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Class 11 & 12 English For Today Vocabulary-3 (Unit 5-6)

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Mar 28, 2024

Unit Five: Relationships

Lesson 1

Family Relationship

1. Instinct: (অবস্থা), Meaning: An innate behavior; Synonyms: intuition, inherent drive, natural impulse, gut feeling; Antonym: learned behavior

2. Companionship: (সহবাস), Meaning: State of mutual support and friendship; Synonyms: camaraderie, fellowship, togetherness, company; Antonym: solitude

3. Pursues: (অনুসরণ করে), Meaning: Actively seeks or strives for something; Synonyms: seeks, follows, chases, endeavors; Antonym: abandons

4. Familial: (পরিবারিক), Meaning: Relating to family or kin; Synonyms: family, related, hereditary, ancestral; Antonym: non-familial

5. Bonds: (বন্ধন), Meaning: Connections formed based on shared experiences; Synonyms: connections, relationships, links, ties; Antonym: disconnection

6. Fostered: (প্রতিপালিত), Meaning: Encouraged development; Synonyms: nurtured, cultivated, encouraged, promoted; Antonym: hindered

7. Affection: (অনুরাগ), Meaning: Fondness or tenderness; Synonyms: love, care, attachment, warmth; Antonym: indifference

8. Loneliness: (একাকিত্ব), Meaning: Feeling sad due to lack of companionship; Synonyms: solitude, isolation, aloneness, desolation; Antonym: companionship

9. Redoubles: (দুগুন করে), Meaning: Increases twofold; Synonyms: intensifies, amplifies, magnifies, doubles; Antonym: diminishes

10. Quarrelling: (ঝগড়া), Meaning: Engaging in argument; Synonyms: arguing, disputing, bickering, squabbling; Antonym: agreeing

11. Misery: (দুঃখ), Meaning: State of great suffering; Synonyms: suffering, sorrow, anguish, pain; Antonym: happiness

12. Trust: (বিশ্বাস), Meaning: Firm belief in reliability; Synonyms: confidence, faith, reliance, assurance; Antonym: distrust

13. Respect: (শ্রদ্ধা), Meaning: Admiration or deference; Synonyms: esteem, honor, reverence, regard; Antonym: disrespect

14. Selfish: (স্বার্থী), Meaning: Concerned only with oneself; Synonyms: egotistical, self-centered, narcissistic, self-absorbed; Antonym: selfless

15. Possessive: (অধিকারী), Meaning: Demanding total attention; Synonyms: controlling, dominating, jealous, clingy; Antonym: unpossessive

16. Effective: (কার্যকর), Meaning: Producing desired result; Synonyms: efficient, successful, productive, potent; Antonym: ineffective

17. Quarrelling: (ঝগড়া), Meaning: Engaging in argument; Synonyms: arguing, disputing, bickering, squabbling; Antonym: agreeing

18. Fighting: (যুদ্ধ), Meaning: Engaging in confrontation; Synonyms: battling, struggling, clashing, combatting; Antonym: peacemaking

19. Emotional: (ভাবাত্মক), Meaning: Relating to feelings; Synonyms: sentimental, affective, passionate, heartfelt; Antonym: rational

20. Health: (স্বাস্থ্য), Meaning: State of being free from illness; Synonyms: well-being, fitness, robustness, vitality; Antonym: illness

Lesson 2

Love and Friendship

blueblack (নীল-কালো) - Meaning in English: Very dark blue, almost black. Synonyms: navy, midnight, sapphire, ebony, inky. Antonym: bright.

banked (ব্যাংক করা) - Meaning in English: Gathered or piled up. Synonyms: stacked, accumulated, heaped, amassed, piled. Antonym: dispersed.

chronic (অবশ্যই প্রাণস্থিতিমূলক) - Meaning in English: Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring. Synonyms: persistent, enduring, long-lasting, continual, recurrent. Antonym: temporary.

indifferently (তোমার সাথে বেদেশে) - Meaning in English: Without interest or concern; apathetically. Synonyms: unconcernedly, disinterestedly, apathetically, impassively, nonchalantly. Antonym: attentively.

austere (মর্যাদাপূর্ণ) - Meaning in English: Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance. Synonyms: stern, strict, ascetic, rigorous, Spartan. Antonym: lavish.

offices (দায়িত্ব) - Meaning in English: Duties or responsibilities, especially of a formal or official nature. Synonyms: duties, obligations, functions, tasks, roles. Antonym: leisure.

Lesson 3

A Mother in Mannville

  1. orphanage (অনাথালয়) - Meaning in English: A residential institution for the care and education of orphans.

  2. autumn (শরৎকাল) - Meaning in English: The season between summer and winter, often characterized by cooler temperatures and falling leaves.

