The Goose With the Golden Eggs
Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose used to lay one golden egg in every morning. The farmer soon became very rich selling each egg in the market. But he was not satisfied with this. He was very greedy. He felt that he could have all the eggs in a day and could become richer overnight. The farmer thought that the goose must have a number of golden eggs in its womb. He felt if he would receive them all, he could have been richer very soon. Thus he wished to be rich.
One day he hit upon a plan that he would kill the goose and get all the eggs of gold from its belly. Then he would sell the eggs and become rich at once. The farmer told his wife about his plan. His wife was also greedy. She readily agreed with his proposal. So the farmer got much encouragement to fulfil his plan. He dreamt many colourful dreams. By selling the gold eggs which he thought to be existed in the goose’s belly they would be the richest. Then he cut and opened its belly. But alas! He found no eggs in it. The goose died at once.
Thus, the foolish farmer lost the goose and with its prospect of golden eggs too. Thinking over this misdeed, he soon burst into sobbing. Thus the greedy farmer lost his useful goose. From it we can get a good lesson that grasps all, lose all.
A Greedy farmer / Grasp All, Lose All: There lived a farmer in a village
Once upon a time, in a rural hamlet, there resided an agriculturist who possessed a magnificent bird, a goose to be precise. The goose had an extraordinary ability of laying a solitary, lustrous, golden egg each morning. The farmer was fortunate enough to garner a significant sum by selling these prized possessions at the market. However, this still did not satisfy the avaricious farmer. His insatiable greed was driving him to covet more wealth and acquire it with a sense of urgency. The thought of accumulating all the eggs in one day and becoming exceedingly affluent overnight consumed his thoughts. Convinced that the goose was carrying a multitude of golden eggs in its womb, he was certain that if he had access to them, his prosperity would increase exponentially, hence he wished to be rich beyond measure.
Finally, one day he conceived a plan, a plan that involved slaughtering the goose and removing all the eggs of gold from its belly. He shared his scheme with his wife, who also harboured similar desires of avarice. She welcomed the proposal wholeheartedly, providing the farmer with the encouragement he needed to follow through with his plan. He indulged in an array of daydreams of immeasurable wealth, envisaging himself as the wealthiest man in the village. His dreams centred around the idea of selling the golden eggs, which he believed were nestled within the goose's belly, and thereby attaining instant riches.
The day of reckoning arrived, and the farmer executed his plan by opening the goose's belly with his knife. However, he was mortified to find that there were no golden eggs within. Regrettably, the goose's lifeless body lay in front of him, a consequence of the farmer's own greed. The farmer's heart was filled with sorrow as he had lost his prized goose and, with it, the prospect of an abundance of golden eggs.
Reflecting on his imprudent actions, the farmer soon became overwhelmed with emotion, and he burst into tears. The unfortunate events had taught him a valuable lesson that the thirst for wealth, in excess, can lead to one's downfall. Therefore, it is important to be content with what one has and not be overtaken by avarice. From this story, it is evident that the desire to grasp all will, ultimately, lead to one losing everything.
Once upon a time, there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and two children. They were indeed quite well-off. They had a beautiful hen which laid an egg every day. It was not an ordinary egg, rather, a golden egg. But the man was not satisfied with what he used to get daily. He was a get rich-trice kind of a person.
The man wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at one single go. So, one day he thought hard and at last clicked upon a plan. He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs together.
So, the next day when the hen laid a golden egg, the man caught hold of it, took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cut its body open. There was nothing but blood all around & no trace of any egg at all. He was highly grieved because now he would not get even one single egg.
His life was going on smoothly with one egg a day but now, he himself made his life miserable. The outcome of his greed was that he started becoming poorer & poorer day by day and ultimately became a pauper. How jinxed and how much foolish he was.
Moral: One who desires more, loses all. One should remain satisfied with what one gets.
The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words:
Once a farmer had a goose. It used to lay a golden egg everyday. The farmer used to sell them in the local market and in no time he became quite solvent. But his wife was very greedy....
JB'22; .BB'19; JB'14, CB'10; SB'14] . . . ... ........ . .
Ans. Grasp All, Lose All
Once a fanner had a goose. It used to lay a golden egg everyday. The farmer used to sell them in the local market and in no time he became quite solvent. But his wife was very greedy.
Driven by greed, the woman grew discontented with the steady stream of golden eggs provided by the goose. She yearned for immediate wealth, desiring to become the richest person in the village overnight. Convinced that the goose laid only one egg a day, she devised a plan to hasten their fortune by extracting all the eggs at once. Believing that cutting open the goose's belly would reveal a cache of golden eggs, she shared her scheme with her husband.
