Rearranging Sentences:
Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
a. She worked, worked and worked.
b. Eventually she managed to repay all the loan money.
c. Soon after getting the loan, she and her husband started to make a plan.
d. Feroza worked day and night.
e. After that Feroza bought a little more paddy, and husked it and sold it.
f. Feroza took a loan of three thousand taka in the year 1992.
g. First they made a thatched hut so that they do not have to live under the open sky.
h. Then she bought a dheki and some paddy with the money.
i. The profit that she made was enough to repay the first installment and buy food and clothes for her children.
j. She sold the rice in the market and made a small profit.
Answer: f + c + g + h + j + i + e + d + a + b
Here are the jumbled sentences in Roman numerals:
I. Feroza worked, worked and worked.
II. First they made a thatched hut so that they do not have to live under the open sky.
III. Feroza took a loan of three thousand taka in the year 1992.
IV. She sold the rice in the market and made a small profit.
V. After that Feroza bought a little more paddy, husked it and sold it.
VI. The profit that she made was enough to repay the first instalment and buy food and clothes for the children.
VII. Then she bought a dheki and some paddy with the money.
VIII. Soon after getting the loan, she and her husband started to make a plan.
IX. Eventually, she managed to repay all the loan money.
Now, the correct sequence is:
III → VII → VIII → II → VI → IV → V → I → IX
Completing Story:
Bilkis / Feroza Changes Her Life: Once there lived a middle-aged woman
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst the verdant countryside, there dwelt a resolute and hardworking middle-aged woman by the name of Bilkis, who was entrusted with the task of providing for her family of five comprising of her husband and three sons. Despite her assiduous efforts, the onerous burden of making ends meet fell solely on her shoulders, for her spouse was a lethargic individual who did not make any contribution towards their sustenance.
One day, Bilkis had a serendipitous encounter with a group of philanthropic individuals from the Grameen Bank, who expressed their eagerness to assist indigent, landless and vulnerable people. Grasping the opportunity with both hands, she applied for a loan of three thousand taka from the Bank and was approved. Armed with this loan, she proceeded to purchase a dheki and some paddy, and embarked on her journey towards financial independence.
Undeterred by the arduous struggles that lay ahead, Bilkis and her husband began to meticulously plan out their future course of action. They first constructed a thatched hut to provide shelter for themselves and their children, sparing them from the elements. Subsequently, Bilkis sold the rice in the market, reaping a considerable profit that allowed her to repay the first instalment of her loan, as well as purchase food and clothing for her offspring.
Through sheer perseverance and unflagging determination, Bilkis persevered through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, emerging triumphant in her struggle for existence. Her tireless efforts had borne fruit, culminating in a life of dignity and self-reliance for her and her family.
A Promising and Struggling Legend
Feroza is a name of a woman who struggled much for herself and her family. Her life was so pathetic and struggling that one cannot but drop one’s tears.
Feroza’s childhood was full of sorrows. She never had a moment of happiness in her life. Want of food, want of shelter and want of clothing were her daily companions. She was married to a 24 years old unemployed man when she was twelve. Feroza saw more want than happiness entering into her husband’s house. It was Feroza who worked for a handful of grains to feed herself, her mother-in-law and her husband. And thus her struggling life started.
Her first son was born when she was 19. the birth of a child meant another mouth to feed. Feroza’s toiling day became harder with the birth of her second son. her husband was still unwilling to work and therefore, she had to work even harder to feed all the five mouths. From morning to dark she worked and worked. When she was 24 her third son was born. Each day became more difficult for feroza. No matter how hard she worked she could never earn enough to feed everyone.
Feroza’s husband did not have a job so their life was very difficult. When there was no work, she, and her husband and children had to starve for days. At one point they had to sell their hut. Then the whole family had to live under a tree. Feroza would do any work to keep her children staring. The villagers thought she was crazy and teased her. The young boys and girls would run after her pelting her with stones, laughed and made fun of her. Feroza use to get up before sunrise go to the fields to cut paddy and came back home when it was dark and the children were not around. Feroza never thought that her toiling day s would end.
Feroza was fighting for the survival of her family and herself. The days were hard. Day by day work became even scarcer. One day she came to know about the Grameen Bank. She became a member of the Bank, took a loan and started her own ‘rice-husking’ business. Gradually she managed to improve her conditions and managed to repay the loan she had borrowed from the Grameen Bank. After then she took a larger loan and started a stationary shop alongside her husking business. He went to the adult literacy center and learned to read and write. After few years her worst days were over. She had solvency, security and happiness.
