SSC Examination-2025 English First Paper Suggestion Seen Passage
1. 21 February is a memorable day 2. 21st February has been observed 3. 26 March, our independence day 4. Can you think of a classroom 5. Countries of the world rely 6. Eid is the main religious 7. Everyone must play a 8. Heritage is what we inherit 9. Humans can neither change 10. In the primitive age communications took 11. India is our closet neighbour 12. Lake Baikal is the deepest and 13. Mainul Islam isa qualified farmer 14. May Day or International Workers Day 15. Meherjan lives in a slum on the 16. Michael Madhusudan Datta 17. Mother Teresa 18. Nepal is one of the most charming 19. Paharpur is an important archeological 20. Pahela Boisakh is the first day 21. Partha Pratim Majumder 22. Pritilata was born in Chittagong 23. Steven Paul Jobs, most popularly 24. The advantage of the Internet technology 25. The French Sculptor Frederic Auguste 26. The pioneer of Bangladeshi modern art Zainul 27. Today there are many jobs where you need English 28. ZahirRaihan was one of the most 29. Zainul Abedin
Unseen Passage
1. A sports club is going .... race respectively 2. Abraham Lincoln was the in Washington. 3. Albert Einstein was …..Noble Prize Physics 4. Albert Einstein, the Princeton 5. Alessandro Volta was March, 1827 6. Alexander Fleming was in London in 1955 7. Altaf Mahmud was a...... the war of liberation 8. APJ Abdul Kalam was born 9. Bangladesh is an independent… 10. Begum Sufla Kamal...... November 1999 11. Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir…….honour of Birsrestho 12. Charles Babbage was an English….on October 1871 13. Dr. Qudrat E Khuda, born 1984 14. Florence Nightingle was 15. George Barnard Shaw died 16. Hazrat Ali (R) was born January 661 17. Humayun Ahmed was Nuhash Palli 18. In 1912, an American Shipping the world 19. Jagadish Chandra Bose 20. Jibanananda was born 1954 21. John Milton was was born on November 8,1674 22. Louis Pasteur was a French at the age of 23. Mammals are animals called krill. 24. Milton was a great literature died. 25. Mominul Islam is a...... development 26. Mother Teresa 27. Mr. Khalilur Rahman, a pleader unexpected departure. 28. Munshi Abdur Rouf was..... in Bangladesh. 29. Neil Armstrong was the first surface of themoon 30. Nelson Mandela 31. Noble Prize 32. Once, there was a town named Hamelin....was solved. 33. P.B. Shelly (1792 1822) and imagery 34. Rabindranath Tagore was 35. Sher e Bangla is….. him with gratitude 36. Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose 37. Sri Lanka is an Asian....culture nationality 38. Stephen Hawking is considered using computer. 39. Stephen Hawking was born Gehrig's disease 40. The Eiffel Tower was named...... of the world 41. The first president of United December 1799 42. The history of Bengal is the 43. The Rohingya people 44. Thomas Alva Edision was 45. Titanic 46. William Blake 47. Your hair and every cell
1. A man is…. as a fashion 2. A teacher plays a very…..and ideal nation. 3. Climate change climate 4. Democracy means / is … precondition of democracy. 5. Drug damages 6. Education means 7. Eve teasing has now become subcontinent 8. Friendship is one establish friendship 9. Globalization is now very in poorer countries. 10. Good manner is stage of life 11. Hospitality has personal question 12. Humans , animals and being spoilt 13. Illiteracy retards in this regards 14. inroverts and extroverts are …. to remain isolated. 15. Morality develops of life 16. National flag upholds our …..our glorious existence. 17. Punctuality is a great virtue 18. Satellite television and interne are ….. sides too 19. Substances called acids severely polluted areas. 20. The empowerment of woman…. go forward 21. The Olympic games were….. in athletic contest/into many cities. 22. The role of women in of the world. 23. There are many every year 24. Tolerance is not 25. We cannot ensure peace 26. We should say ‘no’ against corruption
