He threw caution to the wind and quit his job to start his own business." (ঝুঁকি নেওয়া, সতর্কতা উপেক্ষা করা)

  390. Throw in the towel – (give up) – "Even after many failures, he refuses to throw in the towel." (হাল ছেড়ে দেওয়া)

  391. Throw in the towel – (to give up or admit defeat) – "After hours of trying, he finally threw in the towel and called for help." (হার মেনে নেওয়া)

  392. Throw in the towel – (to quit) – "I wanted to finish the project, but I had to throw in the towel when I got too tired." (ছেড়ে দেওয়া, কাজ শেষ করা)

  393. Throw under the bus – (to betray or sacrifice someone) – "I can’t believe she threw me under the bus like that." (ধোঁকা দেওয়া)

  394. Tie the knot – (to get married) – "They’re planning to tie the knot next summer." (বিবাহ করা)

  395. Time flies – (time goes quickly) – "Time flies when you’re having fun with friends." (সময় দ্রুত চলে যায়)

  396. Timely – (on time) – "The arrival of the rain was timely for the crops." (সময়ে, সময়মতো)

  397. Tip of the iceberg – (a small part of a much larger issue) – "What we know is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s much more to discover." (ক্ষুদ্র অংশ)

  398. Touch base – (to make contact or check in) – "Let’s touch base later this week to discuss the details." (যোগাযোগ করা)

  399. Tough cookie – (a strong or resilient person) – "She’s a tough cookie, nothing can get her down." (দৃঢ় মনোবল বিশিষ্ট)

  400. Transform – (to change completely) – "Technology has transformed the way we communicate." (সম্পূর্ণভাবে পরিবর্তিত করা)

  401. Transparent – (open and honest) – "The process was transparent and fair to all participants." (স্বচ্ছ, খোলামেলা)

  402. Turn a blind eye – (to ignore something intentionally) – "He turned a blind eye to the issue because he didn’t want to get involved." (দৃষ্টিপাত না করা)

  403. Turn a blind eye – (to ignore something wrong) – "The teacher turned a blind eye to the students cheating during the exam." (অন্যায়কে উপেক্ষা করা)

  404. Turn around – (to improve or change direction) – "The company turned around after a successful marketing campaign." (পরিস্থিতি উন্নত করা)

  405. Turn down – (to reject) – "I had to turn down the job offer because of the location." (প্রস্তাব প্রত্যাখ্যান করা)

  406. Turn in – (to submit) – "Please turn in your assignment by the end of the week." (জমা দেওয়া, দাখিল করা)

  407. Turn into – (to transform or change) – "The park turned into a beautiful winter wonderland." (পরিবর্তিত হওয়া)

  408. Turn out to be – (to end up as) – "The new restaurant turned out to be better than expected." (অপেক্ষার চেয়ে ভাল হওয়া)

  409. Turn the tables – (to change the situation to your advantage) – "The underdog team turned the tables and won the match." (পক্ষ পরিবর্তন করে পরিস্থিতি নিজের পক্ষে আনা)

  410. Turn up – (to arrive unexpectedly or increase) – "She didn’t turn up at the party until late." (আসা, উপস্থিত হওয়া)

  411. Under the table – (secret or illegal) – "He paid the workers under the table to avoid taxes." (গোপনে, অবৈধভাবে)

  412. Under the weather – (feeling ill) – "I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I’ll stay home." (অসুস্থ)

  413. Under the weather – (feeling sick) – "I’m feeling under the weather today, so I’ll rest at home." (অসুস্থ হওয়া)

  414. Under your nose – (clearly visible) – "The keys were right under your nose the whole time!" (আপনার সামনে স্পষ্টভাবে থাকা)

  415. Unprecedented – (never done before) – "The pandemic caused unprecedented disruptions globally." (অতীতে যা কখনো ঘটেনি এমন)

  416. Up in the air – (uncertain or undecided) – "The plans for the trip are still up in the air." (অস্পষ্ট বা অনিশ্চিত)

  417. Up in the air – (uncertain or undecided) – "The plans for the weekend are still up in the air, I haven’t decided yet." (অস্পষ্ট, অনির্ধারিত)

  418. Up in the air – (uncertain) – "The future of the project is still up in the air." (অনিশ্চিত)

  419. Up to speed – (fully informed) – "I missed the last meeting; can you bring me up to speed?" (পুরোপুরি অবগত হওয়া)

  420. Upset the apple cart – (to disrupt a plan or situation) – "His sudden departure really upset the apple cart for the team." (পরিকল্পনা ব্যাহত করা)

  421. Use your noggin – (to think carefully) – "Come on, use your noggin, that’s obviously not going to work." (মাথা ব্যবহার করা)

