HSC English 1st Paper Suggestion for
Board Examination -2025
Completing A Story
Traditional Story
1. Once upon a time, a crow was very.................... a A Thirsty Crow DB'19; BB'17
2. Once there lived a poor...................... a Grasp All, Lose All [PB'19;JB'14; CB '10; SB'141
3. Once there lived a happy cobbler..................... Happiness Lies in Contentment' [DB'13; RB'14,'09:,JB'19; CtgB '14; DjB'14,'10]
4. Once a crow was sitting on the branch a A cunning Fox and a Foolish Crow JB'17, '09; BB'19
5. Once upon a time there lived a dove …………….. Helpful Dove and Grateful Ant [Combined Board '18 (Code-185); DB'I 7
6. There was a naughty cowboy who grazed ……… A Liar Cowboy [JB '12; CtgB '17; BB '13; DJB '12]
7. Once there lived a poor woodcutter.............. Woodcutter And Beautiful Fairy [DB'l1; CB'09; SB'l 7; DjB'11
8. There lived two brothers in a................... The Story of two Brothers
9., Once there was a selfish giant........................ a The selfish giant JDB 12]
10. Long ago there lived a hare, in................... Slow & Steady Wins The Race [CtgB '12; BB '12
11. Once upon a time there was a................... King Lear, A Tragic Figure JCtgB'11
12. One day in the evening two..... A friend in need is a friend indeed (BB '1 11
13. Once upon a time two friends.................... a Greed Loses All [RB'10;,JB'131
14. There was an old house in a.................... Who will Bell the Cat? [CtgB '10; DB'091
15. Shaikh Sadi was a great poet................... Witty Sadi [RB'12; SB '12; DjB '09]
16. Once a dog stole a piece of................... Greed Loses Ail JPB '13; CtgB '091
17. Once there lived a good King........................ Failure is the Filler of Success [CB '12; SB'091
18. A long while ago a tortoise sat................... a The Realization of the Tortoise
19. Once a dove was sitting on................... Helpful Ant and Grateful dove JCB'14; DjB'13]
20. An old, old lion realized one day................... An Old Lion And The Cunning Fox
21. There was an old farmer. He.................... United we stand, divided we fall/Unity is strength
22. King Solomon was renowned as.................. The Wisdom of King Solomon
23. There was an old woman in..................... a How the Prophet (Sm.) Won the Heart of his Enemy.
24. An English poet was staying.................... Tit For Tat
25. Socrates believed that an..................... After Thunder Comes Rain
26. Once there was a king in................... An Astrologer and a King
27. Once there lived a wise man.................... a The Ready Wit of Hojja
28. One day a beggar came to.................... The Prophet and a Healthy Beggar
29. One day a farmertwas taking................... a Nobleness of a Landlord
30. There lived a clever fox in a................... Trick of a Cunning Foxl A Fax without a Tail
31. Once a crocodile wanted her................... Look Before you Leap
32. Once a lion was sleeping in.................... A Little Creature is Even Mightier -an a Bigger One SB'13
33. Once a scholar was going to a................... -o, A Scholar and a Boatman
34. There lived a wolf in a wood................... The Wolf and the Crane
35. There was a pond full of frogs................. a What is Sport to one is Death to Another
36. There was a castle in the................... A Fairy Tale
37. Once there lived a widow in a.................. An Instance of Devotion to Mother
38. Once there lived a crow in a tree in a, forest................... The clever crow
39. Once upon a time, there was a flock of.................... Unity is Strength
40. A long time ago, the town of Hamelin in Germany.................. The Pied Piper of Hamelin
41. Once a king became very ill. His physicians................... A Wise Doctor) A Shirt of a happy man.
42. Once there was a king called Midas..................... a The golden touch
43. One night Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was................. The greatness of Hazi Mohammad .Moshin.
