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Updated: Oct 3, 2023

STUDENT LIFE— THE FORMATIVE PERIOD OF LIFE Student life is that part of life which is spent in receiving education and acquiring knowledge from primary school to college or university. It is the time when the seed of future success is to be sown. As he sows at this period, so will he reap in the future years.

The first abd foremost duty in student life is to acquire knowledge. A student should remember that knowledge is power. He should read not only his prescribed books, but also the books of famous writers in different branches of study. He has also to read newspapers, journals and magazines and widen his outlook. He has to fix his aim of life and equip himself for that profession. He should keep in mind that the students of today are the leaders of the nation in future. Therefore, a student should not waste his time, energies and faculties in matters other than education and learning.

Character is a very important factor in life. It is only the men of character who can earn laurels. Student life is the proper time to build up character. He should acquire the virtues of honesty, truthfulness, diligence, self-help and perseverance. He should develop a sense of discipline, punctuality and dignity of labour. He should be obedient to parents, teachers, and superiors in society. He should have polite behaviour and pleasing manners. He should rise early and take physical exercise to build up his body and maintain his health.

Students should never forget the importance of this period. As the future of the nation depends on them, they should equip themselves with proper knowledge and capabilities to bear the responsibilities of the nation in the years to come. STUDENTS AND SOCIAL SERVICE Introduction: Society is a co-operative body. So long as human beings are no less or more than human beings, they must live in society. Students are social beings. Isolated from the society, the existence of students cannot be thought of. They enjoy the social benefits and rights. Enjoyment of social rights imposes upon them some duties to the social in which they live. First and foremost duty of students: Admittedly the first and foremost duty of students is to acquire knowledge. They are to study with zeal and devotion. This must not be neglected by any means. As students are the future leaders they need to have a sound education which will enable them to do good to the ordinary people. Students must take part in the extra curricular activities to cultivate his knowledge. They must utilize every moment in a fruitful way. Students in Bangladesh: The students have youthful vigour and energy, warmth and inspiration. Apart from building up themselves, the students have a responsibility to build up the nation. So they should play an important role to mould an ideal society for an ideal nation. For this purpose the students of Bangladesh have another duty. And it is the social service. Our country is beset with problems like poverty, ill-health, illiteracy and superstition. The students can do many things to do away with these and do many things for the welfare of the country. In the spread of knowledge: Students can help the spread of knowledge. They can go a long way in eradicating illiteracy by setting up night schools in their respective localities. If this curse like illiteracy is uprooted, the nation will definitely have a golden age of progress and prosperity. Students can make the people conscious of the national progress and keep them in touch with the current movements of the world by making group discussions. In the field of national health: Students' service in the field of national health is of no mean importance. Female students can teach the illiterate women-folk how to keep their houses neat and clean, how to bring up their children and take care of their health. Students can teach them the basic rules of health and sanitation. In the field of population check: Alarming growth of population is a threat to our nation. Our population is growing in geometrical progress. If this growth remains unchecked and unrestricted, it will very soon surpass the maximum number of population. This means the economic security of the country will be jeopardised. The illiterate people of our country are full of prejudices and superstitions. They do not feel the necessity of family planning. Students may come forward to remove these evil conceptions of the people. They may talk to the people individually and illustrate its uses and abuses so that people may feel the utility of family planning. In the field of agriculture: The Village people are ignorant of many basic knowledge of life. The farmers have no idea about the modern method of agriculture. The students can tell the farmers about the importance of the scientific method of cultivation and manuring. They can motivate people to grow more food. They can help them actively to procure improved seeds Self-sufficiency in food is undoubtedly a long leap toward the progress of the country. During national disaster/calamities: Bangladesh faces with natural calamities every year. Floods, cyclones, droughts, etc have become familiar to the people of Bangladesh. During these calamities, students can help the distressed people. They can raise funds collectively from the public and distribute it among the needy and the distressed. Through the Red Cross Society they can help the distressed of the world. During National emergency: The students in Bangladesh should also share the responsibility of making the country safe from foreign aggression. For this purpose they should join the training corps and receive military training. All students, even while preparing for other professions, should be ready to join the army in the event of emergency. Conclusion: Service keeps the 'milk of human kindness' flowing. It brings peace of mind, and every man who has peace of mind pursues his business with undivided attention and devotion. It can, therefore, safely be said that social service of the students serves not only an individual society but also the cause of humanity. It makes the students well equipped for the struggle of existence and uplifts the moral character of the students.

