Rearranging Sentences:
Who will bell the cat?
Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.
I. The mice were in great difficulty.
II. They held a meeting to discuss the matter and find a way to be free from this danger.
III. Several proposals were made but none of the proposals was good.
IV. At last, a young mouse rose to speak and said, "I have a good plan for your consideration."
V. Let us tie a bell round the cat's neck.
VI. Then we will hear him coming and be able to hide ourselves in time."
VII. All the mice thanked the young mouse for his plan.
VIII. But an old mouse stood up and said, "No doubt the idea is good.
IX. But who will tie the bell?"
X. There was an old house in a village.
XI. Theft lived a number of mice in the house where they were doing a lot of mischief.
XII. The master of the mouse was very annoyed and made a plan to get rid of them.
XIII. He bought a cat to kill the mice.
XIV. The mice could not move freely as before.
Correct Sequence:
X → XI → XII → XIII → I → II → III → IV → V → VI → VII → VIII → IX
Story (Correct Sequence):
There was an old house in a village. Theft lived a number of mice in the house where they were doing a lot of mischief. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan to get rid of them. He bought a cat to kill the mice. The mice were in great difficulty. They could not move freely as before. They held a meeting to discuss the matter and find a way to be free from this danger. Several proposals were made but none of the proposals was good. At last, a young mouse rose to speak and said, "I have a good plan for your consideration. Let us tie a bell round the cat's neck. Then we will hear him coming and be able to hide ourselves in time." All the mice thanked the young mouse for his plan. But an old mouse stood up and said, "No doubt the idea is good. But who will tie the bell?"
এক গ্রামে একটা পুরনো বাড়ি ছিল। চুরির বাড়িতে অনেক ইঁদুর বাস করত যেখানে তারা অনেক দুষ্টুমি করত। বাড়ির কর্তা খুব বিরক্ত হলেন এবং তাদের পরিত্রাণের পরিকল্পনা করলেন। তিনি ইঁদুর মারার জন্য একটি বিড়াল কিনেছিলেন। ইঁদুররা খুব কষ্টে ছিল। তারা আগের মতো স্বাধীনভাবে চলাফেরা করতে পারছে না। বিষয়টি নিয়ে আলোচনা করে এ বিপদ থেকে মুক্ত হওয়ার পথ খুঁজতে তারা বৈঠক করেন। বেশ কিছু প্রস্তাব দেওয়া হলেও কোনো প্রস্তাবই ভালো হয়নি। অবশেষে, একটি যুবক ইঁদুর কথা বলতে উঠে বলল, "আপনার বিবেচনার জন্য আমার একটি ভাল পরিকল্পনা আছে। আসুন আমরা বিড়ালের গলায় একটি ঘণ্টা বেঁধে রাখি। তাহলে আমরা তার আসার কথা শুনব এবং সময়মতো নিজেকে লুকিয়ে রাখতে সক্ষম হব।" সমস্ত ইঁদুর তার পরিকল্পনার জন্য তরুণ ইঁদুরকে ধন্যবাদ জানায়। কিন্তু একটা বুড়ো ইঁদুর উঠে দাঁড়িয়ে বলল, "নিঃসন্দেহে আইডিয়াটা ভালো। কিন্তু ঘণ্টাটা কে বাঁধবে?"
The Mice and the Cat
Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.
I. At this, all fell silent, and no one came forward.
II. There was an old house in a village where many mice lived.
III. The master of the house was annoyed and made a plan to get rid of them.
IV. He bought a cat to kill the mice.
V. The mice were in great trouble and held a meeting to find a way to escape this danger.
VI. At last, a young mouse stood up and said, "Let's tie a bell around the cat's neck."
VII. There were several proposals, but none were good.
VIII. Then an old mouse said, "It's a good idea, but who will tie the bell?"
IX. All the mice thanked the young mouse for his plan.
Correct Sequence:
ii → iii → iv → v → vii → vi → ix → viii → i
Rewritten Story in Correct Sequence:
There was an old house in a village where many mice lived. The master of the house was annoyed and made a plan to get rid of them. He bought a cat to kill the mice. The mice were in great trouble and held a meeting to find a way to escape this danger. There were several proposals, but none were good. At last, a young mouse stood up and said, "Let's tie a bell around the cat's neck." All the mice thanked the young mouse for his plan. Then an old mouse said, "It's a good idea, but who will tie the bell?" At this, all fell silent, and no one came forward.
