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Phrase and Idioms for Examination-1 (A-J)

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Phrase and Idioms for Speaking Test


  1. A blessing in disguise - A good thing that seemed bad at first (প্রথমে খারাপ মনে হলেও ভাল কিছু) - Losing that job was a blessing in disguise; it pushed me to pursue my dream career.

  2. A dime a dozen - Something common (অতি সাধারণ কিছু) - Good ideas are a dime a dozen; execution is what matters.

  3. A picture is worth a thousand words - A visual presentation is more descriptive than words (একটি ছবি হাজার শব্দের চেয়ে বেশি বর্ণনামূলক) - The photograph of the devastation was heart-wrenching; truly, a picture is worth a thousand words.

  4. A piece of cake - Very easy (অত্যন্ত সহজ) - That test was a piece of cake.

  5. A slap on the wrist - A mild punishment (সামান্য শাস্তি) - He got a slap on the wrist for breaking the rules.

  6. A taste of your own medicine - When someone receives the same bad treatment they have given to others (নিজের করা খারাপ আচরণের প্রতিফল পাওয়া) - He got a taste of his own medicine when others started to ignore him.

  7. A toss-up - A result that is still unclear and can go either way (অনিশ্চিত ফলাফল) - It's a toss-up whether they'll win the game or not.

  8. Actions speak louder than words - What you do is more important than what you say (কাজ কথার চেয়ে শক্তিশালী) - Actions speak louder than words; show me you care.

  9. Add fuel to the fire - To make a bad situation worse (অবস্থা আরও খারাপ করা) - His comments only added fuel to the fire of the heated debate.

  10. Against the clock - Rushed and short on time (সময় স্বল্পতা) - We were working against the clock to finish the project.

  11. All bark and no bite - Threatening, but not willing to engage in a fight (খালি মুখে হুঙ্কার) - He threatens to fire people, but he's all bark and no bite.

  12. All ears - Fully listening (সম্পূর্ণ মনোযোগ দিয়ে শোনা) - I'm all ears; tell me what happened.

  13. All in the same boat - Everyone is facing the same challenges (সবার একই অবস্থা) - We're all in the same boat when it comes to dealing with the pandemic.

  14. An arm and a leg - Very expensive (অত্যন্ত ব্যয়বহুল) - That car costs an arm and a leg.

  15. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - It's better to prevent a problem than to deal with it after it has occurred (রোগের চেয়ে প্রতিরোধ ভালো) - Regular exercise is crucial because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

  16. Apple of discord - A subject of envy or quarrel (বিবাদের মূল) - The inheritance became an apple of discord among the siblings.

  17. Apple of my eye - Someone very precious or dear (অত্যন্ত প্রিয় ব্যক্তি) - His daughter is the apple of his eye.

  18. As a matter of fact - In reality; actually (প্রকৃতপক্ষে) - As a matter of fact, I did see him yesterday.

  19. As easy as pie - Very easy (অত্যন্ত সহজ) - Fixing this issue is as easy as pie.

  20. As good as new - In perfect condition (নতুনের মতো) - After the repairs, my car is as good as new.

  21. As the crow flies - In a straight line (সরাসরি) - The town is 20 miles from here as the crow flies.

  22. At a crossroads - At a critical point (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মুহূর্তে) - She found herself at a crossroads in her career.

  23. At the drop of a hat - Without any hesitation; instantly (প্রথম সুযোগে) - He will help you at the drop of a hat.

  24. At the eleventh hour - At the last moment (শেষ মুহূর্তে) - They submitted their work at the eleventh hour.

  25. A tough nut to crack - A difficult problem or person (কঠিন সমস্যা বা ব্যক্তি) - This puzzle is a tough nut to crack.

  26. A wolf in sheep's clothing - Someone who pretends to be good but is actually bad (ভালো সেজে খারাপ) - Be careful of him; he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  27. Above board - Honest and legal (সত্ এবং আইনসম্মত) - Their business dealings are above board.

  28. Ace in the hole - A hidden advantage (গোপন সুবিধা) - Her ability to speak French is her ace in the hole.

  29. Achilles' heel - A weak point (দুর্বল স্থান) - His stubbornness is his Achilles' heel.

  30. Act high and mighty - Behave arrogantly (অহংকারীভাবে আচরণ করা) - He tends to act high and mighty around his subordinates.

  31. Add insult to injury - To make a bad situation worse (অবস্থা আরও খারাপ করা) - The boss added insult to injury by criticizing her work in front of everyone.

  32. Against the grain - Contrary to what is expected (প্রচলিত ধারার বিপরীতে) - His idea goes against the grain, but it might just work.

  33. Air your dirty laundry in public - To discuss private matters openly (গোপন বিষয় জনসমক্ষে আলোচনা করা) - It's not wise to air your dirty laundry in public.

  34. Alive and kicking - Healthy and active (সুস্থ ও সক্রিয়) - My grandmother is 90, but she's still alive and kicking.

  35. All in all - Considering everything (সবকিছু মিলিয়ে) - All in all, it was a great trip.

  36. All thumbs - Clumsy (আনাড়ি) - When it comes to cooking, I'm all thumbs.

  37. Alter ego - A second self (দ্বিতীয় সত্তা) - His brother is his alter ego.

  38. Amped up - Excited (উত্তেজিত) - The kids were amped up for the trip to the amusement park.

  39. Apple of discord - The cause of a dispute (বিবাদের মূল কারণ) - The land dispute has been the apple of discord in the family for years.

  40. Apple of my eye - A person who is cherished above all others (অত্যন্ত প্রিয় ব্যক্তি) - His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye.

  41. As a rule of thumb - Generally (সাধারণত) - As a rule of thumb, you should double-check your work.

  42. As blind as a bat - Unable to see well (খুবই কম দৃষ্টি শক্তি) - Without his glasses, he's as blind as a bat.

  43. As bold as brass - Very bold and confident (অত্যন্ত সাহসী এবং আত্মবিশ্বাসী) - She marched in as bold as brass and demanded a raise.

  44. As busy as a bee - Very busy (অত্যন্ত ব্যস্ত) - She's as busy as a bee with all her projects.

  45. As cool as a cucumber - Very calm (অত্যন্ত শান্ত) - Even during the crisis, he remained as cool as a cucumber.

  46. As fit as a fiddle - In very good health (অত্যন্ত স্বাস্থ্যবান) - After months of training, he's as fit as a fiddle.

  47. As good as gold - Very well-behaved (খুব ভালো আচরণ করা) - The child was as good as gold during the trip.

  48. As light as a feather - Very light (খুব হালকা) - This material is as light as a feather.

  49. As plain as day - Very clear (অতি স্পষ্ট) - The instructions were as plain as day.

  50. At a loss for words - Unable to speak (কিছু বলতে না পারা) - When he saw the surprise, he was at a loss for words.


  1. Back to square one - To start over (পুনরায় শুরু করা) - After the plan failed, we were back to square one.

  2. Barking up the wrong tree - To pursue a mistaken or misguided course of action (ভুল দিক অনুসরণ করা) - If you think I'm the one who stole your pen, you're barking up the wrong tree.

  3. Beat around the bush - Avoid saying what you mean (প্রকৃত বিষয় এড়িয়ে যাওয়া) - Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.

