Rearranging Sentences:
Hazrat Hasan (R)
Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.
I. Hazrat Hasan (R) was very pious and simple.
II. He went to the boy and talked to him about this.
III. One day while passing through a date garden, he saw an Abyssinian slave.
IV. The slave took a bit himself and then threw another bit to the dog.
V. He had a small loaf of bread in his hand.
VI. A hungry dog sat at a distance looking at him.
VII. The slave ate one half and gave away the other half to the dog.
VIII. Hazrat Hasan (R) was surprised at the behaviour of the slave.
IX. He did this for some time.
Correct Sequence:
I → III → V → VI → IV → IX → VII → VIII → II
Rewritten Story in Correct Sequence:Hazrat Hasan (R) was very pious and simple. One day while passing through a date garden, he saw an Abyssinian slave. He had a small loaf of bread in his hand. A hungry dog sat at a distance looking at him. The slave took a bit himself and then threw another bit to the dog. He did this for some time. The slave ate one half and gave away the other half to the dog. Hazrat Hasan (R) was surprised at the behaviour of the slave. He went to the boy and talked to him about this.
হযরত হাসান (রাঃ) অত্যন্ত ধার্মিক ও সরল ছিলেন। একদিন খেজুর বাগানের মধ্য দিয়ে যাওয়ার সময় তিনি একজন হাবশী ক্রীতদাসকে দেখতে পেলেন। তার হাতে একটি ছোট রুটি ছিল। দূর থেকে একটা ক্ষুধার্ত কুকুর তার দিকে তাকিয়ে আছে। ক্রীতদাসটি নিজে কিছুটা নিল এবং তারপর কুকুরটির দিকে আরেকটি বিট ছুঁড়ে দিল। তিনি কিছু সময়ের জন্য এই কাজ করেছেন। ক্রীতদাস একটি অর্ধেক খেয়েছিল এবং বাকি অর্ধেক কুকুরকে দিয়েছিল। হজরত হাসান (রা.) ক্রীতদাসের আচরণে বিস্মিত হলেন। তিনি ছেলেটির কাছে গিয়ে বিষয়টি নিয়ে কথা বলেন।
Completing Story:
A long time ago, the town of Hamelin / The Legend of the Rat
The Pied-Piper of Hamelin
Once upon a time, in a town called Hamelin, rats had infested every nook and cranny, from the corn silos and shops to the streets and houses. The rats multiplied rapidly, and the people of Hamelin were distressed by their presence. They approached the Town Hall and demanded action from the Mayor, who, surrounded by his Councilors, declared a substantial reward of one thousand gold guilders to anyone who could eliminate the rats from the town. The very next day, a stranger arrived in Hamelin, sporting a hat, and approached the Mayor and his councilors, proclaiming that he could rid the town of its rat infestation for the reward offered. The Mayor eagerly accepted the Pied Piper's offer, and the Piper stepped outside.
The Pied Piper commenced playing a captivating tune, and the rats were lured to follow him. He led them to the river's edge, where he ceased playing, but the rats continued to dance into the river and were drowned. The people of Hamelin were delighted and relieved at the triumph over the rat infestation. However, when the Pied Piper demanded the promised thousand gold guilders, the Mayor reneged on his pledge, leaving the Piper humiliated and aggrieved.
Subsequently, the Piper resumed playing his pipe on the street, and all the town's children emerged from their homes, mesmerized and entranced by the music, following him. The parents were grateful that the Pied Piper was leading the children away from the river and toward the mountain. As they approached the mountain, a small door appeared on the mountainside, and the Pied Piper and all the children disappeared into it, and the door was shut so tightly that no one could discern precisely where it had been.
The Legend of the Rat Farmer
A long time ago in a land far away there once was a prosperous town called Hamelin. Everything was perfect in Hamelin until the year the rats came. The rats ate up the grain, bit the townsfolk in the toes and scared the young children. Something had to be done! So the Bürgermeister and the Council met together and decided to bring in an outside consultant, Pied Piper Enterprises, LLC. That did not go well. The rats were back the very next year.
So in the Spring the Bürgermeister again assembled the Council and they talked and talked and talked. Should they bring in another consultant? Should they abandon the town and move someplace else? They finally decided on a market-based approach to solving the problem. They would offer a reward, a bounty, to citizens who captured, killed and turned in rats. Turn every person in Hamelin into an exterminator. The signs soon went up all over town: "A Silver Thaler for every 10 Rats."
The Bürgermeister tracked the results on a big chart on the wall of his office and the numbers looked very good. Each day more and more rats were being caught and killed. The citizens were busy at work. The rats would soon all be gone.
