Bilkis / Feroza Changes Her Life
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst the verdant countryside, there dwelt a resolute and hardworking middle-aged woman by the name of Bilkis, who was entrusted with the task of providing for her family of five comprising of her husband and three sons. Despite her assiduous efforts, the onerous burden of making ends meet fell solely on her shoulders, for her spouse was a lethargic individual who did not make any contribution towards their sustenance.
One day, Bilkis had a serendipitous encounter with a group of philanthropic individuals from the Grameen Bank, who expressed their eagerness to assist indigent, landless and vulnerable people. Grasping the opportunity with both hands, she applied for a loan of three thousand taka from the Bank and was approved. Armed with this loan, she proceeded to purchase a dheki and some paddy, and embarked on her journey towards financial independence.
Undeterred by the arduous struggles that lay ahead, Bilkis and her husband began to meticulously plan out their future course of action. They first constructed a thatched hut to provide shelter for themselves and their children, sparing them from the elements. Subsequently, Bilkis sold the rice in the market, reaping a considerable profit that allowed her to repay the first instalment of her loan, as well as purchase food and clothing for her offspring.
Through sheer perseverance and unflagging determination, Bilkis persevered through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, emerging triumphant in her struggle for existence. Her tireless efforts had borne fruit, culminating in a life of dignity and self-reliance for her and her family.
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