  4. Beating a dead horse - To continue to focus on something that is no longer relevant (অপ্রাসঙ্গিক বিষয়ে লেগে থাকা) - You're beating a dead horse by arguing about that old issue again.

  5. Bend over backwards - Try very hard (অনেক চেষ্টা করা) - She'll bend over backwards to help you out.

  6. Best of both worlds - An ideal situation (উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই সুবিধা) - Working from home gives you the best of both worlds.

  7. Better late than never - Better to arrive late than not to come at all (না আসার চেয়ে দেরি করে আসা ভালো) - He finally apologized, and I thought, better late than never.

  8. Between a rock and a hard place - In a difficult situation (কঠিন পরিস্থিতিতে) - He was between a rock and a hard place, having to choose between his job and his family.

  9. Bite off more than you can chew - To take on a task that is too big (নিজের সামর্থ্যের বেশি কিছু হাতে নেওয়া) - He bit off more than he could chew when he agreed to lead both projects.

  10. Bite the bullet - To get something over with because it is inevitable (অপরিহার্য কিছু মোকাবেলা করা) - I decided to bite the bullet and finish the project tonight.

  11. Bite your tongue - To avoid talking (মুখ বন্ধ রাখা) - I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought, but I had to bite my tongue.

  12. Black and blue - Bruised and beaten (ক্ষত-বিক্ষত) - He was black and blue after the fall.

  13. Black and white - Very clear and easy to understand (অতি স্পষ্ট) - The rules were black and white, with no room for misunderstanding.

  14. Blessing in disguise - A good thing that seemed bad at first (প্রথমে খারাপ মনে হলেও ভাল কিছু) - Losing that job was a blessing in disguise.

  15. Blind leading the blind - When people who don't know how to do something try to show others (অজ্ঞান ব্যক্তির অন্য অজ্ঞকে শেখানো) - The situation was like the blind leading the blind.

  16. Blow off steam - To release pent-up energy or emotion (জমে থাকা অনুভূতি মুক্ত করা) - He went for a run to blow off steam after the argument.

  17. Break a leg - Good luck (শুভ কামনা) - Break a leg in your performance tonight!

  18. Break the ice - To initiate conversation (আলাপ শুরু করা) - She told a joke to break the ice at the meeting.

  19. Bring home the bacon - To earn a living (উপার্জন করা) - He works hard to bring home the bacon for his family.

  20. Burn bridges - To destroy relationships (সম্পর্ক নষ্ট করা) - Be careful not to burn bridges with former colleagues.

  21. Burn the midnight oil - Work late into the night (রাত জেগে কাজ করা) - She's been burning the midnight oil to finish her thesis.

  22. Burst your bubble - To disillusion someone (কাউকে বিভ্রান্তি মুক্ত করা) - I hate to burst your bubble, but the event was canceled.

  23. By and large - Generally (সাধারণত) - By and large, the meeting was a success.

  24. By the book - According to the rules (নিয়ম অনুযায়ী) - He does everything by the book.

  25. Back to the drawing board - To start something again because the previous attempt failed (আবার শুরু করা) - Our first attempt failed, so it's back to the drawing board.

  26. Ball is in your court - It's your decision now (এখন তোমার সিদ্ধান্ত) - I've done my part, now the ball is in your court.

  27. Bark up the wrong tree - To make a wrong assumption (ভুল অনুমান করা) - If you think I took your book, you're barking up the wrong tree.

  28. Be in hot water - To be in trouble (সমস্যায় থাকা) - He'll be in hot water if he's caught cheating.

  29. Be on cloud nine - To be extremely happy (অত্যন্ত খুশি থাকা) - She was on cloud nine after winning the award.

  30. Beat a dead horse - To persist in pursuing a lost cause (অপ্রাসঙ্গিক বিষয় নিয়ে লেগে থাকা) - You're beating a dead horse arguing about this old issue.

  31. Behind the eight ball - In a difficult position (অসুবিধাজনক অবস্থায়) - He's behind the eight ball after missing the deadline.

  32. Better safe than sorry - It's better to be cautious (সাবধান থাকা ভালো) - Take your umbrella, better safe than sorry.

  33. Between the lines - Reading hidden meaning (গোপন অর্থ পড়া) - You need to read between the lines to understand his message.

  34. Big fish in a small pond - Someone important in a small community (ছোট জায়গায় গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ব্যক্তি) - He was a big fish in a small pond in his hometown.

  35. Birds of a feather flock together - People with similar interests stick together (একই স্বভাবের লোক একসাথে থাকে) - Birds of a feather flock together, so it's no surprise they're friends.

  36. Bite the dust - To fail or be defeated (ব্যর্থ হওয়া বা পরাজিত হওয়া) - Many startups bite the dust within the first few years.

  37. Blind as a bat - Having very bad eyesight (খুবই কম দৃষ্টি শক্তি) - Without his glasses, he's blind as a bat.

  38. Blow one's own horn - To brag about oneself (নিজের প্রশংসা করা) - He loves to blow his own horn about his achievements.

  39. Blow out of proportion - To exaggerate (অতিরঞ্জিত করা) - The issue was blown out of proportion by the media.

  40. Blow up in your face - To have a plan go wrong (পরিকল্পনা ব্যর্থ হওয়া) - His scheme blew up in his face when he got caught.

  41. Boil down to - To be summarized as (সংক্ষেপে উপস্থাপন করা) - It all boils down to hard work and dedication.

  42. Bolt from the blue - A sudden and unexpected event (হঠাৎ এবং অপ্রত্যাশিত ঘটনা) - The news of their divorce was a bolt from the blue.

  43. Break new ground - To do something innovative (নতুন কিছু করা) - The scientist broke new ground with his research.

  44. Break the bank - To be very expensive (অত্যন্ত ব্যয়বহুল হওয়া) - Their wedding broke the bank.

  45. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed - Eager and enthusiastic (উত্সাহী এবং উদ্যমী) - She arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for her first day at work.

  46. Bring to the table - To provide something useful (কিছু দরকারী সরবরাহ করা) - She brings a lot to the table with her experience.

  47. Brush up on - To improve your knowledge of something (জ্ঞান ঝালাই করা) - I need to brush up on my Spanish before the trip.

  48. Buckle down - To start working seriously (গুরুত্ব সহকারে কাজ শুরু করা) - It's time to buckle down and study for the exams.

  49. Bull in a china shop - A clumsy person (অসাবধান ব্যক্তি) - He's like a bull in a china shop, breaking everything.

  50. Bury the hatchet - To make peace (মিটমাট করা) - They decided to bury the hatchet and become friends again.


  1. Call it a day - Stop working (কাজ শেষ করা) - Let's call it a day and go home.

  2. Call the shots - To be in charge (কর্তৃত্ব করা) - He's the one who calls the shots in the office.

  3. Can't judge a book by its cover - Can't judge something based only on its appearance (দেখে বিচার করা যায় না) - She may look strict, but you can't judge a book by its cover.

  4. Catch-22 - A no-win situation (অচল অবস্থা) - Trying to get experience without a job is a catch-22.

  5. Catch someone red-handed - Catch someone in the act of doing something wrong (অপরাধ করার সময় ধরা পড়া) - The thief was caught red-handed by the police.