  3. isolation (বিদ্বেষনা) - Meaning in English: The state of being separated from others; solitude.

  4. malaria (জ্বরজন্য) - Meaning in English: A serious tropical disease transmitted by mosquitoes, causing fever and often aches and fatigue.

  5. subtropics (উপনীহারপ্রদেশ) - Meaning in English: Regions located between the tropical and temperate zones, characterized by mild winters and hot summers.

  6. homesick (গৃহেরজন্য) - Meaning in English: Longing for one's home or native country.

  7. com (কঁচি খুটির ধান) - Meaning in English: Corn on the cob, especially when harvested but not yet shelled.

  8. pumpkins (মিষ্টি কুমড়া) - Meaning in English: Large, round, orange squash fruit with a thick rind, edible flesh, and many seeds.

  9. black-walnut trees (কালো আখ গাছ) - Meaning in English: Trees that produce walnuts with a dark, hard shell.

  10. overalls (অভারঅল) - Meaning in English: Loose-fitting trousers with a piece covering the chest and attached suspenders.

  11. tom shirt (টম শার্ট) - Meaning in English: A simple shirt, typically made of cotton, often worn by boys.

  12. barefooted (নির্জনপদযুক্ত) - Meaning in English: Without shoes or socks; barefoot.

  13. rhythmic (রবানুরব) - Meaning in English: Having a regular pattern or beat.

  14. stoop (কুঁচকরা) - Meaning in English: A small porch, platform, or staircase leading to the entrance of a house.

  15. neat (সাবলীল) - Meaning in English: Tidy and orderly.

  16. vermilion (সিমেন্তাচূর্ণ) - Meaning in English: A bright red pigment or color resembling the red of blood.

  17. imperial yellow (ইমপিরিয়াল হলুদ) - Meaning in English: A rich, deep shade of yellow.

  18. fury (ক্রোধ) - Meaning in English: Wild or violent anger.

  19. spinster (অবিবাহিতা নারী) - Meaning in English: An unmarried woman, typically older and beyond the usual age for marriage.

  20. duplicate (নকল করা) - Meaning in English: To make an exact copy of something.

  21. predicated (প্রকট করা) - Meaning in English: Based on or derived from something else.

  22. eccentricity (উত্কৃষ্টতা) - Meaning in English: The quality of being unconventional or slightly strange.

  23. inarticulate (অকথ্য) - Meaning in English: Unable to speak clearly or express oneself effectively.

  24. stolid (অচঞ্চল) - Meaning in English: Calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.

  25. reticent (অদ্ভুতকথা) - Meaning in English: Reserved or reluctant to speak freely; taciturn.

  26. ingenuous (প্রতিভাহী) - Meaning in English: Innocent and unsuspecting.

  27. parsimony (কঞ্জুসি) - Meaning in English: Extreme unwillingness to spend money or use resources.

  28. benevolent (দয়ালু) - Meaning in English: Well-meaning and kindly.

  29. stoicism (নৈর্বচ্য) - Meaning in English: The endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint.

  30. furtive (চোরাচোরি) - Meaning in English: Attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble.

  31. expedient (কাজের কাজে ব্যবহারী) - Meaning in English: Convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral.

  32. impudent (ঘৃণিত) - Meaning in English: Not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.

  33. precocious (অগ্রবতী) - Meaning in English: Having developed certain abilities or inclinations at an earlier age than usual.

  34. sagacious (বিচক্ষণ) - Meaning in English: Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; wise or shrewd.

  35. perfunctory (মৌলিক) - Meaning in English: Carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.

  36. elusive (অলক্ষ্য) - Meaning in English: Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.

  37. disconsolate (অসন্তুষ্ট) - Meaning in English: Without consolation or comfort; unhappy.

  38. serendipitous (আপন প্রশংসা) - Meaning in English: Occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

  39. trepidation (অস্থিরতা) - Meaning in English: A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.

  40. resilient (টেনে ওঠা) - Meaning in English: Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

Unit Six: Adolescence

Lesson 1 The Storm and Stress of Adolescence

  1. adolescence (কিশোরবয়স) - Meaning in English: The period between childhood and adulthood, typically characterized by rapid physical and psychological changes.

  2. determinants (নির্ধারক) - Meaning in English: Factors or conditions that determine the outcome or course of events.

  3. acquisition (অর্জন) - Meaning in English: The act of gaining possession or control of something.

  4. tremendous (অত্যন্ত) - Meaning in English: Extremely large or great in amount, scale, or intensity.

  5. exert (প্রয়োগ করা) - Meaning in English: Apply or bring to bear (a force, influence, or quality).

  6. consequence (ফলাফল) - Meaning in English: A result or effect of an action or condition.

