Pronoun Reference Worksheet-5.0
HSC Examination -2019 all board questions
Pronoun Reference Board Question Worksheet-5.0
Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary, rewrite the sentences so that all pronoun references are clear.
1. Question : Autism is a physical disorder of the brain who causes a lifelong developmental disability. Unfortunately, a number of boys and girls become victim of it after their birth. Children with autism vary widely in their activities, abilities, behaviors etc. and the symptoms may appear differently in him. The sorrows and sufferings of the parents of those know no bounds. Though the autistic children are quite different in activities from the normal children, they should not be neglected. Rather, we have a great responsibility towards them. (DB ’19]
2. Question: Salam and Salma are siblings. They read in a local primary school. Salam is in class five whereas her sister, Salma reads in class three. They go to school together. Sometimes they take rickshaw because it is five kilometers away from his home. Today, she is going to school with her father because her brother, Salam is sick. He is taking medicine and bed rest. [RB ’19, ’16; Chuadanga Govt. College, Chuadanga-2018]
3. Question : Both educated and uneducated women are at present as important as men in our society. She constitutes nearly half of our total population. No country can make real progress keeping half of it in darkness. Without the upliftment of our women, it is not at all possible. Again, without education, women cannot be uplifted. So proper education should be given to her in order that they can work hand in hand with them in all development programmes. (JB ’19)
4. Question : Women are now-a-days as important as men in society. She constitutes nearly half of the total population. No nation can make real progress keeping half of it in the dark. Without the improvement of the women’s status, it is not at all possible. Again, without education, women cannot be uplifted. So, proper education should be given to her so that they can work hand in hand with them in all development programmes. (CB ’19; CB’16; BB ’16; Dhaka College, Dhaka-2018; Rajshahi Cadet College-2017; Dhaka Imperial College, Dhaka-2017]
5. Question : Do you know the importance of trees? They are our best friends. Our existence on earth will be at stake without it. We inhale oxygen which trees produce. Again, we exhale carbon dioxide which it absorb. Besides, we get food from trees and firewood to cook it. But some irresponsible people cut down trees indiscriminately. It should be brought to light. Furthermore, one should take keen interest to plant more trees so that we can live comfortably on earth. (CtgB ’19; Shariatpur Govt. College, Shariatpur-2018; Joypurhat Gout. Women’s College-2017; Holy Cross College, Dhaka-2016; Sunamganj Govt. College-2016]
6. Question : Robin hates people who are mean to animals. Last afternoon, as he was walking home from work, he saw some boys throwing stones at an old lame dog. Immediately, he rushed to help the animal. “Stop it”! he shouted as he ran towards the unruly boys, “Leave him alone!” Startled by the big man’s shouts, they ran away. One of them jeered at him while running away. Robin, however, was totally unmoved by the jeering. He was happy that he could save it. Robin has always felt some affection for animals. Once he even went to the police station to complain about a neighbour who threw a cat out of the window. Instead of taking any action, they laughed at him and advised him not to worry about such ‘petty’ matters. [SB ’19]
7. Question : Honesty is the best policy. It is honesty which brings happiness in life. Without it, none can dream of a great life. These who were great in their lifetime were honest. They worked with sincerity, lived earnestly and died with honour. His contributions to this world are unforgettable. So if you want themselves to be in their league, be honest. Remember, there is no shortcut way to a great life.(BB ’19; Rangpur Cadet College, Rangpur-2018; Blue Bird High School & College, Sylhet-2018; Ideal College, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-2017; Major General Mahmudul Hasan Adarsha College, Tangail-2016; Qadirabad Cantt. Sapper College, Natore-2016]
8. Question : The Liberation War of Bangladesh is a memorable event in our national life. She achieved her independence through sacrifice and bloodshed. It is the birthright of a man. On the night of March 25, 1971, the Pakistan army fell upon the unarmed sleeping Bangalees. But we were not cowards. They built up strong resistance against them. They fought with courage for long nine months. After nine months’ bloody war and sacrifice of the freedom fighters, the red sun of independence rose in our soil on the 16th December 1971. Now we remember them with great respect.(DjB ’19; Cantt. Public School & College, Momenshahi-2018; Dhaka College, Dhaka-2017; Cantt. Public School & Collège; Momenshahi-2017]
9. Question : There lived a man in a village which had a great attraction to English. He went to a teacher in order to learn English well though he was dull-headed. He tried his best to teach him but the man learnt only three English words-yes, no and very good. Though the man did not know the meaning of it, he used them frequently in his conversation. He did not understand that a little learning is a dangerous thing and very soon he would be a victim of it. [Combined Board ’18 (Code-184); Noakhali Govt. Women’s College-2018; BEPZA Public School & College, Chattogram-2018]
