Rules of changing s Passage Narration
1. Rule – .By reading the passage carefully, the Speaker, Listener, Tense, Number, Gender & Person and mood of the sentence are to be identified.
2. Rule – If the Reporting Verb is after the Direct Speech, in Indirect Speech it is set at the beginning of the Sentence. Example-
Direct : “Please tell me clearly what you mean to say.” said the noble man.
Indirect : The noble man requested to tell him clearly what he meant to say.
Direct : “It will be decided after a discussion,” said the teacher.
Indirect : The teacher said that it would be decided after a discussion.
Direct : “Why did you not go to school yesterday?” said the mother to the girl.
Direct : "Take this money and go to the market." "Your brother is coming today," said father.
Indirect : Father ordered me to take that money and go to the market. He added that my brother was coming that day.
3. Rule . If the Reporting Verb is in the middle of the Sentences, in Indirect Speech it is set beginning of the first Sentence and both sentences are joined by and.
Direct: “Thank you,” said the teacher, “You’re really brilliant.”
Indirect: The teacher thanked him and said that he was really brilliant.
Direct :“Where is the problem?” said the teacher, “Let us try again.”
Indirect: The teacher asked where the problem was and proposed that they should try again.
Direct: “I’m watching the boys swimming in the pond,” he said, “How happy they are!”
Indirect: He said that he was watching the boys swimming in the pond and exclaimed with joy that they were very happy.
Direct : "You look a little bit like my mother," Jerry said to the authoress, "Especially in the dark by the fire."
Indirect : Jerry told the authoress that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire.
4. Rule – In absence of ‘Subject & Listener’ in the Reporting Speech, ‘The speaker’ for Subject & ‘the person spoken to / the listener’ for object of Reporting Verb are written.
Direct: “I shall meet you tomorrow. “
Indirect: The speaker said to the person spoken to that he would meet him the next day.
Direct : “Are you coming to my house tomorrow?” “Yes, I will come tomorrow evening.”
Indirect: The speaker asked the listener if he was going to his house the next day. The listener replied in the affirmative and said that he would come the next evening.
Direct: “Don’t go there.”
Indirect: The speaker told the person spoken to not to go there.
5. Rule – If several sentences are in the Inverted commas (“ – ”) – In Assertive Sentence, reporting verb is changed into added / further added / again said / also said etc.
Direct : “Here are the tickets. They will cost one thousand taka,” said the ticket officer.
Indirect : The ticket officer told that there were the tickets and said that they would cost one thousand taka.
Direct : Hasan said, "I will meet him. I will explain everything to him. I hope he will help us after that."
Indirect : Hasan said that he would meet him and explain everything to him. Then he hoped that he would help them after that.
6. Rule – If several sentences are in the Inverted commas (“ – ”) In Interrogative Sentence, reporting verb is changed into again asked / also asked / further asked etc.
Direct: The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?”
Indirect : The maid asked him why he begged and also asked him if he could not work.
Direct: He said to me, ‘ Who are you? What do you want?’
Indirect: He asked me who I was and what I wanted.
7. Rule – If several sentences are in the Inverted commas (“ – ”) In Imperative Sentence, reporting verb is changed into again advised / also requested / further ordered according to sense of the sentence. In Indirect Speech, two same sentences are joined by and.
Direct : Nayem said to me, “I have left my pen at home. Can you give me one?”
Indirect: Nayem told me that he had left her pen at home and asked if I could give him one.
8. Rule- In Direct speech if a speaker uses interrogative and assertive sentence together, ‘and’ is used to join the sentences or then is used at the beginning of the second sentence
Direct: The teacher said to Urmi, “ Why are you talking in the class? You should behave yourself.”
Indirect: The teacher asked Urmi why she was talking in the class and said that she should behave herself.
Direct: “I do not know the way. Do you?” he asked her.
Inderect: He said that he did not know the way and asked her whether she did.
Direct : Mother said to me, "You should maintain your routine properly," "Don't you think it is good for your study?"
Indirect : Mother said to me that I should maintain my routine properly and asked me if I didn't think it was good for my study.
9. Rule- To change a dialogue into indirect , we should assume the indicated portion and write accordingly in indirect speech.
Direct : "What is your name?" : Rubaba."
Indirect : I asked her what her name was. She replied that her name was Rubaba.
,Direct : I said to him, "How long will you stay?" He replied, "for five days."
Indirect : I asked him how long he would stay. He replied that he would stay for five days.
10. Rule – . ‘Replied in the affirmative’ are written instead of ‘Yes’. Replied that +sub+ verb can also be used.
Direct :“Did people use stamps in those days?” asked Rafiq. “Yes!” answered Mr. Jamil.
Indirect: Rafiq asked Mr. Jamil if people had used stamps in those days. Mr. Jamil replied in the affirmative.
Direct : He said to me, "Are you ill ‘ . I replied, " Yes."
Indirect : He asked me if I was ill. I replied in the affirmative/that I was I was.
11. Rule – If any statement is after ‘Yes’, ‘replied in the affirmative and said that’ are written.
Direct :“Have you killed the rats?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have killed,” said the piper.
