Class Nine English Book Vocabulary
1. Opinion Matters
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Procession | parade/ march | মিছিল | They brought out a procession on the occasion of Pahela Baisakh. | A colorful procession paraded through the streets to celebrate the festival. |
Profound | deep | গভীর | We have a profound love for our country. | His speech had a profound impact on the audience. |
Initiatives | steps | উদ্যোগ | The government has taken many initiatives to improve the condition of the life of the people. | Their initiatives led to significant improvements in education. |
Poaching | hunt illegally | শিকার | Poaching wildlife is a great offence. | The authorities are cracking down on poaching in the national park. |
Additionally | In addition | উপরন্তু | The animals are additionally protected by the government. | Additionally, we need to consider the economic impact of this decision. |
Intricate | complicated | জটিল | The AI mechanism is extremely intricate and very difficult. | Solving this puzzle requires an intricate understanding of its components. |
Inaugurate | initiate | উদ্বোধন | The chief guest inaugurated the sports competition. | The mayor will inaugurate the new library tomorrow. |
Immense | Enormous / huge | অপরিমেয় | They made an immense improvement in English. | The company experienced immense growth in the past year. |
Distinguish | differentiate | পার্থক্য করা | You should have the knowledge to differentiate between right and wrong. | It's important to distinguish between facts and opinions. |
Demonstrate | reveal | প্রদর্শন | He demonstrated his skill at the time of need. | She demonstrated her leadership abilities during the crisis. |
Contemporary | Living at the same time | সমসাময়িক | Christopher Marlowe was a contemporary dramatist of Shakespeare. | Picasso and Matisse were contemporary artists. |
Charismatic | charming | ক্যারিশম্যাটিক | Bangabandhu was a charismatic leader and inspired millions of people for our independence. | The charismatic speaker captivated the audience with her words. |
Emphasize | Give special importance | জোর দিন | We should emphasize on corruption free Bangladesh. | The teacher emphasized the importance of studying for the exam. |
Strive | Make great effort to achieve something/ endeavour | সংগ্রাম | We all must strive to do the best for our country. | Despite facing challenges, he continued to strive for success. |
Encompass | enclose | বেষ্টন | The whole place was encompassed with a wall for the safety of the animals. | His interests encompass a wide range of topics. |
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2. Nature’s Tapestry
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Anticipation | expectation | আশা | He had a great anticipation about his Master’s result. | The anticipation for the new movie release was palpable in the air. |
Symbolize | signify | প্রতীক করা | Flowers symbolise love and beauty. | The dove is often used to symbolize peace. |
Gesture | sign | প্রকট করা | The stranger made a gesture with his figure that everything was fine. | She made a gesture of approval with a nod. |
Transition | shift/conversion | পরিণতি | We expect the transition period to be smooth. | The transition from student life to professional life can be challenging. |
Serenity | tranquillity/calmness | শান্তি | The face of the beautiful girl has an expression of absolute serenity. | Spending time by the lake brought a sense of serenity to his mind. |
Mortality | death | মৃত্যু | Infant mortality rate has been dramatically reduced in Bangladesh. | The mortality rate due to the pandemic was alarming. |
Evocative | reminiscent | উদ্বেগপ্রদ | Watching your famous movies have been very evocative. | The painting was evocative of a peaceful countryside. |
Abandoned | Having been deserted | পরিত্যক্ত | The abandoned child was brought up by a doctor’s family. | The abandoned house was eerie and desolate. |
Captivate | fascinate | মোহিত করা | I was captivated by the natural beauty of Tanguar Haor. | The speaker captivated the audience with her eloquent speech. |
Explanation | clarification | স্পষ্টীকরণ | You committed a blunder and I want the explanation how it happened. | His explanation shed light on the confusion. |
Distract | confuse/divert | বিচ্যুত করা | Nowadays mobile phones distract children from their education. | The loud noise outside distracted her from her work. |
Impression | An idea, feeling or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought | ধারণা | He has done a lot of generous deeds so I have a good impression about him. | Her impression of the city was that it was vibrant and welcoming. |