10. Question : The Egyptians believed that after death, people would go to another world. One thought that in that world, people still would need many things he had on earth. Their kings had many wonderful treasures. They loved and respected them very much. So, they buried them with dead kings. (Combined Board ’18 (Code-185); Carmichael College, Rangpur-2018; Bogura Cantt. Public School & College, Bogura-2017; ; Chattogram Govt. Women’s College, Chattogram-2015)
11. Question : Travelling is a part of education. These means going from place to place. One can enhance knowledge by going from place to place. Thus gives one the opportunity to see the unseen and know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This limits his vision. However, by travelling different parts of the world, my knowledge may be enriched. [DB’17; CB’17; DJB’16; Govt. Pioneer Mohila College, Khulna-2018; Govt. B.L College, Khulna-2017; BAF Shaheen College, Jashore-2017]
12. Question : Education is the birthright of every man. But even then many people in our country are deprived of this for many reasons. They are unconscious and unskilled for want of it. For this, they are unable not only to develop their own fate or their family, but also unable to play any role for the development of society or the state. If the people are not properly educated, that is not possible. So, the more we can educate our people, the more the country will be developed. With a view to developing human resource, the government has given many benefits in the field of expanding the primary and secondary education. We must ensure these for every child of the country. [RB’17; Govt. Jaheda Safir Women’s College, Jamalpur-2018;Feni Girls’ Cadet College, Feni-2017;]
13. Question 13. Mandela left public life in June 2004 telling his adoring countrymen not to call them. Regarding it, Nadine Gordimer said, “He is at the epicenter of his time, our in South Africa and your, wherever you are.” (JB ’17; Dhaka Commerce College, Mirpur, Dhaka-2018; Palash Thana Central College, Narsingdi-2018: Cumilla Govt. College, Cumilla-2018;)
14. Question : A rich man went to a farmer with one thousand taka in a bag. He said to him, “Look, my friend, I have brought one thousand taka for you. Keep this money and remove your distress.” He was surprised. He took the bag from the rich man and thanked him. He said to himself, “One thousand taka is a lot of money.” He could not think where to keep the money. He did not find any safe place. He dug a hole in his hut and kept it there. (CtgB’17; Islamia Govt. College, Sirajgarj-2018; Gazipur Cantonment College, Gazipur-2017)
15. Question : Books are the medium through which human beings talk with enlightened minds, the great men of the world. They are our best friends. They introduce them to the life and the world. Books are the mirrors of past, present and even future. These are having an active voice. We know about the thoughts and deeds of our ancestors through it. They make the noble men alive in the world for ever. [SB’17; Uttara High School & College, Dhaka-2018; Narayanganj Govt. Mohila College, Narayanganj-2018; Dinajpur Govt. Women’s College, Dinajpur-2018)
16. Question : Teaching is a profession who is full of challenge. I want to be a teacher because you like working withchildren. But my father argues that one cannot make much money from it. He wants me to look after their farms instead. But this does not inspire me much. [BB’17; Narail Govt. Mohila College, Narail-2018; Chattogram City Corporation Inter College, Chattogram-2018; Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College, Mymensingh-2017; Tejgaon College, Tejgaon, Dhaka]
17. Question : Sunlight is the source of all energy of the earth. All the living beings are dependent upon this. Greenplants are the producers of the ecosystem. All plants and animals of it are interconnected serially. Consequently, there develops a food chain among these. The transfer of food energy takes place from producers through a series of food levels. This is called the food chain in the ecosystem. There are numerous food chains in an ecosystem. Food chain does not work in isolation. These are linked together to form a food web. (DjB ’17; Abdul Kadir Mollah City College, Narsingdi-2018; Govt. M.M. City College, Khulna-2018; Ispahani Public School & College, Cumilla Cantt. -2017; B.Baria Govt. College, Brahmanbaria-2017]
18. Question : A cook once roasted a duck for its master. He looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of drumsticks. When he sat down to eat the meal, he quickly noticed the missing leg. He asked him what had happened to the other leg. The cook told him that it had one leg only. The master said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck but the cook insisted that every duck had only one leg. [DB ’16; Alamdanga Govt. Degree College, Alamdanga, Chuadanga-2018; Jashore Shikkha Board Govt. Model School & College, Jashore-2018]
19. Question : On a summer day, becoming very thirsty, a lion and a boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. Those fiercely quarrelled which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in a mortal fighting. On his stopping on a sudden to take breath for renewal of the fighting, it saw some vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once stopped the quarrel, saying: “That is better for us to make friends than to become the food of crows or vultures, as will certainly happen if ourselves are disabled.” (JB ’16; Govt. Azizul Haque College, Bogura-2018; Lions School & College, Rangpur-2018; Govt. H.S.S. College, Magura–2017]