Indirect: The Mayor asked the piper if he had killed the rats. The piper replied in the affirmative and said that he had killed.
Direct : He said to me, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest bank?” I said, “Yes, I can tell.”
Indirect: He asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest bank. I replied in the affirmative and said that I could tell.
Direct : He said to me, "Do you like games and sports?" I said, "Yes, I play football and cricket."
Indirect : He asked me if I liked games and sports. I replied that I did and added that I played football and cricket.
12. Rule – ‘Replied in the negative’ are written instead of ‘No’. Replied that +sub+ verb(negative form) can also be used.
Direct: She said to me, “Do you like music? I said, “No.”
Indirect : She asked me if I liked music. I replied in the negative.
Direct : He said to me, "Do you know Rajib?" I said, "No."
Indirect : He asked me if I knew Rajib. I replied that I did not.
13. Rule – If any statement is after ‘No’, ‘replied in the negative and said that’ are written.
Direct : “Aren’t you wasting your time?” I said. “No, I don’t think so,” he said.
Indirect : I asked him if he wasn’t wasting his time. He replied in the negative and said that he didn’t think so.
Direct : He said to me, “Would you accompany me, please?” “No, I am sorry,” replied I.
Indirect: He asked me if I would accompany him. I replied in the negative and said that I was sorry.
Direct : Zaman said to Rajib," Have you completed the homework?" Rajib said, "No, I am ill."
Indirect : Zaman asked Rajib if he (R) had completed his homework. Rajib replied that he (R) had not because he was ill.
14. Rule- If yes/no is used to emphasize the statement, we can use promised or denied as reporting verb.
Direct: He said, "Yes, sir, I shall go."
Indirect : He promised that he would go.
Direct: She said, "No, sir, I have not seen it."
Indirect : She denied that she had seen it.
Or, She denied having seen it.
15. Rule – Instead of ‘Sir’, respectfully/politely is written.
Direct: The man said to the manager, “May I come in, sir?”
Indirect: The man respectfully asked the manager if he might go in.
Direct : The boy said, “Yes sir, I think so.”
Indirect : The boy respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that he thought so.
Direct : Kamal said, "Sir, I am sorry."
Indirect : Kamal respectfully said that he was sorry.
Direct : She said, "Sir, I will be attentive from now."
Indirect : She respectfully said that she would be attentive from then.
Direct : Rajib said, "Sir, are you busy now?"
Indirect : Rajib respectfully asked if he was busy then.
Direct : He said to me, "Sir, I will be late today."
Indirect : He respectfully said to me that he would be late that day.
16. Rule- If the addressing is true, the name of the person/thing is written as object of the reporting verb. Name used in vocative case is added with Reporting verb.
Direct : The teacher said, "Rajib, why are you making a noise?"
Indirect : The teacher asked Rajib why he (R) was making a noise.
Direct : "Let him come with us, mother," I said.
Indirect : I asked my mother to let him come with us.
Direct: Mother said, “Sumya, do not quarrel.”
Indirect: Mother ordered Sumya not to quarrel.
17. Rule – 13. ‘Addressing as’ is written beginning of the sentence instead of Sir/ friend/ sister/ brother/ mum etc. if they really don’t have any relation.
Direct : The student said, “Sir, I have a problem to solve it.”
Indirect : Addressing as sir, the student said that he had a problem to solve it.
Direct: “Are you hungry, my friends?” said the leader.
Indirect : Addressing as his friends, the leader asked if they were hungry.
Direct : Amir said, “Brethren, Listen to my word.”
Indirect: Addressing as brethren, Amir request to listen to his word.
Direct : “I was ill, mum,” the girl replied.
Indirect : Addressing her mother as mum, the girl replied that she had been ill.
Direct : "Are you hungry, friends?" said the shrewd (t)v) king.
Indirect : Addressing them as friends, the shrewd king asked if they were hungry.
Direct : Rashed said to the man, "Sir, are you looking for someone?"
Indirect : Addressing the man as sir, Rashed asked him (m) if he (m) was looking for someone.
18. If the sentence start with shall I/ we and indicates offer, the sentence is transformed into indirect using the rules of imperative sentence.
Direct : "Shall I bring you some tea?" he said to me.
Indirect : He offered to bring me some tea.
Direct : He said to me, "Shall I bat on top order?"
Indirect : He offered to bat on top order.
Direct : We said, "Shall we contribute some amount for the affected people?"
Indirect : We offered to contribute some amount for the affected people. •
Direct : I said, "Shall I join the party?"
Indirect : I offered to join the party.
Direct : He said, "Shall I meet him tomorrow?"
Indirect : He offered to meet him the next day.
19. Rule – In stead of ‘Thank you’, ‘Subject + thanked + Object of Reporting Verb are written.
Direct: He said to me, “Thank you.”
Indirect: He thanked me.
Direct : The teacher said to me, “Thank you.”
Indirect : The teacher thanked me.
Direct : Mrs. Kalam said, “Thank you, Mr. Haque.
Indirect: Mrs. Kalam thanked Mr. Haque.
20. Rule – 12. Instead of Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening/ Happy new year etc. Subject + wished + object + good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening/happy new year etc.
Direct: I said to him, “Good morning.”
