Report on anti-tobacco seminar
Staff Reporter, Dhaka, July 5, 2018: No more Tobacco: a social organisation, held a seminar on smoking and its bad effects on public health, at Engineer’s Institute in Dhaka yesterday. The seminar was arranged as part of various programmes marking the Anti-tobacco Day to be observed tomorrow. Noted personalities from different non-government organisations (NGOS) spoke at the seminar highlighting the dangerous effects of smoking. “If we want to make our country happy and prosperous, it is prerequisite to make its people free from tobacco.” they said. They pointed out, “A person, who smokes, not only harms himself but also harms the people he keeps company with.” The speakers stressed on the need for creating mass awareness among the people about the curse of smoking. They also urged the government to take effective measures against the use of tobacco to save the people from this evil.
Use the following information to write a short report about an armed robbery in a train.
Date Place Time Vehicle Results : 10.11.2021
: Between Laksam - Comilla
: 10 p.m.
: Local train
: Purse containing Tk. 50,000 from a business man and wrist watches
and ornaments from female passengers were snatched.