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A Happy Cobbler /  Cobbler and a Banker / Happiness lies in Contentment - Rearranging / Completing Story for HSC, SSC & Other Examinations

Writer's picture: Fakhruddin BabarFakhruddin Babar

Rearranging Sentences:

A happy cobbler.

Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story.

I. The banker asked the cobbler, "How much a year do you earn?"

II. He had a rich neighbour who was a banker.

III. One day the banker asked the cobbler, "How much a year do you earn?"

IV. The cobbler replied, "How much a year, Sir? I have never counted that way."

V. The cobbler had never seen so much money at a time in life before.

VI. As you can see, I live from hand to mouth but somehow I manage to have three meals everyday and I am happy."

VII. The banker said, "I will put an end to your toiling. Take this money and keep them carefully and use them in time of need."

VIII. He took the money, hurried back home and buried it in the earth, but alas!

IX. There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing from morning till night.

X. He buried his happiness with it too.


Correct Sequence:

IX → II → III → I → IV → VI → VII → V → VIII → X


Story in Correct Sequence:

There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing from morning till night. He had a rich neighbour who was a banker. One day the banker asked the cobbler, "How much a year do you earn?" The cobbler replied, "How much a year, Sir? I have never counted that way. As you can see, I live from hand to mouth but somehow I manage to have three meals every day and I am happy." The banker said, "I will put an end to your toiling. Take this money and keep them carefully and use them in time of need." The cobbler had never seen so much money at a time in life before. He took the money, hurried back home and buried it in the earth, but alas! He buried his happiness with it too.

সেখানে একজন সুখী মুচি থাকতেন, যিনি সকাল থেকে রাত পর্যন্ত কাজ করে গান গেয়ে দিন কাটাতেন। তার একজন ধনী প্রতিবেশী ছিলেন যিনি একজন ব্যাংকার ছিলেন। একদিন ব্যাংকার মুচিকে জিজ্ঞেস করল, তুমি বছরে কত আয় কর? মুচি উত্তর দিল, "কত বছর, স্যার? আমি কখনোই সেভাবে গণনা করিনি। আপনি দেখতে পাচ্ছেন, আমি হাত থেকে মুখ পর্যন্ত বাঁচি কিন্তু কোনো না কোনোভাবে আমি প্রতিদিন তিন বেলা খাবারের ব্যবস্থা করি এবং আমি খুশি।" ব্যাংকার বললেন, "আমি তোমার পরিশ্রমের অবসান ঘটাব। এই টাকা নাও এবং সাবধানে রাখো এবং প্রয়োজনের সময় ব্যবহার কর।" মুচি জীবনে এত টাকা আগে কখনো দেখেনি। টাকা নিয়ে তাড়াতাড়ি বাড়ি ফিরে মাটিতে পুঁতে ফেললেন, কিন্তু হায়! নিজের সুখও কবর দিয়েছিলেন।

Completing Story:

 Cobbler and a Banker

In a certain town, there once resided a cobbler, whose days were spent merrily in the pursuit of singing and dancing. Living a life of hand-to-mouth existence, he never troubled himself with thoughts of the future, content to live in the moment and subsist on his daily earnings. His wealthy neighbor, a banker, was surprised by this and inquired of the cobbler how much he earned in a year.


With a gentle smile, the cobbler admitted to never having counted his earnings in such a manner, as he was content with his simple existence. The banker, moved by the cobbler's situation, resolved to lift him out of poverty and presented him with a generous sum of ten thousand taka, urging him to keep it safe for times of need.


Overwhelmed by the magnitude of this windfall, the cobbler hastened home to secure the money, but was beset by a nagging sense of unease. Unable to rest easy, he eventually resorted to burying the money in a hole he had dug in his room, hoping to keep it safe from harm. Yet, despite his efforts, the cobbler was tormented by thoughts of the money being stolen or lost.