Indirect: I wished him good morning.
Direct : The teacher said to us, “Good afternoon to all of you.”
Indirect: The teacher wished good afternoon to all of us.
Direct: Father said to them, “Good evening to all of you.”
Indirect : Father wished them good evening to all of them.
Direct : I said to you, “Good night.”
Indirect : I wished you good night.
Direct : She said to me, “Happy new year.”
Indirect : She wished me happy new year.
21. Rule – In stead of ‘Good bye’/Good night, ‘Subject + bade + object + good bye’ /Good night are written.
Direct: The leader said, “Good bye my, friends.”
Indirect: The leader bade his friends good bye.
Direct: Father said to the boy, Good night’
Indirect: Father bade the boy good night.
22. If why is written as an reply o f a question, in indirect speech speaker+ wanted to know the reason is used.
Direct: "When will you come?"
"At 9 am. Why, mother?" said the son.
Indirect: Mother asked her son when he would come. The son replied that he would come at 9 am and wanted to know the reason (for such question).
Direct : Shetu said to Tanha, "I will not go for the study tour." "Why? We will have lots of fun."
Indirect : Shetu said to Tanha that he (s) would not go for the study tour. Tanha wanted to know the reason and said that they would have lots of fun.
Direct : Mother said to Lifa, "Are you going with me?" "No, mother." "Why?". "I am feeling unwell."
Indirect : Mother asked Lifa if she was going with her. Addressing her as mother, Lifa replied in
the negative. Mother wanted to know the reason. Lifa replied that she was feeling unwell,
23. Rule-well/you see/you know is left out in the indirect speech
Direct: The teacher said to him, “Well Rony, I shall reward you.”
Indirect: The teacher said to Rony that he would reward him.
24. Rule - Oh I see/Look is replaced by expressing surprise and drawing attention to
Direct: Shahid said to Imran, “Oh I see. He is the Director of the company.”
Indirect: Expressing surprise, Shahid told Imran that he was the Director of the company.
Direct: He said, “Look, I have bought a new red car.”
Indirect: Drawing attention, he said that he had bought a new red car.
25. Rule -In assertive sentence/imperative sentence if yes/no/alright/ok is used, we replace them by using agreed/disagreed/decline.
Direct: The manager said, “Finish the work as soon as possible.”
The employee said, “ Alright sir. You will get the work done within a few days.”
Indirect: The manager ordered to finish the work as soon as possible. The employee agreed and respectfully added that he would get the work done within a few days.
Direct: “ I am sent to school for playing with friends, father.” Jack said.
“No, you are sent to school to read and write.”
Indirect: Jack told his father that he was sent to school for playing with friends. Father disagreed and added that he was sent to learn to read and write.
26. Rule - If two parts of the imperative sentence is added with ‘or’ , second part of the sentence is replaced by and added if+ subject+ did not do so. Subject + would/could/might+ verb is used.
Direct: “Read attentively or you will fail, “ said the teacher.
Indirect: The teacher advised to read attentively and added if he did not do so he would fail.
Direct: He said to me, “ Have patience or you will not be able to catch fish.
Indirect: He advised me to have patience and added that if I did not so I would not be able to catch fish.
27. Rule – In stead of ‘Part of a Sentence or Phrase’, complete sentence is written according to the sense of the Speaker.
Direct: The teacher said, “How are you?” “Well,” said the girl.
Indirect: The teacher asked the girl how she was. The girl replied that she was well.
Direct: Apu said to me, “What are you doing?” I said, “Eating rice.”
Indirect: Apu asked me what I was doing. I replied that I was eating rice.
28. Rule – In stead of ‘By Allah/ by God/ by Lord/ by Jove/ by my life, Swearing by Allah/ by God/ by Lord/ by Jove/ by my life etc are written in the Indirect Speech.
Direct: “By Allah,” he replied, “I will not leave this place.”
Indirect: Swearing by Allah, he replied that he would not leave that place.
Direct : "By Allah, believe me, I did not know him," said Amrin.
Indirect : Swearing by Allah, Amrin requested to believe her and said that she had not known
Direct : Imran said, "By your life, I will study regularly from now, mom."
Indirect : Swearing by her life, Imran said to his mother that he would study regularly from
Direct : "By God", the boy said, "I will not let him go."
Indirect : Swearing by God the boy said that he would not let him go.
Direct : Aashiqa said, "By my life, I am ready to do every possible thing to educate them."
Indirect : Swearing by her life, .Ashiqa said that she was ready to do every possible thing to
educate them.
29. Rule –The portion written outside of the inverted comma usually remained unchanged. But ‘Present participle phrase’ are written beginning of the Sentence in Indirect Speech.
Direct:“Are you brothers?” asked the mistress of the house, turning to the boys.
Indirect: Turning to the boys, the mistress of the house asked if they were brothers.
Direct : Walking towards the door, he said to me, "Wait here for sometime."
Indirect : Walking towards the door, he ordered me to wait there for sometime.
Direct : Admitting the truth, the man said, "I was really unaware of the fact."
Indirect : Admitting the truth, the man said that he had been really unaware of the fact.
Direct : Giving a round of applause, we said, "Happy Birthday to you."