1. A thirsty crow 2. Abraham Lincoln 3. An English Poet and His Friend 4. Androcles 5. Androcles and the Lion 6. Bayazid and his ailing mother 7. Buddha and A Poor Woman 8. Dr. Alexander Fleming &Penicillin 9. Dr. Kudrat E Khuda 10. Dying Moment of Socrates Robert Bruce 11. Einstein's simplicity 12. Fox and turtle 13. Hatem Tai 14. Hazrat Omar (R 15. Kazi Nazrul Islam 16. King Lear 17. King Solomon Wife of Socrates 18. Louis Pasteur 19. Mount Everest 20. Napoleon 21. Nelson Mandela 22. Noble Prize 23. Queen Victoria 24. Rabindranath Tagore 25. Seikh Sa’di 26. Sindbad 27. Taimur 28. The Ancient Mariner. 29. The Foolish King and the Wise Man 30. The idle king and the wisephysician 31. The King and the Astrologer 32. Thomas Alva Edison Emperor Akbar 33. Two Friends and a Bear 34. William Somerset Maugham 35. Zainul Abedin
1. A Book Fair /A Book Fair you have visited recently.1DB-2019 & 2015; SB, DB, BB-2010; BB-2009; CB-2005; CtgB-2004]
2. A Day Labourer
3. A Railway Station
4. A Rainy Day
5. A Rickshaw Puller
6. A Road /Street Accident
7. A School Library [CtgB-2019]
8. A School Magazine /Your School Magazine
9. A Street Hawker
10. A Tea Stall [SB-2019; DB-2015]
11. A Winter Morning [BB-2019 & 2003; DjB-2015; CB-2014; DjB-2014; DB, SB-2009]
12. Air Pollution
13. Climate Change
14. Deforestation [All boards-2018]
15. Dowry System
16. Early Rising
17. Environment Pollution (air,water)/DB-2019; SB-2016, DB-2019, CB-2016; RB-2016] [DB-2016]
18. Food Adulteration
19. Global Warming
20. Load-shedding CtgB-2016; 2002; 2013-2011; BB-2011, 2003; BB-2010; 2008, 2003, 2001; CB, JB, SB-2007; JB-20031
21. May Day
22. Mobile Phone
23. Our National Flag
24. Price Hike
25. The International Mother Language Day
26. The Life of a Farmer
27. The Padma Bridge
28. The Rohingya Problem
29. Traffic Jam[JB-2015]
30. Tree Plantation. [JB-2019 & 2014; DjB-2016; BB-2016; CtgB-2015; RB-2009,2004; DBÂ2008]
31. Water Pollution
32. Your School Library [CB-2019 & 2015; R13-2014, 2010; .1B-2009; CtgB-2009; SB‑2008]
33. Your Visit to a Place of Historical Interest
Completing Stories
1. A Fox without a Tail: Once there was a clever fox in a jungle [DB-2015]
2. A Friend in need is a Friend Indeed: Once upon a time, there were two friends [RB-2014; CB-2011; DB-2011; BB-2010]
3. A Greedy Farmer : There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose
4. A lair cow boy/ Nobody believes a lair SB2017: BB-2017; DB-2016]
5. A Lion and a Mouse: Once a lion was sleeping in a forest [DB- 2013; BB-2013; CtgB-2008]
6. A Sly Fox and a Foolish Crow: One day a crow stole apiece of meat [JB-2015]
7. A Thirsty Crow :One day a crow became very thirsty [BB-2019 & 2012; SB-2017; CtgB-2016; 2012; DB-2014; CB-2012; JB-2011]
8. An ant and a dove
9. An honest wood cutter [JB-2014; DB-2012; DjB-2012; CB-2011; CtgB-2009]
10. Bayazid’s Devotion to his mother : Bayazid was a small boy his mother was ill. One day, SB‑2016; CB- 015; DjB-2015]
11. Bread Dividing by a Cunning Monkey: Once two rats stole a piece of bread
12. Failures are the pillars of success [CtgBÂ2019,- RB-2016; DjB-2016]
13. Fire in garment factory [All Boards-2019]
14. Grapes are sour: Once a hungry fox was searching for food ...... [JB-2017]
15. Honesty is the best policy /Honesty of a farmer/a rickshaw puller/ a student[JB-2016] [BB-2015]
16. King Midas : The Golden Touch : Once there was a king called Midas
17. Look before You Leap: Sufia is a worker in a big garments factory
18. Money cannot bring Happiness
19. Perseverance is the Key to Success: Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, fought severalbattles
20. Sheikh Saadi's Wit :The king ofIran used to invite the great poet Sheikh Saadi [CB-2015]
21. Slow and steady wins the Race/ An Hare and a tortoise :There lived a hare and a tortoise in the same jungle [JB-2019; DB-2017; SB-2016]