  6. Change of heart - Change in opinion or feeling (মত বা অনুভূতি পরিবর্তন) - She had a change of heart and decided to stay.

  7. Chew the fat - To chat in a relaxed way (আড্ডা দেওয়া) - They like to chew the fat over coffee.

  8. Chip on your shoulder - Being upset for something that happened in the past (অতীতের কিছু কারণে বিরক্ত থাকা) - He's got a chip on his shoulder about not getting that promotion.

  9. Clean slate - A fresh start (একটি নতুন শুরু) - He moved to a new city for a clean slate.

  10. Close but no cigar - Almost successful but not quite (অল্পের জন্য সফল না হওয়া) - She was close but no cigar in winning the race.

  11. Cold shoulder - To ignore someone (কারো প্রতি উদাসীন থাকা) - He gave her the cold shoulder after the argument.

  12. Come full circle - To return to the original position (আবার আগের জায়গায় ফিরে আসা) - His career has come full circle now that he's back at his first company.

  13. Come rain or shine - No matter what happens (যাই ঘটুক না কেন) - I'll be there come rain or shine.

  14. Couch potato - A lazy person (অলস ব্যক্তি) - Don't be a couch potato; go out and exercise.

  15. Crocodile tears - Fake tears (মিথ্যা কান্না) - Don't be fooled by her crocodile tears.

  16. Cry over spilled milk - Complain about a loss from the past (অতীতের ক্ষতির জন্য শোক করা) - There's no use crying over spilled milk.

  17. Cry wolf - To raise a false alarm (মিথ্যা বিপদ সংকেত দেওয়া) - If you cry wolf too many times, no one will believe you.

  18. Cup of joe - A cup of coffee (এক কাপ কফি) - Let's grab a cup of joe before the meeting.

  19. Cut corners - Do something poorly to save time or money (টাকা বা সময় বাঁচাতে কাজ নিম্নমানের করা) - The contractor was cutting corners, and the results were terrible.

  20. Cut the mustard - To meet expectations (প্রত্যাশা পূরণ করা) - She didn't cut the mustard and was let go.

  21. Cut to the chase - Get to the point (মূল কথায় আসা) - Let's cut to the chase and discuss the main issue.

  22. Cast the first stone - Be the first to criticize or attack (প্রথম সমালোচনা করা) - She shouldn't cast the first stone without knowing all the facts.

  23. Catch one's breath - To rest to regain normal breathing (নিয়মিত শ্বাস ফিরিয়ে আনা) - After running, he stopped to catch his breath.

  24. Chalk and cheese - Completely different (সম্পূর্ণ ভিন্ন) - Those two are chalk and cheese.

  25. Chase your tail - To be busy doing a lot of things but achieving very little (অনেক কিছু করার পরও তেমন কিছু না পাওয়া) - He spent the day chasing his tail without much progress.

  26. Clam up - To suddenly stop talking (হঠাৎ করে চুপ হয়ে যাওয়া) - She tends to clam up when she's nervous.

  27. Clear the air - Resolve misunderstandings (ভুল বোঝাবুঝি দূর করা) - They had a meeting to clear the air.

  28. Cliffhanger - A suspenseful situation (রোমাঞ্চকর অবস্থা) - The season ended on a cliffhanger.

  29. Close call - A narrow escape (সল্পের জন্য বিপদ থেকে বাঁচা) - That was a close call; we almost missed the flight.

  30. Come clean - To confess (স্বীকার করা) - It's time for him to come clean about his mistake.

  31. Cook the books - Alter financial records dishonestly (অবৈধভাবে হিসাব পরিবর্তন করা) - The company was caught cooking the books.

  32. Cool as a cucumber - Very calm and composed (অত্যন্ত শান্ত এবং স্থির) - She stayed cool as a cucumber during the crisis.

  33. Couch surfing - Temporarily staying on different people’s couches (পরিষ্কার নির্দিষ্ট বিছানায় না থেকে বিভিন্নজনের সোফায় থাকা) - He's been couch surfing since he lost his apartment.

  34. Crocodile tears - Insincere tears (মিথ্যা কান্না) - Don't be fooled by his crocodile tears; he’s not really sorry.

  35. Cross that bridge when you come to it - Deal with a problem if and when it becomes necessary (সমস্যা আসলে তা মোকাবেলা করা) - We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

  36. Cry me a river - To sarcastically tell someone their complaints are not taken seriously (অন্যের অভিযোগকে গুরুত্ব না দেওয়া) - Stop complaining and cry me a river.

  37. Curiosity killed the cat - Being too inquisitive can lead to trouble (অতিরিক্ত কৌতূহল বিপদ ডেকে আনতে পারে) - Remember, curiosity killed the cat.

  38. Cut someone some slack - Don't be so critical (তেমন কড়া না হওয়া) - Cut him some slack; he's just learning the ropes.

  39. Cut to the chase - Get to the point (মূল কথায় আসা) - Let’s cut to the chase and start the discussion.

  40. Cash cow - A business that generates a steady profit (অবিরাম লাভজনক ব্যবসা) - That product became their cash cow.

  41. Catch a break - To get a lucky opportunity (সুযোগ পাওয়া) - He finally caught a break with a new job offer.

  42. Change gears - To shift focus (মনোযোগ পরিবর্তন করা) - We need to change gears and try a new approach.

  43. Close to home - Affecting one personally (ব্যক্তিগতভাবে প্রভাবিত হওয়া) - His comments about layoffs hit close to home.

  44. Come hell or high water - No matter what happens (যাই ঘটুক না কেন) - We'll finish this project come hell or high water.

  45. Come to terms - To reach an agreement (সমঝোতায় আসা) - They finally came to terms with the contract.

  46. Cooking up a storm - To cook a lot of food (অনেক রান্না করা) - She's been cooking up a storm for the party.

  47. Cool your jets - Calm down (শান্ত হও) - Just cool your jets and wait for your turn.

  48. Cut and dried - Simple and clear (সহজ এবং স্পষ্ট) - The instructions were cut and dried.

  49. Cut the mustard - To meet expectations (প্রত্যাশা পূরণ করা) - The new player really cut the mustard in the last game.

  50. Curveball - An unexpected challenge (অপ্রত্যাশিত চ্যালেঞ্জ) - Life threw him a curveball with the sudden job loss.


  1. Dab hand - Someone who is very good at a particular activity (বিশেষ কোনো কাজে দক্ষ ব্যক্তি) - She's a dab hand at painting.

  2. Dark horse - A person who keeps their skills or achievements hidden (অপ্রকাশিত প্রতিভাবান ব্যক্তি) - He was a dark horse in the competition and surprised everyone by winning.

  3. Daylight robbery - Blatantly excessive or unfair price or act (স্পষ্টতই অত্যধিক বা অন্যায্য মূল্য বা কাজ) - The price of that handbag is daylight robbery.

  4. Dead as a doornail - Completely dead (সম্পূর্ণ মৃত) - The old battery is dead as a doornail.

  5. Dead ringer - An exact duplicate (হুবহু প্রতিলিপি) - She is a dead ringer for her mother.

  6. Devil's advocate - Someone who argues against a point for the sake of argument (তর্কের খাতিরে বিরোধিতা করে এমন ব্যক্তি) - I'll play devil's advocate to see if we can find any flaws in the plan.

