HSC Cumilla Board -2024 English 1st Paper Question with Answer
Cumilla Board 2024
[According to the Syllabus of 2024]
Subject Code: 10 7
Time 3 hours Full marks-100
[N.B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]
Part I-Reading Test Marks-60
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B:
Chawla was born in Karnal, India. She completed her earlier schooling at Tagore Baal Niketan Senior Secondary School, Karnal. She is the first Indian-born woman and the second person in space from this subcontinent. After graduating in Aeroriautical Engineering from Punjab Engineering College, India, in 1982, Chawla moved to the United States the same year. She obtained her Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas in 1984. Later she did her Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering in 1988 from the University of Colorado. Determined to become an astronaut even in the face of the Challenger disaster 1986 that broke apart after 73 seconds into flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members, Chawla joined NASA in 1988. She began working as a Vice President where she did Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) research on vertical take-off and landing. In 1991 she got U.S. citizenship and started her career as a NASA astronaut in 1995. She was selected for her first flight in 1996. She spoke the following words while travelling in the weightlessness of space, “You are just your intelligence.”. She had travelled 10.67 million miles, as many as 252 times around the earth. Her first space mission (Mission STS 87) began on 19 November 1997 with six other astronauts on the Space Shuttle Columbia. On her first mission that lasted for 15 days 16 hours, 34 minutes and 4 seconds, she travelled 6-5 million miles. She was responsible for deploying the Spartan Satellite which however malfunctioned, necessitating a spacewalk by Winston Scott and Tako Doi, two of her fellow astronauts, to retrieve the satellite. In 2000 she was selected for her second space mission STS 107. This mission was repeatedly delayed due to scheduling conflicts and technical problems. On 16 January 2003, Kalpana Chawla started her new mission with six other space crews on the ill-fated space shuttle Columbia. She was one of the mission specialists. Chawla’s responsibilities included the microgravity experiments, for which the crew conducted nearly 80 experiments studying earth and space science, advanced technology development, and astronaut health and safety.
After a 16 day scientific mission in space, on I February 2003, Columbia disintegrated over Texas during its re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. All the crew in Columbia including Chawla died only 16 minutes prior to their scheduled landing. Investigation shows that this fatal accident happened due to damage in one of Columbia’s wings caused by a piece of insulating foam from “the enternal fuel tank peeling off during the lunch. During the intense heat of re- entry, hot gases penetrated the interior of the wing, destroying the support structure and causing the rest of the shuttle to break down.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives: Marks 0.5×10=5
(a) The word ‘gain’ mentioned in the passage means
(i) hold (ii) prevail (iii) acquires (iv) achieve
(b) Chawla started her career as a NASA Astronaut in
(i) 1986 (ii) 1988 (iii)1995 (iv) 1996
(c) She met an untimely death due to
(i) her own fault (ii) treachery of other crews
(iii) the clash between Columbia and STS 107 (iv) intense heat
(d) The word ‘Extention’ mentioned in this passage means ______
(i) know how (ii) development (iii) decline (iv) show
(e) Damage means in this passage _________
(i) decline (ii) decay (iii) loss (iv) downfall
(f) Kalpana Chawla _______.
(i) was the first woman in space from this subcontinent
(ii) is a living legend
(iii) an American by birth
(iv) was the first Indian woman graduating from America.
(g) The words, ‘you’ are just your intelligence imply ________.
(i) one must have intelligence (ii) one’s value is justified by his/her intelligence
(iii) intelligence is more than one’s self (iv) intelligence is just
(h) In her first space mission, Kalpana travelled for ______
(i) 10.67 million miles (ii) 6.5 million miles
(iii) 250 times around the Earth (iv) 8.5 million miles
(i) She took the responsibility to _________ .
(i) assist the fellow astronauts (ii) retrieve the satellite
(iii) deploy the Spartan Satellite (iv) begin her first space travel
(j) Which qualities describe her character best?
(i) Determination and responsibility (ii) Indifference and arrogance
(iii) Haughtiness and callousness (iv) Civility and humanity
B. Answer the following questions: 3×5=15
(a) How did Chawla make herself a strong foundation for space travelling?
(b) When was Kalpana Chawla selected for her second space mission?
(c) Why did she have to delay for her second space?
(d) Where did Chawla die and how?
(e) Do you think Kalpana Chawla was the guide of young generation? Why and why not?