Progression | development | উন্নতি | His progression was outstanding since he was determined about his success. | The progression of technology has changed the way we live. |
Collapse | downfall | পতন | The building collapsed after a heavy earthquake. | The collapse of the company led to many job losses. |
Professional | specialised | পেশোর | He is very professional at his work. | She is a professional photographer with years of experience. |
Fundamental | important | মৌলিক | We need fundamental changes in every aspect of our life. | Respect for others is a fundamental aspect of building a harmonious society. |
Compassion | sympathy | দয়া | You must have compassion for the helpless of the society. | His compassion for animals led him to volunteer at the local shelter. |
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3. The Sense of Beauty
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Speech | address | বক্তৃতা | The chief guest delivered his speech and handed over the trophy to the winners. | Her speech at the conference was inspiring and well-received. |
Profound | heartfelt | গভীর | Bangladesh team got profound reception after winning tri-nation series. | His profound gratitude touched everyone's hearts. |
Satisfaction | contentment | তৃপ্তি | One cannot win everybody’s satisfaction. | The satisfaction of completing the project was immense. |
Remarkable | extraordinary | অসাধারণ | The Independence day is a remarkable day in the history of Bangladesh. | Her journey from poverty to success is truly remarkable. |
Inequality | inequity | অসমতা | Inequality creates anarchy among the people. | Addressing income inequality is crucial for social stability. |
Aggression | aggressiveness | আক্রমণশীলতা | In 1971, our freedom fighters stood against the aggression of Pakistani Army. | His aggression on the field intimidated the opposing team. |
Wildlife | wild animals | বন্যপ্রাণী | We should protect our wildlife to protect ourselves. | The conservation efforts aim to preserve wildlife habitats. |
Initiative | enterprise | প্রয়াস | It is time, we took initiatives to reduce pollution. | Her initiative to start a recycling program was well-received by the community. |
Poaching | hunting illegally | বন শিকার | Poaching animals is a severe offence. | The park rangers are cracking down on poaching activities. |
Monumental | commemorative | ঐতিহাসিক | The National Parliament Building is a monumental architectural site. | The construction of the bridge was a monumental achievement for the engineering team. |
Envision | imagine | কল্পনা করা | I always envision to stand by the poor and distressed. | She envisioned a future where everyone had access to education. |
Encompass | surround | ঘিরে আবৃত | A floral garden encompasses our house. | The project aims to encompass various aspects of sustainability. |
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4. Tones in Statements
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Masterpiece | outstanding work | দেরো গ্রন্থ | Rabindranath Tagore got Nobel Prize for his masterpiece, Gitanjali. | The Mona Lisa is considered Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece. |
Deficiency | insufficiency | অভাব | The deficiency of vitamins and minerals causes different types of diseases. | Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue and weakness. |
Guidance | direction | নির্দেশ | Children need the guidance of their parents to prosper in life. | His guidance helped me navigate through difficult times. |
Illiterate | unable to read or write | নিরক্ষর | There are many illiterate people who are wiser than literates. | Illiterate doesn't mean ignorant; some of the wisest people I know never finished school. |
Miserly | close-fisted | কৃপি | People do not like a miserly person. | His miserly behavior prevented him from enjoying life's pleasures. |
Acquaintance | familiarity | পরিচিতি | We should maintain good acquaintance with our neighbours. | Meeting new acquaintances can broaden your perspective on life. |
Humility | modesty | নম্রতা | Introverts can not do many works due to their humility. | Her humility endeared her to everyone she met. |
Consequential | following as a result | পরিণামগত | After Covid, people are now suffering from consequential maladies. | The lack of exercise had consequential effects on his health. |
Prosperity | affluence | সমৃদ্ধি | Education is the best prosperity in the world. | The country's prosperity depends on the well-being of its citizens. |
Fortunate | lucky | ভাগ্যবান | I am fortunate enough to be able to serve my parents during their needs. | We consider ourselves fortunate to have such supportive friends. |