একটি গ্রামে একটি পুরানো বাড়ি ছিল যেখানে অনেক ইঁদুর বাস করত। বাড়ির কর্তা বিরক্ত হয়ে তাদের হাত থেকে মুক্তি দেওয়ার পরিকল্পনা করলেন। তিনি ইঁদুর মারার জন্য একটি বিড়াল কিনেছিলেন। ইঁদুররা খুব কষ্টে পড়েছিল এবং এই বিপদ থেকে বাঁচার উপায় খুঁজতে একটি বৈঠক করেছিল। বেশ কিছু প্রস্তাব ছিল, কিন্তু কোনোটাই ভালো হয়নি। অবশেষে একটি ইঁদুর উঠে দাঁড়িয়ে বলল, চল বিড়ালের গলায় ঘণ্টা বাঁধি। সমস্ত ইঁদুর তার পরিকল্পনার জন্য তরুণ ইঁদুরকে ধন্যবাদ জানাল। তখন একটা বুড়ো ইঁদুর বললো, "ভালো আইডিয়া, কিন্তু বেলটা কে বাঁধবে?" এই বলে সবাই চুপ হয়ে গেল, কেউ এগিয়ে এল না।
Completing Story:
Complete the given story following the clue
There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan .... [DB'09; CtgB10]
Ans. Who will Bell the Cat?
There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there......
The master of the house was very annoyed with the rats infesting his home and decided to devise a plan to get rid of them. He brought in a cat to drive the rats away. With the cat now in the house, the rats lost their comfortable living conditions and lived in constant fear for their lives as the cat frequently and suddenly killed them.
Desperate to save themselves, all the mice decided to hold a conference. They gathered in a secret place to discuss their predicament and come up with a solution. Many of the mice proposed various ideas to solve the problem, but none seemed practical. As the conference dragged on without any resolution, frustration grew among the attendees.
Towards the end of the meeting, a young and enthusiastic rat stood up energetically and said, "I have an idea! Why don't we tie a bell around the cat's neck? This way, we can hear it approaching and have enough time to escape." The proposal was met with a wave of excitement. All the mice clapped merrily, seconding the young rat's suggestion.
Just as the atmosphere in the room was turning hopeful, an old and wise mouse slowly rose and addressed the gathering. "The young rat's proposal is indeed good," he said. "It would certainly help us if we could hear the cat coming. But there is one crucial question we must answer: who will bell the cat?"
At this question, the room fell silent. The excitement drained from their faces as they realized the danger involved in executing the plan. No one volunteered for the risky task. The gravity of the situation became apparent, and the earlier enthusiasm vanished. There was a pin-drop silence in the conference hall as the mice pondered the old mouse's question.
Without a viable solution, the meeting ended in despair. The mice realized that they had no way to bell the cat and ensure their safety. Ultimately, they decided that the only way to survive was to leave the house altogether. They migrated to a safer place, abandoning their former home to the cat and the master of the house.
Title: The Mice and the Cat
There was an old house in a village where a number of mice lived. They were causing a lot of mischief, gnawing at the furniture, stealing food, and scurrying around noisily at night. The master of the house, an elderly man named Harold, was very annoyed by their antics. Determined to restore peace and order to his home, he made a plan.
Harold decided to get a cat to take care of the mouse problem. He visited a nearby farm and brought home a young, agile cat named Whiskers. As soon as Whiskers entered the house, the mice sensed danger and retreated to their hiding places.
For the first few days, Whiskers roamed the house, exploring every nook and cranny. The mice watched her cautiously from their holes, whispering to one another in fear.
"What are we going to do?" squeaked one of the mice. "That cat will surely catch us if we venture out."
"We need to come up with a plan," said another mouse. "We can't stay hidden forever."
After much discussion, the mice decided to call a meeting to find a solution. They gathered in a hidden corner of the house where Whiskers couldn't reach them. The eldest mouse, a wise and respected leader named Greyfur, spoke first.