  7. vulnerable (ভঙ্গিম) - Meaning in English: Susceptible to physical or emotional harm or attack.

  8. intervene (বলাবয়দ্ধ) - Meaning in English: Take action to prevent an undesirable outcome.

  9. transition (পরিবর্তন) - Meaning in English: The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

  10. infancy (শিশুত্ব) - Meaning in English: The early stage of life from birth to about two years old, characterized by rapid growth and development.

  11. early childhood (প্রাথমিক শিশুত্ব) - Meaning in English: The stage of development from ages three to eight, marked by significant physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional growth.

  12. later childhood (পরপর শিশুত্ব) - Meaning in English: The stage of development from ages nine to twelve, characterized by further cognitive and social development.

  13. adolescence (কিশোরবয়) - Meaning in English: The transitional period between childhood and adulthood, typically ranging from ages thirteen to eighteen, marked by rapid physical, cognitive, and emotional changes.

  14. puberty (পুরুষাঙ্গম) - Meaning in English: The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.

  15. social status (সামাজিক অবস্থা) - Meaning in English: The position or rank of an individual within a society, often determined by factors such as wealth, occupation, or education.

  16. biological processes (জৈবিক প্রক্রিয়া) - Meaning in English: Processes related to the functioning and development of living organisms, including growth, metabolism, and reproduction.

  17. universal (সার্বজনীন) - Meaning in English: Applicable or common to all cases or instances.

  18. socio-economic (সামাজিক-আর্থিক) - Meaning in English: Relating to the social and economic factors that influence individuals or communities.

  19. characteristics (বৈশিষ্ট্য) - Meaning in English: Distinguishing features or qualities of something or someone.

  20. attitudes (মনোভাব) - Meaning in English: Beliefs or opinions about something or someone, often influencing behavior.

  21. behaviors (আচরণ) - Meaning in English: Actions or conduct exhibited by individuals in response to various stimuli or situations.

  22. adjustment (সমন্বয়) - Meaning in English: The process of adapting to new or changing circumstances or environments.

  23. mental health problems (মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যা) - Meaning in English: Conditions or disorders affecting the psychological well-being of individuals.

  24. reproductive health (প্রজনন স্বাস্থ্য) - Meaning in English: The state of physical, mental, and social well-being related to the reproductive system and its functions.

  25. provider attitudes (প্রদানকারীর মনোভাব) - Meaning in English: The beliefs or opinions held by healthcare providers or service providers, often influencing the delivery of care or services.

  26. intervention (ব্যবস্থাপনা) - Meaning in English: Action taken to improve a situation or prevent it from worsening.

  27. transition (পরিণতি) - Meaning in English: The process or period of changing from one state or condition to another.

  28. coping skills (প্রতিসাম্য দক্ষতা) - Meaning in English: Abilities or strategies used to deal effectively with stress, adversity, or challenges.

  29. social institutions (সামাজিক প্রতিষ্ঠান) - Meaning in English: Established patterns of social behavior or structures, such as family, education, and healthcare systems.

Lesson 2

Adolescence and Some (Related) Problems in Bangladesh

  1. adolescents (কিশোর) - Meaning in English: Individuals who are in the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood.

  2. transition (পরিণতি) - Meaning in English: The process or period of changing from one state or condition to another.

  3. subordination (নিম্নাধিকার) - Meaning in English: The act of placing someone in a lower or inferior position, often in terms of power or authority.

  4. inequality (অসমানতা) - Meaning in English: Lack of equality or fairness, especially in terms of opportunities, treatment, or access to resources.

  5. marginalization (অপেক্ষিততা) - Meaning in English: The social process of being relegated to a position of lesser importance or power within a society.

  6. exclusion (অবমূল্যকরণ) - Meaning in English: The act of preventing someone from participating fully in society or from accessing certain rights or opportunities.

  7. vulnerability (ভুয়োগ্যতা) - Meaning in English: The state of being susceptible to harm, injury, or exploitation.

  8. child marriage (শিশু বিবাহ) - Meaning in English: The practice of marrying off children, usually girls, before they reach the age of adulthood.

  9. dowry (যৌতুক) - Meaning in English: Property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage.

  10. marginalized (অবমূল্যিত) - Meaning in English: Made to feel insignificant or of lesser importance within a society.

  11. maternal mortality rate (মাতৃমৃত্যু হার) - Meaning in English: The number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.

  12. mobility (চলনশীলতা) - Meaning in English: The ability to move freely and easily from one place to another.

  13. undernourished (অপুষ্ট) - Meaning in English: Not receiving adequate nutrition to maintain good health and proper growth.

  14. anaemia (রক্তহীনতা) - Meaning in English: A condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.

