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Connectors / Linkers for HSC Examination 5.0 All Board Questions (2017-2016)

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Dec 20, 2024

Connectors / Likers HSC Board Questions

All Board Questions 2017

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dhaka Board-2017; Barisal Board-2022]

Mobile phone has added a new dimension into our communication system. It has made the world closer to us. (a) ---, it has made worldwide communication easier. We use it for our day-to-day communication. (b) ---, it has been a part and parcel in our life as we cannot go for a single day without using it. We use it for rapid communication. (c) --- mobile phone is not free from defect. It has some negative sides as well. (d) --, excessive use of mobile phone may cause our hearing problem. (e) ---, it is a means of money wastage. (f) ---, it is seen that many underground crimes are being done with the use of mobile networks. (g) ---, the radiation from mobile phone may cause cancer to the users. (h) ---, we are aware of these harmful effects. (i) ---, we are not aware of using the mobile phone. (j)---, we must have to be conscious about the negative impact of mobile phone and accordingly, we should use it carefully.

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Rajshahi Board-2017]

Man is a social being. (a) ---, man cannot live alone. (b) ---, man has been living together from time immemorial. Living in society is not an easy task. If we want to live in a society, we have to follow certain rules and regulations of that society. (c) ---, we have to be cooperative. (d) ----, we must help others when they need it. (e) ---, we have to be careful not to hurt others by our words or activities. (f) ----, we must control our emotions and behave well with others. (g) ---, we should not think and live only for us. (h) ---, we should always work for the betterment of the society. (i) ---, we should sacrifice our lives for others. (j)---, sacrificing our lives for others can make us immortal.

3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Cumilla Board-2017]

Trees are a vital part of our environment, (a) ---, they bear a great impact on the climate. (b) --- we are not careful about them. (c) ---, we destroy trees at random. (d) ---, one day the country will bear the consequence of greenhouse effect. (e) --- ours is an agricultural country, our economy depends upon it. (f) ---, our agriculture is dependent on rain, (g) --- trees play a vital role on our climate, (h) ---, trees keep the soil strong. (i) ---, trees save us from flood (j) --- many other natural calamities.

4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.[Barishal Board-2017]

Water is a vital element of the environment (a)--- this element is polluted in many ways. (b)--- farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their field. (c) --- rain and flood wash away these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds (d) --- pollute it. (e)--- mills and factories throw their poisonous chemicals and waste product into water. (f) --- water vehicles also pollute water by dumping food waste and human waste into it. (g) --- insanitary latrines and unsafe drains also contribute to water pollution. Water is called life. (h) --- we cannot allow this pollution to continue. We have to raise an awareness about it. (i) ---, laws should be enforced strictly. (j) --- we fail to check water pollution, we will suffer.


4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board-2017;Dinajpur Board-2016]

Honesty is a noble virtue. The man possessing this invaluable quality is the happiest man on earth, (a)---. To be honest, a man should have trustworthiness. (b)---, nobody trusts a liar. A liar may prosper for the time being. (c)---, he goes to the dogs. (d)---. we should be honest. It is said that honesty is the best policy. (e)--- dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f)---, dishonest people are cursed. (g)--- children should be taught honesty from childhood. It is widely observed that children follow their parents. (h)--- business of life. (i)---, children should be allowed to mix with those friends who are honest. (j)--- they can mould their characters.


All Board Questions 2017 Answer

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Dhaka Board-2017; Barisal Board-2022]

Mobile phone has added a new dimension into our communication system. It has made the world closer to us. (a) ---, it has made worldwide communication easier. We use it for our day-to-day communication. (b) ---, it has been a part and parcel in our life as we cannot go for a single day without using it. We use it for rapid communication. (c) --- mobile phone is not free from defect. It has some negative sides as well. (d) --, excessive use of mobile phone may cause our hearing problem. (e) ---, it is a means of money wastage. (f) ---, it is seen that many underground crimes are being done with the use of mobile networks. (g) ---, the radiation from mobile phone may cause cancer to the users. (h) ---, we are aware of these harmful effects. (i) ---, we are not aware of using the mobile phone. (j)---, we must have to be conscious about the negative impact of mobile phone and accordingly, we should use it carefully.

