Modifiers All Board Questions - 2024 with answer
1. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Dhaka Board-2024]
Once there lived a (a) --- (pre-modify the noun) fox in a jungle. One day, while he was walking (b) --- (post-modify the verb) through the jungle he fell into a trap and lost his tail. He felt (c) --- (pre-modify the adjective) unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes (d) ---- (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) to a meeting. When all the foxes arrived, the fox without a tail said, “My dear friends, listen to me, please, I have discovered a (e) ---- (pre-modify the noun) thing. It is that our tails are (f) ---- (pre-modify the adjective) useless. They look ugly and dirty. So, we should cut off our tails, shouldn’t we?” All foxes listened to the cunning fox (g) --- (post-modify the verb). Most of them agreed (h) (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) their tails. But an old and (i) ---- (pre-modify the noun) fox said to him, “My friend, your plan is nice but evil. Actually, you want to cut off our tails because you have (j) ---- (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) tail of your own.”
Answer: a. clever b. alone c. very d. to come e. new f. quite g. attentively h. to cut off i. wise j. no.
2. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Rajshahi Board-2024]
Trees, (a) ___ (use an appositive), are essential for maintaining eco-system. Without trees, the balance of eco-system will be (b) (post modify the verb) lost. Trees provide us with (c)_ (pre-modify the noun) elements without which we cannot live on this earth. It is a matter of (d) ___ (pre-modify the noun) concern that we are felling trees (e) ___ (post modify the verb). As a dire consequence, the global temperature is rising (f) ___ (post modify the verb). The existence of flora and fauna is at an (g) ____ (use a pre-modifier) risk. Polar ice caps are melting and (h) ___ (use a noun adjective) level is rising. (i) (use a present participle phrase), we can avoid such a catastrophe. If we want to keep our (j) _ (use a noun adjective) earth safe and sound, we have to plant trees and protect our forests.
Answer: (a) our friend/ the lungs of the Earth; (b) greatly/ irreparably; (c) essential/ important; (d) great; (e) indiscriminately/ rapidly; (f) alarmingly; (g) unavoidable / inevitable; (h) sea; (i) By taking immediate/ steps; (j) planate
3. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Cumilla Board-2024]
Man has (a) (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) inborn curiosity to know the unknown and (b) _ (use an infinitive phrase). He likes to see new places and wants to know about (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) nations, their cultures, manners and religions. Bookish knowledge is (d) ___ (use adjective phrase). In order to have practical knowledge one has to go for travelling. (e) ___ (use an adverbial phrase) people had to suffer much for travelling as they did not have (f) ___ (pre-modify the noun) transports. Nowadays travelling has become much easier and comfortable for the invention of Aeroplan, buses. ships, speedy trains etc. Travelling plays a (g) ___ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) important role in acquiring knowledge. So, the students go for (h) ___ (pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective) tour which also helps to remove (i) ___ (pre-modify the noun with a possessive) boredom of study. In fact, everyone should travel to develop practical knowledge which cannot be acquired by sitting (j)___ (post-modify the verb).
Answer: (a) an; (b) to see the unseen; (c) different / various; (d) not enough for practical learning; (e) In the past; (f) convenient/fast/ efficient; (g) very; (h) study; (i) their; (j) idly / lazily
4. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Barishal Board-2024]
Books are (a)____ (use intensifier) essential for us. They help us (b) ___ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) knowledge. (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun with present participle) books, we can know everything. They show us the (d) ___ (pre- modify the noun) way. Books can be our (e)____ (pre-modify the noun) friends. They help us (f) ____ (post modify the verb with infinitive) our mind. They improve our (g) ____ (pre- modify the noun) 'power'. They give us solace to our (h) ___ (pre-modify the noun) mind. Besides, reading (i) ___ (pre-modify the noun) books; students should read other books. If they read other books, they will be able to know. everything (j) ___ (post modify the verb).
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Answer: a) very/really; b) to gain/ to pursue; c) Reading; d) proper/right; e) best/ real; f) to enrich/ to enlighten; g) thinking/mental/ cognitive; h) restless/ troubled/ weary; i) academic; j) clearly/ thoroughly/ around the world .
5. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Chattogram Board-2024]
Long ago, there was an (a)___ (pre-modify the noun) king in England. He was tired of ruling and needed rest. He had (b)___ (pre-modify the noun) daughters Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. He made up his mind (c)___(post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase) among his daughters. But, at first, he wanted (d)___ (post- modify the verb with an infinitive phrase) how much they loved him. Firstly, the king asked his (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) daughter how much she loved him. Goneril declared that she loved him (f) ____ (use an intensifier to post-modify the verb) than she could say. Lear, the king, was (g) ___(pre-modify the adjective) satisfied. He gave her one-third of the kingdom. Then he asked his (h) ___ (pre-modify the noun) daughter Regan. She replied that her love for him would never change. She was able (i) ____ (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) him. So, the king gave another-third of his kingdom. Then, it was the turn of Cordelia, the (j)____(pre-modify the noun) daughter of the king.
Answer: (a) elderly/old; (b) three; (c) to divide his kingdom;(d) to know/ to test / to asses / to evaluate; (e) eldest; (f) more; (g) very; (h) second; (i) to please/ to satisfy; (j) youngest;
6. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Jashore Board-2024]
Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of (a) ___(use determiner to pre modify the noun) best poets Bengal has (b) ___(use an adverb to pre modify the verb) produced. A (c) ___ (use an adjective to pre modify the noun) writer, he contributed to many branches of Bangla literature. However, it is his poems and songs that earned him the (d) ___ (pre modify the noun) reputation. Through his writings, Nazrul aimed (e) (use an infinitive to post modify the verb) the society because he was (f) (pre modify the verb) troubled by old values and religious superstitions. It is (g)__ (use an intensifier to pre modify the adjective) important to note that while Nazrul fought against religious bigotry, he composed (h) ___(use a determiner to pre modify the noun) songs that (i) ___(pre modify the verb) glorified religion. Sadly, a/an (j) ____(pre modify the noun) disease untimely ended his literary career in his early forties.
Answer: a. the; b. ever; c. versatile/great; d. ultimate/huge/great; e. to reform; f. greatly; g. very; h. many/a lot of/lots of; i. really/greatly; j. incurable;
7. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Mymensingh Board-2024]
A library is a (a)___ (pre-modify the noun) house of knowledge. The students (b)___ (use a participle) in all classes visit it in their leisure period. Usually a college library is housed in two rooms. (c)____ (pre-modify the noun) almirahs are placed in one room. The other room is the (d)__ (use a participle to modify the noun) room where magazines, Journals and newspapers are placed. Hundreds of books are arranged (e)___(post-modify the verb). So any type of book can be traced in no time. The books cater to the needs and interests (f)___ (use a pre-positional phrase). Generally there are two separate sections in the library. One of them contains reference books like (g)____ (use nouns) etc. The other section contains books (h)____ (use a pre-positional phrase). Every student has a (i)___ (use a noun adjective to modify noun) card. The reading room is always crowded (j)__ (post modify the verb) in the afternoon.
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Answer: (a) store; (b) studying/enrolled; (c) Some; (d) reading; (e) alphabetically/ systemically; (f) of the students and the teachers; (g) Norton-Anthology/(Any reference book name); (h) of different subjects; (i) library; (j) especially/with people
8. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Dinajpur Board-2024]
Rainy season is the proper time for (a) (use a noun adjective to pre modify the noun) plantation. It is the time when (b)_ (use article to pre modify the noun) environment is the most suitable one for the (c) (use an adjective to pre modify the noun) growth of trees. We should plant trees according to (d)_ (use possessive to pre modify the noun) suitability of the land. There are (e) ___ (use quantifier to pre modify the noun) fallow lands around us. We can plant saplings on (f) ___ (use a demonstrative) lands. Sea-beaches, low-lying areas, road sides etc. can be brought under the scheme of tree plantation. We can easily engage landless people (g) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post modify the verb) the saplings and ensure their safe growth. The success of tree plantation programme requires (h) ___ (use article to pre modify the noun phrase) united effort. The Government, the NGOs and the educated section of the society should work (i) (post modify the verb with adverbial) in this regard. Everybody should come forward spontaneously to contribute to (j)_ (use a demonstrative to pre modify the noun phrase) noble campaign.
Answer: (a) tree; (b) the; (c) proper; (d) their; (e) some/many; (f) these; (g) to plant; (h) a; (i) together; (j) this.
