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Summary Writing For Examination-5.1

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

How to Write Summary


1.    Read the given text very carefully. (at least 2 times)

2.    Write only the key points in your own words.

3.    Don’t add any information from outside.

4.    Don’t use direct speech in summary.

5.    Usually, examples and explanation are not written in summary.

6.    Summary must be written in one paragraph.

7.    Use impersonal tone in summary (don’t use I , we, you….)

8.    Write as many words as mentioned in the question; if number of words is not mentioned write one-third of the main passage.


Unseen Comprehension 01

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Man is a social being. He needs other people's company to lead his life smoothly. But some people prefer to live alone because they think human society is full of problems and sufferings, quarrels, ill-feelings, jealousy, enmity, etc. So, once upon a time a young man named Majnu decided to live by himself on an island far away from the locality.

He sailed for the island by boat with necessary equipment’s. On reaching there he built a little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds. "Now I'm the solitary king of this island!" said the man to himself. He used to catch fish from the river for survival. He was passing his time happily in the midst of loneliness and abundance.

But after a few days he realized that it is awfully boring to - live on fishes only. Moreover, the toughest job for him was to make fire and cook foods. One day he became seriously ill. He suffered a lot since there was nobody to treat and take care of him. When he came round, he went to the mainland to have a wife so that she could prepare his foods and make his life easier. Together they also cultivated the island for crops, vegetables and fruits. Then children were born to them, and the man found himself again in a family.


So the idea of living alone is not apt for human race. People need food, shelter, companions and cooperation. They need to help each other. And if they live in a family or community, their needs can be fulfilled. Hence living in society can make people good and happy citizens.

Answer: The passage highlights how humans are social beings who need the company of others to lead their lives smoothly. However, some individuals prefer to live alone due to the problems and sufferings associated with human society. The story of Majnu, a man who decided to live alone on an island, illustrates the challenges he faced, including boredom, difficulty in finding food and cooking, and suffering from illness with no one to care for him. Ultimately, he realized the importance of companionship and family, and went back to the mainland to find a wife and start a family. Living in a society allows individuals to fulfill their needs for food, shelter, companionship, and cooperation, and can make them good and happy citizens.

Unseen Comprehension 02

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

The National Memorial at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect for the martyrs of the War of Liberation. It is built with concrete, but made of blood. It stands 150 feet tall, but every martyr it stands for stands so much taller. It is an achievement the dimensions of which can be measured, but it stands for an achievement which is immeasurable. It stands upright for the millions of martyrs who laid down their lives so that we may stand upright, in honour and dignity, amongst the nations of the world.

Most prominently visible is the 150 feet tower that stands on a base measuring 130 feet wide. There is actually a series of 7 towers that rise by stages to a height of 150 feet. The foundation was laid on the first anniversary of the Victory Day. There is actually  a plan to build a huge complex in several phases. The entire complex will cover an area of 126 acres. The plan of this complex includes a mosque, a library and a museum. The relics of the Liberation War will be kept in the museum. They will ever remind our countrymen and all who would come to visit the museum of the valiant struggle and supreme sacrifices of a freedom loving people. Here also will be a clear warning to all oppressors that the weapons of freedom need not be very big, and that oppression will always be defeated. The will of people prevails, for man is born to be free.

The most moving sight of the complex is the several graves of the martyred freedom fighters close to the tower. Standing in front of the graves we bow down our heads in respect, as the towers soar up symbolizing the loftiness of, their spirit.

Answer: The National Memorial at Savar is a towering tribute to the martyrs of the War of Liberation. The 150 feet tall, 130 feet wide concrete structure represents the immeasurable achievements of those who sacrificed their lives for their country. The memorial consists of a series of 7 towers, and plans are in place to build a complex that includes a mosque, library, and museum to showcase the relics of the war. The graves of the freedom fighters, located near the tower, serve as a poignant reminder of their bravery and sacrifice. The memorial stands as a warning to oppressors that freedom will always prevail.

Unseen Comprehension 03

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Happiness is the symbol of satisfaction and gratification. Happiness lies at the root of all splendid performances. However, everybody wishes to be happy on earth.

Happiness is a very relative matter. Happiness is a state of mental condition that makes a man satisfied with his incomes, findings and activities. However, happiness can't be perceived by adopting any kind of illegal policy that is harmful to other's happiness. There is no denying the fact that happiness is the vibration of our heart, soul and mind that assists us to sleep a sound sleep with romantic dreams.

One should be satisfied with what one has and what one gets. If one hankers after more, the anxiety to achieve more destroys one's peace of mind. Some people of the society are envious of other's wealth. One can enjoy self-sufficiency by utilizing what one has. The more one gets, the more one wants. But one has to develop the mentality to

be pleased with little.

Happiness does not consist in things, but in thoughts of contentment. In the real sense of the term, no man can get happiness without being honest and contented. It is our interest to be honest so that we may get happiness. All those who seem to be happy in the world just feel satisfied with their ownselves. Happiness makes everything different. It makes everybody calm and quiet.