Indirect : Giving a round of applause, we wished her happy birthday.
Direct : In order to get back her lost daughter, she said, "I will give an amount of two lac taka
who will find out my daughter."
Indirect : In order to get back her lost daughter, she said that she would give an amount of two lac taka who would find out her daughter.
30. Rule –If question mark (?) is ending of Assertive sentence, ‘Being surprised’ are written beginning of Indirect Speech and followed the rules of ‘Interrogative sentence’.
Direct: Luna said to me, “You have remembered how she looked all these years?”
Indirect: Being surprised, Luna asked me if I had remembered how she had looked all those years.
Direct : My brother said to me, "You know him?"
Indirect : Being surprised, my brother asked me if I knew him.
Direct : Johnny said to Iddris, "Bangladesh lost the match?"
Indirect : Being surprised, Johnny asked Iddris if Bangladesh lost the match.
Direct : She said to her brother, "You failed in the exam? I frequently told you to study more
and more."
Indirect : Being surprised, she asked her brother if he failed in the exam. She again said that
she had frequently told him to study more and more.
Direct : I said to Rashed, "He is outside the country? But I saw him last night."
Indirect : Being surprised, I asked Rashed if he was outside the country and added that I had
seen him the previous night.
31. Rule - If the second sentence of the reported speech expresses the reason of the first sentence, we can use since/as/because as linker
Direct: “ I will not attend the meeting . I am ill,” he said
Indirect: He said that he would not attend the meeting as he was ill.
Direct : Raiyan said "I failed in the examination. I did not work hard."
Indirect : Raiyan said that he had failed in the examination since he did not work hard.
Direct : The man said, "The thief was not seen. There was dark all around."
Indirect : The man said that the thief had not seen since there had been dark all around,
Direct : The batsman said, "I played bad. The pitch is too slow to bat."
Indirect : The batsman said that he had played bad as the pitch was too slow to bat.
Direct : The workers said, We will go for a strike. We are not getting our salaries timely." Indirect : The workers said that they would go for a strike as they were not getting their salaries timely. Direct : Father said to me, "I could not withdraw the money. I have lost my ATM card." Indirect : Father said to me that he could not withdraw the money since he had lost his ATM card.
32. Rule-You ought to /should/had better/if I were you will be left out and advised will be used instead
Direct: You had better hurry, Jony,” she said.
Indirect: She advised Jony to hurry.
Direct: “ If I were you, I would wait,” I said to him.
Indirect: I advised him to wait.
Direct : I said to her, "You had better watch the way you talk to me in the future."
Indirect : I advised her to watch the way she talk to me in the future.
Direct : "They had better be here before we start dinner," she said.
Indirect : She advised to be there before they start dinner.
Direct : He said to me, "You ought to tell her everything."
Indirect : He advised me to tell her everything.
Direct : Rashed said to. Ibrahim, "If I were you, I would not do this."
Indirect : Rashed advised Ibrahim not to do that.
33. Rule - Sorry/ I am sorry is replaced by apologized
Direct: “Sorry , sir, I will not be late again,” said the student.
Indirect: The student apologized and said that he would not be late again.
Direct : The boy said, "Sorry. It was my mistake." .
Indirect : The boy apologized and said that it had been his mistake.
Direct : The stranger said, "I am sorry. I don't know anyone here."
Indirect : The stranger apologized and said that he didn't know anyone there. Direct : He said to his father, "Sorry. I will not do it again."
Indirect : He apologized to his father and said that he would not do it again. Direct : The girl said, "I am sorry. I behaved with you wrongly."
Indirect : The girl apologized and said that she had behaved with him wrongly.
34. Rule : Sorry to disturb you/excuse me is replaced by seeking an excuse in indirect speech
Direct: The man said, “ Excuse me, how can I find this address?”
Indirect: Seeking an excuse, the man asked how he could find that address.
Direct: The girl said to the man, “ Sorry to disturb you, are you Mr. Max?”
Indirect: Seeking an excuse the girl asked the man if he was Mr.Max.
Direct : "Sony to disturb, would you tell me the way to the nearest college?" said the man.
Indirect : Seeking an excuse, the man asked if he would tell him the way to the nearest college.
Direct : Kamal said to his teacher, "Excuse me, sir. I did not understand the math you solved now."
Indirect : Seeking an excuse, Kamal respectfully said to his teacher that he (k) had not understood the math he (t) solved then.
35. Rule – If Pronoun is beginning and Noun is ending of the Sentence, The noun used as subject is replaced by pronoun.
Direct : “My sons, listen to me.” “We are listening.” “I am going to die,” said the old man.
Indirect : The old man told his sons to listen to him. His sons replied that they are listening. The old man said that he was going to die.
Direct: Imran said to her, “ How was your exam?” Lifa Said, “Very good”
Indirect: Imran asked Lifa how her exam had been. Lifa replied that her exam was very good.
Direct : Selim said to him, "I am ready to go." Mr. Anwar said, "Grab a car. We are already late."
Indirect : Selim said to Mr. Anwar that he (S) was ready to go. Mr Anwar told Selim to grab a car and added that they were already late.
Direct : The maid said to him, "Why do you beg?" The old man replied, "I am too old to work."