Modifiers All Board Questions -2023 with answer
1. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces. [Dhaka Board-2023]
Cricket is an (a) --- (pre-modify the noun) game. It is not a game of (b) --- (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country. A (c) ---- (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) match is played between two teams. (d) --- (use a distributive pronoun to pre-modify the noun) team consists of eleven players. A cricket field must be (e) --- (post-modify the noun). It requires two wooden bats, a ball & two sets of stamps. (f) --- (use a numeral adjective to pre-modify the noun) Umpires conduct the game. Sometimes, a third umpire is required (g) --- (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) an acute confusion. (h) --- (use a participle to pre-modify the noun) the opportunity, the batter hits the ball away at a good distance and runs to the opposite wicket. If (i) --- (use an indefinite pronoun to pre-modify the noun) batter is out, next batter comes in his place. Both teams try (j) --- (use an adverbial phrase to post modify) to out all batters of the opposite.
Answer: (a) international /elite; (b) our; (c) cricket; (d) Each; (e) well-maintained; (f) Two; (g) to resolve/clear; (h) Having/Taking; (i) any; (j) hard enough.
2. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Rajshahi Board-2023]
People around were just watching as the (a) — (pre-modify the noun) boy started (b) — (post-modify the verb) into the (c) — (pre-modify the noun) canal. Then the traffic constable came. (d) —- (pre-modify the noun with a present participle) no time, he jumped into the canal. The (e) — (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) constable did not think of his (f) — (pre-modify the noun) life. He was (g) — (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) kind that he risked his life. People (h) — (post-modify the noun) by canal praised him (i) — (post-modify the verb with an adverb). This type of person is a model (i) — (post-modify the noun).
Answer: (a) young; (b) drowning; (c) deep; (d) Wasting; (e) police; (f) own; (g) so; (h) standing/sitting; (i) enormously/ greatly /cheerfully/a lot/ tremendously; (j) for the society/ of dedication and sacrifice.
3. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Cumilla Board-2023]
Amerigo, (a) --- (use noun in apposition) lives alone. His parents now live separate and none of them wants (b) --- (use an infinitive to post modify the verb) his responsibility. (c) --- (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) mother told him to go away because she is married to another man. (d) --- (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) streets are now his home. He wanted (e) --- (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) money from his father to buy a (f) --- (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) ticket. But his father did not answer. He earns his living by working hard. (g) --- (use adverbial to pre-modify the verb) he finds work. (h) --- (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) works are risky for him. Once he sold ice cream (i) --- (use a prepositional phrase to post modify the verb). But he got (j) --- (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) money in return from the owner of the ice cream shop.
Answer: (a) a street child; (b) to take; (c) His; (d) The; (e) some; (f) bus; (g) hardly; (h) These; (i) on the beach; (j) no.
4. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Jashore Board-2023]
Language plays a (a) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) important role in our life. We use language from the time we wake up (b) ___ (post-modify the verb) till we go to bed at night. We use language not only in our (c ) ____ (pre-modify the noun) hours. but also in our dreams. We use language (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) what we feel and to say what we like or dislike. We also use language (e)____ (post modify the verb with an infinitive) information. Language is (f) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) present in our life. It is an (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) part of our life. As an (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) nation we also have a language. But we had to struggle (i) ____ (use adverb to post-modify the verb) to establish the right to our language. Many (j) ____ (pre- modify the noun with an adjective) sons of our country sacrificed their lives for our mother-tongue.
Answer: a) very; (b) in the morning; (c) conscious/active; (d) to express; (e) to share/to gather; (f) always; (g) integral/inevitable; (h) independent; (i) a lot/hard/enormously; (j) brave/courageous
5. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Sylhet Board-2023]
Drug addiction among the young generation has become a (a) _____ (pre modify the noun) concern. Drug is mainly used as medicine (b) ____ (use an infinitive to post modify the verb) diseases and an excess of taking drug for no disease is called drug addiction. It has grasped the young generation (c) ____ (post modify the verb). They take drugs to forget (d) ____ (use possessive to pre modify the noun) sadness. (e) _____ (pre modify the noun) people take drugs (f) ____ (use adverb to post modify). Drug addiction causes (g) ____ (pre modify the noun) harm to human body. (h) ____ (use a participle) them aware, we can remove this curse from our society. All concerned should take initiatives (l) ____ (use an infinitive to post modify the verb) it. The criminals should be punished with an (j) ____ (use a noun adjective) hand.