Recommended | suggested as suitable | পোঁচা | My teacher recommended me for my admission abroad. | The doctor recommended a change in diet to improve his health. |
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5. Expressing Solution to A Problem
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Concentrate | make focus or hold attention | মনোনিবেশ করা | Please concentrate on your studies. | It's hard to concentrate with all this noise around. |
Profound | deep, intense | গভীর, প্রগোঢ় | The student has profound respect for his teacher. | Her paintings reflect a profound understanding of human emotions. |
Delimit | set boundaries of something | সীমাবদ্ধ করা | The fence of the garden was built to delimit the boundary. | They used stones to delimit the edge of the property. |
Empathetically | with the understanding of other’s feeling | অনুভূতগতভাবে | He listened empathetically to the sufferer. | She empathetically comforted her friend during a difficult time. |
Crucial | important, critical | গুরুত্বপূর্ণ | He is passing a crucial time of his life. | The first few minutes of a job interview are crucial for making a good impression. |
Dominate | show power or authority, control | নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা | Her husband dominates her. | The tall skyscrapers dominate the city skyline. |
Hesitant | indecisive | অদক্ষ | He is hesitant in taking decisions. | She was hesitant to speak up during the meeting. |
Apprehensive | worried | চিন্তিত | He feels apprehensive about his future. | She was apprehensive about starting a new job. |
Colloquial | characteristic of informal language | অক্ষরমূলক | He wrote the letter in a colloquial style. | The novel is written in a colloquial language that reflects everyday speech. |
Boost | contribute to growth, raise | উন্নতি করা | The tax cut will boost the economy. | Drinking coffee in the morning can boost your energy levels. |
Strained | not natural | অকৃত্রিম | His smile was strained as he was asked the question. | The atmosphere at the dinner table felt strained after the argument. |
6. The Art of Expressing Comparisons
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Replication | act of making copy | অনুলিপি | I don’t pay a huge price for the replication of the design. | The replication of data ensures data integrity and backup. |
Transmit | transfer to another | প্রেরণ করা | Many metals transmit heat. | Radio waves can transmit information over long distances. |
Localize | identify the location | স্থান নির্ধারণ করা | The doctor localized the source of infection. | The GPS system helps localize your position on the map. |
Attribute | assign | বর্ণনা করা | The biologist attributed the mushroom to proper class. | His success can be attributed to hard work and dedication. |
Preservative | A chemical compound which protects against decay | সংরক্ষণকারী বিষাণু | We use preservatives in making jelly and pickles. | Preservatives are commonly added to food to extend its shelf life. |
Antioxidant | substance that inhibits oxidation | অক্সিডেশন প্রতিরোধী | Antioxidants support eye health. | Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that help protect cells from damage. |
Chronic | being long lasting | দীর্ঘস্থায়ী | TB is a chronic disease. | Chronic stress can have negative effects on your health. |
Contrarily | perversely | উলটাপেরেক | She enjoys sunny days; contrarily, her sister prefers the rain. | Contrarily to popular belief, sharks are not man-eaters. |
Hassle | something annoying or bothering | ঝামেলা | The work was a bit of a hassle. | Moving to a new house can be a hassle, but it's worth it in the end. |
Negotiation | discussion to produce agreement | ধারা-ধারী | After negotiations, the two companies finally achieved the desired benefits. | Negotiation skills are crucial in business and personal relationships. |
Genetic | hereditary | জেনেটিক | The child’s talent is a result of genetic influence from parents. | Genetic testing can help identify predispositions to certain diseases. |
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7. The Power of Inclusive Language
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Potential | capable of becoming real | সম্ভাব্যতা | Bangladesh has enormous potential for economic development. | With hard work and determination, he fulfilled his potential as a leader. |
Specific | clearly defined | ষষ্টপর | The teacher gave us specific instructions to solve the problem. | Please provide me with specific details about the event. |
