The Dog and the Shadow
On a certain day, a dog, consumed by a voracious appetite, pilfered a piece of meat from a nearby meat shop. Gripping the meat in its jaws, the canine proceeded to run alongside a babbling stream. Soon enough, the dog arrived at a bridge that spanned the stream. However, while traversing the bridge, the dog chanced upon a fascinating sight: another dog, carrying a succulent piece of meat in its own mouth, was walking in the opposite direction.
Enthralled by the prospect of acquiring yet another delicious morsel of meat, the dog halted its progress and cast a keen glance downwards towards the canal. To its surprise, it beheld a mirror-like reflection of itself, which it mistook for another dog. Overcome with a sense of greed and avarice, the dog let out a howl at the image, determined to acquire the other piece of meat.
Alas! As a result of its own foolishness, the piece of meat slipped from its grip and tumbled into the water below. In a desperate attempt to retrieve its lost treasure, the dog plunged into the water, but its efforts were in vain. Exhausted and famished, the dog eventually managed to swim to the opposite bank of the canal, where it remained unfed and dejected. Thus, the dog learned a valuable lesson that by trying to grasp everything, it could end up losing everything.
Moral : Grasp all, lose all
The Dog and the Shadow
Once upon a time, there was a dog who lived near a butcher's shop. He was very greedy and always on the lookout for food. Since the butcher's shop was full of tasty meat, the dog decided to steal a piece for himself. He was thrilled at the thought of finally enjoying such delicious food.
After many days of waiting for the right moment, the dog decided to find a safe spot to enjoy his stolen meat. He chose to cross a bridge over a canal. As he crossed, he glanced down into the water and saw another dog carrying a piece of meat in its mouth.
The dog on the bridge stopped and carefully observed the dog in the water. Thinking it was another dog with meat, he couldn't resist the opportunity to snatch it away. But to his surprise, the "other dog" was just his own reflection in the clear water. He barked at the reflection, causing the piece of meat to fall into the water.
In a panic, the dog jumped into the canal to retrieve the meat, but it sank out of reach. Despite his efforts, he couldn't get it back. Instead, he found himself in the water, unfed and disappointed.
Reflecting on what happened, the dog realized that his greed had caused him to lose everything. He learned the hard way that trying to take everything for oneself can lead to losing it all in the end.
The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words:
Once a farmer had a goose. It used to lay a golden egg everyday. The farmer used to sell them in the local market and in no time he became quite solvent. But his wife was very greedy....
JB'22; P.B'19; JB'14, CB'10; SB'14 . . . ... ........ . .
Ans. Grasp All, Lose All
Once a fanner had a goose. It used to lay a golden egg everyday. The j4rmer used to sell them in the local market and in no time he became quite solvent. But his wife was very greedy.
Driven by greed, the woman grew discontented with the steady stream of golden eggs provided by the goose. She yearned for immediate wealth, desiring to become the richest person in the village overnight. Convinced that the goose laid only one egg a day, she devised a plan to hasten their fortune by extracting all the eggs at once. Believing that cutting open the goose's belly would reveal a cache of golden eggs, she shared her scheme with her husband.
However, her husband, wise and unswayed by greed, urged caution and warned against such a reckless act. Despite his pleas, the woman remained obstinate, disregarding his counsel. Determined to fulfill her greed-fueled aspirations, she seized a sharp knife and proceeded to cut open the goose's stomach.
To her dismay, the goose yielded no golden eggs. Instead, it succumbed to the fatal wound inflicted upon it, perishing instantly. Overwhelmed by remorse and regret, the woman lamented her foolishness as her husband looked on with disappointment.
In a moment of clarity, her husband admonished her, highlighting the consequences of her greed-driven actions. He emphasized that her folly had not only cost them the potential wealth but also resulted in the loss of a valuable asset. With heavy hearts, they faced the harsh reality of their actions, learning a bitter lesson about the destructive power of greed.
The Dog and the Shadow (grasp all,lose all)
Long ago there lived a dog near a butcher’s shop. He was very greedy. He can search food by smelling. As it was the butcher’s shop, many pieces of meat were arranged in the shop. The dog once stole a piece of meat from the butcher’s shop. He was very happy in the hope of having a nice meal of it.
Many days had passed he was going to taste this kind of meat. So, he tried to go a safer place by crossing a bridge over a canal. He looked down in the canal and saw another dog carrying a piece of meat in its mouth.
The dog stopped on the bridge and looked down very carefully. He could not prevent himself taking the opportunity to snatch away the other piece of meat. In fact, he saw his own image in the clear water of the canal and thought that was another dog. So he howled at the image. Instantly the piece of meat fell into the water. The dog jumped following the piece of meat that was dropping. Alas! he failed to get it. The piece sank down the canal’s water and was lost. The dog also fell on water. However, he managed to swim to the other bank of the canal and remained unfed.
Now he was thinking about his lost meat. He got a good lesson that grasps all, lose all.
Grasp All, Lose All: A dog once stole a piece of meat
On a certain day, a dog, consumed by a voracious appetite, pilfered a piece of meat from a nearby meat shop. Gripping the meat in its jaws, the canine proceeded to run alongside a babbling stream. Soon enough, the dog arrived at a bridge that spanned the stream. However, while traversing the bridge, the dog chanced upon a fascinating sight: another dog, carrying a succulent piece of meat in its own mouth, was walking in the opposite direction.
