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Birbal / emperor asked Birbal to make a list of the fools / A farmer bought a well from his neighbour, Iqbal Khan - Rearranging / Completing Story for HSC, SSC & Other Examinations

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Updated: Jan 27

Rearranging Sentences:

Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.

I. Akbar, an emperor of Delhi, was a great Mughal.

II. He called him and asked, "How is it that you call your emperor a fool?"

III. Birbal made a list, but he kept the emperor's name at the top of the list.

IV. Everybody praised him for his presence of mind.

V. One day the emperor asked Birbal to make a list of the fools living in the country.

VI. The emperor was surprised to see his name at the top of the list.

VII. Birbal was one of them.

VIII. He had many wise men in his court.


Correct Sequence:

I → VIII → IV → V → III → VI → II → VII


The Story:

Akbar, an emperor of Delhi, was a great Mughal. He had many wise men in his court, and Birbal was one of them. Everybody praised him for his presence of mind. One day the emperor asked Birbal to make a list of the fools living in the country. Birbal made a list, but he kept the emperor's name at the top of the list. The emperor was surprised to see his name at the top of the list. He called him and asked, "How is it that you call your emperor a fool?"

গল্প: দিল্লির সম্রাট আকবর ছিলেন একজন মহান মুঘল। তার দরবারে অনেক জ্ঞানী লোক ছিল এবং বীরবল তাদের একজন। সবাই তার মনের উপস্থিতির জন্য তার প্রশংসা করেছেন। একদিন সম্রাট বীরবলকে দেশে বসবাসরত মূর্খদের একটি তালিকা করতে বললেন। বীরবল একটি তালিকা তৈরি করলেও তালিকার শীর্ষে সম্রাটের নাম রাখেন। তালিকার শীর্ষে নিজের নাম দেখে অবাক হলেন সম্রাট। তিনি তাকে ডেকে জিজ্ঞেস করলেন, তুমি তোমার সম্রাটকে বোকা বললে কেমন করে?

(a) A farmer bought a well from his neighbour, Iqbal Khan.:

(b) Iqbal replied, "I have sold only the well but not the water insideit."

(c) Angered by this, the farmer had come to get justice from King Akbar.

(di Once there was a complaint at King Akbar's court.

(e) King Akbar wanted Birbal to solve the dispute.

(f) Even after selling the well to the farmer, Iqbal continued to fetch water from the well.

(g) Birbal said, ''Iqbal, you say that you have sold only the well to the farmer. And you claim that the water is yours. Then how come you can keep your water inside another person's well without paying rent?"

(h) The farmer got justice and Birbal was fairly rewarded.

(i) King Akbar asked Iqbal the reason for fetching water from the well even after selling it to the farmer.

(j) lqbal's trickery was countered thus in a tricky way.

Correct Answer : d a f c i b e g j h

Completing Story:

Truthfulness of Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani/ Truth always triumphs.’: In his boyhood, Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani


During his boyhood, Hazrat Abdul Quadir Jilani was preparing to leave his home to attend school in Bagdad. On the eve of his departure, his mother imparted two valuable pieces of advice to him. She told him, "My son, never tell a lie and don't become frightened in danger." The young boy took his mother's advice to heart as he embarked on his journey, accompanied by a group of merchants, towards the distant city of Bagdad.


The path was fraught with danger as the region was infested with robbers. After five days of travel, a group of robbers accosted the travelers. In the ensuing chaos, one of the robbers seized the boy. However, the leader of the gang intervened, stating that the boy had nothing of value on him. To the surprise of all, the boy spoke up, "No, you are mistaken. I have forty gold coins sewn into my sleeves."


The leader was curious as to why the boy had revealed this information. The boy replied that his mother had cautioned him never to tell a lie, and he could not disobey her. The response of the truthful boy moved the leader, who experienced a change of heart. He renounced his life of crime and persuaded his men to do the same. Inspired by the young boy's honesty, the gang members endeavored to live better lives, gradually reforming themselves and eschewing all their bad habits.

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