22. Struggling of a woman
23. The Boy Who Saved the Train: Once a cowboy was grazing cattle by the side of a rail line
24. The cruelty of a mistress with her maid servant
25. The goose that laid gold eggs [DB 2014; BB-2008]
26. The Honest Woodcutter and the Beautiful Fairy: Once there was a.wood cutter. He was very poor
27. The Liar Cowboy / Shephered: Once there was a cowboy/ shepherd in a village ......
28. The more man gets the more like wants
29. The Ready wit of a school boy / The responsibility of a school boy/A school boy was crossing a road.. [JB‑2009;DB-2007]
30. Truthfulness of Abdul Quadir Zilani (R.): In his boyhood, Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani (R.) was [CB-2016]
31. Two Rats and the Monkey/ Dividing the Bread [CtgB‑2017; CB-2010; SB-2005]
32. Unity is strength: Once there was an old farmer. He had four sons, They used to quarrel [CB-2017; R8- 2015; SB-2015]
33. Unity is Strength: There are many animals in a forest. There was no unity among them......
34. Who's to Bell the Cat: Once some mice were having a good time / Once the house of a rich man was infested with rats DB-2019; DjB-2017;JB-2007]
Graphs and Charts
1. A pie chart on the percentage of a family household income distributed into different categories.
2. A student's daily life / time spending of various activities daily the comparative selling rate of different kinds of books in ekushey boi mela
3. Choice of profession by different educated people
4. Family’s household income distribution
5. Internet and facebook users
6. Literacy and illiteracy rate
7. Literacy rate of Bangladesh in different years
8. Number of mobile phone users in bangladesh
9. People living under the poverty line
10. Population growth rate of bangladesh
11. Poverty and health care
12. Results of different exams
13. Selling rates of different kinds of books in ekushe boi mela
14. Student’s time spending of various activities
15. The benefits of girl’s education
16. The choice of profession by different educated people
17. The comparative selling rates of four types of book in ekushey boi mela.
18. The export and imports.
19. The importance and uses of using english.
20. The interest of students in different subjects
21. The internet users and telephone users.
22. The internet users in towns and villages from the year
23. The irregularity of a student in attending the classes.
24. The literacy rate of bangladesh in different years
25. The minimum temperature (in celsius) in chattogram and rajshahi
26. The number of people living below the poverty line
27. The number of people using the Internet from the year
28. The number of telephone and mobile phone users in bangladesh
29. The percentage of the number of internet users in towns and villages.
30. The percentages of a family's household income/expenditure distributed into different categories
31. The percentages of books in a school library
32. The population growth rate in bangladesh.
33. The poverty reduction rate of bangladesh.
34. The result of ssc examination of a school.
35. The sources of air pollution in a city
36. The spending time on various activities.
37. The ssc / jsc result of abc high school
38. The yearly imports and exports of a country
39. Types of pastime activities of people in different years / people's changing attitude to pastimes infant mortality rate of Bangladesh
Most Important Letters/ E-mail
1. A picnic you have enjoyed.[DB-2019; CB-2010 & 2006; djb- 2012; SB- 2012; BB-2008; ctgb-2004; .BB-2004]
2. A street accident
3. About Bangladesh and her people.
4. About Cox' Bazar and inviting him to join you.
5. About how to improve English
6. About your progress of studies. [ctgb-2019; CB-2015]
7. Advising him not to adopt unfair means in the examination. [DB-2003, 2002; BB-2003]
8. Advising him not to mix with bad company and be sincere to his study.
9. Advising him/her to give up smoking. SB-2015
10. Aim in life. [SB-2014]
11. Annual prize giving ceremony of your school. DB-2016; DB-2013; RB-2010; BB-2003; CB-2001; RB-2001]
12. Annual sports day of your school.
13. Attractive tourist spots of Bangladesh.
14. Bangladesh and her people. [CB-2017; SB-2017,2008; BB-2015; DB-2007]
15. Benefits of reading newspaper. [ctgb-2016 2013.BB-2013, 2009]
16. Co-curricular activities of your school. DB-2017, 2008] [RB-2019]
17. Condolence at her/his father's or Mother’s death. [BB-2012, 2007; CB-2003]
18. Congratulating him/her on his/her brilliant success in the exam. RB, ctgb-2015; DB-2013; 1)8-2012; ctgb-2010,2007; SB-2009; BB-2011, 2004; RB-2003, 2008, 2012; CB- 2008, 2012]