STUDENTS AND SOCIAL SERVICE Society is an association of all classes of people with common interest, aim and principle. Students are not isolated from society. As members of the society they are subject to perform certain duties to society. There are many kinds of social services and students have a lot to do in this sector. Students' service is especially important in poor countries like ours. Student life is the period for education and training. But living in a developing country like ours students have to render certain services for the development and progress of the nation. They may run night schools and teach the poor and working children as well as the uneducated adult people. If that is not possible, they can at least teach servants at their own house. Besides teaching the three R's—Reading, Writing and Arithmatic, students can also teach the people about modern methods of cultivation, the use of fertilizers and proper caring of crops. They can also provide advice on earning methods, for example, whether to dig pond for fish cultivation or to make a farm. Students have duties towards society no doubt, but they should not always remain preoccupied with these. They should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations.

Students can take part in raising awareness regarding population problem. Our students can teach people the rules of health and sanitation. They can teach them how to reduce pollution and how to lead a healthy life by staying neat and clean. Most of the people of our country are poor and illiterate. The food they take have very little vitality. So a large number of people suffer from various diseases. The students can teach these people some basic treatments for diseases like dysentery and small infections.

Students can prove to be worthy during natural calamities. In times of flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake and epidemic they can come forward to help the people in distress. They can collect food, clothes and medicine and distribute them amongst the people in need. There are many other duties that students can perform as conscious citizens of a country. But not all students are aware of their duties. To save the country, every student should come forward with a helping hand. But in doing so, they should not forget that proper attention should be given to their education.

Students and Social Service Society is an association of all classes of people with common interest, aim and principle. Students are not isolated from society. So, as members of society, they are obliged to perform certain duties to society. There are many kinds of social services and students have a lot to do in this sector.

Student life is the period for education and training. It is not desirable that students should waste their time and energies in affairs other than education. But living in a developing country like ours students have to render certain services for the development and progress of the nation. Students are in the process of learning and they can share their acquired knowledge with the illiterate and deprived citizens of our country. They may run night schools and teach the poor and working children as well as the uneducated adult people. If that is not possible, they can at least teach servants in their own house. Besides teaching the tree R’s-Reading. The use of fertilizers and proper caring of crops. They can also provide advice on earning methods, for example, whether to dig a pond for fish cultivation or to make a farm. Students have duties towards society no doubt, but they should not remain always preoccupied with these. They should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations.

Students can take part in raising awareness regarding population problem. Population is growing in geometrical progression. If this growth remains unchecked the economic security of the country will be at a stake. The illiterate people of our country are full of prejudices and do not feel the necessity of family planning. Students may come forward to remove these evil conceptions of the people. They can teach people the problems of over population and should encourage them to adopt the measures of family planning.

Students can teach people the rules of health and sanitation. They can teach them how to reduce pollution and how to lead a healthy life by staying neat and clean. A large number of people suffer from various diseases. The students can teach these people some basic treatments for diseases like dysentery and small infections.

Students can prove to be worthy during natural calamities. In times of flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake and epidemic they can come forward to help the people in distress. They can collect food, clothes and medicine and distribute them amongst the people in need. There are many other duties that students can perform as conscious citizens of a country. But not all students are aware of their duties. To save the country, every student should come forward with a helping hand. But in doing so, they should not forget that proper attention should be given to their education.

Duties of a Student Students and Social Services Students are the greatest force as well as the future leaders of a Country. They can build or destroy a nation. The primary duty of students is to acquire knowledge and to make themselves worthy citizens. It is needless to say that they get much time for merry making, playing, amusements, touring etc. apart from their routine life of study. Then they should pay attention to the welfare of the society. Students have no worries about earning their livelihood. They have strength and capacity. Students should go to the villages and serve the villagers during vacation. They can make the illiterate masses aware of their rights and duties. Hence the students can guide the people of digging canals or constructing educational institutions. Sympathy and fellow feeling should be imparted the students to do some noble works for the people. Students can co-operate with people on matters of public interest such as education, sanitation, trade and commerce. Students can participate in cleaning drains, ponds during the leisure hours. They can help people during natural calamities such as earth quake, flood, drought, cyclone by collecting funds from different sources. Students have a spirit to work but the guardians and, teacher should guide them in the right way. Student must be the servants of humanity. The aim of all true education is to teach a man how to live and let others live. A student can learn this though social service. He gains experience, courage and confidence. Thus social service makes him fit for the greater world.