A Struggling Woman
Feroza is a name of a woman who struggled much for herself and her family. Her life was so pathetic and struggling that one cannot but drop one’s tears.
Feroza’s childhood was full of sorrows. She never had a moment of happiness in her life. Want of food, want of shelter and want of clothing were her daily companions. She was married to a 24 years old unemployed man when she was twelve. Feroza saw more want than happiness entering into her husband’s house. It was Feroza who worked for a handful of grains to feed herself, her mother-in-law and her husband. And thus her struggling life started.
Her first son was born when she was 19. the birth of a child meant another mouth to feed. Feroza’s toiling day became harder with the birth of her second son. her husband was still unwilling to work and therefore, she had to work even harder to feed all the five mouths. From morning to dark she worked and worked. When she was 24 her third son was born. Each day became more difficult for feroza. No matter how hard she worked she could never earn enough to feed everyone.
Feroza’s husband did not have a job so their life was very difficult. When there was no work, she, and her husband and children had to starve for days. At one point they had to sell their hut. Then the whole family had to live under a tree. Feroza would do any work to keep her children staring. The villagers thought she was crazy and teased her. The young boys and girls would run after her pelting her with stones, laughed and made fun of her. Feroza use to get up before sunrise go to the fields to cut paddy and came back home when it was dark and the children were not around. Feroza never thought that her toiling day s would end.
Feroza was fighting for the survival of her family and herself. The days were hard. Day by day work became even scarcer. One day she came to know about the Grameen Bank. She became a member of the Bank, took a loan and started her own ‘rice-husking’ business. Gradually she managed to improve her conditions and managed to repay the loan she had borrowed from the Grameen Bank. After then she took a larger loan and started a stationary shop alongside her husking business. He went to the adult literacy center and learned to read and write. After few years her worst days were over. She had solvency, security and happiness.
A Promising and Struggling Legend
Feroza is a name of a woman who struggled much for herself and her family. Her life was so pathetic and struggling that one cannot but drop one’s tears.
Feroza’s childhood was full of sorrows. She never had a moment of happiness in her life. Want of food, want of shelter and want of clothing were her daily companions. She was married to a 24 years old unemployed man when she was twelve. Feroza saw more want than happiness entering into her husband’s house. It was Feroza who worked for a handful of grains to feed herself, her mother-in-law and her husband. And thus her struggling life started.
Her first son was born when she was 19. the birth of a child meant another mouth to feed. Feroza’s toiling day became harder with the birth of her second son. her husband was still unwilling to work and therefore, she had to work even harder to feed all the five mouths. From morning to dark she worked and worked. When she was 24 her third son was born. Each day became more difficult for feroza. No matter how hard she worked she could never earn enough to feed everyone.
Feroza’s husband did not have a job so their life was very difficult. When there was no work, she, and her husband and children had to starve for days. At one point they had to sell their hut. Then the whole family had to live under a tree. Feroza would do any work to keep her children staring. The villagers thought she was crazy and teased her. The young boys and girls would run after her pelting her with stones, laughed and made fun of her. Feroza use to get up before sunrise go to the fields to cut paddy and came back home when it was dark and the children were not around. Feroza never thought that her toiling day s would end.
Feroza was fighting for the survival of her family and herself. The days were hard. Day by day work became even scarcer. One day she came to know about the Grameen Bank. She became a member of the Bank, took a loan and started her own ‘rice-husking’ business. Gradually she managed to improve her conditions and managed to repay the loan she had borrowed from the Grameen Bank. After then she took a larger loan and started a stationary shop alongside her husking business. He went to the adult literacy center and learned to read and write. After few years her worst days were over. She had solvency, security and happiness.
Complete the following story following the cue :
Once there lived a middle-aged woman named Meena. She had three sons. Her husband was very lazy and he did not do any work. None but she had to work all day tong to earn money for the family
Ans. Struggle of Existence
Once there lived a middle-aged woman named Meena. She had three sons. Her husband was very lazy and he did not do any work. None but she had to work all day long to earn money for the family. One day she met a group of people who came to her village from the Grameen Bank. They said they were interested in helping the poor people,* the landless and the helpless. She learnt from them that they would provide loan particularly to the rural poor women.
He became a member of the Grameen Bank. After a month she got of five thousand takes. ':'hen she bought a dheki and some paddy with the money. First she and her husband made a thatched hut. The profit that she made was enough to repay the first installment and buy food and clothes for her children. She sold the rice in the market and made a good profit. In this way she changed her lot. There are many unemployed women in our rural areas. 'They should follow the self employed woman, Meena who has already changed the wheels of her lot by running a business. Unemployment is a curse. So one should not be unemployed in society.