  15. fertility rate (উর্বরতা হার) - Meaning in English: The number of live births per 1,000 women of reproductive age in a given population.

  16. neonatal mortality (নবজাতক মৃত্যু) - Meaning in English: The death of a newborn within the first 28 days of life.

  17. criminal activities (অপরাধী কার্যকলাপ) - Meaning in English: Unlawful acts or behaviors that violate the law and may result in punishment.

  18. exposed to (সম্মুখীন) - Meaning in English: Placed in a situation where one is at risk of experiencing something unpleasant or harmful.

  19. dowry (যৌতুক) - Meaning in English: Property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage.

  20. mobility (চলনশীলতা) - Meaning in English: The ability to move freely and easily from one place to another.

  21. contraception (গর্ভনিরোধ) - Meaning in English: Methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy.

  22. undernourished (অপুষ্ট) - Meaning in English: Not receiving adequate nutrition to maintain good health and proper growth.

  23. vulnerable (ভুয়োগ্য) - Meaning in English: Susceptible to harm, injury, or exploitation.

Lesson 3

Why Does a Child Hate School?

  1. joyless (আনন্দহীন) - Meaning in English: Lacking joy or happiness; dreary. Synonyms: gloomy, dismal, bleak, somber, melancholy.

  2. dour-faced (দড়তন্দ্র) - Meaning in English: Having a stern or gloomy facial expression. Synonyms: grim, stern, austere, morose, sullen.

  3. drudgery (দীর্ঘসময় ও বিরক্তিকর শ্রম) - Meaning in English: Hard, menial, or dull work; tedious labor. Synonyms: toil, labor, slog, grind, monotony.

  4. pent up (কারাগৃহে বা সংকীর্ণ অবস্থায় আবদ্ধ) - Meaning in English: Confined or restrained within a limited space or situation. Synonyms: confined, restricted, enclosed, cramped, constrained.

  5. dismay (ভীতিহীনতা) - Meaning in English: A sudden loss of courage or resolution in the face of trouble or danger. Synonyms: consternation, alarm, apprehension, dismay, concern.

  6. drooping (লম্বমান) - Meaning in English: Hanging down or bending downwards limply; sagging. Synonyms: sagging, wilting, slumping, bending, hanging.

  7. tender (নরম) - Meaning in English: Easily bruised or injured; delicate. Synonyms: fragile, delicate, sensitive, gentle, soft.

  8. buds (কুমুদিনী) - Meaning in English: Small protuberances on a plant that will develop into leaves, flowers, or shoots. Synonyms: shoots, sprouts, blossoms, flowers, blooms.

  9. blossoms (পুষ্প) - Meaning in English: Flowers collectively, especially on a tree or bush. Synonyms: flowers, blooms, blossoms, petals, buds.

  10. mellowing (মৃদুতা আনা) - Meaning in English: Becoming more relaxed, pleasant, or mature over time. Synonyms: ripening, softening, maturing, tempering, aging.

  11. joyless (অমনোজ্ঞ) - Meaning in English: Lacking happiness or enjoyment.

  12. drudgery (পশ্চাদপশ্চাত্ কঠিন কাজ) - Meaning in English: Hard, menial, or dull work.

  13. lecture (প্রবচন) - Meaning in English: A talk or speech given to a group of people, typically to teach or inform them about a particular subject.

  14. winds his horn (হর্ণ বাজায়) - Meaning in English: Plays a musical instrument, often associated with hunting, called a horn.

  15. drooping (নিকৃষ্ট) - Meaning in English: Hanging or bending downwards; sagging.

  16. buds are nipped (কুমড়া কেটে দেওয়া হয়েছে) - Meaning in English: Immature flower buds are damaged or destroyed.

  17. blossoms blown away (ফুল হারিয়ে গেছে) - Meaning in English: Flowers are removed or scattered by the wind.

  18. tender plants are stripped (কোমরের গাছগুলি খুলছে) - Meaning in English: Delicate or young plants are forcibly removed of their leaves or branches.

  19. mellowing year (ধীরে পরিপূর্ণ বছর) - Meaning in English: A year that becomes more gentle and pleasant over time, often associated with ripening or maturing.

  20. blasts of winter (শীতের আবহাওয়া) - Meaning in English: Harsh and cold winds and weather associated with the winter season.

  21. cages (বাড়ি) - Meaning in English: Confined spaces or enclosures, typically associated with animals.

  22. pent up (সংকীর্ণ) - Meaning in English: Confined or restricted in a small or limited space.

  23. unacceptable (অগ্রাহ্য) - Meaning in English: Not satisfactory or allowable; intolerable.

  24. pleasant (মনোরম) - Meaning in English: Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.

  25. learning-friendly (শেখা-প্রিয়) - Meaning in English: Supportive of and conducive to learning.