STUDENTS' EXCURSION Travelling is very much in fashion these days. It is a common knowledge that education in schools and colleges is not complete until or unless one's mind especially mental horizon is widened by seeing more things of the world with a hungry heart. Excursion is very important in student life. It provides the first hand knowledge and the books the second. In this sense, excursion is an indispensable part of education. Students with the guidance of teachers can go out for excursion. By holding excursion, students can find an opportunity to come in a direct touch with other classes of people. They can know the political, geographical, historical things of the place where they go on an excursion. They can know their food habit, custom, tradition, social status, services and dealings with other people. An excursion helps students enjoy the unenjoyed things, know the unknown things and acquire the unacquired things.

On the contrary, textual education provides students only limited knowledge. The bookish knowledge is not all for them. They may earn theoretical knowledge from reading books. They may not know the real conditions of the place. They may find the Taj Mohal through imagination as something is written about it in that book. In this field excursion takesthem to the real place and makes the theory into practical observation. Both travelling and textbooks provide knowledge and education. One provides more practical and wider range of knowledge and the other provides theoretical knowledge. Excursion serves two purposes of students travelling and feast. Excursion satisfies students both mental and physical hunger. Excursion makes students talented. smart, dexterous and practical. A visited scene has long lasting impact in mind. Man's mind is just like a meadow where any plant of knowledge can be planted. Excursion makes students learn to mould their lives in future. THE SEASON I LIKE BEST Bangladesh is a land of splendid natural wealth; which makes her exquisitely beautiful and exclusively dignified. Her land is magnificently adorned with innumerable flowers, rivers, trees and other charms. She enjoys the variety of sights and sounds in her six varied seasons. Among the six seasons, the autumn is regarded as a season of joy and hope, love and refreshment, serenity and solitude. When the autumn bestows her alluring gifts of nature, my heart leaps up in heavenly joy, as I am a professed lover of this wholesome season. Of all seasons, the autumn seems to me the most charming and delightful. There is no fervent sun, no muddy ways as well as no rains. All the day nature looks gentle and tranquil. The spring is the only comparable season to autumn; but for some special attractions, the autumn captivates me more than the spring. This is why, I like it best. It is my darling season for which I wait with great hope of refreshment. The autumn comprises the months of September and October. In Bengali, the months of ‘Bhadra’ and ‘Ashwin’ are called the autumn. After the Summer and the Rainy season, the autumn visits nature with her relieving sights. During this season, nature looks very calm and quiet. It seems that after a heavy struggle, peace has restored in the order of nature. Gentle breeze blows. The sweet scent of Sheuli flowers comes along with breeze. Everywhere there is reign of mirth and gaiety. The gardeners prepare beds for planting new flower plants. The China rose, the Rose, the Kamini and the Jui are also in bloom in this season. In town life, people do not get the opportunity to feel the change of nature in the autumn as the village people have. They only feel comfort and relief from incessant rains of the rainy season. The floating clouds in the deep blue sky remind that it is autumn.

The day of autumn is always pleasant and nice. But at the advent of the evening, the autumnal day is adorned with more dazzling and scintillating beauty. A rosy hue scattered all over the vast field, gives the whole nature a majestic look. The birds flying in the sky, especially in the western horizon, represents a picturesque scene. When the glowing sun disappears, the sky studded with luminous stars, offers us another excellent sight that stirs our imagination, when the gentle breeze with its soothing effect blows over us under the open sky.

In Bangladesh it is a season of dream. Different kinds of crops and fruits ripe in this season. In this season, fields look green with the luxuriant growth of crops. It is the season of molasses in villages. People become happy when they pass through the fields. The flowers of the corns fascinate them with fragrance. It is a season when people make journey to different places. In this season fishes are found in plenty.

There are some special attractions of this blissful season. Jatra Party or Folk dramas are held in village at this time. People love to pass this time in merry-making. Generally marriage ceremonies are held in this season. The greatest Hindu festival “Durga puja” is also celebrated in a befitting manner in this season. Village fairs are also arranged in many villages.