But then one day the Bürgermeister went home, and in the doorway of his house was his wife and she was visibly disturbed, "You shall get nothing for dinner tonight! The rats have eaten all of the grain!"
"How can this be?" exclaimed the Bürgermeister. "The metrics show that we're eliminating a record number of rats every day. Come with, and I will show you the chart."
"Chart, schmart. I'll show you some metrics," said the Bürgermeister's wife, who then took him by the ear and lead him around the town center, and at each house they stopped and heard the same tale. The rats are still eating up the grain. They are still biting townsfolk in the toes. They are still scaring the young children.
Nothing at all had improved in the quality of life in Hamelin. All that had changed was that they now had a larger pile of dead rats, and a smaller pile of silver Thalers.
An inquest was held to account for the misuse of town funds. During this investigation it was found that a large percentage of the reward money had gone to one old man who lived by himself on the outskirts of town. The Bürgermeister and the Council went to visit the old man. "How did you manage to catch so many rats?" they asked, "You are old and slow".
"Simple," he said, "Let me show you". He lead them back around his house to a field where stood an old barn. As he opened the barn doors, he revealed to the astonished Council hundreds of small wooden cages, each one holding 10 large rats.
"I don't care for rats much myself", said the old man. "But since you wanted them so much, I thought I could help out a little. After all, I could use the money, and rats are so easy to breed".
"Bu...bu...bu...but we didn't want more rats," stammered the Bürgermeister. "We wanted fewer".
"Nonsense", said the old man. If you offer a reward for something, of course you want more of it, not less. This is just the free market in action."…………………..
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
A long time ago, in a small town called Hamelin in Germany,, people had a big problem. The town was full of rats. These rats were not normal; they were big and scary. They fight with dogs, killed cats, and even bit little babies. They destroy food, cut clothes, and made holes in walls. People were very unhappy because of the rats.
The people didn’t know what to do, so they went to the Mayor and asked for help. The Mayor was also confused. He didn’t have any idea to get rid of the rats. Suddenly, a man wearing colorful clothes came to the town hall. He had a pipe in his hand. He said, I am the Pied Piper. If you pay me 1,000 guilders, I will take all the rats away from your town. The Town Mayor agreed to pay him the money.
The Pied Piper walked into the streets and started playing music on his pipe. As soon as he started, all the rats came out of the houses and followed him. The Piper walked to the River Weser, and the rats followed him into the water. All the rats are died, and the town was free of them.
After that, the Piper came back to the Mayor to get his payment. But the Mayor refused to pay the full 1,000 guilders. He only offered 500 guilders. The Piper got very angry, but he didn’t argue. Instead, he went back to the streets and played a different tune on his pipe. This time, it wasn’t the rats who followed him—it was the children of the town. The children were singing and dancing as they followed him.
The Pied Piper led the children to a mountain. When they reached the top, a door opened in the mountain, and the Piper and the children went inside. The door closed, and they never came back. Only one child, who was slow and couldn’t walk fast, stayed behind and saw everything.
The people of Hamelin were very sad. They realized that because the Mayor didn’t keep his promise, they lost all their children.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
A long time ago, the town of Hamelin had a big problem with rats. The rats were everywhere. They attacked dogs, killed cats, and even bit babies. They took all the food and ruined important papers. The people didn’t know what to do.
The mayor asked for help and promised a reward to anyone who could get the rats out. A man called the Pied Piper came and said he could help. He played a happy tune on his pipe, and all the rats followed him. He took them to a river, and they all jumped in. The town was finally free from the rats.
When the Pied Piper asked for his reward, the mayor didn’t want to pay him. The Piper didn’t argue and quietly left. But later, he came back and played another tune. This time, all the children followed him, and they never came back.
Hamelin……….Pied Piper
Hamelin used to an affluent city of Germany. The geographical setting was also charming. It was close to sea. The people living in the city were also peace loving. They had many entertaining sources within the city and they were very much sincere to their respective work.
The only problem with rolling with them was the Rats living in the city with them. The rats were enormous in number and fearless. They lived in the entire nook and corner, furniture, al-mirah, and other usual and unusual places as well.
The city dwellers so agitated about the troubles caused by these rats that they asked the honorable Mayor of the city to sort out a solution to get rid of this problem. So the Mayor arranged a Meeting on this problem. Representatives of all the aristocrats, peasants, traders and housewives attended the meeting. They opined different ideas to eradicate the problem. But, there was no suitable solution. However, they could not agree to each other on this matter.
Finding no other way, the mayor announced,” if anyone can solve the problem, he/ she will be rewarded with 1000 Frank.” All the people presented in the meeting stared at each other, but they did not know what to do.
