SAT Model Test-1
Reading & Writing Module 1: 32 Minutes, 27 Questions
1. According to the United States Department of Labor, the 2021 median pay for veterinarians was approximately $100,000 annually, with the top 10 percent more than $165,000.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) using
B) discovering
C) earning
D) writing
2. Employing slightly subtler brushstrokes than most of his counterparts, the artist focused his labors on capturing the tranquil, shore-side recreations of bourgeois vacationers. Around this time, it was becoming fashionable among the middle class to possess commemorative depictions of the places one had traveled, and he managed to fill this niche masterfully.
As used in the text, what does the word “fashionable” most nearly mean?
A) Tailored
B) Popular
C) Leisurely
D) Economical
3. Although some invasive species do cause tremendous and irreparable damage to their ecosystems, environments are not static; they change, develop, and adapt to transitions, whether these be natural or manmade. We must learn to be more discriminating in our eradication of invasive plants from those areas where they have become an integral part of the greater ecosystem.
As used in the text, what does the word “discriminating” most nearly mean?
A) Biased
B) Intolerant
C) Tasteful
D) Selective
4. Parthenogenesis is not limited to lizards and sharks but is common in insects, crayfish, flatworms, snails, snakes, and even some birds. The exception is mammals. Although parthenogenesis can be artificially induced in a science laboratory, it has never been known to have occurred in mammals naturally.
Which choice best states the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?
A) To transition to a clarification
B) To define an unfamiliar term
C) To give ethical reasoning
D) To analyze an economic impact
5. The text is from Booker T. Washington’s 1901 autobiography.
I was born a slave on a plantation in Franklin County, Virginia. I am not quite sure of the exact place or exact date of my birth, but at any rate I suspect I must have been born somewhere and at some time. As nearly as I have been able to learn, I was born near a cross-roads post-office called Hale’s Ford, and the year was 1858 or 1859. I do not know the month or the day. The earliest impressions I can now recall are of the plantation and the slave quarters—the latter being the part of the plantation where the slaves had their cabins.
Washington’s primary purpose in the text above is most likely
A) to lament his increased senility.
B) to express his identity.
C) to critique his familial relations.
D) to underscore his rootlessness.
6. Though not the first to utilize encryption, Roman emperor Julius Caesar is perhaps the most notable early adopter. A man of many secrets, Caesar would send messages to his generals in which the letters of the alphabet had been shifted a set number of places (A became D, B became E, and so forth). The recipient of the message would be alerted to the cipher in advance and would thus decode the message upon delivery. The Caesar Shift was simplistic by today’s standards, but in an era in which very few could read in the first place, the encryption was effective.
The text most strongly suggests that the encryption used by Julius Caesar was successful in large part due to
A) its mathematical complexity.
B) a lack of widespread literacy at the time.
C) its ancient historical roots.
D) its incapacity to be physically intercepted.
7. Text 1
Many historians find that general trends tend to repeat themselves if you look far enough back through the records of humanity. It truly can be said that there is nothing new under the sun. Perhaps this is simply a function of how long humans have been around, but perhaps it also says something about just how similar all humans are, even across thousands of years.
Text 2
Studying fashion history is a lot like listening to remixes of your favorite songs. As you examine textiles from around the world and through time, you’ll constantly see that most “new”fashions are just old ideas remade. And so, women’s high-waisted shirts from the early 2000s weren’t anything new or different: they were simply 18th-century empire-style gowns remixed for a new generation.
What best describes the relationship between the two texts?
A) Text 2 provides a specific example to illustrate the broad claim made in Text 1.
B) Text 2 presents arguments that are generally opposed to the primary position made in Text 1.
C) Text 1 emphasizes a modern approach to the study of history, whereas Text 2 is more antiquated.
D) Text 1 addresses the major objection to the study of history that is raised by Text 2.
8. FedEx and UPS now provide online tracking of packages for the consumer. It is interesting to log on and see the journey that a purchase has traveled to go from source to destination. Each time an arrival and a departure are scanned, that item must be picked up by an employee, placed on a moving belt to take to a sortation system, and then placed on another vehicle for its next leg in the sojourn. Holiday seasons put these logistics systems to a severe test each year, and companies in the business of logistics are constantly investing in new ways to handle the information and the items as they flow through the pipelines. Billions of dollars have been invested in these types of service industries, and the activity behind the scenes is something to behold.
The author’s attitude toward the process of logistical distribution can best be described as
A) skeptical.
B) positive.
C) neutral.
D) bellicose.
9. The text is from Anatole France’s 1912 novel The Gods Will Have Blood.
Those who make a trade out of foretelling the future rarely grow rich. Their attempts to deceive are too easily found out and arouse detestation. And yet it would be necessary to detest them much, much more if they foretold the future correctly. For a man’s life would become intolerable, if he knew what was going to happen to him. He would be made aware of future evils, and would suffer their agonies in advance, while he would get no joy of present blessings since he would know how they would end. Ignorance is the necessary condition of human happiness, and it must be admitted that on the whole mankind observes that condition well. We are almost entirely ignorant of ourselves, absolutely of others. In ignorance, we find our bliss, in illusions, our happiness.
The main idea conveyed in the above monologue can best be summarized as
A) let bygones be bygones.
B) the truth will set you free.
C) focus on the moment.
D) do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Note: Writing scores range from 0 to 300, and students were surveyed nationwide. Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics
Those who read for fun more often have higher writing scores—in fact, those who read daily for fun outperform those who never or hardly ever read by approximately points on national writing tests.
