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A Greedy farmer / Grasp All, Lose All: There lived a farmer in a village  (Story Writing)

A Greedy farmer


Once upon a time, in a village, there resided an agriculturist who possessed a magnificent bird, a goose to be precise. The goose had an extraordinary ability of laying a solitary, lustrous, golden egg each morning. The farmer was fortunate enough to garner a significant sum by selling these prized possessions at the market. However, this still did not satisfy the avaricious farmer. His insatiable greed was driving him to covet more wealth and acquire it with a sense of urgency. The thought of accumulating all the eggs in one day and becoming exceedingly affluent overnight consumed his thoughts. Convinced that the goose was carrying a multitude of golden eggs in its womb, he was certain that if he had access to them, his prosperity would increase exponentially, hence he wished to be rich beyond measure.


Finally, one day he conceived a plan, a plan that involved slaughtering the goose and removing all the eggs of gold from its belly. He shared his scheme with his wife, who also harboured similar desires of avarice. She welcomed the proposal wholeheartedly, providing the farmer with the encouragement he needed to follow through with his plan. He indulged in an array of daydreams of immeasurable wealth, envisaging himself as the wealthiest man in the village. His dreams centred around the idea of selling the golden eggs, which he believed were nestled within the goose's belly, and thereby attaining instant riches.


The day of reckoning arrived, and the farmer executed his plan by opening the goose's belly with his knife. However, he was mortified to find that there were no golden eggs within. Regrettably, the goose's lifeless body lay in front of him, a consequence of the farmer's own greed. The farmer's heart was filled with sorrow as he had lost his prized goose and, with it, the prospect of an abundance of golden eggs.


Reflecting on his imprudent actions, the farmer soon became overwhelmed with emotion, and he burst into tears. The unfortunate events had taught him a valuable lesson that the thirst for wealth, in excess, can lead to one's downfall. Therefore, it is important to be content with what one has and not be overtaken by avarice. From this story, it is evident that the desire to grasp all will, ultimately, lead to one losing everything.   

Moral :

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