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HSC English 2nd BARISAL BOARD Questions-2017

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar


English Second Paper

Subject Code: 108

Time––3 hours; Full marks––100

[N. B. ––The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions.]


Part−A : Grammar (Marks-60) English 2nd Paper Board Question

1. Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put cross (×) in those blanks. 0⋅5 × 10 = 5

Truthfulness is (a) — greatest of all (b) — virtues which makes (c) — person really great. If we do not cultivate (d) — habit of speaking (e) — truth, we cannot command (f) — trust of others. The man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life. It may be that we may succeed once or twice by telling (g) — lie but it never brings about (h) — good result. A lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow it comes to light. Then (i) — real character of (j) — liar is revealed and nobody believes him.

2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions : 0⋅5 × 10 = 5

I am glad to receive your letter. You have wanted to know (a) — the picnic that we made. I am now writing (b) — you about it. It was winter vacation. Our college was closed. I (c) — some of my friends arranged a picnic. We selected Sonargaon (d) — the picnic spot. It is some twenty miles from Dhaka. We got (e) — the bus (f) — about 9 am (g) — all necessary utensils and materials. (h) — reaching Sonargaon, we finished our breakfast (i) — about 9.30 am. We did not take any cook (j) — us.

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box. 0⋅5×10 = 5

let alone

as if

as soon as

had better

what’s like



would rather

have to


(a) I met him ten years ago. I can hardly recall his name, — his address.

(b) — , has been many years since I saw him. So, I can not recognize him.

(c) Don’t behave — you knew everything. Remember all others here are senior to you.

(d) You — build your own house than live in a rented house. House rent has increased much now a days.

(e) Give him the good news — you meet him.

(f) — are many rivers in Bangladesh. The rivers abound with plenty of fishes.

(g) — I had a typewriter, I would type well.

(h) You — consult with a doctor. The condition of your health may deteriorate.

(i) — he — ? He is friendly and he can help you.

(j) Time is over. I — go now.

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases : 0⋅5×10 = 5

(a) The job market is getting bad to worse day by day. If you don’t work hard in your student life, —.

(b) Trees are most important for our survival. They supply oxyzen without which —.

(c) My HSC exam is knocking at the door. I have to study attentively so that —.

(d) I have lost my cell phone. Would you mind — so that I can talk to my mother?

(e) Last week my friend Hasan met with an accident. No sooner had I heard the news than —.

(f) Flower is a symbol of beauty, love and purity. There is hardly any one who —.

(g) Walk fast lest —.

(h) Jui is studying medicine. She wants —.

(i) During the recent years, most teenagers have become facebook freak. They waste time for nothing. They should know that —.

(j) He came to my room while —. He did not wake me up.

English 2nd Paper Board Question

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

0⋅5×10 = 5

Air (a) (be) — an important element of the environment. But it is constantly being (b) — (pollute) in many ways. We make fire to cook food and (c) — (do) many works. This fire emits smoke which (d) — contaminate air. Vehicles pollute air to a great extent by (e) — (burn) fuel. Air pollution also (f) — (happen) when coal and oil (g) — (burn) mills and factories can be (h) — (hold) responsible for this pollution. It is high time we (i) — check air pollution. Otherwise we (j) — (suffer) a lot.

6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed : 1 × 5 = 5

(a) Jim and Della sacrificed their dearest possessions in order to buy Christmas presents for each other (Compound).

(b) Della had an ardent desire to give her husband a worthy gift (Complex).

(c) Jim also thought how he could give his wife a nice gift (Simple).

(d) Della saved a scanty amount of money for this (Passive).

(e) Jim was one of the sincerest husbands that we have ever known (Positive).

7. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches. 5

“Please give me your English grammar book,” said Fahim, “I can not give it,” said Arman. “I have to take it with me in the class.” “I shall return the book before the class starts,” said Fahim. “Take it” said Arman. “Thanks,” said Fahim.

8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary, rewrite the sentences so that all pronoun references are clear. 5

Teching is a profession who is full of challenge. I want to be a teacher because you like working with children. But my father argues that one cannot make much money from it. He wants me to look after their farms instead. But this does not inspire me much.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Raja, (a) — (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is known to his classmates as a good student. He has (b) — (use a quantifier to pre-modify the noun) good qualities. He knows that the (c) — (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) duty of a student is to study and he never neglects (d) — (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) duty. He prepares (e) — (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) lessons regularly. He maintains discipline. He knows the value of time. He gets up (f) — (post-modify the verb with an adverb) so that he can get enough time to study. He goes to school (g) — (post-modify the verb with an adverb). He never wastes a (h) — (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) moment in vain. Raja is (i) — (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) gentle. He always obeys his parents and teachers. He never mixes with (j) — (pre-modify the noun) boys. A student like Raja is a great asset of a nation.