Industry is the Key to Success:
Muna / Feroza , a young girl hailing from a destitute farmer's family, was deprived of education by her father due to their impoverished circumstances. Eventually, at the tender age of fifteen, her parents arranged her marriage to a man of similar means. Alas, the groom proved indolent, lacking any inclination towards work. Thus, Muna/Feroza had to toil relentlessly to support her family. However, she was plagued with a persistent fear: what if she gave birth to a female child? The specter of penury loomed large, and she yearned to find a way to earn a livelihood.
In her quest for a solution, Muna/Feroza sought the guidance of her cousin, who was affiliated with a youth training center. He suggested that she receive training in poultry farming. Muna/Feroza took his advice and diligently completed the course. Subsequently, she obtained a loan of 10,000 Taka from the training center under lenient terms. Using the loan, she initiated a poultry farm at her home and diligently tended to the birds. Her chickens and ducks thrived under her care, attaining robust health. Eventually, she sold them in the market and earned a substantial sum of money. After clearing the loan, Muna obtained a larger loan from the training center and invested the funds in profitable ventures, effectively running her own business.
Through her hard work and perseverance, Muna/Feroza transformed her fortunes, ascending to the status of a wealthy woman. She now enjoys a peaceful life and can afford to send her daughter to school, nurturing the hope that her offspring will attain higher education and enlighten society.
একজন দরিদ্র কৃষক পরিবারের মেয়ে মুনা/ফিরোজা, তার বাবা তাদের দরিদ্র পরিস্থিতির কারণে শিক্ষা থেকে বঞ্চিত হন। অবশেষে, পনের বছর বয়সে, তার বাবা-মা তার বিয়ে একই রকমের একজন ধনী ব্যক্তির সাথে দেন। হায়, বর অলস প্রমাণিত হয়, কাজের প্রতি কোনও আগ্রহ ছিল না। এভাবে, মুনা/ফিরোজাকে তার পরিবারকে সাহায্য করার জন্য নিরলস পরিশ্রম করতে হয়েছিল। তবে, তার মনে একটা অবিরাম ভয় ছিল: যদি সে একটি কন্যা সন্তানের জন্ম দেয়? দারিদ্র্যের আতঙ্ক প্রবল হয়ে ওঠে, এবং সে জীবিকা নির্বাহের উপায় খুঁজে বের করার জন্য আকুল হয়ে ওঠে।
সমাধানের সন্ধানে, মুনা/ফিরোজা তার চাচাতো ভাইয়ের নির্দেশনা চান, যিনি একটি যুব প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্রের সাথে যুক্ত ছিলেন। তিনি তাকে হাঁস-মুরগি পালনের প্রশিক্ষণ নেওয়ার পরামর্শ দেন। মুনা/ফিরোজা তার পরামর্শ গ্রহণ করেন এবং অধ্যবসায়ের সাথে কোর্সটি সম্পন্ন করেন। পরবর্তীতে, তিনি প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্র থেকে নমনীয় শর্তে ১০,০০০ টাকা ঋণ পান। ঋণের টাকায় তিনি তার বাড়িতে একটি মুরগির খামার শুরু করেন এবং নিষ্ঠার সাথে পাখিদের লালন-পালন করেন। তার যত্নে তার মুরগি এবং হাঁসগুলি বেড়ে ওঠে এবং সুস্থ হয়ে ওঠে। অবশেষে, তিনি বাজারে বিক্রি করে প্রচুর অর্থ উপার্জন করেন। ঋণ পরিশোধের পর, মুনা প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্র থেকে একটি বড় ঋণ পান এবং সেই অর্থ লাভজনক উদ্যোগে বিনিয়োগ করেন, কার্যকরভাবে নিজের ব্যবসা পরিচালনা করেন।
তার কঠোর পরিশ্রম এবং অধ্যবসায়ের মাধ্যমে, মুনা/ফিরোজা তার ভাগ্য পরিবর্তন করেন, একজন ধনী মহিলার মর্যাদায় উন্নীত হন। তিনি এখন একটি শান্তিপূর্ণ জীবন উপভোগ করেন এবং তার মেয়েকে স্কুলে পাঠানোর সামর্থ্য রাখেন, এই আশায় যে তার সন্তানরা উচ্চশিক্ষা অর্জন করবে এবং সমাজকে আলোকিত করবে।