2. Read the following text and make a flow-chart showing the purposes of education. (One has been done for you.)
Education gives us knowledge and a set of abilities to function meaningfully in life, such as the ability to decide things rationally and make the right choices. As we learn how to read, write and do the basic operations of arithmetic, we gain a degree of a self confidence. We learn to think for ourselves and articulate our thoughts; we pick up skills to communicate with others and mange our affairs well. Education helps us think independently and make our own opinions. As we know more about the world, we appreciate the good things it offers us but also become critical of the deviations from the values it imparts and the rise of hatred or conflict that follows. The first thing education does, is to give us an awareness about ourselves which leads to the development of our personality. As we begin school, we feel the need to belong to the class and make friends. We then expand our sense of belonging to include the school at large, our community and finally our country. Education thus prepares every child to become an active member of the community and work for its welfare.
i. Enriching knowledge
ii. Having the ability to think rationally
iii. Gaining self confidence
iv Articulating our thoughts
v. Expanding the sense of belonging to school and community
vi. Working for the welfare of the community
3. Summarize the following text:
Once in water, you get oblivious of time, distance or direction. The only thought which kept me worried, was that I must make it and that I must get good weather all the way. The second half of the swim is always very difficult. And if even little waves develop, it saps the ebbing energy of the swimmer all the more. Taking a lesson from my previous swims I kept my speed at a steady pace for I knew I would need every ounce of my energy towards the close…….. I felt hungry and famished and shouted for my manager. In reply, I was told that I could not afford to waste 10 minutes in having the feed! If I have to break the record, I must swim on with all my might. But I refused …………. I am sorry now for it. For if I had gone on. I might have. finished the whole swim in less than 10 hours and 15 minutes creating a new world record from both sides …………….
4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical change if necessary. 0-5×10=5
developed | acquisition | usual | aware | fact learning | natural |
spontaneous | mother | used competent | ability | communication | acquire |
Communicative competence refers to the (a) — to use language appropriately in various circumstances: There are two ways of (b) — communicative competence in a language. The first is (c) —which is similar to the way people develop ability in their (d) — tongue. They are aware only of the (e) — the language for (g) process in which users not (i) It is a (h) that they are subconscious of acquiring a language. In non- technical terms, acquisition is picking up a language (j)
5. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap:
Sports are a popular form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are (a) _____ from time to time. Most of these events are (b) ______ by multinational manufacturing (c) ______ and business firms. They pay for the sports events in (d) ________ for the right to (e) ______ their products during those events. These events are (f) _____ worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them (g) _______ . As a (h) ______ the sponsors’ products receive maximum media (i) ______ . Thus sports help the (j) _______ of trade and commerce.
6. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper Sequence:
(a) The angel took down his request and went away.
(b) His name was Abu Ben Adhem.
c) Abu then requested him to put his name in the list because he loved mankind and his fellow brothers.
(d) He again appeared the next night and showed Abu that his name was at the top of the list.
(e) The angel was writing the names of persons who loved God.
(f) Once upon a time there was an honest and pious man.
(g) He asked the angel if his name was there.
(h) He was once sleeping peacefully.
(i) In reply the angel said that his name was not there.
(j) Suddenly he woke up and he saw an angel.
Writing Part
7. The graph shows “the internet users” from 2012 to 2018. Describe the graph in at least 80 words. The internet users in lakh 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6-5 6.0 5-5 4-25 15 3-5 3.0 1-5 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
8. The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words: Once an ant was very thirsty. He went to a river to drink water. When he began to drink water, a wave 8.
9 . Suppose, you are Ahad/Afia. You have just received a letter from your pen-friend Tania who lives at 13 Moukan Street, UK. She wants to know about your country Bangladesh. Now, write a reply to the letter.
HSC Cumilla Board -2024 English 1st Paper Question with Answer
Cumilla Board 2024
[According to the Syllabus of 2024]
Subject Code: 10 7
Time 3 hours Full marks-100
[N.B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]
Part I-Reading Test Marks-60
1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B:
Chawla was born in Karnal, India. She completed her earlier schooling at Tagore Baal Niketan Senior Secondary School, Karnal. She is the first Indian-born woman and the second person in space from this subcontinent. After graduating in Aeroriautical Engineering from Punjab Engineering College, India, in 1982, Chawla moved to the United States the same year. She obtained her Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas in 1984. Later she did her Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering in 1988 from the University of Colorado. Determined to become an astronaut even in the face of the Challenger disaster 1986 that broke apart after 73 seconds into flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members, Chawla joined NASA in 1988. She began working as a Vice President where she did Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) research on vertical take-off and landing. In 1991 she got U.S. citizenship and started her career as a NASA astronaut in 1995. She was selected for her first flight in 1996. She spoke the following words while travelling in the weightlessness of space, “You are just your intelligence.”. She had travelled 10.67 million miles, as many as 252 times around the earth. Her first space mission (Mission STS 87) began on 19 November 1997 with six other astronauts on the Space Shuttle Columbia. On her first mission that lasted for 15 days 16 hours, 34 minutes and 4 seconds, she travelled 6-5 million miles. She was responsible for deploying the Spartan Satellite which however malfunctioned, necessitating a spacewalk by Winston Scott and Tako Doi, two of her fellow astronauts, to retrieve the satellite. In 2000 she was selected for her second space mission STS 107. This mission was repeatedly delayed due to scheduling conflicts and technical problems. On 16 January 2003, Kalpana Chawla started her new mission with six other space crews on the ill-fated space shuttle Columbia. She was one of the mission specialists. Chawla’s responsibilities included the microgravity experiments, for which the crew conducted nearly 80 experiments studying earth and space science, advanced technology development, and astronaut health and safety.
