In grammar, "person" is a way to talk about the different roles people play in sentences. There are three types of persons:
First Person: This is when we talk about ourselves or a group that includes us. For example, "I did something" or "We did something." The words we use for the first person are "I," "me," "we," and "us."
Second Person: This is when we talk directly to someone. For example, "You did something." The word we use for the second person is "you."
Third Person: This is when we talk about everyone else. For example, "He did something," "She did something," or "They did something." The words we use for the third person are "he," "him," "she," "her," "it," "they," and "them." It also includes other names like "Fritz" or groups like "Germans."
How "Person" Connects to Personal Pronouns:
In addition to being one of these three "person" types, each personal pronoun also belongs to either a single person or many people. So, there are six "person" categories in total.
Here's a table showing the pronouns in these six categories and the different forms they take:
Person | Subjective Case | Objective Case | Possessive Determiner | Possessive Pronoun |
First Person Singular | I | me | my | mine |
Second Person Singular | you | you | your | yours |
Third Person Singular | he/she/it | him/her/it | his/her/its | his/hers/its |
First Person Plural | we | us | our | ours |
Second Person Plural | you | you | your | yours |
Third Person Plural | they | them | their | theirs |
Understanding "person" in grammar helps us communicate more clearly by knowing who is doing the action in a sentence.
Rules of using persons:
Rules of using persons
Certainly! Here are some rules for using grammatical persons in English:
First Person (I, we):
Used when the speaker is talking about themselves or a group that includes them.
Examples: I like chocolate. We are going to the park.
Second Person (you):
Used when addressing someone directly.
Example: Can you pass me the salt?
Third Person (he, she, it, they):
Used when talking about someone or something that is not the speaker or the person being spoken to.
Examples: He is coming to the party. They love reading books.
Singular vs. Plural:
Choose the appropriate form based on whether you are talking about one person/thing (singular) or more than one (plural).
Singular: She is my friend. It is a beautiful day.
Plural: They are my friends. These are beautiful flowers.
Maintain consistency in person within a sentence or paragraph. Avoid shifting between different persons unless it's intentional and makes sense in the context.
Example: Incorrect - "I like ice cream, and you eat pizza." Correct - "I like ice cream, and you like pizza."
Personal Pronouns:
Use the appropriate personal pronouns based on the grammatical person.
First Person: I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours
Second Person: you, your, yours
Third Person: he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs
Reporting Speech:
When reporting what someone else said, the pronouns may change to reflect the original speaker's perspective.
Example: Direct speech - "She said, 'I am coming.'" Reported speech - "She said that she was coming."
Imperative Sentences:
Imperative sentences (commands or requests) often use the second person.
Examples: Close the door. Please pass the salt.
Avoiding Ambiguity:
Use clear and specific language to avoid confusion about who is being referred to in a sentence.
Example: Ambiguous - "They said it was good, but I didn't believe them." Clear - "John and Mary said it was good, but I didn't believe them."
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) based on the context provided.
__________ love to go hiking in the mountains. (First person)
Could __________ please pass the salt? (Second person)
The cat is sleeping, and __________ looks very comfortable. (Third person)
__________ told me that you were coming to the party. (Third person)
__________ is the best student in the class. (He/She)
__________ are planning a surprise for their parents. (They)
__________ and John are working on a project together. (She)
__________ have already finished our homework. (We)
Can __________ join us for dinner tonight? (You)
__________ said, "I will be there on time." (He/She)
He/She/They (depending on the context)
He/She (depending on the context)
He/She (depending on the context)
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) or other relevant words.
After the meeting, Sarah and __________ will review the project details.
James said that __________ is considering a career change.
Please let __________ know if there are any issues with the new software.
The committee members discussed the proposal, and __________ agreed to implement the changes.
__________ can't believe how quickly time has passed since __________ started this job.
The manager asked __________ to submit the report by Friday.
As soon as the guests arrive, __________ will show them to their seats.
__________ think it's crucial to address this issue before it escalates.
The CEO, along with the board of directors, is responsible for making strategic decisions, and __________ take this responsibility seriously.
__________ appreciate the effort that everyone has put into the project.
If __________ were in your position, __________ would consider negotiating a better deal.
The research team, consisting of experts in their field, presented their findings, and __________ were well-received.
The company's success relies on the dedication and hard work of each employee, and __________ value every contribution.
Maria is the only one who can handle this delicate situation; __________ has the necessary skills and experience.
__________ were thrilled to hear that the company achieved record profits this quarter.
The professor, along with his colleagues, believes that __________ can make a significant impact in the field of research.
The athletes and their coaches know that consistent training is the key if __________ want to succeed at the highest level.
As the project manager, __________ need to ensure that the team stays on schedule.
John and __________ will be attending the conference next month to represent our department.
The team leader, along with the members, is confident that __________ can complete the project ahead of schedule.
I, I
I, I