Answer: (a) major; (b) to cure; (c) heavily; (d) their; (e) Young; (f) widely/recklessly; (g) severe; (h) Making; (i) to prevent; (j) iron
6. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Barishal Board -2023]
Kazi Nazrul Islam is called the Shelley of Bangla literature. He was a (a) --- (pre modify the noun) poet. He wrote (b) --- (post modify the verb) in almost all branches of Bangla literature. Nazrul, (c) --- (use an appositive to post modify the noun), won the attention of everybody in his childhood. He wrote ceaselessly until the death of (d) --- (use a possessive to pre modify the noun) poetic flair. He composed (e) --- (pre modify the noun) songs (f) --- (post modify the noun with an adjective clause). His literary works have enriched (g) —- (pre modify the noun) Literature. His poems and songs played a great role (h) --- (use an infinitive to post modify the verb) in our war of Liberation. He (i) --- (pre modify the verb) sang the songs of equality in his poems. He is (j) --- (pre modify the noun with determiner) pride, no doubt.
Answer: (a) revolutionary/rebel; (b) relentlessly /tirelessly; (c) an orphan child/a prodigy; (d) his; (e) many; (f) which are loved/appreciated by all; (g) Bengali/Bangla; (h) to encourage people; (i) always; (j) our
7. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Dinajpur Board-2023]
An (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) student is he, who has (b) ____ (ase a quantifier to pre-modify the noun) good qualities. he studies (c) ____ (post modify the verb). He knows that the (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) duty of a student is to study. So, he never neglects (e) ____ (use a possessive) duty. He even makes the proper use of (f) ___ (use a determiner to pre-modify the noun) moment. Sabuj. (g)___ (post modify the noun with an appositive) of our class is an example of a good student. Sabuj is (h) ___ (pre-modify the adjective) helpful to us. I try (i) ____ (modify the verb with an infinitive) a boy like Sabuj. I want to be one of the (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) stars in the class.
Answer: (a) ideal; (b) many; (c) regularly; (d) main; (e) his; (f) every; (g) a student; (h) very; (i) to be; (j) brightest
8. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Mymensingh Board-2023]
The purpose of education is to bring about (a) ___ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) changes in (b) ___ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) behaviour. It also brings changes in our lives and society (c) ___ (use a relative clause to post-modify the noun). If it fails to do so, it can't be called education. Education is not only receiving certificates and getting grades. It is (d) ___ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) more than that, we can apply our (e) ____ use a part participle to pre-modify the noun) knowledge in our engagement with the world that lies (f) ____ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb). We can do that in (g) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) ways. One way is civic engagement which is (h) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb 'appreciated') appreciated all over the world. Civic engagement means working to make difference in civic life (i) ____ (use a prepositional phrase to post-modify the noun life'). A person (j) ____ (use a past participle to post modify the noun) civically is concerned about civic issues like injustice, discrimination and other forms of social ills.
Answer: (a) positive/effective; (b) our; (c) in which we live/where we live; (d) much/far; (e) acquired; (f) around; (g) many/different; (h) greatly; (i) of a person; (j) behaved
Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: [Chattogram Board -2023]
We know that (a) --- (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) species are important for maintaining (b) --- (pre-modify the noun) balance. If one is lost, the whole natural environment changes (c) --- (post- modify the verb). In order to protect the environment from being spoilt, we should protect (d) --- (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) wildlife. (e) --- (use determiner to pre- modify the noun phrase) good news is that many countries are taking action (f) --- (use infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). George Lay Cock, (g) ---(use appositive to post-modify the noun) writes, "Mankind must develop a concern for wild creatures and determine that (h) --- (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) wild species will not perish (i) --- (use prepositional phrase as post-modifier). We have to save wild animals (j) --- (use relative clause as post-modifier).
Answer: (a) all; (b) environmental/ecological (c) drastically/ often for worse) greatly; (d) our; (e) The; (f) to protect (the wildlife); (g) a famous environmentalist/author of several books on wildlife; (h) these; (i) in the near future; (j) which are in the risk of extinction.