The passage discusses the concept of happiness and how it is relative. Happiness is a state of mental satisfaction that cannot be achieved through harmful or illegal means. It is important to be satisfied with what one has and to cultivate contentment, as the desire for more can lead to anxiety and a lack of peace. True happiness comes from being honest and content with oneself, and it makes everything feel different and brings calmness.

Unseen Comprehension 04

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four skills which should be developed separately by a person wishing to bring about full command over a language. But, in Bangladesh, the courses followed in different levels put emphasis on 'writing' and 'reading', whereas 'speaking' and listening' do not receive even a minimum focus. Of course, everybody knows that every language is basically spoken. If one cannot produce sentences verbally, it is known that his/her language learning has not been completed. It is true that all the prescribed texts contain instructions encouraging the students to hold conversation in English on a wide variety of topics. But the interesting fact is that the students need not face any test which can fathom their ability to speak or listen. So, the absence of test or evaluating verbal competence is thus directly responsible for poor speaking and listening skills of the students.

But in our practical life the importance of good working knowledge is not unknown to us. So, in this context the government has introduced the communicative process in which all these four skills will get equal importance or emphasis. Distribution of marks has been made judiciously so that the plan undertaken can be fully realized and successful. Moreover with this end in view, the teachers are being specially trained. It is hoped that in course of time we will get a nation having a good command over this language.


The article discusses the importance of developing all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing - to have full command over a language. However, in Bangladesh, the emphasis is given only to reading and writing, and speaking and listening skills are neglected. The article argues that without assessing a student's ability to speak or listen, poor speaking and listening skills will persist. The government has introduced a communicative process that gives equal importance to all four skills and is training teachers to achieve success in developing these skills in students.

Unseen Comprehension 05

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Change is life, change is progress, change is culture and civilization, while stagnation is the arrest of development and nothing but decay, death and destruction. Nothing great in this world is static; everything noble is dynamic. True it is in all walks and spheres of life. Evolution and revolution is the law of nature, it is the root of all progress, all formation and all development. Time has always been on the move and there are ups and downs, rises and falls of human civilization, human culture and there is man's test and zest, inclinations and motives, liking and disliking. Monotony is distaste; variety is the spice of life, change is life and its zest, its interest its meanings. In human institutions rise and fall happen and old order and discipline, old rules and regulations, old system and process—everything yields to new and surrenders to new conditions and demands. If there were no change, our life would be dull, dreary and meaningless. Our life is liveable, romantic and desirable only because of change and alternation, modification and revision, newness and nobility. And of this change of taste and zest, motives and inclinations, we have seen kingdoms and democratic state, capitalism and socialism, nationalism and internationalism. To speak bluntly, the secret of a nation's strength rests basically on its capacity for change and readjustment. Here we should not forget to note that there have been radical changes and gradual changes in the history of civilization. In either case of violent or smooth change human civilization may be beset with dangers and difficulties, odds and disadvantages but the laws of life and nature continue working, nothing remains in its state.

In short, the old ideas and old values of life become weakened and disintegrated. With the progress of time new ideas and new values of life, no matter social, political, cultural, religions, emerge out of the debris of the old.


Answer: The passage emphasizes the importance of change in all aspects of life, as it is essential for progress, culture and civilization. Stagnation leads to decay, death and destruction, and everything noble is dynamic. The law of nature is evolution and revolution, and human institutions must adapt to new conditions and demands. Change is necessary for a meaningful and desirable life. The strength of a nation is based on its capacity for change and readjustment. The emergence of new ideas and values is inevitable with the passage of time, as old ones become weakened and disintegrated.


Unseen Comprehension 06

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Newspaper is the people's parliament. The newspaper plays a vital role in modem civilization. It is said to be the mirror of the world. We must have the habit of reading newspaper daily. It helps us acquire general knowledge which is essential for our education. Nobody can keep contact with the outside world without reading newspaper. Mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient in the struggle of life. A man who does not read the newspaper daily, is like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of current topics, he cannot take part in the talks and discussions of an enlightened society and he seems like a fish out of water in it. The newspaper is a dainty in a dish of varieties; such as the news of current affairs, trade and commerce, films and sports etc. Moreover, the views of scholars on different subjects are discussed. All these have some educative values and we must have the habit of reading newspapers regularly as it is a blessing of modem civilization.

But one should bear in mind that sometimes newspapers bear comments of diverse nature and interests by the reporters and critics from various angles. We should not be blindly influenced by these comments but should keep an open mind to the facts and problems.


This passage emphasizes the important role that newspapers play in modern society, serving as a vital source of information and a mirror of the world. It argues that reading newspapers on a daily basis is essential for acquiring general knowledge and keeping in touch with the outside world. The author cautions readers to be aware of the diverse nature and interests of the comments made by reporters and critics, and to keep an open mind to the facts and problems presented in the newspaper. Reading newspapers regularly is a blessing of modern civilization, and is necessary for participation in enlightened discussions and an educated society. 