Indirect : The maid asked the old man why he (OM) begged. The old man replied that he (OM) was too old to work.
36. Rule - In case of tag question the statement part of the tag question is changed following the rules of interrogative sentence and tag portion is changed using “and assumed that “ and remaining follows the rule of assertive sentence
Sturucture: Speaker+asked+listener+if+subject+verb+……and assumed that + subject+ verb………..
Direct: Della said to Jim, “I’m me without my hair, ain’t i?
Indirect: Della asked Jim if she was her without her hair and assumed that she was.
Direct: The man said, “We love our country, don’t we?”
Indirect: The man asked if we loved our country and assumed that we did.
Direct : He said, "Everybody loves flower, don't they?"
Indirect : He asked if everybody loves flower and assumed that they do.
Direct : I said, "I did not come last night, did I?"
Indirect : I asked if I had not gone the previous night and assumed that I hadn't.
Direct : "They are very serious, aren't they?" Aashiqa said.
Irfdirect : Aashiqa asked if they were very serious and assumed that they were.
Important Note: Some are of opinion that when the Reporting Verb is in the past tense, "All past tenses of the direct form either remain in the past tense, or are changed into the past perfect tense. The past perfect tense is used chiefly when we wish to lay stress on the completion of the action." This certainly violates the rules of the sequence of tense; still, it cannot often be helped.
For example, let us take the following passage:
Direct: He said to me, "I went home in January. There I met my sister after a long time. She was a widow and was very eager to see me. My mother to wished me to see her."
Indirect: He said to me that he had gone home in January. There he had met his sister after a long time. She had been a widow and had been very eager to see him. His mother, too had wished him to see her.
Now, so many past perfect tenses in a single passage are certainly bad English. If instead, we retain the simple past indefinite of the original in the indirect form, the rendering will be good English. Hence, the rule stated above. In the case of short sentence, however, the past may be and shall be changed into the past perfect, because that does not create any difficulty.
Rules overview with Explanation
** Read the passage narration from first to last and try to understand the speakers and their speeches. You have to differentiate each speech and its speaker. You may not get the name of speaker in each speech. But observing the context of speeches, you have to mark that.
Example and Explanation:
“You have lost my new bag today. Why have you gone outside leaving it then?”, asked the Master. “I went outside for drinking a glass of water sir”, said the Servant. “But you could go after my coming. Now pay for the bag.” “Yes, I am guilty for my carelessness but now I have no money”, replied the servant.
In this passage, notice the sentences “But you could go after my coming. Now pay for the bag.” And you will get that there is no speaker mentioned after the speeches. But because of context, we get that it is the speeches of the master.
** You have to write the name of speaker and listener of each speech before the speech during changing. In question, you may not get the name with each sentence and you may get the name of speaker at first or last. But during the changing into indirect, you have to put the name of speaker and listener at first.
Example and Explanation:
Direct: “I have called you today. Were you so much busy?”, he said. “I was busy with some official works”, said I.
Indirect: He said to me that he had called me that day. He asked me if I was so much busy. I replied that I had been busy with some official works.
So, you have seen that I have mentioned the name of speaker and listener before each sentence and though it is not mentioned before each speech in direct passage. Yes, it is your duty to put the part reporting verb before each speech in the passage.
**You will mention the name of both speaker and listener for the first time. Next, you have to address them by pronoun word such as: “he, she, and they,”. If the pronoun of the two persons become same, you will mark the pronoun words with the first alphabet in a bracket after it such as: “He (M)/ He (S)”. but if there is the name mentioned after any speech, you will also mention the name again.
Example and Explanation:
Direct: “You have lost my new bag today. Why have you gone outside leaving it then?”, asked the Master. “I went outside for drinking a glass of water sir”, said the Servant.
Indirect: The master told the servant that he(S) had lost his (M) new bag that day. He (M) asked him (S) why he(S) had gone outside leaving it then. The Servant respectfully replied that he(S) had gone outside for drinking a glass of water.
So, you have seen that I have mentioned the name of speaker and listener for the first time. Then, I have mentioned them with pronoun words and marker: He (M) or He(S). Here, I have used the word ‘respectfully’ for the word ‘sir’.
**In passage, if there are two or more sentences of the same speaker together, you have to use the expression: “said to/told” for the first speech. But for the second speech, you will use the expression: “again said/told/asked, added, and further said/told/asked”. But remember, if the sentences are of similar categories, you will do it. If one sentence is assertive and another one is interrogative or imperative, you need not apply this method.
For Assertive Sentence | For Interrogative Sentence |
Said that And added that And further added that And moreover added that And again added that | Asked if And further asked if And more asked if And again asked if |
Example and Explanation:
Direct: “You have selected the boy for the job. You will take his responsibility from now”, said the Officer.
Indirect: The officer said to me that I had selected the boy for the job. He again said that I would take his responsibility from then.
Here, the speaker ‘the officer’ has spoken for two times and the sentence category of these two sentences is assertive. So, I have used the expression ‘again said’ before the second speech.
