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An Astrologer and a King / The King and the Astrologer: Once there was a king (Story Writing)

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 14

The King and the Astrologer:

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a monarch who was deeply enamored with divining his destiny through the means of astrologers. One fortuitous day, a seasoned astrologer arrived in the royal city en route to Benares. The king, as was his wont, summoned the astrologer to unveil his future prospects, and was presented with an unsavory prophesy. The palmist disclosed that the sovereign's subjects would mount a rebellion against him, leading to his eventual ouster from the throne. The king, who was adored by his people, was instantly incensed by this prognostication, which shook him to the core.


In an impulsive burst of anger, the king ordered his retinue to publicly execute the palmist on the following day. The palmist, gripped with trepidation, spent a sleepless night pondering his fate. However, as the day of his execution arrived, the old man's demeanor inexplicably transformed. Instead of weeping, he wore a smile on his face, causing the king to be flummoxed by this display of insouciance in the face of his impending death. He scolded the palmist, accusing him of being a liar and asked him why he was laughing in the face of certain death.


The wily palmist, with a loud guffaw, retorted that the king himself would perish within a week, and that he, the palmist, would be hovering in the ether to receive the king's soul. The stars and the moon had purportedly confirmed this prophecy the previous night, which was why the palmist was chuckling away. The king, rattled by the palmist's brazenness, was overcome with fear and speechless for a moment. He then ordered his men to escort the palmist away, for he could no longer tolerate the man's presence. The king hastily departed from the scene, his mind reeling with the ramifications of the palmist's chilling revelation.


Moral :

Complete the following story following the clue.

Once there was a king in India. He was fond of knowing his future from the astrologers. One day a clever astrologer happened to visit the capital.....

Ans.     An Astrologer and a King

Once there was a king in India. He was fond of knowing his future from the astrologers. Oneday a clever astrologer happened to visit the capital.

Intrigued by the astrologer's reputation, the king decided to summon him to the royal court to inquire about his future.

Upon his arrival, the king eagerly asked the astrologer to reveal his fate. However, the astrologer, foreseeing something unpleasant in the king's future, hesitated to divulge the details. Despite the king's insistence, the astrologer remained cryptic, hinting at impending doom.

Enraged by the astrologer's reluctance to disclose the full truth, the king swiftly condemned him to death. As the astrologer was being led away to his execution, the king, in a fit of curiosity, couldn't resist one final question: "How long will you live?"

With quick wit and cunning, the astrologer replied, "I will only die a week before Your Majesty's own demise. Rest assured, I will be there to greet you on the other side." His clever retort sent a chill down the king's spine, filling him with dread at the thought of his own mortality.

Shaken by the astrologer's ominous words, the king recoiled in horror, ordering the guards to banish him from the kingdom and never allow his return. "Farewell," said the astrologer calmly, seizing the opportunity to escape the king's wrath unscathed.

Thus, through his cunning and foresight, the astrologer managed to outwit the king and evade his impending doom, leaving behind a lingering sense of mystery and intrigue in the royal court.


Complete the following story following the clue.

Once there was a king in India. He was fond of knowing his future from the astrologers. One day a clever astrologer happened to visit the capital.....


Ans.     An Astrologer and a King

Once there was a king in India. He was fond of knowing his future from the astrologers. Oneday a clever astrologer happened to visit the capital.

Intrigued by the astrologer's reputation, the king decided to summon him to the royal court to inquire about his future.

Upon his arrival, the king eagerly asked the astrologer to reveal his fate. However, the astrologer, foreseeing something unpleasant in the king's future, hesitated to divulge the details. Despite the king's insistence, the astrologer remained cryptic, hinting at impending doom.

Enraged by the astrologer's reluctance to disclose the full truth, the king swiftly condemned him to death. As the astrologer was being led away to his execution, the king, in a fit of curiosity, couldn't resist one final question: "How long will you live?"

With quick wit and cunning, the astrologer replied, "I will only die a week before Your Majesty's own demise. Rest assured, I will be there to greet you on the other side." His clever retort sent a chill down the king's spine, filling him with dread at the thought of his own mortality.

Shaken by the astrologer's ominous words, the king recoiled in horror, ordering the guards to banish him from the kingdom and never allow his return. "Farewell," said the astrologer calmly, seizing the opportunity to escape the king's wrath unscathed.