Unseen Comprehension 07

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Facebook is a directory of photos and basic information of its users; their profile and information of their product. There are different types of Facebook for different types of people. Facebook is the most popular and most largely used social networking service with over one billion active users. FacebOok expands relation among people around the world. Facebook was first founded by Mark Zuckerberg along with his roommates and classmates of Harvard University. Later on, its network expanded to many other colleges and universities. More later on, its network expanded up to school level. Any student over 18 years can become a registered user of Facebook. Though Facebook gives entertainment to student-users and helps them know one another, it has now become a curse for the students. Students spend much of their valuable time in Facebook neglecting their studies. In the United States, Facebook has turned into a national obsession encouraging narcissism. Facebook has both uses and abuses. Its merits in the field of friends-making, connecting people, chaffing, job-seeking and business expanding cannot be denied. The use of

Facebook is expanding because one can use Facebook paying a very little to internet service provider. Another reason is that it helps us to make us public to the world's people most importantly. A user can avail "Privacy Protection Measure if he/she desires so. In spite of all these, the demerits of Facebook in derailing teenagers and even the adult cannot also be denied. It is now almost equally used and abused. We should take all possible steps so that this blessing does not turn into a curse.


The passage discusses the social networking service Facebook, which provides a directory of user profiles and product information. With over one billion active users, it has expanded relations among people worldwide and is popular among students as a means of entertainment and networking. However, excessive use of Facebook can lead to neglect of studies and has become a national obsession in the United States, encouraging narcissism. Although it has benefits such as connecting people, job-seeking, and business expansion, it can also have negative effects on teenagers and adults. Despite privacy protection measures, Facebook is both used and abused, and steps should be taken to prevent its use from becoming a curse.

Unseen Comprehension 08

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

The importance of learning English cannot be denied and exaggerated. English which is called a lingua franca is an international language. As modem world is a global village, the people are closely related to one another for different purposes like business, diplomatic correspondence, tourism, higher education and so on. Job and employment opportunities in the international markets require English-knowing persons. Even in our homeland we cannot compete for a good job. Unless we know English. We cannot think of higher studies without English because all the books of all courses and the reference books are either written in English or translated into this language. Even if we want to become a postman, a telephone operator, a nurse, a pharmacist; a waiter or a receptionist in a hotel, we cannot do without English. We need it to become a pilot, a banker, a technician, a businessman, a secretary in a big company.

As modem world is a digitalized village and our nation is a member of the village, we cannot do without English. The international organizations located in a country where English is not the first language, need English-knowing personnel. It is learnt from world statistics that about 350 million people speak English as a first language while about 300 million use it as a second language. English is also used as official or semi-official language in more than sixty countries. Today there are many migrants working abroad who need to know English for their job purposes. Besides, the best universities of the world give you the best career opportunities which you cannot have without learning English. Hence, it may be concluded by circumstances of the progressive world.


The passage highlights the significance of learning English, which is an international language and a lingua franca. The use of English is essential for various purposes such as business, tourism, education, and job opportunities in international markets. The importance of English in various professions, including postman, nurse, pilot, and banker, is also emphasized. Moreover, English is required for working in international organizations and studying in the world's top universities. The passage concludes that learning English is crucial in the context of the progressive world.


Unseen Comprehension 9

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

In order to know whether a nation is rich or poor, developed or underdeveloped one does not need to count the number of its palatial buildings and monuments or the number of those people who enjoy a high standard of living. It is enough to count the number of literate people. The rate of literacy or illiteracy in a wintry determines whether it is rich or poor, developed or underdeveloped. The higher rate of illiteracy in o country-, the greater will be the extent of poverty and backwardness. Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of ignorance which frustrates all development efforts of the Government and the community. No development effort can Winded unless illiteracy is eradicated. Educating the tailcoat in a country like Bangladesh with so vast population undoubtedly a gigantic task.

No individual community or organization, not even the Government is capable of solving this huge problem single handedly . It is the social responsibility of all the literate people, men and women, to make some concentrated efforts

to remove illiteracy from society.


The number of literate people in a nation determines whether it is rich or poor, developed or underdeveloped. Illiteracy frustrates all development efforts, making it a curse and root cause of poverty and backwardness. Educating the vast population of Bangladesh is a huge task that cannot be solved by a single individual, community, or organization, including the government. Therefore, it is the social responsibility of all literate individuals, men, and women, to make concerted efforts to eradicate illiteracy from society.


Unseen Comprehension 10

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Severe moral degradation is a crucial problem of mankind which is seriously affecting the peaceful and meaningful living of human beings. In society, morality is the main source of development of the heavenly qualities like love, affection, heavenly feelings, respect and appreciation for others. It is moral values and institutions which ensure establishment of social peace, order and justice. There is no denying the fact that morality is the best virtue of mankind at any individual, social and global level. Without attaching the essence of morality, a fruitful, honest and durable democratic, socio-economic, administrative and judicial institution can never be dreamt of. Social evils and vices, in most cases, occur mainly due to human activities devoid of moral senses. So, it is necessary to develop moral awareness and conscience among the world's people irrespective of colour, religion and nationality. Arranging seminars and symposiums at different levels of society to motivate and encourage the people of all strata to accelerate moral uplift from their respective families to social levels.