Answer: (a) Besides/Moreover; (b) So/In fact; (c) But/However; (d) Firstly/At first; (e) Secondly; (f) Thirdly (g) Finally (h) However/ Unusually/ Generally (i) But; (j) So/Therefore

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Rajshahi Board-2017]

Man is a social being. (a) ---, man cannot live alone. (b) ---, man has been living together from time immemorial. Living in society is not an easy task. If we want to live in a society, we have to follow certain rules and regulations of that society. (c) ---, we have to be cooperative. (d) ----, we must help others when they need it. (e) ---, we have to be careful not to hurt others by our words or activities. (f) ----, we must control our emotions and behave well with others. (g) ---, we should not think and live only for us. (h) ---, we should always work for the betterment of the society. (i) ---, we should sacrifice our lives for others. (j)---, sacrificing our lives for others can make us immortal.

Answer: (a) so (b) in fact (c) firstly (d) therefore/ in other words (e) secondly (f) that is why (g) thirdly (h) rather (i) so (j) in fact. 

3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Cumilla Board-2017]

Trees are a vital part of our environment, (a) ---, they bear a great impact on the climate. (b) --- we are not careful about them. (c) ---, we destroy trees at random. (d) ---, one day the country will bear the consequence of greenhouse effect. (e) --- ours is an agricultural country, our economy depends upon it. (f) ---, our agriculture is dependent on rain, (g) --- trees play a vital role on our climate, (h) ---, trees keep the soil strong. (i) ---, trees save us from flood (j) --- many other natural calamities.

Answer: (a) In fact/Actually (b) Yet/But (c) Rather (d) As a result /This is why / Consequently /besides (e) As/Since/then;(f) Besides/Moreover/In addition/consequently (g) Again/ Besides /however (h) Next/In addition; (i) Furthermore/at the same time; (j) Thus/moreover

4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.[Barishal Board-2017]

Water is a vital element of the environment (a)--- this element is polluted in many ways. (b)--- farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their field. (c) --- rain and flood wash away these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds (d) --- pollute it. (e)--- mills and factories throw their poisonous chemicals and waste product into water. (f) --- water vehicles also pollute water by dumping food waste and human waste into it. (g) --- insanitary latrines and unsafe drains also contribute to water pollution. Water is called life. (h) --- we cannot allow this pollution to continue. We have to raise an awareness about it. (i) ---, laws should be enforced strictly. (j) --- we fail to check water pollution, we will suffer.

Answer: a) but; b) Firstly/At first; c) When/As; d) and; e) Secondly/Second/Moreover/Besides; f) Moreover/Besides/Furthermore/Thirdly: g) Finally/Ultimately/Again; h) So/For this/ Therefore; I) in this respect/Therefore/Moreover; j) If


4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board-2017;Dinajpur Board-2016]

Honesty is a noble virtue. The man possessing this invaluable quality is the happiest man on earth, (a)---. To be honest, a man should have trustworthiness. (b)---, nobody trusts a liar. A liar may prosper for the time being. (c)---, he goes to the dogs. (d)---. we should be honest. It is said that honesty is the best policy. (e)--- dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f)---, dishonest people are cursed. (g)--- children should be taught honesty from childhood. It is widely observed that children follow their parents. (h)--- business of life. (i)---, children should be allowed to mix with those friends who are honest. (j)--- they can mould their characters.