"We must find a way to know when the cat is coming," Greyfur said. "If we can hear her approach, we can escape in time."
A young mouse named Squeaky had an idea. "Let's put a bell around the cat's neck! That way, we'll hear her every move."
The mice cheered at Squeaky's suggestion. It seemed like the perfect solution. They quickly found a small bell and attached it to a ribbon. However, as they stood around the bell, another problem arose.
"Who will bell the cat?" asked Greyfur, his voice trembling with apprehension.
The room fell silent. Every mouse looked at one another, hoping someone else would volunteer. But no one was brave enough to approach Whiskers.
Finally, Greyfur sighed. "It's a good plan, but it's useless if no one has the courage to execute it."
As the mice continued to debate, Whiskers, unaware of their scheming, continued her patrols. Eventually, the mice realized that living in constant fear was not a sustainable way of life. They needed to find a new home.
One by one, the mice began to leave the old house, finding safer places to live where there were no cats. Harold, noticing the diminishing number of mice, was pleased with Whiskers' presence.
In time, the house was free of mice, and peace was restored. Whiskers enjoyed her new home, and Harold was grateful for her companionship and the tranquility she brought.
Moral of the Story: It's easy to propose impossible solutions to a problem, but practical and courageous actions are what truly make a difference.
Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.
Once some mice were having a good time in a rich man's house. There was the availability (tot) of rich and tasty foods. They ate cereal and made holes in the house. The mice also cut the clothes and............
Ans. Who Is to Bell the Cat?
Once some mice were having a good time in a rich man's house. There was the availability of rich and tasty foods. They ate cereal and made holes in the house. The mice also cut the clothes and bit the sleeping children. They were always shrieking and squeaking in the house. So, the owner brought a cat to get relief from that disturbance. The cat started to hunt mice every day. The mice were afraid of it. So, all the mice sat together in a conference. Many of them put different opinions. But nothing was suitable . The meeting was about to end. At that time, a young mouse stood up and asked permission to put his proposal. All agreed. It said, "We will tie a bell around the cat’s neck. So, we will get ‘warning when the cat comes. Then we can easily hide ourselves in a safe place." All the mice greeted his proposal with applause (তুমুল হর্ষধ্বনি). Then an old mouse stood up and asked others to be calm. He said, "Who will bell the cat?" There was pin drop silence. They were looking at one another. There was nobody who was brave to accomplish (সাফল্যের সঙ্গে শেষ করা) the task of belling the cat. Finally, the conference ended in smoke.
Who’ll bell the Cat
Once the house of a rich man was infested with rats. The house became like the town Hamelin, there were rats everywhere. They were having a good time. The house members could not enjoy sound sleep. Even the little babies were not free from the attack and biting of the rats. The rats would take away foods, cut cloths and tear holes here and there. All the members were in great trouble. At last the owner of the house hit upon a plan. He knew that rats would run away at the sight of cats. So he brought a cat to kill the rats and therefore to get rid of the rats. The rats came to know the presence of the cat in the house. Their lives were at stake. All the mice sat together in a conference. At last they took a decision that they would tie a bell in the neck of the cat so that they could know the approach of the cat. They raised a hue and cry over the matter because none of the rats agreed to tie a bell in the neck of the cat. They thought that the rat who would approach of the cat would lose his life. Finally who would bell the cat remained unsettled. So the mice eventually migrated.
Complete the following story following the cue :
A large number of mice lived in a farm. Once an old cat arrived at the place. it spread terror among the mice. None dared come outside in fear of the cat.
Ans. Who's To Bell the Cat
A large number of mice lived in a farm. Once an old cat arrived at the place. it spread terror among the mice. None dared come outside in fear of the cat. All the mice of the farm decided to hold a conference to seek a solution.
'One day the mice of all ages got together in the conference. Each one put a suggestion, but none of the ideas was really practical.
"Let's make a big trap," one mouse suggested. This idea was turned down and, another said, "What about poisoning her?" But nobody knew which poison could kill cats. One young mouse proposed, "Let's cut her claws and teeth so that she car) do no more harm." But the conference did not approve of the idea. A wise mouse said, "Let's tie a bell to the cat's neck. So we'll always know where she is! We'll have time to escape."