20. Question : Life is full of struggles. These are quite normal in any one’s life as it is not a bed of roses. Certainly, it has ups and downs. A man has to face innumerable barriers in his life. Sometimes he can overcome those but sometimes he fails to combat them. He may be born with silver spoon without any trouble. But even then he has to overcome a lot of such to be successful in life. In other words, life is full of challenges. If he cannot fight them successfully, his life becomes full of sorrows. Though the scholars differ in giving the definition of life, they are unanimous that obstacles are the ways of life. Infact, a man has to undergo many in his life. [CtgB’16; Shahid Smrity Govt. College, Mymensingh-2018; Collectorate School & College, Rangpur-2018; Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chattogram-2017;)
21. Question : A stormy night is fearful and horrible. They causes untold sufferings to the people. In a stormy night;the whole sky is totally overcast with dark cloud. Only the roaring of violent wind can be heard. The wind begins to blow with fearful sound from no directions. People get frightened with sound of storm. In addition to it, there is thundering and lightning. The frequent thundering and lighting causes much terror and fear in the mind of the people whom always think that this night may be the end of our lives and the terrible and destructive storm will never come to an end. Storm causes harm to them. The house roofs are blown away. Many trees are uprooted. A large number of houses and shelters are damaged within a very short time. Standing crops are badly damaged. That is thus a dreadful night to the people. [SB’16; Govt. Fazilatunnesa Women’s College, Bhola-2017]
22. Question : Once two women came to King Solomon’s court with a baby and each of them claimed that they were mother of that baby. He thought for a while and got a brilliant idea. He ordered one of his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to them. The real mother of the baby became very nervous by this, but the other woman was totally untouched by the event. The king noticed the “; change in the face of her and handed over the baby to her and punished the other woman. [Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College, Mymensingh-2018; Barishal Govt. Women’s College-2018 ]
23. Question : Boiled egg is very nutritious and tasty as well. Besides, it is not a difficult task at all. If one wants to boil eggs, he has to pour some water into a pot at first. Then the pot should be kept on a burner. After that the eggs should be put into a pot. Then it should be let to boil for about five minutes. Afterwards they should be taken out with a spoon. After cooling them they should be separated from them to be prepared for eating. [Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail-2018]
24. Question : The Taj Mahal is surrounded by a beautiful garden and there is a long pool that stretches out in front of the building. He can see the beauty of the Taj Mahal in this reflection in the pool water. Visitors come to see these wonderful building at different times of the day since it assume a different look at different times. Most people like this best on moonlit nights.
(Cumilla Cadet College, Cumilla-2018; “Adamjee Cantonment College, Dhaka-2018; Bogura Cantt. Public School & College, Bogura-2018]
25. Question : At the writing centre, you can receive help on any writing assignment. It can make your writing stronger by discussing it with someone else. This will lead to a greater understanding of the proper mechanics and style expected in academic writing. This is an important part of the writing process, and they spend a good deal of time making sure you understand the expectations of written assignments. Using it will definitely make your writing skills stronger, and that will give you greater confidence for your next assignment. (Rajshahi Cadet College, Rajshahi-2018: Safiuddin Sarker Academy & College,
[Tongi, Gazipur-2018; Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka-2017; St. Joseph Higher Secondary School, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-2017]
Pronoun Reference Worksheet -5.0 Answer
Question 1. Answer: Autism is a physical disorder of the brain that/ which causes a lifelong developmental disability. Unfortunately, a number of boys and girls become victim of autism after their birth. Children with autism vary widely in their activities, -abilities, behaviours etc. and the symptoms may appear differently in them. The sorrows and sufferings of the parents of those autistic children know no bounds. Though the autistic children are quite different in activities from the normal children, they should not be neglected. Rather, we have a great responsibility towards these children.
Question 2. Answer: Salam and Salma are siblings. They read in a local primary school. Salam is in class five whereas his sister Salma reads in class three. They go to school together. Sometimes they take rickshaw because their school is five kilometres away from their home. Today, Salma is going to school with their father because her brother, Salam is sick. He is taking medicine and bed rest.