Associate | deputy | সহকর্মী | Her associates respect her for her helping attitude. | He's been an associate of the company for over a decade. |
Persuade | induce to do something through reasoning or argument | প্রবৃত্তি করা | I persuaded her to do the right thing. | She tried to persuade him to change his mind about quitting his job. |
Strategy | a plan of action designed to achieve a long term attempt | কৌশল | I knew the strategy so I achieved my goal easily. | Developing a marketing strategy is crucial for the success of any business. |
Inhumanity | extremely cruel and brutal behaviour | অনমানতা | The Pakistani army were accused of inhumanity in their treatment to us. | Acts of inhumanity should never be tolerated in any society. |
Agonising | causing extreme physical and mental pain | কষ্টকর | She went through agonising few weeks before her death. | Waiting for the test results was agonizing. |
Recognise | know again | পুনঃচিন্ন | At first, I could not recognize her since I met her after ten years. | He couldn't recognize his old school friend after so many years. |
Proficiency | expertise | দক্ষতা | Her proficiency in English is praiseworthy. | He demonstrated his proficiency in mathematics by solving the complex equations easily. |
Privilege | a special advantage | সুবিধা | They were wealthy and privileged elite. | Having access to quality education is a privilege that not everyone has. |
Appreciate | admire | সম্মান করা | People appreciate her for her benevolent deeds for the helpless. | I appreciate your efforts in organizing this event. |
8. Imaginations
Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Enigmatic | difficult to interpret | রহস্যময় | She had an enigmatic smile so I could not understand it. | The enigmatic message left everyone puzzled. |
Unconventional | not conventional | অপ্রথমিক | His unconventional behavior made him famous in his community. | His unconventional approach to problem-solving yielded innovative solutions. |
Interpretation | explanation | ব্যাখ্যা | His interpretation regarding his crime could not satisfy the authority. | The interpretation of the poem varied among the literary critics. |
Extensive | covering or affecting a large area | প্রশস্ত | Extensive measures should be taken against corruption. | The company conducted extensive research before launching the new product. |
Meditation | the action of meditating | ধ্যান | Yoga is considered as a meditation for keeping good health. | Meditation helps to calm the mind and reduce stress. |
Furthermore | in addition | আরওপ্রাথমিক | We gave him food and shelter; furthermore, we gave him some money. | Furthermore, we need to consider the long-term effects of this decision. |
Exploration | the action of exploring an unfamiliar area | অন্বেষণ | Extensive exploration is needed in the field of mineral resources of Bangladesh. | The exploration of the deep sea revealed new species of marine life. |
Controversial | giving rise or likely to give rise controversy | বিতর্কপ্রসঙ্গী | He always discusses controversial issues to be famous. | The controversial decision sparked heated debates among the politicians. |
Demonstrate | reveal | প্রদর্শন করা | They demonstrated their agony before the concerned authority. | The protesters demonstrated peacefully outside the government building. |
Perspective | attitude | দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি | Your perspective may differ with me but still I do support you. | From her perspective, the situation seemed hopeless. |
Proactive | bold/creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it has happened | পূর্বনির্ভর | You should be proactive and show your response against it. | Taking proactive measures can prevent future problems. |
Intensity | make more intense | তীব্রতা | They intensified their attack during the night. | The intensity of the storm caused widespread damage. |
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9. The Essence of Being a Responsible Student
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Prioritize | give importance or set urgency | অগ্রাধিকার দেওয়া | My mother always prioritizes on my health care. | It's important to prioritize your tasks to manage your time effectively. |
Constructive | formative, creative, positive | গঠনমূলক | He gave constructive criticism on the issue. | Let's focus on providing constructive feedback to improve the project. |
Perspective | position, view | দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি | He considers which follows from the positive perspective. | From my perspective, investing in education is crucial for our future. |