  7. Die hard - A person who will not abandon their beliefs or habits (যে ব্যক্তি তার বিশ্বাস বা অভ্যাস ছেড়ে যাবে না) - He's a die hard fan of the old band.

  8. Dig in your heels - To refuse to change your opinions or plans (মত বা পরিকল্পনা পরিবর্তন করতে অস্বীকার করা) - She dug in her heels and refused to leave.

  9. Divide and conquer - To gain or maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power (ভাগ করে শাসন করা) - The manager's strategy was to divide and conquer the team.

  10. Do a double take - To look twice due to surprise or disbelief (অবাক বা অবিশ্বাসে দুবার তাকানো) - I had to do a double take when I saw her new haircut.

  11. Dog days - The hottest days of summer (গ্রীষ্মের সবচেয়ে গরম দিনগুলি) - The dog days of summer are here.

  12. Dog-eat-dog - Ruthlessly competitive (নিষ্ঠুর প্রতিযোগিতা) - It's a dog-eat-dog world in the corporate sector.

  13. Don't count your chickens before they hatch - Don't assume success until it actually happens (ঘটার আগে আশা করা ঠিক নয়) - You shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch; wait until you have the results.

  14. Don't cry over spilled milk - Don't waste time worrying about past mistakes (অতীতের ভুল নিয়ে চিন্তা করা ঠিক নয়) - It's over now, so don't cry over spilled milk.

  15. Don't put all your eggs in one basket - Don't risk everything on a single venture (সবকিছু এক কারবারে ঝুঁকি না নেওয়া) - She diversified her investments to avoid putting all her eggs in one basket.

  16. Dot your i's and cross your t's - Pay attention to details (খুঁটিনাটি বিষয়ে মনোযোগ দেওয়া) - Make sure to dot your i's and cross your t's before submitting the report.

  17. Down to earth - Practical and realistic (বাস্তব এবং ব্যবহারিক) - Despite his wealth, he remains down to earth.

  18. Drag your feet - To do something slowly because you don't want to do it (ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে ধীরে কাজ করা) - He's been dragging his feet on completing the project.

  19. Draw the line - To set a limit (সীমা নির্ধারণ করা) - I have to draw the line at working weekends.

  20. Dress to kill - To dress in very fashionable or glamorous clothes (অত্যন্ত আকর্ষণীয় পোশাক পরা) - She was dressed to kill at the party.

  21. Drive someone up the wall - To irritate someone (কারও বিরক্তি উদ্রেক করা) - His constant whining is driving me up the wall.

  22. Drop a bombshell - To reveal surprising news (অপ্রত্যাশিত সংবাদ প্রকাশ করা) - She dropped a bombshell when she announced her resignation.

  23. Drop the ball - To make a mistake (ভুল করা) - He really dropped the ball on this assignment.

  24. Drown your sorrows - To drink alcohol to forget your problems (সমস্যা ভুলে যাওয়ার জন্য মদ্যপান করা) - He went to the bar to drown his sorrows.

  25. Dutch courage - False bravery gained from alcohol (মদ্যপানের কারণে সৃষ্ট মিথ্যা সাহস) - He needed some Dutch courage to ask her out.

  26. Dwell on - To think or talk about something for too long (বেশি সময় ধরে কিছু ভাবা বা বলা) - Don't dwell on your mistakes; learn from them and move on.

  27. Down and out - Lacking funds, a home, or prospects (অর্থ, ঘর বা আশাবাদহীন) - After losing his job, he was down and out.

  28. Do or die - A situation where one must succeed or fail completely (সফল হওয়া বা সম্পূর্ণ ব্যর্থ হওয়া) - This match is do or die for the team.

  29. Down to the wire - Until the last moment (শেষ মুহূর্ত পর্যন্ত) - The negotiations went down to the wire.

  30. Dressed to the nines - Dressed very elegantly (অত্যন্ত আড়ম্বরপূর্ণভাবে পোশাক পরা) - She was dressed to the nines for the gala.

  31. Dig deep - To use a lot of effort or resources (অধিক পরিমাণে প্রচেষ্টা বা সম্পদ ব্যবহার করা) - We need to dig deep to find a solution.

  32. Diamond in the rough - Someone with potential but needing refinement (প্রতিভা আছে কিন্তু পরিশীলনের প্রয়োজন) - He is a diamond in the rough and will excel with some training.

  33. Down in the dumps - Feeling sad or depressed (দুঃখিত বা বিষণ্ণ অনুভব করা) - She's been down in the dumps since her cat died.

  34. Double-edged sword - Something that has both positive and negative effects (যার উভয় ভাল এবং খারাপ প্রভাব আছে) - Fame can be a double-edged sword.

  35. Don't give up your day job - A humorous way to say someone is not very good at something (কেউ কোন কাজে তেমন ভালো নয়) - Your singing is okay, but don't give up your day job.

  36. Drive a hard bargain - To negotiate effectively (কার্যকরভাবে দর-কষাকষি করা) - She knows how to drive a hard bargain.

  37. Drop in the bucket - A very small amount compared to what is needed (প্রয়োজনের তুলনায় খুব কম পরিমাণ) - The donation was just a drop in the bucket compared to what was needed.

  38. Dust off - To prepare something for use after a long period of neglect (দীর্ঘ সময় পরে আবার ব্যবহার করার জন্য প্রস্তুত করা) - He decided to dust off his old guitar.

  39. Down the road - In the future (ভবিষ্যতে) - We may face bigger challenges down the road.

  40. Dead in the water - Something that is not moving forward or making progress (কোন অগ্রগতি নেই এমন কিছু) - The project is dead in the water due to lack of funding.

  41. Drown in paperwork - Overwhelmed by paperwork (দলিলপত্রের কাজের চাপে থাকা) - She's been drowning in paperwork all week.

  42. Dog and pony show - An elaborate presentation (জাঁকজমকপূর্ণ প্রদর্শনী) - The CEO's speech was more of a dog and pony show than a real plan.

  43. Duck soup - Something very easy (খুবই সহজ কিছু) - For him, solving math problems is duck soup.

  44. Dead to the world - In a deep sleep (গভীর ঘুমে থাকা) - After the long journey, he was dead to the world.

  45. Dime a dozen - Very common and not special (খুবই সাধারণ এবং বিশেষ নয়) - Such players are a dime a dozen in the league.

  46. Drop the mic - To make a definitive statement (চূড়ান্ত বিবৃতি দেওয়া) - He made his point and then dropped the mic.

  47. Drive the point home - To emphasize something strongly (কোন কিছু জোর দিয়ে বলা) - The teacher drove the point home with several examples.

  48. Down on one's luck - Experiencing a period of bad luck (খারাপ সময়ে থাকা) - He's been down on his luck since he lost his job.

  49. Dead to rights - Caught in the act (অপরাধের সময় ধরা পড়া) - They had him dead to rights with the stolen goods.

  50. Duck out - To leave quickly and quietly (তাড়াতাড়ি এবং চুপচাপ চলে যাওয়া) - He ducked out of the meeting early.


  1. Easier said than done - Something that is easy to talk about but hard to do (কথা বলা সহজ, কাজ করা কঠিন) - Quitting smoking is easier said than done.

