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The Frog and the Rat / Once upon a time, a frog lived in a marsh, and just nearby, there lived a rat in a hole - Rearranging Sentences / Completing Story for HSC, SSC & Other Exams

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Rearranging Sentences:

The Frog and the Rat

Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.

I. So, he challenged the rat to a clash.

II. Once upon a time, a frog lived in a marsh, and just nearby, there lived a rat in a hole.

III. They were good friends, but one day they came to have a dispute about the claim of the ruler of the marsh.

IV. The rat did not hesitate to accept the challenge.

V. Both of them armed themselves with pointed reeds to use them like spears, and each of them was sure of victory.

VI. The frog was much stronger than the rat, who was trickier.

VII. Just when they were going to fight, a mother hawk came flying there.

VIII. Hovering in the sky, she saw the little animals ready for a duel.

IX. So she swooped down and caught them both in her talons and carried them away to feed her young.

X. He hid himself under the grass and made a sudden attack on the frog.


Rewritten Jumbled Story:

II → III → I → IV → V → VI → X → VII → VIII → IX


Rewritten Story in Correct Sequence:

Once upon a time, a frog lived in a marsh, and just nearby, there lived a rat in a hole. They were good friends, but one day they came to have a dispute about the claim of the ruler of the marsh. Seeing this, the frog decided to end the dispute through a duel. So, he challenged the rat to a clash. The rat did not hesitate to accept the challenge. Both of them armed themselves with pointed reeds to use them like spears, and each of them was sure of victory. The frog was much stronger than the rat, who was trickier. He hid himself under the grass and made a sudden attack on the frog. Just when they were going to fight, a mother hawk came flying there. Hovering in the sky, she saw the little animals ready for a duel. So, she swooped down and caught them both in her talons and carried them away to feed her young.

একবার, একটি ব্যাঙ একটি জলাভূমিতে বাস করত, এবং ঠিক কাছাকাছি, একটি গর্তে একটি ইঁদুর বাস করত। তারা ভালো বন্ধু ছিল, কিন্তু একদিন তারা জলাভূমির শাসকের দাবি নিয়ে বিবাদে জড়িয়ে পড়ে। এটি দেখে ব্যাঙটি একটি দ্বন্দ্বের মাধ্যমে বিরোধ শেষ করার সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়। সুতরাং, তিনি ইঁদুরটিকে সংঘর্ষের জন্য চ্যালেঞ্জ করেছিলেন। ইঁদুর চ্যালেঞ্জ গ্রহণ করতে দ্বিধা করেনি। বর্শার মতো ব্যবহার করার জন্য তারা উভয়েই সূক্ষ্ম নল দিয়ে সজ্জিত, এবং তাদের প্রত্যেকে বিজয় নিশ্চিত ছিল। ব্যাঙটি ইঁদুরের চেয়ে অনেক শক্তিশালী ছিল, যে কৌশলী ছিল। সে নিজেকে ঘাসের নিচে লুকিয়ে রেখে ব্যাঙের উপর অতর্কিত আক্রমণ করে। তারা যখন যুদ্ধ করতে যাচ্ছিল, ঠিক তখনই সেখানে একটি মাদার বাজ উড়ে আসে। আকাশে ঘোরাফেরা করে, সে দেখতে পেল ছোট প্রাণীগুলি একটি দ্বন্দ্বের জন্য প্রস্তুত। তাই, সে ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ল এবং তাদের দু'জনকে তার ট্যালনে ধরে তার বাচ্চাদের খাওয়ানোর জন্য নিয়ে গেল।


Completing Story:

                            HONEST DEED ALWAYS REWARDED

One day an old farmer was going through a field. All on a sudden, he found a purse which was full of the pieces of gold. He became wonder-struck when he saw the gold. He was in a fix and could not think anything clearly. He became very happy and began to dream of becoming rich very soon by selling the pieces of gold. So, he took the purse and returned home in an extremely jolly mood. He hesitated to tell his wife why he was so happy. But when his wife insisted, he disclosed the fact to her and told her that they would not remain poor any longer. He described his plans to her and told that he would sell these pieces of gold and thus would become rich.