As the days turned into weeks, his mind plagued with worry, the cobbler found himself unable to sleep soundly, consumed by his anxiety over the safety of his newfound wealth. Unable to bear this mental agony any longer, he went to the banker and, with great reluctance, handed back the money, explaining that its presence had robbed him of his peace of mind.


Thus, the cobbler learned that true contentment and happiness could not be found in material possessions, and that the simple pleasures of life were often more valuable than great riches.

Moral : Happiness Lies in Contentment

The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words :

There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing from morning till night. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him, "How much a year do you earn? MB'22; DB'13; JB'19; RB'14,'09; CtgB'14; DJB14

Ans.     Happiness lies in Contentment

There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing from morning till night. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him, "How much a year do you earn?

The cobbler's response left his neighbor astonished. Puzzled, the neighbor inquired about the cobbler's financial habits, to which the cobbler admitted that he lived from hand to mouth. Despite earning meager wages, he managed to support his family by spending his earnings on necessities alone. He harbored no desires for luxuries beyond his means, finding contentment in the simple joys of life. Poverty, therefore, held no sway over his happiness.

The banker, upon hearing this, was struck by a profound realization. Despite owning vast wealth, he remained plagued by dissatisfaction, endlessly pursuing material possessions that failed to bring him true happiness. Reflecting on the cobbler's humble contentment, the banker lamented his own sense of helplessness, recognizing that his wealth could not purchase the peace of mind he craved.

With a heavy heart, the banker acknowledged his own poverty of spirit compared to the cobbler's richness of contentment. Inspired by the cobbler's example, he resolved to seek true happiness by relinquishing his material wealth and embracing a simpler, more fulfilling way of life. Understanding that happiness cannot be bought with riches alone, he embarked on a journey to find joy in giving and living with purpose, rather than in the pursuit of fleeting luxuries.

In essence, the story illustrates that happiness is subjective and cannot be measured solely by material wealth. True contentment is found in embracing life's simple pleasures and cultivating meaningful connections, transcending the confines of monetary possessions.

A Cobbler and a Banker


Once there lived a cobbler in a town. He was living happily with his wife and three children. Every morning he sat beside a road and earns enough to lead his a comfortable life. He earned very little but he was happy with his earnings. He did not want more weath. He was contended with what he had. One of his neighbours was a banker who was a rich man. He usually came to the cobbler to mend his shoes. One day the banker came to mend his shoes. when the cobbler was mending his shoes the banker said, ‘ How much money do you earn in a year?’ The cobbler told his poor amount. Hearing the amount the banker felt pity for him. He said to the cobbler, ‘‘I want to lend you a big amount of money so that you may become rich. Do you agree with me?” The cobbler remained silent brooding over the matter. He thought that he would be able to quit this tiresome and dishonourable job if he borrowed the money. He became joyous thinking his upcoming happy days . Then he told that he is agree to borrow the money.


The cobbler brought the money home. He was astonished to see the amazing amount of money. He begin thinking what to do with this huge sum of money. At night he was afraid of thieves and dacoits. so he had to remain  sleepless throughout the night. He did not go to his work because at day time also he did not feel safe about the money. He was thinking and thinking but unable to come to any decision. Being restless he found that he could do his regular work. As he could not drink , eat , rest , think, sleep peacefully his life become miserable. At last he come to a decision to returned the money ,the only cause of his unhappiness.

According to his decision he returned the money to the banker and felt relieved. Now he could do his work without any disturbance. He found that he only become happy with the money that he earned with cost of his sweat. He started his  previous job again and living peacefully.


Moral: Happiness Lies in Contentment



Happiness Lies In Contentment Completing Story

once there was lived a happy cobbler. He loved working and singing all day. He didn’t worry about money and enjoyed his simple life. One day, a rich banker who lived nearby asked him, How much do you earn each year?

The cobbler smiled and said, I don’t really think about it. I live day by day, and every day brings enough for my meals. That’s all I need to be happy.

The banker wanted to help and said, Here, take these thousand pounds. Save the money and use it when you need it.