  2. Egg on your face - To be embarrassed or humiliated (বাক্সের মধ্যে ডিম) - He was left with egg on his face after the mistake.

  3. Every cloud has a silver lining - Every difficult situation has a positive aspect (প্রতিটি মেঘেরই সোনালী প্রান্ত থাকে) - Even though we lost, every cloud has a silver lining.

  4. Eye for an eye - A punishment that is the same as the crime (একটু চোখের বদলে চোখ) - The policy is based on the principle of an eye for an eye.

  5. Eagle eye - Very keen vision (খুব ভালো দৃষ্টি) - He has an eagle eye for details.

  6. Easy come, easy go - Something easily gained is also easily lost (যা সহজে আসে, তা সহজেই চলে যায়) - He won the lottery, but easy come, easy go.

  7. Eighth wonder of the world - Something extremely impressive (বিশ্বের অষ্টম আশ্চর্য) - Her cooking is the eighth wonder of the world.

  8. Every dog has its day - Everyone has their moment of success (প্রত্যেকেরই সফলতার দিন আছে) - Don't worry, every dog has its day.

  9. Empty vessel makes the most noise - Those with little knowledge often speak the loudest (খালি পাত্রই বেশি শব্দ করে) - He talks a lot, but the empty vessel makes the most noise.

  10. Escape one's notice - To be unnoticed (কোনো কিছু চোখ এড়িয়ে যাওয়া) - It didn't escape my notice that he was late.

  11. Eat like a horse - To eat a lot (খুব বেশি খাওয়া) - He eats like a horse but never gains weight.

  12. Eggs in one basket - Risking everything on one venture (একটি ক্ষেত্রের মধ্যে সবকিছু ঝুঁকি দেওয়া) - Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

  13. Easier said than done - Harder to accomplish than it is to talk about (কথা বলা সহজ, কাজ করা কঠিন) - Losing weight is easier said than done.

  14. End of the line - The final point or limit (সীমা) - This is the end of the line for this project.

  15. Every nook and cranny - Every small part or area (প্রতিটি কোণ এবং গুহা) - They searched every nook and cranny of the house.

  16. Eager beaver - A very enthusiastic person (খুবই উৎসাহী ব্যক্তি) - She’s an eager beaver who always volunteers for extra work.

  17. Eat your heart out - Be very envious (বিস্বস্ত হওয়া) - Eat your heart out, I’m going to Paris!

  18. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry - Any person at random (যে কেউ) - The job was open to every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

  19. Eleventh hour - At the last moment (শেষ মুহূর্তে) - They finished the project at the eleventh hour.

  20. Eureka moment - A moment of sudden insight or discovery (হঠাৎ আবিষ্কারের মুহূর্ত) - He had a Eureka moment while solving the puzzle.

  21. Eat humble pie - To admit one’s mistakes (নিজের ভুল স্বীকার করা) - He had to eat humble pie after the mistake.

  22. End of the road - The final stage or limit (শেষ পথ) - This is the end of the road for this plan.

  23. Elephant in the room - An obvious problem that no one wants to discuss (স্পষ্ট সমস্যা যা কেউ আলোচনা করতে চায় না) - The high turnover rate is the elephant in the room.

  24. Empty-handed - Without anything (শূন্য হাত) - They returned empty-handed from the market.

  25. Every cloud has a silver lining - Every bad situation has a positive side (যে কোনো খারাপ পরিস্থিতিরও ভালো দিক থাকে) - Don't worry, every cloud has a silver lining.

  26. Eager beaver - Someone who is very enthusiastic (খুবই উৎসাহী ব্যক্তি) - She’s an eager beaver and always volunteers for extra work.

  27. Eat someone out of house and home - To eat all of someone’s food (কোনো ব্যক্তির খাবার শেষ করে দেওয়া) - My kids eat me out of house and home.

  28. Every dog has its day - Everyone has their moment of success (প্রত্যেকেরই সফলতার দিন আছে) - Don’t worry, every dog has its day.

  29. End of the world - A catastrophic event (অপরিসীম বিপর্যয়) - Losing that document felt like the end of the world.

  30. Easier said than done - Difficult to accomplish (কথা বলা সহজ, কাজ করা কঠিন) - Quitting smoking is easier said than done.

  31. Early bird catches the worm - The one who starts early has an advantage (যে ব্যক্তি আগে শুরু করে, সে সুবিধা পায়) - The early bird catches the worm, so I’m up at dawn.

  32. Elephant in the room - An obvious problem that everyone is ignoring (যা সবাই এড়িয়ে চলে) - The lack of funding is the elephant in the room.

  33. Eat your words - To admit that you were wrong (নিজের ভুল স্বীকার করা) - He had to eat his words after the results were announced.

  34. End up - To finally be in a particular place or situation (শেষ পর্যন্ত কোথাও পৌঁছানো) - They might end up in a different city.

  35. Earn one's stripes - To prove oneself through hard work (মেধার প্রমাণ করা) - She had to earn her stripes before getting promoted.

  36. Eyes in the back of your head - Having the ability to see everything around you (পিছন থেকে সব কিছু দেখতে পারা) - You need to have eyes in the back of your head with kids around.

  37. Every dog has its day - Everyone will have their moment (সবাইয়েরই দিন আছে) - Don’t worry, every dog has its day.

  38. Eat like a bird - To eat very little (খুবই কম খাওয়া) - She eats like a bird, so she’s always so slim.

  39. Easy as pie - Very easy (খুবই সহজ) - The test was easy as pie.

  40. Egg on your face - To be embarrassed (বাক্সের মধ্যে ডিম) - He had egg on his face after the blunder.

  41. Eyes bigger than your stomach - Taking more food than you can eat (যতটুকু খেতে পারো তার চেয়ে বেশি খাবার নেওয়া) - I ordered too much food; my eyes were bigger than my stomach.

  42. Eat humble pie - To admit you were wrong (নিজের ভুল স্বীকার করা) - He had to eat humble pie after his mistake was discovered.

  43. Every nook and cranny - Every small part or corner (প্রতিটি কোণ এবং গুহা) - They searched every nook and cranny of the house.

  44. End of the road - The final point or limit (শেষ পথ) - This is the end of the road for the project.

  45. Eureka moment - A moment of sudden realization or discovery (হঠাৎ আবিষ্কারের মুহূর্ত) - She had a Eureka moment while solving the problem.

  46. Elephant in the room - An obvious problem that no one wants to discuss (স্পষ্ট সমস্যা যা কেউ আলোচনা করতে চায় না) - The elephant in the room is the company’s declining sales.

  47. Easy come, easy go - Something gained easily is lost easily (যা সহজে আসে, তা সহজেই চলে যায়) - Winning the lottery is easy come, easy go.

  48. Empty the nest - When children grow up and leave home (বাচ্চারা বড় হয়ে বাড়ি ছেড়ে চলে যাওয়া) - After the kids went to college, they had to empty the nest.

  49. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry - Any random person (যে কেউ) - The job was open to every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

  50. Eggs in one basket - Risking everything on one venture (একটি ক্ষেত্রে সবকিছু ঝুঁকি দেওয়া) - Don't put all your eggs in one basket.