The autumn is a season of joy, comfort and vivacity. The charming sights and sounds of this season have dear appeal to me. It makes me imaginative. Many poets composed lyrical poems appreciating the exquisite beauty of this season. In a word there is joy in every sphere of nature. So I love it most. THE SEASON I LIKE BEST Introduction: Bangladesh is a land of splendid natural wealth; which makes her exquisitely beautiful and exclusively dignified. Her land is magnificently adorned with innumerable flowers, rivers, trees and other charms. She enjoys the variety of sights and sounds in her six varied seasons. Sometime nature looks fiery, demonic and monstrous while sometime it looks bright, vivid, pleasant and enchanting. Among the six seasons, the autumn is regarded as a season of joy and hope, love and refreshment, serenity and solitude. When the autumn bestows her alluring gifts of nature, my heart leaps up in heavenly joy, as I am a professed lover of this wholesome season.

Change in nature: As the English poet, John Keats says, “The Autumn is the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”. In our country, the autumn is adored as a pleasant season. It comes as a relief to people after months of excessive heat of the sun. It is the season of comfort, freshness and liveliness. In this season nature puts on a new attire.

Why I like: Of all seasons, the autumn seems to me the most charming and delightful. There is no fervent sun, no muddy ways as well as no rains. All the day nature looks gentle and tranquil. The spring is the only comparable season to autumn; but for some special attractions, the autumn captivates me more than the spring. This is why, I like it best. It is my darling season for which I wait great hope to refreshment. Its duration: The autumn comprises the months of September and October. In Bengali, the months of Bhadra and Ashwin, are called the autumn. After the Summer and the Rainy season, the autumn visits nature with her relieving sights.

Description: During this season, nature looks very calm and quiet. It seems that after a heavy struggle, peace has restored in the order of nature. Gentle breeze blows. The sweet scent of Sheuli flowers comes along with breeze. Everywhere there is reign of mirth and gaiety. The gardeners prepare beds for planting new flower plants. The China rose, the Rose, the Kamini and the Jui are also in bloom in this season. In town life, people do not get the opportunity to feel the change of nature in the autumn as the village people have. They only feel comfort and relief from incessant rains of the rainy season. The floating clouds in the deep blue sky remind that it is autumn.

A special scene of Autumn : The day of autumn is always pleasant and nice. But at the advent of the evening, the autumnal day is adorned with more dazzling and scintillating beauty. A rosy hue scattered all over the vast field, gives the whole nature a majestic look. The birds flying in the sky, especially in the western horizon, represents a picturesque scene. When the glowing sun disappears, the sky, studded with luminous stars, offers us another excellent sight that stirs our imagination, when the gentle breeze with its soothing effect blows over us under the open sky.

Dream season: In Bangladesh it is a season of dream. Different kinds of crops and fruits ripe in this season. In this season, fields look green with the luxuriant growth of crops. It is the season of molasses in villages. People become happy when they pass through the fields. The flower of the corns fascinate them with fragrance. It is a season when people make journey to different places. In this season fishes are found in plenty. Special attractions: There are some special attractions of this blissful season. Jatra Party or Folk drama are held in village at this time. People love to pass this time in merry-making. Generally marriage ceremonies are held in this season. The greatest Hindu festival “Durga puja” is also celebrated in a befitting manner in this season. Village fairs are arranged in many villages.

Effect on human life: These charming sights and sounds exercise a great influence on the people of Bangladesh. Love of beauty is an inherent virtue. Whether one is aware of it or not, beautiful things go, on doing their work on human mind. The people of Bangladesh have a distinctive nature. Much of this distinction must have come from the tender natural beauties that surround them. It is surely the autumn that offers the largest number of charming sights and sounds and makes people forget the bleak winter days, the fervent summer, the shadowy rainy season, and prepare for the toilsome period of tilling, sowing and weeding. Conclusion: The autumn is a season of Joy, comfort and vivacity. The charming sights and sounds of this season have dear appeal to me. It makes me imaginative. Many poets composed lyrical poems appreciating the exquisite beauty of this season. In a word there is joy in every sphere of nature. So I love it most. The Season You Like Best / Your Favourite Season / The Winter in Bangladesh. Winter is one of the six seasons in Bangladesh. It comes after the late autumn. It begins from the middle of November and lasts up to the middle of February. It covers the two Bengali months- Poush and Magh. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. To me winter is the best of all seasons in the year. There are various reasons why I like winter best.