All J the mice clapped at the wise mouse's good idea. At last an old mouse said. 'Who's going to bell the cat?"
Nobody was brave enough to bell the cat and the conference ended in smoke.
Who Will Bell The Cat Completing Story
Once upon a time, in a small village, there was an old house where many little mouse live. These mouse are making a lot of problem—eating food, cutting clothes, and disturbing the people in the house. The owner of the house got really frustrated. He tried everything but couldn’t get out of them, so he decided to bring a cat to catch the mouse.
As soon as the cat arrivedin the house, the mouse became scared and don’t come out of their hiding places anymore. They were too afraid of being caught.
One day, the mouse start a meeting to figure out how to deal with the cat. Each mouse have a different idea, but nothing to work.
Then a young mouse stand up and said, I have an idea! What if we put a bell on the cat neck? That way when the cat move we’ll hear the bell sound and we can run away before it come close to us.
All the other mouse thing it was a great idea. They are very happy with the young mouse for being so smart. But then, an older mouse asked, That a good plan, but who will put the bell on the cat neck.
Everyone became quiet. No one was strong enough to go near the cat and put the bell on its neck. Since they couldn’t figure out a way to do it, the mouse give up on the idea and eventually left the house to find a safer place to live.
Who's to Bell the Cat: Once the house of a rich man
In a certain house belonging to a wealthy man, a swarm of rats had taken over the place, turning it into a veritable Hamelin. The owner of the house, in an attempt to rid himself of these pests, brought in a cat. The cat proved to be a formidable foe, striking fear into the hearts of the rats and driving them into hiding. The rats, unwilling to be cowed, held a meeting to discuss what to do about the cat.
During the meeting, several suggestions were put forth, but none seemed to be practical. One rat suggested building a large trap, but this idea was quickly dismissed. Another suggested poisoning the cat, but nobody knew which poison would be effective against felines. A young widow, whose husband had fallen victim to the cat's ferocity, angrily proposed cutting off the cat's claws and teeth to render it harmless. However, this idea was also rejected by the gathering.
Finally, a rat who was wiser than the rest of the group came forward and brandished a bell, calling for silence. He suggested that they tie the bell around the cat's neck so that they could always know where it was and have time to flee. All the other rats praised the wise rat for his idea, but then he rang the bell again and reminded them that someone needed to bell the cat.
At this, the mice fell silent. No one was brave enough to step forward and carry out the task. Everyone realized the harsh truth that it is easy to suggest something but difficult to actually execute it. The meeting, thus, ended in frustration and failure, and the rats remained under the cat's tyranny.
Who's to Bell the Cat
Once the house of a rich man was infested with rats. The house became like the town of Hamelin. There were rats everywhere The rich man brought a cat to get rid of rats when the cat arrived at the house it spread terror among the rats. None dared to come outside in fear of being killed by the cat. All the rats of the house decided to hold a meeting to seek a solution.
Taking advantage of the cat's absence, one day the rats of all ages got together in the meeting. Each one put forward a suggestion, but none of the ideas was really practical.
"Let's make a big trap," one rat suggested. 'This idea was turned down and, another said, "What about poisoning her?" But nobody knew which poison could kill cats. One young widow, whose husband has fallen a prey to the ferocious cat, angrily proposed, "Let's cut her claws and teeth, so that she can do no more harm." But the meeting did not approve of the widow's idea. At last, a rat wiser than others, waving a bell, called for silence. We'll tie this bell to the cat's neck, so we'll always know where she is! We'll have time to escape."
All of the mice clapped at the wise rat's words and everyone congratulated him on his good idea. However, the wise rat rang the bell again for silence. "We must decide who's going to bell the cat," he said. There was no sound except a faint murmur.' 'I can't because
Nobody was brave enough to come forward to materialise the idea. Everybody realized the reality. So the mice failed to get rid of their danger and the meeting ended in smoke. It is easy to say but difficult to do.
Complete the given story following the clue
There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan .... [DB'09; CtgB10]
Ans. Who will Bell the Cat?