Morality is essential for peaceful and meaningful living. Without it, social evils occur, and institutions cannot be honest and durable. Moral awareness and conscience should be developed irrespective of colour, religion, and nationality. Seminars and symposiums can motivate and encourage people to accelerate moral uplift.

Unseen Comprehension 11


Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

A freedom fighter is honoured in all lands and in all times, because he fights for a noble cause which is the freedom of the motherland. Freedom is the birth right of man, but sometimes this right is denied to a nation by foreign rulers. As a result, armed conflict takes place between the freedom loving people and the occupation forces. Sometimes the   

war continues for years and if the people are united and determined the freedom fighters win and the country achieves independence. The people of Bangladesh fought a glorious War of Independence against the Pakistani occupation forces in 1971. In this great war the Bengali members of the armed forces, the students and the people from all walks of life took part. They fought for long nine months and defeated the well trained Pakistani forces. Bangladesh became a free country. The people who fought against the Pakistani army and the people who take part in the war are called the freedom fighters. Many of the freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the cause of the motherland. We are indebted to these patriots for our freedom. The freedom fighters are the golden sons of Bangladesh and her pride. The people will cherish the memory of the valiant sons till the end of Bangladesh or the world.


A freedom fighter is honored for fighting for their country's independence, as freedom is the birthright of man. The people of Bangladesh fought a glorious War of Independence against the Pakistani occupation forces in 1971, where Bengali members of the armed forces, students, and people from all walks of life took part. After nine months of fighting, Bangladesh became an independent country. These people are called freedom fighters, and many sacrificed their lives. The freedom fighters are the pride of Bangladesh, and their memory will be cherished forever.


Unseen Comprehension 12

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

There are a good number of reasons why students in Bangladesh fail in English. That English is a foreign language is the main reason. In other words, students have no good feeling with English. Very few of them are earnest in learning. What the students seek is to cross the stairs of examinations. To most of them learning is unpleasant and examination is fearful. Secondly, teaching a foreign language becomes very difficult when the learners are not mentally keen to the subject. In that situation, a teacher of English can hardly find out a technique suitable to all. They fail to motivate learners that they must master the four skills of language and that there is no easy way of learning a foreign language. In short, they fail to make language learning interesting. The most important matter is that the text books in different classes are not harmonious with the stages and the standards of the learners. In the college level, the topics are not suitable for the world that teenagers belong to. Finally, the motto of the questions in the public examination induces cramming rather than learning the language. The faulty motto of the question persuades the students to run after the so called touch and pass system. It is high time, we did something to save the students from the disgrace of being unsuccessful.


Students in Bangladesh struggle to learn English for a variety of reasons. First, English is a foreign language that many students do not have a good feeling about. Many are only interested in passing exams and do not have a genuine desire to learn. Second, teaching a foreign language becomes difficult when students are not mentally engaged with the subject. Teachers struggle to motivate students to master the four language skills and make language learning interesting. Textbooks are not always appropriate for students' stages and standards, and the public examination system encourages cramming instead of real learning. Something needs to be done to help students succeed in learning English.


Unseen Comprehension 13

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 60 to 70 words.

The Olympic Games went on in Greek and Roman times. But in 394 AD the Roman Emperor stopped the games forever. For 1500 years no games were held again. Towards the end of nineteenth century a Frenchman called Baron Pierre de Couberten suggested that the ancient Olympic Games should be revived. But their purpose would be different. They would be held as a contest not among the Greeks but among the nations of the world. He hoped that athletes and sportsmen meeting every four years and competing against one another would make themselves friendly to one another. His suggestion was not immediately accepted. He and his supporters tried for years to hold the games. At last they succeeded and the first modem Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens, the capital city of Greece because the original site at Olympia was no longer suitable.


The ancient Olympic Games, which had been held in Greece and Rome, were stopped in 394 AD by the Roman Emperor and were not held again for 1500 years. In the late 19th century, Baron Pierre de Couberten proposed to revive the ancient Olympic Games as a competition among nations of the world to promote friendly relationships between athletes and sportsmen. After years of effort, the first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens because the original site in Olympia was unsuitable.