Creative Story/ An Imaginary Situation
44. One day a boy of class five was going to.... Sense of Responsibility of a School Boy [C8'19; Combined Board '18 ]
45. In an afternoon, grandmother was.................... A Photograph [CtgB '19
46. Rima is a girl of HSC 1st year at..................... a Convincing Parents with Reason [SB '19]
47. Parul was a school girl whose parents.................... Parul, a poor but visionary girl [DjB'19
48. It was late at night. I was taking preparation..................... A Mysterious Phone Call PB '17
49. There was a boy who hailed from an................... A Brilliant, Diligent and Innovative Boy [CB '17]
50. It was a bright sunny morning. I was .................... To Rescue a Drowning Boy DjB '17
51. Once a School boy named Sumon..................... .A responsible school boy [RB '11
52. Last year we had a tour to the................... A Night in the deep forest JB '11
53. Rehela is a village girl of a Muslim.................... Rahela, a Worse Victim of GerLder Discrimination [DB'10
54. When I was five my father took . S My First Day at School JB '10
55. I live in Chattogram. My elder.................... A Pleasant Plane Journey [BB '09
56. It was a dark night. I was.................. An Open Manhole and a Dutiful Boy
57. It was midnight. An honest.................... A Police Officer and the Terrorists
58. It was a fine sunny day. Almost.................... ~ Collapse of a Garment Factory [BB '14]
59. Shefali , a sweet girl of 16 was..................... Tragedy in Shefali's Life
60. It was quite dark. There was no ... A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
61. A few days ago I was going to................. a An Incident of Child Trafficking
62. Jakir's family had moved to a.................. a Jacket of a Lost Uncle
63. Jolekha works in a big garment................... An Unexpected Accident
64. A poor girl, named Rina worked in..................... A Destitude Child
65. The railway ran through the................... Art Boy
66. Last Sunday I went to bed at................... a Experience of a Fire Accident
67. Once there was a very powerful................... It Is Love, Not Money Or Power, That Wins All,SB '11
68. It was twenty years ago when ……….. An Inconsiderate Lady JSB'I 01
69. Once there lived a poor farmer.................. The Change of the Lot of a Poor Farmer (BB '10)
70. It was 3Q minutes only to start the................... A Hectic Day of an Examinee
71. Ahmed has completed his graduation.................. A Fresh Graduate Gets A Maiden Job
72. Once a boy named Salif was coming................... Sense of Responsibility of a Boy
73. A Bangladeshi expatriate in the................... Bangladeshi Taxi Driver Sets Example of Honesty In UAE
74. After completing graduation, Shihab............... Shihab's entrance into a new life with his wholehearted effort
75. Once Raihan was having a launch..................... A Dreadful Launch Journey
76. Maya is a student of class ten studying................... Fighting against Child Marriage
77. Tamanna Akter Noora, a girl in..................... Indomitable Tamanna
78. Few days ago, a wealthy man fell................... An undignified Burial) A Wealthy Man Being Deserted
79. Recently Bangladesh has launched..................... Overcoming the fear of Vaccination against COWD- 19
80. Once there was a young..................... Beauty lies in the manifestation of love
Writing Informal Letters/ E-mails
Informal Letters
1. Write a letter to your friend about the importance of keeping safe distance and wearing mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19
2. Write a letter to your friend describing how to improve in English. IBB'19].
3. Write a letter to your pen-friend about Bangladesh. [DB'1 7
4. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to refrain from smoking. [RB'I 71....................
5. You received a letter from your father yesterday. In the letter, he warned you not to spend much time in,Facebook. Now, write a reply to his letter. (DjB '17
6. Write a letter to your father telling him: about your aim in life. [BB'I 2
7. Write a letter to your friend about the.'sludy tour you enjoyed a few days ago. [RB'19
8. Write a letter to your friend about a natural sight you have enjoyed very recently. JB'13
9. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic. ..
10. Write a letter to your friend about the importance of learning English.
11. Write a letter to your friend about the study tour to Cox's Bazar...
12. Write a letter to your friend describing the picnic at a place of historical importance.
13. Write a letter to your friend describing the picnic to Kuakata..
14. Write a letter to your friend describing the importance of physical exercise. ...................
15. Write a letter to your pen-friend describing the foods and the food-habits of the
people of Bangladesh....
16. Write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college. ...........
17. Write a letter to your friends inviting him to attend the party of your birthday...................
18. Write a letter to your younger brother informing the procedures of opening a bank account.
19. Write a letter to your friend on how to adjust the new place and the new food .................
20. Write a letter to your friend describing the recent fair of your village. ..............................
21. You have been secretly informed that a relative of yours is a drug addict. Write a letter to this relative requesting him to give up this habit..
22. Imagine that you have won the first prize in a lottery draw. Now write a letter to your
friend describing what you would like to do with the money............................................