There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there.
The master of the house was very annoyed with the rats infesting his home and decided to devise a plan to get rid of them. He brought in a cat to drive the rats away. With the cat now in the house, the rats lost their comfortable living conditions and lived in constant fear for their lives as the cat frequently and suddenly killed them.
Desperate to save themselves, all the mice decided to hold a conference. They gathered in a secret place to discuss their predicament and come up with a solution. Many of the mice proposed various ideas to solve the problem, but none seemed practical. As the conference dragged on without any resolution, frustration grew among the attendees.
Towards the end of the meeting, a young and enthusiastic rat stood up energetically and said, "I have an idea! Why don't we tie a bell around the cat's neck? This way, we can hear it approaching and have enough time to escape." The proposal was met with a wave of excitement. All the mice clapped merrily, seconding the young rat's suggestion.
Just as the atmosphere in the room was turning hopeful, an old and wise mouse slowly rose and addressed the gathering. "The young rat's proposal is indeed good," he said. "It would certainly help us if we could hear the cat coming. But there is one crucial question we must answer: who will bell the cat?"
At this question, the room fell silent. The excitement drained from their faces as they realized the danger involved in executing the plan. No one volunteered for the risky task. The gravity of the situation became apparent, and the earlier enthusiasm vanished. There was a pin-drop silence in the conference hall as the mice pondered the old mouse's question.
Without a viable solution, the meeting ended in despair. The mice realized that they had no way to bell the cat and ensure their safety. Ultimately, they decided that the only way to survive was to leave the house altogether. They migrated to a safer place, abandoning their former home to the cat and the master of the house.
Bangla Translation:
এক সময়ের কথা, একটি ছোট্ট গ্রামে একটি পুরানো বাড়ি ছিল যেখানে অনেক ছোট ইঁদুর বাস করত। এই ইঁদুরগুলো অনেক সমস্যা করছিল—খাবার খেত, কাপড় কাটত এবং বাড়ির লোকদের বিরক্ত করত। বাড়ির মালিক খুবই বিরক্ত হয়ে পড়লেন। তিনি অনেক কিছু চেষ্টা করলেন কিন্তু ইঁদুরগুলোকে তাড়াতে পারলেন না, তাই তিনি ইঁদুর ধরার জন্য একটি বিড়াল নিয়ে এলেন।
বিড়াল আসার সাথে সাথে ইঁদুরগুলো ভয়ে তাদের গর্ত থেকে বের হওয়া বন্ধ করে দিল। তারা ধরা পড়ার ভয়ে খুবই ভীত ছিল।
একদিন, ইঁদুরগুলো একটি মিটিং করল কীভাবে বিড়ালের থেকে বাঁচা যায় তা নিয়ে আলোচনা করার জন্য। প্রতিটি ইঁদুর আলাদা আলাদা মত দিল, কিন্তু কোনটাই কাজের মত লাগল না।
তখন একটি ছোট ইঁদুর উঠে দাঁড়িয়ে বলল, আমার একটি ধারণা আছে! যদি আমরা বিড়ালের গলায় একটি ঘণ্টা বেঁধে দিই, তাহলে যখন বিড়াল হাঁটবে, আমরা ঘণ্টার শব্দ শুনতে পাব এবং বিড়াল আমাদের কাছে আসার আগেই পালাতে পারব।
সব ইঁদুরই মনে করল এটি একটি দুর্দান্ত পরিকল্পনা। তারা সেই ছোট ইঁদুরের প্রশংসা করল। কিন্তু তখন একটি বয়স্ক ইঁদুর জিজ্ঞাসা করল, পরিকল্পনাটি খুব ভালো, কিন্তু বিড়ালের গলায় ঘণ্টা বাঁধবে কে?
সবাই চুপ হয়ে গেল। কেউই এত সাহসী ছিল না যে বিড়ালের কাছে গিয়ে তার গলায় ঘণ্টা বাঁধবে। যেহেতু তারা এটা করতে পারল না, ইঁদুরগুলো সেই বাড়ি ছেড়ে নিরাপদ একটি জায়গা খুঁজে নিল।