  1. Face the music - To confront the consequences of one's actions (নিজের কাজের ফলাফলের মুখোমুখি হওয়া) - He has to face the music for his mistakes.

  2. Fall apart - To break down emotionally or physically (মানসিক বা শারীরিকভাবে ভেঙে পড়া) - She began to fall apart after hearing the bad news.

  3. Fall on deaf ears - To be ignored or disregarded (অবহেলিত বা উপেক্ষিত হওয়া) - His suggestions always fall on deaf ears.

  4. Feather in one's cap - An achievement to be proud of (গর্ব করার মতো একটি অর্জন) - Winning the award was a real feather in her cap.

  5. Fed up - Very tired or annoyed by something (কিছু দ্বারা খুব ক্লান্ত বা বিরক্ত) - I'm fed up with all the noise.

  6. Feel blue - To feel sad or depressed (দুঃখিত বা বিষণ্ণ অনুভব করা) - He's been feeling blue since his friend moved away.

  7. Field day - A very enjoyable day or time (খুব উপভোগ্য দিন বা সময়) - The kids had a field day at the amusement park.

  8. Fight tooth and nail - To fight very fiercely (খুব কঠোরভাবে লড়াই করা) - She had to fight tooth and nail to get her promotion.

  9. Fit as a fiddle - To be in very good health (খুব ভালো স্বাস্থ্য থাকা) - Even at 80, he is fit as a fiddle.

  10. Fly off the handle - To suddenly become very angry (হঠাৎ খুব রেগে যাওয়া) - She flew off the handle when she found out the truth.

  11. Follow suit - To do the same thing as someone else (অন্য কারো মতোই করা) - When the lead dancer added a new move, the others followed suit.

  12. Foot in the door - To achieve an initial stage of progress (অগ্রগতির প্রাথমিক পর্যায় অর্জন করা) - The internship helped him get his foot in the door of the industry.

  13. For a song - Very cheaply (খুবই কম দামে) - She bought the car for a song at an auction.

  14. Full of beans - Very lively and energetic (খুবই জীবন্ত এবং প্রাণবন্ত) - The children were full of beans after the birthday party.

  15. Face value - The superficial appearance of something (কোন কিছুর উপরিভাগের চেহারা) - Take his words at face value; he may have deeper intentions.

  16. Fall from grace - To lose status or respect (মর্যাদা বা সম্মান হারানো) - The politician's scandal caused him to fall from grace.

  17. Fall through - To fail to happen (ঘটা ব্যর্থ হওয়া) - Our vacation plans fell through due to the storm.

  18. Fast track - A quicker route to success (সফলতার দ্রুত পথ) - She was put on the fast track for promotion.

  19. Feather one's nest - To enrich oneself at the expense of others (অন্যদের খরচে নিজেকে সমৃদ্ধ করা) - He was accused of using his position to feather his own nest.

  20. Feel the pinch - To experience financial hardship (আর্থিক কষ্ট অনুভব করা) - After the rent increase, many residents are feeling the pinch.

  21. Fifth wheel - An unnecessary person or thing (একটি অপ্রয়োজনীয় ব্যক্তি বা জিনিস) - She felt like a fifth wheel during the couples' dinner.

  22. Fish out of water - Someone in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation (অপরিচিত বা অস্বস্তিকর পরিস্থিতিতে কেউ) - He felt like a fish out of water at the new job.

  23. Flash in the pan - Something that shows potential initially but fails later (যা প্রথমে সম্ভাবনা দেখায় কিন্তু পরে ব্যর্থ হয়) - His first novel was a success, but it turned out to be just a flash in the pan.

  24. Flesh and blood - A human being, especially with reference to emotions (একজন মানুষ, বিশেষ করে আবেগের সাথে সম্পর্কিত) - Despite his tough exterior, he is just flesh and blood.

  25. Fly by the seat of one's pants - To do something without planning (পরিকল্পনা ছাড়া কিছু করা) - We didn't have a plan; we just flew by the seat of our pants.

  26. Foot the bill - To pay for something (কিছুর জন্য টাকা দেওয়া) - Her parents agreed to foot the bill for her wedding.

  27. Fool's paradise - A state of happiness based on false hope (মিথ্যা আশার উপর ভিত্তি করে সুখ) - Believing that he'll come back to her is living in a fool's paradise.

  28. Forty winks - A short nap (একটি ছোট ঘুম) - He took forty winks during his lunch break.

  29. Free rein - Unrestricted freedom (অবাধ স্বাধীনতা) - The manager gave his team free rein on the project.

  30. French leave - Leaving without saying goodbye (বিদায় না বলে চলে যাওয়া) - She took French leave and left the party early.

  31. Full of hot air - Talking nonsense (অর্থহীন কথা বলা) - Don't listen to him; he's full of hot air.

  32. From A to Z - Covering everything (সবকিছু অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা) - The book covers the topic from A to Z.

  33. From scratch - From the very beginning (পুরোপুরি শুরু থেকে) - She built her business from scratch.

  34. Full steam ahead - Proceed with maximum effort (সর্বাধিক প্রচেষ্টায় এগিয়ে যাওয়া) - It's full steam ahead with the new project.

  35. Flog a dead horse - To waste effort on something that is not going to succeed (যা সফল হবে না তাতে প্রচেষ্টা ব্যয় করা) - Trying to change his mind is like flogging a dead horse.

  36. Face the facts - To accept the reality (বাস্তবতা মেনে নেওয়া) - It's time to face the facts; we need a new plan.

  37. Fair and square - Honestly and straightforwardly (সততার সাথে এবং সরলভাবে) - He won the game fair and square.

  38. Fall into place - To happen in a satisfactory way (সন্তোষজনকভাবে ঘটা) - Once we started the project, everything fell into place.

  39. Fall off the wagon - To return to an addictive behavior after a period of abstinence (একটি আসক্ত আচরণে ফিরে আসা) - He fell off the wagon after being sober for a year.

  40. Fend for oneself - To take care of oneself without help (সহায়তা ছাড়া নিজের যত্ন নেওয়া) - At 18, she had to fend for herself.

  41. Fight fire with fire - To use the same methods as your opponent (প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বীর মতোই পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করা) - They decided to fight fire with fire in the negotiations.

  42. Fit the bill - To be suitable for a particular purpose (একটি নির্দিষ্ট উদ্দেশ্যে উপযুক্ত হওয়া) - This new software fits the bill perfectly.

  43. Fly in the ointment - A small flaw that ruins the whole (একটি ছোট ত্রুটি যা পুরো নষ্ট করে দেয়) - The only fly in the ointment was the rainy weather.

  44. From pillar to post - From one place or situation to another in a disorganized way (একটি স্থান বা পরিস্থিতি থেকে অন্যটিতে বিশৃঙ্খলভাবে) - They've been moving from pillar to post since they lost their home.

  45. Full circle - To return to the original point (মূল পয়েন্টে ফিরে আসা) - His career has come full circle, returning to his first job.

  46. From the horse's mouth - Directly from the source (সূত্র থেকে সরাসরি) - I heard it from the horse's mouth that she's getting promoted.