In winter, we get various kinds of vegetables and fruits in plenty. To speak the truth, these are comparatively cheap in this season. The vegetables that are grown and supplied in plenty are the beans, tomatoes, cauliflowers, cabbages, turnips, potatoes brinjals, radishes etc. They add to the variety of our taste and palate. During winter fishes too are available in plenty. Home-made cakes, date-juice, fried rice etc. add to the enjoyment of a winter morning in our villages. The molasses made of date juice, the most palatable Bengalee food is available in plenty. Orange, one of the desirable fruits found in this season is cheap. Various types flower such as marigold, sunflower etc. bloom. We can work hard. Our body does not sweat. We are not easily tired. We can digest all types of food better in this season. There are crystal like dew drops on the grass which look very beautiful. The roads & streets even open meadows are not visible in the morning due to mist and fog in this season. A warm bed at night in winter gives us great pleasure and comfort. We wear warm clothes and feel comfortable when go out. Winter is a dry season. We can move about freely. The roads are dry. It is free and easy to walk along the dry roads. The sunshine is very pleasant in the morning and afternoon in this season. We find this season in the most appropriate time for holding picnics in the open air. We can play many outdoor games such a cricket, badminton, tennis etc. in this season. The rain can not mar our joy and pleasure. Moreover, epidemic diseases do not break out in a serious form in this season.

It is a painful season to the poor who can not manage warm clothings. Vagabonds and destitutes suffer greatly from cold. Nature looks dull and gloomy. Leaves of trees fall off. Most of the birds migrate from here to there. In the end, we can say that other seasons have their usefulness. But I think that winter gives us greater comfort and pleasure. So I like it best.

THE SEASON I LIKE BEST In Bangladesh there appears a new season at a regular interval of every two months. Thus in a year we have six seasons in Bangladesh. They are the summer, the rainy season, the autumn, the late autumn, the winter and the spring. In the cycle of seasons, the spring covers the months of Falgun and Chaitra. Of all the six seasons, I like the spring most. It is called 'the king of seasons'.

TAy favourite season is the spring. The spring comes with ease and comfort. It has not the damp and humidity of the rainy season, nor the sweltering heat of the summer, nor the biting cold of the winter. The sky is blue. The south-west wind blows. With the coming of this season, nature herself puts on a gay and lovely look. Charming scenes of new leaves enchant the eyes. Various kinds of flowers bloom in abundance. Their fragrance change the atmosphere. Butterflies move from flower to flower. Their variegated wings make a sight for the eye. Bees come in swarms to gather honey. Their humming music fills the air. In fact, spring is the season of music and melody. The cuckoo hides in bushes and coos. The'bou -kotha kau' draws the mind. Coming after the winter-harvest, the spring brings for the farmers plenty and happiness. During this season people are generally free from want. Our poets are very much fond of the spring. The infinite variety of its charms have made them fly 'on the wings of poesy'. Coming after the winter, the spring captivates the hearts of the people all at once. Though it consists of two months, its actual pleasure and spell last only for about three weeks in Falgun. So when summer follows people bewail its hasty departure. The Season I like Best In Bangladesh there appears a new season at a regular interval of every two months. Thus in a year we have six seasons in Bangladesh. They are the summer, the rainy season, the autumn, the late autumn, the winter and the spring. In the cycle of seasons, the spring covers the months of Falgun and Chitra. Of all the six seasons, I like the spring most. It is called ‘the king of seasons’. My favourite season is the spring. The spring comes with ease and comfort. It has not the damp and humidity of the rainy season, nor the sweltering heat of the summer, nor the biting cold of the winter. The sky is blue. The south-west wind blows. With the coming of this season, nature herself puts on a gay and lovely loo. The charming scenes of new leaves enchant the eyes. Various kinds of flowers bloom in abundance. Their fragrance change the atmosphere. Butterflies move from flower to flower. Their variegated wings make a sight for the eye. Bees come in swarms to gather honey. Their humming music fills the air. In fact, spring is the season of music and melody. The cuckoo hides in bushes. The ‘bou kotha kau’ draws the mind. Coming after the winter-harvest, the spring brings for the farmers plenty and happiness. During this season people are generally free from want. Our poets are very much fond of the spring. The infinite variety of its charms have made them fly ‘on the wings of poesy’. Coming after the winter, the spring captivates the hearts of the people all at one. Though it consists of two months, its actual pleasure and spell last only for about three weeks in Falgun, So when summer follows, people bewail its hasty departure.