Suddenly, there was an attendant of Mayor, standing at the gate of Seminar Hall of the office of Mayor, with the news that there was someone standing outside. He said, “Sir, there is a man outside, who wants to meet you.”
The Mayor said, “Okay, call him in.”
Then the stranger was asked to attend before Mayor. The stranger entered in the Seminar Hall and said,” Hello, sir, I am the person who can release you from this problem.”
The Mayor asked,” How do you know about this?”
The stranger said,” It does not matter, I am pied piper, roam here and there. If you give me 1000 Frank, I can surely destroy all the rats leaving no one left.”
The mayor and others stared at each other. The Mayor whispered something with his ither associates and took a decision.
After a pause, the Mayor said,” Okay, I am agree with you at this disposal.”
“ Please, go on and get all the rats dead.” “ After you have all the rats dead ,you will be given the promised money.”
Soon, the piper came out of the Hall and brought out a Flute from his bag. He began to play the flute in a strange way. Afterward, the rats, hearing the music began to come out dancing one after another. The came out from shoes, tables, holes, books, shocks and other unusual places as well.
The pied piper took all the rats and mice along with him to the sea. While playing on the flute, he jumped into the sea. The rats followed him and got drowned. Hence the tragic and troubled chapter for the dwellers of Hamelin came to an end.
But who knows, what happens next?
The pied piper went to the Town Hall and asked the Mayor to pay the promised money. But the Mayor denied paying all the money. He gave him only 500 Frank. He rebuked the piper and asked him to leave the city.
The piper overwhelmed in grief and anger came out of the hall and decided to teach the Mayor a hard lesson and the dwellers as well.
He the brought out another strange Flute and began to play ion it.
This time, the innocent boys and girls came out of the houses and began to follow him. There was a lame boy also following the piper.
Soon the Piper crossed a river and took all the Children following him to a cave in a mountain. There was also a saying that the cave ends in nowhere. It was mysterious and nobody dared to go there.
The piper went inside the cave along with the children but never came back. No one knows where about they went but the lame boy who came back finding no way and described the fact.
Then there was no one to find out where the children were taken. Soon there was mourning around the city. They lost their children as a result of not giving the promised money to the mysterious stranger pied piper.
The pied Piper of Hamelin
It was a long time ago. There was a town in Germany called Hamelin. Hamelin was a small but beautiful town. There was a river on one side and a mountain on the other. The people of Hamelin grew crops in the fields nearby. People lived happily there. They had no worries. They had a mayor to look after their affairs.
But suddenly the town was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were very big and fierce. They fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. They ate up the corn in the granaries. They ate up everything they annoyed. They became helpless. They tried to get rid of the problem but found no way.
At last the people came to the town Hall and told the Mayor about their sufferings. The Mayor called up a meeting of his councilors. They talked about different plans. But they could not find any way to kill the rats.
Just then, a tall and thin man with a long coat of many colours and a strange hat on his head entered the room. He had a pipe in his hand.
“Who are you? What do you want?” the Mayor asked. “I’ a piper. You’ve a problem with rats. I can help you. I can kill the rats.
“How?” they asked.
“With my pipe”, he said.
The Mayor asked. “How much do you want for it?”
“One thousand guilders “said the piper.
“We’ll give you ten thousand if you can help us to get rid of the rats,” the Mayor said.
“All right, I’ll do it. But don’t forget your promise.
The pied piper went to the street and took out a pipe from his pocket. Then he began to play the pipe. Soon the rats from every house of Hamelin came out tumbling. There were hundreds of thousands of them. The man went on playing hi pipe. He moved along the streets and the rats followed him. He went down to the bank to the river waser and waded into the river. And every rat that followed him drowned in the river. The piper came back to the Mayor and demanded the promised money.
The mayor thought that the rats were all gone and there was no use giving so much money to the piper. He said,” that was only a joke. Take five hundred and go away.”
“No, “said the piper,” I would not take less. “ he was very angry.
The piper left the mayor’s office and stood in the street. He took up his pipe and began to play again. This time it was a different tune. But on hearing the tune, the children to the town began to dance. As the piper walked along the streets, they followed him singing and dancing. The piper was walking towards the mountain. As they came near the mountain, a door opened. The piper and the children walked into the mountain and the door closed. Only one boy could not follow them because he was lame. The people saw all this and stood helpless. They realized that it was all fault. But it was too late.
Read the following story. It is not complete. Use suitable title to it. your imagination to complete it and give a long time ago, the town of Hamelin in Germany was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs ........