There are some certain words or phrases in direct speeches which will be changed in indirect speeches. Now, I will show you a chart of those phrases. Here it is:
Forms in Direct Speech | Forms in Indirect Speech |
Sir | Respectfully said/asked……. |
Yes | Replied in the affirmative that…… |
No | Replied in the negative that…… |
Thanks | Subject+ thanked+ object |
Good morning/evening/night | Subject+ wished+ object+ good morning/evening/night |
Good bye | Subject+ bade+ object+ good bye |
By Allah/God/Jove/my life.. | Swearing by Allah/God/Jove/my life.. |
Ok | Subject+ agreed that…… |
Hello/hi | Subject+ greeted that… |
Replied/asked/cried/uttered/muttered | No change |
Direct: The boy said, “Sir, I will attend the classes regularly.”
Indirect: The boy respectfully said that he would attend the classes regularly.
Direct: You said, “Yes, it is my lost bag.”
Indirect: You said in the affirmative that it was your lost bag.
Direct: He said to me, “No, I cannot help you now.”
Indirect: He said to me in the negative that he could not help me then.
Direct: You said to me, “Thanks, you have done the job.”
Indirect: You thanked me and said that I had done the job.
Direct: He said to you, “Good morning, how are you?”
Indirect: He wished you good morning and asked how you were.
Direct: He said to me, “Good bye, meet me tomorrow”
Indirect: He bade me good bye and told to meet him the next day.
Direct: She said to me, “By Allah, I will meet you.”
Indirect: Swearing by Allah he said to me that he would meet me.
Direct: Rajib said to me, “Ok, I am going there now.”
Indirect: Rajib agreed with me and said that he was going there then.
Direct: He said to her, “Hello, how are you?”
Indirect: He greeted her and asked how she was.
Direct: He uttered silently, “No one is here now.”
Indirect: He uttered silently that no one was there then.
If there is any addressing word in a sentence such as
“friend/father/brother/sister/mother/king/comrades/viewers”, you will use a different structure during changing into indirect. Here is the structure:
Addressing+ object+ as+ friend+ subject+ verb……………….
Addressing+ object+ as+ friend+ subject+ verb……………….
Direct: He said to me, “Friend, give me this book for reading.”
Indirect: Addressing me as friend he told me to give him that book for reading.
If there is any phrase out of inverted commas (“ ”), you will not change it. You will rewrite the same form of phrase at the beginning of the reporting verb of indirect speech.
See the example:
Direct: He said to me moving beside the Indian boarder, “I am visiting the historical place.”
Indirect: Moving beside the Indian boarder, He said to me that he was visiting the historical place.
If there is a name of a person in the speech and inverted commas (“ ”), you will use that name in reporting verb during changing the speech.
Direct: He said, “Where are you going Robin?”
Indirect: He asked Robin where he was going.
If the sentence in inverted commas (“ ”), is in assertive but with an interrogation sign (?) at last, you will use the expression: “Being surprised” at the beginning of indirect speech. Besides, you have to transform the direct speech into indirect following the structure of interrogative sentence.
Direct: He said to me, “You know where he lives now?”
Indirect: Being surprised, he asked me if I knew where he lived then.
Sometimes, we do not get any object of reporting verb in direct speech. In that case, we can use the expression: “the person spoken to…” or “me” as the object of reporting verb in indirect speech.
Direct: He said, “I will tell you the incident tomorrow.”
Indirect: He said to the person spoken to that he would tell him the incident the next day.
Indirect: He said to me that he would tell him the incident the next day.
Now see the example of a passage narration and its transformation from direct to indirect.
Direct: “You have lost my new bag today. Why have you gone outside leaving it then?”, asked the Master. “By Allah, I went outside for drinking a glass of water sir”, said the Servant. “you could go after my coming. You could wait for someone else. Now pay for the bag.” “Yes, I am guilty for my carelessness but now I have no money”, cried the servant.
Indirect: The Master said to the Servant that he(S) had lost his(M) new bag that day. He(M) asked him(S) why he(S) had gone outside leaving it then. Swearing by Allah, the servant respectfully replied that he(S) had gone outside for drinking a glass of water. He(M) said to him(S) that he(S) could go after his(M) coming. He(M) again said that he(S) could wait for someone else. He(M) ordered him(S) to pay for the bag then. The servant cried and said in the affirmative that he(S) was guilty for his(S) carelessness but then he(S) had no money.
Here, the first two sentences “You have lost my new bag today. Why have you gone outside leaving it then?” are spoken by the speaker ‘The Master’. So, before the both sentences, I have mentioned the name of speaker ‘master’ and listener ‘servant’ in reporting verb. The 1st sentence is an assertive sentence. So, I have used the verb ‘told’. But the 2nd sentence is interrogative. So, I have used the verb ‘asked’. After that, I have used the phrases ‘Swearing by Allah’ for the part ‘By Allah’ and ‘respectfully’ for the word ‘sir’.
Besides, I have used the verb ‘replied’ here because the servant is answering the question of the master. Then, there are 3 sentences without mentioning the name of speaker before or after. But from the conversation and its context, we can assume that these speeches are spoken by the master. Among these 3 sentences, the first 2 sentences are in assertive but the last one is in imperative. So, I have used the verb ‘again said’ in second speech. Finally, there is a sentence-“Yes, I am guilty for my carelessness but now I have no money” told by the servant. As there is the name of speaker mentioned, I have used the name also. The word ‘cried’ is unchanged. The expression ‘said in the affirmative’ is used for the word ‘yes’.