Which choice most effectively uses data from the chart to complete the example?
A) 10
B) 30
C) 60
D) 120
11. “Mabel Osborne” is a 1915 poem by Edgar Lee Masters in which the narrator expresses her sorrow at being ignored by other people. Which quotation from “Mabel Osborne” most effectively illustrates that claim?
A) “But you do not ask for water. / You cannot speak!”
B) “Everyone knows that you are dying of thirst, / Yet they do not bring water!”
C) “And I, who had happiness to share, / And longed to share your happiness;”
D) “I who loved you, Spoon River, / And craved your love,”
12. Bacteriostatic antibiotics are often prescribed to patients who have an intact immune system that can assist in killing the microorganism causing the infection. Allowing the innate immune system to do some of the work decreases the length of time the patient needs to be on the antibiotic, which can help eliminate some of the unwanted side effects. In contrast, bactericidal drugs are prescribed when the patient may be immunocompromised (i.e., the natural immune system is not functioning properly) and cannot fight off the infection. Depending on the severity and type of infection, a doctor may select a narrow- or broad-spectrum bactericidal drug.
It is reasonable to conclude from the text that a bacteriostatic medicine and a bactericidal medicine would be optimally used on patients in which of the following respective situations?
A) Relatively healthy, relatively ill
B) Generally unhealthy, generally healthy
C) Internally sick, externally sick
D) Physically ill, mentally ill
13. A new approach was required before color photography could emerge as a truly viable artistic and documentary medium. Such an approach was theorized just ten years later. While Hill’s and Becquerel’s labors had emphasized the search for a novel, chameleonic compound to assume any spectral wavelength shown upon it, Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell used as his model the color sensitivity of the human eye.
The text suggests that Maxwell was able to make a scientific breakthrough in photographic technology by shifting his focus from
A) chemistry to biology.
B) anthropology to astronomy.
C) physics to mathematics.
D) artistry to geometry.
14. Halley’s Comet falls into a category called Great Comets, which are those that become bright enough during their passage near Earth to be observed by the naked eye. Predicting whether a comet will be “Great” has proven a challenging task even for the most talented astronomers and astrophysicists. The comet must pass through a relatively small expanse of space near enough to the sun to reflect a large amount of light but remain close enough to Earth for the light to reach and penetrate our atmosphere. Moreover, it is thought that a Great Comet must possess a large and active nucleus, though the exact physics of comet nuclei— which consist of dust, ice, and perhaps particulate minerals—are still poorly understood. Even so, comets meeting these criteria have on occasion failed to achieve “greatness.”
According to the text, which characteristic of a comet is most essential to its being categorized as a “Great Comet”?
A) Whether it has a significant proportion of dust and ice in its core
B) Whether it has an orbital eccentricity greater than zero
C) Whether humans can observe it without a telescope
D) Whether it contributes to meteor activity visible by astronomers
15. Occupational therapists work with many clients on any given day. If routine daily activities occupy schedules, occupational therapists can provide treatments.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) their clients’
B) they’re clients
C) there client’s
D) their clients
16. Among many discoveries, the Voyager 2 spacecraft
volcanic activity— the first time another astronomical body was found to have this Earth-like characteristic.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) found that Io a moon of Jupiter has
B) found that Io, a moon of Jupiter has
C) found that Io, a moon of Jupiter, has
D) found that Io a moon, of Jupiter has
17. A few years ago, a research team at Fermi Lab known as the DZero Collaboration announced observations of matter-antimatter asymmetries on a scale never seen before. Prior to the DZero study, baryon asymmetry and similar CP violations in laboratory settings only in much smaller—and thus, less helpful—orders of magnitude.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) has been observed
B) have been observed
C) had been observed
D) is being observed
18. Tim, while appropriately interested in diagnosing and treating
problems with their teeth and gums, demonstrated real passion for repairing teeth and aiding in cosmetic dental concerns.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) patients
B) patient’s
C) patients’
D) those of patients
19. Allergens, pollution, bacteria, and sunlight—these are just some of the foreign objects that
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) on a basis that is daily are attacking the human body.
B) attacking the bodies of humans on a daily basis.
C) attack the human body on a daily basis.
D) attacks humans each and every day.
20. Additionally, there is a boat passing a calm sea, which is an ancient depiction symbolizing the passage of life to death.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) to
B) over
C) and journeying throughout
D) sequencing
21. Not long after the Pinkertons surrendered, Pennsylvania governor Robert Pattison authorized the militia to advance and placed the town of Homestead under martial law. In the days that followed, steel production at the plant resumed, with strikebreakers living on the too dangerous for them to cross the picket.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) mills grounds: it was still
B) mills’ grounds—it was still
C) mill’s grounds, it was still
D) mill’s grounds; it was still
22. Sociologically, sports unite us far more than they divide us. Take,
Americans and football. Regardless of where you’re from, what you believe, or what team you like, when it’s football season you can connect with other people, even strangers, through this unifying agent.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) though,
B) on the other hand,
C) still,
D) for example,
23. In addition to improving one’s intellectual abilities, the habit of reading has an occupational and financial payoff. Sixty-three percent of employers rate reading comprehension as being very important. There is a strong correlation between poor reading skills and unemployment, lower wages, and fewer opportunities for advancement.
The author is considering removing the underlined sentence from the text. Should it be kept or removed?
A) Kept, because it provides specific details in support of the previous sentence.
B) Kept, because it elaborates on salary details that result from avid reading.