Unseen Comprehension 14

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Internet and social media have changed the public concept of communication. Social media, largely-known as social networks, eased the way and frequency of communications among the people in the world. Social networking websites such as Facebook, Google+ or Twitter are tvildly popular among the people of all ages now-a-days. Social network services are web-based and hence, provide ways for the users to interact through the Internet. Social websites make it possible to connect people sharing interests and activities across the borders and thus have turned the world into a global village, where the users of these networks are interconnected. These websites are gaining popularity with every passing day as most of these are free to use. Users do not have to pay anything to log in and to use these websites and get to know other people. The users only have to pay a little to the intemet service providers to use these websites. The users, through their personal profiles can present themselves before the world and advertise for themselves without any cost. By doing these, they can open the doors of opportunities for them. The users can even upload their pictures, multimedia contents and modify and update their profiles which was almost impossible just a couple of years back. They can also express their opinion or views on their profiles through blog posts with secured profile features. The users can decide who will be watching their profiles and who won't and what information will be shared with any of the visitors. With these unique features, these websites have become most popular destination of the modern world.


Social media, such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, have become widely popular, creating a global village where users are interconnected. These web-based services allow users to interact through the internet and connect with people who share their interests and activities across borders. Social websites are free to use, allowing users to present themselves, advertise, upload multimedia content, and express opinions through blog posts with secured profile features. Users have control over who can see their profiles and what information is shared, making social media the most popular destination for modern communication.

Unseen Comprehension 15

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Greenhouse effect is an alarming phenomenon for our environment. It occurs because of the production of carbon dioxide in our environment. Its amount is increasing day by day. The main cause of it is the burning of fossil fuels. Since the end of the 19th century industrial activities increased rapidly giving rise to many factories. These factories required energy, which was produced through the combustion of coal. Besides coal, other sources of energy such as mineral oil and natural gas were also burnt to heat the house, move cars and airplanes or to produce electricity. Nowadays, about 85 million barrels of crude oil are burnt daily. Every time a fossil raw material is burnt, it releases carbon dioxide into the air. Besides burning fossil fuels, we are leading the earth towards deforestation through cutting down trees. Trees absorb significant amount of carbon dioxide from the air and deliver oxygen instead which in turns, helps us survive. Although we can't control the cosmological movement of the earth or the change in the environment, we can control the greenhouse effect by reducing the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


The greenhouse effect is caused by the production of carbon dioxide, which has been increasing due to burning fossil fuels since the industrial revolution. Other sources of energy, such as mineral oil and natural gas, are also burned, releasing carbon dioxide into the air. Deforestation is also contributing to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The amount of carbon dioxide can be reduced by controlling its emission into the air, and preserving trees which absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Unseen Comprehension 16

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Knowledge leads to goodness and happiness. It dissuades the learners from temptation and enables him to choose between the good and the bad. The value of ethical training is thus clearly stressed. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and everything else. Hence all laws and theories of morals are rooted in the saying of God as recorded in the Holy book. The believers are called upon to limit ad act according to the life and deeds of the great men. The same authority plays a predominant part in all ethics Sun upon theology and religion. All the ways of life -are naked out. Moral life is determined on the authoritative teaching and perceptions of the great men and other saints S whom divine knowledge was revealed. Revival of science throws light upon the prescribed moral training of the youth. These are dictated in minute details about the habit of sitting , taking meal, sleeping, serving teachers etc. Trainees must avoid gluttony, must acquire proper posture of walking, reading and sleeping in proper way in the social context. The learners have to be submissive, disciplined and obedient to the teachers and to the elders. Even the way of talking and paying respect to elders has to be practiced. In fact a disciplinary concept determines the sale of morality. It has its weakness too. The disciplinary concepts make customs and examples, take the place of scientific analysis. Customary uses become very important in all individuals life. One should perform actions accordance with the recorded dictates. However, the fixed models and practices of life make education more stereotype, conservative and less adjustable.


The passage emphasizes the importance of knowledge and ethical training in leading a good and happy life. The role of religion and great men in shaping moral values is also highlighted. The text stresses the significance of discipline and obedience to teachers and elders, and provides detailed guidelines for proper behavior and habits. However, the text warns against the potential drawbacks of a disciplinary approach, which may lead to a rigid and inflexible educational system.


Unseen Comprehension 17

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

You might have heard the name of Shahid Titumir. He was a national hero. He was born in the district of 24 Paragons of undivided Bengal. Then the British were the rulers of this country. At that time the Muslims of Bengal_were very poor. They had lost the spirit of independence. The English were very cruel. They oppressed the poor peasants of Bengal.

Titumir loved his country. He loved the poor people, also. He wanted to fight for freedom. Titumir visited holy Mecca. Returning home, he tried to raise the Islamic spirit in the mind of the sleeping people. He tried to bring unity among them. Within a short time, he had a large number of followers. He decided to raise an army and fight against the English. He built a strong Bamboo Fort.'

The English ruler heard about Titumir. They sent a police force against him. He defeated the police force in a great battle. Then the English ruler sent a regular army from Calcutta. A terrible battle took place outside the Bamboo Fort. Titumir's peasant army could not stand before the English army. They were defeated. Titumir and his followers died for the freedom of their motherland. (200 words).