19. Describing a historical / new you have visited/ Study tour/ New place
20. Experience during the summer vacation.
21. Foods and the food-habits of the people of Bangladesh. (DB-2009; RB-2007; SB-2006; CB-2005]
22. How to improve in English. [DB-2015; .113-2009; SB-2007]
23. How you have spent your summer vacation.
24. Importance of co-curricular activities in later life. BB-2017]
25. Importance of learning English
26. Importance of physical exercise. [SB-2019; DB-2017; CB-20091
27. Importance of reading newspaper.
28. Importance of taking regular physical exercise.
29. Informing about your preparation for the exam
30. Inviting him to attend the party of your birthday. [DB-2005;113-2012; SB-2003]
31. Inviting him/her to join the marriage ceremony of your sister. [ctgb-2014]
32. Inviting to join a picnic. [RB-2013; JB-2010]
33. Inviting to Spend Summer Vacation
34. Journey that you made. [All Boards-2018]
35. Plan after the SSC examination. [CB 2019. 2016, 2014; djb-2019 & 2009; DB-2019, 2011 & 2006; BB-2019, 2010 & 2006; SB-2016 & 2011, DB-2014 & 2011; RB-2011; ctgb-2008]
36. Preparation for the ensuing SSC Examination. [DB-2016, 2011]
37. Recent visit to a place with your family members. RB-2016
38. Requesting him/her for staying a few days with you during the summer vacation. BB-2016
39. Sharing the experience of the
40. Telling about what you plan/ would like/ intend to do after your SSC Examination
41. Thanking for hospitality
42. Thanking him for the birthday gift. IBB-2017,2014; BB -2017; BB-2010; CB-2002, 2001; ctgb-2001]
43. Thanking him for the hospitality shown to you by him and Other members of his family. [BB-2013; CB, ctgb-2011; S13-2010; RB-2009; DB-2006; BB-2002]
44. To adjust to the new place and food
45. To bother advising him not mix bad company and sincere to study
46. To friend thanking him/her for his/her hospitality.. To friend condoling him on his father's death
47. To younger bother to be sincere and attentive to studies To younger brother about the importance of physical exercise
48. To younger brother about the benefits of computer learning
49. To father/friend about preparation for Test Exam
50. To friend about prize giving ceremony
51. Train journey you have experienced
Most Important Dialogues
1. About making a garden. Sb-2019
2. About your preparation for the examination.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life. Db-2019; db-2016]
4. Aim in life. Id1b-2017] [cb-2014]
5. An exciting football match About Aim in life
6. Annual prize giving ceremony of your school. /bb-2019]
7. Bad effects of copying in the exam. [bb-2015]
8. Bad effects of deforestation.
9. Bad effects of smoking. [RB-2017; BB-2016]
10. Bad effects of unfair means/ Copying in the exam
11. Being late in attending the class.
12. Benefits of early rising. [all boards-2018; ctgb-2009]
13. Borrowing a book from a library. Bb-2016
14. Causes and remedies of road accident/ the road accidents and how to prevent it. Id1b-20191
15. Computer club in your school. [ctgb-2015]
16. Develop/ improve skill in English language
17. English language. [1b-2017; bb-2009; cb-2008; sb-2019]
18. Environment pollution.
19. Global Warming
20. Good and bad sides of Facebook
21. Good effects of morning walk [db-2015]
22. Health problems, between you and a doctor bb-2017; ctgr-2008; rb-2008; jb-20071
23. How to eradicate illiteracy from our country [cb-2017,2007; ..1b-2015, 4b-2014.8-2009, sb-2008, ctgb-2007]
24. How to improve english.
25. Illness with a doctor Environment pollution
26. Importance of education in the development of a nation [db-2017]
27. Importance of games and sports in our life. Db-2019)
28. Importance of 'ICT' education in today's life.
29. Importance of learning computer. Db-2019 & 2016]
30. Importance of learning english.
31. Importance of physical exercise db-20/9, cb-2015]
32. Importance of reading newspaper. [ctgb-2019; cb-2016; rb-2016]
33. Importance of tree plantation
34. Importance/necessity of tree plantation. [ctgb-2017; bb-20071
35. Interesting place in Dhaka
36. Interne/ the merits and demerits / the use of intemet in computer
37. Issuing a transfer certificate.
38. Merits and demerits /good and bad sides/ uses and abuses of using mobile phone
39. Merits and demerits of mobile phone/facebook/internet [sb-2017; sb-2015]
40. Preparation for the ssc examination. [ctgb-2016; rb-2015]
41. Proper use of time and its benefits.
42. Road accidents
43. What to do to do better in the exam.
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