C) Removed, because it repeats information already expressed in the passage.
D) Removed, because it provides far more detail than necessary to make the argument.
24. While researching a topic, a student has made the following notes:
• The Heliocentric Model has the Earth and other planets revolving around the sun.
• Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was a proponent of the Heliocentric Model.
• The Geocentric Model has the sun and other planetary bodies revolving around the Earth.
• Ancient Greek philosopher Ptolemy was a proponent of the Geocentric Model.
• The Heliocentric Model eventually became dominant after Copernicus demonstrated that it better utilized mathematics to explain astronomical observations.
The student wants to emphasize a similarity between the Heliocentric and Geocentric theories. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information to accomplish this goal?
A) The Heliocentric and Geocentric models are both widely accepted by scientists today.
B) Both the Heliocentric and Geocentric models incorporate rotational movement.
C) The Geocentric and Heliocentric models were both widely known by the citizens of ancient Greece.
D) Aristotle and Copernicus were both eminent scientists who lived in ancient Greece.
25. Birth order isn’t a one-size-fits-all theory; there are many loopholes and exceptions. People can change, if they want to, through hard work.
it can be helpful to understand the factors that influence personalities, and birth order helps a little.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) Nevertheless,
B) As a result,
C) Due to this,
D) Continuing,
26. That entire summer, I pounded baseballs. Swing and ping, swing and ping, swing, and ping— the interminable blunt- force trauma of tens of thousands of baseballs had misshapen my Louisville Slugger into something resembling more of a deformed soda can.
Which of the following completes the text with the most specific expression of the great extent to which the narrator played and practiced baseball that summer?
A) sixty games and ninety batting practice sessions later,
B) after quite a few games and extensive time working in the practice area,
C) spending nearly ten times as much time playing and practicing as would be expected,
D) trying my hardest to bat a .325 average,
27. If the United States were to shift to a majority vote system, the way presidential candidates campaign for office would fundamentally change. Right now, candidates have little reason to bother campaigning in states that typically go strongly for one political party. There is little logic in a
Republican trying to win New York, or a Democrat trying to win Texas. Instead, candidates focus their energies on “swing states,” like Florida and Ohio, that are relatively balanced along party lines. Floridians and Ohioans currently receive far more candidate visits and attention than New Yorkers or Texans. This would ensure that all U.S. citizens have an equal voice not just in theory but in reality.
Which sentence, if inserted in the underlined portion, would best strengthen the argument of the paragraph by transitioning between the previous and the following sentences?
A) Ohio has a smaller population relative to Texas, although Ohio does have a greater population density than Texas.
B) If the Electoral College were abolished in favor of a majority vote system, candidates would have a much stronger incentive to campaign nationwide.
C) It is inherently unjust that candidates want to spend their time campaigning in places where they will inevitably emerge victorious while ignoring states with undecided voters.
D) Nationwide polls indicate that the average voters in states from high to low electoral college representation uniformly agree that the time has come for a seismic shift in the political landscape.
Reading & Writing Module 2: 32 Minutes, 27 Questions
1. The Citizeness Gamelin put the soup on the table, said the Benedicite, seated her son and her guest, and began to eat standing up, declining the chair which Brotteaux offered her next to him, since, she said, she knew what courtesy required of her.
As used in the text, what does the word “declining” most nearly mean?
A) Repulsing
B) Decreasing
C) Turning down
D) Plummeting
2. The stove and the oven remain to this day our most-used cooking technologies, and innovations in the field of heating elements have frequently ameliorated the mechanism without much change to the principal design. The commercialization of natural gas in late 19thcentury England eventually gave cooks the ability to precisely their cooking flame, as well as the convenience of instantaneous ignition. To this day, gas ranges are preferred by many professional chefs.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) Annihilate
B) Satisfy
C) Craft
D) Manipulate
3. The following text is from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1852 novel The Blithedale Romance.
“Nothing,” answered I; “nothing, that I know of, unless to make pretty verses, and play a part, with Zenobia and the rest of the amateurs, in our pastoral. It seems but an unsubstantial sort of business, as viewed through a mist of fever. But, dear Hollingsworth, your own vocation is evidently to be a priest, and to spend your days and nights in helping your fellow-creatures to draw peaceful dying breaths.”
As used in the text, what does the word “draw” most nearly mean?
A) Inhale
B) Provoke
C) Infer
D) Sketch
4. The following text is from Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel The Jungle.
The work which Jurgis was to do here was very simple, and it took him but a few minutes to learn it. He was provided with a stiff besom, such as is used by street sweepers, and it was his place to follow down the line the man who drew out the smoking entrails from the carcass of the steer; this mass was to be swept into a trap, which was then closed, so that no one might slip into it.
Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?
A) To analyze a character’s motivations
B) To evaluate social conditions in the present-day United States
C) To describe a character’s professional tasks
D) To consider a likely objection by the reader
5. Spanning more than 1,500 miles, the border between Canada and the United States has been called the longest undefended international boundary in the world. This is true to some extent, in that neither the United States nor Canada maintains a military presence at the border. But as anyone who has crossed from one side of Niagara Falls to the other knows, civilian law enforcement is present and accounted for at checkpoints on both sides of the boundary, where entrants are monitored and customs laws administered. Partly because of our cultural similarities and partly because of the remarkable amiability of our diplomatic relations over the past 150 years, it can sometimes seem almost as though the distinction between Canada and the United States is more of policy than of practice.
Which choice best states the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?