Answer: (a) indeed/undoubtedly;  (b) Because; (c) But; (d) So/Therefore; (e) Whereas/But; (f) On the other hand/On the contrary; (g) So/Therefore/For this reason; (h) That is why/Hence; (i) In addition/Besides; (j) Thus/In this way

All Board Questions 2016

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.[Dhaka Board-2016]

A lion was drinking water from a brook. (a) --- a lamb was also drinking water from the downstream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb and decided to devour it. (b) -- he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil design. (c)--- he hit upon a plan. (d) --- the lion complained that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying water. But the lamb said that he was drinking water from downstream. (e) --- the questions of muddying water on his part did not arise. (f)--- the lamb argued that it was the lion that was muddying the water for him as he was drinking water upstream. (g) --- the lion retorted that the lamb spoke oil of him a year ago. (h)--- the lamb said that he was not born a year ago. The lion grew into a rage. (i)--- he said that perhaps his father spokes ill of him last year. (j)--- the lion had the right to take revenge and kill the lamb.

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Rajshahi Board-2016]

(a) --- I was walking along the road the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather purse lying on the pavement. I picked it up and opened it to see (b) ---- I could find out the owner’s name. There was nothing inside. It (c) --- some small change and a rather old photograph a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old who looked like the woman’s daughter. I put the photograph back (d) --- took the purse to the police station. (e) --- I handed it to the sergeant-in-charge. Before I left, the sergeant made a note of my name and address In case the owner of the purse wanted to write and thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with an uncle and aunt of mine. They had also invited another person, a young woman, (f) ---- there would be four people at the table. The young woman’s face was familiar, (g) --- I could not remember where I had seen it. I was quite sure, (h) --- we had not met before. (i) --- Conversation, however, the young woman happened to mark that she had lost her purse that afternoon. I at once remembered where I had seen her face. She was the young woman in the photograph (j) --- she was now much older.


3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Cumilla Board-2016]

Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everybody. (a) — it has become very popular. (b) — it has created a number of problems. It has (c) — advantages (d) — disadvantages. (e) — it helps to connect people. (f) — it helps to exchange information (g) — it can be used for various purpose. (h) — it has a few disadvantages. (i) — it can cause a lot of troubles. (j) — its advantages are more than its disadvantages.


4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board-2016]

The gifts of  science are uncountable. (a) --- we cast our eyes, we see the wonders of science. Satellite TV channels are means through (b) --- we can see and hear the events (c) --- are happening all over the world. (d) ---, today we have specialized satellite channels on almost every interest. (e) ---, people now have more choices and more freedom about television programmes. Satellite channels help us a lot by reporting on climatic conditions of different parts of the world. (f) ---, we can be aware of storms, cyclones and tidal bores, (g) --- satellite channels are helping us to a great extent to enrich our own culture and tradition. (h) --- satellite channels are playing a favourable role, it is (i) --- doing harm to our young and new generation. (j) --- still we cannot deny the immense benefits we are getting from satellite channels.


5. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.[Chattogram Board-2016]

Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. (a)---, her economy and prosperity depend on agriculture. (b)---, our agriculture depends on the mercy of nature. (c)---, if there is sufficient rain, people can plough their lands and sow seeds in time. (d)---, they can reap a good harvest. (e)--- if it does not rain in time, the farmers cannot grow the crops easily and they do not have a good harvest. (f)---, without water our agriculture is lifeless. The rain is not always beneficial to our agriculture (g) ---, sometimes it rains so much that it causes floods. (h) ---, our crops go underwater and most often, they are totally destroyed. (i)---, the farmers who constitute the most part of our professional people, lose everything. (j)---, we can safely conclude that our economy depends on rain.


All Board Questions 2016 Answer

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.[Dhaka Board-2016]

A lion was drinking water from a brook. (a) --- a lamb was also drinking water from the downstream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb and decided to devour it. (b) -- he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil design. (c)--- he hit upon a plan. (d) --- the lion complained that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying water. But the lamb said that he was drinking water from downstream. (e) --- the questions of muddying water on his part did not arise. (f)--- the lamb argued that it was the lion that was muddying the water for him as he was drinking water upstream. (g) --- the lion retorted that the lamb spoke oil of him a year ago. (h)--- the lamb said that he was not born a year ago. The lion grew into a rage. (i)--- he said that perhaps his father spokes ill of him last year. (j)--- the lion had the right to take revenge and kill the lamb.