You have noticed that throughout the whole passage, I have used the pronoun form ‘he’ for the subject and I have put the marker (M) or (S) after the pronoun. The other elements of reported speeches such as persons, tenses of verbs, and adverbials have been changed according to the general rules following the structure of sentence categories such as assertive, interrogative, and imperative. You have to remember and notice all the things I have explained here.
Examples- Direct to Indirect
Change the narrative style of the following text.
I said to the old man, “What are you doing?” “I’m watching the boys, swimming in the pond,” he said. “How happy they are! May Allah bless them.” “Let me sit by you and enjoy the scene,” I said.
Answer: I asked the old man what he was doing. He replied that he was watching the boys swimming in the pond. He exclaimed with wonder that they were very happy. He prayed that Allah might bless them. I requested him to let me sit by him and enjoy the scene.
Change the narrative style of the following text.
Sohel asked alok, “Friend, have you ever visited the National Memorial at Savar in Dhaka? Wow, how splendid it is!” “Yes, I haven’t yet gone there. But I must visit there after the SSC exam is over.” “It has been built in memory of the martyhrs of our Liberation War. May God bless their souls,” Sohel said.
Answer: Addressing Alok as friend, Sohel asked him (A) if he (A) had ever visited the National Memorial at Savar in Dhaka. He (S) exclaimed with great joy that it was very splendid. Alok agreed with him and said that he hadn’t yet gone there. He added that he had to visit there after the SSC exam was over. Sohel said that it had been built in memory of the martyrs of our liberation war. He (S) also prayed that God might bless the souls of them (m).
Change the narrative style of the following text.
“Have you ever been to Indonesia?” asked my friend, Rushed. “No. I have never gone” replied I. But I desire to go there. Though I had an opportunity to go to Indonesia last month, I couldn’t avail of the opportunity because of my exam.” “Let s go there in this Puja vacation?” said my friend.
Answer: My friend, Rashed asked me if I had ever been to Indonesia. I replied in the negative and told him that I had never gone, but I desired to go there. I again told him that though I had had an opportunity to go to Indonesia last month, I couldn’t avail of the opportunity because of my exam. My friend then proposed me that we should go there in that/ the puja vacation.
Change the narrative style of the following text.
The boy said to the teacher, “Sir, I shall be grateful if you kindly lend me the book you praised highly in the classroom yesterday”. The teacher said, “I have become really happy to know that you are eager to read this book. You are welcome to any of my books that you like. “Thank you, Sir,” said the boy. “You are welcome,” said the teacher.
Answer: The boy told the teacher with respect that he (b) should be grateful if he (t) kindly lent him (b) the book he (f) had praised highly in the classroom the previous day. The teacher told that he (t) had become really happy to know that he (b) was eager to read that book. He (t) again told that he (b) was welcome to any of his (t) books that he (b) liked. The boy thanked him (t) with respect. He (t) welcomed the boy/ him (b).
Change the narrative style of the following text.“Oh boys, please! Please! Stop the cruel fun. Don’t throw stones at us. “Isn’t it a game? We are enjoying it,” said the boys. “What is game to you causes death to us. This is why you should stop this,” answered the old frog.
Answer: The old frog frequently requested the boys to stop the cruel fun. He (f) forbade them to throw stones at them (frogs). Then the boys asked the old frog whether it was not a game. They (boys) said that they (boys) were enjoying it. After that, the old frog told them (boys) that what was game to them (boys) caused death to them (frogs), for that reason they (boys) should stop that.
Examples- Indirect to Direct
Jerry told the listener that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire. With disappointment, she told that he had been only four when he had gone there. Being surprised, she asked if he had remembered how she had looked all those years. He said that his mother lived in Mannville.
The monster called the great king of the genies and said that he would never again disobey him (G). Hearing those words, the fishermen became brave and told the monster to tell him (f) why he (M) had been locked up in the vase. Then the giant angrily looked at him and told the fishermen to speak to him (M) more politely, otherwise he (M) would kill him (F). The fisherman asked why he would kill him.
The old man told his sons to listen to him that a great treasure lied hidden in the land. He added that he was going to leave that to them. The sons wanted to know how they would find it. The old man replied that they must dig the land for it.
The Mayor asked the piper if he (p) had killed the rates. The Piper replied in the affirmative that he had. Then he (P) told the Mayor to give him (P) the promised money. The Mayor exclaimed in wonder that it was very funny. He added that they could not give him (P) so much money and told him to take only fifty.
I asked Sumon how he (S) was that day. Sumon replied that he(S) was very nervous for the coming examination. I again asked him if he (S) had not taken enough preparation for that. Sumon again replied in the affirmative that he had but he was in a fix and requested that he might read then.
I asked Jerry if he had seen his mother. Jerry replied that he saw her every summer and added that she sent for him. I had wanted to cry out and asked why he was you not with her and also asked how she could let him go away again. He said that she went up there from Manville whenever she could and added that she did not have a job then.