A) To analyze the economic consequences of international borders on global commerce
B) To explain the details of the security screenings that people who cross the U.S.-Canadian border must undergo
C) To give evidence of the continual border hostility that the United States and Canada have had since the war of 1812
D) To clarify that although the United States and Canada have friendly relations, they are still clearly two different countries
6. Ernest Hemingway speaks of the artistry of another culture’s profanity with admiration in his celebrated novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls, wherein the narrator bears witness as obscenities and insults build to a high formalism and eventually collapse upon themselves, leaving the profanities implied rather than stated.
The phenomenon described in the text is most like
A) an aqueduct that is constructed in ancient times only to crumble as the centuries pass.
B) the development of architectural technology enabling ever higher construction.
C) the prohibition of subversive political meetings by an authoritarian dictator.
D) the evolution of painting from realistic portraiture to abstract expressionism.
7. Text 1 and Text 2 are adapted from different sections of the 1949 Geneva Conventions.
Text 1
In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.
Text 2
Prisoners of war are in the hands of the enemy Power, but not of the individuals or military units who have captured them. Irrespective of the individual responsibilities that may exist, the Detaining Power is responsible for the treatment given them.
The tones of both Text 1 and Text 2 can best be described as
A) casual and relaxed.
B) analytical and indecisive.
C) formal and authoritative.
D) melancholy and spontaneous.
8. Text 1
Melaleuca trees were brought to the Florida Everglades from Australia; developers thought these trees would help dry up vast swampy areas, enabling residential and commercial construction. Unfortunately, the trees spread widely and covered up large swaths of the Everglades, displacing native plants. Florida has had to spend a great deal of money to remove these invasive trees.
Text 2
Though common protocol would dictate that an invasive species like honeysuckle be removed from areas where it becomes dominant, these new findings demonstrate that such action would likely strike a significant blow to native bird populations. What’s more, areas that today are abundant in honeysuckle typically host 30 to 40 percent more birds than these same regions did thirty years ago, indicating a long-term change for the better.
The author of Text 2 would most likely agree with which statement about Text 1?
A) While invasive species may cause damage, not all invasive species should be considered harmful.
B) Melaleuca trees demonstrate the importance of uniformly removing invasive species from the environment.
C) Honeysuckle plants and melaleuca plants show the need for a consistent approach to invasive species management.
D) So long as invasive plants are not transported across oceans, they are unlikely to be harmful.
9. The text is from Benjamin Franklin’s 1771 autobiography.
Having emerged from the poverty and obscurity in which I was born and bred, to a state of affluence and some degree of reputation in the world, and having gone so far through life with a considerable share of felicity, the conducing means I made use of, which with the blessing of God so well succeeded, my posterity may like to know, as they may find some of them suitable to their own situations, and therefore fit to be imitated.
That felicity, when I reflected on it, has induced me sometimes to say, that were it offered to my choice, I should have no objection to a repetition of the same life from its beginning, only asking the advantages authors have in a second edition to correct some faults of the first.
It is reasonable to conclude from the text that Franklin’s personal financial situation
A) was as strong later in his life as it was when he was young.
B) worsened as he advanced in years.
C) had a random pattern of booms and busts over his life.
D) improved greatly over his lifetime.
10. In the sense of Ferdinand Saussure’s theory of semiotics, one might suggest that the use of literal profanity—as opposed to figurative, which only possesses social sway based on its proximity to the literal—garners part of its power by being the closest available union of signifier and signified in subjects that, as a culture, we tend to avoid in polite and formal conversations. That is, the word is rude, because the thing itself—in a general context—is also considered rude.
One can reasonably conclude that Ferdinand Saussure believes that a major factor that gives profanity its power is
A) the real-life things it represents.
B) its representation of conflict between symbolism and clarity.
C) the rarity with which its ideas are encountered.
D) its use by the socially dominant classes.
The Galapagos Islands have been isolated from human habitation until relatively recently.
A scientist makes this statement: “Take a walk through the woods almost anywhere in the temperate U.S. and you’ll probably come across clusters of honeysuckle, dandelions, bobbing water lilies and dense patches of ivy.
Despite their pervasiveness, none of these plants developed here naturally, but were introduced by human activity.”
Based on the quotation and the statement, what would the scientist say would be the most likely consequence of tourism with respect to invasive plants in the Galapagos between 1980 and 2010?
A) Due to an increase in humanity’s awareness of the Galapagos, it is more likely that a desire for environmental stewardship of the islands will grow.
B) Due to an increase in economic activity as a result of tourism, the inhabitants of the Galapagos will have more money with which to combat unwanted plant species.
C) Due to an increase in human contact, it is more likely that nonnative organisms will be introduced by accident.
D) Due to an increase in hotel construction as a consequence of tourism, intentional cultivation of invasive species will grow.
12. A historian argues that the primary advantage of the Fraktur variety of blackletter font was that it balanced elegance with functionalism. Which quotation from the historian’s essay most effectively illustrates this claim?
A) Though far less calligraphic than textualis, Fraktur is nonetheless more intricate than Schwabacher, and combines the soft readability of the latter with the bold regality of the former.
B) Antiqua’s subversion of blackletter began gradually, appearing primarily in scientific texts (which valued readability over appearance).
C) By far the most familiar blackletter style, Fraktur originated at the end of the 15th century through a commission of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I.
D) The revolutionary scale of his innovation firmly established blackletter
—particularly the Schwabacher and Fraktur varieties—as the preferred script for printed texts throughout Europe.