  26. harsh words (কঠোর শব্দ) - Meaning in English: Unpleasant or cruel language used to criticize or scold.

  27. special care (বিশেষ যত্ন) - Meaning in English: Extra attention or consideration given to someone's needs or circumstances.

  28. learning disabilities (শেখার সমস্যা) - Meaning in English: Conditions that interfere with an individual's ability to process information and learn effectively.

  29. freedom (স্বাধীনতা) - Meaning in English: The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

  30. cruel (ক্রূর) - Meaning in English: Willfully causing pain or suffering to others.

  31. outdoors (বাইরে) - Meaning in English: Outside; in the open air.

  32. pleads (মানাবল চায়) - Meaning in English: Makes an emotional appeal or earnest request.

  33. rescue (নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনা) - Meaning in English: Save (someone) from a dangerous or distressing situation.

  34. poem (কবিতা) - Meaning in English: A piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction (sometimes involving rhyme), rhythm, and imagery.

  35. pleads (মানাবল চায়) - Meaning in English: Makes an emotional appeal or earnest request.

  36. relaxed (শান্ত) - Meaning in English: Free from tension or anxiety; calm and composed.

  37. supportive (সমর্থনমূলক) - Meaning in English: Providing encouragement or emotional help.

  38. indifferent (অবচেতন) - Meaning in English: Having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.

  39. austere (সঙ্কোচমূলক) - Meaning in English: Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance.

  40. lonely (একাকী) - Meaning in English: Sad because one has no friends or company.

Lesson 4

The Story of Shilpi

  1. empowerment (শক্তিপ্রাপ্তি) - Meaning in English: The process of enabling individuals or groups to have control over their own lives and circumstances.

  2. adolescent (কিশোর) - Meaning in English: Relating to or characteristic of adolescence, the transitional period between childhood and adulthood.

  3. peer-to-peer (সমবর্ধীতে) - Meaning in English: Involving or relating to the sharing of information, resources, or services between individuals or groups with similar status or abilities.

  4. maternal mortality (মাতৃত্ব মৃত্যুতে) - Meaning in English: The death of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management.

  5. hemorrhage (রক্তস্রাব) - Meaning in English: Excessive bleeding, typically internal or from a wound.

  6. fistula (ফিস্টুলা) - Meaning in English: An abnormal connection between two body parts, such as organs or vessels, that do not normally connect.

  7. morbidity (অসুস্থতা) - Meaning in English: The condition of being diseased or unhealthy; the incidence or prevalence of disease.

  8. social exclusion (সামাজিক অপরিহার্যতা) - Meaning in English: The process of being shut out, either physically or socially, from normal social interactions or activities.

  9. family planning (পরিবার পরিকল্পনা) - Meaning in English: The practice of controlling the number of children one has and the intervals between their births, particularly by means of contraception or voluntary sterilization.

  10. pressurize (চাপ দেওয়া) - Meaning in English: To apply pressure or coercion, especially to persuade someone to do something.

  11. cultural practices (সাংস্কৃতিক অভ্যন্তর) - Meaning in English: Customs, beliefs, rituals, and behaviors that are characteristic of a particular social group or community.

  12. traditions (ঐতিহ্য) - Meaning in English: The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.

  13. rift (ভেদ) - Meaning in English: A serious break in friendly relations between people, groups, or countries.

  14. insulted (অপমান) - Meaning in English: To offend someone by treating them with disrespect or scorn.

  15. criticized (নিন্দা) - Meaning in English: To express disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.

  16. convinced (সংশ্লিষ্ট) - Meaning in English: Persuaded or caused to believe in something; convinced.

  17. trained (প্রশিক্ষিত) - Meaning in English: Educated or instructed in a particular skill or type of behavior.

  18. support (সমর্থন) - Meaning in English: To give assistance, encouragement, or approval to someone or something.

  19. rooted (মূলভূত) - Meaning in English: Firmly implanted or established; deeply ingrained.

  20. villagers (গ্রামীণ) - Meaning in English: People who inhabit or live in a village.

  21. speak out against (বিরোধ করা) - Meaning in English: To express strong disapproval or criticism of someone or something publicly.

  22. extended family (পরিবার) - Meaning in English: A family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.

  23. tools (যন্ত্র) - Meaning in English: Resources or strategies used to achieve a particular goal or purpose.

  24. counselling (পরামর্শ) - Meaning in English: The provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.

  25. risks (ঝুঁকি) - Meaning in English: Situations involving exposure to danger or harm.

  26. health care provider (স্বাস্থ্য যন্ত্রপাতি) - Meaning in English: An individual or organization involved in the delivery of medical services or healthcare.