After a 16 day scientific mission in space, on I February 2003, Columbia disintegrated over Texas during its re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. All the crew in Columbia including Chawla died only 16 minutes prior to their scheduled landing. Investigation shows that this fatal accident happened due to damage in one of Columbia’s wings caused by a piece of insulating foam from “the enternal fuel tank peeling off during the lunch. During the intense heat of re- entry, hot gases penetrated the interior of the wing, destroying the support structure and causing the rest of the shuttle to break down.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives: Marks 0.5×10=5
(a) The word ‘gain’ mentioned in the passage means
(i) hold (ii) prevail (iii) acquires (iv) achieve
(b) Chawla started her career as a NASA Astronaut in
(i) 1986 (ii) 1988 (iii)1995 (iv) 1996
(c) She met an untimely death due to
(i) her own fault (ii) treachery of other crews
(iii) the clash between Columbia and STS 107 (iv) intense heat
(d) The word ‘Extention’ mentioned in this passage means ______
(i) know how (ii) development (iii) decline (iv) show
(e) Damage means in this passage _________
(i) decline (ii) decay (iii) loss (iv) downfall
(f) Kalpana Chawla _______.
(i) was the first woman in space from this subcontinent
(ii) is a living legend
(iii) an American by birth
(iv) was the first Indian woman graduating from America.
(g) The words, ‘you’ are just your intelligence imply ________.
(i) one must have intelligence (ii) one’s value is justified by his/her intelligence
(iii) intelligence is more than one’s self (iv) intelligence is just
(h) In her first space mission, Kalpana travelled for ______
(i) 10.67 million miles (ii) 6.5 million miles
(iii) 250 times around the Earth (iv) 8.5 million miles
(i) She took the responsibility to _________ .
(i) assist the fellow astronauts (ii) retrieve the satellite
(iii) deploy the Spartan Satellite (iv) begin her first space travel
(j) Which qualities describe her character best?
(i) Determination and responsibility (ii) Indifference and arrogance
(iii) Haughtiness and callousness (iv) Civility and humanity
(a) (iii) acquires
(b) (iii) 1995
(c) (iv) intense heat
(d) (ii) development
(e) (iii) loss
(f) (i) was the first woman in space from this subcontinent
(g) (ii) one’s value is justified by his/her intelligence
(h) (iii) 250 times around the Earth
(i) (iii) deploy the Spartan Satellite
(j) (i) Determination and responsibility
B. Answer the following questions: 3×5=15
(a) How did Chawla make herself a strong foundation for space travelling?
(b) When was Kalpana Chawla selected for her second space mission?
(c) Why did she have to delay for her second space?
(d) Where did Chawla die and how?
(e) Do you think Kalpana Chawla was the guide of young generation? Why and why not?
(a) How did Chawla make herself a strong foundation for space travelling?Kalpana Chawla built a strong foundation for space travelling through her dedication to education and training. She earned a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Punjab Engineering College in India and later completed a Master's and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas and the University of Colorado. She joined NASA in 1988 and worked in research before becoming an astronaut. Her perseverance, despite challenges like the Challenger disaster, and her continuous commitment to her field made her a strong candidate for space missions.
(b) When was Kalpana Chawla selected for her second space mission?Kalpana Chawla was selected for her second space mission, STS 107, in the year 2000.
(c) Why did she have to delay for her second space mission?Chawla's second space mission, STS 107, was delayed multiple times due to scheduling conflicts and technical problems.
(d) Where did Chawla die and how?Kalpana Chawla died over Texas during the re-entry of the space shuttle Columbia into the Earth's atmosphere on 1 February 2003. The shuttle disintegrated because of damage caused by a piece of insulating foam from the external fuel tank that had peeled off during launch. The damage allowed hot gases to penetrate the shuttle's wing, leading to its destruction.
(e) Do you think Kalpana Chawla was the guide of the young generation? Why and why not?Yes, Kalpana Chawla was a guide for the young generation. She demonstrated exceptional determination and courage in pursuing her dreams, despite the many obstacles she faced. Her achievements in space, her pursuit of higher education, and her unwavering commitment to science and exploration set an example for many young people, especially girls, inspiring them to chase their ambitions and make significant contributions in fields like science and technology.