The cobbler, who had never seen so much money before, rushed home and hid the money in the ground, hoping it would keep him safe. But from that day on, he couldn’t sleep. He spent his nights worrying about the money and lost all his happiness.

After a few days, the cobbler went back to the banker and said, The money has taken away my peace and sleep. Please take it back. He returned the money and felt happy again. He could finally sleep and enjoy his life, just like before.

This story teaches us that happiness doesn’t come from having a lot of money, but from being satisfied with what we have.


Happiness Lies in Contentment: Once upon a time, a poor cobbler 



In a certain town, there once resided a cobbler, whose days were spent merrily in the pursuit of singing and dancing. Living a life of hand-to-mouth existence, he never troubled himself with thoughts of the future, content to live in the moment and subsist on his daily earnings. His wealthy neighbor, a banker, was surprised by this and inquired of the cobbler how much he earned in a year.


With a gentle smile, the cobbler admitted to never having counted his earnings in such a manner, as he was content with his simple existence. The banker, moved by the cobbler's situation, resolved to lift him out of poverty and presented him with a generous sum of ten thousand taka, urging him to keep it safe for times of need.


Overwhelmed by the magnitude of this windfall, the cobbler hastened home to secure the money, but was beset by a nagging sense of unease. Unable to rest easy, he eventually resorted to burying the money in a hole he had dug in his room, hoping to keep it safe from harm. Yet, despite his efforts, the cobbler was tormented by thoughts of the money being stolen or lost.


As the days turned into weeks, his mind plagued with worry, the cobbler found himself unable to sleep soundly, consumed by his anxiety over the safety of his newfound wealth. Unable to bear this mental agony any longer, he went to the banker and, with great reluctance, handed back the money, explaining that its presence had robbed him of his peace of mind.


Thus, the cobbler learned that true contentment and happiness could not be found in material possessions, and that the simple pleasures of life were often more valuable than great riches.



A Happy Cobbler Story

Once, there was a happy cobbler who made shoes and sang while he worked. He believed true happiness came from being content with what you have, not from money.

One day, his rich neighbor, a banker, asked how much he earned. The cobbler said he made just enough to live each day. The banker felt sorry for him and gave him a thousand pounds to save for the future.

The cobbler hid the money in his house but couldn’t sleep, worried someone might steal it. For days, he couldn’t focus on work because he was always thinking about the money. He soon realized it was making him unhappy.

The cobbler returned the money to the banker and went back to his simple life, working and singing every day. He found peace and happiness again, knowing that true joy comes from being content, not from wealth.

A Happy Cobbler

Once there was a happy cobbler who spent his days working and singing. He believed that money couldn’t bring true happiness. For him, happiness came from being content with what he had.

One day, a rich banker, who was his neighbor, asked him how much he earned in a year. The cobbler replied that he didn’t know, as he lived day to day. The banker felt sorry for him and said that he should try to change his fortune. But the cobbler just smiled and said that he was happy with what he earned.

The next day, the banker gave him a thousand pounds and told him to keep it for the future. The cobbler was shocked. He buried the money in his small hut but couldn’t sleep because he was worried that someone might steal it.

For several days, he couldn’t work or sleep because of his constant worry about the money. Finally, he realized that the money had taken away his peace of mind. So, he returned the money to the banker and went back to his simple, happy life, working and singing like before.



Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give a suitable title.

Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning till night. A rich man of his neighbour asked him one day. "How much a year do you earn?" The  cobbler laughed and said............