Ans: A Strange Piper And His Magic A long time ago, the town of Hamelin in Germany was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. People left no stone unturned to protect themselves and their belonging from the attack of the rats. So, they went to the Mayor and told him to do something. The Mayor of the town called a meeting of the councilors and elite persons to discuss the problem. The meeting came to a close without result. At that time, a strange person with a colorful flute in hand appeared before the meeting. He declared that he would drive the rats from the town. He demanded one thousand guilders for the job. The Mayor accepted his demand. Then the strange man went out on the road. He started playing his flute. Hearing the sound of his flute, the rats jumped out to the roads in thousands. The man started walking and the rats followed him. He suddenly stopped beside the river. The rats jumped into the current of the river and all were drowned. He went to the Mayor and demanded the promised money. But the Mayor refused to give him a thousand guilders. Becoming angry, the pied piper stepped into the street and started playing another tune. At the sound of the music, the children came running, laughing and dancing. The parents stood dumb. They thought that the piper would never be able to cross the hill. When the piper reached the hill with the children, it opened up and he walked into it with the children. Then the hill closed and they were never seen again.
অনেক দিন আগে, জার্মানির ছোট্ট শহর হ্যামেলিনে মানুষ খুব বিপদে পড়েছিল। শহরটা ইঁদুরে ভরে গিয়েছিল। এই ইঁদুরগুলো সাধারণ ইঁদুর নয়, এরা বড় এবং ভয়ংকর ছিল। তারা কুকুরদের সাথে লড়াই করত, বিড়ালদের মেরে ফেলত, এমনকি ছোট বাচ্চাদেরও কামড়াত। তারা খাবার নষ্ট করত, কাপড় ছিঁড়ে ফেলত, আর দেয়ালে গর্ত করত। এই ইঁদুরের যন্ত্রণা থেকে মানুষ খুবই অসুখী হয়ে পড়েছিল।
মানুষজন কিছুতেই বুঝতে পারছিল না কী করবে। তাই তারা মেয়রের কাছে সাহায্যের জন্য গেল। মেয়র নিজেও ভীষণ চিন্তিত ছিলেন, কারণ ইঁদুর তাড়ানোর কোনো উপায় তার মাথায় আসছিল না। হঠাৎ, একদিন রঙিন পোশাক পরা একজন লোক শহরের মেয়রের অফিসে আসে। তার হাতে ছিল একটি বাঁশি। তিনি মেয়রকে বললেন, “যদি আমাকে ১০০০ গোল্ডেন দাও, আমি তোমাদের শহর থেকে সব ইঁদুর তাড়িয়ে দেব।” মেয়র রাজি হলেন তাকে টাকা দেওয়ার জন্য।
(বাঁশিওয়ালা) রাস্তায় বেরিয়ে তার বাঁশিতে সুর তুললেন। সঙ্গে সঙ্গে শহরের সব ইঁদুর ঘর থেকে বেরিয়ে এসে তার পেছনে চলতে শুরু করল। পাইপার হাঁটতে হাঁটতে নদীর তীরে গেলেন, আর ইঁদুরগুলো তার পিছু নিয়ে নদীতে ঝাঁপ দিল। সব ইঁদুর পানিতে ডুবে মারা গেল, আর শহর ইঁদুরমুক্ত হল।
তারপর, পাইপার মেয়রের কাছে তার পাওনা টাকা নিতে গেলেন। কিন্তু মেয়র প্রতিশ্রুত ১০০০ গোল্ডেন না দিয়ে মাত্র ৫০০ গোল্ডেন দিতে চাইলেন। পাইপার খুব রেগে গেলেন, কিন্তু কিছু না বলে আবার রাস্তায় ফিরে এলেন এবং এবার অন্য রকম সুর বাজালেন। এইবার ইঁদুর নয়, বরং শহরের সব শিশুরা তার পেছনে হাঁটতে শুরু করল। তারা গান গাইতে গাইতে এবং নাচতে নাচতে তার পিছু নিল।
পাইড পাইপার তাদের নিয়ে একটি পাহাড়ের দিকে হাঁটতে লাগলেন। যখন তারা পাহাড়ের চূড়ায় পৌঁছাল, তখন পাহাড়ের একটি দরজা খুলে গেল। পাইপার ও সব শিশুরা সেই দরজা দিয়ে ভেতরে ঢুকে গেল। দরজাটা বন্ধ হয়ে গেল, আর তারা আর কখনও ফিরে আসেনি। শুধু একজন বাচ্চা, যে ধীরে হাঁটছিল, সে পেছনে থেকে সব কিছু দেখল।
হ্যামেলিনের মানুষজন খুবই দুঃখিত হল। তারা বুঝতে পারল যে, মেয়র তার কথা রাখেনি বলে তারা তাদের সব শিশু হারিয়েছে।