13. They are a common fixture in household kitchens across the United States, but remarkably few of us who use them have any real idea of how our microwave ovens work. Contrary to most other food-heating appliances
—the toaster, the convection oven, and the stove, for instance— the microwave itself has no internal heating element: flame, coil, or otherwise. Instead, the microwave oven uses the principle of dipole rotation to
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) create a healthy alternative to highly processed foods
B) give consumers an affordable alternative to restaurant meals
C) generate heat from the molecules within the food itself
D) provide structural support to the walls of the appliance
14. Asymmetric encryption relies on multiple advanced mathematical computations like discrete logarithms or the multiplication of 100-digit prime numbers. The specific mathematical details are far too complex for our purposes here, but the important concept is that asymmetric encryption functions by both a public key (shared to the world) and a private key (known only to the owner).
It can be reasonably concluded that the intended audience for the text is
A) historical scholars.
B) mathematicians.
C) a general audience.
D) code-breakers.
15. The following text is from Kate Chopin’s 1899 novel The Awakening.
After Mrs. Pontellier had danced twice with her husband, once with Robert, and once with Monsieur Ratignolle, who was thin and tall and swayed like a reed in the wind when he danced, she went out on the gallery and seated herself on the low windowsill, where she commanded a view of all that went on in the hall and could look out toward the Gulf. There was a soft effulgence in the east. The moon was coming up, and its mystic shimmer was casting a million lights across the distant, restless water.
“Would you like to hear Mademoiselle Reisz play?” asked Robert, coming out on the porch where she was. Of course Edna would like to hear Mademoiselle Reisz play; but she feared it would be useless to entreat her.
Edna’s initial response to the possibility of hearing Mademoiselle Reisz play indicates that Edna is
A) wholly apathetic.
B) eager, but doubtful that Reisz would oblige.
C) repulsed by the suggestion.
D) disinterested, as she is currently occupied by something else.
16. My German host mom spoke English for eight months before I convinced her to switch to German.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) to me
B) at me
C) to I
D) at I
17. The innate immune system of two major barriers: the skin and the natural flora (i.e., naturally occurring bacteria).
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) consist
B) consists
C) consisting
D) to consist
18. He understood firsthand how being ashamed of your dental health can
your whole demeanor.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) effect
B) effects
C) affects
D) affect
19. Reading also stimulates the consider what it would have been like to be at some historical event, or to form a picture of what one could accomplish in life.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) imagination to identify with a hero in a story, to
B) imagination: to identify with a hero in a story, to
C) imagination; to identify with a hero in a story, to
D) imagination, to identify with a hero in a story to
20. I don’t think anyone would call me a world traveler. I have only been overseas twice. Everywhere I have traveled there a trend—the ever-present difficulty of learning the new language.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) has been
B) have been
C) will have been
D) be
21. From the parental conflicts on a little-league team international exchanges from a World Cup, sports and sociology go hand in hand.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) to
B) when
C) from
D) in
22. Now, more than ever, science is beginning to understand the deleterious effects of prolonged stress, .
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) including—but far from limited to, hypertension, obesity, and heart disease
B) including—but far from limited to hypertension, obesity, and heart disease
C) including—but far from limited to; hypertension, obesity, and heart disease
D) including—but far from limited to—hypertension, obesity, and heart disease
23. Firstborn children are leaders. They spend their early years getting lots of attention from their parents, and then they grow up being responsible for their younger siblings. These are the people who are perfectionists.
The author is considering removing the underlined portion of the sentence. Should it be kept or removed?
A) Kept, because it gives statistical evidence.
B) Kept, because it provides a helpful elaboration.
C) Removed, because it is irrelevant to the topic of the sentence.
D) Removed, because it interrupts the author’s line of reasoning.
24. Reading is an enriching activity well worth making part of one’s regular habits. Starting from an early age, children who read for pleasure encounter many new words and concepts that expand their minds. images are frequently used in society today, words, unlike images, require using one’s mind to understand them, ponder their meaning, and consider whether they are communicating something true or false.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) Although
B) Since
C) Because
D) In addition,
25. While researching a topic, a student has made the following notes:
• Miles Davis was a famous jazz musician who was born in 1926 in Illinois and died in 1991 in California.
• Davis studied for a time at the Julliard School, a music conservatory in New York City.
• Davis is best known for his trumpet playing.
• Louis Armstrong was also a famous jazz musician, who was born in 1901 in Louisiana and died in 1971 in New York.
• Armstrong learned much of his musical skill, including reading music, by playing on riverboats.
• Armstrong is well known for both trumpet playing and vocal skill.
The student wants to emphasize a difference between the two musicians. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information to accomplish this goal?
A) Davis and Armstrong both were excellent trumpet players.
B) Davis and Armstrong were both born in the United States.
C) Armstrong’s education was less formal than Davis’s.
D) Davis was born several years earlier than Armstrong.
26. We must ask ourselves as a society, what is it that we most value?
If the former, we should shift away from an obsession with manned space flight and invest resources in robotic exploration.
Which choice, inserted in the underlined portion, would best connect the preceding and following sentences?
A) Do we seek out knowledge and wisdom, or are we only concerned with chest-thumping and braggadocio?
B) Are we interested in exploring the moon, nearby planets, and even faraway star systems?
C) Do we only want to save money so that we can use it for domestic research programs to fight disease here on earth?
D) Are we focused on making the world a better place for our children, or do we want to leave them a legacy of environmental devastation?