Question 3. Answer: Both educated and uneducated women are at present as important as men in our society. Women constitute nearly half of our total population. No country can make real progress keeping half of its population in darkness. Without the upliftment of our women, real progress is not at all possible. Again, without education, women cannot be uplifted. So proper education should be given to womenfolk/ them in order that they can work hand in hand with men in all development programmes.
Question 4. Answer: Women are now-a-days as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of the total population. No nation can make real progress keeping half of its population in the dark Without the improvement of the women's status, real progress is not at all possible. Again, without education, women cannot be uplifted. So, proper education should be given to them/ womenfolk so that they can work hand in hand with men in all development programmes.
Question 5. Answer: Do you know the importance of trees? They are our best friends. Our existence on earth will be at stake without trees. We inhale oxygen which trees produce. Again, we exhale carbon dioxide which trees absorb. Besides, we get food from trees and firewood to cook food. But some irresponsible people cut down trees indiscriminately. They should be brought to light. Furthermore, we should take keen interest to plant more trees so that we can live comfortably on earth.
Question 6. Answer: Robin hates people who are mean to animals. Yesterday afternoon, as he was walking home from work, he saw some boys throwing stones at an old lame dog. Immediately, he rushed to help the animal. "Stop it!" he shouted as he ran towards the unruly boys, "Leave it alone!" Startled by the big man's shouts, the boys ran away. One of them jeered at Robin while running away. Robin, however, was totally unmoved by the jeering. He was happy that he could save it. Robin has always felt some affection for animals. Once he even went to the police station to complain about a neighbour who threw a cat out of the window. Instead of taking any action, the police laughed at him and advised him not to worry about such 'petty' matters.
Question 7. Answer: Honesty is the best policy. It is honesty which brings happiness in life. Without honesty, none can dream of a great life. Those who were great in their lifetime were honest. The great people worked with sincerity, lived earnestly and died with honour. Their contributions to this world are unforgettable. So, if you want yourself to be in their league, be honest. Remember, there is short-cut to a great life.
Question 8. Answer: The Liberation War of Bangladesh is a memorable event in our national life. Bangladesh achieved her independence through sacrifice and blood-shed. Independence is the birthright of a man. On the night of March 25, 1971, the Pakistan army fell upon the unarmed sleeping Bangalees. But the Bangalees were not cowards. They built up strong resistance against the Pakistani army. They fought with courage for long nine months. After nine months' bloody war and the sacrifice of the freedom fighters, the red sun of independence rose in our soil on the 16th December 1971. Now we remember the freedom fighters with great respect.
Question 9. Answer: There lived a man in a village who had a great attraction to English. The man went to a teacher in order to learn English well though he was dull-headed. The teacher tried his best to teach him but the man learnt only three English words-yes, no and very good. Though the man did not know the meaning of these words, he used them frequently in his conversation. The man did not understand that a little learning is a dangerous thing and very soon he would be a victim of it.
Question 10.Answer: The Egyptians believed that after death, people would go to another world. The Egyptians/ They thought that in that world, people still would need many things they had on earth. Their kings had many wonderful treasures. The Egyptians / The people loved and respected their kings very much. So, they buried their treasures with dead kings.
Question 11. Answer: Travelling is a part of education. This/ It means going from place to place. One can enhance knowledge by going from place to place. It/ This gives one the opportunity to see the unseen and know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This aversion limits their/ people's vision. However, by travelling different parts of the world, one's/ our knowledge may be enriched.
Question 12. Answer: Education is the birthright of every man. But even then many people in our country are deprived of education, this right for many reasons. They are unconscious and unskilled for want of education. For this unconsciousness and unskilledness, they are unable not only to develop their own fate or their family, but also unable to play any role for the development of society or the state. If the people are not properly educated, the development of society or the state is not possible. So, the more we can educate our people, the more the country will be developed. With a view to developing human resource, the government has given many incentives in the field of expanding the primary and secondary education. We must ensure these incentives for every child of the country.
Question13. Answer: Mandela left public life in June 2004 telling his adoring countrymen not to call him. Regarding him, Nadine Gordimer said, 'Mandela is at the epicenter of our time, ours in South Africa and yours, wherever you are."
Question 14. Answer: A rich man went to a farmer with one thousand taka in a bag. The rich man said to the farmer, "Look, my friend, I have brought one thousand taka for you. Keep this money and remove your distress." The farmer was surprised. He took the bag from the rich man and thanked him. The farmer said to himself "One thousand taka is a lot of money." He could not think where to keep the money. He did not find any safe place. He dug a hole in his hut and kept the money there.