Embody | personify | অবতরণ করা | He embodied all that was wrong with the system. | The protagonist of the story embodies the struggles of the working class. |
Crucial | critical | গুরুত্বপূর্ণ | We should consider this crucial moment of time. | Making the right decision at this crucial juncture is imperative. |
Proactive | controlling situation rather than responding | পূর্বনির্ভর | We are not going to take a proactive role. | It's essential to be proactive in addressing potential issues before they escalate. |
Clarification | explanations for understanding | স্পষ্টীকরণ | The teacher’s clarification made the students confident to solve the problem. | Can you provide clarification on this point? I'm not sure I understand. |
Runoff | overflow | অতিসর্বস্যতা | In the monsoon, we see lots of runoff flowing into rivers. | Heavy rainfall resulted in increased runoff into the reservoir. |
Ecosystem | A system formed by the interaction of organisms with their physical environment | বাইকোসস্টেম | Living things exist on Earth within the ecosystem. | Human activities have a significant impact on the balance of the ecosystem. |
Revolutionize | change radically | ক্রান্তি করা | Computers revolutionized communication in every sector. | The invention of the internet revolutionized the way we access information. |
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10. The Curse of Bullying in Society
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Vice | Illegal and immoral activities that | অপরাধ/পাপ | The chief of police said that he was committed to wiping out vice in the city. | The mayor promised to crack down on vice in the neighborhood. |
Bully | To threaten to hurt someone | নির্দয় করা | He managed to bully her into giving him her car. | Bullying can have long-lasting effects on a person's mental health. |
Aggressive | Showing anger and a willingness to attack other people. | উগ্রভাবে প্রদর্শন করা | Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated in the classroom. | The aggressive dog barked loudly and chased after the mailman. |
Humiliation | A feeling of being ashamed or stupid and having lost the respect of other people. | অপমান | The election result is a humiliation for our party. | He suffered humiliation when he tripped and fell in front of his classmates. |
Mistreatment | The act of treating a person or animal badly, cruelly, or unfairly. | অত্যধিক প্রতারণা | She suffered years of mistreatment from her violent husband. | Animal mistreatment is a serious issue that needs to be addressed by society. |
Ethnicity | The fact of belonging to a particular group of people that share a cultural tradition | জাতিগততা | Ethnicity is not considered when reviewing applications. | People of different ethnicities celebrate their cultural heritage through festivals and traditions. |
Expectations | The feeling that good things are going to happen in the future: | প্রত্যাশা | The holiday lived up to all our expectations. | Managing expectations is important for maintaining satisfaction in life. |
Inferiority | The state of not being good, or not as good as someone or something else. | হীনতা | Women had a position of social inferiority as compared with men. | The feeling of inferiority can hinder personal growth and development. |
Confident | Being certain of your abilities or having trust in people, plans, or the future. | আত্মবিশ্বাসী | They don’t sound confident about the future of the industry. | Confidence is key to success in both personal and professional life. |
Accomplishment | Something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort. | সাফল্য | Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his greatest accomplishment. | Graduating from college was a significant accomplishment for her. |
Traumatize | To shock and upset someone severely and for a long time. | মানসিক ক্ষতিপ্রাপ্ত করা | She was completely traumatized by the death of her mother. | Witnessing the accident traumatized the young child. |
Victims | A person who has suffered the effects of violence or illness or bad luck. | শিকার | She’s just a victim of circumstances beyond her control. | The victims of the natural disaster were provided with emergency shelter and supplies. |
Abusive | Using rude and offensive words. | অপমানজনক | He was apparently abusive to the flight attendants. | Verbal abuse can be just as harmful as physical abuse. |
Eradicate | To get rid of something completely or destroy something bad. | পরিত্যাগ করা | The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption. | Efforts to eradicate poverty require both governmental and societal initiatives. |