Shahid Titumir, a national hero, was born in 24 Paragons of undivided Bengal when the British were the rulers. The Muslims of Bengal were oppressed, and Titumir wanted to fight for freedom. After visiting Mecca, he tried to raise the Islamic spirit and bring unity among the people. He built a strong Bamboo Fort and formed an army to fight against the English. He defeated a police force but was ultimately defeated in a terrible battle against the English army from Calcutta. Titumir and his followers died for the freedom of their motherland.


Unseen Comprehension 18

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

To succeed in life we must have some good qualities in us. These are ability, determination, sincerity and willingness to work hard. Any shortcoming of the above virtues will spoil our aims and objects of life. So, to attain success in life we should cultivate the above good qualities in us. Our life is a prolonged test examination. Success in this examination absolutely depends on hard work. By dint of hard work we can overcome all the impediments and hindrances on our way to success. To succeed in life strong determination is of great importance because strong determination inspires us to work hard. Again success in life depends on how we make the best use of our time, energy and money. Time is the most valuable factor in our life. Without making the best use of time, we will not be able to complete our works in our short span of life. Time once lost is lost forever. Energy is the life force behind all endeavours. It is fugitive like time and money. So, when we are in possession of it, we should make the best use of it. Money is another vital factor in achieving success in life. To execute any scheme of life we need money. Today we may have money but the day after tomorrow we may not have it. So, definite planning for using money to attain the cherished goal is highly necessary. Anything contrary to it will lead us to the path of sorrows and sufferings. If we succeed in life, we will be happy. Our parents, relatives and friends will be happy and also feel proud of us.


Success in life requires good qualities such as ability, determination, sincerity, and hard work. Shortcomings in these virtues can hinder one's aims and objectives. Success depends on hard work, strong determination, making the best use of time, energy, and money, and definite planning for using money to achieve one's goals. If successful, one will be happy and make their parents, relatives, and friends proud.

Unseen Comprehension 19

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Newspaper is the people's parliament. The newspaper plays a vital role in modem civilization. It is said to be the mirror of the world. We must have the habit of reading newspaper daily. It helps us acquire general knowledge which is essential for our education. Nobody can keep contact with the outside world without reading newspaper. Mere bookish knowledge is insufficient in the struggle of life. A man who does not read the newspaper daily, is like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of current topics, he can not take part in the talks and discussions .of the enlightened society and it seems like a fish out of water in it. The newspaper is a dainty in a dish of varieties, such as the news of current affairs, trade and commerce, films, games and sports etc. Moreover, the views of scholars on different subjects are discussed. All these have some educative values and we must have the habit of reading newspapers regularly as it is blessing of modem science. But one should bear in mind 1 that sometimes newspapers bear comments of diverse nature and interests by the reporters and critics from various angles. We should not be blindly influenced by these comments but should keep an open mind to the facts and problems.



Newspapers play a crucial role in modern society, acting as a mirror of the world and providing essential general knowledge. Reading the newspaper daily is necessary to keep in touch with the outside world and take part in discussions of the enlightened society. The newspaper covers a variety of topics including current affairs, trade and commerce, films, games, sports, and scholarly views, all of which have educational value. However, readers should be mindful of diverse comments and opinions from reporters and critics and keep an open mind to the facts and problems presented.

Unseen Comprehension 20

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Our earth is a green place where we have been sent to do our specific work. But what are we doing as the best creatures of Almighty? We are blindly running after material wealth. William Wordsworth many years ago said to us about it, "Material wealth is a sordid boon to which we have given our hearts away".

Living in the earth, we are destroying the basic elements of it. As a result, we have been facing the adverse environmental condition with the progress of industrialization. Our climate is changing rapidly. It is undergoing a significant change. The world temperature is increasing. Global warming is caused because the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing. On the other hand, Scientists have reported that the polar ice caps are melting. According to climatologists, greenhouse effect is the main cause of global warming.

In fact, greenhouse effect is the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth being trapped by environmental pollution., This is exemplified by the destruction and burring down tropicah rain forests, by traffic that clogs up city streets, by the rapid growth of industry, the use of chlorofluoro carbon (CFCS) in packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents and so on. The oceans, rivers and watery places are affected because of human waste, industrial waste, oil seeping etc. Marine lives are also destroying for the same cause. We are using fossil fuel (oil, coal) and producing carbon dioxide. Obviously, humans are generating more and more greenhouse gases and destroying animals, plants cruelly. From the prediction of climatologists, we carne to know that midway through the next century, temperatures may have risen by as much as 4 degree centigrade. This could catastrophically reduce mankind's ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage wild life, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas farmland. Bangladesh is a !! victim of global warming because the southern part of the country may go under water.



The passage highlights how humans are destroying the environment and causing adverse climate change due to their pursuit of material wealth. Greenhouse gases from industrialization, use of fossil fuels, deforestation, and pollution are causing global warming and melting of polar ice caps. The destruction of marine life and water pollution is also contributing to environmental degradation. The author warns that if temperatures continue to rise, it could lead to catastrophic consequences such as the destruction of crops, wildlife, and flooding of coastal areas. Bangladesh is cited as a country that could be severely impacted by global warming.