2. Read the following text and make a flow-chart showing the purposes of education. (One has been done for you.)
Education gives us knowledge and a set of abilities to function meaningfully in life, such as the ability to decide things rationally and make the right choices. As we learn how to read, write and do the basic operations of arithmetic, we gain a degree of a self confidence. We learn to think for ourselves and articulate our thoughts; we pick up skills to communicate with others and mange our affairs well. Education helps us think independently and make our own opinions. As we know more about the world, we appreciate the good things it offers us but also become critical of the deviations from the values it imparts and the rise of hatred or conflict that follows. The first thing education does, is to give us an awareness about ourselves which leads to the development of our personality. As we begin school, we feel the need to belong to the class and make friends. We then expand our sense of belonging to include the school at large, our community and finally our country. Education thus prepares every child to become an active member of the community and work for its welfare.
i. Enriching knowledge
ii. Having the ability to think rationally
iii. Gaining self confidence
iv Articulating our thoughts
v. Expanding the sense of belonging to school and community
vi. Working for the welfare of the community
3. Summarize the following text:
Once in water, you get oblivious of time, distance or direction. The only thought which kept me worried, was that I must make it and that I must get good weather all the way. The second half of the swim is always very difficult. And if even little waves develop, it saps the ebbing energy of the swimmer all the more. Taking a lesson from my previous swims I kept my speed at a steady pace for I knew I would need every ounce of my energy towards the close…….. I felt hungry and famished and shouted for my manager. In reply, I was told that I could not afford to waste 10 minutes in having the feed! If I have to break the record, I must swim on with all my might. But I refused …………. I am sorry now for it. For if I had gone on. I might have. finished the whole swim in less than 10 hours and 15 minutes creating a new world record from both sides …………….
The swimmer lost track of time and distance but remained focused on completing the swim. The second half was tough, with small waves draining his energy. He maintained a steady pace to conserve strength. Feeling hungry, he asked for a break, but his manager urged him to keep swimming to break the record. He refused the feed, later regretting it, as continuing might have allowed him to finish in under 10 hours and 15 minutes, setting a new world record.
4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical change if necessary. 0-5×10=5
developed | acquisition | usual | aware | fact learning | natural |
spontaneous | mother | used competent | ability | communication | acquire |
Communicative competence refers to the (a) — to use language appropriately in various circumstances: There are two ways of (b) — communicative competence in a language. The first is (c) —which is similar to the way people develop ability in their (d) — tongue. They are aware only of the (e) — the language for (g) process in which users not (i) It is a (h) that they are subconscious of acquiring a language. In non- technical terms, acquisition is picking up a language (j)
(a) ability
(b) acquiring
(c) natural
(d) mother
(e) fact
(f) communication
(g) spontaneous
(h) fact
(i) used
(j) competently
5. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap:
Sports are a popular form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are (a) _____ from time to time. Most of these events are (b) ______ by multinational manufacturing (c) ______ and business firms. They pay for the sports events in (d) ________ for the right to (e) ______ their products during those events. These events are (f) _____ worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them (g) _______ . As a (h) ______ the sponsors’ products receive maximum media (i) ______ . Thus sports help the (j) _______ of trade and commerce.
(a) held
(b) sponsored
(c) companies
(d) exchange
(e) promote
(f) broadcast
(g) live
(h) result
(i) exposure
(j) growth
6. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper Sequence:
(a) The angel took down his request and went away.
(b) His name was Abu Ben Adhem.
c) Abu then requested him to put his name in the list because he loved mankind and his fellow brothers.
(d) He again appeared the next night and showed Abu that his name was at the top of the list.
(e) The angel was writing the names of persons who loved God.
(f) Once upon a time there was an honest and pious man.
(g) He asked the angel if his name was there.
(h) He was once sleeping peacefully.
(i) In reply the angel said that his name was not there.
(j) Suddenly he woke up and he saw an angel.
(f) → (b) → (h) → (j) → (e) → (g) → (i) → (c) → (a) → (d)
Writing Part
7. The graph shows “the internet users” from 2012 to 2018. Describe the graph in at least 80 words. The internet users in lakh 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6-5 6.0 5-5 4-25 15 3-5 3.0 1-5 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
8. The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words: Once an ant was very thirsty. He went to a river to drink water. When he began to drink water, a wave 8.
9 . Suppose, you are Ahad/Afia. You have just received a letter from your pen-friend Tania who lives at 13 Moukan Street, UK. She wants to know about your country Bangladesh. Now, write a reply to the letter.