Thus, through his cunning and foresight, the astrologer managed to outwit the king and evade his impending doom, leaving behind a lingering sense of mystery and intrigue in the royal court.

The King and the Astrologer


Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a monarch who was deeply enamored with divining his destiny through the means of astrologers. One fortuitous day, a seasoned astrologer arrived in the royal city en route to Benares. The king, as was his wont, summoned the astrologer to unveil his future prospects, and was presented with an unsavory prophesy. The palmist disclosed that the sovereign's subjects would mount a rebellion against him, leading to his eventual ouster from the throne. The king, who was adored by his people, was instantly incensed by this prognostication, which shook him to the core.


In an impulsive burst of anger, the king ordered his retinue to publicly execute the palmist on the following day. The palmist, gripped with trepidation, spent a sleepless night pondering his fate. However, as the day of his execution arrived, the old man's demeanor inexplicably transformed. Instead of weeping, he wore a smile on his face, causing the king to be flummoxed by this display of insouciance in the face of his impending death. He scolded the palmist, accusing him of being a liar and asked him why he was laughing in the face of certain death.


The wily palmist, with a loud guffaw, retorted that the king himself would perish within a week, and that he, the palmist, would be hovering in the ether to receive the king's soul. The stars and the moon had purportedly confirmed this prophecy the previous night, which was why the palmist was chuckling away. The king, rattled by the palmist's brazenness, was overcome with fear and speechless for a moment. He then ordered his men to escort the palmist away, for he could no longer tolerate the man's presence. The king hastily departed from the scene, his mind reeling with the ramifications of the palmist's chilling revelation.



A King and a Astrologer

Once upon a time there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from astrologers. A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his way to Benares. The king called him to know his future and the astrologer said something unpleasant. At this the king got furious because the palmist informed the king that his subjects would revolt against him and he might be driven out of his kingdom. His subjects loved him very much.

The king ordered his men to hang the palmist next day at a public place.

The palmist became very afraid. He could not sleep all the night worrying over his death. At last he found a way out.

The next day when the people had crowded round the palmist, he began to smile instead of weeping. The king got astonished seeing the smile of the palmist as if nothing serious had happened to him. He asked the old man, "You liar ! What makes you laugh at the time of end of your life ? Don't, you fear death?"

At this the old palmist laughed loudly and said that the king would die only a week later he died. He added that he would wait in the air for a week only to receive the king's soul. All the stars and moon had declared it last night. So, that was the reason why he was laughing.

Hearing these loud words of the cunning palmist, the king got very much afraid. For some time he could not say anything. Then he ordered his men to drive away the wretched palmist because he could not tolerate this man. Ordering this the king left the place quickly.



A King and a Palmist

There lived a king in a country who was very fond of knowing his future from the palmist. Once an old palmist came to the capital city. The king sent some of his men to bring the palmist to him.

The palmist came and the king asked him to tell him about his (the king) future. After observing the palm of the king, the palmist informed the king that his subjects would revolt against him and he might be driven out of his kingdom. The king became very angry with him because his subjects loved him very much.

The kine, ordered his men to hang the palmist next day at a public place.

The palmist became very afraid. He could not sleep all the night worrying over his death. At last he found a way out.

The next day when the people had crowded round the palmist, he began to smile instead of weeping. The kin-, got astonished seeing the smile of the palmist as if nothing serious had happened to him. He asked the old man, "You liar ! What makes you laugh at the time of end of your life ? Don't you fear death?"

At this the old palmist laughed loudly and said that the king would die only a week later he died. He added that he would wait in the air fora week only to receive the king's soul. All the stars and moon had declared it last night. So, that was the reason why he was laughing.

Hearing these loud words of the cunning palmist, the king got very much afraid. For some time he could not say anything. Then he ordered his men to drive away the wretched palmist because he could not tolerate this man. Ordering this the king left the place quickly.





Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it: There was a king in a country. He was fond of knowing about his future from the astrologers. One day an intelligent astrologer came to his country. Hearing about him the king ......