Ans: Money Cannot Buy Happiness

Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning till night. A rich man of his neighbour asked him one day "How much a year do you earn?'' The cobbler laughed and said "I never reckon my money in that way. It goes as fast as it comes, but I am glad to be able to earn it and earn a living." "Well then, how much do you earn each day?" asked the rich man. "Why, sometimes more and sometimes less," answered the cobbler. "On many holidays I earn nothing but I manage to live." "You are a happy man now," said the rich man, "but I will make you happier," and he handed the cobbler one thousand dollars. "Go, spend this money carefully. It will ‘supply your needs for many days," he said. The cobbler had never dreamt of so much money before. He thought it was enough to keep him in food and clothes all his life. He took the money home and hid it, but he hid his joy with it. He stopped singing and became sad. He could not sleep for fear of robbers. He thought that everyone who came into his shop was trying to find out his secret. When a cat ran over the floor, he thought a thief had slipped through the door. One night a thief entered his room and took away the money. Now he was relieved of the safety of the money and became free' as before.

The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words :

There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing from morning till night. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him, "How much a year do you earn? MB'22; DB'13; JB'19; RB'14,'09; CtgB'14; DJPB14

Ans.       Happiness lies in Contentment

There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing from morning till night. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him, "How much a year do you earn?

The cobbler's response left his neighbor astonished. Puzzled, the neighbor inquired about the cobbler's financial habits, to which the cobbler admitted that he lived from hand to mouth. Despite earning meager wages, he managed to support his family by spending his earnings on necessities alone. He harbored no desires for luxuries beyond his means, finding contentment in the simple joys of life. Poverty, therefore, held no sway over his happiness.

The banker, upon hearing this, was struck by a profound realization. Despite owning vast wealth, he remained plagued by dissatisfaction, endlessly pursuing material possessions that failed to bring him true happiness. Reflecting on the cobbler's humble contentment, the banker lamented his own sense of helplessness, recognizing that his wealth could not purchase the peace of mind he craved.

With a heavy heart, the banker acknowledged his own poverty of spirit compared to the cobbler's richness of contentment. Inspired by the cobbler's example, he resolved to seek true happiness by relinquishing his material wealth and embracing a simpler, more fulfilling way of life. Understanding that happiness cannot be bought with riches alone, he embarked on a journey to find joy in giving and living with purpose, rather than in the pursuit of fleeting luxuries.

In essence, the story illustrates that happiness is subjective and cannot be measured solely by material wealth. True contentment is found in embracing life's simple pleasures and cultivating meaningful connections, transcending the confines of monetary possessions.



The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words:

Once there lived a happy cobbler in a town. He passed his days in singing and dancing ……..

Obsession with Money

Once there lived a cobbler in a town. He passed his days in singing and dancing. A rich neighbour of his was a banker. One day, the banker said to him, “How much a year do you earn?” The cobbler smiled and said, “I do not know, sir. I have never counted in that way as I live from hand to mouth. Every day I earn and I buy my meal with that income and return home. I cannot save any money from my income. Despite this, I am happy. Then the banker said, “I have decided to rid you of poverty. Take this ten thousand taka, preserve them carefully and use them in time of want.” The cobbler, who had never seen so much money at a time in his life before, got startled and came back home quickly.

After returning home, he was restless as he could not find any safe place to hide the money. At last, he dug a hole inside his room and hid the money in it. At night, he was unable to sleep as he was obsessed with the safety of money. He would remain alert the successive few nights. Thus, he lost his sleep and happiness. One day, he went to the banker and told him that his money had snatched away his sleep and mental peace. So, he requested the banker to take his money back. Finally, the cobbler gave the money to the banker. Now, he was able to enjoy sound sleep as before.

Bangla Translation 

A Happy Cobbler

এক ছিল মুচি। সে সারাদিন জুতো বানাতো আর গুনগুন করে গান গাইত। তার মনে হতো, টাকা থাকলেই সুখী হওয়া যায় না। সে ভেবেছে আসল সুখ আসে, যা আছে তা নিয়ে খুশি থাকলে।

মুচির একজন ধনী প্রতিবেশী ছিল, সে ছিল ব্যাংকার। একদিন ব্যাংকার এসে মুচিকে জিজ্ঞেস করল, তুমি বছরে কত টাকা কামাও? ব্যাংকার ভাবত, বেশি টাকা থাকলে মানুষ সুখী হবে। মুচি হেসে বলল, আমি কত আয় করি তা গুনে দেখিনি। প্রতিদিন যা পাই, তা দিয়েই চলে।