But as the wife was honest, she said scornfully, "No, you can't do that. It's a sin. You must find the owner and return the purse of gold. I'll help you find the owner." Then the old fanner told her that he would sell only a few pieces of gold and would return the rest to the owner. But his wife did not agree. In the meantime, the news spread everywhere and so the owner of the purse came and asked for his gold. At that time the farmer thought that the owner must give him some pieces of gold as a reward. So, he returned the purse of gold to its owner and the owner went away without giving any reward to him. So, the old farmer became sad and unhappy and cursed his bad luck. But his wife said to him that he is sure to receive reward from Allah.

Reward of Honesty Completing Story

Once there lived a poor but kind farmer in a small village. He owned a small piece of land and earn just enough money to take care of his wife and seven children. Life was hard, and he always worried about how to meet his family growing needs.

As his children grow older, they needed more things, and this made the family expenses rise. One day, while walking through his field, the farmer was deep in thought, feeling anxious about how to make more money to support his family.

Suddenly, he spotted a small wallet lying on the ground. Surprised, he picked it up and opened it. Inside, there was a lot of money. He immediately went home and showed it to his wife. His wife, seeing all the money, became excited.

She suggested they keep the money and use it to solve their problems. However, the farmer did not agree. He told his wife that the money did not belong to them, and they should return it to its rightful owner.

After a few days, the farmer found the owner of the wallet. It belonged to a very rich man. When the farmer returned the wallet, the rich man was wonder by his honesty. To show his gratitude, he offered the farmer a job as his caretaker. The farmer accepted the job, and soon, he and his family were living a happier life.

This story teaches us that honesty always brings good rewards. Even though the farmer was poor, his honesty changed his life for the better.

                            HONEST DEED ALWAYS REWARDED

One day an old farmer was going through a field. All on a sudden, he found a purse which was full of the pieces of gold. He became wonder-struck when he saw the gold. He was in a fix and could not think anything clearly. He became very happy and began to dream of becoming rich very soon by selling the pieces of gold. So, he took the purse and returned home in an extremely jolly mood. He hesitated to tell his wife why he was so happy. But when his wife insisted, he disclosed the fact to her and told her that they would not remain poor any longer. He described his plans to her and told that he would sell these pieces of gold and thus would become rich.

But as the wife was honest, she said scornfully, "No, you can't do that. It's a sin. You must find the owner and return the purse of gold. I'll help you find the owner." Then the old fanner told her that he would sell only a few pieces of gold and would return the rest to the owner. But his wife did not agree. In the meantime, the news spread everywhere and so the owner of the purse came and asked for his gold. At that time the farmer thought that the owner must give him some pieces of gold as a reward. So, he returned the purse of gold to its owner and the owner went away without giving any reward to him. So, the old farmer became sad an nhappy and cursed his bad luck. But his wife said to him that he is sure to receive reward from Allah.

Reward of Honesty Completing Story

Once there lived a poor but kind farmer in a small village. He owned a small piece of land and earn just enough money to take care of his wife and seven children. Life was hard, and he always worried about how to meet his family growing needs.

As his children grow older, they needed more things, and this made the family expenses rise. One day, while walking through his field, the farmer was deep in thought, feeling anxious about how to make more money to support his family.

Suddenly, he spotted a small wallet lying on the ground. Surprised, he picked it up and opened it. Inside, there was a lot of money. He immediately went home and showed it to his wife. His wife, seeing all the money, became excited.

She suggested they keep the money and use it to solve their problems. However, the farmer did not agree. He told his wife that the money did not belong to them, and they should return it to its rightful owner.