27. At odds with the Standard Model of physics, collision and radiation studies of antimatter have consistently confounded scientists’ efforts to reconcile the baryon asymmetry, and the known universe appears to be dominated by up to 0.01 times more matter than antimatter.
such a discrepancy could soon prove to be a silver bullet for both the Standard Model and General Relativity, whose tenets are entrenched in our understanding of everything from the interaction of subatomic particles to the Big Bang Theory of cosmology.
Which insertion for the underlined portion provides the most logical connection between the previous sentence and the current sentence?
A) Since this is such an influential quantity,
B) Though it may initially seem insignificant,
C) Given the paucity of scientific consensus,
D) Assuming that scientists are willing to disregard their instrumentation,
Reading and Writing Answer
Practice Test Solutions
Reading Module 1 Solutions
1. C. The sentence is providing statistics on how much money veterinarians can make, so earning is the most appropriate word. The other options do not describe how much someone’s salary would be.
2. B. “Fashionable” refers to the popularity of travelers placing paintings of their travel destinations in their homes. “Tailored” implies a level of customization that is not present in these works, “leisurely” refers more to the scenes of the paintings, and “economical” could apply to the practice of saving money by using more general scenes than customized ones; but the focus in these lines is on the increased interest in this practice.
3. D. Although “discriminating” typically has a negative connotation that people associate with prejudice, in this context, the author is asserting that we need to be more careful and “selective” in deciding which invasive plants we keep and which ones we exterminate. Choices A and B can apply to discriminating in other contexts, and Choice C would only apply to being “discriminating” when it comes to the quality of art, food, music, etc.
4. A. The first part of the text makes a broad statement of parthenogenesis. The underlined sentence outlines an important exception to this, mammals, and transitions into a clarification about how parthenogenesis does not occur naturally in mammals. It is not B, because this short sentence does not give a definition. It is not C or D, because the focus is on science, not ethics and economics.
5. D. The vocabulary of the choices is perhaps the most difficult part of this question. “To underscore his rootlessness” is another way of saying to emphasize the uncertainty of his background. Choice D is the correct answer, as Washington is emphasizing that he really has very little idea about how he came into this world. Washington is not complaining about his dementia, as in Choice A, and Choice B is flawed in that he is uncertain of his “identity.” Choice C is flawed in that Washington is not critical of his family; rather, he is critical of the system of slavery that led to the instability/absence of his familial relations.
6. B. The text states that “The Caesar Shift was simplistic by today’s standards, but in an era in which very few could read in the first place, the encryption was effective.” So, because the ability to read (i.e., literacy) was not widespread, this encryption method was effective. There is no indication that the cipher was mathematically complex, making Choice A incorrect. While it had ancient historical roots from centuries before the present day, the author does not indicate that this had a direct influence on its effectiveness, making Choice C incorrect. Finally, Choice D is incorrect because the text implies that even with physical interception, the messages would still be safe because of the lack of literacy.
7. A. Text 1 makes a broad claim about history tending to repeat itself, and text 2 uses the specific example of fashion history to make this point. It is not B, because the arguments are not opposed to one another. It is not C, because while Text 2 refers to older events, its approach is not necessarily antiquated. It is not D, because Text 2 does not raise an objection.
8. B. The author mentions that logistics are “interesting” and that the process is “something to behold.” Overall, the author’s tone is therefore warm. She is appreciative and has a “positive” opinion of the concept, as seen in Choice B. The author is not “skeptical:” she does not have doubts about logistics. It is not Choice C, as the author does take an opinion on the matter. “Bellicose” means warlike. Choice D, then, is not a viable option.
9. C. The narrator discusses the futility of spending time trying to predict the future. Additionally, he discusses how knowing the future would take away one’s enjoyment in the present. Hence, he would advise people to “focus on the moment.” Choice A means to be forgiving, Choice B advocates seeking knowledge, and choice D advocates reciprocal kindness.
10. B. Analyze the chart for this question. We are comparing the writing scores of those who read for fun “almost daily” with the scores of those who read “never or hardly ever.” The difference in points between these two groups is approximately 30.
11. B. This quotation most directly illustrates the sorrow at being ignored by other people, since even though the narrator is dying of thirst, no one brings her water. The other options do not effectively show the sorrow at being ignored by other people.
12. A. The text states that “bacteriostatic antibiotics are often prescribed to patients who have an intact immune system.” If a person’s immune system is intact, it is fair to assume that that person is “relatively healthy,” as described in Choice A. Choices B, C, and D all state that bacteriostatic antibiotics are used on people in various states of poor health, which is not the case.
13. A. The text reports how Hill’s and Becquerel’s chemistry-based approach toward color photography was not as promising, while reporting that Maxwell was able to make progress by focusing biologically on how the human eye perceives colors. The other options do not accurately describe this transition.
14. C. The text defines a Great Comet as one that is bright enough to be observed by people on Earth with the naked eye. While the other options may be attributes of a Great Comet, they are not necessary ones.
15. A. Their shows possession by the occupational therapists, and clients’ shows that the time belongs to the plural “clients”. They’re is the same as “they are,” and there refers to a place.
16. C. The commas correctly surround the clarification of what Io is. This is known as an “appositive,” which is when an interchangeable name for what comes before is surrounded with commas. For example: “My oldest daughter, the Prime Minster, is well respected.” The other options do not provide sufficient pauses.
17. C. This is an event that takes place prior to another event in the past, so “had” is needed. Choices A and B are in the past perfect tense, and choice D is in the present tense.