Persuade | To make someone do something by giving good reasons for doing it | রাজী করা | I was greatly persuaded by my uncle to participate in the debate competition. | The salesperson tried to persuade me to buy the upgraded version of the product. |
Intentionally | To do something in a planned or intended way | ইচ্ছাকৃত | I didn’t ignore your friend intentionally - I just didn’t recognize her. | He intentionally left his phone at home to disconnect from technology for the day. |
Perceive | To think of something in a particular way | মনে করা | The way people perceive the real world is strongly influenced by their experience. | People perceive success differently based on their individual values and beliefs. |
Self-esteem | Respect for yourself | আত্মমত্তা | Recently, I have attended a program to build my self-esteem. | Building self-esteem is essential for mental and emotional well-being. |
Substance abuse | The use of drugs or alcohol in a way that damages a person’s life | পদার্থ সম্প্রয়োগ | The effects of bullying on a child are anxiety, depression, substance abuse, etc. | Substance abuse can have severe consequences on both physical and mental health. |
Envy | A negative feeling that involves a desire to have something that another person has | ঈর্ষ্যা/ পরিক্ষিকরোর | I never envied her luxurious lifestyle and personal ostentation. | Envy can poison relationships and breed resentment if not addressed. |
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11. The Last Leaf
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Genres | Categories or types of artistic works, such as literature or music, characterized by specific styles or themes. | ধরন | I enjoy exploring different genres of music, from classical to rock. | The bookstore has a wide selection of genres, catering to diverse tastes. |
Fascinating | Extremely interesting or captivating. | আকর্ষণীয় | The documentary about marine life was absolutely fascinating. | The professor's lecture on quantum mechanics was fascinating and thought-provoking. |
Gripping | Holding one’s attention strongly; engaging or thrilling. | গভীর নিচরিত ধরণ | The suspenseful movie had a gripping storyline that kept the audience hooked. | The novel's gripping narrative had me turning pages late into the night. |
Mysteries | Stories involving secrets, puzzles, or unknown elements that need to be solved. | রহস্য | I love reading mystery novels that challenge me to solve the crime before the detective does. | The mysteries of the ancient civilization continue to captivate archaeologists and historians. |
Escapism | The act of seeking distraction or relief from reality by engaging in imaginative or fantastical activities. | স্বপ্নের দুনিয়ায় ভাসা | During stressful times, I turn to fantasy books as a form of escapism. | Watching movies is a form of escapism for many people, allowing them to temporarily forget their worries. |
Enchanting | Charming and delightful; having a magical quality. | মহিমা | The enchanted forest in the story was described in such an enchanting way that I felt transported there. | The artist's paintings captured the enchanting beauty of the countryside. |
Authenticity | The quality of being genuine, real, or true. | অকৃত্রিম, সত্যত্ব | The historical fiction novel was praised for its authenticity in depicting the time period. | The restaurant's cuisine strives for authenticity, using traditional recipes and fresh ingredients. |
Horizons | The range of one’s understanding, knowledge, or experience. | দৃশ্যমান | Traveling to different countries broadens your horizons and exposes you to diverse cultures. | Reading expands our horizons by introducing us to different perspectives and ideas. |
Exhilarating | Making one feel excited, lively, or invigorated. | আনন্দদায়ক | Skydiving was an exhilarating experience that filled me with adrenaline. | The roller coaster ride was exhilarating, with twists and turns that left us breathless. |
Diverse | Varied or different in nature; having a range of elements. | বিবিধ | Our book club welcomes people of diverse backgrounds who enjoy reading. | The city boasts a diverse culinary scene, offering cuisines from around the world. |
Artifact | An object made by humans, often of historical or cultural significance. | প্রতিমন্ত্র | The museum displayed an impressive collection of ancient artifacts from different civilizations. | Archaeologists uncovered several artifacts from the ancient city, shedding light on its history. |
Enigmatic | Mysterious or puzzling; difficult to understand. | রহস্যময় | The enigmatic message left by the anonymous sender left everyone wondering about its meaning. | The Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile has puzzled art historians for centuries. |