  27. parents and neighbours (পিতা-মাতা এবং প্রতিষ্ঠান) - Meaning in English: The immediate family members and individuals living in close proximity to one's residence.

  28. potentially harmful effects (সম্ভাব্য ক্ষতিকর প্রভাব) - Meaning in English: Possible adverse consequences or outcomes that could result from certain actions or situations.

  29. delay (বিলম্ব) - Meaning in English: To postpone or put off until a later time or date.

  30. access (অ্যাক্সেস) - Meaning in English: The ability or right to use, enter, or make use of something.

  31. empowerment - শক্তিপ্রাপ্তি (Meaning in English: The process of enabling individuals or groups to have control over their own lives and circumstances. Synonyms: ক্ষমতা প্রাপ্তি, ক্ষমতা অর্জন, অধিকার দান | Antonym: দমন (restraint)

  32. reproductive - প্রজননশীল (Meaning in English: Relating to the biological process of reproduction, especially human reproduction.) Synonyms: প্রজনন, উত্পাদনশীল | Antonym: অপ্রজনন (non-reproductive)

  33. counselling - পরামর্শ (Meaning in English: The provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.)Synonyms: পরামর্শদাতা, উপদেষ্টা, সাহায্য | Antonym: বিপদ্যতা (misguidance)

  34. peer - সমবর্ধী (Meaning in English: A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, or social status.) Synonyms: সহকর্মী, সহশিক্ষার্থী | Antonym: আধিক্য (inequality)

  35. potential - সম্ভাব্যতা (Meaning in English: Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.) Synonyms: সম্ভাব্য, সম্ভাবনামূলক | Antonym: অকার্যক্ষম (incompetent)

  36. hemorrhage - রক্তস্রাব (Meaning in English: Excessive bleeding, typically internal or from a wound.) Synonyms: রক্তপাত, রক্তবহণ | Antonym: স্থিতিশীলতা (stasis)

  37. obstructed - বাধাগ্রস্ত (Meaning in English: Blocked, hindered, or impeded; having obstacles preventing normal movement or progress.) Synonyms: বাধাযুক্ত, অবরোধিত | Antonym: অবাধিত (unobstructed)

  38. morbidity - অসুস্থতা (Meaning in English: The condition of being diseased or unhealthy; the incidence or prevalence of disease.) Synonyms: অসুস্থতাযুক্ততা, রোগত্ব | Antonym: সুস্থতা (health)

  39. option - বিকল্প (Meaning in English: A choice or alternative available for consideration.) Synonyms: পছন্দ, সম্ভাবনা, বাছাই | Antonym: নিষেধ (restriction)

  40. advocate - প্রতিনিধি (Meaning in English: A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.) Synonyms: একত্রিত, একাঙ্গী, বক্তা | Antonym: বিরোধী (opponent)

Lesson 5

Say ‘No’ to Bullying

Verbal bullying

  1. Teasing - (ছিদ্রান্বেষণ) - Making fun of or mocking someone in a hurtful way.

  2. Name calling - (নামের অপমান) - Insulting or using derogatory names to address someone.

  3. Inappropriate sexual comments - (অযৌক্তিক যৌন মন্তব্য) - Making unwelcome or offensive remarks of a sexual nature.

  4. Taunting - (উপদেশ দেওয়া) - Provoking or challenging someone in a mocking or insulting manner.

  5. Threatening to cause harm - (ক্ষতি করার হুমকি দেওয়া) - Intimidating or frightening someone by suggesting harm or violence.

Social bullying

  1. Leaving someone out on purpose - (অপশব্দ ছড়ানো) - Excluding or ignoring someone deliberately.

  2. Telling other children not to be friends with someone - (অন্য শিশুদেরকে কেউ সাথে বন্ধুত্ব করতে বলা হচ্ছে না) - Encouraging others to reject or avoid a particular person.

  3. Spreading rumours about someone - (অনুপ্রাণিত কোনও বিষয়ে জনসমাগমে গুজব ছড়ানো) - Circulating false or damaging information about someone to harm their reputation.

Physical bullying

  1. Hitting/kicking/pinching - (আঘাত/লাথি/চুম্বন) - Physically attacking or assaulting someone by hitting, kicking, or pinching them.

  2. Spitting - (থুতু ফেলা) - Disrespectfully expelling saliva towards someone as an act of aggression.

  3. Tripping/pushing - (পা বারানো/ধাক্কা দেওয়া) - Deliberately causing someone to stumble or fall by tripping or pushing them.

  4. Taking or breaking someone’s things - (কোনওর বস্তু নেওয়া বা ভাঙ্গা) - Stealing or damaging someone's belongings.

  5. Making mean facial or hand gestures - (মন্থর মুখের বা হাতের ইঙ্গিত করা) - Using facial expressions or hand movements to mock or intimidate someone.