Answer: (a) as; (b) so; (c) that; (d) while; (e) in fact; (f) if; (g) which; (h) who; (i) and; (j) therefore/so

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Rajshahi Board-2016]

(a) --- I was walking along the road the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather purse lying on the pavement. I picked it up and opened it to see (b) ---- I could find out the owner’s name. There was nothing inside. It (c) --- some small change and a rather old photograph a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old who looked like the woman’s daughter. I put the photograph back (d) --- took the purse to the police station. (e) --- I handed it to the sergeant-in-charge. Before I left, the sergeant made a note of my name and address In case the owner of the purse wanted to write and thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with an uncle and aunt of mine. They had also invited another person, a young woman, (f) ---- there would be four people at the table. The young woman’s face was familiar, (g) --- I could not remember where I had seen it. I was quite sure, (h) --- we had not met before. (i) --- Conversation, however, the young woman happened to mark that she had lost her purse that afternoon. I at once remembered where I had seen her face. She was the young woman in the photograph (j) --- she was now much older.

Answer: (a) while; (b) whether/if; (c) had ; (d) and; (e) then/there; (f) and ; (g) but ; (h) that; (i) during; (j) but


3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Cumilla Board-2016]

Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everybody. (a) — it has become very popular. (b) — it has created a number of problems. It has (c) — advantages (d) — disadvantages. (e) — it helps to connect people. (f) — it helps to exchange information (g) — it can be used for various purpose. (h) — it has a few disadvantages. (i) — it can cause a lot of troubles. (j) — its advantages are more than its disadvantages.

Answer: (a) As/Because/And; (b) But/However; (c) both/not only; (d) and/but also; (e) Firstly/First of all/At first; (f) Secondly/Again; (g) Furthermore/ Thirdly/Then again/Moreover/Beside; (h) However; (i) which/that; (j) However/ Nevertheless/Above all/In fact


4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. [Sylhet Board-2016]

The gifts of  science are uncountable. (a) --- we cast our eyes, we see the wonders of science. Satellite TV channels are means through (b) --- we can see and hear the events (c) --- are happening all over the world. (d) ---, today we have specialized satellite channels on almost every interest. (e) ---, people now have more choices and more freedom about television programmes. Satellite channels help us a lot by reporting on climatic conditions of different parts of the world. (f) ---, we can be aware of storms, cyclones and tidal bores, (g) --- satellite channels are helping us to a great extent to enrich our own culture and tradition. (h) --- satellite channels are playing a favourable role, it is (i) --- doing harm to our young and new generation. (j) --- still we cannot deny the immense benefits we are getting from satellite channels.

Answer: (a) wherever;  (b) which;  (c) that; (d) in fact/really; (e) therefore; (f) thus; (g) in addition/ moreover/besides; (h) though/although; (i) also; (j) but


5. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.[Chattogram Board-2016]

Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. (a)---, her economy and prosperity depend on agriculture. (b)---, our agriculture depends on the mercy of nature. (c)---, if there is sufficient rain, people can plough their lands and sow seeds in time. (d)---, they can reap a good harvest. (e)--- if it does not rain in time, the farmers cannot grow the crops easily and they do not have a good harvest. (f)---, without water our agriculture is lifeless. The rain is not always beneficial to our agriculture (g) ---, sometimes it rains so much that it causes floods. (h) ---, our crops go underwater and most often, they are totally destroyed. (i)---, the farmers who constitute the most part of our professional people, lose everything. (j)---, we can safely conclude that our economy depends on rain.


Answer: (a) So/Thus/In fact; (b) Again/but; (c) Hence/So/Therefore; (d) As a result/That is why; (e) /On the contrary/but/ on the other hand; (f) Therefore/ true that/ in fact; (g) for example/for instance; (h) That is why/ As a result/When/ Then/Consequently; (i) Consequently/Thus/So/As a result/For this; (j) Finally/ At last/So/In fine/In short

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