However, her husband, wise and unswayed by greed, urged caution and warned against such a reckless act. Despite his pleas, the woman remained obstinate, disregarding his counsel. Determined to fulfill her greed-fueled aspirations, she seized a sharp knife and proceeded to cut open the goose's stomach.
To her dismay, the goose yielded no golden eggs. Instead, it succumbed to the fatal wound inflicted upon it, perishing instantly. Overwhelmed by remorse and regret, the woman lamented her foolishness as her husband looked on with disappointment.
In a moment of clarity, her husband admonished her, highlighting the consequences of her greed-driven actions. He emphasized that her folly had not only cost them the potential wealth but also resulted in the loss of a valuable asset. With heavy hearts, they faced the harsh reality of their actions, learning a bitter lesson about the destructive power of greed.
Golden Goose Completing Story
A long time ago, in a village, there lived a poor farmer. He had a special goose that give a shiny golden egg every day. The farmer sold these eggs at the market and made enough money to live comfortably.
However, the farmer’s wife was very greedy. She always wanted more money and thought they could get rich quickly. She believed the goose had many eggs inside its body and that getting just one egg a day was too slow. She told her husband that they should cut the goose open to get all the eggs at once.
The farmer was smart and didn’t agree with his wife’s idea. But the wife was determined to get all the eggs. One day, when the farmer was working in the field, she took a sharp knife and cut the goose open. Sadly, there were no eggs inside, and the goose died.
When the farmer came home and saw what had happened, he was very upset. He punished his wife for being so greedy. After that, they had a hard time making a living because the goose was gone.
The farmer’s wife later realized her mistake. They learned that greed only brings trouble, and it’s important to be happy with what you have.
Golden Goose Completing Story Bangla Meaning (বাংলা অর্থসহ)
অনেক দিন আগে, একটি গ্রামে একজন গরীব কৃষক ছিল। তার কাছে একটি বিশেষ হাঁস ছিল, যা প্রতিদিন একটি ঝকঝকে সোনালী ডিম দিত। কৃষক সেগুলো বাজারে বিক্রি করতো এবং তার ফলে সে স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যে জীবনযাপন করতো।
কিন্তু কৃষকের স্ত্রী খুবই লোভী ছিল। সে সবসময় আরও টাকা চাইতো এবং ভাবতো তারা দ্রুত ধনী হতে পারবে। সে বিশ্বাস করতো যে হাঁসের পেটে অনেক ডিম আছে এবং প্রতিদিন একটি ডিম পাওয়া খুব ধীর। সে তার স্বামীকে বলল যে তাদের হাঁসটিকে কেটে সব ডিম একসাথে বের করে ফেলতে হবে।
কিন্তু কৃষক বুদ্ধিমান ছিল এবং তার স্ত্রীর পরিকল্পনায় সম্মত হলো না। তবে স্ত্রী সব ডিম পেতে চেয়েছিল। একদিন, যখন কৃষক মাঠে কাজ করছিল, তখন তার স্ত্রী একটি তীক্ষ্ণ ছুরি নিয়ে হাঁসের পেট কেটে ফেলল। দুঃখজনকভাবে, হাঁসের পেটে কোনো ডিম ছিল না, এবং হাঁসটি মারা গেল।
যখন কৃষক বাড়ি ফিরে এসে দেখল কি হয়েছে, তখন সে খুব দুঃখিত হল। সে তার স্ত্রীকে লোভী হওয়ার জন্য শাস্তি দিল। তারপর তাদের জন্য জীবনযাপন করা কঠিন হয়ে পড়ল, কারণ হাঁসটি আর নেই।
কৃষকের স্ত্রী পরে তার ভুল বুঝতে পারল। তারা শিখল যে লোভ শুধুমাত্র সমস্যা নিয়ে আসে, এবং যা আছে তাতে খুশি থাকতে হবে।
A Greedy Farmer Story
Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer living in a village who worked really hard to take care of his family. He owned a special goose that laid a golden egg every day. The farmer was happy and sold the golden egg to make money. Day by day, he became richer and lived a better life.
At first, the farmer was happy with his life. He was making good money, and his life was getting better. But over time, the farmer became greedy. He thought, “Why should I wait every day for just one egg? If I can get all the golden eggs from the goose at once, I’ll become rich very fast.” So, the farmer decided to kill the goose to get all the eggs inside its body.