After a few days, the farmer found the owner of the wallet. It belonged to a very rich man. When the farmer returned the wallet, the rich man was wonder by his honesty. To show his gratitude, he offered the farmer a job as his caretaker. The farmer accepted the job, and soon, he and his family were living a happier life.

This story teaches us that honesty always brings good rewards. Even though the farmer was poor, his honesty changed his life for the better.

Honesty Never Goes Unrewarded: Once there lived a farmer


In a small, rural village lived a poor but worthy farmer who, with the modest income from his meager few acres of land, managed to support himself, his wife and their seven children. As he walked through his fields one day, he pondered his circumstances, realizing that as his children grew older and required more, their family expenses continued to increase. In an effort to brainstorm how he could earn additional funds, he happened upon a purse lying on the ground before him.


Initially, the farmer considered that someone must have lost the purse, and he could not keep it for himself. Nevertheless, he picked it up and opened it, revealing a substantial sum of money inside. Rushing home to share his discovery with his wife, she greedily suggested they keep the money for themselves and use it to better their family's situation. However, the farmer's moral compass pointed in a different direction. He recognized that the money was not rightfully theirs and insisted that they find the owner of the lost purse.


After a few days, the farmer successfully located the rightful owner and promptly returned the lost item, along with its contents. The owner, a very wealthy man, was deeply moved by the farmer's honesty and integrity. Impressed by the farmer's character, the wealthy man appointed him as his caretaker.


Overjoyed by this newfound opportunity, the farmer began his new job with a sense of pride and honor. His honesty had not only earned him the admiration of others, but it had also paved the way for a brighter future. The farmer learned that doing what is right is often rewarded in ways beyond measure, and his unwavering moral compass had led him to a newfound success and prosperity.

 সততার পুরস্কার

এক সময়ের কথা, এক গরিব কিন্তু সৎ কৃষক একটি গ্রামে বাস করত। তার ছোট্ট একটি জমি ছিল, এবং তিনি যা আয় করতেন, তা দিয়ে তার স্ত্রী ও সাত সন্তানকে কোনোভাবে চালিয়ে নিচ্ছিলেন। জীবন ছিল খুবই কঠিন, আর তিনি প্রায়ই চিন্তা করতেন কীভাবে তার পরিবারের জন্য আরও টাকার ব্যবস্থা করবেন, কারণ তার সন্তানরা বড় হচ্ছিল এবং তাদের চাহিদাও বাড়ছিল।

একদিন, মাঠে হাঁটতে হাঁটতে তিনি মাটিতে একটি থলে পড়ে থাকতে দেখলেন। থলেটি তুলে নিয়ে খুলে দেখেন, ভেতরে অনেক টাকা! তিনি তাড়াতাড়ি বাড়ি ফিরে তার স্ত্রীকে টাকা ভর্তি থলেটি দেখালেন। তার স্ত্রী খুশি হয়ে বললেন, “এই টাকা আমরা রেখে দিই, আমাদের সমস্যাগুলো সমাধান হয়ে যাবে।” কিন্তু কৃষক তা মানলেন না। তিনি বললেন, এই টাকা আমাদের নয়, এটি যার হারিয়েছে, তাকে ফিরিয়ে দিতে হবে।

কয়েকদিন পর, কৃষক জানতে পারলেন যে থলেটি গ্রামের এক ধনী মানুষের। কৃষক যখন টাকাটা ফিরিয়ে দিলেন, ধনী ব্যক্তি খুবই খুশি হলেন এবং কৃষকের সততায় মুগ্ধ হলেন। কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাতে তিনি কৃষককে তার দেখাশোনার চাকরি দিলেন। কৃষক সেই কাজটি গ্রহণ করলেন, এবং কিছুদিনের মধ্যেই তার পরিবার সুখে দিন কাটাতে লাগল।

এই গল্পটি আমাদের শেখায় যে সততা সবসময় ভালো ফল বয়ে আনে। যদিও কৃষক ছিলেন গরিব, তার সততাই তাকে সুখ এবং সফলতা এনে দিল।



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