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Water is a vital element of the environment (a) — this element is polluted in many ways. (b) —, farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their field. (c) — rain and flood wash away these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds (d) — pollute it. (e) — , O mills and factories throw their poisonous chemicals and waste product into water. (f) —, water vehicles also pollute water by dumping food waste and human waste into it. (g) — insanitary latrines and unsafe drains also contribute to water pollution. Water is called life. (h) — we can not allow this pollution to continue. We have to raise an awareness about it. (i) — , laws should be enforced strictly. (j) — we fail to check water pollution, we will suffer.

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonyms of the words as directed below : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Sincerity is the root of success of all work. One can go a long way if one does a job with sincerity. The great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way, sincerity is the secret of victory. If any work is not done with sincerity, one will never receive desirable output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life.

(a) success (antonym) (b) job (synonym) (c) great (antonym) (d) because (synonym) (e) know (synonym) (f) follow (antonym) (g) rule (synonym) (h) never (antonym) (i) victory (synonym) (j) desirable (antonym).

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors : 0⋅5×10 = 5

Myself : Good morning Rana. How are you?

Rana : I am so so and you

Myself : I am well. But why aren’t you completely well.

Rana : In every examination I m cutting a sorry figure.

Myself : Whats the reason? Dont you utilize your time properly?

Rana : I spend most of the time in watching TV.

Myself : Recreation is necessary. But spending too much time on this has no good side.

Rana : I don’t feel bored in watching TV.

Myself : But as a student, you should study more and more.

Rana : Thank you for your good advice.

Myself : Welcome.

Part−B : Composition (Marks-40)English 2nd Paper Board Question

13. Suppose, you are a student of ‘X’ College. Write an application to the principal of your college asking for providing ‘Sound System’ in the large classrooms of your college. 8

14. Suppose you are a reporter of “The Daily Star”. Write a report of about 120 words on a cultural programme that was held in your college. 8

15. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on “Your Country”. 10

16. Does internet play a vital role in Bangladesh? Give reasons for your answers. Write at least 200 words but don’t exceed 250 words. Give a title to your composition. 14


Barishal Board

English Second Paper[According to the Syllabus of 2017

Part A

1.         (a) the (b) a (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) a (h) a (i) the 0) the

2.         (a) about (b) to (c) with (d) for (e) into (f) at (g) with (h) After (i) at 0) with

3.         (a) let alone (b) It (c) as if (d) would rather (e) as soon as ffl There (g) If (h) had better (i)

What's like 0) have to

4 (a) If you don't work hard in your student life, you will not get a job in future.

(b) They supply oxygen without which we cannot live.

(c) I have to study attentively so that I can do well in the exam.

(d) Would you mind giving me your cellphone so that I can talk to my mother?

(e) No sooner had I heard the news than I went to see him.

(f) There is hardly anyone who does not love flowers.

(g) Walk fast lest you should miss the bus.

(h) She wants to serve the poor in her village.

(i) They should know that time once lost is lost forever.

He came to my room while I was sleeping.

5.         (a) is (b) polluted (c) do (d) contaminates (e) burning (fl happens (g) are burnt (h) held (i) checked 0) will suffer / may suffer

6, (a) Jim and Della sacrificed their dearest possessions and bought Christmas presents for each other.

Or, Jim and Della wanted to buy Christmas presents for each other and so they sacrificed their dearest possessions.

(b) Della had an ardent desire to give her husband a gift that is worthy of him.

(c) Jim also, thought of giving his wife a nice gift.

(d) A scanty amount of money was saved for this by Della.

(e) Very few husbands that we have ever known were as sincere as Jim.

7. Fahim requested Arman to give him (F) his (A) English grammar book. Arman replied that he (A) could not give it because he (A) had to take it with him (A) in the class. Fahim told Arman that he (F) would return the book before the class started. Arman told him (F) to take it. Fahim thanked Arman.

8. Teaching is a profession which is full of challenge. I want to be a teacher because I like working with children. But my father argues that one cannot make much money from teaching. He wants me to look after his farms instead. But farmLig does not inspire me much.

9.    (a) a student of class 11 (b) many (c) first / main'(d) this (e) his (f) early (g) regularly/ in time (h) single (i) very 0) bad

10. (a) but (b) Firstly (c) As/when (d) and (e) Secondly (f) Thirdly (g) Fourthly (h) So (i) In addition 0) If

11. (a) failure (b) occupation (c) infamous (d) as/since (e) recognize / realise(o disobey (g) regulation (h) always (i) win/conquest 0) undesirable/unwanted


Myself Good morning, Rana. How are you?

Rana    I am so so, and you?

Myself I am well. But, why aren't you completely well?

Rana    In every examination I'm cutting a sorry figure.

Myself What's the reason? Don't you utilize your time properly?

Rana    I spend most of the time in watching TV.

Myself Recreation is necessary. But, spending too much time on this has no good side.

Rana    I don't feel bored in watching TV.

Myself But, as a student, you should study more and more.

Rana    Thank you for your good advice.

Myself Welcome!y? I said, "I am extremely sorry, I have been a nuisance. In future, you'll never see the room in such a bad condition, I promise."

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