  422. Versatile – (multi-functional) – "She is a versatile actor who can play any role." (বহুমুখী, বহু কাজে ব্যবহারযোগ্য)

  423. Viable – (practical) – "Electric vehicles are a viable alternative to petrol cars." (যথাযোগ্য, বাস্তবসম্মত)

  424. Vibrant – (full of energy) – "The city is vibrant and full of cultural events." (চাঞ্চল্যপূর্ণ, জীবন্ত)

  425. Vivid – (clear and detailed) – "He gave a vivid description of his trip." (স্পষ্ট এবং বিস্তারিত)

  426. Wait for the other shoe to drop – (to wait for an inevitable consequence) – "After hearing the first bit of news, I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop." (আরেকটি খারাপ ঘটনা অপেক্ষা করা)

  427. Wake up – (to stop sleeping) – "I wake up at 6 AM every day." (জাগ্রত হওয়া)

  428. Wake up to – (to become aware of) – "She woke up to the reality of how hard the job would be." (জ্ঞান হওয়া, বুঝে উঠা)

  429. Walk on air – (to feel very happy or excited) – "She was walking on air after hearing the good news." (খুব আনন্দিত হওয়া, মেঘে ভাসা)

  430. Walk on eggshells – (to be very careful or delicate) – "She was walking on eggshells around her boss after the argument." (অতি সাবধানে আচরণ করা)

  431. Watch out – (to be careful) – "Watch out for the traffic when crossing the street." (সাবধানে থাকা)

  432. Water under the bridge – (something in the past) – "We had a disagreement, but it’s water under the bridge now." (অতীত বিষয়, পুরনো ঘটনা)

  433. Weigh in – (to give one’s opinion) – "He decided to weigh in on the debate and share his thoughts." (মতামত দেওয়া)

  434. What’s the catch? – (What’s the hidden drawback or problem?) – "This deal seems too good to be true, what’s the catch?" (কি সমস্যা আছে?)

  435. What’s the catch? – (what’s the hidden drawback?) – "This deal seems too good to be true. What’s the catch?" (ফাঁদ কোথায়? বা কোথায় ক্ষতি আছে?)

  436. When it rains, it pours – (when one thing goes wrong, many other things do too) – "I got a flat tire, and then my phone died—when it rains, it pours!" (যখন একটি সমস্যা হয়, তখন আরও সমস্যা ঘটে)

  437. When pigs fly – (never) – "He’ll apologize when pigs fly." (যখন শূকর উড়বে, তখনই হবে)

  438. Widespread – (common) – "There is widespread support for renewable energy initiatives." (বিস্তৃত, ব্যাপক)

  439. Wild goose chase – (a futile or hopeless pursuit) – "Trying to find that information was a wild goose chase." (বেড়ানো বিড়াল খোঁজা)

  440. With flying colors – (to succeed with distinction) – "She passed the exam with flying colors, getting the highest score in the class." (বিশিষ্টভাবে সফল হওয়া)

  441. Without a hitch – (without any problems) – "The event went off without a hitch, everyone had a great time." (কোনও সমস্যা ছাড়াই)

  442. Witty – (clever and funny) – "His witty remarks always lighten the mood." (বুদ্ধিদীপ্ত এবং মজাদার)

  443. Work like a charm – (be very effective) – "The new strategy worked like a charm for boosting sales." (খুব কার্যকরী হওয়া)

  444. Work out – (to solve or succeed) – "Everything worked out in the end despite the challenges." (সমস্যা সমাধান করা, সফল হওয়া)

  445. Work through – (to resolve or overcome) – "We need to work through the issues to move forward." (সমস্যা সমাধান করা)

  446. Wrap it up – (finish) – "We’re running out of time, so let’s wrap it up." (শেষ করা, শেষ করা)

  447. Write off – (to dismiss or consider something as unimportant) – "Don’t write off his ideas just because they seem different." (উপেক্ষা করা, অপ্রাসঙ্গিক মনে করা)

  448. You can say that again – (agreeing strongly) – "This city is beautiful. You can say that again!" (পুরোপুরি একমত হওয়া)

  449. You can’t have your cake and eat it too – (you can’t have both options) – "You can’t have your cake and eat it too; you need to choose one option." (একসাথে দুটি জিনিস পাওয়া সম্ভব নয়)

  450. Your guess is as good as mine – (I don’t know either) – "When will they announce the results? Your guess is as good as mine." (আমি জানি না, তুমি জানো না)

  451. Zealous – (enthusiastic) – "She is zealous about promoting mental health awareness." (উত্সাহী, আগ্রহী)

  452. Zip your lip – (stay silent) – "The teacher told him to zip his lip during class." (চুপ থাকো)

  453. Zoom in – (to focus closely) – "You should zoom in on the details of the map to find the location." (বিশেষ মনোযোগ দিয়ে দেখা)

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