THE SEASONS IN BANGLADESH From the climatic point of view, we have six seasons — summer, monsoon, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. Summer begins from the third week of April and continues up to the end of June. It is the hottest season of the year. The sun sometimes seems to scorch the earth. So, people generally keep indoors at noon as far as practicable. Most of the tanks and ponds dry up. There are occasional storms in the afternoon, generally known as 'nor-westers', causing great damage to trees and thatched houses. The only bright feature of the season is that it is the time for some of the best fruits of Bangladesh—mangoes, lichis, jackfruits, blackberries etc. The rainy season extends from the end of June to the end of August. These are the months of rain. Tanks and ponds and canals get filled up. Sometimes, the rain is so heavy as to cause floods damaging crops and properties. In some parts of the country, people have to use boats in going from one place to another—specially in the villages. The advantages of this season are that it is the time when jute and paddy are grown. Autumn in Bangladesh comprises the months of September and October. The sky gets clear and we often enjoy the beauty of moon-light in all its sweetness. Paddy is harvested in this season. Winter b(~gins in November and lasts till the middle of February. These are cold months, very comfortable to the rich, but uncomfortable to the poor. We get better supply of fish and different kinds of vegetables in this time. I here is very little rain, and the people enjoy the warm sun fully. Spring extends from the middle of February to the second week of April. It is the season of greenery and flowers. Indeed plants and trees put forth leaves and the gardens charm the eye with a variety of beautiful flowers. Each season has its own features and characteristics — its special crops, vegetables, grains and fruits. Nature has made our land beautiful and plentiful with these seasons. The Statue of Liberty The term 'statue' means something which is universally remarkable by means of wood, mud or stone. It has a profound significance. It reminds the people of their achievement from struggle. It may reveal the corruption of the cruel ruler. The statue of liberty is well known to each and everybody. It is originally called liberty enlightening the world. The next generation is highly benefited and influenced by the 'Liberty of Statue' in the extreme movement of the country. The Statue of Liberty represents the freedom of an oppressed nation. It was designed by the French sculptor Frederic Barth Oldi. It was given by France to the United States to commemorate centennial of US independence in 1876. It was declared a national monument in 1924. The statue measures 93.5 m. It is one of the largest ones in the world. It is formed of copper sheets riveted to an iron framework (306 ft. 8 in) from the bottom of the pedestal to the tip of the torch weighing .1 254 tonnes or 250 tons. The statue is built in the form of a woman. The statue symbolizes liberty in the form of a woman wearing flowing robes and a spiked crown. She holds a torch in her right hand and carries a book inscribed 'July 4, 1776' in her left hand. Broken Chains which lie at her feet symbolize the overthrowing of tyranny. The statue was originally conceived as a symbol of international friendship. So to speak, it has however become a global symbol of freedom. It was originally called Liberty Enlightening the world. The lines inscribed on the pedestal of the statue of Liberty suggest a hope for Liberty, Freedom and Friendship to the, down trodden and the oppressed. THE TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE We live in an age of science. Modern life cannot be thought of without science. The blessings of science are felt in every sphere of modern life. Indeed, modern civilization is based on the achievements of science. The blessings of science are too many to describe at one place. Take the case of a modern city or a town which enjoys mostly the gifts of science. A modern town is planned scientifically. Communication and sanitation are maintained by science. Streets and houses are lighted by science. Cinema shows, radio, electric fans are all gifts of science. Motor cars, telephones, televisions are all made by science. Again, scientific machines purify and supply drinking water. Mills and factories are run with the help of science. Modern industry cannot grow without science. Science has relieved human sufferings. Modern man fights diseases scientifically. Doctors examine patients scientifically. He uses scientific instruments and drugs to cure diseases. A modern hospital cannot be run without the help of science. X-ray, ultra-violet ray and penicillin treatment are the blessings of science. Science has spread education among the people. Printing press has made books cheap and available to masses. Thousands of books and magazines are printed and widely circulated by scientific means. All these spread knowledge among people. The blessings of science are felt even in the process of our thought. It has systematized our ideas, changed our outlook and done away with superstitions. Rural people are also influenced by scientific inventions in their daily life. They so long moved in bullock carts from place to place and used handloom cloth and indigenous medicines. But today their journey to a distant place cannot be done without railway and steamer. They use buses when they pass along highways. During dark nights they use torch lights and during leisure time they listen to stereo-cassettes and transistors. Science is not, however, an unmixed blessing. It has brought misery to many. It has given rise to capitalism making the massage poor and enriching only a few. The workers of mills and factories live in unhealthy slums. They are the victims of science. During war science becomes a curse. Deadly scientific weapons kill thousands of people and ruin cities. The large scale loss suffered during a war affects widely the lives of people. Thus the bed effects of science are also felt by the common man in his daily life. But science itself is not responsible for these evils. It is the devil in man which puts it to wrong use. Science is a powerful weapon in the hands of man. It is for man to use it wisely. THE TRIUMPh OF SCIENCE We live in an age of science. Modern life cannot be thought of without science. The blessings of science are felt in every sphere of modern life. Indeed, modern civilization is based on the achievements of science. The blessings of science are too many to describe at one place. Take the case of a modern city or a town which enjoys mostly the gifts of science. A modern town is planned scientifically. Communication and sanitation are maintained by science. Streets and houses are lighted by science. Cinema shows, radio, electric fans are all gifts of science. Motor cars, telephones, televisions are all made by science. Again, scientific machines purify and supply drinking water. Mills and factories are run with the help of science. Modern industry cannot grow without science. Science has relieved human sufferings. Modern man fights diseases scientifically. Doctors examine patients scientifically. He uses scientific instruments and drugs to cure diseases. A modern hospital cannot be run without the help of science. X-ray, ultra-violet ray and penicillin treatment are the blessings of science. Science has spread education among the people. Printing press has made books cheap and available to masses. Thousands of books and magazines are printed and widely circulated by scientific means. All these spread knowledge among people. The blessings of science are felt even in the process of our thought. It has systematized our ideas, changed our outlook and done away with superstitions. Rural people are also influenced by scientific inventions in their daily life. They so long moved in bullock carts from place to place and used handloom cloth and indigenous medicines. But today their journey to a distant place cannot be done without railway and steamer. They use buses when they pass along highways. During dark nights they use torch lights and during leisure time they listen to stereo-cassettes and transistors. Science is not, however, an unmixed blessing. It has brought misery to many. It has given rise to capitalism making the massage poor and enriching only a few. The workers of mills and factories live in unhealthy slums. They are the victims of science. During war science becomes a curse. Deadly scientific weapons kill thousands of people and ruin cities. The large scale loss suffered during a war affects widely the lives of people. Thus the bed effects of science are also felt by the common man in his daily life. But science itself is not responsible for these evils. It is the devil in man which puts it to wrong use. Science is a powerful weapon in the hands of man. It is for man to use it wisely.