35% of school students experience bullying in Bangladesh:


  1. bullied (বাধ্য করা) - Meaning in English: Harassed or intimidated by others, typically repeatedly over a period of time.

  2. physical fight (শারীরিক ঝড়ত) - Meaning in English: A physical altercation or confrontation between individuals involving violence.

  3. peer-to-peer violence (পীয়ারের মধ্যে হিংসা) - Meaning in English: Violence occurring between individuals of similar age, status, or position.

  4. bullying (বাধ্যতা) - Meaning in English: The use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others.

  5. data (উপাত্ত) - Meaning in English: Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

  6. Global School-based Student Health Surveys (বিশ্ব স্কুল-ভিত্তিক শিক্ষার্থী স্বাস্থ্য জরিপ) - Meaning in English: Surveys conducted globally to assess health behaviors and protective factors among students.

  7. physical punishment (শারীরিক শাস্তি) - Meaning in English: Punishment inflicted on someone's body as a means of discipline.

  8. fully protected (সম্পূর্ণ রক্ষিত) - Meaning in English: Completely safeguarded or defended against harm or danger.

  9. Executive Director (কার্যনির্বাহী পরিচালক) - Meaning in English: The senior leader responsible for managing an organization or department.

  10. depression (অবসন্নতা) - Meaning in English: Feelings of severe despondency and dejection.

  11. anxiety (উদ্বেগ) - Meaning in English: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

  12. suicide (আত্মহত্যা) - Meaning in English: The act of intentionally taking one's own life.

  13. disseminating (প্রচারণা করা) - Meaning in English: Spreading or distributing information, knowledge, or ideas widely.

  14. hurtful (অপমানজনক) - Meaning in English: Causing distress or injury; offensive.

  15. humiliating (অবমাননাপূর্ণ) - Meaning in English: Causing someone to feel ashamed or foolish.

  16. industrialised countries (শিল্পবিদ্যুতগত দেশ) - Meaning in English: Countries characterized by a high level of industrialization and economic development.

  17. psychological forms of bullying (মানসিক ধরণের বাধ্যতা) - Meaning in English: Bullying that involves emotional or mental manipulation rather than physical violence.

  18. threats (আক্রমণের প্রতিশোধ) - Meaning in English: Statements or actions indicating one's intention to cause harm, pain, or trouble.

  19. digital world (ডিজিটাল বিশ্ব) - Meaning in English: The environment characterized by the use of digital technology and communication tools.

  20. click of a button (এক বাটনের ক্লিক) - Meaning in English: With a simple action on a computer mouse or similar device.

  21. claim lives (জীবন ক্ষেত্রে দাবি করা) - Meaning in English: To cause death or fatalities.

  22. adolescents (কিশোর) - Meaning in English: Individuals in the stage of development between childhood and adulthood.

  23. digital (ডিজিটাল) - Meaning in English: Relating to or using computer technology.

  24. protective factors (রক্ষণাত্মক অংশ) - Meaning in English: Factors that reduce the likelihood of negative outcomes or promote positive outcomes.

Reply given to Shila’s letter by a legal practitioner.

  1. cyber bullying (সাইবার বুলি) - Meaning in English: Bullying through electronic communication, such as social media or messaging platforms.

  2. electronic communication (ইলেকট্রনিক যোগাযোগ) - Meaning in English: Communication conducted via electronic devices or technology.

  3. social media (সামাজিক যোগাযোগ) - Meaning in English: Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking.

  4. hurtful (অস্বীকার্য) - Meaning in English: Causing emotional pain or distress.

  5. scorned at (অপবাদ করা) - Meaning in English: Disapproved or rejected with disdain.

  6. punishable (দন্ডনীয়) - Meaning in English: Deserving of punishment.

  7. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act (তথ্য এবং যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি আইন) - Meaning in English: Legislation regulating the use of information and communication technologies.

  8. obscene (অত্যপচারমূলক) - Meaning in English: Offensive or indecent, typically relating to sexual matters.

  9. corrupting (দূর্নীতি) - Meaning in English: Causing someone to become immoral or dishonest.

  10. prejudice (পূর্বধারণা) - Meaning in English: Bias or discrimination against a particular group or individual.

  11. religious belief (ধার্মিক বিশ্বাস) - Meaning in English: Faith or conviction regarding spiritual matters.

  12. instigate (উত্তেজনা দেত্তয়া) - Meaning in English: Encourage or provoke (someone) to do something, especially something bad or violent.

  13. offence (অপরাধ) - Meaning in English: A violation or breach of a law, rule, or code of conduct.