23. Write a letter to friend describing how you will spend time after your H.S.0 exam.............
24. Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for sending a nice birthday gift...................
25. You have a friend living in Canada. He wants to know about the preparation for your
test examination. Write a letter to him about it...............................................................
26. Write a letter to a friend in America about gender discrimination in Bangladesh. .............
27. Write a letter to your friend describing the street accident. ............................................
28. Suppose, Mila is one of your best friends. She is now having kidney trouble. Now,
write a letter wishing her early recovery. ..
29. Write a letter to your younger brother about the importance of games and sports............
30. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be sincere and attentive to his study.
31. Now, write a letter to your friend about your experience of taking food in a Chinese
32. Write a letter to your friend condoling him for his father's untimely/sudden death............
33. Write a letter to your friend to get himself admitted into the' next higher. class
inspiring him that poverty cannot stand in the way to the genius. ...................................
34. Write a letter to your friend about your favourite hobby..................................................
35. Now write a letter to your friend describing your visit to an interesting place....................
36. Write a letter to your brother telling him how you spent the summer vacation..................
37.. Write a letter to your friend describing the annual sports day of your college.....................
38. Write a letter to your friend describing the marriage ceremony of your cousin. ................
39. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality............................................
40. Write a letter to your friend living abroad describing your college life. ..
41. Write a letter to your friend about an interesting book you have read recently.
42. Write a letter to your father inquiring about the present flood situation in your native village.
43. Now, write a reply to your mother about your hostel life. ...............................................
44. Write a letter to your friend, describing the details about the celebration of the
'Independence Day' in your college campus.
45. Write a letter to your younger brother Asif advising him to avoid evil company.................
46. Write a letter to your friend describing the gymnasium of your college. ..........................
47. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to put importance on etiquette and manners showing the necessity......
48. Write a letter of apology to him explaining what prevented you for keeping the
49. Write a letter to your friend descrbing how you have celebrated Tahela Baishakh'. ..........
50. Write a letter to your friend about your experience during the lockdown of your area due to COVID-19.
Informal E-mails
I . Write an e-mail to your friend showing sympathy for his being infected with COVID‑
19 and hospitalized. .
2. Write an e-mail to your younger brother narrating the benefits of reading newspapers
daily. IDB'191
3. Write an e-mail to your younger brother advising him to take part in games and sports regularly. IRB'191
4. Write an e-mail to your pen-friend inviting him/ her to visit your country. JB'191................
5. Write an e-mail to your father telling him about your progress of studies. [M'191..........
6. Write an e-mail to your friend requesting him/ her to send you the routine of the HSC Examination-2019. ICtgB'19
7. Write an e-mail to your mother telling him about how you have prepared yourself for the ensuing HSC Examination. [JB'17; SB19..
8. Write an e-mail to your younger brother telling him to study seriously to be well prepared for the ensuing examination. [DjB'19
9. Suppose, your friend got first prize on debate competition. Write an e-mail
congratulating him. [Combined Board'18 (Code-185); CtgB'l 7
10. Write an e-mail to your pen-friend about the scenic beauty of Bangladesh. (Combined Board '13 (Code-1 84)1
11. Write an e-mail to the Graduate Admissions, International Service, asking them
about admission procedure for overseas students. [CB '17
12. Write an e-mail to your friend Sahir inviting him to join the picnic. [SB '17
13. Write an e-mail to one of your friends thanking him/ her for a gift you received from him/ her on your birthday. [BB '17]
14. -Suppose, one of your friends borrowed a book from you. Send a message to him
through e-mail to return your book.....
15. Request your friend through e-mail to help you by sending a suggestion on Bangla.......
16. Suppose, you are out of city at this moment. Now, prepare an e-mail on your new
address to inform your friends.......
17. Write an e-mail informing him of the outing you have enjoyed recently. ........................
18. Write an e-mail to one to your friends informing him/her of your performance on the Victory Day. I
19. Write an e-mail to your friend asking him to return the book in no time..........................
20. Inform your father through e-mail how you have done in the last examination...............
21. Your brother passed the SSC Examination with a brilliant result. Send him
congratulations by using e-mail...
22. Invite your friend by using e-mail to attend the marriage ceremony of your sister..........
23. Read the following advertisement for a Bangladeshi pen-friend (boy/girl) that came out in 'The Daily Star' dated 3rd March and reply to it....