Our age is an age of science. The gifts of science are innumerable. Wherever we cast our eyes, we see the wonders of science. The satellite TV channels are one of the wonders of science. With the help of satellite TV channels, we can see the programmes of the whole world. It is really a benediction of science which glorifies the modern civilisation and life.

The channels that go air worldwide and are telecast with the help of satellite are called satellite channels. The satellite TV channels have made the segregated world united and inter-related. The whole of the world communities have come closer and smaller through the satellite channels. Dish antenna has helped to catch these various TV channels. Through dish antenna now one can watch any programme of any channel on TV.

There are a lot of satellite TV channels in the world. They are BTV World, ESPN, Star Sports, Star Plus, BBC, Sony TV, CNN, Star Movies, Zee Cinema, ATN Bangla, Channel I, NTV and many others. Nowadays most of the satellite TV channels are found operating all day long without any break. All these channels are open all the twenty-four hours a day.

Satellite TV channels mostly influence our cultural sector. It provides us with the utmost recreation we need today in this urban life. We can enjoy many events and progammes like songs, sports, movies, new etc. according to our wish. So it is like a magic lamp which provides us with all our needs.

Twenty-first century is the century of information technology. Satellite TV channels are the most important aspects in this sector. Satellite TV channels help us a lot by reporting on political, social and climatic conditions of different parts of the world.

In our country cable operators have created employment opportunity for providing the facility of having satellite connection. So this is a good opportunity for our jobless and inactive young people to engage themselves in this business and earn for their families.

Though satellite TV channels are very important and attractive, sometimes they are very detrimental especially to the young society. Some channels screen obscene films on TV which affects seriously the adolescent youth. By showing this type of commercial movies our young generations are contaminated by vulgarised culture.

It also affects our educational sector. Satellite channels broadcast their programmes twenty-four hours a day and seven-days a week. So students obviously feel curious about these programmes and engage themselves watching TV instead of study. This is very harmful for the future of the country. It has vitiated our religious life also.