  14. inter alia (মধ্যে মধ্যে) - Meaning in English: Among other things; indicating that there are other items not specifically mentioned.

  15. imprisonment (বন্দীবাস) - Meaning in English: The state of being confined in prison; incarceration.

  16. complaint (অভিযোগ) - Meaning in English: A formal allegation made against someone.

  17. Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) (টেলিযোগাযোগ নিয়ান্ত্রণ কমিশন) - Meaning in English: A regulatory body overseeing telecommunications in Bangladesh.

  18. perpetrators (অপরাধী) - Meaning in English: Individuals who carry out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

  19. lodge (প্রবেশ করানো) - Meaning in English: To submit or register (a complaint, appeal, etc.).

  20. helpline (হেল্পলাইন) - Meaning in English: A telephone service providing advice or assistance in emergencies.

  21. criminal intimidation (অপরাধী হুমকি) - Meaning in English: The act of threatening someone with harm or violence to coerce or frighten them.

  22. liable (দায়ী) - Meaning in English: Legally responsible for something; subject to the law.

  23. Penal Code 1860 (দণ্ড বিধি ১৮৬০) - Meaning in English: Legislation outlining criminal offences and their punishments in Bangladesh.

  24. internal reporting process (অভ্যন্তরীণ প্রতিবেদনের প্রক্রিয়া) - Meaning in English: The procedure for reporting incidents within an organization or system.

  25. photos and comments (ছবি ও মন্তব্য) - Meaning in English: Images and written remarks made on social media or other online platforms.

  26. perpetrator (অপরাধী) - Meaning in English: A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

  27. blocking (বাধা দেওয়া) - Meaning in English: Preventing someone from accessing or interacting with certain content or users online.

  28. industrialised countries (শিল্পকৃষি সমৃদ্ধ দেশ) - Meaning in English: Countries with developed economies and advanced technological infrastructure.

  29. psychological (মানসিক) - Meaning in English: Relating to the mind or mental processes.

  30. weapons (অস্ত্র) - Meaning in English: Instruments or devices used for inflicting harm or damage, such as knives or guns.

Seven Ways to Deal with Cyber Bullying

  1. respond - (প্রতিক্রিয়া দিন) - Meaning in English: To react or reply.

  2. screenshot - (স্ক্রিনশট) - Meaning in English: A digital image of what is displayed on a screen.

  3. privacy - (গোপনীয়তা) - Meaning in English: The state of being free from public attention or observation.

  4. parents - (পিতামাতা) - Meaning in English: One's mother and father or guardians.

  5. opportunity - (সুযোগ) - Meaning in English: A chance for advancement or progress.

  6. immediately - (তাতপর্য়) - Meaning in English: Without delay or hesitation.

  7. attitude - (অবস্থান) - Meaning in English: A settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

  8. evidence - (প্রমাণ) - Meaning in English: Information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

  9. panic - (হতাশা) - Meaning in English: A sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.

  10. reaction - (প্রতিক্রিয়া) - Meaning in English: An action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event.

  11. power - (ক্ষমতা) - Meaning in English: The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.

  12. texts - (পাঠ) - Meaning in English: Written or printed communication in the form of words or characters.

  13. complaining - (অভিযোগ করা) - Meaning in English: Expressing dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.

  14. genuine - (সত্য) - Meaning in English: Truly what something is said to be; authentic.

  15. lower - (নিম্ন) - Meaning in English: Reduce or make less in quantity or value.

  16. harassed - (আতঙ্কিত) - Meaning in English: Subjected to aggressive pressure or intimidation.

  17. settings - (সেটিংস) - Meaning in English: The adjustments or preferences in software or digital devices.

  18. protect - (রক্ষা করা) - Meaning in English: To keep safe from harm or danger.

  19. passwords - (পাসওয়ার্ড) - Meaning in English: A secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.

  20. advisable - (উপযুক্ত) - Meaning in English: Worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent.

  21. bystander - (অবলম্বী) - Meaning in English: A person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part.

  22. empower - (শক্তি প্রদান করা) - Meaning in English: To give someone the authority or power to do something.

  23. participating - (অংশগ্রহণ) - Meaning in English: Taking part or engaging in an activity or event.

  24. hurts - (ক্ষতি) - Meaning in English: Causes emotional or physical pain or injury.

  25. report - (প্রতিবেদন) - Meaning in English: A spoken or written account of an event, especially one intended for publication or broadcast.

  26. digital - (ডিজিটাল) - Meaning in English: Relating to or using signals or information represented by discrete values of a physical quantity.

  27. bully - (পোলা) - Meaning in English: A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

  28. block - (অবরোধ করা) - Meaning in English: To prevent access or passage.

  29. genuine - (সত্য) - Meaning in English: Truly what something is said to be; authentic.

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