Unseen Comprehension 21

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Bangladesh is often called a land of natural beauties. She is Nature's darling child. On no other country of the world has Nature bestowed so much beauty as on Bangladesh. Her beauties consist in bounty and variety. Bangladesh is a playground of Nature. Her tropical climate brings for her abundance of sunshine, on one hand, and plenty of clouds and rain, on the other hand. There is always the play of light and shade in the land. She enjoys the pleasure of


sunny weather, luxury of cololurs and throws an appeal of an unending ocean of greenery. Her green fields overflowing with golden crops, the spotless blue and cloudy sky, her moonlit and pitchy dark night- all these present scenes romantic charm and beauty. Then come the beauties of the river scenes of Bangladesh. The banks of the rivers present an unbroken view of a variety of sights which enchant the eyes. The grand spectacle of the river on a moonlit night is simply bewitching. In Bangladesh six seasons in their distinctive roles come in procession. In summer, heat is intense but there are gifts of delitious fruits. In the rainy season floods occur but it is the season which is at the root of all verdure and greenery. In autumn, there are the play of hide and seek among the clouds, the blue sky and the enchanting moonlight at night. Last of all, spring presents variety of colours. No one can deny that Bangladesh is a matchless beauty spot in the world.,


The passage describes Bangladesh as a country of natural beauty with its tropical climate, abundance of sunshine, rain and greenery. It is a land of six seasons that bring distinct roles and beauty, from the intense heat of summer and floods during the rainy season to the play of hide and seek among clouds in autumn and the colorful spring. The author mentions the enchanting scenes of the river banks that present a variety of sights and the grand spectacle of the river on a moonlit night. Bangladesh is considered a matchless beauty spot in the world due to its natural bounty and variety

Unseen Comprehension 22

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.


Food adulteration has become a great concern now. Different steps are being taken to prevent food adulteration. Rally, discussions, social movement etc. are being launched to create awareness among the mass people for preventing food adulteration and for saving human lives in building a healthier nation. Very often we can see anti-adulteration campaign in different kinds of media. Government officials, public representatives, representatives of different socio¬cultural, political and professional organizations, N.G.Os, women and -human rights activists, adolescents, civil society members, teachers, students and the elite participate in the rallies and campaigns against food adulteration. People are concerned of the availability of adulterated and chemical poison mixed baby foods, vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, hotel and packed foods, adulterated and date expired life saving medicines and other food stuffs in the local markets. If people consume these adulterated food for a long time, they will certainly suffer from hepatitis, kidney and liver diseases, heart ailments and cardiac failures, paralysis, cancer, pancreas ailments and also from _many other diseases. To prevent food adulteration, the government should strictly implement the consumers right act, conduct frequent anti-adulteration drives, completely ban the selling of adulterated foods mixed with poisonous fonnalin, carbide, DDT and other poisonous chemicals. The government should also ban false advertisements that attract the consumers to purchase adulterated foods. The government should make the concerned authorities active to ensure the desired standard of food. Otherwise, we will face a great health hazard in future.



Food adulteration is a major concern as it poses serious health risks, and to prevent it, various steps are being taken including rallies, discussions, and social movements to create awareness among people. Government officials, NGOs, and various organizations participate in anti-adulteration campaigns. Adulterated foods like baby foods, vegetables, fish, meat, and packed foods can cause various diseases. The government should strictly implement the consumers' right act, conduct frequent anti-adulteration drives, ban selling of adulterated foods, and false advertisements to ensure food standards. Otherwise, it will lead to serious health hazards.

Unseen Comprehension 23

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

May Day or International Workers Day is observed on May 1 all over the world. It commemorates the historic struggle and sacrifice of the working people throughout the world. It is a public holiday and is recognized in most of the countries of the world. All the privileges workers enjoy today a minimum wage, Safety laws and eight hour working day came due to the sacrifice of the workers in 1886. The event of May Day took place on May 3, 1886. When police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McComic Harvesi Machine Company, Chicago who were demanding an eigh hour workday. One striker was killed instantly, wounding five or six others and injuring an undetermined number Before that event, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe and the USA, people in factories had to work lasting up to fourteer or even more hours a day.

The events of May Day 1886 is a reminder that worker will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speal out to gain better working conditions, better pay and belle lives.


May Day is celebrated on May 1 worldwide to commemorate the historic struggle of working people for better working conditions, pay and lives. The event began in 1886 when police fired at workers demanding an eight-hour workday, killing one and injuring many. It is a reminder that workers' exploitation will continue unless they speak out.