Satellite TV channels also produce a bad effect on our socio-cultural life and custom. Men and women follow the dress up and getup and become ultra modern which is indeed a threat of modest and humble life.

The technology of satellite TV channels is a useful and productive thing. But it really depends on those who use this technology. They can use it in both the way-bad or good. So we should take the good and bright aspects from the satellite TV channels to improve and enrich our lives. We should avoid the vulgarism and naked things to develop our moral character.



The channels that go air worldwide and are telecast with the help of satellite are satellite channels. Satellite channels are telecast through the help of dish antenna. Through dish antenna now one can watch any programme of any channel on TV.

Dish antenna has brought the world closer than it was before. But it has some disadvantages. Some channels screen obscene films on TV which affects seriously the adolescent youth. We can be benefited greatly from satellite channels if we get pure delight and useful knowledge by using this advantage of science wisely.

Our age is an age of science. The gifts of science are innumerable. Wherever we cast our eyes, we see the wonders of science. The satellite TV channels are one of the wonders of science. With the help of satellite TV channels, we can see the programmes of the whole world. It is really a benediction of science which glorifies the modern civilisation and life.

The satellite TV channels have made the segregated world united and inter­related. The whole of the world communities have come closer and smaller through the satellite channels. Dish antenna has helped to catch these various TV channels. Dish antenna is large sized and dish shaped. It is the much improved and more powerful version of the earlier antenna. Dish antenna has brought about a revolutionary change in the world of showbiz. It can provide thousand connections simultaneously. Earlier, the viewers could watch only domestic TV programmes. Sometimes it was dull and boring. But the viewers had no way out of this. Now dish antenna has offered the viewers thousand options.

There are a lot of satellite TV channels in the world. They are BTV World, Star Plus, BBC, DD1, DD7, Sony TV, CNN, Star Movies, Zee Cinema, ATN Bangla, Channel I, NTV and many others. Nowadays most of the satellite TV channels are found operating all day long without any break. All these channels are open all the twenty -four hours a day.

One can watch sports, movies, news and many other entertainment programmes whenever he likes. Twenty-first century is the century of information technology. Satellite TV channels are the most important aspects in this sector.

Nowadays satellite channels are the main thing to communicate with other countries of the world. Sending message through satellite is a common and effective issue and it is indeed very easier also.

Satellite TV channels help us a lot by reporting on climatic conditions of different parts of the world. In this way, we can be aware of storms, cyclones and tidal bores. Satellite TV channels also show us the effect of the natural calamities that can help the people of the affected areas to get help and important aids from the outer world.

Satellite TV channels mostly influence our cultural sector. It provides us with the utmost recreation we need today in this urban life. We can enjoy many events and progammes like songs, sports, movies, new etc. according to our wish. So it is like a magic lamp which provides us with all our needs.

Satellites TV channels of other countries are much improved in all respects than our BTV. Their quality of pictures and quality of making programmes are far better than those of ours. So we can learn the technology of making good films, songs, dramas etc. from the satellite TV channels which will enrich our culture.

Today in our country a lot of hours possess the facility of having satellite link although a lot of houses don’t have any dish antenna. It is because of the fact that they take the link from the cable operators and pay monthly fare for the connection. So this is a good opportunity for our jobless and inactive young people to engage themselves in this business and earn for their families.

Though satellite TV channels are very important and attractive, sometimes it may be very harmful specially to the young society. The bad effects of satellite TV channels are as follows.

The first and most important abuse of satellite TV channels is the naked and blue pictures and films which destroy the character of our young generation. By showing this type of commercial movies which indeed are the life style of the western countries we are contaminating badly our young boys and girls who start liking that vulgarised culture.

It also affects our educational sector. Because those channels are broadcasting their programmes twenty-four hours a day and seven-days a week. So students obviously feel curious about these programmes and engage themselves watching TV instead of study. This is very harmful for the future of the country. It has vitiated our religious life also.

Those satellite TV channels also produce a bad effect on our socio-cultural life and custom. The men and women follow the dress up and getup and become ultra modern which are indeed a threat of modest and humble life.

The technology of satellite TV channels is a useful and productive thing. But it really depends on those who use this technology. They can use it in both the way-bad or good. So we should take the good and bright aspects from the satellite TV channels to improve and enrich our lives. We should avoid the vulgarism and naked things to develop our moral character.

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