18. C. A possessive is required that will express the idea of the problems of patients, where patients is plural. Choice A isn’t possessive. Choice D incorrectly uses both “those of” and “problems,” which are illogical when combined. Choice B incorrectly expresses the problems of one patient. Choice C is the best answer.
19. C. The subject is “foreign objects” which is a plural noun that requires a plural verb. Eliminate Choice A, as “basis that is daily” is an awkward way of saying daily basis. Eliminate Choice D for having a singular verb, “attacks.” Eliminate Choice B, as “that attacking” is inappropriate; “that attack,” as seen in Choice C, is preferable.
20. B. A boat would be best described as passing “over” the sea, since it would travel along the sea’s surface. One would not pass “to” or “sequence” the sea, making A and D incorrect. And C is too wordy.
21. D. The mill is singular, and it possesses the grounds. Also, we need to have a clear separation between the two complete sentences, which the semicolon, but not a comma, can provide. Choice A provides no possession,
Choice B would be for plural mills, and choice C would cause a comma splice.
22. D. “Take, for example, . . .” or “take, for instance, . . .” are common English phrases. Moreover, Americans and football function as an example of how sports can “unite us far more than they divide us.” Either of these two thought processes would have led you to the correct answer, Choice D.
23. A. The underlined sentence directly builds on the claim in the previous sentence by using specific numerical evidence. Thus, it must be “kept, because it provides specific details in support of the previous sentence.” Deleting it sacrifices helpful information. It has nothing to do with “salary details.”
24. B. Both the Geocentric and Heliocentric models involve “revolving” of astronomical bodies, meaning they both incorporate rotational movement. It is not A, because the notes indicate that the Heliocentric theory became dominant. It is not C, because there is no evidence in the notes to suggest that citizens in ancient Greece widely knew these theories. It is not D, because the nationality of Copernicus is not mentioned in the notes.
25. A. It really is best to read this sentence along with the previous two sentences. This sentence contrasts with the previous idea of the paragraph that “birth order isn’t a one-size-fits-all theory.” Essentially, this sentence says, That may be true, but it is still useful. The best substitute for but is “nevertheless.” The other three choices fail to provide the contrasting relationship that the sentence requires.
26. A. The important part of the question stem regards specificity about how much baseball the narrator played. Choice A quantifies the amount of baseball played, which makes it the most specific option. Neither Choice B nor Choice C tells exactly how much baseball the narrator played, which contrasts with the requirement for specificity. Choice D is irrelevant to the question’s requirements.
27. B. The previous sentence explains that voters in swing states receive far more attention than voters in states that are more uniformly one party. Choice B would therefore connect to the concluding sentence that points out that a majority-vote system would ensure that voters everywhere would have an equal say. Choice A focuses on irrelevant population density, choice C describes the opposite of what is done, and choice D does not provide a logical transition from the previous.
Reading Module 2 Solutions
1. C. Gamelin politely refuses to sit in the chair that is offered to her, so she is best described as “turning down” the chair. “Repulsing” is too negative, and “decreasing” and “plummeting” generally relate to amounts of things.
2. D. The idea expressed here is that natural gas gave cooks the ability to “control” or “manipulate” their cooking flames. It is not A, because to “annihilate” is to “destroy” something. It is not B or C, because “satisfy” and “craft” do not mean “control.”
3. A. The sentence refers to drawing breaths, so “inhale” is the best choice. Breathing is not directly associated with provoking, inferring, or sketching.
4. C. The text describes Jurgis’s job description. These lines “describe a character’s professional tasks.” We see nothing of personal motivation, as in Choice A. The selection is from over a century ago, making Choice B incorrect. These lines have nothing to do with the objection of the reader, as seen in Choice D.
5. D. The sentences prior to this indicate that there is not much of a border between the United States and Canada, given how undefended it is. These lines clarify that the two countries are, in fact, very much independent of one another. Choice A would require more information about other countries’ borders to provide such an analysis. Choice B is incorrect because there is no detail provided about the security screening process. And choice C is incorrect because the essay does not support the idea that there has been continued border hostility between the two countries since the War of 1812.
6. D. The text refers to a process in which words become less and less literal. The evolution of painting from realism to abstraction would be a similar shift away from literal or obvious meaning to a meaning that is implied. Choice A is about gradual decay of human constructions due to time, choice B is about the development of technology, and choice C is about stopping free expression.
7. C. The text is an excerpt from an official legal document. Its tone is “formal” and business-like, as the matter at hand is of such gravity. It is also “authoritative”: the text is mandating that the international community must follow these new guidelines. Choice A is the opposite of the actual tone, which is formal instead of relaxed. Choice B is flawed in that there is nothing indecisive about the document; it is saying this is how it will be going forward, and that’s the end of the discussion. “Melancholy” implies a sadness that the document lacks, and “spontaneous” makes it sound as if these decisions were made hastily and on the spur of the moment, whereas the reality was probably that these statutes were formulated over intense and lengthy deliberation. Eliminate Choice D accordingly.
8. A. Text 2 presents evidence showing that an invasive plant, honeysuckle, can have a positive impact on the environment; this goes against the general suggestion about the negative impact of invasive plants from Text 1. It is not Choice B or C, because Text 2 does not suggest a consistent approach to the treatment of invasive plants. It is not Choice D, because the texts do not detail transportation recommendations about invasive plants.
9. D. In the beginning of the text, Franklin describes being born into poverty and then achieving affluence. He entered the world poor but obtained wealth through his endeavors. This is most consistent with Choice
D. Choices B and C imply at least some sort of financial hardship in adulthood, which was not the case. Choice A is flawed in that Franklin was not born wealthy.