Enthralled by the prospect of acquiring yet another delicious morsel of meat, the dog halted its progress and cast a keen glance downwards towards the canal. To its surprise, it beheld a mirror-like reflection of itself, which it mistook for another dog. Overcome with a sense of greed and avarice, the dog let out a howl at the image, determined to acquire the other piece of meat.
Alas! As a result of its own foolishness, the piece of meat slipped from its grip and tumbled into the water below. In a desperate attempt to retrieve its lost treasure, the dog plunged into the water, but its efforts were in vain. Exhausted and famished, the dog eventually managed to swim to the opposite bank of the canal, where it remained unfed and dejected. Thus, the dog learned a valuable lesson that by trying to grasp everything, it could end up losing everything.
A Dog and His Shadow
One day a fox became very hungry. By roaming several hours he did not get any food to eat. At last he decided to go to the butcher’s shop and stole a piece of meat. Accordingly he went to a butcher’s shop and stole a piece of meat in the market and ran away with it. He became very glad by having food. He thought he would be able to satisfy his hunger. On the way he had to cross a bridge across a small stream. As he was running along the bridge, suddenly he looked down at his own shadow in the water of the stream.
The foolish dog could not understand that if was his own shadow. He thought it was another dog with another piece of meat in its mouth. This aroused his greed. He was easily tempted to see that piece of meat and thought of having that piece too. He said, “ You scoundrel , you cannot have that piece when I am here. I must have that piece too.” Saying so he jumped upon his own shadow with a loud bark as soon as he opened his mouth , the piece of meat dropped from his mouth and was taken away by the current of the stream .He lost his piece of meat as well his own life.
Grasp All, Lose All
Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a shop. Holding it in his mouth, he was running beside a stream. When the dog was crossing a bridge over the stream, it discovered an image in the water. He saw another dog carrying a piece of meat in its mouth. The dog stopped on the bridge and looked very carefully. He became greedy to get the other piece of meat. In fact, he saw his own image in the clear water of the canal and he took it for another dog. So, he howled at the image. Instantly the piece of meat fell into the water. The dog jumped after the piece of meat. Alas! he failed to get it. He somehow swam to the other bank of the canal and remained unfed.
Greed brings in disaster
Once upon a time greedy dogs steal a piece of meat from a nearby house, and holding it in his mouth he began to cross the river over a narrow bridge. He was singing happily and crossing the river with great excitement of having a good meal. While doing so he chanced to look down, and saw his own shadow reflected in the clear water of the river. He mistook it for another living dog with a bigger piece of meat. He was tempted to have a second one. As he was so greedy and covetous, he decided to snatch that away from that dog and thought to make a feast with the two. As he thought so he did. While he tried to do that, he dropped done his own piece of meat which was swiftly carried away by the current of the river. Thus, he lost his own meat and got much shocked and passed his day without a meal.
Bangla Translation:
সব ধরো, সব হারাও: একবার এক কুকুর মাংসের টুকরো চুরি করে নিল
একদিন, তীব্র ক্ষুধায় ভোগা একটি কুকুর কাছের একটি মাংসের দোকান থেকে এক টুকরো মাংস চুরি করে নিয়ে গেল। মাংসটি তার চোয়ালে ধরে, কুকুরটি একটি বকবককারী নদীর ধারে দৌড়াতে লাগল। শীঘ্রই, কুকুরটি নদীর উপর দিয়ে বিস্তৃত একটি সেতুর কাছে এসে পৌঁছাল। যাইহোক, সেতুটি অতিক্রম করার সময়, কুকুরটি একটি আকর্ষণীয় দৃশ্যের মুখোমুখি হল: আরেকটি কুকুর, নিজের মুখে একটি রসালো মাংসের টুকরো নিয়ে, বিপরীত দিকে হাঁটছে।
আরেকটি সুস্বাদু মাংসের টুকরো পাওয়ার সম্ভাবনায় মুগ্ধ হয়ে, কুকুরটি তার অগ্রগতি থামিয়ে খালের দিকে তীক্ষ্ণ দৃষ্টি নিক্ষেপ করল। অবাক হয়ে, সে নিজের একটি আয়নার মতো প্রতিচ্ছবি দেখতে পেল, যা সে ভুল করে অন্য একটি কুকুর ভেবেছিল। লোভ এবং লোভের অনুভূতিতে জর্জরিত হয়ে, কুকুরটি ছবিটি দেখে চিৎকার করে অন্য মাংসের টুকরোটি অর্জন করার জন্য দৃঢ়প্রতিজ্ঞ হল।
হায়! নিজের বোকামির ফলে, মাংসের টুকরোটি তার হাত থেকে পিছলে নীচের জলে পড়ে গেল। তার হারানো ধন উদ্ধারের জন্য মরিয়া প্রচেষ্টায়, কুকুরটি জলে ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ে, কিন্তু তার প্রচেষ্টা ব্যর্থ হয়। ক্লান্ত এবং ক্ষুধার্ত, কুকুরটি অবশেষে খালের বিপরীত তীরে সাঁতার কাটতে সক্ষম হয়, যেখানে সে অভুক্ত এবং হতাশ ছিল। এইভাবে, কুকুরটি একটি মূল্যবান শিক্ষা লাভ করে যে সবকিছু আঁকড়ে ধরার চেষ্টা করলে, সে সবকিছু হারাতে পারে।