24. Write an e-mail to your neighbourrequesting him to stop playing music in high pitch to tune down his radio/T.V./DVD player...
25. Write an e-mail to a friend who is lying under treatment in a hospital.........
26. Write an e-mail to Diba thanking her for hospitality offered to you in Italy. ....................
27. Write a reply requesting Navana Airways to inform you the details of the package
tour to Nepal....
28. Write an e-mail to your friend expressing your condolence at his father's death. ...........
29. You received an email from your mother who advised you not to waste your valuable time surfing the Internet. Now, write a reply to the email....
30. Write an email to the Institute of Modern Langauge for necessary information about learning French language. ....
31. Write an e-, mail to your younger brother about the importance of study tour.................
32. Write an e-mail to your younger brother about the negative effects of drug addiction......
33. Write an e-mail to your friend about what lessons were taught in the class yesterday....
34. Write an e-mail to the Director of Bangladesh Parjaton Corporation asking details of the tour to Cox's Bazar.
35. You ~ave received an e-mail from the Director of Bangla Academy to attend a seminar on language study. Now, write a reply to the e-mail....
36. Suppose, your friend participated in the Under-19 Cricket World Cup and scored a century on the opening match. Write an email congratulating on his success..
37. Suppose, your examination is near, but your preparation is not good. Request your friend through e-mail to help you by sending a complete suggestion.
38. Recently you have watched a cricket match between Bangladesh and Australia. And
Bangladesh won the match. Now, share your joy with one of your friends through e-mail
39. Write an email to your younger brother to avoid fast foods...
40. Write an email to the officer-in charge of your local thana requesting him to take
steps against anti-social activities in your locality..
41. Send an email to your friend Sumon describing your experience about your plane journey.
42. Write an e-mail to your friend about the beautify of Kuakata...
43. Write an e-mail to your friend sharing your joys at the win of Bangladesh cricket team. ..
44. Write an e-mail to the editor requesting him/ her for sending you the guidelines and other details of the debate competition.....
45. Send an .email to your younger brother warning him about this infectious disease
46. Write an e-mail to your younger brother advising him to improve his English learning.....
47. Write an e-mail to your friend describing the various types of folk music in Bangladesh.
Analyzing Maps/ Graphs/ Charts
1. Describe the chart showing the number of mobile phone and internet users in Bangladesh from the year 2014 to 2018. IDB,ig]..
2. Describe the pie-chart showing the percentage of travellers in. Bangladesh travelling
in different transportation ways per day. [RB'191.
3. Describe the graph showing the choice of profession by educated people in our
country. IJB'1 9. ctgB'1 7
4. Describe the graph showing "The Internet Users" from 2000 to 2009.
5. Describe the chart showing the sources of air pollution in a city. jctg)3'1 9: DjB'l 7
6. Describe the graph showing an increase in the number of overseas students at the
universities which usually takes places over a period of time. [SB'19
7. Number of internet users in town & village from 2010 to 2015. jBB,iqj.
8. Describe the chart showing the sources of environment pollution in a city. [DjB'19
9. Describe the graph showing "the number of people living below the poverty line' from 1995 to 2010". [Combined Board '18 (Code-185); JB'1 7
10. The graph shows the literacy rate of Bangladesh in different years from 1995-2010.
Now, describe the chart in 150 words [Combined Board'18 (Code-184)]
I I.. Analyze the chart showing the sources of U.S.A. electricity in 2005. IDB'l 7.
12. Describe the graph showing the gradual increasing rate of the Internet users in
Bangladesh. [RB'i71.........
13. Describe the chart showing the time allocation of students' daily activities. [CB,l 7...
14. Describe the chart showing the percentage of transportation used by 800 students to come to college. ISB,17
15. Describe -the pie-chart showing the percentage of a family's household income distributed into different categories. [BB '171
16. Describe the graph showing the percentage of 15-19 and 20-24 year old married women in urban and rural areas in Bangladesh who have experienced physical or sexual violence. .
17. Describe the chart showing the results of a survey carried out on a sample of 1,000 adults aged 25+ to assess what makes modern life stressful.
18. Describe: the chart showing the results of a survey in percentage terms comparing the participation in various home activities among young people aged 11 to 16 in four countries
19. Describe the table showing the percentage of pupils who entered higher education
from five secondary schools between 1995 and 2000 inclusive..
20. Describe the bar chart showing the results of a survey on the general public's attitude.
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