  47. Fair game - Something that is a legitimate target (যা একটি বৈধ লক্ষ্য) - In politics, everything is fair game.

  48. Fall head over heels - To fall deeply in love (গভীর প্রেমে পড়া) - He fell head over heels for her.

  49. Find one's feet - To become comfortable in a new situation (একটি নতুন পরিস্থিতিতে আরামদায়ক হওয়া) - It took a while, but she's finally found her feet in her new job.

  50. Fool's gold - Something that appears valuable but is actually worthless (যা মূল্যবান মনে হয় কিন্তু প্রকৃতপক্ষে মূল্যহীন) - The business opportunity turned out to be fool's gold.


  1. Give it a shot - To try something (কিছু চেষ্টা করা) - Why don't you give it a shot and see if you like it?

  2. Go the extra mile - To make an extra effort (অতিরিক্ত প্রচেষ্টা করা) - She always goes the extra mile for her clients.

  3. Grasp at straws - To try anything to find a solution (সমাধান খুঁজতে কিছু করা) - He was grasping at straws to explain his actions.

  4. Get a grip - To control one's emotions (নিজের আবেগ নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা) - You need to get a grip and calm down.

  5. Give someone the cold shoulder - To ignore someone deliberately (কাউকে ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে উপেক্ষা করা) - She gave him the cold shoulder after the argument.

  6. Get the ball rolling - To start something (কিছু শুরু করা) - Let's get the ball rolling on this project.

  7. Go down in flames - To fail spectacularly (অসাধারণভাবে ব্যর্থ হওয়া) - His plans went down in flames when the funding was cut.

  8. Get out of hand - To become uncontrolled (নিয়ন্ত্রণহীন হয়ে যাওয়া) - The situation got out of hand quickly.

  9. Green with envy - Very jealous (খুবই ঈর্ষান্বিত) - She was green with envy when she saw her friend's new car.

  10. Give someone a run for their money - To challenge someone strongly (কাউকে শক্তভাবে চ্যালেঞ্জ করা) - She gave him a run for his money in the race.

  11. Get away with murder - To do something wrong without being punished (অপরাধ করে শাস্তি না পাওয়া) - He always gets away with murder because he's the boss's son.

  12. Go against the grain - To do something unusual or contrary to one's nature (অস্বাভাবিক বা স্বভাবের বিরুদ্ধে কিছু করা) - It goes against the grain for her to lie.

  13. Get wind of - To hear about something (কিছু শোনা) - He got wind of the company's plans to expand.

  14. Give someone a piece of your mind - To tell someone what you think angrily (ক্রোধে কাউকে নিজের মতামত বলা) - She gave him a piece of her mind after he was rude.

  15. Go for broke - To risk everything to achieve something (কিছু অর্জনের জন্য সব কিছু ঝুঁকি নেওয়া) - They decided to go for broke and invest in the new venture.

  16. Get cold feet - To become nervous before a big event (একটি বড় ঘটনার আগে নার্ভাস হওয়া) - He got cold feet before the wedding.

  17. Give someone the benefit of the doubt - To believe someone without proof (কাউকে প্রমাণ ছাড়াই বিশ্বাস করা) - I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt this time.

  18. Go hand in hand - To be closely related (ঘনিষ্ঠভাবে সম্পর্কিত) - Exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand.

  19. Get a kick out of - To enjoy something a lot (কিছু খুব উপভোগ করা) - She gets a kick out of playing video games.

  20. Give up the ghost - To die or stop working (মারা যাওয়া বা কাজ করা বন্ধ করা) - The old car finally gave up the ghost.

  21. Go through the motions - To do something without enthusiasm (উৎসাহ ছাড়া কিছু করা) - He was just going through the motions at his job.

  22. Get off scot-free - To escape without punishment (শাস্তি ছাড়া পালানো) - He got off scot-free despite his involvement in the scandal.

  23. Give it a rest - To stop doing or saying something (কিছু করা বা বলা বন্ধ করা) - Can you give it a rest? I'm tired of arguing.

  24. Go with the flow - To accept things as they come (ঘটনাগুলি যেমন আসে তেমন গ্রহণ করা) - She likes to go with the flow and not plan too much.

  25. Get your act together - To become organized and efficient (সংগঠিত এবং দক্ষ হওয়া) - You need to get your act together if you want to succeed.

  26. Give someone the slip - To escape from someone (কাউকে এড়িয়ে যাওয়া) - The thief managed to give the police the slip.

  27. Go out on a limb - To take a risk (ঝুঁকি নেওয়া) - She went out on a limb to defend her friend.

  28. Get the hang of - To learn how to do something (কিছু করা শেখা) - He finally got the hang of skiing.

  29. Give someone a hard time - To criticize or hassle someone (কাউকে সমালোচনা বা হয়রানি করা) - They gave her a hard time about her decision.

  30. Go out of one's way - To make a special effort (বিশেষ প্রচেষ্টা করা) - She went out of her way to make us feel welcome.


  1. Hit the hay - To go to bed (ঘুমানো) - I'm tired; I think I'll hit the hay early tonight.

  2. Hold your horses - To wait or be patient (অপেক্ষা করা) - Hold your horses, we're almost there.

  3. High and dry - Abandoned or stranded without help (সাহায্য ছাড়া ছেড়ে দেওয়া) - He left me high and dry with all the work.

  4. Have a blast - To have a great time (মজা করা) - We had a blast at the party last night.

  5. Hang in there - To persevere during a difficult situation (কঠিন অবস্থায় ধৈর্য ধরা) - Hang in there, things will get better.

  6. Hard nut to crack - Something difficult to solve or understand (সমাধান বা বুঝতে খুব কঠিন কিছু) - That math problem is a hard nut to crack.

  7. Hit the nail on the head - To be exactly right about something (কিছুর প্রতি সঠিক মন্তব্য বা মতামত রখা) - She hit the nail on the head with her analysis of the situation.

  8. Have a change of heart - To change one's opinion or feelings (মন পালটানো) - He had a change of heart and decided to support the new plan.

  9. Heart-to-heart - A sincere and honest conversation (সত্যনিষ্ঠ এবং সম্ভ্রান্ত আলোচনা) - They had a heart-to-heart talk about their relationship.

  10. Hell or high water - Any difficult situation or obstacle (যে কোনও কঠিন অবস্থার সম্মুখীন) - He promised to be there, come hell or high water.

  11. Head over heels - Very excited or joyful (খুব উত্তেজিত বা আনন্দিত) - She's head over heels in love with him.

  12. Hush-hush - Kept secret or confidential (গোপন বা গোপন রাখা) - The project was hush-hush until the official announcement.

  13. Hear it through the grapevine - To hear rumors or gossip (গল্পে অথবা অশ্রুতে শোনা) - I heard it through the grapevine that they're getting married.

  14. Hit the road - To begin a journey (একটি যাত্রা শুরু করা) - We need to hit the road early to avoid traffic.

  15. Hold the fort - To maintain control of a situation while others are absent (অন্যদের অনুপস্থিতিতে নিয়ন্ত্রণ বজায় রাখা) - I'll hold the fort while you're gone.