ব্যাংকার কপাল কুঁচকে বলল, তুমি তো গরিব। তোমার ভাগ্য বদলানো দরকার। মুচি মিষ্টি হেসে বলল, আমি যা পাই তাতেই খুশি। কিন্তু ব্যাংকার মানতে পারল না। পরের দিন সে মুচিকে এক হাজার টাকা দিয়ে বলল, এটা জমিয়ে রাখো, ভবিষ্যতের জন্য কাজে লাগবে।

মুচি তো এমন বিশাল টাকার অংক দেখে অবাক! সে ভাবল, কোথায় এই টাকাটা লুকিয়ে রাখা যায়। অনেক ভাবনা-চিন্তা করে সে টাকাটা তার ছোট ঘরের ভেতরে মাটির নিচে লুকিয়ে রাখল। কিন্তু সেই রাতেই তার মাথায় নানা চিন্তা ভিড় করে এল। সারারাত ঘুম হলো না, মনে হচ্ছিল কেউ বুঝি এসে টাকাটা চুরি করে নিয়ে যাবে।

এরপরের দিনগুলোতে মুচি ঠিকমতো কাজ করতে পারল না। সারাক্ষণ টাকার চিন্তায় তার মন খারাপ হয়ে থাকল। অবশেষে সে বুঝল, এই টাকা তাকে শান্তি কেড়ে নিচ্ছে। একদিন সকালে সে সেই ব্যাংকারের কাছে গেল, আর সব টাকা ফিরিয়ে দিল।

এরপর থেকে মুচি আগের মতোই কাজ করল, গান গাইল আর মনের আনন্দে জীবন কাটাতে লাগল। এই গল্পের শিক্ষাই হলো, টাকা দিয়ে সুখ কেনা যায় না, আসল সুখ আসে নিজের মন থেকে।

Happiness Lies In Contentment

একবার এক মুচি ছিল। সে সারাদিন কাজ করত আর আনন্দে গান গাইত। টাকা নিয়ে সে কোনো চিন্তা করত না, আর তার সহজ জীবনই তাকে খুশি রাখত। একদিন পাশের বাড়ির ধনী এক ব্যাংকার তাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করল, তুমি বছরে কত টাকা আয় করো?

মুচি হাসি দিয়ে বলল, আমি এ নিয়ে ভাবি না। প্রতিদিন যা পাই, তাতে আমার খাবার চলে যায়। এইটুকুই আমার জন্য যথেষ্ট, আর আমি খুব খুশি।

ব্যাংকার তাকে সাহায্য করতে চেয়ে বলল, এই নাও, এক হাজার পাউন্ড। এটা জমিয়ে রাখো, আর প্রয়োজনে ব্যবহার করো।

মুচি আগে এত টাকা কখনো দেখেনি। সে তাড়াতাড়ি বাড়ি ফিরল আর টাকাগুলো মাটির নিচে লুকিয়ে রাখল, ভাবল এতে সে নিরাপদ থাকবে। কিন্তু সেই দিন থেকেই তার ঘুম হারিয়ে গেল। সে সারারাত টাকার চিন্তায় জেগে থাকত, আর তার সব সুখ চলে গেল।

কিছুদিন পর মুচি আবার ব্যাংকারের কাছে গিয়ে বলল, “এই টাকা আমার শান্তি আর ঘুম কেড়ে নিয়েছে। দয়া করে, এটা তুমি আবার নিয়ে যাও।” সে টাকা ফেরত দিল, আর আবার খুশি হয়ে গেল। এখন সে আগের মতো শান্তিতে ঘুমাতে পারত আর তার জীবন উপভোগ করত।

এই গল্প আমাদের শেখায়, সুখ টাকা দিয়ে আসে না, বরং যা আছে তাতে সন্তুষ্ট থাকলেই সত্যি সুখ পাওয়া যায়।

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