Unseen Comprehension 24

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

Patriotism is a noble virtue. It inspires a man to do everything just and fair for the well being and betterment of the country. It is the quality that impels a man to sacrifice his own interest, comfort, pleasure and' even his life for sake of his country. Patriotic zeal makes a man dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. He obeys the law, pays taxes and thinks for the country. Patriotism teaches a man fellow-feelings, fraternity and love and sympathy for the countrymen. A patriot is also praised and honoured by his countrymen. On the other hand, an unpatriotic man is an ignoble person. He is self-centered. He engages all his time in achieving his mean end. He causes harm to the country by his unyielding and reckless activities. enemy to  the liberty and sovereignty of the country: He feels no I scruple to plot against the country. He gets his return in the same way. He may have high titles, immense wealth, high social prestige and noble birth. But despite his worldly achievements, he remains a worthless person. His power and pelf fail to bring him'any glory. Because during his lifetime such a man is never honoured by any body. Rather he is despised because of his perfidy. No minstrel ever sings for him. Such a man dies a double death. During his I lifetime he possesses a dead soul and he remains completely forgotten by the people. This is his first death. Then comes the natural demise. After expiring his body mixes with the vile dust from which it sprang. Nobody remembers him or shows any honour to him. Nobody shed tears for him. He sinks into oblivion.


Patriotism is a virtuous quality that motivates individuals to work for the betterment of their country. It inspires people to make sacrifices and put the country's interests above their own. Patriotic individuals obey the law, pay taxes, and have love and sympathy for their fellow countrymen. They are praised and honored by their fellow citizens. Conversely, unpatriotic individuals are selfish and engage in harmful activities that undermine the country's liberty and sovereignty. Despite their wealth and status, they are despised and forgotten by people. Patriotism, therefore, is a noble quality that brings glory to an individual's life, while a lack of it results in a worthless existence.


Unseen Comprehension 25

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

What is terrorism? Terrorism can be defined as the use of threat or violence. With a view to creating fear or panic in a society, to attacking on dethroning a government and bring about a political change. It is also defined as the use of the

method of terror for achieving political objectives.

Terrorism may be of various kinds. It may be state v terrorism on terrorism by different political parties,organizations, groups on individuals. It may be over on cover.

Nowadays, terrorism has spread out very rapidly throughout the world. The peace of the world is at stake because of terrorism. It generally flourishes in undemocratic societies. The present phase of international terrorism has been the outcome of prolonged oppression and injustices to many communities and even nations by the ruling classes and government in many countries, Some of the terrorist outfits also make use of religion as an ideology to justify violence. Democratic states could solve the problems of terrorism by solving the problems of government and solving problems of the people.

Terrorism is not an ideology or a political agendum. It is a method or instrumentality. The world rejects and condemns all those who use the instrumentalities of terror, whatever their proclaimed ideologies and goals are. The United Nations Declaration of Measures to Eliminate Terrorism Condemns all acts methods and practices of terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable whatever the consideration of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethic, religious or other nature that may be invoked to justify them. The world leaders should do all to curb terrorism and make this world a peaceful abode for mankind.


Terrorism is the use of threat or violence for the purpose of creating fear or panic to achieve political objectives, such as attacking or overthrowing a government. It can be carried out by various entities such as states, political parties, organizations, groups or individuals. Terrorism has spread rapidly throughout the world and poses a threat to global peace. It often arises due to prolonged oppression and injustices in undemocratic societies. Terrorism is not an ideology but a method, and the United Nations condemns all acts of terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable. To combat terrorism, leaders should address the root causes of oppression and injustice to make the world a peaceful place.

Unseen Comprehension 26

Read the passage and write a summary in no more than 90 to 100 words.

The International Mother Language Day has been observed every year since February 2000 to promote cultural diversity and multilingualism. It is a red-letter day in our national history. The date represents the day in 1952 when students from different educational institutions demonstrated for recognition of their language, Bangla, as one of the two national languages of the then Pakistan. They were shot by police in Dhaka near High Court for violating section 144. The streets of Dhaka University were stained with the blood of Barkat, Rafique, Salam, Jobbar and others. The following day strike paralyzed the whole of East Pakistan. At last the Pakistani rulers were compelled to accept Bangla as one of the state languages of Pakistan.

The UNESCO has proclaimed February 21st as the International Mother Language Day to be observed globally in recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs. It is our great achievement. The proposal to recognize 21st February as the International Mother Language Day was put forward for consideration to the general assembly of UNESCO by a Canadian Organization. At first it was rejected as some western countries opposed to this proposal. This proposal has again been put forward for consideration by the Education Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the 30th general assembly of UNESCO in November ' 1999. After a procrastination, the proposal was passed unanimously. However, the recognition of the day as the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO has I upheld our prestige all over the world and we celebrated the recognition nationally on 8th December 1999.


International Mother Language Day is observed every year since February 2000 to promote cultural diversity and multilingualism. This day is significant because it represents the day in 1952 when students in Dhaka demonstrated for recognition of their language, Bangla, as one of the two national languages of Pakistan. This led to a violent clash with the police, and several students were killed. After this incident, Bangla was recognized as one of the state languages of Pakistan. The UNESCO proclaimed February 21st as International Mother Language Day in recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs, and this day is now observed globally.


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