  16. Hungry as a bear - Very hungry (খুব ক্ষুধার্ত) - After playing all day, he was hungry as a bear.

  17. Hot potato - A controversial or difficult issue to deal with (বিতর্কিত বা কঠিন সমস্যা) - The new policy became a hot potato for the company.

  18. Half-baked - Not well thought out or incomplete (অপূর্ণ বা ভালমন্দে ভাবা) - His plan was half-baked and didn't work.

  19. Have eyes in the back of one's head - To be very aware of what is happening around oneself (নিজের চারপাশে সবকিছু চর্চা করা) - She seems to have eyes in the back of her head; she catches everything.

  20. Hit rock bottom - To reach the lowest point (নিম্নতম স্তরে পৌঁছা) - After losing his job, he hit rock bottom.

  21. Household name - A well-known person or thing (পরিবারের নাম) - The singer became a household name after winning the talent show.

  22. Hard and fast - Strict and inflexible (কঠোর এবং অমৃদু) - There are hard and fast rules about attendance at the conference.

  23. Have a chip on one's shoulder - To be easily angered or defensive (খুব সহজেই রাগী বা প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল) - He has a chip on his shoulder about criticism.

  24. Hold water - To be valid or reasonable (বৈধ বা যুক্তিসঙ্গত হওয়া) - His explanation didn't hold water when questioned.

  25. Home stretch - The final part of a task or journey (কাজের বা যাত্রার শেষ অংশ) - We're in the home stretch of the project; just a few more tasks to complete.

  26. Hit the jackpot - To achieve great success or win a large prize (বৃদ্ধি অর্জন বা বড় পুরস্কার জিতা) - She hit the jackpot with her new invention.

  27. Hanky-panky - Dishonest or suspicious activity (অবিশ্বাস্য বা অস্বীকৃত কাজ) - There was some hanky-panky going on behind the scenes.

  28. Have it in for someone - To have a strong dislike or animosity toward someone (কাউকে অত্যন্ত ঘৃণা বা বিরোধ করা) - She seems to have it in for her coworker.

  29. Head in the clouds - To be unaware or unrealistic about things (বস্তু না বা অবাস্তব জিনিস চিন্তা করা) - He's always got his head in the clouds; he needs to focus.

  30. Haste makes waste - Rushing leads to mistakes (হতাশা নিয়ে যায় ব্যস্ততা) - Remember, haste makes waste, so take your time.



  1. In a nutshell - To summarize briefly (সংক্ষেপে) - In a nutshell, the project was successful.

  2. In hot water - In trouble or facing difficulties (কঠিন অবস্থায়) - He's in hot water after missing the deadline.

  3. In the dark - Unaware or uninformed about something (অজ্ঞাততায়) - She's in the dark about the surprise party.

  4. In the same boat - In the same situation (একই অবস্থায়) - We're in the same boat regarding our workload.

  5. In the nick of time - Just in time (সময়ের নিকটতমে) - They arrived in the nick of time for the meeting.

  6. In over your head - Involved in something too difficult to handle (ব্যাপ্ত হওয়া) - He's in over his head with the new project.

  7. In the red - Spending more money than you earn (টাকার ঘাটতি) - The company is in the red this quarter.

  8. In the loop - Informed or included in a group (সম্মুখে) - Keep me in the loop about any changes.

  9. In the bag - Certain or secured (নিশ্চিত) - Victory is in the bag for the team.

  10. In seventh heaven - Extremely happy (অত্যন্ত খুশি) - She's in seventh heaven since getting promoted.

  11. In your face - Directly confronting or challenging someone (সরাসরি হামলা করা) - He scored and celebrated in their face.

  12. Iron out - To resolve or settle (সমাধান করা) - They need to iron out their differences.

  13. In the cards - Likely to happen (সম্ভব) - A promotion is in the cards for him.

  14. In the driver's seat - In control or in charge (নিয়ন্ত্রণে) - She's in the driver's seat of the project.

  15. In the line of fire - Likely to be criticized or attacked (নিশ্চিত মানে বিচার বা হামলার জন্য) - As the spokesperson, she's in the line of fire.

  16. In the dark about - Not knowing anything about something (কিছু সম্পর্কে কিছুই না জানা) - She is in the dark about her surprise party.

  17. In stitches - Laughing uncontrollably (অসংখ্য হাসি) - The comedian had everyone in stitches.

  18. In your element - Comfortable and natural (আপনার প্রাকৃতিক অবস্থায়) - She's in her element when teaching children.

  19. In the same boat - In the same situation (একই অবস্থায়) - We're in the same boat regarding our workload.

  20. In the limelight - At the center of attention (চরকসাধারণের মধ্যে) - The singer thrives in the limelight.

  21. In deep water - In serious trouble (গভীর দুর্দশায়) - He's in deep water after failing the exam.

  22. In the long run - Eventually or over time (প্রতিদিন) - In the long run, hard work pays off.

  23. In full swing - At its highest level of activity (তার সর্বোচ্চ স্তরে) - The festival is in full swing.

  24. In the right place at the right time - To be lucky and have an opportunity (ভাগ্যের অফুরন্ত অস্তিত্ব আছে) - She was in the right place at the right time to meet the director.

  25. In the same breath - In the same moment or context (একই মুখে বা পরিস্থিতিতে) - He praised her in the same breath he criticized her work.

  26. In the dark - Uninformed (অজ্ঞাত) - She's in the dark about the changes in the company.

  27. In the loop - Informed about events or changes (সচেতন) - Keep me in the loop about the project updates.

  28. In the nick of time - Just in time (সময়ে) - He arrived in the nick of time for the interview.

  29. In the red - Financially losing (লাভের দিকে না) - The company is in the red this year.

  30. In the long run - Eventually (পরিবর্তন হয়) - succeed


  1. Jump the gun - To start something too soon (অগ্রগতি করা) - They jumped the gun by announcing the project before it was confirmed.

  2. Just around the corner - Very soon (খুব তাড়াতাড়ি) - The weekend is just around the corner; hang in there!

  3. Jump on the bandwagon - To join others in doing something popular (লোকজনের সঙ্গে যোগ দেওয়া) - Many companies jumped on the bandwagon of using social media for marketing.

  4. Jaw-dropping - Surprising or shocking (আশ্চর্যজনক বা আকর্ষণীয়) - The magician's performance was jaw-dropping.

  5. Judge a book by its cover - To form an opinion based on appearance (মুখের দেখতে নিশ্চয়তা গ্রহণ করা) - Don't judge a book by its cover; he's actually very talented.

  6. Jog someone's memory - To help someone remember something (মনে আসানো সাহায্য করা) - Showing her a photo helped jog her memory about the event.

  7. Jinxed - Unlucky or cursed (অদৃষ্ট) - Every time he plays, he feels jinxed.

  8. Jump ship - To leave a job or organization suddenly (পড়ে প্রতিষ্ঠান বা সংস্থা থেকে ছেড়ে যেতে) - Several employees jumped ship when they heard about the layoffs.

  9. Just what the doctor ordered - Exactly what is needed (ঠিকমত) - A vacation is just what the doctor ordered after a stressful week.

  10. Juggle something - To handle multiple tasks or responsibilities at the same time (একই সময়ে পরিচালনা করা) - She's trying to juggle work and family responsibilities.


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