Ans: The King And the Astrologer

There was a king in a country. He was fond knowing about his future from the astrologers. One day an intelligent astrologer came to his country. Hearing about him the king called on him. The king asked." heard you can see future. Is it true?" "Is there anyone who can, your majesty?" replied the astrologer. "I only make some predictions, future is in Almighty's hand. But, you should take care of your Highness lest you should be in trouble within this year. The king returned to his palace. He was very much worried. What trouble is ensuing? What did the astrologer see in his fate? The king became more and more worried. 1 Nothing pleased him anymore. He gave up going to y the court. At the top of one of his towers he confined : himself. He looked out one of the windows sitting on a chart. He forgot everything. Days passed into weeks, weeks passed into months. The whole kingdom went astray. The neighboring kings took hold of good parts of his kingdom. The palace was in ruin. The peasants were fleeing. His reign fell down. Then a year was over. The king came down of his tower. He went to the astrologer again. "You were right, wise sage! I believe you," said the king. "You fool, you listened to the last part of my words but didn't care to remember the previous part," said the astrologer, "It's your belief that has caused your ruin."

Bangla Translation:


জ্যোতিষী এবং একজন রাজা একদা ভারতে এক রাজা ছিলেন। তিনি জ্যোতিষীদের কাছ থেকে তার ভবিষ্যত জানতে আগ্রহী ছিলেন। একদিন একজন চতুর জ্যোতিষী রাজধানীতে বেড়াতে গেলেন। জ্যোতিষীর খ্যাতিতে কৌতূহলী হয়ে রাজা তার ভবিষ্যৎ সম্পর্কে খোঁজখবর নেওয়ার জন্য তাকে রাজদরবারে তলব করার সিদ্ধান্ত নেন। তার আগমনে, রাজা সাগ্রহে জ্যোতিষীকে তার ভাগ্য প্রকাশ করতে বললেন। যাইহোক, জ্যোতিষী, রাজার ভবিষ্যতে অপ্রীতিকর কিছুর পূর্বাভাস দিয়ে, বিস্তারিত প্রকাশ করতে দ্বিধাবোধ করেন। রাজার পীড়াপীড়ি সত্ত্বেও, জ্যোতিষী রহস্যময় থেকে যান, আসন্ন ধ্বংসের ইঙ্গিত দিয়েছিলেন। সম্পূর্ণ সত্য প্রকাশে জ্যোতিষীর অনিচ্ছায় ক্ষুব্ধ হয়ে রাজা দ্রুত তাকে মৃত্যুদণ্ড দেন। জ্যোতিষীকে যখন তার মৃত্যুদণ্ডের দিকে নিয়ে যাওয়া হচ্ছিল, তখন রাজা, কৌতূহলের সাথে, একটি চূড়ান্ত প্রশ্নটি প্রতিরোধ করতে পারেনি: "আপনি কতদিন বাঁচবেন?" দ্রুত বুদ্ধি এবং ধূর্ততার সাথে, জ্যোতিষী উত্তর দিলেন, "মহারাজের নিজের মৃত্যুর এক সপ্তাহ আগে আমি মারা যাব। নিশ্চিন্ত থাকুন, আমি ওপারে আপনাকে শুভেচ্ছা জানাতে থাকব।" তার চতুর প্রতিক্রিয়া রাজার মেরুদণ্ডে ঠাণ্ডা পাঠিয়েছিল, তার নিজের মৃত্যুর চিন্তায় তাকে ভয়ে ভরিয়ে দিয়েছিল। জ্যোতিষীর অশুভ কথায় কাঁপিয়ে রাজা আতঙ্কে পিছু হটলেন, প্রহরীদের নির্দেশ দিলেন তাকে রাজ্য থেকে বের করে দিতে এবং তার ফিরে আসার অনুমতি দেবেন না। "বিদায়," জ্যোতিষী শান্তভাবে বললেন, রাজার ক্রোধ থেকে রক্ষা পাওয়ার সুযোগটি কাজে লাগিয়ে। এইভাবে, তার ধূর্ততা এবং দূরদর্শিতার মাধ্যমে, জ্যোতিষী রাজাকে ছাড়িয়ে যেতে এবং তার আসন্ন সর্বনাশ এড়াতে সক্ষম হন, রাজদরবারে রহস্য এবং চক্রান্তের দীর্ঘস্থায়ী অনুভূতি রেখে যান।

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