Eccentric | Unconventional or unusual in behavior, appearance, or style. | বিচিত্র | The eccentric inventor was known for his quirky inventions that often surprised everyone. | The eccentric fashion designer showcased avant-garde designs that challenged conventional norms. |
Obsession | A persistent and overwhelming preoccupation or fixation on something. | প্রবণতা | Her obsession with solving puzzles led her to become an expert in cryptic codes. | The artist's obsession with perfection drove him to spend countless hours perfecting his craft. |
Cryptic | Having a hidden or secret meaning; puzzling or mysterious. | রহস্যময় | The message left by the kidnapper was cryptic, leaving the detectives to decipher its code. | The cryptic symbols on the ancient artifact baffled archaeologists for years. |
Concealed | Hidden or kept secret. | লুকানো | The treasure was concealed in a hidden compartment beneath the floorboards. | He concealed his true intentions behind a friendly facade. |
Culprit | The person responsible for a crime or wrongdoing. | অপরাধী | The police were determined to catch the culprit behind the series of burglaries. | After a thorough investigation, they finally apprehended the culprit responsible for the cyber attack. |
Jealousy | Envy or resentment towards someone’s achievements, possessions, or qualities. | ঈর্ষা | Her success ignited jealousy among her peers who wished to achieve the same. | Jealousy can poison relationships and lead to destructive behavior if not addressed. |
Greed | Intense desire for material wealth or gain; excessive ambition for more than what’s needed. | লোভ | The story portrays the negative consequences of greed and its impact on people’s lives. | Greed often blinds individuals to the needs and suffering of others. |
Reveal | A surprising or dramatic disclosure of information. | প্রকাশ করা | The final chapter of the novel held a shocking reveal that changed the entire perspective. | The investigation uncovered a shocking reveal that implicated several high-profile individuals. |
Conjure | To summon or bring about through magical means; evoke. | যাদু করা | The wizard used his staff to conjure a protective barrier around the castle. | The magician's illusion seemed to conjure objects out of thin air, leaving the audience in awe. |
Guide | Led or directed someone along a particular path or course. | নির্দেশন করা | The experienced hiker guided the group through the treacherous mountain trail. | A mentor can guide you through the challenges of life and offer valuable advice. |
Quest | A journey or expedition undertaken in order to achieve a specific goal. | অনুধাবন | The knight set out on a quest to rescue the captured princess from the dragon’s lair. | The quest for knowledge is a lifelong journey that enriches the mind and spirit. |
Mythical | Pertaining to myths or legendary stories; imaginary or not based on reality. | পরৌনিক | The unicorn is a mythical creature often depicted as a horse with a single horn. | Many cultures have their own mythical creatures and legends passed down through generations. |
Climactic | Pertaining to the highest point or most intense moment of a story or event. | উচ্চ সমুদ্রীয় | The climactic battle between the hero and the villain kept the audience on the edge of their seats. | The climactic scene of the movie brought the story to a thrilling conclusion. |
Banish | To send away or exile someone or something; get rid of or eliminate. | নিস্তারিত করা | The evil spirit was banished from the village after the priest performed a cleansing ritual. | Negative thoughts can be banished through mindfulness and self-reflection. |
Restoring | Bringing back or returning something to its previous condition or state. | পুনরুদ্ধারণ | The restoration of the ancient painting revealed its vibrant colors and intricate details. | Environmental restoration efforts aim to restore ecosystems to their natural state. |
Realm | A kingdom or domain; a field or sphere of activity or interest. | রাজ্য | In the realm of science fiction, authors explore futuristic technologies and space travel. | The internet has become a realm where people can connect and share ideas across the globe. |
Evoke | To bring forth or elicit a reaction, emotion, or memory. | উদ্দীপ্ত করা | The old song evoked memories of her childhood spent by the seaside. | The painting's vibrant colors evoke feelings of joy and optimism. |
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12. Macbeth
Main word | Synonym/Meaning in English | Meaning in Bangla | Sentence | Your sentence |