Question 15. Answer: Books are the medium through which human beings talk with enlightened minds, the great men of the world. Books are our best friends. They introduce us to the life and the world. Books are the mirrors of past, present and even future. They are hang an active voice. We know about the thoughts and deeds of our ancestors through books. Books make the noble men alive in the world for ever.
Question 16.Answer: Teaching is a profession which is full of challenge. I want to be a teacher because I like working with children. But my father argues that one cannot make much money from teaching. He wants me to look after his farms instead. But looking after father's farms/ the idea does not inspire me much.
Question 17. Answer: Sunlight is the source of all energy of the earth. All the living beings are dependent upon the sunlight. Green plants are the producers of the ecosystem. All plants and animals of the ecosystem are interconnected serially. Consequently, there develops a food chain among these plants ar animals. The transfer of food energy takes place from producers through a series of food levels. This transfer of food energy is called the food chain in the ecosystem. There are numerous food chains in an ecosystem. Food chain does not work in isolation. These food chains are linked together to form a food web.
Question 18. Answer: A cook once roasted a duck for his master. The roast looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of drumsticks. When his master sat down to eat the meal, he quick noticed the missing leg. He asked the cook what had happened to the other leg. The cook told him that this duck had one leg only. The master said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck but the cook insisted that every duck had only one leg.
Question 19. Answer: On a summer day, becoming very thirsty, a lion and a boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink They fiercely quarrelled which of them should drinkfirst, and were soon engaged in a more fighting. On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for renewal of the fighting, they saw som vultures waiting in the distance to feasrbn the one which should fall first. They at once stopped the quarrel, saying: "It is better for us to make friends than to become the food of crows or vultures, will certainly happen if we are disabled."
Question 20. Answer: Life is full of struggles. These struggles are quite normal in any one's life as it is not a bed of roses Certainly, life has ups and downs. A man has to face innumerable barriers in his life. Sometimes can overcome those barriers but sometimes he fails to combat them. He may be born with silvem spoon without any trouble. But even then he has to overcome a lot of such troubles to be success in life. In other words, life is full of challenges. If he cannot .fight them successfully, his life becomes full of sorrows. Though the scholars differ in giving the definition of life, they are unanimous than obstacles are the ways of life. Infact, a man has to undergo many obstacles in his life.
Question 21. Answer: A stormy night is fearful and horrible. A storm causes untold sufferings to the people. In a stormy night, the whole sky is totally overcast with dark cloud. Only the roaring of violent wind can be heart The wind begins to blow with fearful sound from no directions. People get frightened with sound storm. In addition to the fearful sound of the violent wind, there is thundering and lightning. T frequent thundering and lightning causes much terror and fear in the mind of the imople who always think that this night may be the end of their lives and the terrible and destructive storm will never come to an end. Storm causes harm to them. The house roofs are blown away. Many trees am uprooted. A large number of houses and shelters are damaged within a very short time. Standing crops are badly damaged. A stormy night is thus a dreadful night to the people.
Question 22. Answer: Once two women came to King Solomon's court with a baby and each of them claimed that she was the mother of that baby. King Solomon thought for a while and got a brilliant idea. He ordered one o his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to each of the women. The rea. mother of the baby became very nervous by the order of cutting the baby, but the other woman w totally untouched by the event. The king noticed the change in the face of the real mother and hander over the baby to her and punished the other woman.
Question 23. Answer: Boiled egg is very nutritious and tasty as well. Besides, boiling egg is not a difficult task at all. If ce wants to boil eggs, one has to pour some water into a pot at first. Then the pot should be kept on burner. After that the eggs should be put into a pot. Then the water should be let to boil for about minutes. Afterwards the eggs should be taken out with a spoon. After cooling them egg shells should be separated from them to be prepared for eating.
Question 24. Answer: The Taj Mahal is surrounded by a beautiful garden and there is a long pool that stretches out in from of the building. One can see the beauty of the Taj Mahal in its reflection in the pool water. Visitors come to see this wonderful building at different times of the day since the bulding assumes different look at different times. Most people like this building best on moonlit nights.
Question 25. Answer: At the writing centre, one can receive help on any writing assignment. You can make your writing stronger by discussing it with someone else. The discussions will lead to a greater understanding on the proper mechanics and style expected academic writing. This understanding is an important part of thewriting process, and the tutors spend a good deal of time making sure you understand the expectations of written assignments. Using the process will definitely make your writing skills stronger and this strength will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.
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