Addressing Jim as darling Della cried and forbade him to look at her that way. Then she said that she had her hair cut off and sold that because she could not have lived through Christmas without giving him a present. She also said that she just had to do that and told Jim to say Merry Christmas and proposed that they should be happy.
The Merchant asked the youth where he(y) was going. The youth replied that he (y) had been coming to see him (m). Again the merchant asked him (y) what he wanted. The youth said that he(y) wanted to earn his (y) bread by the labour of his (y) hands. The merchant again asked the boy if he (Y) really wanted to work. The youth replied in the affirmative that if he (M) had any. Then the merchantordered the youth to follow him (M) and to carry a box from a ship to his (m) house. The youth said that he (Y) did not see how he (Y) could do that.
He said that he would pay for it. He further said that he had broken it and had brought the axe down careless. I told him that no one hit accurately every time and added that the fault had been in the wood of the handle. I again told him that I would see the man from whom I had bought it.
A boy standing at the door, addressing him as sir asked him if he(B) might come in. Then without waiting for his (S) reply the boy entered the room andrespectfully said that he (B) had come from Palashpur with a letter from Mr. Ajit Bose. He asked smiling if he had really come from Ajit Bose. He again asked how he was. The boy replied that he was not well and added that he had been suffering from a serious illness for two years. He(S) exclaimed with grief that it was very sad and prayed that God might cure him.
The daughter requested her father to kindly go back home soon and said that perhaps he had forgot that that day was her birthday. Father replied in the negative and said that he had not forgot at all and further added that that day he was not going to office. The daughter asked where he was going. Father replied that he was going to buy a gift and birthday cake to celebrate her birthday ceremony. Jumping into a delight, the daughter said that then she would invite her most bosom friends. Father said that she would do it certainly (of course)
A cricket player said that cricket is now the most interesting game and further said that though it needs long time, a kind of uncertainty cricket and makes added it more that moreover thrilling. it’s I told a very him complicated that every game has a kind of uncertainty, not only further added that very few people of the world can understand it. The cricket player replied that I was right in some respects but for that I could not say that cricket is bored.
‘You look a little bit like my mother,’ he said ‘especially in the dark by the fire.’ ‘But you were only four Jerry, when you came here. You have remembered how she looked all these years?’ ‘My mother lives in Mannville,’ he said.
“Great king of the genies,” called the monster. “I will never disobey you.” Hearing those words, the fisherman became very brave and said, “Tell me why you were locked up in the vase?” The giant angrily looked at the fisherman and said, “Speak to me politely or I shall kill you.” “Why should you kill me?” asked the fisherman.
“My sons, listen to me. A great treasure lies hidden in the land. I am going to leave it to you.” “How’ll we find it?” said the sons. “You must dig the land for it,” said the old man.
“Have you killed the rates?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have, said the piper. “Give me the promised money.” “How funny!” said the Mayor, ‘We cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty.’
“How are you today?” I said to Sumon. “I am very nervous for the coming exam,” Sumon replied. “Haven’t you taken enough preparation for this?” I said to him again. “Yes, I have but I am in a fix. Let me read now,” said Sumon.
‘Have you seen your mother, Jerry?’ ‘I see her every summer. She sends for me.’ I wanted to cry out. ‘Why are you not with her? How can she let you go away again?’ He said, ‘She comes up here from Mannville whenever she can. She does not have a job now.’
“Jim darling,” cried Della. “Don’t look at me this way. I had my hair cut off and sold it because I could not have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. I just had to do it, say Merry Christmas, Jim and let’s be happy.”
“Where are you going?” said the merchant. “I was coming to see you.” “What do you want?” “To earn my bread by the labor of my hands.” “Do you really work?” said the merchant. “Yes, if you have any”. Then follow me and carry a box from a shop to my house.” “I do not see how I can do that,” said the youth.
“I’ll pay for it.” he said. “I broke it. I brought the axe down careless.” “But no one hits accurately every time. Jerry, Moreover, the fault was in the wood of the handle. I”ll see the man whom I have bought it from,” I told him.
“May I come in sir?” A boy standing at the door said to him. Then without waiting for his reply the boy entered the room and said, “Sir, I have come from Palaspur with a letter from Mr. Ajit Bose? How is he?” He said smiling. “He is not well. He has been suffering from a serious illness for two years.” The boy said “How sad it is! May God cure him?” he said.
The daughter said to her father, “Please, come back home soon.” “Perhaps you have forgot that today is my birthday.” Father said, “No, I have not forgot at all.” “Today I am not going to office.’ The daughter said, “Where are you going?” Father said, “I’m going to buy a gift and a birthday cake to celebrate’ your birthday ceremony.” Jumping into a delight the daughter said, ‘Then I shall invite my most bosom friends.” Father said, “Of course, you will do it.”
A cricket player said, “Cricket is now the most interesting game.” “Though it needs long time, a kind of uncertainty makes it more thrilling.” I said to him. ‘Every game has a kind of uncertainty, not only cricket.” “Moreover it’s a very complicated game.” ‘Very few people of the world can understand it.” The cricket player said, ‘You are right in some respects but for that I cannot say that cricket is bored.’