10. A. This is best seen when the author clarifies that “the word is rude, because the thing itself. . . is also considered rude.” In other words, profane words derive much of their power by standing for profane things. It is not B, because there is not conflict between these ideas discussed. And it is not
C or D, because profane ideas are encountered frequently by a variety of social classes.
11. C. The text indicates that some nonnative plants are introduced to new environments through human contact. With an increase in human visitation, the Galapagos Islands will likely experience more accidental introduction of plants. It is not A, because the text does not suggest that an increase in human interaction leads to an overall improvement in conservation efforts. It is not B, because there is no information to support the notion that an increase in tourism will result in enough money to outweigh the negative consequences of increased human activity. And it is not D, because the text does not support the notion that humans will consistently seek to purposefully introduce invasive species to new environments.
12. A. This option shows “elegance” by stating that Fraktur is “intricate” and has “regality;” it also shows functionalism by mentioning “readability.” It is not B, C, or D, because these choices focus on the timeline of the font’s development.
13. C. The text indicates that microwaves are different from other food- heating appliances because they do not have an internal heating element. Stating that the microwave generates heat from the molecules in the food would logically complete this text, showing how microwaves can successfully heat food without having an internal heating element. The other options do not focus on the heating of food.
14. C. The excerpt states that “the specific mathematical details are far too complex for our purposes here,” which most strongly suggests that this text is intended for a general audience, since specific background knowledge is not required. Choices A, B, and D all would necessitate a much more sophisticated explanation to satisfy the intellectual needs of these groups.
15. B. In the second paragraph, the following interaction occurs: “‘Would you like to hear Mademoiselle Reisz play?’ asked Robert, coming out on the porch where she was. Of course Edna would like to hear Mademoiselle Reisz play; but she feared it would be useless to entreat her.” Edna, then, is “eager, but doubtful that Reisz would oblige” by playing for her, as Choice B indicates. Choices A and C are too extreme, and Choice D conveys emotional neutrality, which is not supported by the text.
16. A. The first decision is whether it is more appropriate to “speak to” someone or to “speak at” someone. As the first option is more effectively used, eliminate Choices B and D. Evaluate Choices A and C; it is more appropriate to “speak to me” (as the one spoken to is an indirect object) than it is to “speak to I.” Choice A is the correct answer.
17. B. The subject is “system,” a singular subject requiring a singular verb of “consists.” Eliminate Choice A for using a plural verb. Eliminate Choice C, which uses a gerund, ultimately leading to a sentence fragment. Choice D uses an infinitive verb, and conjugation is required for a full sentence.
18. D. After the verb “can,” an infinitive verb is required. Eliminate Choices B and C because they are conjugated verbs. “Effect” is rarely used as a verb, but when it is, it means to bring about. “Affect” means to influence. The sentence is much more logical with influence, so “affect” is the correct answer.
19. B. The independent clause is “Reading also stimulates the imagination.” The sentence best functions by using a colon and then listing the various ways it stimulates the imagination. Choice B does this perfectly. Choice A is a run-on sentence. Choice C incorrectly uses a semicolon; there must be a full sentence on both sides of the semicolon, but there isn’t a full sentence after the semicolon here. Choice D incorrectly attaches a list to the independent clause.
20. A. The subject and verb must agree. In this case, the subject is “trend,” which is a singular noun that will require a corresponding verb. Eliminate Choices B and D for being plural verbs. Choice C incorrectly uses future perfect tense, whereas present is the desired tense. “There has been a trend” is the best answer.
21. A. A common linguistic pattern in English is “from (something or somewhere) . . . to (something else or somewhere else).” Unfortunately, there is no rule behind this per se. It is simply one of the many instances where familiarity with the pattern from common practice is a prerequisite. Choice A is the correct answer.
22. D. “But far from limited to” is a parenthetical phrase; remove it and the sentence still functions effectively. Parenthetical phrases can be surrounded with two commas or two dashes. Choice A is close, but it breaks parallelism by using a dash and then a comma instead of the same punctuation mark twice, as required.
23. B. Ultimately, if we were to delete the underlined portion, we would be removing information that was both relevant and productive. It provides a “helpful elaboration” in this sentence, and it contributes informative value to the text. Choice B is the correct answer.
24. A. A contrasting transition is required here. Essentially, the sentence is images are used often in society, but words require more cognitive processing. “Although” is the only option to achieve that contrast. Choices B and C express cause and effect, while Choice D is acceptable when the text is listing multiple things along the same thought process.
25. C. Armstrong learned on riverboats, while Davis attended Julliard, a music conservatory. Therefore, Davis had a more formal education than did Armstrong. It is not A or B, because these are both similarities. It is not D. because Davis was born later than Armstrong.
26. A. The following sentence particularly clarifies which choice makes the most sense, since the “former” would be referring to “knowledge and wisdom”—a sensible rationale for changing to robotic exploration, since such exploration would increase our knowledge but wouldn’t give humans bragging rights as the first to land on another planet. Choices B and C only present one option instead of two, and choice D does not give an option that is the focus of the context that follows.
27. B. The numerical amount of 0.01 times does not initially seem like a very large number, so choice B gives a helpful introductory connection in the current sentence. Choice A would state that this is a larger quantity than it is; Choice C is incorrect because “paucity” means “a lack of,” which would contradict the well-founded scientific observations mentioned; and Choice D would involve scientists ignoring their observations.