Ignoring all sense and reason, he took a knife and cut open the goose. To his shock, there were no eggs inside. The farmer had made a terrible mistake. He lost his goose and the golden eggs forever.
From then on, the farmer realized that greed only leads to loss. If he had been patient and happy with what he had, he would still have his golden eggs.
A Greedy farmer
Once upon a time, in a village, there resided an agriculturist who possessed a magnificent bird, a goose to be precise. The goose had an extraordinary ability of laying a solitary, lustrous, golden egg each morning. The farmer was fortunate enough to garner a significant sum by selling these prized possessions at the market. However, this still did not satisfy the avaricious farmer. His insatiable greed was driving him to covet more wealth and acquire it with a sense of urgency. The thought of accumulating all the eggs in one day and becoming exceedingly affluent overnight consumed his thoughts. Convinced that the goose was carrying a multitude of golden eggs in its womb, he was certain that if he had access to them, his prosperity would increase exponentially, hence he wished to be rich beyond measure.
Finally, one day he conceived a plan, a plan that involved slaughtering the goose and removing all the eggs of gold from its belly. He shared his scheme with his wife, who also harboured similar desires of avarice. She welcomed the proposal wholeheartedly, providing the farmer with the encouragement he needed to follow through with his plan. He indulged in an array of daydreams of immeasurable wealth, envisaging himself as the wealthiest man in the village. His dreams centred around the idea of selling the golden eggs, which he believed were nestled within the goose's belly, and thereby attaining instant riches.
The day of reckoning arrived, and the farmer executed his plan by opening the goose's belly with his knife. However, he was mortified to find that there were no golden eggs within. Regrettably, the goose's lifeless body lay in front of him, a consequence of the farmer's own greed. The farmer's heart was filled with sorrow as he had lost his prized goose and, with it, the prospect of an abundance of golden eggs.
Reflecting on his imprudent actions, the farmer soon became overwhelmed with emotion, and he burst into tears. The unfortunate events had taught him a valuable lesson that the thirst for wealth, in excess, can lead to one's downfall. Therefore, it is important to be content with what one has and not be overtaken by avarice. From this story, it is evident that the desire to grasp all will, ultimately, lead to one losing everything.
Moral : Grasp all lose all
A Greedy Farmer Story Bangla Meaning
এক সময়, এক গরিব কৃষক একটি গ্রামে বাস করতেন। তিনি তার পরিবারকে সমর্থন করার জন্য খুব কঠোর পরিশ্রম করতেন। তার একটি বিশেষ হাঁস ছিল, যা প্রতিদিন একটি সোনার ডিম দিত। কৃষক খুব খুশি ছিলেন এবং সোনার ডিম বিক্রি করে টাকা উপার্জন করতেন। দিন দিন তিনি ধনী হতে শুরু করেন এবং তার জীবন উন্নত হতে থাকে।
প্রথমে, কৃষক তার জীবন নিয়ে খুশি ছিলেন। তিনি ভালো টাকা উপার্জন করছিলেন এবং তার জীবন উন্নত হচ্ছিল। কিন্তু সময়ের সাথে সাথে, কৃষকের লোভ বেড়ে গেল। তিনি ভাবলেন, “প্রতিদিন একটা ডিমের জন্য কেন অপেক্ষা করব? যদি আমি হাঁসটির পেটে থাকা সব সোনার ডিম একসাথে পেতে পারি, তাহলে আমি খুব দ্রুত ধনী হয়ে যাব!” তাই, কৃষক ঠিক করলেন হাঁসটিকে মেরে ফেলবেন যাতে তার পেট থেকে সব ডিম পেতে পারেন।
সবকিছু বাদ দিয়ে, তিনি একটি ছুরি নিয়ে হাঁসটিকে কেটে ফেললেন। কিন্তু তার বিস্ময়ের সাথে দেখলেন, হাঁসের ভিতরে কোনো ডিম নেই। কৃষক একটি বড় ভুল করেছিলেন। তিনি তার হাঁস এবং সোনার ডিম দুটিই হারিয়ে ফেললেন চিরতরে।
এরপর থেকে, কৃষক বুঝতে পারলেন যে লোভ কেবল ক্ষতির দিকে নিয়ে যায়। যদি তিনি ধৈর্য ধরতেন এবং যা ছিল তা নিয়ে খুশি থাকতেন, তবে তিনি এখনও তার সোনার ডিমগুলো পেতেন।