Creatures | Any large or small living thing that can move independently | প্রাণী | Blue whales are the largest creatures ever to have lived. | The forest is teeming with diverse creatures, from tiny insects to majestic predators. |
Withered | To become dry and sapless. | শুকিয়ে পড়া | The plants withered and died. | The flowers in the neglected garden had withered from lack of water. |
Inhabitants | A person or animal that lives in a particular place | বাসিন্দা | Only a tiny fraction of the mass of a planet can be useful to its inhabitants. | The island's inhabitants have developed a unique culture over centuries of isolation. |
Strange | Unusual and unexpected, or difficult to understand | অদ্ভুত | It’s strange that tourists almost never visit this village. | The strange noise coming from the attic gave me an eerie feeling. |
Vanish | To disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way. | লুপ্ত | The child vanished while on her way home from school. | The magician made the rabbit vanish into thin air, leaving the audience in awe. |
Witches | A woman who is believed to have magic powers, especially to do evil things. | ডাইনি | Many people believed her to be a witch. | In medieval Europe, witches were often persecuted and accused of practicing black magic. |
Prophecies | A statement that something will happen in the future, especially one made by somebody with religious or magic powers. | ভবিষ্যত্ববাণী | These doom and gloom prophecies are doing little to help the economy. | The prophecy foretold of a great war that would engulf the land in chaos. |
Supernatural | Caused by forces that cannot be explained by science. | অতীন্দ্রিয় | Ghosts and evil spirits are supernatural. | The eerie glow in the forest was attributed to supernatural beings by the villagers. |
Trance | A temporary mental condition in which someone is not completely conscious of or not in control of himself or herself. | ধ্যান | He sat staring out of the window as if in a trance. | The hypnotist induced a trance-like state in the subject, allowing access to buried memories. |
Suspicious | Making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong. | সন্দেহজনক | The fire at the bank is being treated as suspicious. | His suspicious behavior raised red flags among his colleagues. |
Beast | An animal, especially a large or wild one. | বন্ধু | The room was not fit for the beast. | The hunter encountered a fierce beast deep in the jungle. |
Hesitation | The act of pausing before doing something, especially because you are nervous or not certain. | হলহল | After a slight hesitation, she began to speak. | Despite her initial hesitation, she eventually took the plunge and pursued her dream. |
Daggers | A short pointed knife that is used as a weapon. | ছুরি | Each man was armed with both sword and dagger. | The assassin concealed a pair of lethal daggers beneath his cloak. |
Hail | To describe somebody/ something as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc. | অভিনন্দন জ্ঞাপন করা | The expedition was widely hailed as a success. | Her innovative approach to problem-solving was hailed by her colleagues. |
Melted | Having turned soft or into a liquid. | গলা | The sun had melted the snow. | The ice cream melted quickly in the summer heat. |
Hallucinating | To seem to see, hear, feel, or smell something that does not exist, usually because you are ill or have taken a drug. | ভ্রান্ত হওয়া | Mental disorders, drug use, and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate. | He claimed to be hallucinating after consuming the mysterious potion. |
Fantastic | Strange and wonderful like something out of a story. | আশ্চর্য | The palace was fantastic in design. | Her fantastic storytelling captivated audiences of all ages. |
Wandering | To walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction. | পথ হারানো | She was found several hours later, wandering the streets, lost. | The nomadic tribe spent years wandering the desert in search of a new home. |
Appreciation | The act of recognizing or understanding that something is valuable, important, or as described. | সম্মান | Max has no appreciation of the finer things in life. | Her tireless dedication to her work deserves recognition and appreciation. |
Unguarded | Not guarded or protected. | অসুরক্ষিত | In an unguarded moment, I said that I didn’t trust Charles. | The diplomat's unguarded remarks sparked an international controversy. |
Filthy | Showing anger. | অশোচনীয় | He was in a filthy mood. | The room was left in a filthy state after the wild party. |
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