English (Compulsory) Second Paper
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours [ Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]
Part−A: Grammar [60 Marks]
1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and articles (a, an, the & zero article). 0.5 × 10 = 5
Covid-19 is (a) ⎯⎯ infectious diseases which has taken away many lives (b) ⎯⎯ the world. It has created economic crisis (c) ⎯⎯ many countries of the world. Many people have lost their jobs. Many small traders compelled to leave their trades. No doubt, it is a great disaster (d) ⎯⎯ the people of the world. Though the corona virus is very (e) ⎯⎯ deadly, it has created awareness (f) ⎯⎯ mass people. Besides we have learnt many things (g) ⎯⎯ it so far. Earlier, we were indifferent (h) ⎯⎯ some rules of health and hygiene. Due to Covid-19, people of the world have become more conscious regarding the rules of health. Now a days, we try to maintain social distancing. We avoid (i) ⎯⎯ massive gatherings of people. We also have made a good habit (j) ⎯⎯ washing hands several times a day.
2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. 0.5 × 10 = 5
acquire, smooth, on, respective, process, human, place, to, able, without
Language is a way of human communication. And the (a) ⎯⎯ to use any language is called the language skill. All (b) ⎯⎯ beings acquire this skill from their (c) ⎯⎯ environment. That is, human babies begin (d) ⎯⎯ acquire this language skill from just after their birth. If this process continues (e) ⎯⎯ any obstruction, a baby can communicate with the people of the same language (f) ⎯⎯ within 3 to 4 years. During this period, the baby does not need to read or write for (g) ⎯⎯ the language skill. The baby only goes (h) ⎯⎯ listening, speaking, picking up words. This process is called acquisition of language and this acquisition mostly takes (i) ⎯⎯ while learning one’s first language. We acquire the language skill of Bangla in this (j) ⎯⎯. This is why, Bangla is called our first language.
3. Make six sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1 × 6 = 6
(a) Football i. was mainly played i. worldwide by the female players also. (b) Previously it ii. is played ii. in any match in SAFF Women’s Championship-2022. (c) But now a days it iii. defeated iii. a popular game. (d) A few months ago our women’s football team iv. touched iv. by the male players. (e) They v. is v. down at the airport, thousands of excited fans cheered and waved the national flag to welcome them. (f) As soon as the champions vi. were not defeated vi. the Nepalese team by 3-1 goals in the final match and became champion.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 1 × 10 = 10
make, kill, throw, see, ensure, originate, work, live, be, have
Rivers generally (a) ⎯⎯ from a mountain or a lake. They (b) ⎯⎯ very much important for our existence and economy. But unfortunately, we are (c) ⎯⎯ our rivers, choking it with toxic wastes from dyeing and textile factories. Most of the industries (d) ⎯⎯ waste treatment plants. This kind of industries are (e) ⎯⎯ releasing untreated liquid waste directly and (f) ⎯⎯ the water polluted. Our unconscious people also (g) ⎯⎯ different kinds of waste materials into the rivers directly. So, to keep existence of fishes and other species (h) ⎯⎯ in the water is impossible. It is high time the government and the conscious people (i) ⎯⎯ together to save the rivers. Otherwise a happy, prosperous and pollution free environment for the next generation can’t be (j) ⎯⎯.
5. Change the sentences according to directions. 1 × 10 = 10
(a) Jackfruit is one of the largest fruits of Bangladesh. (Use Positive degree)
(b) The fruits is very juicy. (Make an Exclamatory sentence)
(c) It tastes very sweet. (Use Passive voice)
(d) It contains high calories. (Make Negative sentence)
(e) Everyone knows it as our national fruit. (Interrogative)
(f) In summer, this fruit is very available. (Negative)
(g) It is mainly found in the month of Jaishtha. (Use Active voice)
(h) It is not as costly as the mango. (Use Comparative degree)
(i) We should eat the fruit to ensure nutrition. (Make an Imperative sentence)
(j) How beautiful jackfruits look in the trees! (Make Assertive).
6. Complete the sentences. 1 × 5 = 5
(a) “Industry is the key to success”, ⎯⎯.
(b) If you want to shine in life, ⎯⎯.
(c) By working hard, one ⎯⎯.
(d) A hardworking student is sure ⎯⎯.
(e) It is high time for us to ⎯⎯.
7. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5 × 14 = 7
Bangladesh is blessed with many seasons. Winter is one of them. It is the (a) cold of all seasons. It is usually (b) rain. Though ours is a small country, the (c) cold of winter is not (d) equal felt in all regions. In some regions, (e) special in the (f) north districts, people experience (g) bite cold in winter. Nature looks dull and (h) gloom. During night and morning, the whole of nature remains (i) cover with fog and mist. Then the poor suffer (j) great for want of warm clothes. Again in some (k) hill areas there is (l) severe of cold. (m) where in the vast (n) South areas people experience less cold.
8. Make tag questions of these statements. 1 × 7 = 7
(a) SSC Examination is the first public examination in our country, ⎯⎯?
(b) Every student takes the examination seriously, ⎯⎯?
(c) Its result allows one to enter the next level, ⎯⎯?
(d) So, it is not less important than one’s life, ⎯⎯?
(e) A student needs to take a good preparation for it, ⎯⎯?
(f) But one need not worry about the examhall situation, ⎯⎯?
(g) Face the exam boldly, ⎯⎯?
9. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 0.5 × 10 = 5
why are not you going to school said mother to her son he said i am waiting for my friend to come and go to school together
Part−B: Composition [40 Marks]
10. Suppose, you are Nasim Hasan/Nasima Hasna. You have completed your MBA degree and recently you have seen a vacancy advertisement in ‘The Daily Star’ for the post of an Accounts Officer in Jamuna Oil Company Limited. Now, write a CV with a cover letter to the General Manager of the company for the post. 15
11. Suppose, you are Rafi/Rafia, a class 10 students of River View High School, Rajshahi. Your common room facilities are not sufficient to meet up your demand. Now, write a complaint letter to the Headmaster on behalf of the students requesting him to increase common room facilities as soon as possible. 10
12. Write a paragraph about ‘A Winter Morning’. 15
Barishal Board-2023
1. (a) an; (b) around; (c) in; (d) for/to; (e) x; (f) among;
(g) from; (h) to; (i) x; 0) of.
2. (a) ability; (b) human; (c) respective; (d) to; (e) without; (f) smoothly; (g) acquiring; (h) on; (i) place; process.
a+ v + iii) Football is a popular game.
(b + i + iv) Previously it was mainly played by the male players.
(c + ii + i) But nowadays, it is played worldwide by, the female players also.
(d + iii + vi) A few months ago our women's football, team defeated the Nepalese team by 3-1 goals in the final match and became champion.
(e + vi + ii) They were not defeated in any match is SAFF Women's Championship-2022.
(f + iv + v) As soon as the champions touched dow airport, thousands of excited fans cheered and waved the national flag to welcome them.
4. (a) originate; (b) are; (c) killing; (d) don't have; (e). seen; (f) making; (g) throw; (h) living; (i) worked;. 0) ensured.
5. (a) Very few fruits of Bangladesh are as large as J ackfruit.
(b) How juicy the fruit is!
(c) It is very sweet when it is tasted./It is tasted very sweet.
(d) It does not contain low calories.
(e) Who does not know it as our national fruit? (f)' In summer, this fruit is not unavailable/rare at all.
(g.) We/People find it mainly in the month of Jaistha.
(h) Mango is costlier than itAt is cheaper than mango.
(i) Let's eat the fruit to ensure nutrition.
Jackfruits look very beautiful in the trees.
6. a) "Industry is the key to success" is a proverb/ is a wise saying.
b) If we want to build up our career, we have to/must be industrious.
c) By working hard, we can reach our expected destination.
d) A hard working student is sure of doing well in the exam.
e) It is high time for us to become/be industrious.
7. a) coldest; b) rainless; c) coldness; d) equally; e) especially; f) northern; g) biting; h) gloomy; i) covered; j) greatly; k) hilly; 1) severity; m) whereas; n) southern.
8. (a) . SSC Examination is the first public examination in Bangladesh, isn't it?
(b) Every student takes the examination; §eriously, don't they?
(c) Its result allows one to enter the next level, doesn't it?
(d) So, it is not less important in one's life, is it?
(e) A student needs to take a good preparation for it, doesn't he/she?.
(f) But one need not- worry about the. exam hall . situation, need one/they?
(g) .Face the exam boldly, will you/won't you/can't you?
9. "Why are not you going to school?" said mother to her son. He said, "I am waiting for my friend to come and go to school together."
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